/* File: specg.c * Written by Jo Dicks (jld@bioch.ox.ac.uk) * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * Acedb is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * or see the on-line version at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * This file is part of the ACeDB comparative mapping package, * written by Jo Dicks and Michelle Kirby * The original ACeDB system was written by : * Richard Durbin (MRC LMB, UK) rd@mrc-lmba.cam.ac.uk, and * Jean Thierry-Mieg (CRBM du CNRS, France) mieg@kaa.cnrs-mop.fr * Copyright (C) J Thierry-Mieg and R Durbin, 1991 * * Description: to display Species Grids * Exported functions: oxDisplay () only * HISTORY: * Last edited: Apr 22 15:06 1999 (fw) * - change NULL's to 0's to please MS Visual C++ compiler * Created: January 1995 *------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* $Id: specg.c,v 1.13 1999/09/13 08:55:51 srk Exp $ */ #include "acedb.h" #include "display.h" #include "lex.h" #include "bs.h" #include "query.h" #include "oxgrid.h" #include "keysetdisp.h" #include "whooks/systags.h" #include "whooks/classes.h" #include "whooks/sysclass.h" #include "whooks/tags.h" int specConvert (OX ox) ; int pointOrder (void *a, void *b) ; static void specPick (int box) ; static void specSelect (OX ox, int box) ; static void specFollow (OX ox) ; static void specDestroy (void) ; static void specDraw (OX ox) ; static void drawChromosome (OX ox, float xlen) ; static void drawScale (OX ox) ; static void drawSpots (OX ox, float xscale) ; static void drawLines (OX ox, float xscale) ; static void toggleChroms (void) ; static void noChroms (void) ; static void specZoomIn (void) ; static void specZoomOut (void) ; static void specClear (void) ; static void specLightAll (void) ; static void specLightHom (void) ; static void specUnLightHom (void) ; static void specLight (void) ; static void specUnLight (void) ; static void specHide (void) ; static void specHideLight (void) ; static void specUnHide (void) ; static void specExport (void) ; static void specFindHom (char *string) ; static void specFindLoc (char *string) ; static int spechomolCompletion (char *cp, int len) ; static int speclocusCompletion (char *cp, int len) ; enum BoxNames { BACKGROUND=0, CHROM_BOX, HIDE_BOX, ZOOM_IN, ZOOM_OUT, FINDHOM_BOX, FINDHOM2_BOX, FINDLOC_BOX, FINDLOC2_BOX, MESS_BOX, MIN_BOX } ; /* MIN_BOX must be last */ static MENUOPT specMenu[] = { {graphDestroy, "Quit"}, {help, "Help"}, {graphPrint, "Print"}, {displayPreserve, "Preserve"}, {0, 0} } ; static MENUOPT Highlight3Menu[] = { {specClear, "Clear and show all"}, {specLightAll, "Highlight all"}, {specLightHom, "Highlight homology"}, {specUnLightHom, "Unhighlight homology"}, {specLight, "Highlight selected keyset"}, {specUnLight,"Unhighlight selected keyset"}, {specHide, "Restrict to keyset"}, {specHideLight, "Hide highlit items"}, {specUnHide, "Unhide hidden items"}, {specExport, "Export highlit keyset"}, {0, 0} } ; static float xOff, yOff ; void specDisplay (void) { int spec ; OXGET ("specDisplay") ; ox->specflag = 0 ; spec = specConvert (ox) ; if (spec == -1) {messout ("Sorry, definition is bad") ; return ; } else if (spec == 0) {messout ("No homologies for this Map") ; return ; } else {if (graphExists (ox->specGraph)) {graphActivate (ox->specGraph) ; graphPop () ;} else {if (!displayCreate ("SPECGRID")) return ; graphAssociate (&OX_MAGIC, ox) ; ox->specGraph = graphActive () ; graphRegister (DESTROY, specDestroy) ; graphRegister (MESSAGE_DESTROY, displayUnBlock) ; graphRegister (PICK, (GraphFunc) specPick) ; graphMenu (specMenu) ; graphTextBounds (180, 120) ;} specDraw (ox) ; } } /************************************************************/ /***************** Registered rourtines *********************/ static void specDestroy (void) { OXGET ("specDestroy") ; arrayDestroy (ox->specsegs) ; arrayDestroy (ox->specs) ; arrayDestroy (ox->c4segs) ; ox->c4 = 0 ; ox->specflag = 0 ; if (graphAssFind (&OX_MAGIC, &ox) && ox && (ox->magic == &OX_MAGIC)) {if (graphExists (ox->specGraph)) { graphActivate (ox->specGraph) ; graphDestroy () ; } } ox->chooseGraph = graphActive () ; } /**********************************/ static void specSelect (OX ox, int box) { int i, h ; KEY group = 0, hit = 0, key1 = 0, key2 = 0; SEG *seg ; HIDBOX *temp ; BOOL HID = FALSE ; Array oldhomols = 0 ; if (ox->specBox == box) return ; if (ox->specBox) {oldhomols = arrayCreate (8, HIDBOX) ; oldhomols = arrayCopy (ox->homols) ; ox->homols = arrayReCreate (ox->homols, 8, HIDBOX) ; } else {ox->homols = arrayCreate (8, HIDBOX) ; } for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax (ox->specsegs) ; ++i) {seg = arrp (ox->specsegs, i, SEG) ; if (seg->box == ox->specBox) if (seg->flag & FLAG_LIGHT) HID = TRUE ; if (seg->box == box) group = seg->key ; } h = 0 ; for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax (ox->specsegs) ; ++i) {seg = arrp (ox->specsegs, i, SEG) ; if (chkSpecies (group, seg->key) && seg->box != box) {temp = arrayp (ox->homols, h, HIDBOX) ; temp->box = seg->box ; if (seg->flag & FLAG_LIGHT) temp->hid = TRUE ; else temp->hid = FALSE ; h++ ; } } if (ox->specBox) {if (ox->specBox >= MIN_BOX + ox->spec_labels) {if (HID == TRUE) graphBoxDraw (ox->specBox, WHITE, MAGENTA) ; else graphBoxDraw (ox->specBox, WHITE, BLUE) ; for (h = 0 ; h < arrayMax (oldhomols) ; h++) {temp = arrayp (oldhomols, h, HIDBOX) ; if (temp->hid == TRUE) graphBoxDraw (temp->box, WHITE, MAGENTA) ; else graphBoxDraw (temp->box, WHITE, BLUE) ; } } else if (ox->specBox == MIN_BOX) graphBoxDraw (ox->specBox, BLACK, WHITE) ; else if (ox->specBox >= MIN_BOX + 1 && ox->specBox < MIN_BOX + ox->spec_labels) graphBoxDraw (ox->specBox, BLUE, WHITE) ; } ox->specBox = box ; if (ox->specBox >= MIN_BOX + ox->spec_labels) {graphBoxDraw (ox->specBox, WHITE, GREEN) ; for (h = 0 ; h < arrayMax (ox->homols) ; h++) graphBoxDraw (arrayp(ox->homols, h, HIDBOX)->box, WHITE, RED) ; } else if (ox->specBox == MIN_BOX) graphBoxDraw (ox->specBox, WHITE, BLACK) ; else if (ox->specBox >= MIN_BOX+1 && ox->specBox < MIN_BOX + ox->spec_labels) graphBoxDraw (ox->specBox, WHITE, BLUE) ; graphCompScrollEntry (0, ox->spechom, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) ; graphEntryDisable () ; graphCompScrollEntry (0, ox->specloc, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) ; graphEntryDisable () ; if (ox->message3Box) if (ox->specBox >= MIN_BOX + ox->spec_labels) {for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax (ox->specsegs) ; i++) {seg = arrayp (ox->specsegs, i, SEG) ; if (seg->box == ox->specBox) {hit = seg->key ; key1 = seg->gene1 ; key2 = seg->gene2 ; } } strncpy (ox->message3Text, messprintf ("Homology "), 80) ; strcat (ox->message3Text, messprintf ("%s ", name (hit))) ; strcat (ox->message3Text, messprintf ("between %s and %s", name (key1), name (key2))) ; } else *ox->message3Text = 0 ; graphBoxDraw (ox->message3Box, BLACK, LIGHTBLUE) ; arrayDestroy (oldhomols) ; } static void specPick (int box) { int specs ; OXGET ("specPick") ; specs = arrayMax (ox->specs) ; if (box >= MIN_BOX + ox->spec_labels && box < (arrayMax (ox->specsegs) + MIN_BOX + ox->spec_labels)) {if (box == ox->specBox) specFollow (ox) ; specSelect (ox, box) ; } else if (box == MIN_BOX) {if (box == ox->specBox) display (ox->c4, 0, 0) ; graphActivate (ox->specGraph) ; specSelect (ox, box) ; } else if (box >= MIN_BOX + 1 && box < MIN_BOX + 1 + specs) {if (box == ox->specBox) display (arrayp (ox->specs, box-MIN_BOX-1, SPEC)->key, 0, 0) ; graphActivate (ox->specGraph) ; specSelect (ox, box) ; } else if (box >= MIN_BOX + 1 + specs && box < MIN_BOX + ox->spec_labels) {if (box == ox->specBox) display (arrayp (ox->c4segs, box-MIN_BOX-1-specs, CHROMS)->key, 0, 0) ; graphActivate (ox->specGraph) ; specSelect (ox, box) ; } else if (box == FINDHOM_BOX) graphCompScrollEntry (0, ox->spechom, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) ; else if (box == FINDLOC_BOX) graphCompScrollEntry (0, ox->specloc, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) ; } static void specFollow (OX ox) { int i ; KEY hit = 0 ; SEG *seg ; for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax (ox->specsegs) ; i++) {seg = arrayp (ox->specsegs, i, SEG) ; if (seg->box == ox->specBox) hit = seg->key ; } if (hit) display (hit, 0, 0) ; } /**********************************/ int specConvert (OX ox) { int found, h, i, j, k, l, m, p ; int h1, h2 ; float x1, x2, x3, x4 ; float bmin = 0, bmax = 0 ; float min1 = 0, max1 = 0 ; char *sym ; KEY band, col, group, key ; KEY m1, m2, map1, map2 ; KEY key1, key2 ; OBJ Band, Group, Locus1, Locus2 ; POS *p1, *p2 ; SEG *seg, *seg2 ; SPEC *mapset, *mapset2 ; OBJ chr1 = 0 ; CHROMS *c4seg ; Array bands, homol, homol2, posn1, posn2, tempspecs; KEYSET specs, maps, fuzzy, pairwise ; static BSMARK mark1 = 0 ; static BSMARK mark2 = 0 ; BOOL pos1, pos2, found2 ; if (!(chr1 = bsCreate (ox->specmap))) return -1 ; else {ox->c4 = ox->specmap ; } bsDestroy (chr1) ; ox->specflag |= FLAG_SPEC_CHROM ; ox->specflag &= ~FLAG_SPECBANDS ; ox->specwide = 75; ox->spechigh = 50 ; bands = arrayCreate (8, BSunit) ; homol = arrayCreate (32, BSunit) ; homol2 = arrayCreate (32, BSunit) ; ox->specsegs = arrayCreate (8, SEG) ; ox->c4segs = arrayCreate (8, CHROMS) ; ox->specs = arrayCreate (8, SPEC) ; tempspecs = arrayCreate (8, SPEC) ; k = 0 ; specs = keySetCreate () ; specs = query(0, ">?Map_set ; Species") ; for (i = 0 ; i < keySetMax (specs) ; i++) {found = 0 ; maps = keySetCreate () ; maps = query (0, messprintf (">?Map_set \"%s\" ; >Map", name (keySet (specs, i)))); for (j = 0 ; j < keySetMax (maps) ; j++) if (chkSpecies (ox->c4, keySet (maps, j))) found++ ; if (found == 0) {mapset = arrayp (tempspecs, k++, SPEC) ; mapset->key = keySet (specs, i) ; mapset->homol = 0 ; mapset->maps = arrayCreate (8, KEY) ; for (l = 0 ; l < keySetMax (maps) ; l++) array (mapset->maps, l, KEY) = keySet (maps, l) ; } arrayDestroy (maps) ; } if ((chr1 = bsCreate (ox->c4))) {if (bsFindTag (chr1, _Chrom_Band) && bsFlatten (chr1, 1 , bands)) {for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax (bands) ; ++i ) {band = array (bands, i, BSunit).k ; Band = bsCreate (band) ; if (bsFindTag (Band, _Map) && bsGetKey (Band, _bsRight, &key)) if (bsPushObj (Band)) if (bsGetData (Band, _Left, _Float, &x1) && bsGetData (Band, _Right, _Float, &x2)) {c4seg = arrayp (ox->c4segs, i, CHROMS) ; c4seg->key = band ; c4seg->x = 0.5*(x1+x2) ; c4seg->dx = x2 - x1 ; c4seg->flag = 0 ; ox->specflag |= FLAG_SPECBANDS ; } bsDestroy (Band) ; if (x1 < bmin) bmin = x1 ; if (x2 > bmax) bmax = x2 ; } for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax (bands) ; ++i ) {band = array (bands, i, BSunit).k ; Band = bsCreate (band) ; c4seg = arrayp (ox->c4segs, i, CHROMS) ; if (bsFindTag (Band, _Centromere)) c4seg->flag |= FLAG_CENTROMERE ; if (bsFindTag (Band, _Dark)) c4seg->flag |= FLAG_DARK_BAND ; if (bsFindTag (Band, _NOR)) c4seg->flag |= FLAG_NOR ; if (bsFindTag (Band, _Colour) && bsGetKey (Band, _bsRight, &col)) c4seg->flag |= ((col - _WHITE) & 15 ) << 28 ; if (bsFindTag (Band, _Symbol)) {bsGetData (Band, _bsRight, _Text, &sym) ; c4seg->sym = sym ; } bsDestroy (Band) ; } } ox->c4min = bmin ; ox->c4max = bmax ; bsDestroy (chr1) ; } h = 0 ; pairwise = keySetCreate () ; pairwise = query (0, messprintf (">?Map \"%s\" ; >Locus ; >Pairwise", name (ox->c4))) ; for (i = 0 ; i < keySetMax (pairwise) ; i++) {group = array (pairwise, i, KEY) ; Group = bsCreate (group) ; if (bsGetKey (Group, _Pairwise, &key1)) do {mark1 = bsMark (Group, mark1) ; bsFlatten (Group, 1, homol) ; Locus1 = bsCreate (key1) ; pos1 = FALSE ; if (bsFindTag (Locus1, _Map) && bsGetKey (Locus1, _bsRight, &map1)) {if (bsPushObj (Locus1) && bsGetData (Locus1, _Position, _Float, &x1)) {pos1 = TRUE ; x2 = 0 ; if (bsPushObj (Locus1)) bsGetData (Locus1, _Error, _Float, &x2) ; } for (j = 0 ; j < arrayMax (homol) ; j++) {key2 = array (homol, j, BSunit).k ; Locus2 = bsCreate (key2) ; pos2 = FALSE ; if (bsFindTag (Locus2, _Map) && bsGetKey (Locus2, _bsRight, &map2)) {if (bsPushObj (Locus2) && bsGetData (Locus2, _Position, _Float, &x3)) {pos2 = TRUE ; x4 = 0 ; if (bsPushObj (Locus2)) bsGetData (Locus2, _Error, _Float, &x4) ; } for (k = 0 ; k < arrayMax (tempspecs) ; k ++) {mapset = arrayp (tempspecs, k, SPEC) ; for (l = 0 ; l < arrayMax (mapset->maps) ; l++) {if (chkSpecies (map1, ox->c4) && chkSpecies (map2, array (mapset->maps, l, KEY)) && pos1 == TRUE) {found2 = FALSE ; for (p = 0 ; p < arrayMax (ox->specsegs) ; p++) {seg2 = arrayp (ox->specsegs, p, SEG) ; if (chkSpecies (key1, seg2->gene1) && chkSpecies (key2, seg2->gene2)) found2 = TRUE ; } if (found2 == FALSE) {seg = arrayp (ox->specsegs, h , SEG) ; seg->key = group ; seg->flag = 0 ; seg->spec2 = mapset->key ; seg->x1 = x1 ; seg->dx1 = x2 ; seg->gene1 = key1 ; seg->gene2 = key2 ; seg->map1 = map1 ; seg->map2 = map2 ; (mapset->homol)++ ; if (seg->x1 < min1) min1 = seg->x1 ; if (seg->x1 > max1) max1 = seg->x1 ; h++ ; } } else if (chkSpecies (map2, ox->c4) && chkSpecies (map1, array (mapset->maps, l, KEY)) && pos2 == TRUE) {found2 = FALSE ; for (p = 0 ; p < arrayMax (ox->specsegs) ; p++) {seg2 = arrayp (ox->specsegs, p, SEG) ; if (chkSpecies (key1, seg2->gene1) && chkSpecies (key2, seg2->gene2)) found2 = TRUE ; } if (found2 == FALSE) {seg = arrayp (ox->specsegs, h , SEG) ; seg->key = group ; seg->flag = 0 ; seg->spec2 = mapset->key ; seg->x1 = x3 ; seg->dx1 = x4 ; seg->gene1 = key2 ; seg->gene2 = key1 ; seg->map1 = map2 ; seg->map2 = map1 ; (mapset->homol)++ ; if (seg->x1 < min1) min1 = seg->x1 ; if (seg->x1 > max1) max1 = seg->x1 ; h++ ; } } } } } } } bsDestroy (Locus1) ; }while (bsGoto (Group, mark1), bsGetKey (Group, _bsDown, &key1)) ; bsDestroy (Group) ; } fuzzy = keySetCreate () ; fuzzy = query (0, messprintf (">?Map \"%s\" ; >Locus ; >Fuzzy", name (ox->c4))) ; for (i = 0 ; i < keySetMax (fuzzy) ; i++) {group = array (fuzzy, i, KEY) ; Group = bsCreate (group) ; if (bsFindTag (Group, _Fuzzy)) {bsFlatten (Group, 1, homol2) ; for (h1 = 0 ; h1 < arrayMax (homol2) - 1 ; h1++) for (h2 = h1 + 1 ; h2 < arrayMax (homol2) ; h2++) {key1 = array (homol2, h1, BSunit).k ; key2 = array (homol2, h2, BSunit).k ; posn1 = arrayCreate (8, POS) ; j = 0 ; Locus1 = bsCreate (key1) ; if (bsGetKey (Locus1, _Map, &m1)) do {mark1 = bsMark (Locus1, mark1) ; p1 = arrayp (posn1, j, POS) ; p1->pos = FALSE ; if (bsPushObj (Locus1) && bsGetData (Locus1,_Position,_Float, &x1)) {p1->map = m1 ; p1->x1 = x1 ; p1->pos = TRUE ; p1->dx1 = 0 ; if (bsPushObj (Locus1) && bsGetData (Locus1,_Error, _Float, &x2)) p1->dx1 = x2 ; } j++ ; }while (bsGoto (Locus1, mark1), bsGetKey (Locus1, _bsDown, &m1)) ; posn2 = arrayCreate (8, POS) ; j = 0 ; Locus2 = bsCreate (key2) ; if (bsGetKey (Locus2, _Map, &m2)) do {mark2 = bsMark (Locus2, mark2) ; p2 = arrayp (posn2, j, POS) ; p2->pos = FALSE ; if (bsPushObj (Locus2) && bsGetData (Locus2,_Position,_Float, &x3)) {p2->map = m2 ; p2->x1 = x3 ; p2->pos = TRUE ; p2->dx1 = 0 ; if (bsPushObj (Locus2) && bsGetData (Locus2,_Error, _Float, &x4)) p2->dx1 = x4 ; } }while (bsGoto (Locus2, mark2), bsGetKey (Locus2, _bsDown, &m2)) ; for (j = 0 ; j < arrayMax (posn1) ; j++) for (k = 0 ; k < arrayMax (posn2) ; k++) {map1 = arrayp (posn1, j, POS)->map ; map2 = arrayp (posn2, k, POS)->map ; for (l = 0 ; l < arrayMax (tempspecs) ; l++) {mapset = arrayp (tempspecs, l, SPEC) ; for (m = 0 ; m < arrayMax (mapset->maps) ; m++) {if (chkSpecies (map1, ox->c4) && chkSpecies (map2, array (mapset->maps, m, KEY)) && !(chkSpecies (key1, key2)) && arrayp (posn1, j, POS)->pos == TRUE) {found2 = FALSE ; for (p = 0 ; p < arrayMax (ox->specsegs) ; p++) {seg2 = arrayp (ox->specsegs, p, SEG) ; if (chkSpecies (key1, seg2->gene1) && chkSpecies (key2, seg2->gene2)) found2 = TRUE ; } if (found2 == FALSE) {seg = arrayp (ox->specsegs, h , SEG) ; seg->key = group ; seg->flag = 0 ; seg->spec2 = mapset->key ; seg->x1 = arrayp (posn1, j, POS)->x1 ; seg->dx1 = arrayp (posn1, j, POS)->dx1 ; seg->gene1 = key1 ; seg->gene2 = key2 ; seg->map1 = map1 ; seg->map2 = map2 ; (mapset->homol)++ ; if (seg->x1 < min1) min1 = seg->x1 ; if (seg->x1 > max1) max1 = seg->x1 ; h++ ; } } else if (chkSpecies (map2, ox->c4) && chkSpecies (map1, array (mapset->maps, m, KEY)) && !(chkSpecies (key1, key2)) && arrayp (posn2, k, POS)->pos == TRUE) {found2 = FALSE ; for (p = 0 ; p < arrayMax (ox->specsegs) ; p++) {seg2 = arrayp (ox->specsegs, p, SEG) ; if (chkSpecies (key1, seg2->gene1) && chkSpecies (key2, seg2->gene2)) found2 = TRUE ; } if (found2 == FALSE) {seg = arrayp (ox->specsegs, h , SEG) ; seg->key = group ; seg->flag = 0 ; seg->spec2 = mapset->key ; seg->x1 = arrayp (posn2, k, POS)->x1 ; seg->dx1 = arrayp (posn2, k, POS)->dx1 ; seg->gene1 = key2 ; seg->gene2 = key1 ; seg->map1 = map2 ; seg->map2 = map1 ; (mapset->homol)++ ; if (seg->x1 < min1) min1 = seg->x1 ; if (seg->x1 > max1) max1 = seg->x1 ; h++ ; } } } } } bsDestroy (Locus1) ; bsDestroy (Locus2) ; arrayDestroy (posn1) ; arrayDestroy (posn2) ; } } bsDestroy (Group) ; } if (!(ox->specflag & FLAG_SPECBANDS)) {ox->c4min = min1 - 5 ; ox->c4max = max1 + 5 ; } /* ox->specs = arrayCopy (tempspecs) ; for (k = 0 ; k < arrayMax (ox->specs) ; k ++) {mapset = arrayp (ox->specs, k, SPEC) ; messout ("%d homologies found", mapset->homol) ; }*/ k = 0 ; for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax (tempspecs) ; i++) {mapset = arrayp (tempspecs, i, SPEC) ; if (mapset->homol > 0) {mapset2 = arrayp(ox->specs, k, SPEC) ; mapset2->key = mapset->key ; mapset2->homol = mapset->homol ; mapset2->maps = arrayCopy(mapset->maps) ; k++ ; } } arrayDestroy (specs) ; arrayDestroy (fuzzy) ; arrayDestroy (pairwise) ; arrayDestroy (bands) ; arrayDestroy (homol) ; arrayDestroy (homol2) ; arrayDestroy (tempspecs) ; ox->s = h ; return h ; } static void specDraw (OX ox) { int box, i, j, k, bands, specs, xmax, ymax ; float w1, w2, h1, h2 ; float xl, yl, xlen = 0, ylen = 0 ; float htot, wtot, xscale, yscale ; CHROMS *c4seg ; graphClear () ; graphText (messprintf ("Species Grid of map %s with all other entered map_sets : %d homologies found" , name (ox->c4), ox->s), 1, 1) ; if (ox->specflag & FLAG_SPECBANDS) {if (ox->specflag & FLAG_SPEC_CHROM) {if (graphButton ("Hide Chromosomes", toggleChroms, 1, 3) != CHROM_BOX) messcrash ("box screwup at %d in specDraw", CHROM_BOX) ;} else {if (graphButton ("Draw Chromosomes", toggleChroms, 1, 3) != CHROM_BOX) messcrash ("box screwup at %d in specDraw", CHROM_BOX) ;} } else {if (graphButton ("Draw Chromosomes", noChroms, 1, 3) != CHROM_BOX) messcrash ("box screwup at %d in specDraw", CHROM_BOX) ;} if (graphButton ("Highlight...", specClear, 19, 3) != HIDE_BOX) messcrash ("box screwup at %d in specDraw", HIDE_BOX) ; graphBoxMenu (HIDE_BOX, Highlight3Menu) ; if (graphButton ("Zoom in", specZoomIn, 33, 3) != ZOOM_IN) messcrash ("box screwup at %d in specDraw", ZOOM_IN) ; if (graphButton ("Zoom out", specZoomOut, 42, 3) != ZOOM_OUT) messcrash ("box screwup at %d in specDraw", ZOOM_OUT) ; graphText ("Find homology :", 1, 5) ; *ox->spechom = 0 ; if (graphCompScrollEntry (spechomolCompletion, ox->spechom, 20, 20, 17, 5, specFindHom) != FINDHOM_BOX) messcrash ("box screwup at %d in specDraw", FINDHOM_BOX) ; graphEntryDisable () ; graphText ("Find locus :", 42, 5) ; *ox->specloc = 0 ; if (graphCompScrollEntry (speclocusCompletion, ox->specloc, 20, 20, 55, 5, specFindLoc) != FINDLOC_BOX) messcrash ("box screwup at %d in specDraw", FINDLOC_BOX) ; graphEntryDisable () ; ox->message3Box = MESS_BOX ; *ox->message3Text = 0 ; ox->message3Box = graphBoxStart () ; graphTextPtr (ox->message3Text, 1, 7, 150) ; graphBoxEnd () ; graphBoxDraw (ox->message3Box, BLACK, LIGHTBLUE) ; xOff = 0 ; yOff = 0 ; xOff += 2 + strlen (name (ox->c4)) ; graphLine (0, 9.5, 200, 9.5) ; yOff += 10 ; xmax = arrayMax (ox->specs) - 1 ; specs = xmax + 1 ; ymax = arrayMax (ox->c4segs) - 1 ; bands = ymax + 1 ; wtot = specs; htot = ox->c4max - ox->c4min ; yscale = ox->spechigh/htot ; xscale = ox->specwide/wtot ; /*messout ("xmax = %d, specs = %d, ymax = %d, bands = %d", xmax, specs, ymax, bands); messout ("wtot = %f, htot = %f, yscale = %f, xscale = %f", wtot, htot, yscale, xscale);*/ graphColor (BLACK) ; for (i = 0 ; i < keySetMax (ox->specs) ; i++) {yl = strlen (name (keySet (ox->specs, i))) ; if (yl > ylen) ylen = yl ; } ylen *= 0.65 ; yOff += 5 + ylen ; if (ox->specflag & FLAG_SPECBANDS) {for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax (ox->c4segs) ; i++) {c4seg = arrayp (ox->c4segs, i, CHROMS) ; xl = strlen (name (c4seg->key)) ; if (xl > xlen) xlen = xl ; } xOff += 8 + xlen ; } else xOff += 10 ; box = MIN_BOX ; if (box != graphBoxStart ()) messcrash ("minLiveBox wrong in specDraw ()") ; graphTextFormat (BOLD) ; graphText (name (ox->c4), 1, yOff + (ox->spechigh)/2) ; graphBoxEnd () ; graphBoxDraw (box, BLACK, WHITE) ; box++ ; graphTextFormat(PLAIN_FORMAT); for (i = 0 ; i <= xmax ; i++) {w1 = 0 ; w2 = 0 ; w2 = (i+1) ; w1 = i ; if (box != graphBoxStart ()) messcrash ("minLiveBox wrong in specDraw ()") ; graphTextHeight (0.5) ; japanese (name (arrayp (ox->specs, i, SPEC)->key), xOff+ (w1+w2)*0.5*xscale, yOff-3-ylen) ; graphBoxEnd () ; graphBoxDraw (box, BLUE, WHITE) ; box ++ ; } graphTextHeight (1) ; if (ox->specflag & FLAG_SPECBANDS) {for (i = 0 ; i <= xmax ; i++) {for ( j = 0 ; j <= ymax ; j++) {w1 = 0 ; h1 = 0 ; w2 = 0 ; h2 = 0 ; w2 = (i+1) ; w1 = i ; for ( k = 0 ; k <= j ; k++) {h2 += (arrayp(ox->c4segs, k, CHROMS)->dx) ;} for ( k = 1 ; k <= j ; k++) {h1 += (arrayp (ox->c4segs, k - 1, CHROMS)->dx) ;} graphRectangle (xOff+(w1*xscale), yOff+(h1*yscale), xOff+(w2*xscale), yOff+(h2*yscale)) ; } } } else {for (i = 0 ; i <= xmax ; i++) {w1 = 0 ; w2 = 0 ; w2 = (i+1) ; w1 = i ; graphRectangle (xOff+(w1*xscale), yOff+ox->spechigh, xOff+(w2*xscale), yOff) ; } } if (ox->specflag & FLAG_SPECBANDS) {if (ox->specflag & FLAG_SPEC_CHROM) {ox->spec_labels = 1 + specs + bands ; drawChromosome (ox, xlen) ; } else {ox->spec_labels = 1 + specs ; drawScale (ox) ; } } else {ox->spec_labels = 1 + specs ; drawScale (ox) ; } drawSpots (ox, xscale) ; drawLines (ox, xscale) ; ox->specBox = 0 ; graphRedraw () ; } static void drawChromosome (OX ox, float xlen) { float y0, dy, y, yend ; int i, box, specs ; CHROMS *c4seg ; BOOL isBands = FALSE ; y0 = -(ox->c4min) ; yend = (ox->c4max - ox->c4min) / ox->spechigh ; specs = arrayMax (ox->specs) ; box = MIN_BOX + 1 + specs ; for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax (ox->c4segs) ; ++i) {c4seg = arrayp (ox->c4segs, i, CHROMS) ; if (class (c4seg->key) == _VChrom_Band) {isBands = TRUE ; y = yOff + ( y0 + c4seg->x) / yend ; dy = ( 0.5 * c4seg->dx) / yend ; if (c4seg->flag & FLAG_CENTROMERE) {graphColor (WHITE) ; graphFillRectangle (xOff-4, y-dy, xOff, y+dy) ; graphColor (BLACK) ; graphLine (xOff-4, y-dy, xOff, y+dy) ; graphLine (xOff, y-dy, xOff-4, y+dy) ; graphLine (xOff-4, y-dy, xOff, y-dy) ; graphLine (xOff, y+dy, xOff-4, y+dy) ; if (box != graphBoxStart ()) messcrash ("minLiveBox wrong in specDraw () box %d", box) ; graphTextHeight (0.5) ; graphText (name (c4seg->key), xOff-6-xlen, y-0.25) ; graphBoxEnd () ; graphBoxDraw (box, BLUE, WHITE) ; box++ ; graphTextHeight (1) ; } else {if (c4seg->flag & FLAG_DARK_BAND) graphColor (DARKGRAY) ; else if (c4seg->flag & FLAG_NOR) graphColor (LIGHTGRAY) ; else graphColor (WHITE) ; if (c4seg->flag >> 28) graphColor((c4seg->flag >> 28) + WHITE) ; graphFillRectangle (xOff-4, y-dy, xOff, y+dy) ; graphColor (BLACK) ; graphRectangle (xOff-4, y-dy, xOff, y+dy) ; if (box != graphBoxStart ()) messcrash ("minLiveBox wrong in specDraw () box %d", box) ; graphTextHeight (0.5) ; graphText (name (c4seg->key), xOff-6-xlen, y-0.25) ; graphBoxEnd () ; graphBoxDraw (box, BLUE, WHITE) ; box++ ; graphTextHeight (1) ; } } } } static void drawScale (OX ox) { int i, j, k ; float unit, y0 ; /* If no banding data or if the chromosomes are hidden, draw a scale instead */ graphTextHeight (0.5) ; y0 = yOff + ox->spechigh * (1-(ox->c4max / (ox->c4max-ox->c4min))) ; unit = ox->spechigh / (ox->c4max - ox->c4min) ; for (i = 0 ; i < (ox->c4max + 1) ; i++) graphLine (xOff-3, y0+i*unit, xOff-3.9, y0+i*unit) ; for (k = 0 ; k < (ox->c4max + 1) ; k+=10) {graphLine (xOff-3, y0+k*unit, xOff-4.5, y0+k*unit) ; graphText (messprintf ("%3d",k), xOff - 8, y0+k*unit-0.5) ; } for (j = 0 ; j < -(ox->c4min - 1) ; j++) graphLine (xOff-3, y0-j*unit, xOff-3.9, y0-j*unit) ; for (k = 0 ; k < -(ox->c4min - 1) ; k+=10) {graphLine (xOff-3, y0-k*unit, xOff-4.5, y0-k*unit) ; graphText (messprintf ("%3d",-k), xOff - 8, y0-k*unit-0.5) ; } graphLine (xOff-3, y0-(j-1)*unit, xOff-3, y0+(i-1)*unit) ; graphTextHeight (1) ; } static void drawSpots (OX ox, float xscale) { int i, j, s ; float x=0, y, y0, yend ; float w1, w2 ; SEG *seg ; y0 = -(ox->c4min) ; yend = (ox->c4max - ox->c4min) / ox->spechigh ; graphTextHeight (0.5) ; s = MIN_BOX + ox->spec_labels ; for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax (ox->specsegs) ; i++) {seg = arrayp (ox->specsegs, i, SEG) ; if (!(seg->flag & FLAG_HIDE)) {for (j = 0 ; j < arrayMax (ox->specs) ; j++) {if (chkSpecies (seg->spec2, arrayp (ox->specs, j, SPEC)->key)) x = j ; } w2 = x+1 ; w1 = x ; x = xOff + (0.5*(w2+w1)*xscale) ; y = yOff + (y0 + seg->x1) / yend ; if (s != graphBoxStart ()) messcrash ("problems with pairMap point %d", s) ; graphRectangle (x-0.4, y-0.4, x+0.4, y+0.4) ; graphBoxEnd () ; if (seg->flag & FLAG_LIGHT) graphBoxDraw (s, WHITE, MAGENTA) ; else graphBoxDraw (s, WHITE, BLUE) ; graphText (messprintf ("%s", name (seg->map2)), x + 1, y - 0.4) ; seg->box = s ; s++ ; } } graphTextHeight (1) ; } int pointOrder (void *a, void *b) { POINT *point = (POINT*)a ; POINT *point2 = (POINT*)b ; float x ; x = point->y - point2->y ; if (x == 0) return 0 ; else if (x > 0) return 1 ; return -1 ; } static void drawLines (OX ox, float xscale) { int i, j, k ; float x, y0, yend ; SPEC *spec ; SEG *seg ; POINT *point, *point2 ; Array tpoints ; graphColor (MAGENTA) ; y0 = -(ox->c4min) ; yend = (ox->c4max - ox->c4min) / ox->spechigh ; for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax (ox->specs) ; i++) {spec = arrayp (ox->specs, i, SPEC) ; tpoints = arrayCreate (64, POINT) ; k = 0 ; for (j = 0 ; j < arrayMax (ox->specsegs) ; j++) {seg = arrayp (ox->specsegs, j, SEG) ; if (chkSpecies (seg->spec2, spec->key)) {point = arrayp (tpoints, k, POINT) ; point->y = yOff + (y0 + seg->x1) / yend ; point->map = seg->map2 ; k++ ; } } arraySort (tpoints, pointOrder) ; for (k = 0 ; k < arrayMax (tpoints) - 1 ; k++) {point = arrayp (tpoints, k, POINT) ; point2 = arrayp (tpoints, k+1, POINT) ; /*messout ("Column %d : map1 = %s, pos1 = %f and map2 = %s, pos2 = %f", i+1, name(point->map), point->y, name(point2->map), point2->y) ; */ x = xOff + (0.5*(2*i + 1)*xscale) ; if (chkSpecies (point->map, point2->map)) graphLine (x, point->y, x, point2->y) ; } arrayDestroy (tpoints) ; } graphColor (BLACK) ; } extern int ksetClassComplete (char *text, int len, int classe) ; static int spechomolCompletion (char *cp, int len) { return ksetClassComplete (cp, len, _VHomology_group) ; } static int speclocusCompletion (char *cp, int len) { return ksetClassComplete (cp, len, _VLocus) ; } static void specFindHom (char* string) { int i ; KEY key ; SEG *seg ; BOOL found = FALSE ; OXGET ("specFindHom") ; if (!(lexword2key (string, &key, _VHomology_group))) {messout ("Sorry, %s is not a homology name", string) ; return ; } for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax (ox->specsegs) ; i++) {seg = arrayp (ox->specsegs, i, SEG) ; if (chkSpecies (seg->key, key)) {found = TRUE ; specSelect (ox, seg->box) ; } } if (found == FALSE) {messout ("Sorry, this homology is not in this grid") ; return ; } } static void specFindLoc (char* string) { int i ; KEY key ; SEG *seg ; BOOL found = FALSE ; OXGET ("specFindLoc") ; if (!(lexword2key (string, &key, _VLocus))) {messout ("Sorry, %s is not a locus name", string) ; return ; } for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax (ox->specsegs) ; i++) {seg = arrayp (ox->specsegs, i, SEG) ; if (chkSpecies (seg->gene1, key) || chkSpecies (seg->gene2, key)) {found = TRUE ; specSelect (ox, seg->box) ; } } if (found == FALSE) {messout ("Sorry, this locus is not in this grid") ; return ; } } static void toggleChroms (void) { OXGET ("toggleChroms") ; if (!(ox->specflag & FLAG_SPECBANDS)) {messout ("Sorry, there's no band data") ; return ;} else {ox->specflag ^= FLAG_SPEC_CHROM ; specDraw (ox) ;} } static void noChroms (void) { OXGET ("noChroms") ; messout ("Sorry, there's no band data") ; return ; } static void specClear (void) { int i ; SEG *seg ; OXGET ("specClear") ; seg = arrayp (ox->specsegs, 0, SEG) ; i = arrayMax (ox->specsegs) ; while(i--) {seg->flag &= ~FLAG_HIDE ; /* bitwise NOT */ seg->flag &= ~FLAG_LIGHT ; seg++ ; } specDraw (ox) ; } static void specLightAll (void) { int i ; OXGET ("specLightAll") ; for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax (ox->specsegs) ; ++i) arrp (ox->specsegs, i, SEG)->flag |= FLAG_LIGHT ; ox->gridBox = 0 ; specDraw (ox) ; } static void specLightHom (void) { int i ; SEG *seg ; OXGET ("specLightHom") ; if (!(ox->specBox)) {messout ("You have not selected an homology") ; return ;} for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax (ox->specsegs) ; i++) {seg = arrayp (ox->specsegs, i, SEG) ; if (seg->box == ox->specBox) seg->flag |= FLAG_LIGHT ; } specDraw (ox) ; } static void specUnLightHom (void) { int i ; SEG *seg ; OXGET ("specUnLightHom") ; if (!(ox->specBox)) {messout ("You have not selected an homology") ; return ;} for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax (ox->specsegs) ; i++) {seg = arrayp (ox->specsegs, i, SEG) ; if (seg->box == ox->specBox) seg->flag &= ~FLAG_LIGHT ; } specDraw (ox) ; } static void specLight (void) { int i, j ; SEG *seg ; KeySetDisp dummy ; KEYSET keySet = 0 ; OXGET ("specLight") ; if (!keySetActive (&keySet, &dummy)) { messout ("First select a keySet window, thank you.") ; return ; } for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax (ox->specsegs) ; ++i) { seg = arrp (ox->specsegs, i, SEG) ; if (keySetFind (keySet, seg->key, &j) || keySetFind (keySet, seg->gene1, &j) || keySetFind (keySet, seg->gene2, &j)) seg->flag |= FLAG_LIGHT ; } specDraw (ox) ; } static void specUnLight (void) { int i, j ; SEG *seg ; KeySetDisp dummy ; KEYSET keySet = 0 ; OXGET ("specUnLight") ; if (!keySetActive (&keySet, &dummy)) { messout("First select a keySet window, thank you.") ; return ; } for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax (ox->specsegs) ; ++i) { seg = arrp (ox->specsegs, i, SEG) ; if (keySetFind (keySet, seg->key, &j) || keySetFind (keySet, seg->gene1, &j) || keySetFind (keySet, seg->gene2, &j)) seg->flag &= ~FLAG_LIGHT ; } specDraw (ox) ; } static void specHide (void) { int i, j ; SEG *seg ; KeySetDisp dummy ; KEYSET keySet = 0 ; OXGET ("specHide") ; if (!keySetActive (&keySet, &dummy)) {messout ("First select a keySet window, thank you.") ; return ; } seg = arrp (ox->specsegs, 0, SEG) ; i = arrayMax (ox->specsegs) ; while(i--) {seg->flag &= ~FLAG_HIDE ; if (!keySetFind (keySet, seg->key, &j) && !keySetFind (keySet, seg->gene1, &j) && !keySetFind (keySet, seg->gene2, &j)) seg->flag |= FLAG_HIDE ; seg++ ; } specDraw (ox) ; } static void specHideLight (void) { int i ; SEG *seg ; OXGET ("specHideLight") ; for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax (ox->specsegs) ; ++i) { seg = arrp (ox->specsegs, i, SEG) ; if (seg->flag & FLAG_LIGHT) seg->flag |= FLAG_HIDE ; } specDraw (ox) ; } static void specUnHide (void) { int i ; SEG *seg ; OXGET ("specUnHide") ; for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax (ox->specsegs) ; ++i) { seg = arrp (ox->specsegs, i, SEG) ; seg->flag &= ~FLAG_HIDE ; } specDraw (ox) ; } static void specExport (void) { int i, j, k = 0 ; SEG *seg ; static KEYSET kset = 0 ; BOOL found = FALSE ; OXGET ("specExport") ; kset = keySetReCreate (kset) ; for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax (ox->specsegs) ; ++i) { found = FALSE ; seg = arrp (ox->specsegs, i, SEG) ; if (seg->flag & FLAG_LIGHT) {for (j = 0 ; j < keySetMax (kset) ; j++) {if (chkSpecies (seg->key, keySet (kset, j))) found = TRUE ;} if (found == FALSE) keySet (kset, k++) = seg->key ; } } keySetSort (kset) ; keySetCompress (kset) ; keySetNewDisplay (kset, "Ox") ; } static void specZoomOut (void) { OXGET ("specZoomOut") ; if (ox->specwide >= 30 && ox->spechigh >= 20) {ox->specwide -= 15 ; ox->spechigh -= 10 ; specDraw (ox) ; } } static void specZoomIn (void) { OXGET ("specZoomIn") ; if (ox->specwide <= 120 && ox->spechigh <= 80) {ox->specwide += 15 ; ox->spechigh += 10 ; specDraw (ox) ; } } /************** end of file ****************/