/* File: vmapdisp.c * Author: Jean Thierry-Mieg (mieg@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk) * Copyright (C) J Thierry-Mieg and R Durbin, 1991 * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * Acedb is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * or see the on-line version at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * This file is part of the ACEDB genome database package, written by * Richard Durbin (MRC LMB, UK) rd@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk, and * Jean Thierry-Mieg (CRBM du CNRS, France) mieg@kaa.cnrs-mop.fr * * Description: Display of the genetic map * Exported functions: vMapDisplay * HISTORY: * Last edited: Apr 12 14:54 2002 (edgrif) * * May 29 22:48 1993 (cgc): split off vMapphys.c for contigs and clones * * Mar 2 19:58 1993 (rd): submenus for highlight and gMapdata * * Feb 27 23:06 1993 (rd): added Jean's addFather() stuff * * Nov 22 00:38 1992 (rd): switched to using map.h * * Jun 9 13:58 1992 (mieg): fixed pmap2vMap * * Mar 4 03:25 1992 (rd): added simplest form of chromosome banding * * Jan 6 13:11 1992 (rd): corrected green box scroll bug * * Dec 13 16:48 1991 (mieg): Added topMargin * * Dec 11 17:24 1991 (mieg): Added drag gene and private vMaps * * Nov 29 14:49 1991 (mieg): Added Locus display * Created: Fri Oct 18 20:25:36 1991 (mieg) * CVS info: $Id: vmapdisp.c,v 1.33 2002/04/16 13:07:51 edgrif Exp $ *------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /************************************************************/ static void vMapDestroy (void) ; static void vMapRecalculate(void) ; static void vMapPick (int box, double x, double y) ; static void vMapKbd (int k) ; static Array vMapConvert (KEY chrom) ; static void vMapFollow (VerticalMap look, float x, float y) ; static void vMapClear(void) ; static void vMapHighlight(void) ; static void vMapUnHighlight(void) ; static void vMapHideHighlit(void) ; static void vMapExportHighlit(void) ; static void vMapSaveMap (void) ; static void vMapSetMap (VerticalMap look) ; static void vMapGotoCmap (void) ; static void hideHeaderToggle (void) ; static void vMapSearchProblems(VerticalMap look) ; static void vMapDrawVoid (void) ; static void vMapFlip (void) ; static void vMapDoFlip (VerticalMap look) ; /* the MapDrawColFunc's in this file */ static void vMapDrawMiniChromBands (LOOK genericLook, float *offset, MENU *unused) ; static void vMapDrawMainMarkers (LOOK genericLook, float *offset, MENU *unused) ; static void vMapDrawAnyInterval (LOOK genericLook, float *offset, MENU *unused) ; static void vMapDrawAnyIntervalNames (LOOK genericLook, float *offset, MENU *unused) ; static void vMapDrawChromBands (LOOK genericLook, float *offset, MENU *unused) ; static void vMapDrawScale (LOOK genericLook, float *offset, MENU *unused) ; static void vMapDrawAnyLocus (LOOK genericLook, float *offset, MENU *unused) ; static void vMapDrawOrderedGenes (LOOK genericLook, float *offset, MENU *unused) ; static MENUOPT vMapMenu[] = { {graphDestroy, "Quit"}, {help, "Help"}, {graphPrint, "Print Screen"}, {mapPrint,"Print Whole Map"}, {displayPreserve, "Preserve"}, {vMapRecalculate, "Recalculate"}, {vMapFlip, "Vertical Flip"}, {vMapSaveMap, "Save Map"}, {hideHeaderToggle, "Hide Header"}, {vMapGotoCmap, "Physical Chromo Map"}, {mapColControl, "Columns"}, {0, 0} } ; static BOOL showMarginal = FALSE ; static BOOL setCursorDrag = FALSE ; /* cursor operations a la richard */ static Associator anyIntAss = 0 ; static Associator allMapsAss = 0 ; /************************************************************/ magic_t GRAPH2VerticalMap_ASSOC = "VerticalMap"; static magic_t VerticalMap_MAGIC = "VerticalMap"; /************************************************************/ /* Recalculate all vMaps */ void vMapMakeAll(void) { KEY chromosome = 0 ; /* 0 primes lexNext() */ Array segs ; if (!isWriteAccess ()) { messout ("Sorry, you do not have Write Access") ; return ; } while (lexNext (_VMap,&chromosome)) { if ((segs = vMapConvert (chromosome))) arrayDestroy (segs) ; if (messIsInterruptCalled ()) break ; } } /**********************************/ BOOL vMapGetPos(KEY from, KEY *chromo, float *xp) { OBJ obj ; float x1, x2 ; BOOL result = FALSE ; if (!from || !(obj = bsCreate (from))) return FALSE ; if (*chromo && bsFindKey (obj, _Map, *chromo)) result = TRUE ; if (result || bsGetKey (obj, _Map, chromo)) if (bsPushObj(obj)) { if (bsGetData (obj, _Position, _Float, xp) || bsGetData (obj, _Multi_Position, _Float, xp)) result = TRUE ; else if ( bsGetData (obj, _Left, _Float, &x1) && bsGetData (obj, _Right, _Float, &x2)) { *xp = 0.5*(x1+x2) ; result = TRUE ; } } bsDestroy (obj) ; return result ; } /**********************************/ VerticalMap currentVerticalMap (char *caller) { VerticalMap vmap; if (!graphAssFind (&GRAPH2VerticalMap_ASSOC,&vmap)) messcrash("%s() could not find VerticalMap on graph", caller); if (!vmap) messcrash("%s() received NULL VerticalMap pointer", caller); if (vmap->magic != &VerticalMap_MAGIC) messcrash("%s() received non-magic VerticalMap pointer", caller); return vmap; } /* currentVerticalMap */ /**********************************/ BOOL vMapDisplay (KEY key, KEY from, BOOL isOldGraph, void *unused) { float centre, mag ; VerticalMap oldlook = 0, look ; OBJ obj ; KEY vMapkey ; Array segs ; BOOL doflip = FALSE ; if (key && class(key) != _VvMap && class(key) != _VMap) { KEY tmp = from ; from = key ; if (class(tmp) == _VvMap || class(tmp) == _VMap) key = tmp ; else key = 0 ; } /* centre on parent object if poss */ centre = mag = 99999 ; if (from) { if (class(from) == _VCalcul) { centre = (float)(KEYKEY(from))/1000.0 - 1000 ; from = 0 ; } else if (!vMapGetPos (from, &key, ¢re)) { return FALSE ; } } if (!key) return FALSE ; vMapkey = 0 ; segs = 0 ; if (class(key) == _VvMap) { vMapkey = key ; lexReClass (vMapkey, &key, _VMap) ; } else if (class(key) == _VMap) lexReClass (key, &vMapkey, _VvMap) ; /* to arrayGet if possible */ if ( ( ( allMapsAss && assFind(allMapsAss, (char*)(&allMapsAss) + vMapkey, &oldlook) && graphActivate(oldlook->graph) ) || ( isOldGraph && graphAssFind (&GRAPH2VerticalMap_ASSOC, &oldlook) ) ) && oldlook->magic == &VerticalMap_MAGIC && oldlook->key == vMapkey ) { if (centre != 99999) { if (oldlook->map->flip) centre = -centre ; oldlook->map->centre = centre ; if (setCursorDrag) mapCursorSet (oldlook->map, centre) ; } vMapDraw (oldlook, from) ; return TRUE ; } if ((segs = arrayGet(vMapkey,SEG, segFormat))) { int i = arrayMax(segs) ; SEG* seg = arrp(segs, 0, SEG) - 1 ; unsigned int mask = FLAG_RELATED | FLAG_STRESSED | FLAG_ANTI_RELATED | FLAG_ANTI_STRESSED | FLAG_HAVE_DATA | FLAG_HIDE | FLAG_HIGHLIGHT | FLAG_MOVED | FLAG_PROBLEM ; while (seg++, i--) seg->flag &= ~mask ; } else if ((segs = vMapConvert (key))) ; else { return FALSE ; } lexReClass(key, &vMapkey, _VvMap) ; /* if segs newly made */ if (oldlook) assRemove(allMapsAss, (char*)(&allMapsAss) + oldlook->key) ; if (isOldGraph) { graphRetitle (name (key)) ; vMapDestroy () ; /* does a messfree(look) */ } else { displayCreate ("VMAP"); if (!allMapsAss) allMapsAss = assCreate() ; graphRetitle (name(key)) ; graphRegister (RESIZE,vMapDrawVoid) ; graphRegister (DESTROY, vMapDestroy) ; graphRegister (KEYBOARD, vMapKbd) ; } look = (VerticalMap) messalloc (sizeof (struct VerticalMapStruct)) ; look->magic = &VerticalMap_MAGIC; look->flag = 0 ; look->key = vMapkey ; look->boxIndex = arrayCreate (64,int) ; look->activeBox = 0 ; look->segs = segs ; look->lastTrueSeg = arrayMax(look->segs) ; look->errorScale = 10 ; if ((obj = bsCreate(key))) { bsGetData(obj, _Error_scale, _Float, &look->errorScale) ; doflip = bsFindTag (obj, _Flipped) ; /* rather, i make an ABOUT button => Map in TREE mode bsGetKey(obj, _Title, &look->titleKey) ; look->remarkStack = stackCreate(50) ; if (bsGetData(obj, _Remark, _Text, &cp)) do { pushText(look->remarkStack, cp) ; } while (bsGetData(obj, _bsDown, _Text, &cp)) ; */ bsDestroy(obj) ; } look->graph = graphActive() ; look->map = mapCreate (vMapDrawVoid) ; /* the map's redraw func */ mapAttachToGraph (look->map) ; mapInsertCol (look->map, 1, TRUE, "Mini Bands", vMapDrawMiniChromBands) ; mapInsertCol (look->map, 2, TRUE, "Marker Genes", vMapDrawMainMarkers) ; mapInsertCol (look->map, 3, TRUE, "Locator", mapShowLocator) ; mapInsertCol (look->map, 4, TRUE, "AnyInterval", vMapDrawAnyInterval) ; mapInsertCol (look->map, 5, TRUE, "AnyIntervalNames", vMapDrawAnyIntervalNames) ; mapInsertCol (look->map, 6, TRUE, "Chromosome Bands", vMapDrawChromBands) ; mapInsertCol (look->map, 7, TRUE, "Contigs", vMapDrawContigs) ; mapInsertCol (look->map, 8, FALSE, "Reversed physical", vMapReversedPhysical) ; mapInsertCol (look->map, 9, FALSE, "Physical genes", vMapDrawPhysGenes) ; mapInsertCol (look->map, 10, TRUE, "Scale", vMapDrawScale) ; mapInsertCol (look->map, 11, TRUE, "2 point", vMapDraw2pt) ; mapInsertCol (look->map, 12, TRUE, "Multipoint", vMapDrawMultiPt) ; mapInsertCol (look->map, 13, FALSE, "Likelihood", vMapDrawDbn) ; mapInsertCol (look->map, 14, FALSE, "Ordered genes", vMapDrawOrderedGenes) ; mapInsertCol (look->map, 15, TRUE, "AnyLocus", vMapDrawAnyLocus) ; vMapSetMap (look) ; /* reset look->map params etc. */ graphAssociate (&GRAPH2VerticalMap_ASSOC, look) ; /* attach look to graph */ graphAssociate (&MAP2LOOK_ASSOC, look) ; /* attach map to look */ mapAttachToGraph (look->map) ; /* attach the map itself to the graph */ assInsert (allMapsAss, (char*)(&allMapsAss) + vMapkey, look) ; if (mag != 99999) look->map->mag = mag ; if (centre != 99999) look->map->centre = centre ; if (doflip) vMapDoFlip(look) ; if (setCursorDrag) mapCursorCreate (look->map, 0.01, look->map->centre) ; vMapDraw (look, from) ; return TRUE ; } /* vMapDisplay */ /************************************************************/ /***************** Registered routines *********************/ static void vMapDestroy (void) { int i ; VerticalMap look = currentVerticalMap("vMapDestroy") ; if (isWriteAccess()) for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(look->segs) ; ++i) if (arrp(look->segs,i,SEG)->flag & FLAG_MOVED) { if (messQuery ("Do you want to save your changes?")) vMapSaveMap () ; break ; } if (look->data) vMapDataDestroy (look) ; arrayDestroy (look->segs) ; arrayDestroy (look->boxIndex) ; stackDestroy (look->remarkStack) ; mapDestroy (look->map) ; /* also detach map from graph */ graphAssRemove (&GRAPH2VerticalMap_ASSOC) ; /* detach look from graph */ graphAssRemove (&MAP2LOOK_ASSOC) ; /* detach map from look */ assRemove(allMapsAss, (char*)(&allMapsAss) + look->key) ; look->magic = 0 ; messfree (look) ; return; } /* vMapDestroy */ /*************************************************************/ static void vMapRecalculate(void) { int i ; KEY chrom, curr ; VerticalMap look = currentVerticalMap("vMapRecalculate") ; if (lexReClass(look->key,&chrom,_VMap)) { if (look->activeBox && (i = arr(look->boxIndex, look->activeBox, int))) curr = arrp(look->segs, i, SEG)->key ; else curr = 0 ; arrayDestroy (look->segs) ; if ((look->segs = vMapConvert (chrom))) { look->lastTrueSeg = arrayMax(look->segs) ; vMapDraw (look, curr) ; } else { messout ("Sorry, I have to abandon this vMap") ; graphDestroy () ; } } } /*************************************/ static void vMapPick (int box, double x , double y) { VerticalMap look = currentVerticalMap("vMapPick") ; if (!box) return ; if (setCursorDrag && box == look->map->cursor.pickBox) graphBoxDrag (look->map->cursor.pickBox, mapCursorDrag) ; else if (box == look->map->thumb.box - 1) { /* coordinates are realtive to thumb -1 .box */ graphFitBounds (&mapGraphWidth, &mapGraphHeight) ; if (y < 1) /* page up */ look->map->centre -= 1.5 * look->map->thumb.halfwidth/look->map->thumb.fac ; else if (y > mapGraphHeight - topMargin - 3.2) look->map->centre += 1.5 * look->map->thumb.halfwidth/look->map->thumb.fac ; else look->map->centre = WHOLE2MAP (look->map, y + topMargin + .2) ; vMapDraw (look, 0) ; } else if (box == look->map->thumb.box) { /* coordinates are realtive to thumb.box */ look->map->centre += (y - look->map->thumb.halfwidth)/look->map->thumb.fac ; graphBoxDrag (look->map->thumb.box, mapThumbDrag) ; } else if (box < arrayMax (look->boxIndex) && arr(look->boxIndex,box,int)) /* a SEG */ { if (box == look->activeBox) /* a second hit - follow it */ vMapFollow (look, (float)x, (float)y) ; else vMapSelect (look, box) ; } return; } /* vMapPick */ /*****************/ static void vMapKbd (int k) { float unit, subunit ; int i, j, box ; SEG *seg ; KEY mainKey ; VerticalMap look = currentVerticalMap("vMapKbd") ; if (FALSE && !look->activeBox && setCursorDrag && look->map->cursor.box) { mapFindScaleUnit (look->map, &unit, &subunit) ; switch (k) { case UP_KEY : look->map->cursor.val -= 5*subunit ; break ; case DOWN_KEY : look->map->cursor.val += 5*subunit ; break ; default: return ; } mapCursorShift (look->map) ; return ; } box = look->activeBox ; if (!box || !(i = arr(look->boxIndex, box, int)) || !(seg = arrp(look->segs, i, SEG))) return ; mainKey = seg->key ; switch (k) { case UP_KEY : if (box < 2) return ; j = arr(look->boxIndex, box - 1, int) ; if (j >= 0 && j < arrayMax(look->segs) && (seg = arrp(look->segs,j,SEG)) ) box-- ; else return ; break ; case DOWN_KEY : if (box >= arrayMax(look->boxIndex) - 1) return ; j = arr(look->boxIndex, box + 1, int) ; if (j >= 0 && j < arrayMax(look->segs) && (seg = arrp(look->segs,j,SEG)) ) box++ ; else return ; break ; case LEFT_KEY: for (box-- ; box > 0 ; box--) { j = arr(look->boxIndex, box, int) ; if (j >= 0 && j < arrayMax(look->segs) && (seg = arrp(look->segs,j,SEG)) && seg->key == mainKey ) goto foundIt ; } return ; case RIGHT_KEY: for (box++ ; box < arrayMax(look->boxIndex) ; box++) { j = arr(look->boxIndex, box, int) ; if (j >= 0 && j < arrayMax(look->segs) && (seg = arrp(look->segs,j,SEG)) && seg->key == mainKey ) goto foundIt ; } return ; default: return ; } foundIt: if (box < 1 || box >= arrayMax(look->boxIndex)) for (box = 1 ; box < arrayMax(look->boxIndex) ; box++) { j = arr(look->boxIndex, box, int) ; if (j >= 0 && j < arrayMax(look->segs) && (seg = arrp(look->segs,j,SEG))) break ; } if (box > 0 && box < arrayMax(look->boxIndex) && (j = arr(look->boxIndex, box, int) ) && j >= 0 && j < arrayMax(look->segs) && (seg = arrp(look->segs,j,SEG))) vMapSelect(look, box) ; } /**********************************/ static void vMapGotoCmap (void) { KEY chrom ; VerticalMap look = currentVerticalMap("vMapGotoCmap") ; if (lexReClass (look->key,&chrom,_VMap)) display (chrom, 0, "CMAP") ; } /*************************************************************/ /******** vMap show intersect with active keyset *************/ static void vMapClear (void) { int i, mask = FLAG_STRESSED | FLAG_RELATED | FLAG_ANTI_RELATED | FLAG_ANTI_STRESSED | FLAG_HIDE | FLAG_HIGHLIGHT ; VerticalMap look = currentVerticalMap("vMapClear") ; for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(look->segs) ; ++i) arrp(look->segs,i,SEG)->flag &= ~mask ; look->activeBox = 0 ; vMapDraw (look, 0) ; } /**********/ static void vMapHighlightAll (void) { int i ; VerticalMap look = currentVerticalMap("vMapHighlightAll") ; for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(look->segs) ; ++i) arrp(look->segs,i,SEG)->flag |= FLAG_HIGHLIGHT ; look->activeBox = 0 ; vMapDraw (look, 0) ; } /**********/ static void vMapHighlight (void) { int i, j ; SEG *seg ; KEYSET kSet = 0 ; VerticalMap look = currentVerticalMap("vMapHighlight") ; if (!keySetActive(&kSet, 0)) { messout("First select a keySet window, thank you.") ; return ; } for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(look->segs) ; ++i) { seg = arrp(look->segs,i,SEG) ; if (keySetFind (kSet, seg->key, &j)) seg->flag |= FLAG_HIGHLIGHT ; } for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(look->boxIndex) ; ++i) if ((j = arr(look->boxIndex, i, int))) { seg = arrp(look->segs, j, SEG) ; if (seg && ( seg->flag & FLAG_HIGHLIGHT)) graphBoxDraw (i, BLACK, MAGENTA) ; } } /**********/ static void vMapUnHighlight (void) { int i, j; SEG *seg ; KEYSET kSet = 0 ; VerticalMap look = currentVerticalMap("vMapUnHighlight") ; if (!keySetActive(&kSet, 0)) { messout("First select a keySet window, thank you.") ; return ; } for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(look->segs) ; ++i) { seg = arrp(look->segs,i,SEG) ; if (keySetFind (kSet, seg->key, &j)) seg->flag &= ~FLAG_HIGHLIGHT ; } vMapDraw (look, 0) ; } /**********/ static void vMapExportHighlit (void) { static KEYSET kset = 0 ; int i, j=0 ; SEG *seg ; VerticalMap look = currentVerticalMap("vMapUnHighlight") ; kset = keySetReCreate (kset) ; for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(look->segs) ; ++i) { seg = arrp(look->segs,i,SEG) ; if (seg->flag & FLAG_HIGHLIGHT) keySet(kset,j++) = seg->key ; } keySetSort (kset) ; keySetNewDisplay(kset, "Exported KeySet"); } /**********/ static void vMapHideHighlit (void) { int i ; SEG *seg ; VerticalMap look = currentVerticalMap("vMapHide") ; for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(look->segs) ; ++i) { seg = arrp(look->segs,i,SEG) ; if (seg->flag & FLAG_HIGHLIGHT) seg->flag |= FLAG_HIDE ; } vMapDraw (look, 0) ; } static void vMapKeepHighLit (void) { int i ; SEG *seg ; VerticalMap look = currentVerticalMap("vMapHide") ; for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(look->segs) ; ++i) { seg = arrp(look->segs,i,SEG) ; if (seg->flag & FLAG_HIGHLIGHT) seg->flag &= ~(FLAG_HIDE | FLAG_HIGHLIGHT) ; else seg->flag |= FLAG_HIDE ; } vMapDraw (look, 0) ; } static void vMapHighlightProblems (void) { int i, iseg ; static void *v ; SEG *seg ; VerticalMap look = currentVerticalMap("vMapHide") ; if (!graphAssFind(&v, v)) vMapSearchProblems(look) ; graphAssociate(&v, &v) ; for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(look->segs) ; ++i) { seg = arrp(look->segs,i,SEG) ; if (seg->flag & FLAG_PROBLEM) seg->flag |= FLAG_HIGHLIGHT ; else seg->flag &= ~FLAG_HIGHLIGHT ; } for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(look->boxIndex) ; ++i) if ((iseg = arr(look->boxIndex, i, int))) { seg = arrp(look->segs, iseg, SEG) ; if (seg && (seg->flag & FLAG_HIGHLIGHT) ) graphBoxDraw (i, BLACK, MAGENTA) ; } } static void vMapUnHide (void) { int i ; SEG *seg ; VerticalMap look = currentVerticalMap("vMapHide") ; for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(look->segs) ; ++i) { seg = arrp(look->segs,i,SEG) ; seg->flag &= ~FLAG_HIDE ; } vMapDraw (look, 0) ; } static void vMapReColor (VerticalMap look) { SEG *seg ; int i, iseg ; unsigned int mask = FLAG_RELATED | FLAG_STRESSED | FLAG_ANTI_RELATED | FLAG_ANTI_STRESSED ; /* mask to be able to pick after highlight is on ! */ for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(look->boxIndex) ; ++i) if ((iseg = arr(look->boxIndex, i, int))) { seg = arrp(look->segs, iseg, SEG) ; if (!seg) continue ; if ((seg->flag & FLAG_HIGHLIGHT) && !(seg->flag & mask)) graphBoxDraw (i, BLACK, MAGENTA) ; else { if (class (seg->key) == _V2_point_data || class (seg->key) == _VMulti_pt_data) { if (seg->flag & FLAG_RELATED) graphBoxDraw (i, BLACK, WHITE /*YELLOW*/) ; } else if (class (seg->key) == _VClone || class (seg->key) == _VContig) graphBoxDraw (i, BLACK, YELLOW) ; else { if (seg->flag & FLAG_STRESSED) graphBoxDraw (i, WHITE, RED) ; else if (seg->flag & FLAG_ANTI_RELATED) graphBoxDraw (i, BLACK, LIGHTBLUE) ; else if (seg->flag & FLAG_ANTI_STRESSED) graphBoxDraw (i, WHITE, RED) ; else if (seg->flag & FLAG_RELATED) graphBoxDraw (i, BLACK, GREEN) ; else if (seg->flag & FLAG_CLONED) graphBoxDraw (i, BLACK, YELLOW) ; else graphBoxDraw (i, BLACK, WHITE) ; } } } } /***************************************************************/ /****** magnification control etc, uses special tag keys *******/ static void vMapSetMap (VerticalMap look) { int i ; SEG *seg, *extentSeg = 0, *centreSeg = 0 ; MAP map = look->map ; graphFitBounds (&mapGraphWidth,&mapGraphHeight) ; halfGraphHeight = 0.5 * (mapGraphHeight - topMargin) ; for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(look->segs) ; ++i) { seg = arrp(look->segs, i, SEG) ; if (seg->key == _Extent) extentSeg = seg ; if (seg->key == _Centre) centreSeg = seg ; } if (extentSeg) { map->min = extentSeg->x ; map->max = extentSeg->x + extentSeg->dx ; } else { map->min = 100000000.0 ; map->max = -100000000.0 ; for (i = 1 ; i < arrayMax(look->segs) ; ++i) /* 0th seg fake */ { seg = arrp(look->segs, i, SEG) ; if (seg->x < map->min) map->min = seg->x ; if (seg->x > map->max) map->max = seg->x ; } } map->centre = 0 ; map->mag = 10 ; if (centreSeg) { map->centre = centreSeg->x ; if (centreSeg->dx) map->mag = (2*halfGraphHeight-5) / centreSeg->dx ; } } /******************************************/ static void highlightSeg (int box) { int i ; SEG *seg ; VerticalMap look = currentVerticalMap("itemName") ; if (!(i = arr(look->boxIndex, box, int)) || !(seg = arrp(look->segs, i, SEG))) return ; seg->flag ^= FLAG_HIGHLIGHT ; if (seg->flag & FLAG_HIGHLIGHT) graphBoxDraw (box, BLACK, MAGENTA) ; else if (class(seg->key) == _VClone || class(seg->key) == _VContig || (class(seg->key) == _VLocus && (seg->flag & FLAG_CLONED))) graphBoxDraw (box, BLACK, YELLOW) ; else graphBoxDraw (box, BLACK, WHITE) ; } static void nameSeg (int box) { int i ; SEG *seg ; float x1, x2, y1, y2 ; VerticalMap look = currentVerticalMap("nameSeg") ; if (!(i = arr(look->boxIndex, box, int)) || !(seg = arrp(look->segs, i, SEG))) return ; graphBoxDim (box, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2) ; graphTextFormat (BOLD) ; graphText (name(seg->key), x2, y1) ; graphTextFormat (PLAIN_FORMAT) ; graphRedraw () ; } /************ cursor stuff ***********/ static void cursorToTop (int box) { int i ; SEG *seg ; VerticalMap look = currentVerticalMap("cursorToTop") ; if (!(i = arr(look->boxIndex, box, int)) || !(seg = arrp(look->segs, i, SEG))) return ; mapCursorSet (look->map, seg->x) ; } static void cursorToBottom (int box) { int i ; SEG *seg ; VerticalMap look = currentVerticalMap("cursorToBottom") ; if (!(i = arr(look->boxIndex, box, int)) || !(seg = arrp(look->segs, i, SEG))) return ; mapCursorSet (look->map, seg->x + seg->dx) ; } static void cursorToPos (int box) { int i ; SEG *seg ; VerticalMap look = currentVerticalMap("cursorToPos") ; if (!(i = arr(look->boxIndex, box, int)) || !(seg = arrp(look->segs, i, SEG))) return ; mapCursorSet (look->map, seg->x) ; } static void topToCursor (int box) { int i ; SEG *seg ; float a, b ; VerticalMap look = currentVerticalMap("topToCursor") ; if (!(i = arr(look->boxIndex, box, int)) || !(seg = arrp(look->segs, i, SEG))) return ; a = mapCursorPos(look->map) ; mapCursorSet (look->map, seg->x) ; b = seg->x + seg->dx ; if (b > a) { seg->x = a ; seg->dx = b-a ; } else { seg->x = b ; seg->dx = a-b ; } seg->flag |= FLAG_MOVED ; vMapDraw (look, 0) ; } static void bottomToCursor (int box) { int i ; SEG *seg ; float a, b ; VerticalMap look = currentVerticalMap("bottomToCursor") ; if (!(i = arr(look->boxIndex, box, int)) || !(seg = arrp(look->segs, i, SEG))) return ; a = seg->x ; b = mapCursorPos(look->map) ; mapCursorSet (look->map, seg->x + seg->dx) ; if (b > a) seg->dx = b-a ; else { seg->x = b ; seg->dx = a-b ; } seg->flag |= FLAG_MOVED ; vMapDraw (look, 0) ; } static void posToCursor (int box) { int i ; SEG *seg ; float a ; VerticalMap look = currentVerticalMap("posToCursor") ; if (!(i = arr(look->boxIndex, box, int)) || !(seg = arrp(look->segs, i, SEG))) return ; a = mapCursorPos(look->map) ; mapCursorSet (look->map, seg->x) ; seg->x = a ; seg->flag |= FLAG_MOVED ; vMapDraw (look, 0) ; } static void vMapShowMarginal(void) { showMarginal = !showMarginal ; } static void vMapSetCursorDrag(void) { VerticalMap look = currentVerticalMap("vMapSetCursorDrag") ; setCursorDrag = ! setCursorDrag ; if (!look->map->cursor.unit) look->map->cursor.unit = .01 ; vMapDraw (look,0) ; } static void vMapAnalysis (void) { return ; } /*****************************************************************/ /****************** Drawing routines *****************************/ static MENUOPT buttonOpts[] = { {mapWhole, "Whole"}, {mapZoomIn, "Zoom In"}, {mapZoomOut, "Zoom Out"}, {vMapHighlight, "Highlight..."}, {vMapShowData, "Map Data"}, {vMapDragButton, "Drag..."}, {vMapAnalysis, "Analysis..."}, {0, 0 }} ; static MENUOPT analysisMenu[] = { {vMapClear, "Clear"}, {vMapSetCursorDrag, "Cursor dragging on/off"}, {vMapHighlightProblems, "Highlight Problems"}, {vMapShowMarginal, "Marginal errors in pink"}, {0, 0 }} ; static MENUOPT clearMenu[] = { {vMapClear, "Clear"}, {vMapHighlightAll, "Highlight all"}, {vMapHighlight, "Highlight selected keyset"}, {vMapUnHighlight, "Unhighlight selected keyset"}, {vMapKeepHighLit, "Keep Only Highlighted objects"}, {vMapHideHighlit, "Hide highlit items"}, {vMapUnHide, "Unhide hidden items"}, {vMapExportHighlit, "Export highlit keyset"}, {0, 0} } ; static MENUOPT dragMenu[] = { {vMapDragButton, "Drag"}, {vMapDragUndo, "Undo"}, {0, 0 }} ; static BOOL isDrawnOrdered ; /*******************/ static void aboutButton (void) { KEY key ; VerticalMap look = currentVerticalMap("aboutButton") ; lexReClass (look->key, &key, _VMap) ; display (key, 0, "TREE") ; } static void hideHeaderToggle (void) { VerticalMap look = currentVerticalMap("hideHeaderToggle") ; look->flag ^= FLAG_HIDE_HEADER ; vMapDraw (look, 0) ; } static void vMapDrawVoid (void) { VerticalMap look = currentVerticalMap("vMapDrawVoid") ; vMapDraw (look, 0) ; } void vMapDraw (VerticalMap look, KEY curr) { int i, iseg, trueMax ; SEG *seg ; if (!curr && look->activeBox && look->activeBox > 0 && look->activeBox < arrayMax(look->boxIndex) && (i = arr(look->boxIndex,look->activeBox,int)) && i >=0 && i < arrayMax (look->segs)) curr = arrp(look->segs, i, SEG)->key ; graphClear () ; graphFitBounds (&mapGraphWidth,&mapGraphHeight) ; topMargin = 3 ; halfGraphHeight = 0.5 * (mapGraphHeight - topMargin) ; if (mapGraphHeight < 10 + topMargin) { messout ("Sorry, this window is too small for a genetic vMap") ; return ; } trueMax = arrayMax(look->segs) ; arrayMax(look->segs) = look->lastTrueSeg ; arraySort (look->segs, vMapOrder) ; arrayMax(look->segs) = trueMax ; look->boxIndex = arrayReCreate (look->boxIndex,50,int) ; look->activeBox = 0 ; isDrawnOrdered = FALSE ; mapDrawColumns (look->map) ; if (look->flag & FLAG_HIDE_HEADER) look->messageBox = 0 ; else { *look->messageText = 0 ; look->messageBox = graphBoxStart () ; graphTextPtr (look->messageText, 1, 2, 127) ; graphBoxEnd () ; graphBoxDraw (look->messageBox, BLACK, CYAN) ; graphButton ("About", aboutButton , mapGraphWidth - 6.4, 3.2) ; /* if (iskey (look->titleKey)) { graphTextFormat (BOLD) ; graphText (name (look->titleKey),3, 3) ; graphTextFormat (PLAIN_FORMAT) ; } stackCursor(look->remarkStack, 0) ; i = 3 ; while(cp = stackNextText(look->remarkStack)) graphText(cp, mapGraphWidth - 20, i++) ; */ i = graphButtons (buttonOpts, 5, 0.5, mapGraphWidth) ; mapColMenu (i); /* "Whole" */ /* "Zoom In" NOMENU */ /* "Zoom Out" NOMENU */ graphBoxMenu (i+3, clearMenu) ; /* "Highlight..." */ graphBoxMenu (i+4, vMapDataMenu); /* "Map Data" */ graphBoxMenu (i+5, dragMenu); /* "Drag..." */ graphBoxMenu (i+6, analysisMenu); /* "Analysis..." */ } /* Re pick */ if (curr) for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(look->boxIndex) ; ++i) if ((iseg = arr(look->boxIndex, i, int))) { seg = arrp(look->segs, iseg, SEG) ; if (seg && seg->key == curr) { vMapSelect(look, i); /* after drawing messageBox! */ break ; } } /* Re color */ vMapReColor (look) ; graphRegister (PICK, vMapPick) ; /* redo because of ColControl */ graphMenu (vMapMenu) ; graphRedraw () ; } /**********************/ static void vMapDoFlip (VerticalMap look) { int i; float y ; SEG *seg ; look->map->flip = !look->map->flip ; i = arrayMax(look->segs) ; seg = arrp(look->segs,0,SEG) - 1 ; while (seg++, i--) if ( seg->key == _Centre || (seg->flag & (FLAG_ANY_LOCUS | FLAG_MULTIPLE_LOCUS))) seg->x = - seg->x ; else if (seg->key == _Extent || (seg->flag & FLAG_ANY_INTERVAL)) seg->x = - seg->x - seg->dx ; arraySort(look->segs, vMapOrder) ; y = look->map->min ; look->map->min = - look->map->max ; look->map->max = - y ; look->map->centre = - look->map->centre ; if (setCursorDrag && look->map->cursor.box) { look->map->cursor.val = - look->map->cursor.val ; mapCursorShift (look->map) ; } } static void vMapFlip (void) { VerticalMap look = currentVerticalMap("vMapFlip") ; vMapDoFlip(look) ; vMapDraw (look, 0) ; } /**********************/ static MENUOPT vGeneMenu[] = { {(VoidRoutine)cursorToPos, "Set cursor"}, {(VoidRoutine)cursorToTop, "Cursor to upper limit"}, {(VoidRoutine)cursorToBottom, "Cursor to lower limit"}, {(VoidRoutine)posToCursor, "Move to Cursor"}, {(VoidRoutine)highlightSeg, "Highlight On/Off"}, {(VoidRoutine)vMapShowDataFromMenu, "Show data"}, {(VoidRoutine)vMapMakeDbn, "Likelihood dbn"}, {0, 0 }} ; static void vMapDrawOrderedGenes (LOOK genericLook, float *offset, MENU *unused) { VerticalMap look = (VerticalMap)genericLook; BUMP bump ; float y ; int i, ibox, n, x ; SEG *seg ; int hideHeader = (look->flag & FLAG_HIDE_HEADER) ; *offset += 1 ; /* bump bug */ x = (mapGraphWidth - *offset)/2 ; if (x < 12) x = 12 ; bump = bumpCreate (x, 0) ; for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(look->segs) ; ++i) { seg = arrp(look->segs,i,SEG) ; if (seg->flag & FLAG_HIDE) continue ; y = MAP2GRAPH(look->map,seg->x) ; if (y > topMargin && y < mapGraphHeight-1 && class(seg->key) == _VLocus && (seg->flag & FLAG_WELL_ORDERED) && !(seg->flag & FLAG_PHYS_GENE)) { array(look->boxIndex,ibox=graphBoxStart(),int) = i ; x = 0 ; /* was: bumpItem (bump, strlen(name(seg->key))+1, 1, &x, &y) ; graphText (name(seg->key), *offset+x, y-0.5) ; if (seg->flag & FLAG_CLONED) if (hideHeader) { graphLine (*offset+x, y+0.3, *offset+x+0.8*strlen(name(seg->key)), y+0.3) ; graphBoxDraw (ibox, BLACK, WHITE) ; } else graphBoxDraw (ibox, BLACK, YELLOW) ; else graphBoxDraw (ibox, BLACK, WHITE) ; */ if ((n = bumpText (bump, name(seg->key), &x, &y, 1, TRUE))) { char *ccp = name(seg->key), *ccq = ccp +n, ccc = *ccq ; *ccq = 0 ; graphText (ccp, *offset+x, y-0.5) ; *ccq = ccc ; if (seg->flag & FLAG_CLONED) { if (hideHeader) { graphLine (*offset+x, y+0.3, *offset+x+0.8*strlen(name(seg->key)), y+0.3) ; graphBoxDraw (ibox, BLACK, WHITE) ; } else graphBoxDraw (ibox, BLACK, YELLOW) ; } else graphBoxDraw (ibox, BLACK, WHITE) ; } graphBoxEnd() ; if (setCursorDrag) graphBoxMenu (ibox, vGeneMenu) ; } } *offset += bumpMax (bump) ; bumpDestroy (bump) ; isDrawnOrdered = TRUE ; } static void vMapDrawAnyLocus (LOOK genericLook, float *offset, MENU *unused) { VerticalMap look = (VerticalMap)genericLook; float y , errorScale = look->errorScale ; int i, ibox, n, x ; SEG *seg ; BUMP bump ; *offset += 1 ; /* bump bug */ if (*offset > mapGraphWidth-6) return ; bump = bumpCreate (mapGraphWidth-*offset, 0) ; for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(look->segs) ; ++i) { seg = arrp(look->segs,i,SEG) ; if (seg->flag & FLAG_HIDE) continue ; if (!(seg->flag & (FLAG_ANY_LOCUS | FLAG_MULTIPLE_LOCUS))) continue ; y = MAP2GRAPH(look->map,seg->x) ; if (y > topMargin && y < mapGraphHeight-1) { x = errorScale*seg->dx ; if ((n = bumpText (bump, name(seg->symbol), &x, &y, 1, TRUE))) { char *ccp = name(seg->symbol), *ccq = ccp +n, ccc = *ccq ; array(look->boxIndex,ibox=graphBoxStart(),int) = i ; *ccq = 0 ; graphText (ccp, *offset+x, y-0.5) ; *ccq = ccc ; graphBoxDraw (ibox, BLACK, WHITE) ; graphBoxEnd () ; if (setCursorDrag) graphBoxMenu (ibox, vGeneMenu) ; } } } *offset += bumpMax (bump) ; bumpDestroy (bump) ; } /*****************************************/ static void vMapDrawChromBands (LOOK genericLook, float *offset, MENU *unused) { VerticalMap look = (VerticalMap)genericLook; float y1, y2 ; int i, ibox ; SEG *seg ; for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(look->segs) ; ++i) { seg = arrp(look->segs,i,SEG) ; if (seg->flag & FLAG_HIDE) continue ; if (class(seg->key) != _VChrom_Band) continue ; y1 = MAP2GRAPH(look->map,seg->x) ; y2 = MAP2GRAPH(look->map,seg->x + seg->dx) ; if (y2 > topMargin && y1 < mapGraphHeight-1) { array(look->boxIndex,ibox=graphBoxStart(),int) = i ; if (y1 < topMargin) y1 = topMargin ; if (y2 > mapGraphHeight -1) y2 = mapGraphHeight -1 ; graphRectangle (*offset+0.5,y1,*offset+1.5,y2) ; graphBoxEnd() ; if (seg->flag & FLAG_DARK_BAND) graphBoxDraw (ibox, BLACK, DARKGRAY) ; else if (seg->flag & FLAG_NOR) graphBoxDraw (ibox, BLACK, LIGHTGRAY) ; else if (seg->flag & FLAG_COLOUR) graphBoxDraw (ibox, BLACK, (seg->flag >> 28) + WHITE) ; else graphBoxDraw (ibox, BLACK, WHITE) ; } } *offset += 2.0 ; } /***********************/ MENUOPT vMapIntervalMenu[] = { {(VoidRoutine)nameSeg, "Show Name"}, {(VoidRoutine)highlightSeg, "Highlight"}, {(VoidRoutine)cursorToTop, "Cursor to top"}, {(VoidRoutine)cursorToBottom, "Cursor to bottom"}, {(VoidRoutine)topToCursor, "Move top to cursor"}, {(VoidRoutine)bottomToCursor, "Move bottom to cursor"}, {(VoidRoutine)vMapShowDataFromMenu, "Show data"}, {0, 0} } ; static int hideHeader ; static float anyIntervalOffset ; static void vMapDrawAnyInterval (LOOK genericLook, float *offset, MENU *unused) { VerticalMap look = (VerticalMap)genericLook; float y1, y2, x ; int i, ibox, ix ; SEG *seg ; void *v ; BUMP bump = bumpCreate (mapGraphWidth, 0) ; anyIntAss = assReCreate(anyIntAss) ; hideHeader = look->flag & FLAG_HIDE_HEADER ; anyIntervalOffset = *offset += 1.25 ; graphTextHeight (0.8) ; for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(look->segs) ; ++i) { seg = arrp(look->segs,i,SEG) ; if (seg->flag & FLAG_HIDE) continue ; if (class(seg->key) == _VChrom_Band) /* dedicated display */ continue ; if (class(seg->key) == _VContig) /* dedicated display */ continue ; if (!(seg->flag & FLAG_ANY_INTERVAL)) continue ; y1 = MAP2GRAPH(look->map,seg->x) ; y2 = MAP2GRAPH(look->map,seg->x + seg->dx) ; if (y2 > topMargin && y1 < mapGraphHeight-1) { array(look->boxIndex,ibox=graphBoxStart(),int) = i ; ix = 0 ; if (y1 < topMargin) y1 = topMargin ; if (y2 > mapGraphHeight) y2 = mapGraphHeight ; bumpItem (bump,1,(y2-y1+1)+0.2,&ix,&y1) ; x = *offset + ix ; if (y1 > topMargin) graphLine (x - 0.25, y1, x + 0.25, y1) ; else { graphLine (x - 0.25, topMargin + .5, x, topMargin) ; graphLine (x + 0.25, topMargin + .5, x, topMargin) ; } if (y2 < mapGraphHeight) graphLine (x - 0.25, y2, x+0.25, y2) ; else { graphLine (x - 0.25, mapGraphHeight - .5, x, mapGraphHeight) ; graphLine (x + 0.25, mapGraphHeight - .5, x, mapGraphHeight) ; } graphLine (x, y1, x, y2) ; graphBoxEnd () ; v = (char*)(&anyIntAss) + ix ; assInsert(anyIntAss, seg, v) ; graphBoxDraw (ibox, BLACK, TRANSPARENT) ; if (setCursorDrag) graphBoxMenu (ibox, vMapIntervalMenu) ; } } graphTextFormat (PLAIN_FORMAT) ; graphTextHeight (0.0) ; *offset += bumpMax (bump) ; bumpDestroy (bump) ; } static void vMapDrawAnyIntervalNames (LOOK genericLook, float *offset, MENU *unused) { VerticalMap look = (VerticalMap)genericLook; float y1, y2, x, n ; int i, ibox, ix , ix1, nmax = 0 ; SEG *seg ; void *v ; BUMP bump = bumpCreate (1, 0) ; hideHeader = look->flag & FLAG_HIDE_HEADER ; *offset += 1.25 ; graphTextHeight (0.8) ; for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(look->segs) ; ++i) { seg = arrp(look->segs,i,SEG) ; if (seg->flag & FLAG_HIDE) continue ; if (!(seg->flag & FLAG_ANY_INTERVAL)) continue ; y1 = MAP2GRAPH(look->map,seg->x) ; y2 = MAP2GRAPH(look->map,seg->x + seg->dx) ; if (y2 > topMargin && y1 < mapGraphHeight-1) { n = 0.65*strlen(name(seg->symbol)) ; if (n > nmax) nmax = n ; ix = 0 ; if (y1 < topMargin) y1 = topMargin ; if (y2 > mapGraphHeight) y2 = mapGraphHeight ; bumpTest (bump,1,1,&ix,&y1) ; if (y1 > y2 + 3) /* too far down, drop it */ continue ; bumpRegister (bump,1,1,&ix,&y1) ; array(look->boxIndex,ibox=graphBoxStart(),int) = i ; x = *offset + ix ; if(y1 < mapGraphHeight) graphText(name(seg->symbol), x, y1) ; graphBoxEnd () ; graphBoxDraw (ibox, BLACK, TRANSPARENT) ; if (setCursorDrag) graphBoxMenu (ibox, vMapIntervalMenu) ; if (anyIntAss && assFind (anyIntAss, seg, &v)) { ix1 = (char*)v - (char*)(&anyIntAss) ; y1 += .5 ; if (y1 < mapGraphHeight && y1 < y2) graphCircle(anyIntervalOffset + ix1, y1, .4) ; } } } graphTextFormat (PLAIN_FORMAT) ; graphTextHeight (0.0) ; *offset += nmax + 1 ; bumpDestroy (bump) ; } /***************************************************/ static void vMapDrawScale (LOOK genericLook, float *offset, MENU *unused) { VerticalMap look = (VerticalMap)genericLook; float unit = 0.01 ; float subunit = 0.001 ; float x, xx, y ; char *cp = 0 ; MAP map = look->map ; mapFindScaleUnit (map, &unit, &subunit) ; if (unit >= 1) look->resolution = 0 ; else if (unit >= .1) look->resolution = 1 ; else if (unit >= .01) look->resolution = 2 ; else if (unit >= .001) look->resolution = 3 ; x = GRAPH2MAP(map, topMargin+1) ; x = unit * (((x>=0)?1:0) + (int)(x/unit)) ; while ((y = MAP2GRAPH(map, x)) < mapGraphHeight - 1) { graphLine (*offset+0.5,y,*offset+1.5,y) ; xx = look->map->flip ? -x : x ; cp = messprintf ("%-4.*f", look->resolution, xx) ; graphText (cp, *offset+2, y-0.5) ; x += unit ; } x = GRAPH2MAP(map, topMargin+1) ; x = subunit * (((x>=0)?1:0) + (int)(x/subunit)) ; while ((y = MAP2GRAPH(map, x)) < mapGraphHeight - 1) { graphLine (*offset+1.0,y,*offset+1.5,y) ; x += subunit ; } graphLine (*offset+1.5, topMargin+1, *offset+1.5, mapGraphHeight-0.5 ) ; if (map->thumb.x) { graphLine (map->thumb.x, MAP2WHOLE(map, map->centre) - map->thumb.halfwidth, *offset+1.5, topMargin+1) ; graphLine (map->thumb.x, MAP2WHOLE(map, map->centre) + map->thumb.halfwidth, *offset+1.5, mapGraphHeight-0.5) ; } if (setCursorDrag) mapCursorDraw (look->map, *offset) ; *offset += 2 ; if (cp) *offset += strlen(cp) ; } /***********************************************************/ static void vMapDrawMainMarkers (LOOK genericLook, float *offset, MENU *unused) { VerticalMap look = (VerticalMap)genericLook; float y, xx, max = 0 ; int i ; SEG* seg ; graphTextHeight (0.75) ; for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(look->segs) ; ++i) { seg = arrp(look->segs,i,SEG) ; if (seg->flag & FLAG_MARKER) { y = MAP2WHOLE(look->map, seg->x) ; graphText (name(seg->key),0.5,y-0.25) ; xx = .65 * strlen(name(seg->key)) ; if (xx > max) max = xx ; } } graphTextHeight (0) ; *offset += max + .5 ; } /***********************************************************/ static void vMapDrawMiniChromBands (LOOK genericLook, float *offset, MENU *unused) { VerticalMap look = (VerticalMap)genericLook; float y, dy, x = *offset + 1 , l=0, max = 0 , ylast = - 1000 ; int i ; SEG* seg ; BOOL isBands = FALSE ; MAP map = look->map ; graphTextHeight (0.75) ; for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(look->segs) ; ++i) { seg = arrp(look->segs,i,SEG) ; if (class(seg->key) == _VChrom_Band) { isBands = TRUE ; y = MAP2WHOLE(look->map, seg->x + seg->dx/2.) ; dy = 0.5 * seg->dx * map->thumb.fac ; if (seg->flag & FLAG_CENTROMERE) { graphColor (WHITE) ; graphFillRectangle (x, y-dy, x + 2., y+dy) ; graphColor (BLACK) ; graphLine (x, y-dy, x + 2., y+dy) ; graphLine (x + 2., y-dy, x, y+dy) ; graphLine (x, y-dy, x + 2., y-dy) ; graphLine (x + 2., y+dy, x, y+dy) ; } else { if (seg->flag & FLAG_DARK_BAND) graphColor (DARKGRAY) ; else if (seg->flag & FLAG_NOR) graphColor (LIGHTGRAY) ; else graphColor (WHITE) ; if (seg->flag >> 28) graphColor((seg->flag >> 28) + WHITE) ; graphFillRectangle (x, y-dy, x + 2., y+dy) ; graphColor (BLACK) ; graphRectangle (x, y-dy, x + 2., y+dy) ; if (y > ylast + 4) { graphText (name(seg->key),0.5,y-0.25) ; l = .65 * strlen(name(seg->key)) ; } ylast = y ; if (l > max) max = l ; } } } graphTextHeight (0) ; if (isBands) *offset += 2 + max ; } /**************************************************************/ /******************** conversion routines *********************/ int vMapOrder (void *a, void *b) /* for arraySort() call */ { SEG *seg1 = (SEG*)a, *seg2 = (SEG*)b ; float diff = seg1->x - seg2->x ; if (diff > 0) return 1 ; else if (diff < 0) return -1 ; else if (seg2->key != seg1->key) return seg2->key - seg1->key ; else return seg2->flag - seg1->flag ; /* never give a random result please */ } /**********************************/ /* the order in which the fathers are added implies that downMost father is the best and any son is better than his father, at least I hope so ! */ static KEYSET addFather(KEY chrom) { int n = 0, i, max; OBJ Chrom ; KEYSET a = keySetCreate(), a1 ; KEY key ; lexSetStatus(chrom, CALCULSTATUS) ; /* prevent recursions */ if ((Chrom = bsCreate(chrom))) { if (bsGetKey(Chrom, _Inherits_from, &key)) do { if (!(CALCULSTATUS & lexGetStatus(key))) { a1 = addFather(key) ; max = keySetMax(a1) ; for (i = 0 ; i < max ; i++) keySet(a, n++) = keySet(a1, i++) ; keySetDestroy(a1) ; } } while (bsGetKey(Chrom, _bsDown, &key)) ; bsDestroy(Chrom) ; keySet(a, n++) = chrom ; } return a ; } /**********************************/ static Array vMapConvert (KEY chrom) { static BSMARK mark = 0 ; KEY originalChrom = chrom; KEY clone, vMap, locus, col, symbol, symbolTag = 0 ; OBJ Chrom, Locus; Array segs, loci, class2symbol ; KEYSET chKS ; int nCh ; SEG *seg; float x, dx, x1, x2 , xmin = 9999999, xmax = -999999 ; int i = 0, iLocus, ns1, flag ; if (!(Chrom = bsCreate (chrom))) { messout ("No data for chromosome %s",name(chrom)) ; return 0 ; } if (bsFindTag(Chrom, _Non_graphic)) { bsDestroy(Chrom) ; return 0 ; } bsDestroy(Chrom) ; if (lexReClass(chrom, &vMap,_VvMap) && !lexlock (vMap)) { messout ("Sorry, %s is locked (being processed elsewhere)", name(vMap)) ; return 0 ; } i = 256 ; while (i--) lexClearClassStatus(i, CALCULSTATUS); segs = arrayCreate (128,SEG) ; chKS = addFather(chrom) ; if (!keySetMax(chKS)) messout("No data found for this chromosome, sorry") ; loci = arrayCreate(100, BSunit) ; /****** look recusivelly for symbols *********/ class2symbol = keySetCreate () ; keySet (class2symbol, 256) = 0 ; for (nCh = keySetMax(chKS) ; nCh-- ;) if ((chrom = keySet(chKS, nCh)) && (Chrom = bsCreate(chrom))) { char *cls, *tg ; int cl ; KEY t ; if (bsFindTag (Chrom,_Symbol) && bsFlatten(Chrom, 2, loci)) for (iLocus = 0 ; iLocus < arrayMax(loci) - 1 ; iLocus += 2) { cls = arr(loci, iLocus, BSunit).s ; tg = arr(loci, iLocus + 1, BSunit).s ; if ((cl = pickWord2Class (cls)) && !keySet (class2symbol, cl) && lexword2key (tg, &t, _VSystem)) keySet (class2symbol, cl) = t ; } bsDestroy (Chrom) ; } i = 256 ; while (i--) if (!keySet (class2symbol, i)) keySet (class2symbol, i) = pickList [class(i)].symbol ; /*********************************************/ i = 0 ; for (nCh = keySetMax(chKS) ; nCh-- ;) if ((chrom = keySet(chKS, nCh)) && (Chrom = bsCreate(chrom))) { arrayMax(loci) = 0 ; if (bsFindTag (Chrom,_Contains) && bsFlatten(Chrom, 2, loci)) for (iLocus = 1 ; iLocus < arrayMax(loci) ; iLocus += 2) { locus = arr(loci, iLocus, BSunit).k ; if (!locus || (CALCULSTATUS & lexGetStatus(locus)) || !(Locus = bsCreate (locus))) continue ; symbolTag = keySet(class2symbol, class(locus)) ; x = 10000.0 ; dx = 0 ; if (bsFindKey (Locus, _Map, chrom) && bsPushObj(Locus) ) { ns1 = i ; if (bsGetData (Locus, _Position, _Float, &x)) { mark = bsMark(Locus,mark) ; if (bsPushObj(Locus)) { bsGetData (Locus, _Error, _Float, &dx) ; bsGoto(Locus, mark) ; } lexSetStatus(locus, CALCULSTATUS) ; seg = arrayp(segs,i++,SEG) ; seg->key = locus ; seg->x = x ; seg->dx = dx ; seg->flag = FLAG_ANY_LOCUS ; if (bsFindTag (Locus, _Well_ordered) || bsFindTag (Locus, _Main_Marker)) seg->flag |= FLAG_WELL_ORDERED ; if (x < xmin) xmin = x ; if(x > xmax) xmax = x ; } symbol = 0 ; if (symbolTag) bsGetKey(Locus, symbolTag, &symbol) ; if (bsGetData (Locus, _Multi_Position, _Float, &x)) do { mark = bsMark(Locus,mark) ; if (bsPushObj(Locus)) { bsGetData (Locus, _Error, _Float, &dx) ; bsGoto(Locus, mark) ; } lexSetStatus(locus, CALCULSTATUS) ; seg = arrayp(segs,i++,SEG) ; seg->key = locus ; if (symbol) seg->symbol = symbol ; else seg->symbol = locus ; seg->x = x ; seg->dx = dx ; seg->flag = FLAG_MULTIPLE_LOCUS ; if (x < xmin) xmin = x ; if(x > xmax) xmax = x ; bsGoto(Locus, 0) ; if (bsFindTag(Locus, _Main_Marker)) seg->flag |= FLAG_MARKER ; bsGoto(Locus, mark) ; } while (bsGetData(Locus, _bsDown, _Float, &x)) ; if (bsGetData (Locus, _Left, _Float, &x1) && bsGetData (Locus, _Right, _Float, &x2)) { lexSetStatus(locus, CALCULSTATUS) ; seg = arrayp(segs,i++,SEG) ; seg->key = locus ; seg->x = x1 ; seg->dx = x2 - x1 ; if (seg->dx < 0) seg->dx = -seg->dx ; seg->flag = FLAG_ANY_INTERVAL ; if (seg->flag >> 28) graphColor((seg->flag >> 28) + WHITE) ; if (x1 < xmin) xmin = x1 ; if(x2 > xmax) xmax = x2 ; } } bsGoto(Locus,0) ; if (i > ns1) { flag = 0 ; if (!bsFindTag (Locus, _Compound)) { if (bsFindTag (Locus, _Duplication)) flag |= FLAG_DUPLICATION ; if (bsFindTag (Locus, _Deletion)) flag |= FLAG_DEFICIENCY ; } if (bsFindTag (Locus,_Centromere)) flag |= FLAG_CENTROMERE ; if (bsFindTag (Locus,_Dark)) flag |= FLAG_DARK_BAND ; if (bsFindTag (Locus,_NOR)) flag |= FLAG_NOR ; if (bsFindTag (Locus,_Colour) && bsGetKeyTags(Locus, _bsRight, &col)) { flag |= FLAG_COLOUR ; flag |= ((col - _WHITE) & 15) << 28; } if (bsFindKey(Locus, _Main_Marker, chrom)) flag |= FLAG_MARKER ; if (symbolTag && bsGetKey(Locus, symbolTag, &symbol)) seg->symbol = symbol ; else seg->symbol = locus ; if (bsGetKey (Locus,_Positive_clone,&clone)) { seg->flag |= FLAG_CLONED ; seg = arrayp(segs,i++,SEG) ; seg->key = clone ; seg->x = x ; seg->dx = 0 ; seg->flag = 0 ; } for (; ns1 < i ; ns1++) array(segs,ns1,SEG).flag |= flag ; } bsDestroy (Locus) ; } bsDestroy (Chrom) ; } arrayDestroy(loci) ; keySetDestroy(chKS) ; keySetDestroy(class2symbol) ; vMapAddPhysGenes (segs) ; if (arrayMax(segs) && (Chrom = bsCreate(originalChrom))) { float xx1, xx2, centre = 0, width = 10.0 ; seg = arrayp(segs,arrayMax(segs),SEG) ; seg->key = _Centre ; seg->x = (xmax + xmin)/2.; seg->dx = (xmax - xmin)/3. ; if (bsGetData (Chrom, _Centre, _Float, ¢re)) { seg->x = centre ; if (bsGetData (Chrom, _bsRight, _Float, &width)) seg->dx = width ; } seg = arrayp(segs,arrayMax(segs),SEG) ; seg->key = _Extent ; seg->x = xmin ; seg->dx = xmax - xmin ; if (bsGetData (Chrom, _Extent, _Float, &xx1)) { seg->x = xx1 ; if (bsGetData (Chrom, _bsRight, _Float, &xx2)) seg->dx = xx2-xx1 ; } seg = arrayp(segs,arrayMax(segs),SEG) ; seg->key = _Int ; seg->x = -1000000 ; /* to avoid boxIndex == 0 */ arraySort (segs, vMapOrder) ; lexaddkey (name(originalChrom), &vMap, _VvMap) ; arrayStore (vMap, segs, segFormat) ; bsDestroy (Chrom) ; } else arrayDestroy(segs) ; if (vMap && lexiskeylocked(vMap)) lexunlock(vMap) ; return segs ; } /*********************************************************/ #define ZSEGDATA if (seg->flag & FLAG_ANY_INTERVAL) \ { z1 = seg->x ; z2 = seg->x + seg->dx ; } \ else \ if (showMarginal) \ { z1 = seg->x - seg->dx ; z2 = seg->x + seg->dx ; } \ else \ z1 = z2 = seg->x void vMapSelect (VerticalMap look, int box) { int i, j , k ; unsigned int mask ; float x1, x2, z1, z2 ; SEG *seg ; KEYSET neighbours, inside, outside ; KEYSET contains, nocontains, overlap, nooverlap, a ; KEY mainKey ; OBJ obj ; double dd = -12.60 ; float ff = -12.60, ee ; /* ee is an estimate of rounding errors when computing with float */ ee = ff - dd ; if (ee < 0) ee = -ee ; ee *= 4 ; if (box < 1 || box >= arrayMax(look->boxIndex) || !(i = arr(look->boxIndex, box, int)) || !(seg = arrp(look->segs, i, SEG)) || !(a = bsKeySet(seg->key))) { look->activeBox = 0 ; return ; } mainKey = seg->key ; look->activeBox = box ; if (seg->flag & FLAG_ANY_INTERVAL) { x1 = seg->x ; x2 = seg->x + seg->dx ; } else if (showMarginal) { x1 = seg->x - seg->dx ; x2 = seg->x + seg->dx ; } else { x1 = x2 = seg->x ; } mask = FLAG_STRESSED | FLAG_RELATED | FLAG_ANTI_RELATED | FLAG_ANTI_STRESSED ; mask = ~mask ; i = arrayMax(look->segs) ; seg = arrp(look->segs,0,SEG) - 1 ; while (seg++, i--) seg->flag &= mask ; neighbours = keySetCreate() ; for(i=0, j=0 ; iboxIndex) ; while(--i) { k = arr(look->boxIndex, i, int) ; if (!k) /* a control box */ continue ; seg = arrp(look->segs,k,SEG) ; if (keySetFind(neighbours, seg->key, &j)) seg->flag |= FLAG_RELATED ; /* x1-x2 are the extremities of the selected seg who contains... z1-z2 segs */ if (keySetFind(inside, seg->key, &j)) { ZSEGDATA ; if (x1 >= z1 - ee && x2 <= z2 + ee) seg->flag |= FLAG_RELATED ; else if (x1 > z2 + ee || x2 < z1 - ee) seg->flag |= FLAG_PROBLEM | FLAG_STRESSED ; else seg->flag |= FLAG_MARGINAL ; } if (keySetFind(outside, seg->key, &j)) { ZSEGDATA ; if (x1 >= z2 + ee || x2 <= z1 - ee) seg->flag |= FLAG_ANTI_RELATED ; else if (x1 > z1 + ee && x2 < z2 - ee) seg->flag |= FLAG_PROBLEM | FLAG_ANTI_STRESSED ; else seg->flag |= FLAG_MARGINAL ; } if (keySetFind(contains, seg->key, &j)) { ZSEGDATA ; if (x1 <= z1 + ee && x2 >= z2 - ee) seg->flag |= FLAG_RELATED ; else if (x1 > z2 + ee || x2 < z1 - ee) seg->flag |= FLAG_PROBLEM | FLAG_STRESSED ; else seg->flag |= FLAG_MARGINAL ; } if (keySetFind(nocontains, seg->key, &j)) { ZSEGDATA ; if (x1 > z2 - ee || x2 < z1 + ee) seg->flag |= FLAG_ANTI_RELATED ; else if (x1 <= z1 - ee && x2 >= z2 + ee) seg->flag |= FLAG_PROBLEM | FLAG_ANTI_STRESSED ; else seg->flag |= FLAG_MARGINAL ; } if (keySetFind(overlap, seg->key, &j)) { ZSEGDATA ; if ((x1 >= z1 - ee && x1 <= z2 + ee) || (x2 >= z1 - ee && x2 <= z2 + ee)) seg->flag |= FLAG_RELATED ; else seg->flag |= FLAG_PROBLEM | FLAG_STRESSED ; } if (keySetFind(nooverlap, seg->key, &j)) { ZSEGDATA ; if (x1 > z2 - ee || x2 < z1 + ee) seg->flag |= FLAG_ANTI_RELATED ; else seg->flag |= FLAG_PROBLEM | FLAG_ANTI_STRESSED ; } if(seg->key == mainKey) seg->flag |= FLAG_RELATED ; } keySetDestroy(neighbours) ; keySetDestroy(inside) ; keySetDestroy(outside) ; keySetDestroy(contains) ; keySetDestroy(nocontains) ; keySetDestroy(overlap) ; keySetDestroy(nooverlap) ; vMapReColor (look) ; if (class (mainKey) == _V2_point_data || class (mainKey) == _VMulti_pt_data) graphBoxDraw(look->activeBox, BLACK, YELLOW) ; else graphBoxDraw (look->activeBox, BLACK, CYAN) ; if (look->messageBox) { seg = arrp(look->segs, arr(look->boxIndex,box,int), SEG) ; if (class (seg->key) == _VMulti_pt_data) vMapReportMultiPt (look, seg) ; else if (class (seg->key) == _V2_point_data) vMapReport2pt (look, seg) ; else if (class (seg->key) == _VClone || class (seg->key) == _VContig) { strncpy (look->messageText, name (seg->key), 100) ; strcat (look->messageText, messprintf(" %.2f", seg->x)) ; if (class(seg->key) == _VContig) strcat (look->messageText, messprintf (" %.2f", seg->x + seg->dx)) ; } else if (class (seg->key) == _VLocus || class (seg->key) == _VInterval) { strncpy (look->messageText, name (seg->key), 100) ; strcat (look->messageText, messprintf(" %.2f", seg->x)) ; if (class(seg->key) == _VLocus) { if (seg->flag & FLAG_PHYS_GENE) strcat (look->messageText, messprintf (" interpolated")) ; else strcat (look->messageText, messprintf (" [%.2f]", seg->dx)) ; } else strcat (look->messageText, messprintf (" %.2f", seg->x + seg->dx)) ; } else { strncpy (look->messageText, name (seg->key), 100) ; strcat (look->messageText, messprintf(" %.2f %.2f", seg->x, seg->dx)) ; } graphBoxDraw (look->messageBox, BLACK, CYAN) ; } } static void vMapSearchProblems(VerticalMap look) { int i, j , k , k1 ; float x1, x2, z1, z2 ; SEG *seg ; KEYSET inside = 0 , outside = 0, contains = 0, a ; KEY mainKey ; OBJ obj ; messStatus("Searching Map Problems") ; k1 = arrayMax(look->segs) ; while(k1--) { seg = arrp(look->segs,k1,SEG) ; mainKey = seg->key ; if (seg->flag & FLAG_ANY_INTERVAL) { x1 = seg->x ; x2 = seg->x + seg->dx ; } else { x1 = seg->x - seg->dx ; x2 = seg->x + seg->dx ; } inside = keySetReCreate(inside) ; outside = keySetReCreate(outside) ; contains = keySetReCreate(contains) ; if ((obj = bsCreate(mainKey))) { a = arrayCreate(12, BSunit) ; if (bsFindTag(obj,_Inside) && bsFlatten(obj, 2, a)) { for (i=0; i < arrayMax(a) ; i+= 2 ) keySet(inside,i/2) = array(a,i+1,BSunit).k ; } arrayMax(a) = 0 ; if (bsFindTag(obj,_Contains) && bsFlatten(obj, 2, a)) { for (i=0; i < arrayMax(a) ; i+= 2 ) keySet(contains,i/2) = array(a,i+1,BSunit).k ; } arrayMax(a) = 0 ; if (bsFindTag(obj,_Outside) && bsFlatten(obj, 2, a)) { for (i=0; i < arrayMax(a) ; i+= 2 ) keySet(outside,i/2) = array(a,i+1,BSunit).k ; } arrayDestroy(a) ; bsDestroy(obj) ; } keySetSort(inside) ; keySetSort(outside) ; keySetSort(contains) ; k = arrayMax(look->segs) ; while(k--) { seg = arrp(look->segs,k,SEG) ; /* x1-x2 are the extremities of the selected seg who contains... z1-z2 segs */ if (keySetFind(inside, seg->key, &j)) { if (seg->flag & FLAG_ANY_INTERVAL) { z1 = seg->x ; z2 = seg->x + seg->dx ; } else { z1 = seg->x - seg->dx ; z2 = seg->x + seg->dx ; } if (x1 > z2 || x2 < z1) seg->flag |= FLAG_PROBLEM ; } if (keySetFind(contains, seg->key, &j)) { if (seg->flag & FLAG_ANY_INTERVAL) { z1 = seg->x ; z2 = seg->x + seg->dx ; } else { z1 = seg->x - seg->dx ; z2 = seg->x + seg->dx ; } if (x1 > z2 || x2 < z1) seg->flag |= FLAG_PROBLEM ; } if (keySetFind(outside, seg->key, &j)) { if (seg->flag & FLAG_ANY_INTERVAL) { z1 = seg->x ; z2 = seg->x + seg->dx ; } else { z1 = seg->x - seg->dx ; z2 = seg->x + seg->dx ; } if (x1 > z1 && x2 < z2) seg->flag |= FLAG_PROBLEM ; } } } keySetDestroy(contains) ; keySetDestroy(inside) ; keySetDestroy(outside) ; } /*****************************************************************************************/ static void vMapFollow (VerticalMap look, float x, float y) { SEG *seg = arrp(look->segs, arr(look->boxIndex,look->activeBox,int), SEG) ; if (class(seg->key) == _VContig) vMapToPMap (look, y) ; else { if (class(seg->key) == _VMap) display (seg->key, 0, 0) ; else if (strcmp(name(pickDisplayKey (seg->key)), "VMAP")) display (seg->key, look->key, 0) ; else display (seg->key, look->key, "TREE") ; } } /************* richard's public Save Map ************/ static void vMapSaveMap (void) { KEY map ; OBJ obj ; int i, oldMax ; int nLocus = 0, nInterval = 0, nContig = 0 ; SEG *seg ; float x ; VerticalMap look = currentVerticalMap("vMapSaveMap") ; if (!isWriteAccess()) { messout("Sorry, you do not have Write Access"); return ; } lexReClass (look->key, &map, _VMap) ; for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(look->segs) ; ++i) { seg = arrp(look->segs,i,SEG) ; if ( (seg->flag & FLAG_MOVED) && (obj = bsUpdate (seg->key)) ) { bsAddKey (obj, _Map, map) ; bsPushObj (obj) ; if (seg->flag & FLAG_ANY_INTERVAL) { bsAddData (obj, _Left, _Float, &seg->x) ; x = seg->x + seg->dx ; bsAddData (obj, _Right, _Float, &x) ; ++nInterval ; } else { bsAddData (obj, _Position, _Float, &seg->x) ; if (bsPushObj(obj)) bsAddData (obj, _Error, _Float, &seg->dx) ; ++nLocus ; } bsSave (obj) ; seg->flag &= ~FLAG_MOVED ; } } messout ("Saved map and %d loci, %d intervals, %d contigs", nLocus, nInterval, nContig) ; oldMax = arrayMax(look->segs) ; arrayMax(look->segs) = look->lastTrueSeg ; arrayStore (look->key, look->segs, segFormat) ; arrayMax(look->segs) = oldMax ; } /**************************************************************/ /********* Private Maps **************************************/ /* static void vMapSaveDetails(Array segs, KEY chromo) { int i = arrayMax(segs) , n = 0 ; SEG *seg = arrp(segs, 0, SEG) - 1 ; OBJ obj ; float x1, x2 ; while(seg++, i--) if (seg->flag & FLAG_MOVED) {if (obj = bsUpdate(seg->key)) { bsAddKey(obj, _Map, chromo) ; if (bsPushObj(obj)) if (seg->flag & FLAG_ANY_INTERVAL) { x1 = seg->x ; x2 = seg->x + seg->dx ; bsAddData(obj, _Left, _Float, &x1) ; bsAddData(obj, _Right, _Float, &x2) ; } else { x1 = seg->x ; x2 = seg->dx ; bsAddData(obj, _Position, _Float, &x1) ; if (bsPushObj(obj)) bsAddData(obj, _Error, _Float, &x2) ; } bsSave(obj) ; seg->flag &= ~FLAG_MOVED ; } else messout("Sorry %s is locked elsewhere", name(seg->key)) ; n++ ; } messout("I edited %d objects", n) ; } */ /* static void vMapSaveMapPrivate (void) { KEY key , oldCh , vMap ; char *cp , buffer[41] ; OBJ obj ; VerticalMap look = currentVerticalMap("vMapSaveMap") ; if(!isWriteAccess()) { messout("Sorry, you do not have Write Access"); return ; } if (!messPrompt ("Save as :",name(look->key),"t")) return ; strncpy(buffer, freeword(), 40) ; if (lexword2key(buffer, &key,_VMap) && !messQuery ("Overwrite existing map ?")) return ; lexaddkey(buffer, &key,_VMap) ; if (!key) return ; if (obj = bsCreate(key)) { if (!bsFindTag(obj, _Author) || // as in the official chromo bsGetData(obj, _Author, _Text, &cp) && strcmp(cp, thisSession.name)) { messout ("This chromo is not yours, save it under some other name, sorry") ; bsDestroy(obj) ; return ; } bsDestroy(obj) ; } lexReClass(look->key, &oldCh, _VMap) ; if (key != oldCh) { obj = bsUpdate(key) ; bsAddKey(obj, _Inherits_from, oldCh) ; bsAddData(obj, _Author, _Text, thisSession.name) ; bsSave(obj) ; } vMapSaveDetails(look->segs, key) ; lexaddkey(name(key), &vMap, _VvMap) ; if (!lexlock(vMap)) { messout ("Sorry, vMap %s is locked by someone else", name(vMap)) ; return ; } arrayStore (vMap,look->segs,segFormat) ; lexunlock (vMap) ; look->key = vMap ; } */ /***************************************************************/ static BOOL pMapToMyVMap (KEY contig, KEY from, int x) { KEY vMap, map ; OBJ obj ; SEG *seg ; float y1, y2, y ; int i, p1 = -1000000, p2 = 1000000, x1, x2 ; Array segs ; BOOL inContig = FALSE ; if (!(obj = bsCreate(contig))) { /* messout ("Can't open contig object") ; */ return FALSE ; } if (!bsGetKey (obj, _Map, &map) || !map) { bsDestroy (obj) ; /* messout ("This contig is not assigned to a chromosome") ; */ return FALSE ; } bsGetData (obj, _pMap, _Int, &p1) ; bsGetData (obj, _bsRight, _Int, &p2) ; bsDestroy (obj) ; /* next get the segs */ if (!lexReClass (map, &vMap, _VvMap) || !(segs = arrayGet (vMap, SEG, segFormat))) {/* messout ("Please recalculate the genetic map of %s", name(map)) ; */ return FALSE ; } if (from) /* look for it in the segs */ for (i = arrayMax(segs) ; i-- ;) if (arr(segs,i,SEG).key == from) { display (vMap, from, 0) ; arrayDestroy (segs) ; return TRUE ; } /* strategy: find 2 vMapped clones around or by x and interpolate */ for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(segs) ; ++i) { seg = arrp(segs, i, SEG) ; if (seg->key == contig) { inContig = TRUE ; y1 = seg->x ; y2 = seg->x + seg->dx ; } else if (inContig && seg->x > y1 && seg->x < y2 && class(seg->key) == _VClone && (obj = bsCreate(seg->key))) { if (bsFindKey (obj, _pMap, contig) && bsGetData (obj, _bsRight, _Int, &x1) && bsGetData (obj, _bsRight, _Int, &x2)) { x1 = 0.5 * (x1+x2) ; if (x1 < x) { y1 = seg->x ; p1 = x1 ; } else { y2 = seg->x ; p2 = x1 ; } } bsDestroy (obj) ; } } arrayDestroy (segs) ; if (!inContig || y1 < -999999 || y2 > 999999) { /* messout ("Sorry, I could not find two flanking markers") */ return FALSE ; } else { y = y1 + (y2 - y1) * (x - p1) / (p2 - p1) ; from = KEYMAKE(_VCalcul, 1000.0*(y + 1000.0)) ; display (vMap, from, 0) ; return TRUE ; } } void pMapToMyGMap (KEY contig, KEY from, int x) { extern void pMapToGMap (KEY contig, KEY from, int x); /* gmapsys.c */ if (!pMapToMyVMap (contig,from, x)) pMapToGMap (contig,from, x) ; } /***************************************************************/ /************* end of file ****************/