/* File: acelib.c * Author: Jean Thierry-Mieg (mieg@crbm.cnrs-mop.fr) * Copyright (C) J Thierry-Mieg and R Durbin, 1997 * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * Acedb is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * or see the on-line version at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * This file is part of the ACEDB genome database package, written by * Richard Durbin (Sanger Centre, UK) rd@sanger.ac.uk, and * Jean Thierry-Mieg (CRBM du CNRS, France) mieg@kaa.cnrs-mop.fr * * SCCS: $Id: acelib.c,v 1.32 2000/04/03 03:48:08 mieg Exp $ * Description: public programming interace to acedb * Exported functions: * HISTORY: * Last edited: Nov 1 17:55 1999 (fw) * Created: Sun Nov 9 23:02:41 1997 (rd) *------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* First try at actual implementation of the public ace interface in this implemantation i suppose that i will link this code into xace and use it to write say the genetic map so i do not yet care about the ACE context which is the default In a separate implementation, i will put all this in a clint code and then have to open the database etc */ #include "acelib_.h" /* private types for this module */ #include "aceio.h" #include "lex.h" #include "dna.h" #include "whooks/systags.h" #include "session.h" #include "pick.h" #include "model.h" #include "parse.h" #include "bindex.h" #include "status.h" #include "query.h" #include /* isdigit */ /*******************************************************************/ /* these decls shouldn't be necessary of we could include acelib.h here */ Bool aceQuit(BOOL commit); BOOL aceSetContext(AceContext* ace); BOOL aceCloseContext(Bool commit); #define aceFree(_vp) (uAceFree(_vp), _vp = 0) BOOL uAceFree (void* vp); /*******************************************************************/ static BOOL aceMayWrite = TRUE ; static AceHandle activeHandle = 0 ; static AceContext* activeContext = 0 ; static Array aceContextArray = 0 ; static AceHandle sessionHandle = 0 ; static int aceClassNumber(char *classname) ; static void aceSetErrorMessage(char* buffer) ; static Array pushArrayOnHandle (Array a, AceHandle hh) ; static KEYSET pushKeySetOnHandle (KEYSET ks,AceHandle hh) ; /*******************************************************************/ /********************* error handling *****************************/ int aceErrno = 0 ; static char *activeErrorBuf = 0 ; char* aceErrorMessage(int* replyLength) { char * cp = activeErrorBuf && *activeErrorBuf ? activeErrorBuf : "ok" ; if (!activeContext) cp = "No active context, please call:\n\t" "aceOpenContext(\"clientSignature\")\n" " before any other operation, merci." ; if (replyLength) *replyLength = strlen(cp) ; return strnew(cp,activeHandle) ; } static void aceSetErrorMessage(char* buffer) { messfree (activeErrorBuf) ; if (!buffer || !*buffer || strlen(buffer) > 10000) activeErrorBuf = strnew ("ok", 0) ; else { if (!aceErrno) aceErrno = 1 ; activeErrorBuf = strnew (buffer, 0) ; } } /*******************************************************************/ /******************* session managment ****************************/ void aceStatus (void) { ACEOUT fo = aceOutCreateToStdout (0); tStatus (fo) ; aceOutDestroy (fo); } /*********/ static void defaultAceCrashRoutine (void) /* called by acedbCrash() in case of a messcrash and acedbExit() in case of a messExit to clean-up */ /* this is usually overridden by the user to provide their own clean-up routine that may allow the user to save their work */ { aceQuit (FALSE); /* do not save, just relase locks */ fprintf (stderr,"// NB: changes made since the last explicit save " "have NOT been saved\n") ; } /* defaultAceCrashRoutine */ /*********/ Bool aceInit (char *ace_path) { extern VoidRoutine messcrashroutine; sessionInit (ace_path) ; freesetfile(stdin,"") ; /* detach */ sessionHandle = handleCreate() ; aceContextArray = arrayHandleCreate (20, AceContext*, sessionHandle) ; array(aceContextArray,0,AceContext*) = 0 ; /* avoid returning a zero */ /* called by acedbCrash (which is called by messcrash) this function will perform the aceQuit procedures in case of a crash to close the ace-context & database down */ messcrashroutine = defaultAceCrashRoutine; return TRUE ; } /*******************************************************************/ BOOL aceGetWriteAccess(Bool doGet) /* if get=true, get it if poss., if get=false: test if we could get it */ { CHECKACE ; if (!aceMayWrite) { aceSetErrorMessage("You cannot gain write access " "after it has been permantly forbidden.") ; return FALSE ; } if (doGet) /* get if possible */ { if (sessionGainWriteAccess ()) return TRUE ; aceSetErrorMessage("Sorry, you cannot gain write access.") ; return FALSE ; } else /* just report if it would be possible */ { return writeAccessPossible() ; } } /*******************************************************************/ Bool aceForbidWriteAccess(void) /* final, none of your context will have it */ { CHECKACE ; sessionReleaseWriteAccess(); sessionForbidWriteAccess(); aceMayWrite = FALSE ; return TRUE ; } /*******************************************************************/ BOOL aceCommit(BOOL releaseLock ) { CHECKACE ; aceGetWriteAccess (TRUE) ; /* try to grab it */ if (isWriteAccess()) { sessionClose (TRUE) ; /* cannot fail */ if (!releaseLock) aceGetWriteAccess (TRUE) ; return TRUE ; } aceSetErrorMessage("Sorry, you do not have write access") ; return FALSE ; } /*******************************************************************/ /* aceQuit needs work, in client server mode, you would not exit(), just close connection. also if commit = true and this does not work, there should be an error message */ Bool aceQuit(BOOL commit) /* complementary call to aceInit() */ /* in case of a messcrash, the defaultAceCrashRoutine() or (whatever messcrashroutine, there is at the moment) is called instead by acedbCrash(), to cleanup tmp-files, read/write locks etc. */ { BOOL committed = TRUE ; int n ; if(activeContext) { n = arrayMax(aceContextArray) ; while (n--) if (aceSetContext (assVoid(n))) committed &= aceCloseContext(commit) ; } sessionClose(commit) ; /* close session, save session if commit==TRUE, release write access if necc.*/ filtmpcleanup () ; /* deletes any temporary files made */ readlockDeleteFile (); /* release readlock */ messfree (sessionHandle) ; if (!commit || committed) return TRUE ; aceSetErrorMessage ("aceQuit: commit failed on at least one context") ; return FALSE ; } /*******************************************************************/ /************************** Context managment **********************/ AceContext* aceOpenContext(char* clientSignature) { /* database allready initialised */ AceContext* ace ; if (!clientSignature || !*clientSignature) { aceSetErrorMessage ("aceOpenContext called with null clientSignature") ; return 0 ; } activeHandle = handleHandleCreate (sessionHandle) ; ace = halloc(sizeof(struct aceContextStruct),activeHandle) ; activeContext = ace ; ace->handle = activeHandle ; ace->clientSignature = strnew(clientSignature,ace->handle) ; ace->magic = &ACEMAGIC ; ace->readLockListe = listeCreate (ace->handle) ; ace->writeLockListe = listeCreate (ace->handle) ; ace->instanceListe = listeCreate (ace->handle) ; ace->instanceId = 0 ; ace->id = arrayMax(aceContextArray) ; array(aceContextArray,ace->id, AceContext*) = ace ; return assVoid(ace->id) ; } /*******************************************************************/ BOOL aceSetContext(AceContext* ace) { int i = assInt(ace) ; if (i<= 0 || !aceContextArray || i >= arrayMax(aceContextArray)) { aceSetErrorMessage ("aceSetContext: unknown context, sorry") ; return FALSE ; } ace = array(aceContextArray, i, AceContext*) ; if (!ace || ace->magic != &ACEMAGIC) { aceSetErrorMessage ("aceSetContext: obsolete context, sorry") ; return FALSE ; } activeContext = ace ; activeHandle = ace->handle ; return TRUE ; } /*******************************************************************/ AceContext* aceGetContext(void) { if (activeContext && activeContext->magic == &ACEMAGIC) return assVoid(activeContext->id) ; if (activeContext) messcrash ("aceGetContext, bad magic") ; aceSetErrorMessage ("aceGetContext: no context, sorry") ; return 0 ; } /*******************************************************************/ Bool acePushContext(void) { int from ; CHECKACE ; from = activeContext->id ; if (aceOpenContext(activeContext->clientSignature)) { activeContext->pushedFrom = from ; return TRUE ; } aceSetErrorMessage ("acePushContext: accidental failure, please report it, sorry") ; return FALSE ; } /*******************************************************************/ Bool acePopContext(Bool commit) { int from ; CHECKACE ; from = activeContext->pushedFrom ; aceCloseContext (commit) ; if (from) return aceSetContext(assVoid(from)) ; aceSetErrorMessage ("acePopContext: you can only pop out of a pushed context, sorry") ; return FALSE ; } /*******************************************************************/ BOOL aceCloseContext(Bool commit) { AceInstance ai ; void *vp = 0 ; CHECKACE ; while (listeNext(activeContext->instanceListe, &vp)) { ai = (AceInstance) vp ; if (ai) { if (ai->lock == INSTANCE_WRITE_LOCK) bsSave(ai->obj) ; /* resets ai->obj = 0 */ aceFree(ai) ; } } activeContext->magic = 0 ; array(aceContextArray,activeContext->id,AceContext*) = 0 ; aceFree (activeHandle) ; activeHandle = 0 ; activeContext = 0 ; return TRUE ; } /*********************************************************************/ /******************** memory managment *******************************/ AceHandle aceHandleCreate(AceHandle hh) { CHECKACE2 ; return handleHandleCreate (h1) ; } /*********************************************************************/ Array uAceArrayCreate (int dim, int size) { return uArrayCreate_dbg(dim, size, activeHandle,__FILE__,__LINE__) ; } /*********************************************************************/ BOOL uAceFree (void* vp) { CHECKACE ; messfree(vp) ; return TRUE ; } /**********************************************************************/ /******************* Database Administration **************************/ /* Public operations */ /* reads-commit a file, possible if you have write access */ #ifdef NEEDS_REWRITING_TO_WORK_WITH_ACEIN_SO_THIS_FUNCTION_ISNT_NECESSARY KEYSET aceParseFile(FILE* f, AceHandle hh) { KEYSET ks = 0 ; aceSetErrorMessage("aceParseFile : this function is dead") ; CHECKACE2 ; if (!f) { aceSetErrorMessage("aceParseFile : called on null file handle") ; return 0 ; } ks = arrayHandleCreate(100,KEY,h1) ; /* last arg means parseKeepGoing = TRUE */ parseFile(f, 0, ks, TRUE) ; /* will close f */ return ks ; } /* aceParseFile */ #endif /* new unique objects */ AceKey aceMakeKeyFromFormat(char* classname, char* format) { char *cp = format ; int i, classe = -1 ; KEY key, kk ; static Stack localStack = 0 ; classe = aceClassNumber(classname) ; if (classe < 0) { aceSetErrorMessage(messprintf ("// Bad classname %s", classname)) ; return 0 ; } if (pickList[classe].protected) { aceSetErrorMessage(messprintf ("// Class %s is protected", classname)) ; return 0 ; } if (!cp) { aceSetErrorMessage(messprintf ("// Usage New Class Format: Construct a new name" " according to C-language printf(format,n) \n" "// Example: New Oligo xxx.\\%%d\n")) ; return 0 ; } if (!aceGetWriteAccess (FALSE) ) { aceSetErrorMessage("// Sorry, you do not have write access") ; return 0 ; } localStack = stackReCreate(localStack, 80) ; pushText(localStack, cp) ; i = -2 ; /* important flag */ cp = stackText(localStack,0) ; while (*cp && *cp != '%') cp++ ; if (*cp++ == '%') { while(*cp && isdigit((int)*cp)) cp++ ; if (*cp++ == 'd') { i = 1 ; while (*cp && *cp != '%') cp++ ; if (!*cp) goto okformat ; } aceSetErrorMessage ("// Only allowed format should contain zero or once %%[number]d") ; return 0 ; } okformat: key = kk = 0 ; cp = stackText(localStack,0) ; while (i < lexMax(classe) + 3 && /* obvious format obvious problem */ !(kk = lexaddkey(messprintf(cp,i), &key, classe))) if (i++ < 0) break ; /* so i break at zero f format has no %d */ if (kk) return key ; aceSetErrorMessage (messprintf ("Name %s allready exists\n", cp)) ; return 0 ; } /* usupported operations */ Bool aceAllowBlocking(Bool canBlock) /* always fail */ { aceSetErrorMessage("aceAllowBlocking: usupported operation, sorry") ; return FALSE ; } /* Priviledged operations */ /* ask the database you are connected to to re-read its models */ BOOL aceReadModels(void) { CHECKACE ; aceCommit (FALSE) ; /* need to do that first */ if (readModels()) return TRUE ; else aceSetErrorMessage("Failed to read models, sorry") ; return FALSE ; } Bool aceAddUpdate (Bool all) /* read acedb sequential update files */ { aceSetErrorMessage("Update command unimplemented, sorry") ; return FALSE ; } /***************************************************************************/ /******************* Class inforrmation **********************************/ /* list the ace classes */ AceStringSet aceClasses(AceHandle hh) /* a null-terminated list of C-strings */ { Array aa = 0 ; int i, j = 0 ; CHECKACE2 ; aa = arrayHandleCreate (20, Array,h1) ; for (i=0, j=0 ; i < 256 ; i++) if(pickType(KEYMAKE(i,0))) array(aa, j++, char*) = strnew(pickClass2Word(i), h1) ; return aa ; } /*********************************************************************/ static int aceClassNumber(char *classname) { int i = pickWord2Class(classname) ; if (i) return i ; if (!strcmp(classname,"System")) return 0 ; return -1 ; } /*********************************************************************/ Bool aceClassSize (char* classname, int* np) /* number of instances in class */ { int i = aceClassNumber(classname) ; CHECKACE ; if (!np) return FALSE ; if (i >= 0) { int n = lexMax(i) ; if(pickList[i].type == 'B') n-- ; n-- ; *np = n ; return TRUE ; } return FALSE ; } /*********************************************************************/ KEYSET aceClassExtent(char* classname,AceHandle hh) { int i ; KEYSET ks = 0 , ks1 ; CHECKACE2 ; i = aceClassNumber(classname) ; if (i >= 0) /* recognized class */ { ks1 = query(0,messprintf("FIND %s",classname)) ; ks = pushKeySetOnHandle(ks1, h1) ; keySetDestroy(ks1) ; return ks ; } aceSetErrorMessage(messprintf ("aceClassExtent: unrecognized classname %s",classname)) ; return 0 ; } /*********************************************************************/ /***************************** Names **********************************/ char* aceName(KEY key) /* may say "nullkey.." but never returns 0 */ { CHECKACE ; return name(key) ; /* to copy is too costly */ } /*********************************************************************/ char* aceClassName (KEY key) { CHECKACE ; return className(key) ; /* copied, so completelly stable */ } /*********************************************************************/ /* return a valid printable object name for a known class */ static BOOL aceCheckObjName(char *cin, char **crp) { /* note that this returns messalloced memory */ char *cr = lexcleanup(cin, 0) ; if (!cr || !strlen(cr)) return FALSE ; *crp = cr ; return TRUE ; } char* aceComposeName (char* classname, char* instance, AceHandle hh) { char *cr ; CHECKACE2 ; if (aceClassNumber (classname) < 0) { aceSetErrorMessage (messprintf("aceComposeName: bad class name %s",classname)) ; return 0 ; } if (!aceCheckObjName (instance, &cr)) { aceSetErrorMessage (messprintf("aceComposeName: bad instance name %s",instance)) ; return 0 ; } return strnew(messprintf("%s:%s",classname,cr), h1) ; } /*********************************************************************/ AceTag aceTag(char* tagName, BOOL create) /*look up a string in the system lex*/ { KEY k = 0 ; CHECKACE ; if (create) { char *cr="" ; /* clean tag name */ if (!isWriteAccess) { aceSetErrorMessage("aceTag called with create=true when you do not have write access") ; return FALSE ; } lexaddkey(cr,&k,_VSystem) ; return k; } else { if (lexword2key(tagName,&k,_VSystem)) return k ; aceSetErrorMessage(messprintf("Tag %s unknown", tagName)) ; return FALSE ; } } /*********************************************************************/ static BOOL fullNameSplit(char **cpp, char **cqq, char *ff) { char *cp = 0, *cr = 0 ; if (!ff || !*ff) return FALSE ; cp = ff ; while (cp && *cp != ':') cp++ ; if (*cp != ':' || !*(cp+1)) return FALSE ; *cp++ = 0 ; if (aceClassNumber (ff) < 0 || !aceCheckObjName (cp, &cr)) return FALSE ; if (aceClassNumber (ff) < 0) { aceSetErrorMessage (messprintf("fullNameSplit: bad class name %s",ff)) ; return FALSE ; } if (!aceCheckObjName (cp, &cr)) { aceSetErrorMessage (messprintf("fullNameSplit: bad instance name %s",cp)) ; return FALSE ; } *cpp = ff ; *cqq = cr ; return TRUE ; } /*********************************************************************/ /*look up a string in the system lex*/ AceKey aceKey(char* fullKeyName, BOOL create) { KEY k = 0 ; int cc = 0 ; char* cp, *cq, *ff = strnew(fullKeyName,0) ; /* copy to be allowed to insert 0 */ CHECKACE ; if (!fullNameSplit(&cp,&cq,ff) || (cc = aceClassNumber(cp)) < 0) { messfree (ff) ; return 0 ; } /* error message set by fulnamesplit */ if (create) { if (!isWriteAccess) { aceSetErrorMessage("aceKey called with create=true when you do not have write access") ; return FALSE ; } lexaddkey(cq,&k,cc) ; return k; } else { if (lexword2key(cq,&k,cc)) return k ; aceSetErrorMessage(messprintf("%s unknown", fullKeyName)) ; return FALSE ; } } KEYSET aceKeySet (AceStringSet names, BOOL create, AceHandle hh) { int i, j=0 ; KEYSET ks = 0 ; KEY key ; CHECKACE2; ks = arrayHandleCreate(10,KEY,h1) ; for (i=0 ; i < arrayMax(names) ; i++) { key = aceKey(array(names,i,char*), create) ; if (key) keySet(ks,j++) = key ; else break ; } if (i != j) keySetDestroy (ks) ; return ks ; } /**************************************************************************/ /***************************** Data Access ********************************/ /**************************************************************************/ /* instance wrapper */ static void instanceFinalize(void *vp) { Instance ins = (Instance) vp ; if (ins && ins->magic == &INSMAGIC) { bsDestroy(ins->obj) ; ins->obj = 0 ; listeRemove (activeContext->instanceListe, ins, ins->slot) ; ins->magic = 0 ; } } /* instanceFinalize */ static Instance instanceCreate(KEY key, OBJ obj, AceHandle handle) { Instance ins; ins = (Instance)halloc(sizeof(struct instanceStruct), handle) ; blockSetFinalise(ins,instanceFinalize) ; ins->magic = &INSMAGIC ; ins->obj = obj ; ins->id = activeContext->id ; ins->key = key ; ins->slot = listeAdd (activeContext->instanceListe, ins) ; return ins ; } /* instanceCreate */ /*********************************************************************/ /* readlock is too simple minded because we should count the number * of read locks, (fw - a reference counter) */ #define READLOCKSTATUS (unsigned char)128 static void aceDropReadLock (KEY key) { int n = listeFind (activeContext->readLockListe, assVoid(key)) ; if (n) { listeRemove (activeContext->readLockListe, assVoid(key), n) ; lexUnsetStatus (key,LOCKSTATUS) ; /* should count */ } } Bool aceReadLockKey(AceKey key) { unsigned char cc ; CHECKACE ; if (!key) return 0 ; key = lexAliasOf(key) ; if (pickType(key) != 'B') { aceSetErrorMessage (messprintf("aceReadLockKey called on non B key %s:%s", className(key), name(key))) ; return FALSE ; } if (KEYKEY(key) == 0) { aceSetErrorMessage (messprintf("aceReadLockKey called on non protected key %s:%s", className(key), name(key))) ; return FALSE ; } cc = lexGetStatus (key) ; if (cc & LOCKSTATUS) { if (listeFind (activeContext->readLockListe, assVoid(key)) ) return TRUE ; aceSetErrorMessage (messprintf("aceReadLockKey: key %s:%s is allready write-locked, sorry", className(key),name (key))) ; return FALSE ; } lexSetStatus (key,LOCKSTATUS) ; listeAdd (activeContext->readLockListe, assVoid(key)) ; return TRUE ; } Bool aceReadLockKeySet(AceKeySet ks) { int i, n ; KEYSET ks1 = 0 ; KEY key ; CHECKACE ; if(!keySetExists(ks)) { aceSetErrorMessage("aceReadLockKeySet, bad keySet"); return FALSE ; } n = keySetMax(ks) ; ks1 = keySetCopy (ks) ; for (i=0; i < n ; i++) { key = keySet (ks,i) ; if (listeFind (activeContext->readLockListe, assVoid(key)) ) keySet (ks1,i) = 0 ; else if (!aceReadLockKey(key)) goto abort ; } keySetDestroy (ks1) ; return TRUE ; abort: while (i--) { key = keySet (ks1,i) ; if (key) aceDropReadLock (key) ; } keySetDestroy (ks1) ; return FALSE ; } Bool aceReadLockHandle(AceHandle h) { CHECKACE ; aceSetErrorMessage("unimplemented, sorryy") ; return FALSE ; } Bool aceReadLockInstance(AceInstance ai) { CHECKACE ; return aceReadLockKey (ai->key) ; } Bool aceReadLockInstanceSet(AceInstanceSet ais) { int i ; KEYSET ks ; BOOL bb ; CHECKACE ; ks = keySetCreate () ; for (i=0; i < arrayMax(ais) ; i++) keySet (ks,i) = arr(ais,i,AceInstance)->key ; bb = aceReadLockKeySet (ks) ; keySetDestroy (ks) ; /* set ai->lock */ return bb ; } Bool aceWriteLockKey(AceKey key) { unsigned char cc ; CHECKACE ; /* ?? should we test for isWriteAccess ??, i think not */ if (!key) return 0 ; key = lexAliasOf(key) ; if (pickType(key) != 'B') { aceSetErrorMessage (messprintf("aceWriteLockKey called on non B key %s:%s", className(key), name(key))) ; return FALSE ; } if (KEYKEY(key) == 0) { aceSetErrorMessage (messprintf("aceWriteLockKey called on non protected key %s:%s", className(key), name(key))) ; return FALSE ; } cc = lexGetStatus (key) ; if (cc & LOCKSTATUS) { int i = 0 ; if (!(i = listeFind (activeContext->readLockListe, assVoid(key)))) { aceSetErrorMessage (messprintf("aceWriteLockKey: key %s:%s is allready locked, sorry", className(key),name (key))) ; return FALSE ; } listeRemove (activeContext->readLockListe, assVoid(key), i) ; } lexlock (key) ; listeAdd (activeContext->writeLockListe, assVoid(key)) ; return TRUE ; } Bool aceWriteLockKeySet(AceKeySet ks) { int i ; CHECKACE ; i = keySetMax(ks) ; while (i--) if (!aceWriteLockKey(keySet(ks,i))) { for (i++ ; i < keySetMax(ks) ; i++) lexunlock(keySet(ks,i)) ; return FALSE ; } return TRUE ; } Bool aceWriteLockHandle(AceHandle hh) { CHECKACE ; aceSetErrorMessage("unimplemented, sorry") ; return FALSE ; } Bool aceWriteLockInstance(AceInstance ai) { CHECKACE ; if (ai->lock == INSTANCE_WRITE_LOCK) return TRUE ; if (!aceWriteLockKey(ai->key)) return FALSE ; bsDestroy (ai->obj) ; lexunlock(ai->key) ; ai->obj = bsUpdate(ai->key) ; /* will re-lexlock */ ai->lock = INSTANCE_WRITE_LOCK ; return TRUE ; } Bool aceWriteLockInstanceSet(AceInstanceSet as) { int i ; AceInstance ai ; CHECKACE ; i = arrayMax(as) ; while (i--) if (!aceWriteLockInstance(array(as,i,AceInstance))) { for (i++ ; i < arrayMax(as) ; i++) { ai = array(as,i,AceInstance) ; bsDestroy (ai->obj) ; bsCreate (ai->key) ; } return FALSE ; } return TRUE ; } AceInstance aceOpenKey(AceKey key, AceHandle hh) { OBJ obj = 0 ; int lock = 0 ; AceInstance ins = 0 ; CHECKACE2 ; if (!key) return FALSE ; if (listeFind(activeContext->writeLockListe,assVoid(key))) { lexunlock(key) ; obj = bsUpdate (key) ; /* will re-lexlock */ lock = 2 ; } else { obj = bsCreate(key) ; lock = listeFind(activeContext->readLockListe,assVoid(key)) ? 1 : 0 ; } if (obj) { ins = instanceCreate (key,obj,h1) ; ins->lock = lock ; } else aceSetErrorMessage(messprintf("Cannot open the object %s, sorry", className(key),name(key))) ; return ins ; } AceInstanceSet aceOpenKeySet(AceKeySet ks, AceHandle hh) { int i ; AceInstanceSet ais = 0 ;AceInstance ai ; CHECKACE ; i = keySetMax(ks) ; ais = arrayCreate (i,AceInstance) ; while (i--) if (!(ai =aceOpenKey(keySet(ks,i),hh))) { for (i++ ; i < keySetMax(ks) ; i++) aceFree(array(ais,i,AceInstance)) ; arrayDestroy (ais) ; return 0 ; } else array(ais,i,AceInstance) = ai ; return ais ; } AceInstance aceUpdateKey(AceKey key, AceHandle hh) { if (!aceWriteLockKey(key)) return 0 ; return aceOpenKey (key, hh) ; } Bool aceRefreshHandle(AceHandle hh) { CHECKACE ; aceSetErrorMessage("unimplemented, sorryy") ; return FALSE ; } Bool aceRefreshInstance(AceInstance ai) { CHECKACE ; if (!ai->obj) { aceSetErrorMessage("You cannot refresh a not-open instance") ; return FALSE ; } bsDestroy (ai->obj) ; if (ai->lock >= INSTANCE_WRITE_LOCK) { bsUpdate (ai->key) ; ai->lock = INSTANCE_WRITE_LOCK ; } else bsCreate (ai->key) ; return TRUE ; } Bool aceRefreshInstanceSet(AceInstanceSet as) { int i ; CHECKACE ; i = arrayMax(as) ; while (i--) if (!aceRefreshInstance (array(as,i,AceInstance))) { return FALSE ; } return TRUE ; } Bool aceCommitHandle(AceHandle h, Bool keepWriteLock) { CHECKACE ; aceSetErrorMessage("unimplemented, sorry") ; return FALSE ; } Bool aceCommitInstance(AceInstance ai, Bool keepWriteLock) { int n ; CHECKWINS(ai) ; bsSave(ai->obj) ; if (keepWriteLock) { ai->obj = bsUpdate(ai->key) ; ai->lock = INSTANCE_WRITE_LOCK ; } else /* eventually keep read-lock */ { ai->obj = bsCreate(ai->key) ; ai->lock &= INSTANCE_READ_LOCK ; n = listeFind (activeContext->writeLockListe, assVoid(ai->key)) ; listeRemove (activeContext->writeLockListe, assVoid(ai->key), n) ; } return TRUE ; } Bool aceCommitInstanceSet(AceInstanceSet as, Bool keepWriteLock) { int i ; CHECKACE ; i = arrayMax(as) ; while (i--) if (!aceCommitInstance(array(as,i,AceInstance),keepWriteLock)) return FALSE ; return TRUE ; } /******************** Editions *******************************/ /* editing objects */ /* -- unsupported, always fails */ int aceEditInstances(AceInstanceSet ks, char* command); Bool aceEditAceKeySet(AceKeySet ks, char* command); /* killing objects */ Bool aceKillName(char* instancename); Bool aceKillKey(AceKey key); Bool aceKillAceKeyset(AceKeySet ks); /******************* DNA Methods ******************************/ Array aceDnaGet (AceKey key, AceHandle hh) { Array a = 0, b = 0 ; CHECKACE2 ; a = dnaGet (key) ; if (a) { b = pushArrayOnHandle (a, h1) ; arrayDestroy (a) ; return b ; } else aceSetErrorMessage (messprintf("No dna associated to %s:%s", aceClassName(key), aceName(key))) ; return 0 ; } /******************* Grep and Queries ******************************/ /* grep. Optionally, do LongGrep. */ AceKeySet aceGrep(char* pattern, Bool doLong, AceHandle hh) { KEYSET ks, ks1 ; CHECKACE2 ; ks = queryGrep(0, pattern) ; ks1 = pushKeySetOnHandle(ks, h1) ; keySetDestroy (ks) ; return ks1 ; } AceKeySet aceGrepFrom(AceKeySet old, char* pattern, Bool doLong,AceHandle hh) { KEYSET ks, ks1 ; CHECKACE2 ; ks = queryGrep(old, pattern) ; ks1 = pushKeySetOnHandle(ks, h1) ; keySetDestroy (ks) ; return ks1 ; } /* old style ace queries return a keyset */ AceKeySet aceQueryKey (AceKey key, char *cp, AceHandle hh) { KEYSET ks = 0, ks1 ; CHECKACE2; ks = queryKey (key, cp) ; ks1 = pushKeySetOnHandle (ks,h1) ; keySetDestroy (ks) ; return ks1 ; } AceKeySet aceQuery(AceKeySet ks0, char *cp, AceHandle hh) { KEYSET ks = 0, ks1 ; CHECKACE2; ks = query (ks0, cp) ; ks1 = pushKeySetOnHandle (ks,h1) ; keySetDestroy (ks) ; return ks1 ; } /* filtering a set of keys/instances */ Bool aceFilterKey(AceKey k, char* queryString) { int i ; KEYSET ks ; CHECKACE ; ks = queryKey (k,queryString) ; i = keySetMax(ks) ; keySetDestroy (ks) ; return i ? TRUE : FALSE ; } int aceKeyHasTag (AceKey key, AceKey tag) { CHECKACE ; return bIndexFind(key,tag) ; } Bool aceFilterInstance(AceInstance a, char* queryString) ; AceKeySet aceFilterKeySet(AceKeySet ks, char* queryString,AceHandle hh) { KEYSET ks1 = 0, ks2 = 0 ; CHECKACE2; ks1 = query(ks,queryString) ; ks2 = pushKeySetOnHandle (ks1,h1) ; keySetDestroy (ks1) ; return ks2 ; } AceInstanceSet aceFilterInstanceSet( AceInstanceSet as, char* queryString,AceHandle hh); /* new style Ace Query Language, returns a table */ AceTable aceAql(char *aql) { return (AceTable)0 ; } /* Object constructor, not yet supported */ AceTable aceMakeInstanceTable(AceInstance ai, int depth, AceHandle hh) { return (AceTable)0 ; } /*************************** Table methods ****************************/ Bool aceTableCell(AceTable table, int i, int j) { NOTDONE ; } AceTable aceTableByName(char* tablename, AceHandle hh) { NOTDONE ; } /* output */ /* %a = ace %h = human %j = java %p = perl, etc. * a '*' following the format specifier indicates that either an * entire AceKeySet or an entire AceInstanceSet should be dumped. * a 'i' following the format specifier indicates that we are working * with an INSTANCE (or AceInstanceSet) instead of a AceKey or AceKeySet. */ /* ???????? don t understand this, mieg */ Bool acefprintf(FILE* f,char* format, ...) { NOTDONE ; } Bool acesprintf(char*f,char* format, size_t buflen) { NOTDONE ; } /*********************************************************************/ /*********************************************************************/ /* models */ AceInstance aceOpenModel(char* classname,AceHandle hh) { KEY model ; AceInstance ins = 0 ; CHECKACE2 ; if (!lexword2key(classname,&model,_VModel)) aceSetErrorMessage (messprintf("aceOpenModel(%s): unknown model, sorry", classname)) ; if (model) ins = aceOpenKey (model,h1) ; return ins ; } /**********************************************************************/ /******************** Tree Manipulations *******************************/ /*********************************************************************/ AceKey aceKeyOfInstance(AceInstance ai) { CHECKINS(ai) ; return ai->key ; } /* tree manipulation */ Bool aceTestInstance (AceInstance ai, char* predicate, Bool moveCurrent) { NOTDONE ; } /* mark/goto */ /* create the AceMark for the caller */ AceMark aceMark (AceInstance ai, AceHandle hh) { AceHandle h1 ; CHECKINS(ai) ; h1 = hh ? hh : activeHandle ; return bsHandleMark(0, ai->obj,h1) ; } Bool aceGotoMark (AceInstance ai, AceMark mark) { CHECKINS(ai) ; bsGoto (ai->obj,mark) ; return TRUE ; } /* search object */ Bool aceGotoTag (AceInstance ai, AceKey tag) { CHECKINS(ai) ; if (bsFindTag(ai->obj,tag)) return TRUE ; return FALSE ; } Bool aceHasTag (AceInstance ai, AceKey tag) { static BSMARK mark = 0 ; BOOL bb ; CHECKINS(ai) ; mark = bsMark(mark, ai->obj) ; bb = bsFindTag(ai->obj,tag) ; bsGoto (ai->obj, mark) ; return bb ; } /* navigate object */ /* what about session obj, comments etc ??? */ Bool aceNextChild (AceInstance ai) { return aceGotoTag (ai,_bsDown) ; } Bool aceNextBrother (AceInstance ai) { return aceGotoTag (ai,_bsDown) ; } Bool aceGotoChild (AceInstance ai) { return aceGotoTag (ai,_bsRight) ; } /* verify the current type */ Bool aceCheckType( AceInstance , AceType ); AceType aceGetType( AceInstance ); /* verify the presence of a type in the current follow set */ Bool aceFollowedBy( AceInstance , AceType ); Bool aceGetTag (AceInstance ai, AceKey *xkp) { CHECKINS(ai) ; return bsGetKeyTags (ai->obj, _bsHere, xkp) ; } Bool aceGetKey (AceInstance ai, AceKey *xkp) { CHECKINS(ai) ; return bsGetKey(ai->obj, _bsHere, xkp) ; } Bool aceGetInteger (AceInstance ai, int *xip) { CHECKINS(ai) ; return bsGetData(ai->obj, _bsHere, _Int, xip) ; } Bool aceGetFloat (AceInstance ai, float *xfp) { CHECKINS(ai) ; return bsGetData(ai->obj, _bsHere, _Float, xfp) ; } Bool aceGetDateType (AceInstance ai, mytime_t* xdtp) { CHECKINS(ai) ; return bsGetData(ai->obj, _bsHere, _DateType, xdtp) ; } Bool aceGetText (AceInstance ai, char **cpp) { CHECKINS(ai) ; return bsGetData(ai->obj, _bsHere, _Text, cpp) ; } Bool aceGetArray (AceInstance ai, AceTag target, Array units, int width) { if (arrayExists(units)) arrayMax(units) = 0 ; else { aceSetErrorMessage ("arrayCreate units before calling aceGetArray") ; return FALSE ; } CHECKINS(ai) ; return bsGetArray (ai->obj, target, units, width) ; } /* in place modifications of the object * forbidden, may break data integrity by creating doubles * Bool aceReplAceKey( AceInstance, AceKey ); Bool aceReplAceTag( AceInstance, AceTag ); Bool aceReplaceInteger( AceInstance, int ); Bool aceReplaceText( AceInstance, char* ); Bool aceReplaceFloat( AceInstance, float ); */ /* removes curr and subtree to the right * returns curr to the root of the tree */ Bool aceRemove (AceInstance ai) { CHECKWINS (ai) ; bsRemove (ai->obj) ; return TRUE ; } Bool aceAddTag (AceInstance ai, AceTag tag) { CHECKWINS (ai) ; bsAddTag (ai->obj, tag) ; return bsFindKey (ai->obj, _bsHere, tag) ; } /* modify the position immediately to the right */ Bool aceAddKey(AceInstance ai, AceKey key) { CHECKWINS (ai) ; /* if check that key is accetable */ bsAddKey (ai->obj, _bsRight, key) ; return TRUE ; } Bool aceAddInteger (AceInstance ai, int nn) { CHECKWINS (ai) ; /* if check that int is accetable */ bsAddData (ai->obj, _bsRight, _Int, &nn) ; return TRUE ; } Bool aceAddFloat (AceInstance ai, float xx) { CHECKWINS (ai) ; /* if check that float is accetable */ bsAddData (ai->obj, _bsRight, _Float, &xx) ; return TRUE ; } Bool aceAddText (AceInstance ai, char *cp) { CHECKWINS (ai) ; /* if check that Text is acceptable */ bsAddData (ai->obj, _bsRight, _Text, &cp) ; return TRUE ; } Bool aceAddDate (AceInstance ai, AceDateType dd) { CHECKWINS (ai) ; /* if check that Date is acceptable */ bsAddData (ai->obj, _bsRight, _DateType, &dd) ; return TRUE ; } /* attach comments to the current position */ /* comments will no longer be inserted into the structure of the * object itself, but will be added along a third dimension. */ Bool aceAddComment( AceInstance, char* ); char* aceGetComment( AceInstance, AceHandle ); /* remove everything to the right of the current position, * as well as the current node. */ Bool acePrune (AceInstance ai) { CHECKWINS (ai) ; bsPrune(ai->obj) ; ai->lock = INSTANCE_DIRTY_LOCK; return TRUE ; } /*******************************************************************/ /****************** Utilities **************************************/ static Array pushArrayOnHandle (Array a, AceHandle hh) { int i ; Array new = 0 ; if (!a) return 0 ; i = arrayMax (a) ; new = uArrayCreate_dbg(i + 1,a->size,hh,__FILE__,__LINE__) ; /* ensures not zero, and zero termination */ arrayForceFeed(new, i) ; memcpy (new->base, a->base, i*a->size) ; return new ; } static KEYSET pushKeySetOnHandle (KEYSET ks, AceHandle hh) { return pushArrayOnHandle (ks,hh) ; } /*******************************************************************/ /*******************************************************************/ /*******************************************************************/