/* file: pmapdisp.c * Author: Richard Durbin (rd@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk) * Copyright (C) J Thierry-Mieg and R Durbin, 1991 * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * Acedb is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * or see the on-line version at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * This file is part of the ACEDB genome database package, written by * Richard Durbin (MRC LMB, UK) rd@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk, and * Jean Thierry-Mieg (CRBM du CNRS, France) mieg@kaa.cnrs-mop.fr * * Description: physical map display * Exported functions: pMapDisplay() * HISTORY: * Last edited: Mar 14 15:35 2001 (edgrif) * - Added the option to toggle the display of loci. * * Feb 1 12:51 1997 (rd) * * Sept22 1996 (mieg): Removed Neil's code, see in older archives if needed * * Jun 23 23:19 1992 (rd): change GRIDMAP to handle intervals * * Jan 13 01:30 1992 (mieg): Introduced look->mag, suppressed globals showFacXY Horizontal midButton zooming copied from gMap * * Jan 6 18:48 1992 (rd): change probe localization to use gridDisp calls * * Jan 6 14:50 1992 (rd): add horizontal scale change to menu * * Dec 16 14:32 1991 (rd): changed hybridisation -> map rules * * Dec 1 18:10 1991 (mieg): added intersection with keyset and FLAG_HIDE * * Oct 22 18:54 1991 (mieg): adjusted size of gMapBox * * Oct 21 13:46 1991 (mieg): factor 20 in follow sequence * * Oct 18 20:38 1991 (mieg): made seqbox >=2, added a sequence box if the exists seq(gene(clone)) * * Oct 14 22:02 1991 (rd): draw mini contig with scroll box * * Oct 14 18:45 1991 (rd): use TextFit window instead of MapScroll * * Oct 7 22:20 1991 (rd): changed cursor to redraw properly *------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* $Id: pmapdisp.c,v 1.48 2001/03/27 18:12:03 srk Exp $ */ /* #define ARRAY_CHECK #define MALLOC_CHECK */ #include "acedb.h" #include "aceio.h" #include "bump.h" #include "bump_.h" /* provide access to internal members of BumpStruct - YUCK */ #include "lex.h" #include "bs.h" #include "plot.h" #include "a.h" #include "session.h" #include "grid.h" #include "client.h" #include "help.h" #include "whooks/sysclass.h" #include "whooks/systags.h" #include "whooks/classes.h" #include "whooks/tags.h" #include "smap.h" #include "display.h" #include "fingerp.h" /* for fpDisplay */ #include "keysetdisp.h" #include "pmap.h" #include "pmap_.h" /************************************************************/ static void pMapMenu(KEY k) ; static magic_t GRAPH2PhysMap_ASSOC = "GRAPH2PhysMap"; /* use find the PhysMap pointer for the current graph */ static magic_t PhysMap_MAGIC = "PhysMap_MAGIC"; /* verify the received pointer */ /*..... ..... ..... .....static routines */ static PhysMap currentPhysMap(char *callerFuncname); static void pMapDraw(PhysMap look1, KEY key) ; static void pMapBoxDraw(int box, DrawType drawType, SEG *seg); static void pMapRetitle (PhysMap look) ; static void pMapDestroy(void); static void pMapPick(int box, double x, double y); static void pMapMiddleDown (double x , double y) ; static void pMapMiddleDrag (double x, double y); static void pMapMiddleUp (double x, double y); static void findLimits(PhysMap look); static void mapKbd (int k) ; static void pMapShowAll(void) ; static void pMapHide(void) ; static void setDisplayDepths (void) ; static void pMapShowSegs (PhysMap look, KEY key) ; static void pMapSelectBox (PhysMap look, int box) ; static void pMapFollow(PhysMap look, double x, double y); static void pMapScroll (float *px, float *py, BOOL isDone) ; static void pMapHighlight(KEYSET k, KEY key); static void pMapResize (void); static void drawMiniContig(PhysMap look, float fac); static void displayAllBuriedClones(PhysMap look) ; /*..... ..... ..... .....stray extern */ extern void pMapToGMap(KEY contig ,KEY key, int position); /*<<--code for this is in gmapdisp.c*/ static int gMapBox=0; #define ModelToGraphX(__x) (Xmagn*(__x)-Xoffset) #define GraphToModelX(__x) (((__x)+Xoffset)/Xmagn) #define ModelToGraphY(__y) (Ymagn*(__y)-Yoffset) #define ModelToOviewX(__x, __magn) ((((__magn)!=0.0)? (__magn): oviewXmagn)*(__x)-oviewXoffset) #define GraphToOviewX(__x) ModelToOviewX(GraphToModelX(__x), 0.0) #define ScrolledCentreOffset(__magn) (look->centre*(__magn)-look->winWidth/2) /*..... ..... ..... .....anchor points used by pMapShowSegs - these may be modified in other places now */ static int anchorRule, anchorCueBar, anchorProbes, anchorYACs, anchorClones, anchorSequence, anchorNavigBar, anchorGenes, anchorRemarks, anchorMiniContig, anchorScrollHelp; static int nReg = 10 ; /*depth of display for cosmids (enlarged to show buried clones)*/ /*..... ..... ..... ..... */ #define DrawLine(__x1, __y1, __x2, __y2) graphLine(ModelToGraphX(__x1), ModelToGraphY(__y1), ModelToGraphX(__x2), ModelToGraphY(__y2)) #define DrawRectangle(__x1, __y1, __x2, __y2) graphRectangle(ModelToGraphX(__x1), ModelToGraphY(__y1), ModelToGraphX(__x2), ModelToGraphY(__y2)) #define DrawFilledRectangle(__x1, __y1, __x2, __y2) graphFillRectangle(ModelToGraphX(__x1), ModelToGraphY(__y1), ModelToGraphX(__x2), ModelToGraphY(__y2)) #define MENU_QUIT 1 #define MENU_HELP 2 #define MENU_PRINT 3 #define MENU_PRESERVE 4 #define MENU_RECALCULATE 6 #define MENU_SHOW_REMARKS 7 #define MENU_SHOW_WORK_REMARKS 8 #define MENU_SHOW_SELECTED 9 #define MENU_HIGHLIGHT_SELECTED 10 #define MENU_REVERT_DISPLAY 11 #define MENU_SHOW_ALL_BURIED_CLONES 49 #define MENU_SHOW_LOCUS 55 #define MENU_SHOW_SCROLLBAR 56 #define MENU_SET_ZOOM 15 #define MENU_SET_DISPLAY_DEPTHS 67 static float Xmagn=0.4, oviewXmagn=0.05, Ymagn=1.3, Xoffset=0.0, oviewXoffset=0.0, Yoffset=(-1.0); static void DrawSegText (SEG *seg, float y) { /* float xL=seg->x0, xR=SegRightEnd(seg), dx = Xmagn*(xR - xL) ; */ char *text = 0 ; float x = SegMidPt(seg) ; if (IsSet(seg, FLAG_CANONICAL)) text=messprintf("%s *", name(seg->key)); else text = name(seg->key) ; /* RD 961024 - incorrect to look at length of clone ** should look at whether overlaps next entry on this line ** much more complicated - too complicated for me now if (dx < strlen(text) - 3) text = messprintf("%3s-", name(seg->key)) ; if (dx < 3) text = messprintf("%c-", *name(seg->key)) ; if (dx < 2) text = 0 ; */ if (text) graphText (text, ModelToGraphX(x) - strlen(text) / 2.0 , ModelToGraphY (y) - 0.88) ; } static double oldy , oldDx, oldx; static BOOL dragFast; static PhysMap lookDrag=0; /*..... ..... ..... ..... */ static KEYSET pMapPendingKeySet=0; /*..... ..... ..... .....default physical map menu */ static FREEOPT pmap_menu[]= { {15 /*no of entries - **NB update this when change menu*/, "Physical Map"}, {MENU_QUIT, "Quit"}, {MENU_HELP, "Help"}, {MENU_PRINT, "Print"}, {MENU_PRESERVE, "Preserve"}, {MENU_RECALCULATE, "Recalculate"}, {MENU_SHOW_REMARKS, "Show/Hide All Remarks"}, {MENU_SHOW_WORK_REMARKS, "Show/Hide Work Remarks"}, {MENU_SHOW_SELECTED, "Show Selected Objects"}, {MENU_HIGHLIGHT_SELECTED, "Highlight Selected Objects"}, {MENU_REVERT_DISPLAY, "Unhighlight, Revert"}, {MENU_SHOW_ALL_BURIED_CLONES, "Show/Hide Buried Clones"}, {MENU_SHOW_LOCUS, "Show/Hide Loci"}, {MENU_SHOW_SCROLLBAR, "Show/Hide Scroll Bar"}, {MENU_SET_ZOOM, "Set Zoom"}, {MENU_SET_DISPLAY_DEPTHS, "Set display depths"} }; /************************************************************/ static PhysMap currentPhysMap (char *caller) { PhysMap pmap; if (!(graphAssFind(&GRAPH2PhysMap_ASSOC, &pmap))) messcrash("%s() could not find PhysMap on graph", caller); if (!pmap) messcrash("%s() received NULL PhysMap pointer", caller); if (pmap->magic != &PhysMap_MAGIC) messcrash("%s() received non-magic PhysMap pointer", caller); return pmap; } /* currentPhysMap */ /*called by display()/display.c as a functional*/ BOOL pMapDisplay (KEY key, KEY from, BOOL isOldGraph, void *unused) { KEY contig = 0, clone = 0, pmap ; int pos ; OBJ Clone = 0 ; BOOL isProbe = FALSE ; Array segs = 0 ; PhysMap look = 0 ; static int isFirst = TRUE ; if (isFirst) { isFirst = FALSE ; if (getenv ("ACEDB_CONTIG9")) ++pmap_menu->key ; } /* end of RMD change */ if (externalServer) goto abortClone ; /* pmapconvert is much too slow */ if (class(key) == _VClone) /* use the contig */ { clone = key ; if (!(Clone = bsCreate(clone))) goto abort ; if (!bsGetKey(Clone, _pMap, &contig) && !CanonicalFromBuriedClone(Clone, clone)) { if (CloneIsGridded(Clone, key)) { bsDestroy (Clone) ; display (key, clone, "GRID") ; /* key is a Grid_Clone */ goto abort ; } else goto abortNoMap ; } if (clone == from) goto abortClone ; if (!contig) { bsDestroy (Clone) ; if (!(Clone = bsCreate(clone))) /*value of clone may have changed*/ goto abort ; if(!bsGetKey (Clone,_pMap,&contig)) goto abortNoMap ; /*even parent not located on a contig*/ } if (!bsGetData(Clone,_bsRight,_Int,&pos)) goto abortNoMap ; bsDestroy (Clone) ; if (isProbe) clone = key ; key = contig ; } if (class(key) == _VpMap) pmap = key ; else if (class(key) == _VContig) { /* protection against ill defined contigs */ OBJ Contig = bsCreate (key) ; int x1 = 0, x2 = -1 ; if (Contig && bsGetData (Contig, _pMap, _Int, &x1)) bsGetData (Contig, _bsRight, _Int, &x2) ; bsDestroy (Contig) ; if ( x1 > x2) goto abortNoMap ; lexaddkey (name(key), &pmap, _VpMap) ; } else goto abort ; if (!(segs=arrayGet(pmap, SEG, segFormat)) && (class(key)!=_VContig || !(segs=pMapConvert(NULL, key, pmap)))) goto abort ; if (isOldGraph && graphAssFind (&GRAPH2PhysMap_ASSOC, &look) && look && look->magic == &PhysMap_MAGIC) { arrayDestroy(look->segs); } else { displayCreate("PMAP"); graphRegister(DESTROY, pMapDestroy) ; graphRegister(RESIZE, pMapResize); graphRegister(PICK, pMapPick) ; graphRegister(MIDDLE_DOWN, pMapMiddleDown) ; graphRegister(MIDDLE_DRAG, pMapMiddleDrag) ; graphRegister(MIDDLE_UP, pMapMiddleUp) ; graphRegister(KEYBOARD, mapKbd) ; look = (PhysMap) messalloc(sizeof(struct PhysMapStruct)); look->magic = &PhysMap_MAGIC; look->mainGraph = graphActive() ; look->box2seg = arrayCreate(32,SEG*) ; } look->key = pmap ; look->segs = segs ; look->menu = pmap_menu ; /*always use the default menu when showing a contig for the first time*/ look->activebox = 0 ; look->centre = 0 ; graphFreeMenu(pMapMenu, look->menu); graphAssociate(&GRAPH2PhysMap_ASSOC, look); /*doesn't matter if already been associated*/ pMapRetitle(look) ; if ((!clone && class(from)==_VClone) || class(from)==_VCalcul) /* Geometrical positioning */ clone=from; findLimits(look); if (isGifDisplay) { Set (look, LOOK_NO_SCROLL_BAR) ; Set (look, LOOK_NO_LOCUS) ; Set (look, LOOK_NO_REMARKS) ; } if (pMapPendingKeySet) { pMapHighlight (pMapPendingKeySet, clone); /* calls pMapDraw */ pMapPendingKeySet = 0 ; } else pMapDraw(look, clone); return TRUE; abortNoMap: abortClone: bsDestroy(Clone); display(key, from, "TREE"); /* just show as a TREE */ abort: /*I don't create the look until later and this messfree shd be redundant now:*/ messfree (look); return FALSE; } /************************************************************/ static void pMapDestroy(void) { PhysMap look = currentPhysMap("pMapDestroy"); arrayDestroy(look->segs); arrayDestroy(look->box2seg); look->magic=0; messfree(look); } /*************************************************************/ static void pMapRetitle (PhysMap look) { KEY pmap = look->key, contig, map ; float start, stop ; OBJ Contig ; char *cp = 0 ; if (!lexReClass(pmap, &contig, _VContig)) return ; if ((Contig = bsCreate(contig))) { if ( bsGetKey (Contig, _Map, &map) && bsPushObj (Contig) && bsGetData (Contig, _Left, _Float, &start) && bsGetData (Contig, _Right, _Float, &stop) ) cp = messprintf ("%s: [%4.2f, %4.2f]", name(map), start, stop) ; bsDestroy(Contig) ; } if (!cp) cp = messprintf ("Contig %s (Not localised)", name(pmap)) ; graphRetitle (strnew (cp, graphHandle())) ; } /*..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .....menu */ static void pMapMenu(KEY k) { PhysMap look = currentPhysMap("pMapMenu"); switch ((int) k) { /*.....display*/ case MENU_QUIT: graphDestroy () ; break ; case MENU_HELP: helpOn("Physical-map"); break; case MENU_PRINT: graphPrint(); break; case MENU_PRESERVE: displayPreserve(); break; case MENU_RECALCULATE: pMapRecalculateContig(look, TRUE); pMapDraw(look, 0); /*mhmp 07.12.98, avoids a bizare crash */ break ; case MENU_SHOW_REMARKS: Toggle(look, LOOK_NO_REMARKS); pMapDraw(look, 0); break ; case MENU_SHOW_WORK_REMARKS: Toggle(look, LOOK_WORK_REMARKS); pMapDraw(look, 0); break ; case MENU_SHOW_SELECTED: pMapHide(); break; case MENU_HIGHLIGHT_SELECTED: pMapHighlight(NULL, 0); break; case MENU_REVERT_DISPLAY: pMapShowAll(); break; case MENU_SHOW_ALL_BURIED_CLONES: /*switch*/ Toggle(look, FLAG_SHOW_BURIED_CLONES); if (IsSet(look, FLAG_SHOW_BURIED_CLONES)) displayAllBuriedClones(look); pMapDraw(look, 0); break; case MENU_SET_ZOOM: { ACEIN zoom_in; if ((zoom_in = messPrompt("Increase to zoom in, decrease to " "zoom out:", messprintf("%.2f",Xmagn), "fz", 0))) { float old = Xmagn ; /* mhmp 04.12.98 pour eviter Xmagn = 0 */ aceInFloat (zoom_in, &Xmagn); aceInDestroy (zoom_in); if (!Xmagn) Xmagn = old ; else pMapDraw(look, 0); pMapDraw(look, 0); } } break; case MENU_SET_DISPLAY_DEPTHS: setDisplayDepths () ; break ; case MENU_SHOW_LOCUS: Toggle(look, LOOK_NO_LOCUS); pMapDraw(look,0); break; case MENU_SHOW_SCROLLBAR: Toggle(look, LOOK_NO_SCROLL_BAR); pMapDraw(look,0); break; } return; } static void pMapZoomIn (void) { PhysMap look = currentPhysMap("pMapZoomIn") ; Xmagn *= 1.5 ; pMapDraw(look, 0); } static void pMapZoomOut (void) { PhysMap look = currentPhysMap("pMapZoomOut") ; Xmagn /= 1.5 ; pMapDraw(look, 0); } /*********************************************************************************************************************/ static void pMapPick(int box, double x, double y) { PhysMap look = currentPhysMap("pMapPick"); if (!box) /*pick on background*/ pMapSelectBox(look, 0); /*deselect current selection*/ else if (box==look->scrollBox) graphBoxDrag (look->scrollBox, pMapScroll); else if (arrayMax(look->box2seg)activebox) /*second pick on this box: display the object*/ pMapFollow(look, x, y); else /*select this box and highlight it*/ pMapSelectBox (look,box) ; return; } #undef X_ARM #undef Y_ARM #undef ShiftLeftSegment #undef DrawXorCross #undef DrawXorMark #undef DragXorCrossTo #undef DragXorMark #undef ClearModalDragOp /***********************************/ static void mapKbd (int k) { int box, table ; SEG *seg ; PhysMap look = currentPhysMap("mapKbd") ; if (!look->activebox) return ; box = look->activebox ; if (!(seg = arr(look->box2seg,box,SEG*))) return ; table = class(seg->key) ; switch (k) { case LEFT_KEY : while ( --box > 0 && (seg = arr(look->box2seg,box,SEG*)) && class(seg->key) != table) ; break ; case RIGHT_KEY : while (++box < arrayMax(look->box2seg) && (seg = arr(look->box2seg,box,SEG*)) && class(seg->key) != table) ; break ; } if (box < arrayMax(look->box2seg) && arr(look->box2seg, box, SEG*)) { pMapSelectBox (look, box) ; pMapFollow (look,0,0) ; } } /**********************************/ static void findLimits (PhysMap look) { int i; int min = -(int)PMAP_MINUS_INFINITY, max = (int)PMAP_MINUS_INFINITY; Array segs=look->segs; SEG *seg; for (i=1; ix0x0; if (maxx1) max=seg->x1; } look->min=min; look->max=max; return; } /******************************/ static void pMapDraw (PhysMap look1, KEY key) /* key becomes activebox, unless reverting*/ { float y=0.0; PhysMap look = currentPhysMap ("pMapDraw") ; if (look != look1) invokeDebugger () ; graphClear(); graphLinewidth(0.10); if (!arrayMax(look->segs)) return; graphFitBounds(&look->winWidth, &look->winHeight); ++look->winWidth; graphLine(look->winWidth/2, y, look->winWidth/2, y+0.9); pMapShowSegs (look, key) ; graphLine(look->winWidth/2, look->winHeight-2.0, look->winWidth/2, look->winHeight-2.0+0.9); graphRedraw(); return; } /*************************************************************/ /******** pmap show intersect with active keyset *************/ static void pMapShowAll(void) /*show pmap without any highlighting*/ { int i, n ; SEG *seg ; PhysMap look = currentPhysMap("pMapShowAll") ; seg = arrp(look->segs,0,SEG) ; i = arrayMax(look->segs) ; n = FLAG_HIDE | FLAG_HIGHLIGHT ; while(i--) { seg->flag&= ~n; /*<<--reset these bits*/ seg++; } Clear (look, LOOK_WORK_REMARKS); /*make sure extra remarks aren't shown*/ Set(look, FLAG_REVERT_DISPLAY); /*<<--this is just to communicate down the call stack without passing arg: it only happens here*/ pMapDraw (look, 0); Clear(look, FLAG_REVERT_DISPLAY); } /**********/ static void pMapHide(void) { int i, j, n ; SEG *seg ; KEYSET kSet = 0 ; PhysMap look = currentPhysMap("pmapHide") ; if(!keySetActive(&kSet, 0)) { messout("First select a keySet window, thank you.") ; return ; } seg = arrp(look->segs,0,SEG) ; i = arrayMax(look->segs) ; n = FLAG_HIDE ; while(i--) { seg->flag &= ~n ; /* bitwise NOT */ if (!arrayFind(kSet,&seg->key,&j, keySetOrder) && !arrayFind(kSet,&seg->parent,&j, keySetOrder)) seg->flag |= FLAG_HIDE ; seg++ ; } pMapDraw (look, 0); } /*********************************************/ /******* local display routines **************/ /************* first a mini package for bumping text *************/ static BOOL bumpMayWrite (BUMP bump, char *text, float x, float yy, BOOL doIt) { int y = 0 ; int n ; float dy = PMAP_MINUS_INFINITY; x = ModelToGraphX (x) -3.5 ; n = bumpText (bump, text, &y, &x, dy, FALSE); if (!n || n > 999) return FALSE ; if (doIt) { char buf[1000] ; strncpy(buf, text, n) ; buf[n] = 0 ; graphText(buf,x,ModelToGraphY(y + yy)) ; /* graphText (text, ModelToGraphX(bump->end[min])-3.5, ModelToGraphY(bump->y0 + min)) ; */ } return TRUE ; } /********* use middle button for cursor **********/ #define ACCEL (1./25.) /*..... ..... ..... ..... */ static void pMapMiddleDown (double x, double y) { PhysMap look = currentPhysMap("pMapMiddleDown"); lookDrag=look; oldx=x; oldy=y; if (anchorMiniContig < y + 8 && anchorMiniContig > y - 8) { float x1, x2, y1, y2; dragFast = TRUE ; graphBoxDim(look->scrollBox, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2); oldDx=0.5*(x2-x1); oviewXoffset=ScrolledCentreOffset(oviewXmagn); graphXorLine(oldx-oldDx, anchorMiniContig-10, oldx-oldDx, anchorMiniContig+10); graphXorLine(oldx+oldDx, anchorMiniContig-10, oldx+oldDx, anchorMiniContig+10); /* anchorMiniContig is set in pMapShowSegs when the graph is constructed depending on whether this is extendedPanel or not, so this covers both cases */ } else if (IsSet(look, FLAG_SHOW_BURIED_CLONES)) { dragFast = FALSE ; graphXorLine(oldx, anchorMiniContig+10, oldx, anchorMiniContig+50); } else /*default physical map display*/ { dragFast = FALSE ; graphXorLine(oldx, 0, oldx, anchorMiniContig-10); } return; } /*..... ..... ..... ..... */ static void pMapMiddleDrag (double x, double y) { PhysMap look = currentPhysMap("pMapMiddleDrag"); if (dragFast) { graphXorLine(oldx-oldDx, anchorMiniContig-10, oldx-oldDx, anchorMiniContig+10); graphXorLine(oldx+oldDx, anchorMiniContig-10, oldx+oldDx, anchorMiniContig+10); } else if (IsSet(look, FLAG_SHOW_BURIED_CLONES)) { graphXorLine(oldx, anchorMiniContig+10, oldx, anchorMiniContig+50); } else /*default physical map display*/ { graphXorLine(oldx, 0, oldx, anchorMiniContig-10); } oldx=x; if (dragFast) { oldDx*=exp((oldy-y)*ACCEL); graphXorLine(oldx-oldDx, anchorMiniContig-10, oldx-oldDx, anchorMiniContig+10); graphXorLine(oldx+oldDx, anchorMiniContig-10, oldx+oldDx, anchorMiniContig+10); } else if (IsSet(look, FLAG_SHOW_BURIED_CLONES)) { graphXorLine(oldx, anchorMiniContig+10, oldx, anchorMiniContig+50); } else { graphXorLine(oldx, 0, oldx, anchorMiniContig-10); } oldy=y; return; } /*..... ..... ..... ..... */ static void pMapMiddleUp (double x, double y) { float x1, x2, y1, y2 ; PhysMap look = currentPhysMap ("pMapMiddleUp") ; if (lookDrag !=look) { invokeDebugger(); return ; } x += .3 ; /* mieg */ if (dragFast) { graphBoxDim(look->scrollBox, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2); look->centre+=(x-look->winWidth*0.5)/oviewXmagn; Xmagn*=0.5*(x2-x1)/oldDx; } else look->centre+=(x-look->winWidth*0.5)/Xmagn; pMapDraw(look, 0); return; } /*..... ..... ..... ..... */ static void pMapBoxDraw(int box, DrawType drawType, SEG *seg) { if (seg) switch(drawType) { case HIGHLIT: graphBoxDraw(box, BLACK, MAGENTA); break; case SELECTED: graphBoxDraw(box, BLACK/*WHITE*/, RED); break; case DEBUG: graphBoxDraw(box, BLACK, GREEN); break; case SISTER: graphBoxDraw(box, BLACK, LIGHTRED); break; case NORMAL: if (class(seg->key) == _VSequence || IsSet(seg, FLAG_SEQUENCED)) graphBoxDraw(box, BLACK, YELLOW); else graphBoxDraw(box, BLACK, WHITE); break; case BURIED_CLONE: graphBoxDraw(box, BLACK, LIGHTGRAY); break; default: break; } else if (box==gMapBox) graphBoxDraw(box, BLACK, drawType==SELECTED? GREEN: LIGHTGREEN); return; } /*..... ..... ..... ..... */ static void pMapScroll (float *px, float *py, BOOL isDone) { PhysMap look = currentPhysMap("pMapScroll") ; *py = anchorMiniContig - 0.2 ; if (isDone) { look->centre += (*px - look->winWidth*0.45) / oviewXmagn ; pMapDraw (look, 0); } } /*..... ..... ..... ..... */ static void pMapResize (void) { PhysMap look = currentPhysMap("pMapResize"); pMapDraw(look, 0); return; } /*..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .....display */ static void drawMiniContig(PhysMap look, float fac) { SEG *seg; float x, lastx=100000.0, height; int i; int kHeight ; BUMP bump = bumpCreate(6,1) ; #define DY 0.75 Xoffset=ScrolledCentreOffset(Xmagn); oviewXoffset=ScrolledCentreOffset(oviewXmagn); if(IsntSet(look, LOOK_NO_LOCUS)) { graphTextHeight(0.75); for (i=0 ; i < arrayMax(look->segs) ; ++i) { seg=arrp(look->segs, i, SEG) ; if (class(seg->key)==_VLocus) { x=ModelToOviewX(SegMidPt(seg), fac) ; if (x<0) continue; if (x>look->winWidth) break; kHeight = 0 ; bumpItem (bump, 1, strlen(name(seg->key)), &kHeight, &x) ; height = 1 + kHeight*DY ; /* graphLine(x, anchorMiniContig-height+DY, x, anchorMiniContig); */ graphText(name(seg->key), x, anchorMiniContig-height); lastx=x ; } } graphTextHeight(0 /*back to default*/); } if(IsntSet(look, LOOK_NO_SCROLL_BAR)) { graphFillRectangle(ModelToOviewX(look->min, fac), anchorMiniContig, ModelToOviewX(look->max, fac), anchorMiniContig+0.2); look->scrollBox=graphBoxStart(); graphRectangle(GraphToOviewX(0), anchorMiniContig-0.2, GraphToOviewX(look->winWidth), anchorMiniContig+0.4); graphBoxEnd(); graphBoxDraw(look->scrollBox, BLACK, GREEN); } bumpDestroy (bump) ; return; } /*..... ..... ..... ..... */ static void fingerPrint(int box) /* mieg janv 94 */ { SEG* seg ; PhysMap look = currentPhysMap("fingerPrint"); seg = array(look->box2seg, box, SEG*) ; if(seg && seg->key) fpDisplay(seg->key) ; } static MENUOPT cloneBoxMenu[] = /* mieg janv 94 */ { { (VoidRoutine)fingerPrint,"Finger-Print", }, { 0, 0 } } ; /*..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... */ static int nYAC = 5 ; /* static int nReg = 10 ; see up when buried */ static int nProbe = 3 ; /*..... ..... ..... ..... */ static void setDisplayDepths (void) { int old ; /* mhmp 04.12.98 pour eviter des nb de lignes <= 0 */ ACEIN lines_in; lines_in = messPrompt ("Numbers of lines for probes, virtual " "clones, fingerprinted clones:", messprintf ("%d %d %d", nProbe, nYAC, nReg), "iiiz", 0); if (lines_in) { old = nProbe ; aceInInt (lines_in, &nProbe) ; if (nProbe <= 0) nProbe = old ; old = nYAC ; aceInInt (lines_in, &nYAC) ; if (nYAC <= 0) nYAC = old ; old = nReg ; aceInInt (lines_in, &nReg) ; if (nReg <= 0) nReg = old ; aceInDestroy (lines_in); } } /*..... ..... ..... ..... */ static void pMapShowSegs(PhysMap look, KEY key) { int i, box, keybox=0 ; float boxRightEdge ; float xL, xR, oldxR, y; SEG *seg ; char *text ; BUMP remBump,geneBump,probeBump ; int iYac = 0, iReg = 0 ; int nYAC=5; char boxInfoBuf[256] ; int graph_width ; graphFitBounds (&graph_width, 0) ; /*..... ..... ..... .....find out what arrangement required*/ if (IsSet(look, FLAG_SHOW_BURIED_CLONES)) { anchorCueBar=0; /*NONE*/ anchorMiniContig=anchorCueBar+7; anchorScrollHelp=anchorMiniContig+1; anchorSequence=anchorScrollHelp+1; anchorProbes=anchorSequence+1+nProbe; anchorYACs=anchorProbes+nYAC; anchorClones=anchorYACs+1+nReg; anchorNavigBar=anchorRule=anchorClones+2; anchorGenes=anchorRule+1; anchorRemarks=anchorGenes+2; } else /*ordinary pmap display*/ { anchorCueBar=0; /*NONE*/ anchorProbes = nProbe ; anchorYACs=anchorProbes+nYAC ; anchorClones=anchorYACs+1+nReg; anchorSequence=anchorClones+1; anchorNavigBar=anchorSequence+1; anchorGenes=anchorNavigBar+1; anchorRemarks=anchorGenes+2; anchorMiniContig=look->winHeight-2; anchorScrollHelp=look->winHeight-1; /*make sure it's visible whatever the window size*/ } /*..... ..... ..... .....*/ probeBump=bumpCreate(nProbe, 0) ; geneBump=bumpCreate(2,0) ; remBump=bumpCreate(7, 0) ; /*..... ..... ..... .....*/ /* Direct interpolating move from the gmap */ /* The position is passed approximately in pmap units */ if (class(key)==_VCalcul) { xL=(int) KEYKEY(key)-(int) 0x800000; look->centre=xL=Trunc(look->min, xL, look->max); } else if (key) { for (i=arrayMax(look->segs); --i; ) { if (arrp(look->segs, i, SEG)->key==key) { look->centre=SegMidPt(arrp(look->segs, i, SEG)); break; } } } if (!key && look->activebox && (seg=arr(look->box2seg, look->activebox, SEG*))) key=seg->key; look->activebox=0; arrayMax(look->box2seg)=0; Xoffset=ScrolledCentreOffset(Xmagn); /*..... ..... ..... .....draw mini-contig for default display: takes care of buried clones display*/ drawMiniContig(look, 0.0); if(IsntSet(look, LOOK_NO_SCROLL_BAR)) { graphText( "Mid-mouse button: touch to recenter, drag vertically to zoom.", 12, anchorScrollHelp) ; graphButton("Zoom in", pMapZoomIn, 1, anchorScrollHelp ) ; graphButton("Zoom out", pMapZoomOut,graph_width - 9, anchorScrollHelp ) ; } /*draw green bar - navigation box to the gMap*/ { array(look->box2seg, gMapBox=graphBoxStart(), SEG*)=0; graphRectangle(0, ModelToGraphY(anchorNavigBar+0.2), look->winWidth, ModelToGraphY(anchorNavigBar+0.8)); graphTextHeight(0.6); for (i=10; iwinWidth; i+=40) { graphText("Pick here to go to the genetic map", i, ModelToGraphY(anchorNavigBar+0.25)); } graphTextHeight(0 /*back to default*/); graphBoxEnd(); graphBoxDraw(gMapBox, BLACK, LIGHTGREEN); } /*..... ..... ..... .....*/ oldxR = -10000001.0 ; arraySort(look->segs, pMapCompareSeg); for (i=1 /*seg[0] is a dummy so don't touch it*/; isegs); ++i) { box = 0 ; seg = arrp(look->segs, i, SEG); if (IsSet(seg, FLAG_HIDE)) continue; xL=seg->x0; xR=SegRightEnd(seg); if (ModelToGraphX(xR)<0) /*off the left side of the window, but must ensure that the vertical placing of clones, remarks, genes etc. stays constant*/ { if (class(seg->key) == _VClone) { if (IsSet(seg, FLAG_FINGERPRINT)) { if (oldxRkey) == _VLocus) { graphTextFormat (BOLD) ; bumpMayWrite (geneBump, name(seg->key), SegMidPt(seg), anchorGenes, FALSE); graphTextFormat (PLAIN) ; } else if (class(seg->key) == _VText && !(IsSet(look, LOOK_NO_REMARKS) #ifdef ACEDB5 && IsSet(seg, FLAG_REMARK) #endif ) && !(IsntSet(look, LOOK_WORK_REMARKS) && IsSet(seg, FLAG_WORK_REMARK))) { if (IsSet(seg, FLAG_MORE_TEXT)) text = messprintf("%s(*)", name(seg->key)); else text = name(seg->key); bumpMayWrite(remBump, text, SegMidPt(seg), anchorRemarks, FALSE); } else continue; /*skip drawing*/ } if (look->winWidthkey) == _VClone) { if (IsSet(seg, FLAG_IS_BURIED_CLONE) && IsntSet(seg, FLAG_DISPLAY) && IsntSet(look, FLAG_SHOW_BURIED_CLONES)) ; else { int bgColor = TRANSPARENT ; if (IsSet(seg, FLAG_IS_COSMID)) strcat (boxInfoBuf, "Cosmid ") ; else if (IsSet(seg, FLAG_IS_YAC)) strcat (boxInfoBuf, "YAC ") ; else if (IsSet(seg, FLAG_IS_CDNA)) strcat (boxInfoBuf, "cDNA ") ; else if (IsSet(seg, FLAG_IS_FOSMID)) strcat (boxInfoBuf, "Fosmid ") ; if (IsSet(seg, FLAG_FINGERPRINT)) { strcat (boxInfoBuf, "Fingerprinted ") ; if (oldxRkey), SegMidPt(seg), anchorProbes-nProbe, TRUE); strcat (boxInfoBuf, "Probe") ; } else /*YACs*/ { y = anchorYACs - (iYac%nYAC) + 0.5*((iYac/nYAC)%2) ; if (IsSet(seg, FLAG_YAC_GRID)) DrawFilledRectangle(xL, y, xR, y+0.1); else DrawLine(xL, y, xR, y); /* RD 961024 - after line */ box = graphBoxStart() ; text = messprintf ("(%s)", name(seg->key)) ; graphText(text, ModelToGraphX(SegMidPt(seg))-3.5, ModelToGraphY(y-0.4)); /* DrawSegText (seg, y) ; */ bgColor = WHITE ; ++iYac ; strcat (boxInfoBuf, "YAC") ; } graphBoxEnd() ; graphBoxDraw (box,BLACK, bgColor) ; graphBoxDim (box, 0, 0, &boxRightEdge, 0) ; if (boxRightEdge > 0) graphBoxInfo (box, seg->key, *boxInfoBuf ? strnew(boxInfoBuf, graphHandle()): 0) ; } } else if (class(seg->key) == _VSequence) { box=graphBoxStart(); DrawRectangle(xL, anchorSequence+0.2, xR, anchorSequence+0.8); graphBoxEnd(); graphBoxInfo (box,seg->key, 0) ; } else if (class(seg->key) == _VAllele) { box=graphBoxStart() ; DrawLine(xL, anchorSequence+0.8, xL-3, anchorSequence+1.5) ; DrawLine(xL, anchorSequence+0.8, xL+3, anchorSequence+1.5) ; DrawLine(xL-3, anchorSequence+1.5, xL+3, anchorSequence+1.5) ; graphBoxEnd() ; graphBoxDim (box, 0, 0, &boxRightEdge, 0) ; if (boxRightEdge > 0) graphBoxInfo (box, seg->key, *boxInfoBuf ? strnew(boxInfoBuf, graphHandle()): 0) ; } else if (class(seg->key) == _VLocus) { box=graphBoxStart(); bumpMayWrite(geneBump, name(seg->key), SegMidPt(seg), anchorGenes, TRUE) ; graphBoxEnd(); graphBoxDim (box, 0, 0, &boxRightEdge, 0) ; if (boxRightEdge > 0) graphBoxInfo (box, seg->key, *boxInfoBuf ? strnew(boxInfoBuf, graphHandle()): 0) ; } else if (class(seg->key) == _VText && !(IsSet(look, LOOK_NO_REMARKS) #ifdef ACEDB5 && IsSet(seg, FLAG_REMARK) #endif ) && !(IsntSet(look, LOOK_WORK_REMARKS) && IsSet(seg, FLAG_WORK_REMARK))) { box = graphBoxStart() ; if (IsSet(seg, FLAG_MORE_TEXT)) text = messprintf("%s(*)", name(seg->key)); else text = name(seg->key) ; bumpMayWrite(remBump, text, SegMidPt(seg), anchorRemarks, TRUE); graphBoxEnd(); } if (box) /*something drawn*/ { /*for showing clones matched against in region while calculating positionClone:*/ if (class(seg->key) != _VClone || /* unset clones are better drawn transparent */ IsSet(seg, FLAG_HIGHLIGHT) ) pMapBoxDraw(box, IsSet(seg, FLAG_HIGHLIGHT)? HIGHLIT:NORMAL, seg); array(look->box2seg, box, SEG*)=seg; if(seg->key==key) keybox=box; } } if (keybox && IsntSet(look, FLAG_REVERT_DISPLAY)) pMapSelectBox(look, keybox); /*..... ..... ..... .....*/ bumpDestroy(remBump); bumpDestroy(geneBump); bumpDestroy(probeBump); return; } /*..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .....*/ static Array sisterBox=0, sisterSeg=0 ; /* disgustingly global - Richard */ static void makeSisterList (PhysMap look, int box) { OBJ obj ; SEG *seg, *subseg ; Array b2s = look->box2seg ; int i, n, pos ; static KEYSET sisterKeys = 0 ; static Array flat = 0 ; static KEY _Positive ; if (!_Positive) lexaddkey ("Positive", &_Positive, 0) ; seg = arr(b2s, box, SEG*) ; sisterKeys = keySetReCreate (sisterKeys) ; n = 0 ; keySet(sisterKeys, n++) = seg->parent ; if ((obj = bsCreate (seg->parent))) { flat = arrayReCreate (flat, 32, BSunit) ; if (bsFindTag (obj, _Positive) && bsFlatten (obj, 2, flat)) for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(flat) ; i += 2) keySet(sisterKeys, n++) = arr(flat, i+1, BSunit).k ; bsDestroy (obj) ; } keySetSort (sisterKeys) ; keySetCompress (sisterKeys) ; sisterBox = arrayReCreate (sisterBox, 8, int) ; sisterSeg = arrayReCreate (sisterSeg, 8, SEG*) ; n = 0 ; for (i = box ; --i > 1 && (subseg = arr(b2s, i, SEG*)) && SegMidPt(seg) - 250 < SegMidPt(subseg) ; ) if (keySetFind (sisterKeys, subseg->parent, &pos)) { array(sisterBox, n, int) = i ; array(sisterSeg, n++, SEG*) = subseg ; } for (i = box ; ++i < arrayMax(b2s) && (subseg = arr(b2s, i, SEG*)) && SegMidPt(subseg) < SegMidPt(seg) + 250 ; ) if (keySetFind (sisterKeys, subseg->parent, &pos)) { array(sisterBox, n, int) = i ; array(sisterSeg, n++, SEG*) = subseg ; } } /*********************************************************/ static void pMapSelectBox (PhysMap look, int box) /* switch activebox */ { int i ; SEG *seg, *sSeg ; if (look->activebox) /* deselect the current selection */ { seg = arr(look->box2seg, look->activebox, SEG*) ; if (seg && IsSet(seg, FLAG_HIGHLIGHT)) pMapBoxDraw (look->activebox, HIGHLIT, seg) ; else pMapBoxDraw (look->activebox, NORMAL, seg) ; if (seg) /* i.e. not for special boxes*/ { makeSisterList (look, look->activebox) ; for (i = arrayMax(sisterBox) ; i-- ; ) { sSeg = arr(sisterSeg, i, SEG *) ; if (IsSet (sSeg, FLAG_HIGHLIGHT)) pMapBoxDraw (arr(sisterBox, i, int), HIGHLIT, sSeg) ; else pMapBoxDraw (arr(sisterBox, i, int), NORMAL, sSeg) ; } } } if (box) /* select the given box */ { seg = arr(look->box2seg, box, SEG*); pMapBoxDraw(box, SELECTED, seg); if (seg) /*i.e. not for special boxes */ { makeSisterList (look, box) ; for (i = arrayMax(sisterBox) ; i-- ; ) { sSeg = arr(sisterSeg, i, SEG *) ; if (IsSet (sSeg, FLAG_IS_BURIED_CLONE)) pMapBoxDraw (arr(sisterBox, i, int), BURIED_CLONE, sSeg) ; else pMapBoxDraw (arr(sisterBox, i, int), SISTER, sSeg) ; } } } look->activebox = box ; look->currentSelected= box && seg ? seg->key : 0 ; } /*********************************************************/ static void pMapFollow(PhysMap look, double x, double y) { #ifndef USE_SMAP extern int sequenceLength(KEY seq); #endif KEY from ; SEG *seg ; if (look->activebox == gMapBox) { KEY contig ; if (!lexword2key(name(look->key), &contig, _VContig)) return ; pMapToGMap (contig, 0, (int)(look->centre + (x - look->winWidth/2)/Xmagn)) ; } else { seg = arr(look->box2seg,look->activebox,SEG*) ; if (class(seg->key) == _VLocus) display (seg->key, look->key, "GMAP") ; else if (class(seg->key) == _VSequence) { if (SegLen(seg)!=0) #ifdef USE_SMAP from=KEYMAKE(_VCalcul, sMapLength(seg->key)*x/(20.0*Xmagn*(0.5*SegLen(seg))/*ie old dx*/)); #else from=KEYMAKE(_VCalcul, sequenceLength(seg->key)*x/(20.0*Xmagn*(0.5*SegLen(seg))/*ie old dx*/)); #endif else from=0; display(seg->key, from, 0); } else if (class(seg->key) == _VClone) display (seg->key, look->key, "TREE") ; else if (class(seg->key) == _VText) display (seg->parent, look->key, "TREE") ; else display (seg->key, look->key, 0) ; } } /*.......... ..... ..... */ static void pMapHighlight(KEYSET k, KEY key) { int i, j; SEG *seg; KEYSET kSet=0; PhysMap look = currentPhysMap("pMapHighlight"); if (k!=0 && keySetExists(k) /*I probably ought to check this more thoroughly*/) kSet=k; if (kSet==0 && !keySetActive(&kSet, 0)) { messout("First select a keySet window, thank you."); return; } seg=arrp(look->segs, 0, SEG); i=arrayMax(look->segs); while (i--) { seg->flag&= ~FLAG_HIGHLIGHT; /*clear this bit on all segs, except for selected objects:*/ if (keySetFind(kSet, seg->key, &j)) seg->flag|=FLAG_HIGHLIGHT; seg++; } pMapDraw(look, (k==0? 0: key)); return; } /*..... ..... ..... .....external service call routines */ extern void pMapSetHighlightKeySet(KEYSET k) /* called by gridDisp */ { pMapPendingKeySet=k; return; } /*..... ..... ..... ..... */ extern BOOL pMapGetCMapKeySet(KEY contig, int *xMin, int *xMax, KEYSET clones) { messout("**pMapGetCMapKeySet not implemented."); return FALSE; } /****************************************************************/ /******** RMD copied from pmaped.c to make stand-alone **********/ BOOL pMapLiftBuriedClones(Array segs, SEG *canonical, BOOL setDisplayFlag) { /* RD - BOOL is Neil crap */ KEY child ; OBJ Parent, Child ; float x = SegMidPt(canonical) ; static BSMARK mark ; if ((Parent = bsCreate(canonical->key))) { if (bsGetKey (Parent, _Canonical_for, &child)) do /*at least one valid buried clone: get all buried clones for this seg*/ { int nBands, left, right ; SEG *seg = arrayp(segs, arrayMax(segs), SEG) ; /* new seg */ mark = bsMark (Parent, mark) ; seg->key = child ; seg->parent = canonical->key ; if (bsGetData (Parent, _bsRight, _Int, &left) && bsGetData (Parent, _bsRight, _Int, &right)) { seg->x0 = canonical->x0 + left ; seg->x1 = canonical->x0 + right ; Set(seg, FLAG_BURIED_IS_POSITIONED); } else { if ((Child = bsCreate(child))) { if (!bsGetData (Child, _Bands, _Int, &nBands) || !bsGetData (Child, _bsRight, _Int, &nBands)) nBands = 20 ; bsDestroy (Child) ; } else nBands = 20 ; seg->x0 = x - nBands/2 ; seg->x1 = x + nBands/2 ; } Set(seg, FLAG_IS_BURIED_CLONE); Set(seg, FLAG_FINGERPRINT); if (setDisplayFlag) Set(seg, FLAG_DISPLAY); bsGoto (Parent, mark) ; } while (bsGetKey (Parent, _bsDown, &child)) ; bsDestroy(Parent) ; return TRUE; } else return FALSE ; } static void displayAllBuriedClones(PhysMap look) { int i ; SEG *pseg ; if (IsntSet(look, FLAG_BURIED_CLONES_ATTACHED)) { graphMessage("Attaching buried clones: PLEASE WAIT...") ; for (i = 1 ; i < arrayMax (look->segs) ; ++i) { pseg = arrp(look->segs, i, SEG) ; if (IsntSet(pseg, FLAG_DISPLAY_BURIED_CLONES)) /* if it is, then its buried clones are already loaded and checked */ pMapLiftBuriedClones(look->segs, pseg, FALSE) ; } arraySort(look->segs, pMapCompareSeg); Set(look, FLAG_BURIED_CLONES_ATTACHED); graphUnMessage() ; } return; } /****************** giface hook *****************/ void pMapDrawGIF (ACEIN command_in, ACEOUT result_out) { KEY key, from = 0 ; int x ; int z1, z2, winWidth ; char *word ; while (aceInStep (command_in, '-')) /* options */ if ((word = aceInWord(command_in))) { if (strcmp (word, "clone") == 0 && aceInCheck (command_in, "w")) { word = aceInWord(command_in); if (!lexword2key (word, &key, _VClone)) { aceOutPrint (result_out, "// gif pmap error: clone %s not known\n", word) ; return ; } } else if (strcmp (word, "contig") == 0 && aceInCheck (command_in, "wi")) { word = aceInWord(command_in); if (!lexword2key (word, &key, _VContig)) { aceOutPrint (result_out, "// gif pmap error: contig %s not known\n", word) ; return ; } aceInInt (command_in, &x) ; x |= 0x800000 ; from = KEYMAKE (_VCalcul,x) ; } else goto usage ; } else goto usage ; if (aceInCheck (command_in, "w")) /* no more options allowed on command-line */ goto usage ; { extern BOOL displayReportGif ; displayReportGif = FALSE ; display (key, from, "PMAP") ; /* the primary display */ displayReportGif = TRUE ; } z1 = Xoffset / Xmagn ; graphFitBounds (&winWidth, 0) ; z2 = z1 + winWidth / Xmagn ; if (class(key) == _VClone) { OBJ obj = bsUpdate (key) ; if (!obj) { aceOutPrint (result_out, "// gif pmap error: clone %s has no data\n", freeprotect(name(key))) ; return ; } if (!bsGetKey (obj, _pMap, &key)) /* replace key with contig */ { aceOutPrint (result_out, "// gif pmap error: clone %s has no pMap\n", freeprotect(name(key))) ; bsDestroy (obj) ; return ; } bsDestroy (obj) ; } aceOutPrint (result_out, "// PMAP %s %d %d\n", freeprotect(name(key)), z1, z2) ; return ; usage: aceOutPrint (result_out, "// gif pmap error: usage: PMAP [-clone ]|[-contig ]\n") ; return; } /* pMapDrawGIF */