/* File: defcpt.c * Author: Ulrich Sauvage (ulrich@kaa.crbm.cnrs-mop.fr) * Copyright (C) J Thierry-Mieg and R Durbin, 1994 *------------------------------------------------------------------- * This file is part of the ACEDB genome database package, written by * Richard Durbin (MRC LMB, UK) rd@mrc-lmba.cam.ac.uk, and * Jean Thierry-Mieg (CRBM du CNRS, France) mieg@kaa.cnrs-mop.fr * * Description: * Exported functions: * HISTORY: * Last edited: Oct 9 10:16 2000 (edgrif) * * Oct 9 10:09 2000 (edgrif): Fleshed out Simons init change, its * also needed for Linux and in several routines not just defCptOpen() * srk static defCptOut initialized in defCptOpen() rather than file scope * srk return value for defCptDoJoinDiagonal * * Jul 24 14:19 1996 (ulrich) * * Apr 16 19:01 1996 (ulrich) * Created: Tue Aug 30 13:09:34 1994 (ulrich) * CVS info: $Id: defcpt.c,v 1.48 2000/10/09 10:37:09 edgrif Exp $ *------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* #define CHRONO #define ARRAY_CHECK #define MALLOC_CHECK */ #include #include #include #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC #include #include #include #endif /* !NON_GRAPHIC */ #include /* for tStatus */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /***************************************************************/ typedef struct { int g1, g2 ; } GENE_PAIR ; typedef struct { KEY key ; int tai ; } KEY_INT ; typedef struct { KEY gene, ch ; float p ; } GMAPST ; typedef struct { int marker, first ; float pos ; } SORT_DAT ; typedef struct { int marker, nn ; } intPair ; /***************************************************************/ static void defcptInit(void) ; static void defCptOrderBySubclones (DEFCPT look) ; static void lookArrayDestroy (DEFCPT look) ; static void uLocalDoDestroy (DEFCPT look) ; static void defCptRestart (DEFCPT look) ; #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC static void localDestroy (void) ; static void defcomputeDraw (DEFCPT look, char *text) ; static Graph myGraph = 0 ; #endif /* !NON_GRAPHIC */ /***************************************************************/ #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC #define DEFCPTGET(name) \ DEFCPT look ; \ if (!graphAssFind (&DEFCPTMAG, &look)) \ messcrash ("defcpt-graph not found in %s", name) ; \ if (look->magic != DEFCPTMAG) \ messcrash ("%s received a wrong defcpt-pointer", name) #endif /* !NON_GRAPHIC */ #define localDoDestroy(x) ((x) ? uLocalDoDestroy(x), x=0, TRUE : FALSE) #define TESCOLO \ if (!arrayExists(look->colOrder)) \ { int i = look->nd, *ip ; \ look->colOrder = arrayCreate(i, int) ; \ ip = arrayp(look->colOrder, i - 1, int) ; \ while(i--) \ *ip-- = i ; \ } #define TESLIN \ if (!arrayExists(look->linOrder)) \ { int i = look->nm, *ip ; \ look->linOrder = arrayCreate(i, int) ; \ ip = arrayp(look->linOrder, i - 1, int) ; \ while(i--) \ *ip-- = i ; \ } /***************************************************************/ static BOOL DEBUG = FALSE ; /* additional printouts */ static DEFCPT nonGraphicLook = 0 ; static DEFCPT myLook = 0 ; /* AAAGGGGGHHHHHHH, why repeat it...sigh....edgrif */ static int DEFCPTMAG = 727830152 ; /* repeated in blyDnaGet */ static int nmrid = 0 ; static Associator assDefLook = 0 ; static Stack diffaction = 0 ; static FILE *defCptOut = NULL ; static int nblook = 0 ; static FREEOPT mkaction[] = { { 44, "Ace.mbly"}, {'q', "Quit [] : Quits ace.mbly [and reports on file]"}, {'?', "? : List of commands"}, {'l', "Load -all | -active | name : Loads sequences, discarding previous set (ex: load a1*)"}, {'A', "add query : Adds in result of the query (ex: Add >?Clone; >Cloning_Vector)"}, {'n', "newSCF : Adds new_scf reads to current assembly"}, {'b', "Basecall : Replace external by acembly base call for tace-active set"}, {'g', "get n : get n oligos per sequence (ex: get 12, sort 90, assemble 8)"}, {'s', "sort d : sorts results of get to limit 50 : Align on wild type (i.e. on a reference sequence)"}, { 20, "Vector_Clipping [-f] : look for vector [-f forces reevaluation] in loaded or active set"}, {'C',"Clip_on [Excellent, Good, Fair, Tile, Consolidate] : Evaluates quality, {then move clips]"}, { 21, "Order_by_Size"}, { 22, "Order_by_Subclones"}, { 23, "Make_Subclones : Identify reads differing only by endding as from same subclone"}, { 13, "autoedit"}, /* 18, "TrainNN", */ {'R', "Rename name : Saves as name, destroy any previous sequence called name or name.#"}, {'S', "save_as [] : Saves as name, or by incrementing (ex: a5 --> saved as a6)"}, {1001, "cDNA_1 align est on all genomic sequences"}, {1002, "cDNA_2 align est on active genomic set"}, {1003, "cDNA_3 align est on one sequence"}, {1011, "cDNA_11 align est on all junctions of genonic sequences"}, {1012, "cDNA_12 align est on active set of junctions"}, {1013, "cDNA_13 align est on one junction"}, {1005, "cDNA_5 [-f file] [-alter] [-nonSliding] export confirmed introns"}, {1006, "cDNA_6 [-f file] export exon to search oligos"}, {1071, "cDNA_71 realign all transcribed_genes"}, {1073, "cDNA_73 realign active set of transcribed_genes"}, {1020, "cDNA_20 export active set in .bly format"}, {1031, "cDNA_31 allocate all cDNAs to best gene"}, {1032, "cDNA_32 allocate active cDNA to best gene"}, {1033, "cDNA_33 allocate one cDNA to best gene"}, {1200, "saucisse find most frequent words"}, {2001, "Align_1 align all reads on all reference sequences"}, {2002, "Align_2 align active reads on reference sequence"}, {2003, "Align_3 undefined yet"}, {'T', "tace [-f y] : execute tace commands until ^D"}, {'r', "Status: reports on memory usage"}, {16, "Report : Reports present length of contigs"}, {'B', "Statistics : number the differences between sequences and choosen consensus"} /* case 'v': key = dnaAlignDoMakeSuperLink (ksNew, 0) ; freeOut (messprintf ("\n// made Assembly %s\n", name (key))) ; break ; */ } ; /***************************************************************/ /* I have set this up for the stdin initialisation, I expect there will be */ /* other stuff. */ /* */ static void defcptInit(void) { static BOOL initialised = FALSE ; if (intialised == FALSE) { intialised = TRUE ; /* Note to Jean, where does all the stuff that goes to stdout go when */ /* the graphical version of this program is being run ?? */ if (!defCptOut) defCptOut = stdout ; } return ; } /***************************************************************/ static int mardefOrder(void *a,void *b) { return ((*(KEY*)a) & F_WHO) > ((*(KEY*)b) & F_WHO) ? 1 : ((*(KEY*)a) & F_WHO) == ((*(KEY*)b) & F_WHO) ? 0 : - 1 ; } /***************************************************************/ #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC static int intPairOrder(void *a, void *b) { return ((intPair *) a)->nn - ((intPair *) b)->nn ; } #endif /* !NON_GRAPHIC */ /***************************************************************/ #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC static Array defCptTranspMat(Array donnee) { Array result = 0 ; int *ip, i = arrayMax(donnee) ; result = arrayCreate(i, int) ; array(result, i - 1, int) = 0 ; ip = arrp(donnee, i - 1, int) + 1 ; while(ip--, i--) arr(result, *ip, int) = i ; return result ; } /* defCptTranspMat */ #endif /* !NON_GRAPHIC */ /***************************************************************/ #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC static void defTreeSortM(void) { KEYSET ksm, ksd ; KEY *keyp, *keyq ; int i, j, n, nm, k = 0, imax, jmax, kmax, *ip, who ; Array tm, newMarkers = 0, defOrder = 0 ; DEFCPTGET("defTreeSortM") ; tm = arrayCreate(look->nm, int) ; array(tm, look->nm - 1, int) = 0 ; defOrder = defCptTranspMat(look->colOrder) ; imax = look->nd ; ip = arrp(look->colOrder, 0, int) ; for (i = 0 ; i < imax ; ip++, i++) { ksm = arr(look->marInDef, *ip, KEYSET) ; jmax = keySetMax(ksm) ; keyp = arrp(ksm, 0, KEY) - 1 ; newMarkers = arrayReCreate(newMarkers, 32, intPair) ; nm = 0 ; while(keyp++, jmax--) { if ((*keyp & F_NO) || arr(tm, *keyp & F_WHO, int) || (*keyp & F_V_FLAG)) continue ; who = *keyp & F_WHO ; ksd = arr(look->defInMar, who, KEYSET) ; kmax = keySetMax(ksd) ; keyq = arrp(ksd, 0, KEY) - 1 ; n = 0 ; while(keyq++, kmax--) if (!(*keyq & F_NO) && (j = arr(defOrder, *keyq & F_WHO, int)) > i && !(*keyq & F_V_FLAG)) n += j - i ; /* on compte le poids des restant sur la ligne et non le nombre d'elements restant sur la ligne*/ arrayp(newMarkers, nm, intPair)->marker = who ; arrp(newMarkers, nm++, intPair)->nn = n ; arr(tm, who, int) = 1 ; } if (nm) arraySort(newMarkers, intPairOrder) ; for (j = 0 ; j < nm ; j++) arr(look->linOrder, k++, int) = arrp(newMarkers, j, intPair)->marker ; } /* add the last ones in */ ip = arrp(tm, 0, int) ; imax = look->nm ; for (i = 0 ; i < imax ; ip++, i++) if (!(*ip)) arr(look->linOrder, k++, int) = i ; arrayDestroy(tm) ; arrayDestroy(newMarkers) ; arrayDestroy(defOrder) ; look->mapStatus |= F_SOMAR ; look->mapStatus &= ~F_SHOWM ; defcomputeDraw (look, 0) ; } /* defTreeSortM */ #endif /* !NON_GRAPHIC */ /***************************************************************/ #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC static int defCptSortOrder(void *a, void *b) { int i ; i = (((SORT_DAT *)a)->pos > ((SORT_DAT *)b)->pos) ? 1 : 0 ; if (!i) i = (((SORT_DAT *)a)->pos < ((SORT_DAT *)b)->pos) ? -1 : 0 ; if (!i) i = (((SORT_DAT *)b)->first - ((SORT_DAT *)a)->first) ; /* ordre decroissant car on veut le premier d'abord */ return i ; /* was a)->pos in last test ??? */ } /* defCptSortOrder */ #endif /* !NON_GRAPHIC */ /***************************************************************/ #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC static void defCptSortMarkers(void) { KEYSET *ksmp ; KEY *keyp ; int i, j, n, nm, k, imin, imax, jmax, *ip, who ; Array tm, newMarkers = 0, defOrder = 0 ; DEFCPTGET("defCptSortMarkers") ; TESCOLO ; TESLIN ; tm = arrayCreate(look->nm, int) ; array(tm, look->nm - 1, int) = 0 ; defOrder = defCptTranspMat(look->colOrder) ; newMarkers = arrayCreate(look->nm, SORT_DAT) ; ksmp = arrp(look->defInMar, 0, KEYSET) ; imax = look->nm ; nm = 0 ; for (i = 0 ; i < imax ; ksmp++, i++) { if (keySet(*ksmp, 0) & F_V_FLAG) continue ; jmax = keySetMax(*ksmp) ; keyp = arrp(*ksmp, 0, KEY) - 1 ; n = 0 ; k = 0 ; imin = look->nd ; while(keyp++, jmax--) { if ((*keyp & F_NO) || (*keyp & F_V_FLAG)) continue ; who = *keyp & F_WHO ; j = arr(defOrder, who, int) ; n += j ; k++ ; if (j < imin) imin = j ; } if (k) { arrayp(newMarkers, nm, SORT_DAT)->marker = i ; arrp(newMarkers, nm, SORT_DAT)->first = imin ; arrp(newMarkers, nm++, SORT_DAT)->pos = n / k ; arr(tm, i, int) = 1 ; } } if (nm) arraySort(newMarkers, defCptSortOrder) ; k = 0 ; for (j = 0 ; j < nm ; j++) arr(look->linOrder, k++, int) = arrp(newMarkers, j, SORT_DAT)->marker ; /* add the last ones in */ ip = arrp(tm, 0, int) ; imax = look->nm ; for (i = 0 ; i < imax ; ip++, i++) if (!(*ip)) arr(look->linOrder, k++, int) = i ; arrayDestroy(tm) ; arrayDestroy(newMarkers) ; arrayDestroy(defOrder) ; look->mapStatus |= F_SOMAR ; look->mapStatus &= ~F_SHOWM ; defcomputeDraw (look, 0) ; } /* defCptSortMarkers */ #endif /* !NON_GRAPHIC */ /***************************************************************/ #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC static int defCptWhoSup(Array donnee, Array result) { KEYSET *ksp ; int i, cc = 0 ; char *cp ; i = arrayMax(donnee) ; array(result, i - 1, char) = 0 ; cp = arrp(result, i - 1, char) + 1 ; ksp = arrp(donnee, i - 1, KEYSET) + 1 ; while(ksp--, cp--, i--) { if (keySetMax(*ksp)) { if (keySet(*ksp, 0) & (((unsigned int)248) << 24)) /* flag autre que F_ZERO */ { cc++ ; *cp = 1 ; } } else /* pas de marqueurs pour la def */ { cc++ ; *cp = 1 ; } } return cc ; } /* defCptWhoSup */ #endif /* !NON_GRAPHIC */ /***************************************************************/ #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC static int dupCostYes(DEFCPT look) { int cost = - look->nd, i, imax, j, *ip, who, costmax = look->nd ; Array inter = 0, defSup = 0, marSup = 0 ; KEYSET *ksp ; KEY *keyp ; char *cp ; defSup = arrayCreate(look->nd, char) ; cost += defCptWhoSup(look->defInMar, defSup) ; marSup = arrayCreate(look->nm, char) ; defCptWhoSup(look->marInDef, marSup) ; inter = arrayCreate(look->nd, char) ; array(inter, look->nd, char) = 0 ; imax = look->nm ; ip = arrp(look->linOrder, 0, int) - 1 ; while(ip++, imax--) { if (arr(defSup, *ip, char)) { costmax-- ; continue ; } ksp = arrp(look->defInMar, *ip, KEYSET) ; j = keySetMax(*ksp) ; keyp = arrp(*ksp, 0, KEY) ; who = *keyp & F_WHO ; for (i = 0 ; i < look->nd ; i++) { if (i == who) { if (arr(marSup, who, char)) continue ; if (*keyp & F_NO) { if (arr(inter, who, char)) { cost += 2 ; /* pour que les inconnues comptent comme 1/2 dans le cost */ arr(inter, who, char) = 0 ; } } else /* F_YES */ arr(inter, who, char) = 1 ; if (--j) { keyp++ ; who = *keyp & F_WHO ; } } else if (arr(inter, i, char) && !arr(marSup, i, char)) { cost++ ; /* inco donc 1/2 */ arr(inter, i, char) = 0 ; } } } i = look->nd ; cp = arrp(inter, 0, char) ; while(i--) if (*cp++) cost +=2 ; arrayDestroy(defSup) ; arrayDestroy(marSup) ; arrayDestroy(inter) ; return (50 * cost) / costmax ; /* le cost est le % de trou dans chaque def */ } /* dupCostYes */ #endif /* !NON_GRAPHIC */ /***************************************************************/ #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC static int dupCostNo(DEFCPT look) { int cost = - look->nd, i, imax, j, *ip, who, costmax = look->nd ; Array inter = 0, defSup = 0, marSup = 0 ; KEYSET *ksp ; KEY *keyp ; char *cp ; defSup = arrayCreate(look->nd, char) ; cost += defCptWhoSup(look->defInMar, defSup) ; marSup = arrayCreate(look->nm, char) ; defCptWhoSup(look->marInDef, marSup) ; inter = arrayCreate(look->nd, char) ; array(inter, look->nd - 1, char) = 0 ; imax = look->nm ; ip = arrp(look->linOrder, 0, int) - 1 ; while(ip++, imax--) { if (arr(defSup, *ip, char)) { costmax-- ; continue ; } ksp = arrp(look->defInMar, *ip, KEYSET) ; j = keySetMax(*ksp) ; keyp = arrp(*ksp, 0, KEY) - 1 ; while(keyp++, j--) { who = *keyp & F_WHO ; if (arr(marSup, who, char)) continue ; if (*keyp & F_NO) { if (arr(inter, who, char)) { cost++ ; arr(inter, who, char) = 0 ; } } else /* F_YES */ arr(inter, who, char) = 1 ; } } i = look->nd ; cp = arrp(inter, 0, char) ; while(i--) if (*cp++) cost++ ; arrayDestroy(defSup) ; arrayDestroy(marSup) ; arrayDestroy(inter) ; return (100 * cost) / costmax ; } /* dupCostNo */ #endif /* !NON_GRAPHIC */ /***************************************************************/ #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC static int dupCostED(DEFCPT look) { int cost = - look->nm, imax, j, *ip, who, costmax = look->nm ; Array inter = 0, defSup = 0, marSup = 0 ; KEYSET *ksp ; KEY *keyp ; defSup = arrayCreate(look->nd, char) ; defCptWhoSup(look->defInMar, defSup) ; marSup = arrayCreate(look->nm, char) ; cost += defCptWhoSup(look->marInDef, marSup) ; inter = arrayCreate(look->nm, char) ; array(inter, look->nm - 1, char) = 0 ; imax = look->nd ; ip = arrp(look->colOrder, 0, int) - 1 ; while(ip++, imax--) { if (arr(marSup, *ip, char)) { costmax-- ; continue ; } ksp = arrp(look->marInDef, *ip, KEYSET) ; j = keySetMax(*ksp) ; keyp = arrp(*ksp, 0, KEY) - 1 ; while(keyp++, j--) { who = *keyp & F_WHO ; if (arr(defSup, who, char)) continue ; if ((*keyp & F_PERE) && !arr(inter, who, char)) { cost++ ; arr(inter, who, char) = 1 ; } else if ((*keyp & F_MERE) && arr(inter, who, char)) { cost++ ; arr(inter, who, char) = 0 ; } } } arrayDestroy(defSup) ; arrayDestroy(marSup) ; arrayDestroy(inter) ; return (100 * cost) / costmax ; } /* dupCostED */ #endif /* !NON_GRAPHIC */ /***************************************************************/ /* attention : Pour le moment on ne tient pas compte des brokenLink (sur les paires que l'on sait assemblees) et une def ne contenant que des NO (rare ?) compte pour cost -1 et non pas 0 */ #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC static int dupCost(DEFCPT look) { if (look->method == M_EDWARD) return dupCostED(look) ; if (!(look->whatDis & F_E_YN) || (look->whatDis & 1)) return dupCostYes(look) ; /* only YES data or unknown outside */ return dupCostNo(look) ; } /* dupCost */ #endif /* !NON_GRAPHIC */ /***************************************************************/ #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC static MENUOPT defMapGraphMenu[] = { { graphDestroy, "Quit"}, { help, "Help"}, { graphPrint, "Print"}, { NULL, NULL }} ; /***************************************************************/ static void defMapDisplay(void) { BUMP bp = bumpCreate(100, 0) ; int i, j, imax, line = 4, *ip, cost ; char *cp ; int x1 ; float y1 ; KEYSET *ksp ; KEY *keyp, kludge ; Array defOrder = 0, marOrder = 0 ; DEFCPTGET("defMapDisplay") ; messStatus("please wait for Display") ; TESCOLO ; TESLIN ; if (look->method == M_FINGPR) /* Finger Print ; dessin du gel */ { fpClearDisplay() ; i = arrayMax(look->colOrder) ; ip = arrp(look->colOrder, 0, int) - 1 ; while(ip++, i--) fpDisplay(keySet(look->def, *ip)) ; } defOrder = defCptTranspMat(look->colOrder) ; if (!(look->method == M_EDWARD) && !(look->mapStatus & F_SOMAR)) defCptSortMarkers() ; marOrder = defCptTranspMat(look->linOrder) ; if (graphActivate(look->defMapGraph)) graphPop() ; else { look->defMapGraph = graphCreate(TEXT_FULL_SCROLL, "Interval/Locus Map", 0.0,0.25,0.4,0.65) ; graphMenu(defMapGraphMenu) ; graphHelp("Deficiency_map") ; } graphClear() ; if (look->selectedMap) graphText(messprintf("Map : %s", name(look->selectedMap)), 1., .2) ; cost = dupCost(look) ; graphText(messprintf("Cost : %d", cost), 1, 1) ; imax = look->nd ; ip = arrp(look->colOrder, 0, int) ; for (i = 0 ; i < imax ; ip++, i++) { cp = name(keySet(look->def, *ip)) ; x1 = 0 ; y1 = 2 * i ; bumpItem(bp, 1, strlen(cp) + 2.0, &x1, &y1) ; graphText(cp, 2 * i + 4, line + x1) ; } line += bumpMax(bp) ; graphBoxStart() ; line += 2 ; imax = look->nm ; x1 = look->nd ; ip = arrp(look->linOrder, 0, int) ; for (i = 0 ; i < imax ; ip++, i++) { if (class(keySet(look->mar, *ip))) graphText(name(keySet(look->mar, *ip)), 2 * x1 + 8, i + line) ; else if (look->method == M_ASSEMB) graphText(dnaAlignDecodeOligo(keySet(look->mar, *ip)), 2 * x1 + 8, i + line) ; } i = look->nd ; /* dessin */ ip = arrp(defOrder, 0, int) - 1 ; ksp = arrp(look->marInDef, 0, KEYSET) - 1 ; while(ip++, ksp++, i--) { j = keySetMax(*ksp) ; keyp = arrp(*ksp, 0, KEY) - 1 ; if (keySet(*ksp, 0) & F_V_FLAG) kludge = 1 ; else kludge = 0 ; while(keyp++, j--) { x1 = arr(marOrder, *keyp & F_WHO, int) ; switch((*keyp & F_FLAG) | kludge) { case 0: case F_YES: graphText("#", 2 *(*ip) + 4, line + .2 + x1) ; break ; case F_NO: if ((look->whatDis & 7) != 1) graphText("-", 2 *(*ip) + 4, line + x1) ; break ; default: switch(*keyp & F_PEME) { case 0: case F_YES: graphText("+", 2 *(*ip) + 4, line - .1 + x1) ; break ; case F_NO: if ((look->whatDis & 7) != 1) graphText("_", 2 *(*ip) + 4, line - .2 + x1) ; break ; } break ; } } } graphBoxEnd() ; look->mapStatus |= F_SHOWM ; bumpDestroy(bp) ; arrayDestroy(defOrder) ; arrayDestroy(marOrder) ; graphTextBounds(2 * look->nd + 48, look->nm + line + 5) ; graphRedraw() ; defcomputeDraw (look, 0) ; } #endif /* !NON_GRAPHIC */ /***************************************************************/ #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC static void defCptHisto(char *text1, char *text2) { Array h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, defOrder ; int i, j, k, n, max, *ip ; KEYSET *ksp ; KEY *keyp ; DEFCPTGET("defCptHisto") ; i = look->nd ; /* Histo des nombres de marqueurs par def */ h1 = arrayCreate(i, int) ; h3 = arrayCreate(15, int) ; /* Histo des nombres de def par nombre de marqueur qu'ils contiennent */ ip = arrayp(h1, i - 1, int) ; ksp = arrp(look->marInDef, i - 1, KEYSET) + 1 ; while(ksp--, i--) { j = keySetMax(*ksp) ; k = 0 ; keyp = arrp(*ksp, 0, KEY) - 1 ; while(keyp++, j--) if (!(*keyp & F_NO)) k++ ; *ip-- = k ; array(h3, k, int)++ ; } i = look->nm ; /* Histo des nombres de defs par marqueur */ h2 = arrayCreate(i, int) ; ip = arrayp(h2, i - 1, int) ; ksp = arrp(look->defInMar, i - 1, KEYSET) + 1 ; while(ksp--, i--) { j = keySetMax(*ksp) ; k = 0 ; keyp = arrp(*ksp, 0, KEY) - 1 ; while(keyp++, j--) if (!(*keyp & F_NO)) k++ ; *ip-- = k ; } TESCOLO ; h4 = arrayCreate(25, int) ; h5 = arrayCreate(25, int) ; defOrder = defCptTranspMat(look->colOrder) ; i = look->nm ; ksp = arrp(look->defInMar, 0, KEYSET) - 1 ; while(ksp++, i--) { k = look->nd ; max = - 1 ; j = keySetMax(*ksp) ; keyp = arrp(*ksp, j - 1, KEY) + 1 ; while(keyp--, j--) { if (!(*keyp & F_NO)) { if ((n = arr(defOrder, *keyp & F_WHO, int)) < k) k = n ; if (n > max) max = n ; } } array(h4, max - k, int)++ ; j = keySetMax(*ksp) ; while(keyp++, j--) if (!(*keyp & F_NO)) array(h5, arr(defOrder, *keyp & F_WHO, int) - k, int)++ ; } arrayDestroy(defOrder) ; plotHisto(messprintf("Number of %s per %s", text2, text1), h1) ; plotHisto(messprintf("Number of %s per %s", text1, text2), h2) ; plotHisto(messprintf("Number of %s per number of %s inside", text1, text2), h3) ; plotHisto(messprintf("Number of %s per interval between first & last %s", text2, text1), h4) ; plotHisto(messprintf("Number of %s at x %s from their first appearance", text2, text1), h5) ; look->mapStatus |= F_HIST ; defcomputeDraw (look, 0) ; /* note that h1, h2, h3, h4, and h5 will be destroyed later by plotHisto */ } /***************************************************************/ static void defCptRmHisto(void) { DEFCPTGET("defCptRmHisto") ; plotHistoRemove() ; look->mapStatus &= ~F_HIST ; defcomputeDraw (look, 0) ; } #endif /* !NON_GRAPHIC */ /***************************************************************/ /******************* Filter Functions ********************/ /***************************************************************/ #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC static int myArrayOrder(void *a, void *b) { return *(int *)a - *(int *)b ; } #endif /* !NON_GRAPHIC */ /***************************************************************/ #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC #define myabs(__x) ((__x) < 0 ? (-(__x)) : (__x)) static void defCptDoSuppChim(DEFCPT look) { KEYSET *ksp, *ksq, ks = 0 ; KEY *keyp, *keyq ; int i, j, k, n, m, max = look->nd, max2, nb = 0, *ip ; Array h1, h2, defOrder ; h1 = arrayCreate(look->nd, int) ; h2 = arrayCreate(look->nd, int) ; array(h2, look->nd - 1, int) = 0 ; defOrder = defCptTranspMat(look->colOrder) ; ksp = arrp(look->marInDef, 0, KEYSET) ; for (i = 0 ; i < look->nd ; ksp++, i++) { j = keySetMax(*ksp) ; keyp = arrp(*ksp, 0, KEY) - 1 ; k = 0 ; ks = keySetReCreate(ks) ; while(keyp++, j--) { ksq = arrp(look->defInMar, *keyp & F_WHO, KEYSET) ; n = keySetMax(*ksq) ; keyq = arrp(*ksq, 0, KEY) - 1 ; while(keyq++, n--) keySet(ks, k++) = *keyq & F_WHO ; } keySetSort(ks) ; keySetCompress(ks) ; m = k = keySetMax(ks) ; j = 0 ; keyq = arrp(ks, 0, KEY) - 1 ; while(keyq++, k--) { if ((n = myabs(arr(defOrder, i, int) - arr(defOrder, *keyq, int))) > 20) array(h1, n, int)++ ; j += n ; } arr(h2, i, int) = j / m ; } arraySort(h2, myArrayOrder) ; plotHisto("nouveau", h1) ; plotHisto("nouveau - bis", h2) ; arrayDestroy(defOrder) ; if (look->manEntry) { ACEIN limit_in; if ((limit_in = messPrompt("Limit Value", "", "i", 0))) { aceInInt(limit_in, &max2); aceInDestroy (limit_in); if (max2 < max && max2 > 10) max = max2 ; } } else max = look->dlimit ; ip = arrp(h2, 0, int) - 1 ; i = look->nd ; ksp = arrp(look->marInDef, 0, KEYSET) - 1 ; while(ip++, ksp++, i--) if (*ip >= max) { nb++ ; keySet(*ksp, 0) |= F_NON_DIAG ; } if (diffaction) catText(diffaction, messprintf("filter %d // -> supp %d seq\n", max, nb)) ; look->mapStatus = 1 ; look->mapStatus |= F_HIST ; arrayDestroy(h1) ; arrayDestroy(h2) ; defcomputeDraw (look, messprintf("I suppress %d sequences", nb)) ; } #endif /* !NON_GRAPHIC */ #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC static void defCptSuppChim(void) { DEFCPTGET ("") ; defCptDoSuppChim(look) ; } #endif /* !NON_GRAPHIC */ /***************************************************************/ #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC static void defCptSupOneFlag(DEFCPT look, KEY flag) { int i, j ; KEYSET *ksp ; KEY unflag = ~flag, *keyp ; i = look->nd ; ksp = arrp(look->marInDef, 0, KEYSET) - 1 ; while(ksp++, i--) keySet(*ksp, 0) &= unflag ; i = look->nm ; ksp = arrp(look->defInMar, 0, KEYSET) - 1 ; while(ksp++, i--) { keySet(*ksp, 0) &= unflag ; if ((look->whatDis & F_E_TFLAG) && (flag & F_NON_DIAG)) { j = keySetMax(*ksp) - 1 ; keyp = arrp(*ksp, 0, KEY) ; while(keyp++, j--) *keyp &= unflag ; } } if ((look->whatDis & F_E_TFLAG) && (flag & F_NON_DIAG)) look->whatDis &= ~F_E_TFLAG ; look->mapStatus &= ~(F_SHOWM | F_SORT | F_SOMAR) ; defcomputeDraw (look, 0) ; } /* defCptSupOneFlag */ #endif /* !NON_GRAPHIC */ /***************************************************************/ #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC static void defCptSupSing(void) { int i ; KEYSET *ksp ; DEFCPTGET("defCptSupSing") ; i = look->nd ; ksp = arrp(look->marInDef, 0, KEYSET) - 1 ; while(ksp++, i--) if (keySetMax(*ksp) < 2) keySet(*ksp, 0) |= F_SINGLE ; look->whatDis |= F_E_ZFLAG ; look->mapStatus &= ~(F_SHOWM | F_SORT | F_SOMAR) ; defcomputeDraw (look, 0) ; } /* defCptSupSing */ #endif /* !NON_GRAPHIC */ /***************************************************************/ #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC static void defTreeSupr(void) { static float xx = .95 ; float x1 ; int i,j, nn = 0 , n , n0 = 0 ; Array nb = 0 ; double my , cur, cumul, u0 ; KEYSET *ksp ; KEY *keyp ; ACEIN level_in; DEFCPTGET("defTreeSupr") ; if (!(level_in = messPrompt ("Confidence Level (.5 ... 1)", messprintf("%f",xx), "f", 0))) return ; aceInFloat (level_in, &x1); aceInDestroy (level_in); if (x1 > 1 || x1 < .5 ) { messout("Please, choose a value (%f) between 0.5 and 1", x1) ; return ; } nb = arrayCreate(look->nm, int) ; xx = x1 ; i = look->nm ; /* compte les def par marqueur */ ksp = arrp(look->defInMar, 0, KEYSET) - 1 ; while(ksp++, i--) { n = 0 ; j = keySetMax(*ksp) ; keyp = arrp(*ksp, 0, KEY) ; if (*keyp & F_SUP_OVER) *keyp &= ~F_SUP_OVER ; while (j--) if (!(*keyp++ & F_NO)) n++, nn++ ; array(nb, i, int) = n ; } my = nn / (double)look->nm ; cumul = u0 = exp(-my) ; cur = 1 ; while(cumul < xx) { cur = cur * my / ++n0 ; cumul += cur * u0 ; } i = look->nm ; /* compte les def par marqueur */ while(i--) if (arr(nb, i, int) > n0) keySet(arr(look->defInMar, i, KEYSET), 0) |= F_SUP_OVER ; arrayDestroy(nb) ; look->whatDis |= F_E_ZFLAG ; look->mapStatus &= ~(F_SHOWM | F_SORT | F_SOMAR) ; defcomputeDraw (look, 0) ; } /* defTreeSupr */ #endif /* !NON_GRAPHIC */ /***************************************************************/ #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC static void defTreeNonDiag(void) { int i, j = 0, min, nmax ; Array defOrder ; KEYSET *ksp ; KEY *keyp ; ACEIN width_in; DEFCPTGET("non diag") ; if (!(width_in = messPrompt ("Please, choose a width", messprintf("%i",j), "i", 0))) return ; aceInInt(width_in, &nmax) ; aceInDestroy (width_in); TESCOLO ; defOrder = defCptTranspMat(look->colOrder) ; i = look->nm ; ksp = arrp(look->defInMar, 0, KEYSET) - 1 ; while(ksp++, i--) { j = keySetMax(*ksp) ; keyp = arrp(*ksp, 0, KEY) - 1 ; min = look->nd ; while(keyp++, j--) { if (*keyp & F_NON_DIAG) *keyp &= ~F_NON_DIAG ; if (!(*keyp & F_NO) && arr(defOrder, *keyp & F_WHO, int) < min) min = arr(defOrder, *keyp & F_WHO, int) ; } j = keySetMax(*ksp) ; while(keyp--, j--) if (!(*keyp & F_NO) && (arr(defOrder, *keyp & F_WHO, int) >= min + nmax)) *keyp |= F_NON_DIAG ; } look->whatDis |= F_E_TFLAG ; look->mapStatus &= ~(F_SHOWM | F_SORT | F_SOMAR) ; defcomputeDraw (look, 0) ; } /* defTreeNonDiag */ #endif /* !NON_GRAPHIC */ /***************************************************************/ #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC static void defSupFlag(void) { DEFCPTGET ("defSupFlag") ; if (look->whatDis & F_E_FLAG) { defCptSupOneFlag(look, F_V_FLAG) ; look->whatDis &= ~F_E_FLAG ; look->mapStatus &= ~(F_SHOWM | F_SORT | F_SOMAR) ; } defcomputeDraw (look, 0) ; } /* defSupFlag */ #endif /* !NON_GRAPHIC */ /***************************************************************/ /************************** Divers ***********************/ /***************************************************************/ #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC static int gmapOrder(void *a, void *b) { float x ; x = ((GMAPST *) a)->p - ((GMAPST *) b)->p ; return x < 0 ? - 1 : (x == 0 ? 0 : 1) ; } /* gmapOrder */ #endif /* !NON_GRAPHIC */ /***************************************************************/ #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC static void defCptMapStan(DEFCPT look) { Array gmapOrdered ; int i, j, *ip ; GMAPST *gmsp ; gmapOrdered = arrayCopy(look->gmap) ; arraySort(gmapOrdered, gmapOrder) ; i = look->nm ; look->linOrder = arrayCreate(i, int) ; gmsp = arrp(gmapOrdered, i - 1, GMAPST) + 1 ; ip = arrayp(look->linOrder, i - 1, int) ; while(gmsp--, i--) { if (keySetFind(look->mar, gmsp->gene, &j)) *ip-- = j ; else messcrash("defCptMapStan, gene : %s", name(gmsp->gene)) ; } arrayDestroy(gmapOrdered) ; } /* defCptMapStan */ #endif /* !NON_GRAPHIC */ /***************************************************************/ #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC static void defCptGetPos(DEFCPT look) { int i = arrayMax(look->mar) ; float p ; OBJ obj ; GMAPST *gmsp ; KEY *keyp ; look->gmap = arrayCreate(i, GMAPST) ; gmsp = arrayp(look->gmap, i - 1, GMAPST) + 1 ; keyp = arrp(look->mar, i - 1, KEY) + 1 ; while(gmsp--, keyp--, i--) { gmsp->gene = *keyp ; obj = bsCreate(*keyp) ; if (obj) { if (bsFindKey(obj, _Map, look->selectedMap)) { gmsp->ch = look->selectedMap ; bsPushObj(obj) ; if (bsGetData(obj, _Position, _Float, &p)) gmsp->p = p ; } bsDestroy(obj) ; } } if (look->nm) defCptMapStan(look) ; } #endif /* !NON_GRAPHIC */ /***************************************************************/ static int defCptDoTree(DEFCPT look) { float lambda, mu ; TREE_DEF *seg ; int i ; if (!look->def || keySetMax (look->def) < 2) { fprintf (defCptOut, " // Nothing to sort") ; return 0 ; } arrayDestroy (look->colOrder) ; arrayDestroy (look->linOrder) ; TESCOLO ; TESLIN ; if (arrayExists(look->maillon)) { i = arrayMax(look->maillon) ; seg = arrp(look->maillon, i - 1, TREE_DEF) + 1 ; while(seg--, i--) { keySetDestroy(seg->ks) ; keySetDestroy(seg->x) ; } } arrayDestroy(look->maillon) ; if (look->manEntry) { freeforcecard(look->distance) ; freefloat(&lambda) ; if (lambda > 1 || lambda <= 0) { ACEIN limit_in; messout("Please, choose a distance limit value (%f) between 0 and 1", lambda) ; ici: if (!(limit_in = messPrompt("distance limit (0 ... 1)", messprintf("%f", lambda), "f", 0))) return 0 ; aceInFloat(limit_in, &mu) ; aceInDestroy (limit_in); if (mu > 1 || mu <= 0) { messout("Please, choose a value (%f) between 0 and 1", mu) ; goto ici ; } lambda = mu ; sprintf(look->distance, "%f", lambda) ; } look->dlimit = (int)(100 * lambda) ; } messStatus("I Sort the data") ; if ((i = intCptTree(look))) { look->mapStatus |= (F_SORT | 3) ; if (look->maillon && arrayMax(look->maillon)) look->mapStatus &= ~F_ASSSEG ; else arrayDestroy(look->maillon) ; look->mapStatus &= ~(F_SHOWM | F_SOMAR) ; if (diffaction) catText(diffaction, messprintf("sort %d // -> Find %d seg ; %s\n", look->dlimit, i, timeShow(timeNow()))) ; } else { if (look->display) messout("no distances < max") ; look->mapStatus = ((look->mapStatus & ~F_BOUT) | 6) ; } #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC defcomputeDraw (look, messprintf("I find %d segment", i)) ; #endif /* !NON_GRAPHIC */ return i ; } /***************************************************************/ #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC static void defCptTree(void) { DEFCPTGET("defCptTree") ; defCptDoTree(look) ; } /* defCptTree */ #endif /* !NON_GRAPHIC */ /***************************************************************/ #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC static void defCptTreatUnk(void) { int i, j ; char buf[140] ; ACEIN mode_in; DEFCPTGET("defCptTreatUnk") ; j = look->whatDis & F_UNK_T ; sprintf(buf, "How do you want to consider unknown datas ?\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s", "unconsidered (0)", "outside (1)", "1/2 outside (2)", "1/2 in - 1/2 outside (3)", "proportionally (4)") ; if (!(mode_in = messPrompt(buf, messprintf("%i", j), "i", 0))) return ; aceInInt(mode_in, &i) ; aceInDestroy (mode_in); if (i > 4 || i < 0) { messout("You are entering a bad value. Try again") ; return ; } look->whatDis &= ~F_UNK_T ; look->whatDis |= i ; look->mapStatus &= ~(F_SORT | F_SOMAR) ; defcomputeDraw (look, 0) ; } /* defCptTreatUnk */ #endif /* !NON_GRAPHIC */ /***************************************************************/ /******************** Ace - mbly **********************/ /***************************************************************/ #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC void defCptAddSeqIn(KEY link, KEY key) { DEFCPT look = defCptGetLook (link) ; defcptInit() ; dnaAlignAddSeqIn(look, key) ; return ; } #endif /* !NON_GRAPHIC */ /***************************************************************/ /******************** Def - Dup *********************/ /***************************************************************/ #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC static void defDatum(KEY gene, Array cc, KEYSET dd) { OBJ obj = bsCreate(gene) ; int i, n = arrayMax(cc), dummy ; KEY def ; LINK *ca ; Array aa = 0 ; if(!obj) return ; aa = arrayReCreate(aa, 30, BSunit) ; if( bsFindTag(obj, _Inside) && bsFlatten(obj, 2, aa)) for (i = 1 ; i < arrayMax(aa) ; i += 2) if (def = arr(aa, i, BSunit).k, keySetFind(dd, def, &dummy)) { ca = arrayp(cc, n++, LINK) ; ca->a = def ; ca->b = gene ; ca->type = F_YES ; ca->group = 0 ; } bsGoto(obj, 0) ; arrayMax(aa) = 0 ; if( bsFindTag(obj,_Outside) && bsFlatten(obj, 2, aa)) for (i = 1 ; i < arrayMax(aa) ; i += 2) if (def = arr(aa, i, BSunit).k, keySetFind(dd, def, &dummy)) { ca = arrayp(cc, n++, LINK) ; ca->a = def ; ca->b = gene ; ca->type = F_NO ; ca->group = 0 ; } bsDestroy(obj) ; arrayDestroy(aa) ; } /* defDatum */ #endif /* !NON_GRAPHIC */ /***************************************************************/ #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC static BOOL defCptDoParseDB(DEFCPT look, KEYSET map2def, char *cp) { Array cc = 0, aa, histo, vertex ; LINK *c ; int n, box , line = 15, i, iLocus ; KEY map, locus ; OBJ Map , Locus ; KEYSET map2genes = 0, defs, genes ; if (map2def) map2genes = query(map2def, ">STS") ; else if (!lexword2key(cp, &map, _VMap) || !(Map = bsCreate(map))) { messout ("Unknown map, I can t proceed") ; return FALSE ; } else { map2genes = keySetCreate() ; map2def = keySetCreate() ; look->selectedMap = map ; aa = arrayCreate(100, BSunit) ; if (bsFindTag (Map, _Contains)) bsFlatten(Map, 2, aa) ; for (iLocus = 1 ; iLocus < arrayMax(aa) ; iLocus += 2) { locus = arr(aa, iLocus, BSunit).k ; if ((Locus = bsCreate(locus))) { if (bsFindKey(Locus, _Map, map) && bsPushObj(Locus)) { if (bsFindTag(Locus, _Position)) keySet(map2genes, keySetMax(map2genes)) = locus ; else if (bsFindTag(Locus, _Left)) keySet(map2def, keySetMax(map2def)) = locus ; } bsDestroy(Locus) ; } } arrayDestroy(aa) ; } keySetSort(map2genes) ; keySetCompress(map2genes) ; keySetSort(map2def) ; keySetCompress(map2def) ; if (keySetMax(map2genes) && keySetMax(map2def)) defcomputeDraw (look, messprintf("Map : %s%s%d %s, %d %s", look->selectedMap ? name(look->selectedMap) : "", look->selectedMap ? ", " : "", keySetMax(map2def), className(keySet(map2def, 0)), keySetMax(map2genes), className(keySet(map2genes, 0)))) ; cc = arrayCreate(50, LINK) ; for (i = 0; i < keySetMax(map2genes) ; i++) defDatum(keySet(map2genes, i), cc, map2def) ; keySetDestroy(map2genes) ; keySetDestroy(map2def) ; defs = keySetCreate() ; genes = keySetCreate() ; n = arrayMax(cc) ; if (n) c = arrp(cc, 0, LINK) - 1 ; while(c++, n--) { keySetInsert(defs, c->a) ; keySetInsert(genes, c->b) ; } box = graphBoxStart() ; if (keySetMax(defs) && keySetMax(genes)) graphText(messprintf(" %d data, %d %s tested against %d %s", arrayMax(cc), keySetMax(defs), className(keySet(defs, 0)), keySetMax(genes), className(keySet(genes, 0))), 3, line++) ; graphText("I will now assemble these into contigs, please wait", 3,line++) ; graphBoxDraw(box, BLACK,WHITE) ; n = arrayMax(cc) ; vertex = arrayCreate(n/2, VERTEX) ; look->nbContig = topoConnectedComponents(cc, vertex) ; arrayMax(cc) = n ; box = graphBoxStart() ; graphText(messprintf("found %d contigs", look->nbContig), 2, line++) ; graphBoxDraw(box, BLACK,WHITE) ; histo = arrayCreate(20,int) ; n = arrayMax(vertex) ; while(n--) array(histo, arr(vertex,n,VERTEX).group, int)++ ; plotHisto("Genes or Def per contig", histo) ; look->mapStatus |= F_HIST ; look->dataArray = cc ; if (!arrayMax(vertex)) { arrayDestroy(look->dataArray) ; lookArrayDestroy(look) ; arrayDestroy(vertex) ; keySetDestroy(defs) ; keySetDestroy(genes) ; return FALSE ; } arrayDestroy(vertex) ; keySetDestroy(defs) ; keySetDestroy(genes) ; return TRUE ; } #endif /* !NON_GRAPHIC */ /***************************************************************/ #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC static BOOL defCptParseDB(DEFCPT look) { KEYSET bb = 0, ks = 0 ; void *dummy ; char *cp = 0 ; BOOL ok; if (look->nbContig) messcrash("look pas reinitialise correctement") ; if (keySetActive(&bb, &dummy) && keySetMax(bb)) { ks = query(bb, "CLASS YAC") ; if (!keySetMax(ks)) keySetDestroy(ks) ; } graphActivate(look->defMapCtlGraph) ; graphPop() ; if (!ks) { ACEIN name_in; if ((name_in = messPrompt("Give the name of the Map you want to analyse","","w", 0))) { cp = strnew (aceInWord(name_in), 0); } else return FALSE ; } ok = defCptDoParseDB(look, ks, cp) ; messfree (cp); return ok; } /* defCptParseDB */ #endif /* !NON_GRAPHIC */ /***************************************************************/ #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC static void defCptDoGetData(DEFCPT look, int t) { int i, j, n, box, line, no = 0 ; Array cc ; LINK *c ; KEYSET *ksp ; KEY *keyp ; lookArrayDestroy(look) ; cc = look->dataArray ; if(!cc) messcrash("defCptGetData receives a null Array") ; look->def = keySetCreate() ; look->mar = keySetCreate() ; n = arrayMax(cc) ; while(n--) { c = arrp(cc, n, LINK) ; if (t == c->group) { keySetInsert(look->def, c->a) ; keySetInsert(look->mar, c->b) ; } } look->nd = keySetMax(look->def) ; look->nm = keySetMax(look->mar) ; i = look->nd ; look->marInDef = arrayCreate(i, KEYSET) ; array(look->marInDef, i - 1, KEYSET) = 0 ; ksp = arrp(look->marInDef, 0, KEYSET) ; while(i--) *ksp++ = keySetCreate() ; i = look->nm ; look->defInMar = arrayCreate(look->nm, KEYSET) ; array(look->defInMar, i - 1, KEYSET) = 0 ; ksp = arrp(look->defInMar, 0, KEYSET) ; while(i--) *ksp++ = keySetCreate() ; n = arrayMax(cc) ; while(n--) { c = arrp(cc, n, LINK) ; if (t == c->group && c->type) { if (keySetFind(look->def, c->a, &i) && keySetFind(look->mar, c->b, &j)) { ksp = arrp(look->marInDef, i, KEYSET) ; keySet(*ksp, keySetMax(*ksp)) = j | (c->type) ; ksp = arrp(look->defInMar, j, KEYSET) ; keySet(*ksp, keySetMax(*ksp)) = i | (c->type) ; if (c->type == F_NO) no = 1 ; /* pour savoir si que des in ou in et out */ } else messcrash("Cant find %d -> %s\n%d -> %s", i, name(c->a), j, name(c->b)) ; } } i = look->nd ; ksp = arrp(look->marInDef, 0, KEYSET) - 1 ; while(ksp++, i--) arraySort(*ksp, mardefOrder) ; i = look->nm ; ksp = arrp(look->defInMar, 0, KEYSET) - 1 ; while(ksp++, i--) arraySort(*ksp, mardefOrder) ; defCptGetPos(look) ; look->mapStatus = (1 | (look->mapStatus & F_HIST)) ; if (no) look->whatDis = (F_E_YN | 1) ; else /* que des yes => suppression des flag YES pour shortDistances */ { i = arrayMax(look->marInDef) ; ksp = arrp(look->marInDef, 0, KEYSET) - 1 ; while(ksp++, i--) { j = keySetMax(*ksp) ; keyp = arrp(*ksp, 0, KEY) - 1 ; while(keyp++, j--) *keyp &= F_WHO ; } i = arrayMax(look->defInMar) ; ksp = arrp(look->defInMar, 0, KEYSET) - 1 ; while(ksp++, i--) { j = keySetMax(*ksp) ; keyp = arrp(*ksp, 0, KEY) - 1 ; while(keyp++, j--) *keyp &= F_WHO ; } look->whatDis = 1 ; /* que des Yes : unknown out (1) ou rien (0) ? */ } if (look->selectedMap) defcomputeDraw (look, messprintf("Map : %s", name(look->selectedMap))) ; else defcomputeDraw (look, 0) ; line = 14 ; box = graphBoxStart () ; graphText(messprintf("Contig : %d", t), 1, line); line += 2 ; if (look->nm && look->nd) graphText(messprintf("%d %s, %d %s", look->nd, className(keySet(look->def, 0)), look->nm, className(keySet(look->mar, 0))), 12, line++) ; graphBoxDraw (box, BLACK, WHITE) ; look->Line = 8; if(!look->nm) { lookArrayDestroy(look) ; return ; } } /* defCptDoGetData */ #endif /* !NON_GRAPHIC */ /***************************************************************/ #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC static void defCptDoExportOrder(DEFCPT look, FILE *f, char buf[81]) { char *buf2 ; int i, j, m, n, x, imax ; Array marOrder ; KEYSET *ksp ; KEY *keyp ; switch(look->method) { case M_EDWARD: imax = look->nd ; buf2 = className(keySet(look->def, 0)) ; for (i = 0 ; i < imax ; i++) { j = arr(look->colOrder, i, int) ; if (!(keySet(arr(look->marInDef, j, KEYSET), 0) & F_V_FLAG)) fprintf(f, "%s %s\nMap %s Position %d\n\n", buf2, name(keySet(look->def, j)), buf, i) ; } look->method = M_FIN ; #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC defcomputeDraw (look, 0) ; #endif /* !NON_GRAPHIC */ break ; default: imax = look->nm ; buf2 = className(keySet(look->mar, 0)) ; for (i = 0 ; i < imax ; i++) { j = arr(look->linOrder, i, int) ; fprintf(f, "%s %s\nMap %s Position %d\n\n", buf2, name(keySet(look->mar, j)), buf, i) ; } buf2 = className(keySet(look->def, 0)) ; marOrder = defCptTranspMat(look->linOrder) ; ksp = arrp(look->marInDef, 0, KEYSET) ; for (i = 0 ; i < look->nd ; ksp++, i++) { j = keySetMax(*ksp) ; keyp = arrp(*ksp, 0, KEY) - 1 ; x = look->nm ; m = - 1 ; while(keyp++, j--) { if (!(*keyp & F_NO)) { if ((n = arr(marOrder, *keyp & F_WHO, int)) < x) x = n ; if (n > m) m = n ; } } if (m != -1) { fprintf(f, "%s %s\nMap %s Left %d\n", buf2, name(keySet(look->def, i)), buf, x) ; fprintf(f, "Map %s Right %d\n\n", buf, m) ; } } break ; } } /* defCptDoExportOrder */ #endif /* !NON_GRAPHIC */ /***************************************************************/ #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC static void defCptExportOrder(void) { FILE *f ; KEY myMap, vMap ; char *tmpName = 0 ; char *cp, buf[81], filname[FIL_BUFFER_SIZE] ; ACEIN name_in; DEFCPTGET("defCptExportOrder") ; TESLIN ; strcpy(filname, "best.tree") ; if (!(name_in = messPrompt("Please, give a name for the exported map", "Test", "w", 0))) return ; cp = aceInWord (name_in) ; strncpy(buf, cp, 81); buf[80] = '\0'; aceInDestroy (name_in); lexaddkey (buf, &myMap, _VMap) ; f = filtmpopen(&tmpName,"w") ; if (!f) return ; defCptDoExportOrder(look, f, buf) ; filclose(f) ; /* if ((f = filopen (tmpName, 0, "r"))) parseFile (f, 0, 0) ; */ filtmpremove (tmpName) ; if (lexReClass(myMap, &vMap,_VvMap) && !lexlock (vMap)) arrayKill (vMap) ; display (myMap, 0, 0) ; } /* defCptExportOrder */ #endif /***************************************************************/ static int defCptContigOrder(void *a, void *b) { return ((KEY_INT*)b)->tai - ((KEY_INT*)a)->tai ; } /***************************************************************/ #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC static void defCptAllContigs(DEFCPT look) { int i, j = 0 ; char *cp, buf[81], *buf2, *tmpName = 0 ; KEY link, myMap, vMap ; Array contig = 0 ; FILE *f ; ACEIN name_in; KEY_INT *kip ; if (!(name_in = messPrompt("Please, give a name for The Maps", "Test", "w", 0))) { look->mapStatus |= F_NO_CONTIG ; defcomputeDraw (look, 0) ; return ; } cp = aceInWord(name_in); strncpy(buf, cp, 81) ; buf[80] = '\0'; aceInDestroy (name_in); f = filtmpopen(&tmpName, "w") ; if (!f) return ; look->display = FALSE ; lexaddkey(messprintf("_Assembly.%s", buf), &link, _VMap) ; contig = arrayCreate(look->nbContig, KEY_INT) ; arrayp(contig, look->nbContig - 1, KEY_INT)->key = 0 ; kip = arrp(contig, 0, KEY_INT) ; for (i = 1 ; i <= look->nbContig ; i++) { defCptDoGetData(look, i) ; defCptDoTree(look) ; defCptSortMarkers() ; buf2 = messprintf("%s.%d", buf, i) ; lexaddkey(buf2, &myMap, _VMap) ; kip->key = myMap ; (kip++)->tai = look->nm - 1 ; defCptDoExportOrder(look, f, buf2) ; } look->display = TRUE ; arraySort(contig, defCptContigOrder) ; i = look->nbContig ; kip = arrp(contig, 0, KEY_INT) - 1 ; while(kip++, i--) { if (kip->tai) { fprintf(f, "Map %s\nMap %s Left %d\n", name(kip->key), name(link), j) ; j += kip->tai ; fprintf(f, "Map %s Right %d\n\n", name(link), j) ; j += 20 ; } } filclose(f) ; arrayDestroy(contig) ; /* if (filopen(tmpName, 0, "r")) parseFile(f, 0, 0) ; */ filtmpremove(tmpName) ; if (lexReClass(link, &vMap, _VvMap) && !lexlock(vMap)) arrayKill(vMap) ; display(link, 0, 0) ; look->mapStatus |= F_NO_CONTIG ; /* a voir ou il faut retomber */ defcomputeDraw (look, 0) ; } #endif /* !NON_GRAPHIC */ /***************************************************************/ #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC static void defCptGetData(void) { int t = 0 ; ACEIN num_in = 0; DEFCPTGET("defCptGetData") ; look->mapStatus |= ~F_NO_CONTIG ; messStatus("Get Data") ; if (!look->dataArray && !defCptParseDB(look)) { messout("I have no data to proceed") ; defcomputeDraw (look, 0) ; return ; } if (look->nbContig == 1) t = 1 ; else if (!(num_in = messPrompt("Def contig number ? (0 for All)","1","i", 0)) || !aceInInt(num_in, &t) || t > look->nbContig) { look->mapStatus |= F_NO_CONTIG ; if (t > look->nbContig) messout(messprintf("there are only %d contigs", look->nbContig)) ; if (look->selectedMap) defcomputeDraw (look, messprintf("Map : %s", name(look->selectedMap))) ; else defcomputeDraw (look, 0) ; if (num_in) aceInDestroy (num_in); return ; } if (t) defCptDoGetData (look, t) ; else defCptAllContigs(look) ; if (num_in) aceInDestroy (num_in); return; } /* defCptGetData */ #endif /* !NON_GRAPHIC */ /***************************************************************/ #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC static void defCptDefDupHisto(void) { defCptHisto("Deficiency", "marker") ; } #endif /* !NON_GRAPHIC */ /***************************************************************/ /******************** Finger Print *********************/ /***************************************************************/ #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC static void defCptGetClones(void) /* provisoirement pas de version tace de fp */ { extern void pmapCptGetData(Array marInDef, Array defInMar, KEYSET clones, KEYSET bands) ; DEFCPTGET("defCptGetClones") ; messStatus("GetClones") ; look->def = keySetCreate() ; look->mar = keySetCreate() ; look->marInDef = arrayCreate(100, KEYSET) ; look->defInMar = arrayCreate(100, KEYSET) ; pmapCptGetData(look->marInDef, look->defInMar, look->def, look->mar) ; look->nm = keySetMax(look->mar) ; if (!look->nm) { lookArrayDestroy(look) ; return ; } look->nd = keySetMax(look->def) ; defCptGetPos(look) ; look->mapStatus = 1 ; look->whatDis = 1 ; defcomputeDraw (look, messprintf("Found %d Clones and %d Bands", look->nd, look->nm)) ; } /* defCptGetClones */ #endif /* !NON_GRAPHIC */ /***************************************************************/ #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC static void defCptFingPrHisto(void) { defCptHisto("Clone", "Band") ; } #endif /* pas de version tace pour le finger print */ /***************************************************************/ /******************** Sequence Alignment *********************/ /***************************************************************/ static void defCptNbOligoChoice (DEFCPT look) { int i = 0 ; if ((i = keySetMax (look->def))) i = 1000 / i ; if (i < 2) i = 2 ; if (i > 60) i = 60 ; look->whatDis = (unsigned char)i ; sprintf (look->nboligo, "%d", i) ; } /***************************************************************/ #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC static void defCptDoInsertBad(DEFCPT look) { dnaAlignInsertBad(look) ; if (diffaction) catText(diffaction, messprintf("insert // -> %d seq\n", keySetMax(look->def))) ; defcomputeDraw (look, messprintf("Found %d sequences", keySetMax(look->def))) ; defCptNbOligoChoice (look) ; } #endif /* !NON_GRAPHIC */ #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC static void defCptInsertBad(void) { DEFCPTGET("insert Bad") ; defCptDoInsertBad(look) ; } #endif /* !NON_GRAPHIC */ /***************************************************************/ static void defCptDoFixSegConsensus(DEFCPT look, BOOL new) { KEYSET maille ; messStatus("Fix consensus") ; if (new || !new) /* ulrich's fix */ { maille = look->def ; look->def = keySetCreate() ; dnaAlignFixSegConsensus(look, maille) ; keySetDestroy(maille) ; } else { } if (diffaction) catText(diffaction, messprintf("fix // %s\n", timeShow(timeNow()))) ; look->mapStatus &= ~F_BOUT ; look->mapStatus |= (F_ASSSEG | 4 | F_IS_FIXED) ; #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC defcomputeDraw (look, 0) ; #endif /* !NON_GRAPHIC */ } /* defCptDoFixSegConsensus */ /***************************************************************/ #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC static void defCptFixSegConsensus(void) { DEFCPTGET("fix seg") ; defCptDoFixSegConsensus(look, FALSE) ; } #endif /* !NON_GRAPHIC */ /***************************************************************/ /***************************************************************/ static void defCptDoTrainNNonKeySet (KEYSET aa) { int i ; KEY key ; messStatus("AutoEdit") ; if (!aa) return ; for (i = 0 ; i < keySetMax(aa) ; i++) { key = keySet(aa, i) ; if (class (key) == _VDNA) lexReClass (key, &key, _VSequence) ; if (class(key) == _VSequence) if (!nnContigTrain (key)) break ; } nnContigTrain (0) ; /* close export file */ if (diffaction) catText(diffaction, messprintf("TrainNN // TrainNN contigs ; %s\n", timeShow(timeNow()))) ; } /***************************************************************/ /***************************************************************/ static int defCptDoPatchKeySet (KEYSET aa) { int i, n, nn = 0 ; KEY key ; messStatus("AutoEdit") ; if (!aa) return 0 ; for (i = 0 ; i < keySetMax(aa) ; i++) { key = keySet(aa, i) ; if (class (key) == _VDNA) lexReClass (key, &key, _VSequence) ; n = 0 ; if (class(key) == _VSequence) if (!baseCallPatchContig (key, &n)) /* FALSE si F4 */ { nn += n ; break ; } nn += n ; } if (diffaction) catText(diffaction, messprintf("autoedit // autoedit contigs ; %s\n", timeShow(timeNow()))) ; return nn ; } /***************************************************************/ static int defCptDoBaseCall (KEYSET aa) { int i, n, nn = 0 ; KEY key ; messStatus("defCptDoBaseCall") ; if (!aa) return 0 ; for (i = 0 ; i < keySetMax(aa) ; i++) { key = keySet(aa, i) ; if (class (key) == _VDNA) lexReClass (key, &key, _VSequence) ; n = 0 ; if (class(key) == _VSequence) if (!baseCallRedoBaseCall (key, &n)) /* FALSE si F4 */ { nn += n ; break ; } nn += n ; } return nn ; } /***************************************************************/ #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC /***************************************************************/ static void defCptPatchKeySet (void) /* graphic */ { DEFCPTGET ("defCptPatchKeySet") ; defCptDoPatchKeySet (look->def) ; } /***************************************************************/ #ifdef THIS_CODE_IS_NEVER_USED static void defCptPatchActiveKeySet (void) /* graphic */ { KEYSET aa ; int nn ; void *dummy ; DEFCPTGET("defCptPatchActiveKeySet") ; if (!isWriteAccess ()) { messout("Sorry, you do not have write access") ; return ; } if (!keySetActive(&aa, &dummy)) { messout("First select a keyset containing sequences") ; return ; } nn = defCptDoPatchKeySet (aa) ; defcomputeDraw (look, messprintf ("Performed %d auto-editions", nn)) ; } #endif /* THIS_CODE_IS_NEVER_USED */ /***************************************************************/ static void defCptChoosePaire(KEY key) /* graphic */ { DEFCPTGET("Choose Paire") ; array(look->dataArray, arrayMax(look->dataArray), KEY) = key ; keySetSort(look->dataArray) ; keySetCompress(look->dataArray) ; if (arrayMax(look->dataArray) != 2) { displayRepeatBlock () ; return ; } if (arrayMax (look->dataArray) != 2) messcrash("Impossible Max pour dataArray") ; dnaAlignAsmbPaire (look, arr(look->dataArray, 0, KEY), arr(look->dataArray, 1, KEY)) ; arrayDestroy (look->dataArray) ; defcomputeDraw(look, 0) ; } /***************************************************************/ static void defCptPaireDestroy(void) /* graphic */ { DEFCPTGET ("Paires Destroy") ; displayUnBlock () ; arrayDestroy(look->dataArray) ; } /***************************************************************/ static void defCptAsmbPaireActive (void) /* graphic */ { DEFCPTGET ("Asmb Paire") ; if (!isWriteAccess ()) { messout("Sorry, you do not have write access") ; return ; } if (look->dataArray) messcrash("look->dataArray should not exit") ; look->dataArray = arrayCreate(2, KEY) ; graphRegister(MESSAGE_DESTROY, defCptPaireDestroy) ; displayBlock (defCptChoosePaire, "Pick on sequence") ; } /***************************************************************/ static void defCptMakeSuperLink (void) /* graphic */ { KEY link ; KEYSET ks ; if (!isWriteAccess ()) { messout("Sorry, you do not have write access") ; return ; } if (!keySetActive (&ks, 0)) { messout ("First select a keySet containing sequences") ; return ; } link = dnaAlignDoMakeSuperLink (ks, 0) ; display(link, 0, 0) ; } /***************************************************************/ static void defCptFixActKeyset (void) /* graphic */ { DEFCPTGET("fix keyset") ; dnaAlignFixActKeyset () ; look->mapStatus |= F_IS_FIXED ; defcomputeDraw (look, 0) ; } /***************************************************************/ #endif /* !NON_GRAPHIC */ /***************************************************************/ static void defCptDoExtendReadsExt (DEFCPT look) { messStatus("Extend Reads (ext)") ; abiFixExtend (look->link, look->def) ; look->mapStatus = (F_ASSSEG | 5 | (look->mapStatus & F_HIST)) ; /* defCptDoFixSegConsensus (look) ; */ if (diffaction) catText(diffaction, messprintf("extend // %s ; extend reads ext\n", timeShow(timeNow()))) ; #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC defcomputeDraw (look, 0) ; #endif /* !NON_GRAPHIC */ } /* defCptDoExtendReadsExt */ #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC static void defCptExtendReadsExt (void) { DEFCPTGET("extend read") ; defCptDoExtendReadsExt (look) ; } #endif /* !NON_GRAPHIC */ /***************************************************************/ static void defCptDoGetOligos(DEFCPT look) { int i ; KEYSET *ksp ; if (look->manEntry) { freeforcecard(look->nboligo) ; freeint(&i) ; if (i > 0 && i < 256) look->whatDis = (unsigned char)i ; } if (!look->def) look->def = keySetCreate () ; look->mar = keySetReCreate(look->mar) ; if (arrayExists(look->marInDef)) { if ((i = arrayMax(look->marInDef))) { ksp = arrp(look->marInDef, 0, KEYSET) - 1 ; while(ksp++, i--) keySetDestroy(*ksp) ; } } look->marInDef = arrayReCreate(look->marInDef, 100, KEYSET) ; if (arrayExists(look->defInMar)) { if ((i = arrayMax(look->defInMar))) { ksp = arrp(look->defInMar, 0, KEYSET) - 1 ; while(ksp++, i--) keySetDestroy(*ksp) ; } } look->defInMar = arrayReCreate(look->defInMar, 100, KEYSET) ; messStatus("Get Sequences") ; dnaAlignGetData(look) ; if ((look->nd = keySetMax(look->def)) < 2) { messout("GetOligo: Only %d sequence, i can't get", look->nd) ; if (!look->mapStatus) /* i e c'est le premier tour et l'utilisateur */ { keySetDestroy(look->def) ; /* a charge 1 seq. => retour au depart */ keySetDestroy(look->mar) ; } #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC defcomputeDraw (look, 0) ; #endif /* !NON_GRAPHIC */ return ; } if(!(look->nm = keySetMax(look->mar))) { messout("I haven't found any oligo") ; /* idem */ if (!look->mapStatus) /* attention look->mapStatus ne doit jamais etre nul en dehors du depart */ { keySetDestroy(look->def) ; keySetDestroy(look->mar) ; } #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC defcomputeDraw (look, 0) ; #endif /* !NON_GRAPHIC */ return ; } if (diffaction) catText(diffaction, messprintf("get %d // %s\n", look->whatDis, timeShow(timeNow()))) ; /* pour faire le fichier des actions */ arrayDestroy(look->colOrder) ; arrayDestroy(look->linOrder) ; TESCOLO ; TESLIN ; look->mapStatus &= ~F_BOUT ; look->mapStatus |= (F_HIST | 1) ; #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC defcomputeDraw (look, 0) ; #endif /* !NON_GRAPHIC */ } /* defCptDoGetOligos */ /***************************************************************/ #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC static void defCptGetOligos(void) { DEFCPTGET("get sequences") ; defCptDoGetOligos(look) ; } #endif /* !NON_GRAPHIC */ /***************************************************************/ #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC static void defCptGetMoreSequences(void) { int i, j ; char buf[1000] ; ACEIN num_in; DEFCPTGET("more oligo") ; sprintf(buf, "How many oligos do you want") ; j = (look->whatDis + 2) ; ici: if ((num_in = messPrompt(buf, messprintf("%d", j), "i", 0))) { aceInInt(num_in, &i) ; aceInDestroy (num_in); if (i < 0 || i > 256) { sprintf(buf, messprintf("Bad value (%d) ; please try again", i)) ; goto ici ; } look->whatDis = (unsigned char)i ; sprintf(look->nboligo, "%d", i) ; } else return ; look->manEntry = FALSE ; /* kludge pour imposer un nb oligos a GetOligos */ defCptDoGetOligos(look) ; look->manEntry = TRUE ; return; } /* defCptGetMoreSequences */ #endif /* !NON_GRAPHIC */ /***************************************************************/ /* probablement inutile static void defCptMakeOneSegment(void) { int i, j, k = 0, imax, jmax ; TREE_DEF maille, *ksmp ; if (arrayMax(look->maillon) == 1) { messout("This work is already done") ; return ; } imax = arrayMax(look->maillon) ; maille.ks = keySetCreate() ; maille.x = keySetCreate() ; ksmp = arrp(look->maillon, 0, TREE_DEF) ; for (i = 0 ; i < imax ; ksmp++, i++) { jmax = keySetMax(ksmp->ks) ; for (j = 0 ; j < jmax ; j++) { keySet(maille.ks, k) = keySet(ksmp->ks, j) ; keySet(maille.x, k++) = keySet(ksmp->x, j) ; } keySetDestroy(ksmp->ks) ; keySetDestroy(ksmp->x) ; } look->maillon = arrayReCreate(look->maillon, 1, TREE_DEF) ; array(look->maillon, 0, TREE_DEF) = maille ; if (diffaction) catText(diffaction, "one\n") ; } */ /***************************************************************/ static BOOL defCptFixErrorRate (DEFCPT look) { int mu ; ACEIN rate_in; if (look->manEntry) { freeforcecard(look->choix) ; freeint(&mu) ; if (mu > 50 || mu < 0) { if (mu < 0) messout("Please, choose a rate (%d) between 0 and 50", mu) ; if (mu > 50) messout("Are you sure to want %d %% error ; please confirm", mu) ; ici: if (!(rate_in = messPrompt("error rate", messprintf("%d", mu), "i", 0))) return FALSE ; aceInInt(rate_in, &mu) ; aceInDestroy (rate_in); if (mu < 0) { messout("Please, choose a value (%d) between 0 and 50", mu) ; goto ici ; } sprintf(look->choix, "%d", mu) ; } look->taux = mu ; } return TRUE ; } /* defCptFixErrorRate */ /***************************************************************/ static void defCptEndAssfunc(DEFCPT look, KEYSET ks) { look->mapStatus = (F_ASSSEG | 5 | (look->mapStatus & F_HIST)) ; #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC defcomputeDraw (look, messprintf("Found %d contigs, rejected %d Baddies", keySetMax(look->def), look->rejected ? keySetMax (look->rejected) : 0)) ; #endif /* !NON_GRAPHIC */ if (keySetMax(look->def)) keySetDestroy(ks) ; else { keySetDestroy(look->def) ; look->def = ks ; } keySetDestroy(look->mar) ; defCptNbOligoChoice (look) ; } /***************************************************************/ static void defCptDoSegments(DEFCPT look) { KEYSET defbis = 0 ; messStatus("Assembling") ; if (!defCptFixErrorRate(look)) return ; defbis = look->def ; look->def = keySetCreate() ; if (!look->maillon || !arrayMax (look->maillon)) { messout ("sorry no assembly") ; goto abort ; } dnaAlignCptSegments(look) ; if (diffaction) catText(diffaction, messprintf("assemble %d // -> Found %d contigs, rejected %d Baddies ; %s\n", look->taux, keySetMax(look->def), look->rejected ? keySetMax(look->rejected) : 0, timeShow(timeNow()))) ; abort: defCptEndAssfunc(look, defbis) ; } /***************************************************************/ static Array defCptCollectDummy (KEY join, KEYSET jj, int niveau) { KEY key ; BSunit *u ; OBJ Join ; Array units = 0, new = 0, daughter = 0 ; int p1, p2, x1 , x2, dummy, i, i1, j = 0 ; if (class(join) == _VDNA) lexReClass(join, &join, _VSequence) ; Join = bsCreate(join) ; if (!Join) return 0 ; units = arrayCreate (90, BSunit) ; new = arrayCreate (90, BSunit) ; if (bsFindTag (Join, _Previous_contig) && bsFlatten (Join, 3, units)) { for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(units) ; i += 3) { u = arrp(units,i,BSunit) ; key = u[0].k ; p1 = u[1].i ; p2 = u[2].i ; if (keySetFind (jj, key, &dummy)) { daughter = defCptCollectDummy (key, jj, niveau + 1) ; if (daughter) for (i1 = 0 ; i1 < arrayMax(daughter) ; i1 += 3) { u = arrp(daughter,i1,BSunit) ; array(new, j++, BSunit).k = u[0].k ; if (p1 < p2) { x1 = p1 + u[1].i - 1 ; x2 = p1 + u[2].i - 1 ; } else { x1 = p1 - u[1].i + 1 ; x2 = p1 - u[2].i + 1 ; } array(new, j++, BSunit).i = x1 ; array(new, j++, BSunit).i = x2 ; } arrayDestroy (daughter) ; } else { array(new, j++, BSunit).k = key ; array(new, j++, BSunit).i = p1 ; array(new, j++, BSunit).i = p2 ; } } } arrayDestroy (units) ; bsDestroy (Join) ; if (niveau) return new ; Join = bsUpdate(join) ; if (Join && bsAddArray (Join, _Previous_contig, new, 3)) bsSave (Join) ; else bsDestroy (Join) ; arrayDestroy (new) ; return 0 ; } /***************************************************************/ static int defCptDoJoinDiagonal (DEFCPT look) { int i, j = 0, nj = 0, fl, imax ; KEY key1, key2, join, link ; KEYSET ks = 0, ks1 = 0, ks2 = 0, ks3 = 0 ; Array subseq = 0, flag = 0 ; OBJ obj = 0 ; mytime_t tim ; char *cp ; messStatus ("Joining") ; if (!look || !look->link) return 0 ; if (class (look->link) == _VSequence) cp = dnaAlignNewName (name (look->link)) ; else cp = dnaAlignNewName (0) ; subseq = arrayCreate (20, BSunit) ; if (!(obj = bsCreate (look->link)) || !bsFindTag (obj, _Subsequence) || !bsFlatten (obj, 1, subseq) || (arrayMax (subseq) < 2)) goto abort ; bsDestroy (obj) ; i = arrayMax (subseq) ; flag = arrayCreate (i, int) ; array (flag, i-1, int) = 0 ; for (i = 1 ; i < arrayMax (subseq) ; i++) { key1 = arrp (subseq, i - 1, BSunit)->k ; key2 = arrp (subseq, i, BSunit)->k ; fl = arr (flag, i - 1, int) + 2 * arr (flag, i, int) ; if (!key1 || !key2) continue ; /* verification qu'il y a au moins un subclone en commun */ ks1 = queryKey (key1, ">Assembled_from ; >Subclone") ; ks2 = queryKey (key2, ">Assembled_from ; >Subclone") ; ks3 = keySetAND (ks1, ks2) ; imax = keySetMax (ks3) ; keySetDestroy (ks1) ; keySetDestroy (ks2) ; keySetDestroy (ks3) ; if (!imax) continue ; /* fin de verif */ join = dnaAlignAsmbPaire21 (key1, key2, 0, 0, 7, fl, cp) ; if (!join) join = dnaAlignAsmbPaire21 (key1, key2, 0, 0, 4, fl, cp) ; if (!join) join = dnaAlignAsmbPaire21 (key1, key2, 0, 0, -1, fl, cp) ; if (!join) continue ; nj++ ; arrp (subseq, i - 1, BSunit)->k = 0 ; arrp (subseq, i, BSunit)->k = join ; arr (flag, i, int) = 1 ; } if (!nj) goto abort ; lexaddkey (cp, &link, _VSequence) ; tim = timeParse ("today") ; if ((obj = bsUpdate (link))) if (bsAddKey (obj, _Derived_from, look->link)) bsAddData (obj, _bsRight, _DateType, &tim) ; bsSave (obj) ; defCptChangeLook (look, look->link, link) ; ks = keySetCreate () ; look->def = keySetReCreate (look->def) ; for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax (subseq) ; i++) if ((join = arrp (subseq, i, BSunit)->k)) { if (arr (flag, i, int)) dnaAlignFixContig (look->link, join) ; else if (!dnaAlignCopyContig (join, &join, cp, 0)) continue ; keySet (ks, j) = join ; lexReClass (join, &join, _VDNA) ; keySet (look->def, j++) = join ; } alignToolsAdjustLink (look->link, ks, 0) ; keySetDestroy (ks) ; keySetSort (look->def) ; abort: messfree (cp) ; bsDestroy (obj) ; arrayDestroy (subseq) ; return nj ; } /***************************************************************/ static int defCptDoJoinSegments(DEFCPT look) { KEY key, key1, join ; int i, j, max, nj = 0 ; Array defOrd = 0 ; OBJ obj = 0 ; KEYSET def, aa = keySetCreate() , jj = keySetCreate () ; messStatus ("Joining") ; def = look->def ; if (!def || !arrayMax(def)) return 0 ; if (!look->tour) /* premier passage */ alignToolsDestroy_Segs (look->id) ; look->tour++ ; defOrd = arrayCreate (arrayMax (def), KEY_INT) ; j = 0 ; nj = 0 ; for (i = 0 ; i < keySetMax(def) ; i++) { key1 = keySet(def, i) ; if (class(key1) == _VDNA) lexReClass(key1, &key1, _VSequence) ; keySet(def, i) = key1 ; if ((obj = bsCreate (key1)) && bsGetKey (obj, _DNA, &key) && bsGetData (obj, _bsRight, _Int, &max)) { arrayp (defOrd, j, KEY_INT)->key = key1 ; arrp (defOrd, j++, KEY_INT)->tai = max ; } bsDestroy (obj) ; } arraySort (defOrd, defCptContigOrder) ; for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(defOrd) ; i++) { key = arrp (defOrd, i, KEY_INT)->key ; if (!key) continue ; if (arrp (defOrd, i, KEY_INT)->tai < 2000) /* end the loop */ break ; for (j = i + 1 ; j < arrayMax(defOrd) ; j++) { key1 = arrp (defOrd, j, KEY_INT)->key ; if (!key1) continue ; join = dnaAlignAsmbPaire21 (key, key1, look->id, look->tour, 7, 0, 0) ; if (!join) continue ; keySet (jj, nj++) = join ; if (class(join) == _VDNA) lexReClass(join, &join, _VSequence) ; key = arrp (defOrd, i, KEY_INT)->key = join ; arrp (defOrd, j, KEY_INT)->key = 0 ; j = i ; /* reiterate the inner j loop */ } } /* collect the contigs */ aa = keySetCreate () ; j = 0 ; for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(defOrd) ; i++) { key = arrp (defOrd, i, KEY_INT)->key ; if (key) { if (class(key) == _VSequence) lexReClass(key, &key, _VDNA) ; keySet (aa, j++) = key ; } } arrayDestroy (defOrd) ; if (look->mapStatus && arrayMax(def)) { if (nj) look->mapStatus = (F_ASSSEG | 5 | (look->mapStatus & F_HIST)) ; #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC defcomputeDraw (look, messprintf(" // I made %d joins -> %d contigs", nj, keySetMax (look->def))) ; #endif /* !NON_GRAPHIC */ } if (diffaction) catText(diffaction, messprintf("join // -> Made %d joins ; %s\n", nj, timeShow(timeNow()))) ; keySetSort(aa) ; keySetCompress(aa) ; keySetDestroy (def) ; look->def = arrayCopy (aa) ; if (look->display) dnaDispGraph (aa, look->tour) ; for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(aa) ; i++) defCptCollectDummy (keySet (aa, i), jj, 0) ; keySetDestroy (jj) ; if (!nj) /* no join */ look->tour-- ; /*en reponse au ++ du haut de la fonction */ return nj ; } /***************************************************************/ #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC static void defCptJoinSegments(void) { DEFCPTGET("Joining Segments") ; defCptDoJoinSegments (look) ; } #endif /* !NON_GRAPHIC */ /***************************************************************/ #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC static void defCptSegments(void) { DEFCPTGET("Compute Segments") ; defCptDoSegments(look) ; } #endif /* !NON_GRAPHIC */ /***************************************************************/ /* tri les segments qui restent dans l'ordre decroissant de la taille et essaye de les assembler dans cet ordre */ #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC static void defCptDoTryAll(DEFCPT look) { KEYSET defbis ; messStatus("Assembling all") ; if (!defCptFixErrorRate(look)) return ; defbis = look->def ; look->def = keySetCreate() ; dnaAlignTryAll (look) ; if (diffaction) catText(diffaction, messprintf("tryall %d // -> Found %d contigs, rejected %d Baddies ; %s\n", look->taux, keySetMax(look->def), look->rejected ? keySetMax (look->rejected) : 0, timeShow(timeNow()))) ; defCptEndAssfunc(look, defbis) ; } /* defCptDoTryAll */ #endif /* !NON_GRAPHIC */ /***************************************************************/ #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC static void defCptTryAll(void) { DEFCPTGET("Try All") ; defCptDoTryAll(look) ; } #endif /* !NON_GRAPHIC */ /***************************************************************/ #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC static void defCptDoNewTryPaires(DEFCPT look) { KEYSET defbis ; messStatus("Assembling Paires") ; if (!defCptFixErrorRate(look)) return ; defbis = look->def ; look->def = keySetCreate() ; dnaAlignNewTryPaires(look) ; if (diffaction) catText(diffaction, messprintf("newtrypaires %d // -> Found %d contigs, rejected %d Baddies ; %s\n", look->taux, keySetMax(look->def), look->rejected ? keySetMax (look->rejected) : 0, timeShow(timeNow()))) ; defCptEndAssfunc(look, defbis) ; } #endif /* !NON_GRAPHIC */ /***************************************************************/ #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC static void defCptNewTryPaires(void) { DEFCPTGET ("Try Paires") ; defCptDoNewTryPaires(look) ; } #endif /* !NON_GRAPHIC */ /***************************************************************/ static BOOL defCptReport (KEY link, Array tgdContig, int tglimit, int *nTGcontig, int *nTGreads, int *nTGbase, int limit, int *nGcontig, int *nGreads, int *nGbase, int *nPcontig, int *nPreads, int *nPbase) { OBJ obj = 0 ; Array units = 0, unit2 = 0 ; BSunit *u ; int i, j = 0, max, nbr, ntgc = 0, ntgr = 0, ntgb = 0, ngc = 0, ngr = 0, ngb = 0 ; int npc = 0, npr = 0, npb = 0 ; KEY dnakey ; units = arrayCreate (30, BSunit) ; if (!(obj = bsCreate (link)) || !bsFindTag (obj, _Subsequence) || !bsFlatten (obj, 1, units) || !(i = arrayMax (units))) { arrayDestroy (units) ; bsDestroy (obj) ; return FALSE ; } bsDestroy (obj) ; u = arrp (units, 0, BSunit) - 1 ; while (u++, i--) { if (!(obj = bsCreate (u->k))) continue ; if (bsGetKey (obj, _DNA, &dnakey) && bsGetData (obj, _bsRight, _Int, &max)) { unit2 = arrayReCreate (unit2, 200, BSunit) ; if (bsFindTag (obj, _Assembled_from) && bsFlatten (obj, 1, unit2)) nbr = arrayMax (unit2) ; else nbr = 1 ; /* should not happen */ if (max > tglimit) { array (tgdContig, j++, int) = max ; array (tgdContig, j++, int) = nbr ; ntgc++ ; ntgr += nbr ; ntgb += max ; } else if (max > limit) { ngc++ ; ngr += nbr ; ngb += max ; } else { npc++ ; npr += nbr ; npb += max ; } } bsDestroy (obj) ; } arrayDestroy (units) ; arrayDestroy (unit2) ; *nTGcontig = ntgc ; *nTGreads = ntgr ; *nTGbase = ntgb ; *nGcontig = ngc ; *nGreads = ngr ; *nGbase = ngb ; *nPcontig = npc ; *nPreads = npr ; *nPbase = npb ; return TRUE ; } /***************************************************************/ static void defCptPreReport (DEFCPT look) { int i, ntgc, ntgr, ntgb, ngc, ngr, ngb, npc, npr, npb, nrr ; Array tgdContig ; KEYSET ks ; if (!(look->link)) { if (look->def) fprintf (defCptOut, "%d Contigs", keySetMax (look->def)) ; else fprintf (defCptOut, "No sequences loaded") ; return ; } tgdContig = arrayCreate (30, int) ; if (defCptReport (look->link, tgdContig, 3000, &ntgc, &ntgr, &ntgb, 1000, &ngc, &ngr, &ngb, &npc, &npr, &npb)) { fprintf (defCptOut, "\n// Resultat :\n") ; fprintf (defCptOut, "// Assembly %s\n", name (look->link)) ; if (arrayMax (tgdContig)) { fprintf (defCptOut, "// Contig > 3 kb : %d\n", arrayMax (tgdContig) / 2) ; fprintf (defCptOut, "// Total : %d bases, %d reads\n", ntgb, ntgr) ; for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax (tgdContig) ; i += 2) fprintf (defCptOut, "// %d bases en %d reads\n", arr(tgdContig, i, int), arr (tgdContig, i + 1, int)) ; } ks = query (0,"Find Read") ; nrr = keySetMax(ks) ; keySetDestroy (ks) ; fprintf (defCptOut, "// Contig between 3 and 1 kb : %d\n", ngc) ; fprintf (defCptOut, "// Total : %d bases, %d reads\n", ngb, ngr) ; fprintf (defCptOut, "// Contig < 1 kb : %d\n", npc) ; fprintf (defCptOut, "// Total : %d bases, %d reads\n", npb, npr) ; fprintf (defCptOut, "// Total number of contigs : %8d\n", ntgc+ngc+npc) ; fprintf (defCptOut, "// Total number of incorporated reads : %8d/%d present in database\n", ntgr+ngr+npr, nrr) ; fprintf (defCptOut, "// Total number of bases : %8d\n", ntgb+ngb+npb) ; } arrayDestroy (tgdContig) ; } /***************************************************************/ #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC static void defCptSaveAs(void) { char *cq = 0 ; DEFCPTGET("defCptSaveAs") ; dnaAlignSaveAs(look, &cq) ; look->step = 0 ; if (cq) { if (diffaction) catText(diffaction, messprintf("save %s // save consensus as ; %s", cq, timeShow(timeNow()))) ; messfree(cq) ; } /* faut-il stocker le nom du consensus dans le game ou non ? */ } /* defCptSaveAs */ #endif /* !NON_GRAPHIC */ /***************************************************************/ #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC static void defCptAssHisto(void) { defCptHisto("Sequence", "Oligo") ; } #endif /* !NON_GRAPHIC */ /***************************************************************/ /******************** Genes Alignment *********************/ /***************************************************************/ #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC static void defCptFilter(DEFCPT look, int limit) { int i, ng ; KEYSET *kstmp ; ng = arrayMax(look->defInMar) ; i = arrayMax(look->marInDef) ; kstmp = arrp(look->marInDef, 0, KEYSET) - 1 ; while(kstmp++, i--) if ((100 * keySetMax(*kstmp)) / ng < limit) keySet(*kstmp, 0) |= F_ISOLE ; } /* defCptFilter */ #endif /* !NON_GRAPHIC */ /***************************************************************/ /* dans ce cas les def sont des alleles de genes et les genes sont les animaux ou on a teste les alleles comme issus du pere ou de la mere */ #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC static void defCptDoGetGenes(DEFCPT look, KEYSET aa) { KEYSET tmp, tmq, *tmr ; KEY key, newkey ; int i, j, k, limit ; OBJ obj ; KEY _LocusP, _LocusM ; ACEIN answer_in; lexaddkey ("LocusP", &_LocusP, 0) ; lexaddkey ("LocusM", &_LocusM, 0) ; /* aa is a set of Loci */ look->mar = query(aa, "{> GameteP } $| {> GameteM}") ; if (!keySetMax(look->mar)) { keySetDestroy(look->mar) ; messout("First (2) select a keyset containing gametes") ; return ; } messStatus("Get Genes") ; chrono("Matrice") ; tmp = query(look->mar, messprintf("> LocusP")) ; tmq = query(look->mar, messprintf("> LocusM")) ; look->def = keySetOR(tmp, tmq) ; keySetDestroy(tmp) ; keySetDestroy(tmq) ; if (!keySetMax(look->def)) { keySetDestroy(look->mar) ; keySetDestroy(look->def) ; messout("First (3) select a keyset containing gametes") ; return ; } keySetSort(look->mar) ; keySetCompress(look->mar) ; keySetSort(look->def) ; keySetCompress(look->def) ; look->nd = keySetMax(look->def) ; look->nm = keySetMax(look->mar) ; i = look->nd ; look->marInDef = arrayCreate(i, KEYSET) ; array(look->marInDef, i - 1, KEYSET) = 0 ; tmr = arrp(look->marInDef, 0, KEYSET) - 1 ; while(tmr++, i--) *tmr = keySetCreate() ; i = look->nm ; look->defInMar = arrayCreate(i, KEYSET) ; array(look->defInMar, i - 1, KEYSET) = 0 ; tmr = arrp(look->defInMar, 0, KEYSET) - 1 ; while(tmr++, i--) *tmr = keySetCreate() ; for (j = 0 ; j < look->nm ; j++) { key = keySet(look->mar, j) ; tmq = arr(look->defInMar, j, KEYSET) ; if ((obj = bsCreate(key))) { k = F_PERE ; if (bsGetKey(obj, _LocusP, &newkey)) do { keySetFind(look->def, newkey, &i) ; tmp = arr(look->marInDef, i, KEYSET) ; keySet(tmp, keySetMax(tmp)) = (j | k) ; keySet(tmq, keySetMax(tmq)) = (i | k) ; } while(bsGetKey(obj, _bsDown, &newkey)) ; k = F_MERE ; if (bsGetKey(obj, _LocusM, &newkey)) do { keySetFind(look->def, newkey, &i) ; tmp = arr(look->marInDef, i, KEYSET) ; keySet(tmp, keySetMax(tmp)) = (j | k) ; keySet(tmq, keySetMax(tmq)) = (i | k) ; } while(bsGetKey(obj, _bsDown, &newkey)) ; bsDestroy(obj) ; } } i = look->nd ; tmr = arrp(look->marInDef, 0, KEYSET) - 1 ; while(tmr++, i--) arraySort(*tmr, mardefOrder) ; i = look->nm ; tmr = arrp(look->defInMar, 0, KEYSET) - 1 ; while(tmr++, i--) arraySort(*tmr, mardefOrder) ; arrayDestroy (look->colOrder) ; arrayDestroy (look->linOrder) ; TESCOLO ; TESLIN ; chronoReturn() ; ici: if (answer_in = messPrompt("unknown limit", "", "i", 0)) { aceInInt(answer_in, &limit) ; aceInDestroy(answer_in); if (limit < 0 || limit > 100) { messout("please choose a value between 0 and 100") ; goto ici ; } defCptFilter(look, 100 - limit) ; } chrono("tree") ; look->dlimit = 100 ; intCptTree(look) ; chronoReturn() ; if (look->defMapCtlGraph) graphActivate(look->defMapCtlGraph) ; defCptSortMarkers() ; defMapDisplay() ; look->mapStatus = 1 ; defcomputeDraw (look, 0) ; } #endif /* !NON_GRAPHIC */ /***************************************************************/ #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC static void defCptGetGenes(void) { KEYSET aa ; void *dummy ; DEFCPTGET("Get Genes") ; if (!keySetActive(&aa, &dummy)) { messout("First (1) select a keyset containing gametes") ; return ; } defCptDoGetGenes(look, aa) ; } #endif /***************************************************************/ KEY lastAssembly (void) { KEY last = 0 ; int i ; KEYSET ks ; defcptInit() ; ks = query (0, ">?Assembly NOT IS _*") ; i = keySetMax (ks) ; if (i) last = keySet (ks, i - 1) ; keySetDestroy (ks) ; return last ; } /***************************************************************/ static void defCptJuxtapose (DEFCPT look) { int n ; KEYSET ks0, ks1, ks2, ks3, ks4 ; KEY key ; ks0 = keySetCreate () ; for (n = 0 ; n < keySetMax(look->def) ; n++) { lexReClass (keySet(look->def, n), &key, _VSequence) ; keySet (ks0, n) = key ; } ks1 = query (ks0, "{NOT Subsequence } $| {> Subsequence}") ; keySetDestroy (look->def) ; ks2 = query (ks1, "!Assembled_from AND DNA") ; ks3 = query (ks1, "Assembled_from") ; ks4 = keySetOR (ks2, ks3) ; keySetSort (ks4) ; keySetCompress (ks4) ; contigLengthSort (ks4) ; look->def = ks4 ; ks4 = 0 ; if (!look->link) lexaddkey ("Phrap", &look->link, _VSequence) ; alignToolsAdjustLink (look->link, look->def, 0) ; keySetDestroy (ks0) ; keySetDestroy (ks1) ; keySetDestroy (ks2) ; keySetDestroy (ks3) ; return; } /* defCptJuxtapose */ /***************************************************************/ #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC static void defCptMakeStatErreur (void) { KEYSET aa ; void *dummy ; if (!keySetActive(&aa, &dummy)) { messout("First select a keyset containing sequences") ; return ; } statisticsMakeErreur (aa) ; } /***************************************************************/ static void defCptMakeStatBarreaux (void) { KEYSET aa ; void *dummy ; if (!keySetActive(&aa, &dummy)) { messout("First select a keyset containing sequences") ; return ; } statisticsCountGroup (aa) ; } #endif /* !NON_GRAPHIC */ /***************************************************************/ /******************** Menu options *********************/ /***************************************************************/ extern int assBounce , assFound , assNotFound , assInserted , assRemoved ; static void defCptDoReadAction (ACEIN command_in, ACEOUT result_out, DEFCPT look) { int i, j, n, dt = 0 , dt1 = 0 ; char *cp, *cq = 0 ; int opt; KEY key ; OBJ obj = 0 ; KEYSET ks = 0 ; FILE *f = 0 ; BOOL subclone ; mytime_t tim, tim1 ; tim = tim1 = timeNow () ; if (diffaction) catText(diffaction, messprintf("Action %%%%1* // %s\n", timeShow(tim))) ; look->manEntry = FALSE ; while(TRUE) { subclone = FALSE ; if (aceInOptPrompt(command_in, &opt, mkaction)) { cp = freekey2text(opt, mkaction) ; while (cp && *cp && *cp != ' ') fputc (*cp++, defCptOut) ; switch (opt) { case -1: goto done ; case '?': { int i; aceOutPrint (result_out, "Acembly list of command :\n"); for (i = 1 ; i <= mkaction[0].key ; i++) aceOutPrint (result_out, "%s\n", mkaction[i].text) ; } case 1001: case 1002: case 1003: case 1011: case 1012: case 1013: case 1005: case 1006: case 1031: case 1032: case 1033: case 1071: case 1073: fMapcDNADoSelect (command_in, result_out, opt - 1000, look->actif, look->taceActif); break ; case 1020: ctfTraceExportKeySet (look->actif, result_out) ; break ; case 1200: saucisseTest (look->actif, result_out) ; break ; case 2001: case 2002: case 2003: fMapcDNADoSelect (command_in, result_out, opt - 1000, look->actif, look->taceActif); break ; case 'q': ks = query (0, "FIND Sequence _*") ; for (i = 0 ; i < keySetMax(ks) ; i++) if ((obj = bsUpdate(keySet(ks, i)))) bsKill (obj) ; keySetDestroy (ks) ; ks = query (0, "FIND DNA _*") ; for (i = 0 ; i < keySetMax(ks) ; i++) arrayKill (keySet(ks, i)) ; keySetDestroy (ks) ; goto done ; case 19: subclone = TRUE ; /* charge les dogs, pas au point */ /* fall thru to load */ case 'l': aceInNext (command_in) ; cp = aceInPos (command_in) ; if (strlen(cp) == 0) { fprintf (defCptOut, " // Load requires a sequence name. I quit") ; goto done ; } else { KEY last ; if (strncmp (cp, "-last", 5) == 0 && (last = lastAssembly ())) cp = name (last) ; else if (strncmp (cp, "-all", 4) == 0) cp = " CLASS Read " ; /* SCF_File AND NOT Assembled_from AND NOT Vector AND NOT IS _* */ fprintf (defCptOut, " %s ", cp) ; } cq = (char *)messalloc(1256) ; if (strncasecmp (cp, "-active", 7) == 0) sprintf (cq, "-active") ; else if (!subclone) sprintf (cq,">? Sequence %s", cp) ; else sprintf (cq,">? Clone IS %s ; >Read", cp) ; printf (" // load got: ##%s##\n", cq) ; if (look->def) /* donc load au milieu du fichier => stop lecture */ { fprintf (defCptOut, " // restarting ") ; defCptRestart (look) ; } i = dnaAlignLoad (look, cq) ; messfree (cq) ; if (i) fprintf (defCptOut, " // %d sequences loaded ", i) ; else fprintf (defCptOut, " // No Sequence, sorry") ; break ; case 'A': /* add */ i = look->def ? keySetMax (look->def) : 0 ; if (!i) break ; cp = aceInPos(command_in) ; fprintf (defCptOut, " %s ", cp) ; i = dnaAlignLoad (look, cp) ; fprintf (defCptOut, " // %d sequences added ", i) ; break ; case 'n': /* newScf */ i = dnaAlignLoad (look, 0) ; /* 0 => baseCallNewScf() */ fprintf (defCptOut, " // %d new scf reads added ", i) ; break ; case 'g': /* get */ if (!look->def || !keySetMax (look->def)) break ; if (!aceInInt(command_in, &i)) i = 2 ; fprintf (defCptOut, " %d ", i) ; look->whatDis = (unsigned char)i ; defCptDoGetOligos(look) ; if (!look->def) /* || keySetMax(look->def) < 2) */ goto done ; break ; case 's': /* sort */ if (!look->def || keySetMax (look->def) < 2) /* no sort for less than 2 seq */ break ; if (!aceInInt(command_in, &i)) /* dans le fichier il faut 100*distancemax !! */ i = 100 ; fprintf (defCptOut, " %d // %d sequences", i, keySetMax(look->def)) ; look->dlimit = i ; i = defCptDoTree(look) ; if (i > 1) fprintf (defCptOut, " // Planted %d trees", i) ; else fprintf (defCptOut, " // Planted %d tree", i) ; break ; case 'a': /* assemble */ if (!look->def || !keySetMax (look->def)) break ; aceInInt(command_in, &i) ; fprintf (defCptOut, " %d ", i) ; look->taux = i ; defCptDoSegments(look) ; break ; case 'j': /* join */ if (!look->def || !keySetMax (look->def)) break ; if ((cp = aceInWord (command_in)) && strncasecmp (cp, "diag", 4) == 0) { i = defCptDoJoinDiagonal (look) ; fprintf (defCptOut, " diagonal") ; } else i = defCptDoJoinSegments (look) ; fprintf (defCptOut, " // I made %d joins ", i) ; break ; case 'J': /* juxtapose */ if (!look->def || !keySetMax (look->def)) break ; defCptJuxtapose (look) ; break ; case 'F': /* Fix */ if (!look->def || !keySetMax (look->def)) break ; if ((cp = aceInWord (command_in)) && strncasecmp (cp, "-new", 4) == 0) defCptDoFixSegConsensus(look, TRUE) ; else defCptDoFixSegConsensus(look, FALSE) ; break ; case 'i': aceInNext (command_in); cp = aceInPos (command_in) ; if (strlen(cp) == 0) ks = query (0, ">?Read IS *") ; else if (strncasecmp (cp, "-subclone", 9) == 0) { cp += 9 ; ks = query (0, messprintf (">?Subclone ; >Read %s", cp)) ; } else ks = query (0, messprintf (">?Read %s", cp)) ; if (look->link) dnaAlignDoReInsertLoners (look->link, ks) ; keySetDestroy (ks) ; break ; /* case 7: if (!look->def || !keySetMax (look->def)) break ; printf("I filter the data\n") ; i = 0 ; freeint(&i) ; fprintf (defCptOut, " %d ", i) ; j = look->dlimit ; look->dlimit = i ; defCptDoSuppChim(look) ; look->dlimit = j ; break ; */ case 20: ks = look->def ; if (!ks || !keySetMax(ks)) ks = look->actif ; if (!ks || !keySetMax(ks)) break ; if ((cp = aceInWord(command_in)) && strcmp (cp, "-f") == 0) i = trackVector (ks, 0, TRUE) ; else i = trackVector (ks, 0, FALSE) ; fprintf (defCptOut, " // %d vector clips found ",i) ; break ; case 'C': /* clip_on */ if (!look->def || !keySetMax (look->def)) break ; j = 0 ; if ((cp = aceInWord(command_in))) switch (freeupper(*cp)) { case 'G': case 'F': case 'E': key = (KEY)(*cp) ; fprintf (defCptOut, " %s ", cp) ; j = 0 ; i = baseCallUnclipKeySet (look->link, look->def, key, &j) ; fprintf (defCptOut, " // %d clips moved by an average of %d bases ", i, i > 0 ? j/i : 0 ) ; break ; case 'M': fprintf (defCptOut, " %s ", cp) ; i = 0 ; aceInInt (command_in, &i) ; j = 0 ; fprintf (defCptOut, "%d ", i) ; n = baseCallClipContig2Max (look->link, i, &j) ; fprintf (defCptOut, " // %d clips moved by an average of %d bases ", n, n > 0 ? j/n : 0 ) ; break ; case 'T': /* Tile */ case 'D': /* Double Tile */ key = (KEY)(*cp) ; fprintf (defCptOut, " %s ", cp) ; j = 0 ; i = baseCallTileContigs (look->def, key, &j) ; fprintf (defCptOut, " // %d clips moved by an average of %d bases ", i, i > 0 ? j/i : 0 ) ; break ; case 'C': /* Consolidate */ key = (KEY)(*cp) ; fprintf (defCptOut, " %s ", cp) ; j = 0 ; i = abiFixDouble (look->link, look->def, &j) ; fprintf (defCptOut, " // %d clips moved by an average of %d bases ", i, i > 0 ? j/i : 0 ) ; break ; default: baseCallUnclipKeySet (look->link, look->def, 0, &j) ; fprintf (defCptOut, "%s // Usage to move Clips: Clip_on [Excellent | Good | Fair]", cp) ; } else { i = baseCallUnclipKeySet (look->link, look->def, 0, &j) ; fprintf (defCptOut, " // Clips Evaluated") ; } break ; case 10: if (!look->def || !keySetMax (look->def)) break ; defCptDoExtendReadsExt (look) ; break ; case 'L': /* align */ if (!look->def || !keySetMax (look->def)) break ; aceInNext (command_in) ; cp = aceInPos (command_in) ; if (strlen(cp) == 0) { fprintf (defCptOut, "// Usage: Align ") ; break ; } if (!lexword2key(cp, &key, _VDNA) || /* get a seq with dna */ !lexword2key(cp, &key, _VSequence)) { fprintf (defCptOut, "// Sorry, unknown reference_sequence %s", cp) ; break ; } doAssembleAllTraces (key, look->def, 'n') ; break ; case 21: /* order by size */ if (!look->link) break ; ks = queryKey (look->link, ">Subsequence") ; contigLengthSort (ks) ; alignToolsAdjustLink (look->link, ks, 0) ; keySetDestroy (ks) ; break ; case 22: /* order by subclone */ if (look->link) defCptOrderBySubclones (look) ; break ; case 23: /* order by subclone */ if (!look->def || !keySetMax (look->def)) break ; baseCallMakeSubclones (look->def) ; break ; case 13: if (!look->def || !keySetMax (look->def)) break ; i = defCptDoPatchKeySet (look->def) ; fprintf (defCptOut, " // %d auto-editions performed ", i) ; break ; case 'b': /* base call */ if (!look->taceActif || !keySetMax (look->taceActif)) break ; i = defCptDoBaseCall (look->taceActif) ; fprintf (defCptOut, " // %d traces called ", i) ; break ; case 18: if (!look->def || !keySetMax (look->def)) break ; defCptDoTrainNNonKeySet (look->def) ; break ; case 'S': /* Save_as */ if (!look->def || !keySetMax (look->def)) break ; look->step = 0 ; cp = aceInWord (command_in) ; if (cp) { fprintf (defCptOut, " %s ", cp) ; cq = strnew(cp, 0) ; dnaAlignSave (look, cq, TRUE) ; /* pas a moi => peut changer */ } else { cq = dnaAlignSaveDefault (look) ; fprintf (defCptOut, " %s ", cq) ; } messfree(cq) ; sessionDoSave (TRUE) ; break ; case 'R': /* Rename */ if (!look->def || !keySetMax (look->def)) break ; look->step = 0 ; cp = aceInWord (command_in) ; if (!cp) break ; fprintf (defCptOut, " %s ", cp) ; cq = strnew(cp, 0) ; { KEYSET ksq2; KEYSET ksq = query (0, messprintf ("{FIND Sequence IS %s || IS %s.*}", cq, cq)) ; ksq2 = query (ksq, "> DNA") ; i = keySetMax(ksq) ; while (i--) { if ((obj = bsUpdate(keySet(ksq,i)))) bsKill (obj) ; } keySetDestroy (ksq) ; i = keySetMax(ksq2) ; while (i--) { monDnaForget (look, keySet(ksq2,i)) ; arrayKill (keySet(ksq2,i)) ; } keySetDestroy (ksq2) ; } dnaAlignSave (look, cq, TRUE) ; /* pas a moi => peut changer */ messfree(cq) ; sessionDoSave (TRUE) ; break ; case 'T': /* tace */ { ACEIN tace_in = command_in; unsigned int command_set = CHOIX_UNDEFINED ; /* MUST be unsigned ints because later */ unsigned int perm_set = PERM_UNDEFINED ; /* we do logic on these variable. */ if ((cp = aceInWord(command_in)) /* -f filename */ && strncmp(cp, "-f", 2) == 0 && aceInCheck (command_in, "w")) { ACEIN fi; if ((cp = aceInPath (command_in)) /* filename */ && (fi = aceInCreateFromFile (cp, "r", "", 0))) { tace_in = fi; } else break; } aceInNext (command_in) ; /* get parameters */ cq = strnew(aceInPos(command_in), 0) ; command_set = (CHOIX_UNIVERSAL | CHOIX_NONSERVER) ; if (writeAccessPossible()) perm_set = (PERM_READ | PERM_WRITE | PERM_ADMIN) ; else perm_set = PERM_READ ; commandExecute (tace_in, result_out, /* outfil */ command_set, perm_set, 0) ; /* no active keyset */ messfree (cq) ; if (tace_in != command_in) aceInDestroy (command_in); } break ; case 'r': tStatus (result_out) ; break ; case 16: defCptPreReport (look) ; break ; case 'B': if ((cp = aceInWord(command_in)) && lexword2key (cp, &key, _VSequence)) statisticsDoMakeErreur (key, look->def) ; else statisticsMakeErreur (look->def) ; break ; default: fprintf (defCptOut, " // Unknown command, sorry") ; break ; } if (DEBUG) { int nmessalloc, messalloctot, aMade, aUsed, aAlloc, aReal, dnaMade, dnaTotal ; nmessalloc = messAllocStatus (&messalloctot) ; monDnaReport (&dnaMade, &dnaTotal) ; arrayStatus (&aMade, &aUsed, &aAlloc, &aReal) ; fprintf (defCptOut, " // nMessAlloc %d totMessAlloc %d kb nArr %d totArr %d kb, nMondna %d totMonDna %d kb\n", nmessalloc, messalloctot/1024, aMade, aAlloc/1024, dnaMade, dnaTotal/1024 ) ; fprintf (defCptOut, " // %d assInserted, %d assRemoved, %d assFound, %d assNotFound, %d assBounce\n", assInserted, assRemoved, assFound, assNotFound, assBounce) ; } timeDiffSecs (tim, timeNow (), &dt) ; timeDiffSecs (tim1, timeNow (), &dt1) ; fprintf (defCptOut, " // + %d = %d seconds\n", dt1, dt) ; tim1 = timeNow () ; } } done: timeDiffSecs (tim, timeNow (), &dt) ; fprintf (defCptOut," // end of ace-mbly %s, total time %d seconds\n\n", timeShow(timeNow()), dt) ; look->manEntry = TRUE ; return ; } /* defCptDoReadAction */ /***************************************************************/ #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC static void defCptReadAction(void) { static char directory[DIR_BUFFER_SIZE] = ""; static char filename[FIL_BUFFER_SIZE] = ""; ACEIN fi = 0 ; ACEOUT fo; DEFCPTGET("defCptReadAction") ; fi = aceInCreateFromChooser ("Command File ?", directory, filename, "smb", "r", 0); if (!fi) { defcomputeDraw (look, 0) ; return ; } fo = aceOutCreateToStdout (0); defCptDoReadAction(fi, fo, look); aceInDestroy (fi) ; aceOutDestroy (fo); return; } /* defCptReadAction */ #endif /* !NON_GRAPHIC */ /***************************************************************/ #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC static void defCptWriteAction(void) { FILE *ff ; static char fileName[FIL_BUFFER_SIZE], dirName[DIR_BUFFER_SIZE] ; STORE_HANDLE handle = handleCreate(); if (!diffaction) return ; strcpy(dirName, dbPathMakeFilName("", "", "", handle)) ; handleDestroy(handle); if (!(ff = filqueryopen(dirName, fileName, "smb", "w", "Name of Ace-mbly session ?"))) return ; fprintf(ff, stackText(diffaction, 0)) ; filclose(ff) ; } /* defCptWriteAction */ #endif /* !NON_GRAPHIC */ /***************************************************************/ #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC static void pleaseAssemble(void) { DEFCPTGET ("Assemble") ; look->method = M_ASSEMB ; look->whatDis = 2 ; /* in this case number of oligos */ look->taux = 2 ; sprintf(look->nboligo, "%d", (int)2) ; sprintf(look->choix, "%d", (int)3) ; *look->param = 0 ; diffaction = stackCreate(1024) ; graphActivate(look->defMapCtlGraph) ; graphHelp("Sequence_Assembly") ; graphRetitle("Sequence Assembly") ; defcomputeDraw (look, 0) ; } /***************************************************************/ static void pleaseFingerPrint(void) { DEFCPTGET ("FingPr") ; look->method = M_FINGPR ; graphHelp("Finger_Print_Mapping") ; graphRetitle("Finger Print Mapping") ; defcomputeDraw (look, 0) ; } /***************************************************************/ static void pleaseDefDup(void) { DEFCPTGET ("Def-Dup") ; look->method = M_DEFDUP ; /* look->whatDis initialise dans defCptGetData */ graphHelp("Genetic_Mapping_by_Markers_and_Segments") ; graphRetitle("Genetic Mapping by Markers and Segments") ; defcomputeDraw (look, 0) ; } /***************************************************************/ static void pleaseAlignment(void) { DEFCPTGET ("Align") ; look->method = M_EDWARD ; graphHelp("Alignment_of_Genes") ; graphRetitle("Alignment of Genes") ; defcomputeDraw (look, 0) ; } /***************************************************************/ static MENUOPT qhpMenu[] = { { graphDestroy, "Quit"}, { help, "Help"}, { NULL, NULL }} ; static MENUOPT mapOrAssembleMenu[] = { { pleaseAssemble, "Sequence Assembly"}, { pleaseFingerPrint, "FingerPrint"}, { pleaseDefDup, "Def/Dup genetic mapping"}, { pleaseAlignment, "Gene Alignment"}, { NULL, NULL }} ; #endif /***************************************************************/ #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC static void defcomputeDraw (DEFCPT look, char *text) { int line = 3 ; if (!graphActivate(look->defMapCtlGraph)) return ; graphPop() ; graphClear() ; graphText(text, 2, 2) ; graphButtons (qhpMenu, 0.25, 0.25, 60) ; switch (look->method) { case 0: graphButtons (mapOrAssembleMenu, 0.25, 2.25, 60) ; break ; case M_ASSEMB: switch(look->mapStatus & F_BOUT) { case 6: goto ici ; case 5: graphButton ("Fix Present Consensus", defCptFixSegConsensus, 3, 11.25) ; case 4: if (look->rejected && keySetMax (look->rejected)) graphButton ("Re Insert Bad Sequences", defCptInsertBad, 25, 11.25) ; goto ici ; case 3:case 2: if (!(look->mapStatus & F_SHOWM)) graphButton ("Show Matrix",defMapDisplay, 18.25,5.25) ; graphButton ("More Oligos", defCptGetMoreSequences, 23.25,7.25) ; /* graphButton ("Make One Segment", defCptMakeOneSegment, 35.63, 7.25) ; */ graphButton ("Try All Assembly", defCptTryAll, 35.63, 7.25) ; graphButton ("Try Spec Paires", defCptNewTryPaires, 25, 16.5) ; graphButton ("Filter", defCptSuppChim, 53, 7.25) ; if (!(look->mapStatus & F_ASSSEG)) { graphButton ("3: Assemble Sequences", defCptSegments, .25, 9.25) ; graphText("Error Rate : ", 30, 9.25) ; look->choixBox = graphTextEntry(look->choix, 4, 47, 9.25, 0) ; } case 1: if ((look->mapStatus & F_BOUT) < (unsigned char)3) { graphButton ("2: Sort Sequences", defCptTree, 0.25,5.25) ; graphText("Distance limit : ", 22, 5.25) ; look->disBox = graphTextEntry(look->distance, 5, 43, 5.25, 0) ; graphButton ("2.bis: Join Sequences", defCptJoinSegments, 52, 9.25) ; } /* defCptChoixBox = graphButton ("Adjust Parameters", defCptChoix, 3.25,7.25) ; graphBoxDraw(defCptChoixBox, BLACK, defchoix ? GREEN : WHITE) ; */ graphButton ("Histograms", defCptAssHisto, 28.25, 1.25) ; case 0: if (!look->mapStatus) { graphButton ("Read a File", defCptReadAction, 0.25, 6.25) ; graphText("Name of Sequences to load :", 13, 6.25) ; look->paramBox = graphTextEntry(look->param, 25, 40, 6.25, 0) ; graphButton ("1: Get KeySet of Sequences", defCptGetOligos, 0.25,3.25) ; graphText("Number of Oligos : ", 30, 3.25) ; look->nboligBox = graphTextEntry(look->nboligo, 4, 50, 3.25, 0) ; } ici: if ((look->mapStatus & F_BOUT) > (unsigned char)3 && keySetMax(look->def) > 1) { graphButton ("4.bis: Join Sequences", defCptJoinSegments, 52, 9.25) ; graphButton ("4: Iterate the assembly", defCptGetOligos, 0.25,3.25) ; graphText("Number of Oligos : ", 30, 3.25) ; look->nboligBox = graphTextEntry(look->nboligo, 4, 50, 3.25, 0) ; } line = 12 ; graphButton("Save Game", defCptWriteAction, 13, .25) ; graphText ("Other tools", .25, line += 2) ; /* graphButton ("Fit Sequences To Target", oldAssembleAllTraces, 2, line += 1.5) ; */ graphButton ("Fit Sequences To Target", newAssembleAllTraces, 2, line) ; graphButton ("Make Statistics", defCptMakeStatErreur, 15, line + 1.5) ; graphButton ("Count Group", defCptMakeStatBarreaux, 55, line + 1.5) ; /* graphButton ("Check Oligos", statisticsTestOligo, 55, line + 3) ;*/ graphButton ("Fix Active Keyset", defCptFixActKeyset, 48, line) ; graphButton ("Autoedit", defCptPatchKeySet, 36.5, line) ; graphButton ("Cpt One Paire", defCptAsmbPaireActive, 2, line + 1.5) ; if (look->method & 3) graphButton ("Make SuperLink", defCptMakeSuperLink, 35, line + 1.5) ; if (look->mapStatus & F_IS_FIXED) { graphButton ("Save As", defCptSaveAs, 53, line + 1.5) ; } if ((look->mapStatus & F_BOUT) /* == 4 */) graphButton ("Extend Reads", defCptExtendReadsExt, 23, 12.75) ; if (look->mapStatus & F_HIST) graphButton("Clean Histograms", defCptRmHisto, 40.50, 1.25) ; break ; } break ; case M_FINGPR: if (!look->mapStatus) { graphButton("Get Clones", defCptGetClones, 2, 2) ; break ; } if (!(look->mapStatus & F_SORT)) graphButton("Sort Segment", defCptTree, 2, 3.5) ; graphText("Filter Functions", .25, 5) ; graphButton("Suppress overpresent bands", defTreeSupr, 2, 6) ; if (look->mapStatus & F_SORT) graphButton("Suppress off diagonal bands", defTreeNonDiag, 2, 7.5) ; if (look->whatDis & F_E_FLAG) graphButton("use all Data", defSupFlag, 33, 7.5) ; graphText("Display Functions", .25, 9) ; if (!(look->mapStatus & F_SHOWM)) graphButton("Show Matrix", defMapDisplay, 2, 10) ; graphButton("Histograms", defCptFingPrHisto, 15, 10) ; if (look->mapStatus & F_HIST) graphButton("Clean Histograms", defCptRmHisto, 27, 10) ; break ; case M_DEFDUP: if (!look->mapStatus) { graphButton ("Select a Map", defCptGetData, 2, 4) ; break ; } if (look->mapStatus & F_NO_CONTIG) { graphButton("Select a Contig", defCptGetData, 2, 4) ; break ; } graphButton ("Change Contig", defCptGetData, 2, 4) ; if (!(look->mapStatus & F_SORT)) graphButton("Sort Segment", defCptTree, 2, 5.5) ; else { graphButton("Show Map", defCptExportOrder, 2, 5.5) ; if (!(look->mapStatus & F_SOMAR)) { graphButton("Sort Marker", defCptSortMarkers, 50, 5.5) ; graphButton("Old Sort Marker", defTreeSortM, 46, 12) ; } } if (look->whatDis & F_E_YN) graphButton("Treatment of Unknown", defCptTreatUnk, 25, 5.5) ; graphText("Filter Functions", .25, 7) ; graphButton("Suppress trivial segments", defCptSupSing, 2, 8) ; graphButton("Suppress overpresent markers", defTreeSupr, 33, 8) ; if (look->mapStatus & F_SORT) graphButton("Suppress off diagonal markers", defTreeNonDiag, 2, 9.5) ; if (look->whatDis & F_E_FLAG) graphButton("use all Data", defSupFlag, 33, 9.5) ; graphText("Display Functions", .25, 11) ; if (!(look->mapStatus & F_SHOWM)) graphButton("Show Matrix", defMapDisplay, 2, 12) ; graphButton("Histograms", defCptDefDupHisto, 15, 12) ; if (look->mapStatus & F_HIST) graphButton("Clean Histograms", defCptRmHisto, 27, 12) ; break ; case M_EDWARD: if (!(look->mapStatus)) { graphButton("Get Data", defCptGetGenes, 0.25, 3.25) ; } else if (look->mapStatus == 1) graphButton("Ace-Dump Allele Order", defCptExportOrder, 2, 3.5) ; break ; default: break ; } graphTextBounds (100, 17) ; graphRedraw() ; } #endif /* !NON_GRAPHIC */ /***************************************************************/ /* destruction des tableaux de look sauf dataArray (pour changer de contig) */ /* ? pour knownPairs et knownOrder */ static void lookArrayDestroy(DEFCPT look) { int i ; KEYSET *ksp ; TREE_DEF *seg ; look->nd = look->nm = 0 ; arrayDestroy (look->linOrder) ; arrayDestroy (look->colOrder) ; if (arrayExists (look->maillon)) { if ((i = arrayMax (look->maillon))) { seg = arrp (look->maillon, i - 1, TREE_DEF) + 1 ; while(seg--, i--) { keySetDestroy (seg->ks) ; keySetDestroy (seg->x) ; } } arrayDestroy (look->maillon) ; } if (arrayExists(look->defInMar)) { if ((i = arrayMax(look->defInMar))) { ksp = arrp(look->defInMar, 0, KEYSET) - 1 ; while(ksp++, i--) keySetDestroy(*ksp) ; } arrayDestroy (look->defInMar) ; } if (arrayExists (look->marInDef)) { if ((i = arrayMax(look->marInDef))) { ksp = arrp(look->marInDef, 0, KEYSET) - 1 ; while(ksp++, i--) keySetDestroy(*ksp) ; } arrayDestroy (look->marInDef) ; } arrayDestroy (look->gmap) ; keySetDestroy (look->def) ; keySetDestroy (look->mar) ; keySetDestroy (look->rejected) ; } /***************************************************************/ static void defCptRestart (DEFCPT look) { lookArrayDestroy(look) ; intrinsicTreeDestroy() ; dnaAlignDestroy(look) ; #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC plotHistoRemove() ; if (graphActivate(look->defMapGraph)) graphDestroy() ; if (graphActivate(look->defTreeGraph)) graphDestroy() ; #endif look->assDnaGet = assBigCreate (10000) ; } /***************************************************************/ static void uLocalDoDestroy (DEFCPT look) { char *kp = 0 ; #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC Graph gActive = graphActive () ; /* some destruction affect Graphs ; we want keep the active one */ #endif if (!look || !look->magic) return ; if (look->magic != DEFCPTMAG) messcrash ("Destroy received a wrong look pointer") ; nblook-- ; look->magic = 0 ; lookArrayDestroy(look) ; intrinsicTreeDestroy() ; dnaAlignDestroy (look) ; keySetDestroy (look->actif) ; arrayDestroy(look->dataArray) ; arrayDestroy(look->knownPairs) ; arrayDestroy(look->knownOrder) ; if (assDefLook && look->link) assRemove (assDefLook, kp + look->link) ; #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC plotHistoRemove () ; if (graphActivate (look->defMapGraph)) graphDestroy() ; if (graphActivate (look->defTreeGraph)) graphDestroy() ; graphActivate (gActive) ; /* restore context */ #endif /* !NON_GRAPHIC */ messfree (look) ; if (diffaction) stackDestroy(diffaction) ; } /***************************************************************/ #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC static void localDestroy(void) { DEFCPTGET (look) ; localDoDestroy (look) ; } #endif /* !NON_GRAPHIC */ /***************************************************************/ /***************************************************************/ /* attention ne sortir de tace que en detruisant look (localDestroy) */ static DEFCPT defComputeNewLook (void) { DEFCPT look = (DEFCPT)messalloc(sizeof(struct DEFCPTSTUFF)) ; nblook++ ; look->magic = DEFCPTMAG ; look->id = ++nmrid ; look->Line = 8 ; look->dlimit = 100 ; look->manEntry = FALSE ; look->display = FALSE ; look->assDnaGet = assBigCreate (10000) ; sprintf(look->distance, "%f", (float)1.) ; return look ; } /* defComputeNewLook */ /***************************************************************/ void defComputeTace (ACEIN command_in, ACEOUT result_out, KEYSET ks) /* called by command.c (for tacembly) */ { defcptInit() ; if (!sessionGainWriteAccess()) /* try to grab it */ { /* may occur is somebody else grabbed it */ messout ("Sorry, you cannot gain write access") ; return ; } nonGraphicLook = defComputeNewLook () ; aceOutPrint (result_out, " // start ace-mbly; %s\n", timeShow(timeNow())) ; nonGraphicLook->taceActif = ks ; nonGraphicLook->actif = keySetExists (ks) ? query (ks, "CLASS Sequence") : 0 ; defCptDoReadAction (command_in, result_out, nonGraphicLook) ; localDoDestroy (nonGraphicLook) ; return; } /* defComputeTace */ /***************************************************************/ #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC static void defCptPick(int box) { DEFCPTGET ("defCptPick") ; if (look->nboligBox && box == look->nboligBox) graphTextEntry(look->nboligo, 0, 0, 0, 0) ; else if (look->disBox && box == look->disBox) graphTextEntry(look->distance, 0, 0, 0, 0) ; else if (look->choixBox && box == look->choixBox) graphTextEntry(look->choix, 0, 0, 0, 0) ; else if (look->paramBox && box == look->paramBox) graphTextEntry(look->param, 0, 0, 0, 0) ; else defcomputeDraw (look, 0) ; return; } /* defCptPick */ void defCompute (void) { DEFCPT look = 0 ; if (graphActivate (myGraph)) { if (!graphAssFind (&DEFCPTMAG, &look)) messcrash ("graph not found in %s", name) ; if (look->magic != DEFCPTMAG) messcrash ("%s received a wrong pointer", name) ; defcomputeDraw (look, 0) ; myLook = look ; return ; } look = defComputeNewLook () ; look->display = TRUE ; look->manEntry = TRUE ; look->defMapCtlGraph = myGraph = graphCreate (TEXT_SCROLL, "Mapping and Assembly", 0.60,0.0,0.65,0.27) ; graphRegister(DESTROY, localDestroy) ; graphRegister(PICK, defCptPick) ; graphAssociate (&DEFCPTMAG , look) ; graphMenu(qhpMenu) ; graphHelp("Mapping and Assembly") ; graphColor (BLACK) ; defcomputeDraw (look, 0) ; myLook = look ; } /***************************************************************/ void defCptOpen (KEY link) { defcptInit() ; defCompute () ; /* reopen the window */ if (myLook->link == link) return ; if (myLook->link && myLook->link != link && !messQuery (messprintf ("You are already assembling %s, %s %s", name(myLook->link), "should we restart on ", name(link)))) return ; defCptChangeLook (myLook, myLook->link, link) ; myLook->def = queryKey (link, ">Subsequence ; >DNA") ; pleaseAssemble () ; } /***************************************************************/ /* call with com == 0 to start up the command window */ KEY defCptExecuteCommand (KEY link, KEYSET def, KEYSET actif, char *com, char *param) { int level = 0 ; DEFCPT look = 0 ; KEY key = 0 ; ACEIN fi = 0 ; /* aceInCreateFromStdin (0); */ if (!link) link = 1 ; /* to be associated */ /* if (com && *com) level = aceInSetText(fi, com, param) ; */ /* else ? level n'etait pas initialise et pourquoi le else ? look->display = TRUE ; */ return 0 ; /* level shouldbe defined */ look = defCptGetLook (link) ; lookArrayDestroy(look) ; /* restart */ intrinsicTreeDestroy() ; if (def) look->def = def ; else if (actif) look->actif = actif ; else { look->def = queryKey (link, ">Subsequence ; >DNA") ; /* look->rejected = queryKey (link, ">Rejected ; >DNA") ; */ } if (level) { key = look->link ; if ((look->def && arrayMax (look->def)) || (look->actif && arrayMax (look->actif))) defCptDoReadAction(fi, look, level) ; if (key == 1) { key = look->link ; defCptDestroyLook (key) ; } else if (key != look->link) { defCptChangeLook (look, key, look->link) ; /* normally done before */ key = look->link ; } } else key = 0 ; aceInDestroy (fi) ; return key ; } #endif /***************************************************************/ /***************************************************************/ /***************************************************************/ static void defCptGiveDirection (KEY key1, KEY key2, KEY tag, int *sens1, int *sens2) { int i1, i2, x1, x2 ; Array dog1 = 0, dog2 = 0 ; OBJ obj1 = 0, obj2 = 0 ; BSunit *u1, *u2 ; dog1 = arrayCreate (20, BSunit) ; obj1 = bsCreate (key1) ; if (!obj1 || !bsFindTag (obj1, tag) || !bsFlatten (obj1, 2, dog1)) { *sens1 = 0 ; *sens2 = 0 ; goto abort ; } dog2 = arrayCreate (20, BSunit) ; obj2 = bsCreate (key2) ; if (!obj2 || !bsFindTag (obj2, tag) || !bsFlatten (obj2, 2, dog2)) { *sens1 = 0 ; *sens2 = 0 ; goto abort ; } x1 = 0 ; x2 = 0 ; i1 = arrayMax (dog1) / 2 ; u1 = arrp (dog1, 0, BSunit) ; while (i1--) { i2 = arrayMax (dog2) / 2 ; u2 = arrp (dog2, 0, BSunit) ; while (i2--) { if (u1->k == u2->k) { x1 += (u1+1)->i ; x2 += (u2+1)->i ; } u2 += 2 ; } u1 += 2 ; } *sens1 = x1 > 0 ? 1 : (x1 < 0 ? -1 : 0) ; /* sens 1 puis 2 ils doivent se faire front */ *sens2 = x2 < 0 ? 1 : (x2 > 0 ? -1 : 0) ; abort: bsDestroy (obj1) ; bsDestroy (obj2) ; arrayDestroy (dog1) ; arrayDestroy (dog2) ; } /***************************************************************/ static BOOL defCptPolarFirst (TREE_DEF ksm, Array bilan, KEY tag, int *dir) { int i, max, x1, x2 ; KEY key1, key2 ; i = keySetMax (ksm.ks) ; max = arrayMax (bilan) ; if (i < 2) { array (bilan, max++, BSunit).k = keySet (ksm.ks, 0) ; array (bilan, max, BSunit).i = 1 ; return FALSE ; } key1 = keySet (ksm.ks, 0) ; key2 = keySet (ksm.ks, 1) ; for (i = 1 ; i < keySetMax (ksm.ks) && keySet (ksm.x, i) ; i++) ; if (i < keySetMax (ksm.ks)) key2 = keySet (ksm.ks, i) ; defCptGiveDirection (key1, key2, tag, &x1, &x2) ; *dir = x1 ; return TRUE ; } /***************************************************************/ static void defCptPolarNext (TREE_DEF ksm, Array bilan, KEY tag, int fath, int dir) { int i, j, k, max, xmax, dirf, dir1, dir2, x2 ; KEY key1, key2, done = 1 << 24 ; BOOL pass = TRUE ; i = keySetMax (ksm.ks) ; key1 = keySet (ksm.ks, fath) ; xmax = keySet (ksm.x, fath) ; dirf = dir ; k = fath ; again: for (j = k + 1 ; j < i ; j++) { x2 = keySet (ksm.x, j) ; if (x2 == done) continue ; if (x2 < xmax) { if (keySet (ksm.x, k) != done) { max = arrayMax (bilan) ; array (bilan, max++, BSunit).k = key1 ; array (bilan, max, BSunit).i = dirf ; keySet (ksm.x, k) = done ; } return ; } key2 = keySet (ksm.ks, j) ; defCptGiveDirection (key1, key2, tag, &dir1, &dir2) ; if (!dirf) dirf = dir1 ; if (pass && (x2 > xmax)) { if (dirf * dir1 < 0) defCptPolarNext (ksm, bilan, tag, j, - dir2) ; continue ; } if (keySet (ksm.x, k) != done) { max = arrayMax (bilan) ; array (bilan, max++, BSunit).k = key1 ; array (bilan, max, BSunit).i = dirf ; keySet (ksm.x, k) = done ; j = k ; pass = FALSE ; continue ; } if (x2 > xmax) { defCptPolarNext (ksm, bilan, tag, j, dir2) ; continue ; } k = j ; dirf = dir2 ; key1 = key2 ; } if (keySet (ksm.x, k) != done) { max = arrayMax (bilan) ; array (bilan, max++, BSunit).k = key1 ; array (bilan, max, BSunit).i = dirf ; keySet (ksm.x, k) = done ; if (pass) { pass = FALSE ; goto again ; } } } /***************************************************************/ static void defCptPolarity (DEFCPT look, KEY sub, KEY tag) { int i, dir ; TREE_DEF ksm ; Array bilan = 0 ; i = arrayMax (look->maillon) ; if (!i) return ; bilan = arrayCreate (2*keySetMax (look->def), BSunit) ; for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax (look->maillon) ; i++) { ksm = arr (look->maillon, i, TREE_DEF) ; if (defCptPolarFirst (ksm, bilan, tag, &dir)) defCptPolarNext (ksm, bilan, tag, 0, dir) ; } alignToolsAdjustLink (look->link, 0, bilan) ; } /***************************************************************/ /* attention look->def est ici un keySet de Sequence */ static BOOL defCptDoOrderKeySet (DEFCPT look, KEY tag, KEY sub) { int i, j, k, nmd ; Array temp = 0, *ap ; OBJ obj = 0 ; KEY *keyp ; KEYSET *ksp, ks, resu ; BSunit *up ; if (!keySetExists (look->def) || !(i = keySetMax (look->def))) return FALSE ; keySetSort (look->def) ; /* normalement fait dans la fonction appelante ? */ keySetCompress (look->def) ; i = keySetMax (look->def) ; temp = arrayCreate (i, Array) ; array (temp, i - 1, Array) = 0 ; ap = arrp (temp, 0, Array) - 1 ; keyp = arrp (look->def, 0, KEY) - 1 ; look->mar = keySetCreate () ; while (ap++, keyp++, i--) { *ap = arrayCreate (20, BSunit) ; if ((obj = bsCreate (*keyp)) && bsFindTag (obj, tag) && bsFlatten (obj, 1, *ap)) { j = arrayMax (*ap) ; up = arrp (*ap, 0, BSunit) - 1 ; k = keySetMax (look->mar) ; while (up++, j--) keySet (look->mar, k++) = up->k ; } bsDestroy (obj) ; } keySetSort (look->mar) ; keySetCompress (look->mar) ; if (!keySetMax (look->mar)) { i = arrayMax (temp) ; ap = arrp (temp, 0, Array) - 1 ; while (ap++, i--) arrayDestroy (*ap) ; arrayDestroy (temp) ; keySetDestroy (look->mar) ; return FALSE ; } look->nd = keySetMax (look->def) ; look->nm = keySetMax (look->mar) ; look->whatDis = 1 ; look->method = M_DEFDUP ; i = look->nd ; look->marInDef = arrayCreate(i, KEYSET) ; array(look->marInDef, i - 1, KEYSET) = 0 ; i = look->nm ; look->defInMar = arrayCreate(i, KEYSET) ; array(look->defInMar, i - 1, KEYSET) = 0 ; ksp = arrp(look->defInMar, 0, KEYSET) ; while(i--) *ksp++ = keySetCreate() ; ap = arrp (temp, 0, Array) ; ksp = arrp(look->marInDef, 0, KEYSET) ; for (i = 0 ; i < look->nd ; ksp++, ap++, i++) { *ksp = keySetCreate () ; nmd = 0 ; j = arrayMax (*ap) ; if (j) /* mieg */ { up = arrp (*ap, 0, BSunit) - 1 ; while (up++, j--) { if (!keySetFind (look->mar, up->k, &k)) messcrash ("Le marqueur doit exister a ce niveau") ; keySet (*ksp, nmd++) = k ; ks = arr (look->defInMar, k, KEYSET) ; keySet (ks, keySetMax (ks)) = i ; } } arrayDestroy (*ap) ; } arrayDestroy (temp) ; i = look->nd ; ksp = arrp(look->marInDef, 0, KEYSET) - 1 ; while(ksp++, i--) arraySort(*ksp, mardefOrder) ; i = look->nm ; ksp = arrp(look->defInMar, 0, KEYSET) - 1 ; while(ksp++, i--) arraySort(*ksp, mardefOrder) ; arrayDestroy (look->colOrder) ; arrayDestroy (look->linOrder) ; TESCOLO ; TESLIN ; if (!intCptTree (look)) return FALSE ; resu = keySetCopy (look->def) ; for (i = 0 ; i < look->nd ; i++) keySet (look->def, i) = keySet (resu, arr (look->colOrder, i, int)) ; keySetMax (look->def) = i ; if (look->link) defCptPolarity (look, sub, tag) ; keySetDestroy (resu) ; return TRUE ; } /***************************************************************/ /* restart look */ /* */ /* This is not currently called from anywhere.... */ /* */ BOOL defCptOrderKeySet (KEYSET aTrier, KEY tag, KEY link, KEY sub) { BOOL end = FALSE, isCreate = FALSE ; KEY i = 1 ; char *kp = 0 ; DEFCPT look = 0 ; defcptInit() ; if (!keySetExists (aTrier) || !keySetMax (aTrier)) return FALSE ; keySetSort (aTrier) ; /* normalement fait dans la fonction appelante ? */ keySetCompress (aTrier) ; if (!link && assDefLook) while (assFind (assDefLook, kp + i, &look)) i++ ; else i = link ; if (assDefLook && !assFind (assDefLook, kp + i, &look)) isCreate = TRUE ; look = defCptGetLook (i) ; lookArrayDestroy (look) ; /* restart look */ look->def = aTrier ; look->link = link ; if (defCptDoOrderKeySet (look, tag, sub)) end = TRUE ; look->def = 0 ; if (isCreate) { look->link = i ; localDoDestroy (look) ; } else lookArrayDestroy (look) ; return end ; } /***************************************************************/ static void findMultipletsInContigs (KEY contig, KEY subcl, KEY mult) { OBJ Seq, Contig = bsUpdate (contig) ; int x1, x2, lng, old ; KEY seq, dog ; BSMARK mark = 0, mark2 = 0 ; if (!Contig) return ; if (bsFindTag (Contig, mult)) bsRemove (Contig) ; if (bsGetKey (Contig, _Assembled_from, &seq)) do { if ((Seq = bsCreate (seq))) { if (bsGetKey (Seq, subcl, &dog)) { lng = 0 ; mark = bsMark (Contig, mark) ; if (bsGetData (Contig, _bsRight, _Int, &x1) && bsGetData (Contig, _bsRight, _Int, &x2)) lng = x2 - x1 ; bsAddKey (Contig, mult, dog) ; if (lng) { mark2 = bsMark (Contig, mark2) ; old = 0 ; if (bsGetData (Contig, _bsRight, _Int, &old)) lng += old ; /* so conflicting directions average out */ bsGoto (Contig, mark2) ; bsAddData (Contig, _bsRight, _Int, &lng) ; } bsGoto (Contig, mark) ; } bsDestroy (Seq) ; } } while (bsGetKey (Contig, _bsDown, &seq)) ; bsSave (Contig) ; bsMarkFree (mark) ; bsMarkFree (mark2) ; } /***************************************************************/ static void defCptMoveLocally (DEFCPT look, KEY tag, KEY sub) { int i, p1, p2, d1, d2, s1, s2, max = 0 ; KEY key1, key2 ; Array order = 0, unit = 0 ; OBJ Link = 0 ; BSunit *u ; Link = bsCreate (look->link) ; if (!Link) return ; unit = arrayCreate (90, BSunit) ; if (!bsFindTag (Link, sub) || !bsFlatten (Link, 3, unit) || !arrayMax (unit)) goto abort ; key1 = arrp (unit, 0, BSunit)->k ; p1 = arrp (unit, 1, BSunit)->i ; p2 = arrp (unit, 2, BSunit)->i ; order = arrayCreate (90, BSunit) ; for (i = 3 ; i < arrayMax (unit) ; i += 3) { u = arrp (unit, i, BSunit) ; key2 = u[0].k ; d1 = u[1].i ; d2 = u[2].i ; defCptGiveDirection (key1, key2, tag, &s1, &s2) ; if ((s1 * (p2 - p1) < 0) && (s2 * (d2 - d1) < 0)) { array (order, max++, BSunit).k = key2 ; array (order, max++, BSunit).i = d2 - d1 ; continue ; } array (order, max++, BSunit).k = key1 ; array (order, max++, BSunit).i = p2 - p1 ; key1 = key2 ; p1 = d1 ; p2 = d2 ; } array (order, max++, BSunit).k = key1 ; array (order, max++, BSunit).i = p2 - p1 ; alignToolsAdjustLink (look->link, 0, order) ; arrayDestroy (order) ; abort: arrayDestroy (unit) ; bsDestroy (Link) ; } /***************************************************************/ /* attention change le contenu du look ; normalement appelee par execute command avec un look vide a part look->def */ static void defCptOrderBySubclones (DEFCPT look) { int i ; keySetDestroy (look->def) ; if (look->link) look->def = queryKey (look->link, ">Subsequence") ; i = keySetMax (look->def) ; if (!i) return ; while (i--) findMultipletsInContigs (keySet (look->def, i), _Subclone, _Multiplet) ; if (defCptDoOrderKeySet (look, _Multiplet, _Subsequence)) defCptMoveLocally (look, _Multiplet, _Subsequence) ; } /***************************************************************/ void defCptForget (KEY link, KEY key) { DEFCPT look = 0 ; char *kp = 0 ; defcptInit() ; if (!link) { if (assDefLook) while (assNext (assDefLook, &kp, &look)) dnaAlignForget (look, key) ; if (nonGraphicLook) dnaAlignForget (nonGraphicLook, key) ; if (myLook) dnaAlignForget (myLook, key) ; } else if (assFind (assDefLook, kp + link, &look)) dnaAlignForget (look, key) ; } /***************************************************************/ void defCptChangeLook (DEFCPT look, KEY oldLink, KEY newLink) { char *kp = 0 ; KEY link ; defcptInit() ; if (!assDefLook) { assDefLook = assCreate () ; isTimeStamps = FALSE ; } if (oldLink) link = oldLink ; else link = look->link ; if (link) /* voir le cas pour le look static de la fonction */ assRemove (assDefLook, kp + link) ; look->link = newLink ; assInsert (assDefLook, kp + newLink, look) ; } /***************************************************************/ /* Si look->link = 0 association avec la cle 1 qui ne peut etre un link (ancien look statique) */ DEFCPT defCptGetLook (KEY link) { DEFCPT look = 0 ; char *kp = 0 ; defcptInit() ; if (!assDefLook) { assDefLook = assCreate () ; isTimeStamps = FALSE ; } if (!link) { if (nonGraphicLook) look = nonGraphicLook ; #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC else graphAssFind (&DEFCPTMAG, &look) ; #endif if (!look) messcrash ("Look non initialise") ; } else if (!assFind (assDefLook, kp + link, &look)) { look = defComputeNewLook () ; assInsert (assDefLook, kp + link, look) ; look->link = link ; } if (look->magic != DEFCPTMAG) messcrash ("%s received a wrong pointer in defCptGetLook", "") ; return look ; } /***************************************************************/ void defCptDestroyLook (KEY link) { DEFCPT look = 0 ; char *kp = 0 ; defcptInit() ; if (!assDefLook) { isTimeStamps = FALSE ; return ; } if (link && assFind (assDefLook, kp + link, &look) && look) { #ifndef NON_GRAPHIC if (myLook && myLook->link == link) /* i e same look as defcpt's window */ { if (myLook != look) messerror ("Should be the same look") ; return ; } #endif if (link != look->link) messerror ("Pb dans le look -> voir pour le destroy") ; if (myLook == look) myLook = 0 ; localDoDestroy (look) ; } } /***************************************************************/ /***************************************************************/ /***************************************************************/