/* file: bindex.c * Author: Richard Durbin et Jean Thierry-Mieg * Copyright (C) J Thierry-Mieg and R Durbin, 1991 * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * Acedb is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * or see the on-line version at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * This file is part of the ACEDB genome database package, written by * Richard Durbin (MRC LMB, UK) rd@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk, and * Jean Thierry-Mieg (CRBM du CNRS, France) mieg@kaa.cnrs-mop.fr * * Description: Optimizer for acedb lookups * maintains a lookup table for the presence of tags * in objects. * * Since we know the paths to tags, we can be sure some tag is absent * if it is not in the model or if its parent in not. * The call is * bIndexFind(key,tag) * return : 0, tag is absent from key * 1, not clear * 2, present * * Algorithm. * * ttArray[tag] -> tt ( a renumbered tag, with only the useful tags) * this may look useless bust costs little, and can be used for subclasses * * ctArray[class] -> a[ct] (array per class, noted a in the code) * a[ct][tt] -> nBix * bixArray[nBix] -> bix * * bix->tag = tag, optimist result = 2 * ->tag = a parent of tag result, optimistic = 1 * then we look for bix->->bitset(KEYKEY(key)) * and return 0 or optimistic. * * * The idea is to use this system inside bsFindTag in case we are not * in a subobj and in the query package BEFORE opening the obj. * * The bitsets etc will be stored from references in the Class class. * Exported functions: * int bIndexVersion () ; // to know if index is uptodate * int bIndexFind(key,tag) ; // is tag in obj, real question * void bIndexObject (KEY key, OBJ obj) ; // reindex a given object * void bIndexInit (int) ; * void bIndexNewModels() ; // when models change * int bIndexStatus (int *nTablep, int *nKbp) ; // status report * HISTORY: * Last edited: Apr 16 14:23 2002 (edgrif) * Created: August 1 1997, jtm/rd * CVS info: $Id: bindex.c,v 1.57 2002/04/16 14:42:03 edgrif Exp $ *------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef ACEDB5 /* note that current index version has nothing to do with acedb main release number, they just happen to coincide as of oct 98 */ #define CURRENT_VERSION 5 #else #define CURRENT_VERSION 4 #endif BITSET_MAKE_BITFIELD /* define bitField for bitset.h ops.*/ static KEY _VTag = 0, _Index = 0 ; static Array ctArray = 0 ; static int lastTt = 3 ; static Array ttArray = 0 ; /* all tags for which some indexing is available */ static Array bixArray = 0 ; /* array of BIX */ typedef struct { KEY tag ; KEY filter ; int classe ; KEYSET path ; BitSet bb ; BOOL dirty ; int state ; } BIX ; typedef struct { KEY tag ; int classe ; KEY bbKey ; } BIX1 ; static int nIndexedNodes = 0, nIndexedObjs = 0 ; static BOOL indicesMayBeReadFromDisk = FALSE ; static BOOL indicesAreUptodate = FALSE; static BOOL indicesDirty = FALSE; /* set to true if parent session has established the indices or if i ran the indexAllDataBase button */ static BOOL debug = FALSE ; /*************************************************************************************/ /* * Uses index to find out whether a tag is present in an object, if there is * some problem with the index, it opens the object and checks for the tag. */ BOOL bIndexTag(KEY key, KEY tag) { BOOL result = FALSE ; if (key && tag && tag >= _Date && class(tag) == 0) { switch (bIndexFind(key, tag)) { case BINDEX_TAG_ABSENT: result = FALSE ; break ; case BINDEX_TAG_UNCLEAR: { OBJ obj = NULL ; if ((obj = bsCreate(key))) { result = bsFindTag (obj, tag) ; bsDestroy (obj) ; } break ; } case BINDEX_TAG_PRESENT: result = TRUE ; break ; } } return result ; } /*************************************************************************************/ /* * Uses index to find out whether a tag is present in an object, if there is * some problem with the index or the tag is definitely there, then opens * the object and then tries to get the key from the tag. */ BOOL bIndexGetKey(KEY key, KEY tag, KEY *key_out) { BOOL result = FALSE ; if (key && tag && key_out && tag >= _Date && class(tag) == 0) { OBJ obj = NULL ; if (bIndexFind(key, tag) && (obj = bsCreate(key))) { result = bsGetKey(obj, tag, key_out) ; /* key_out not changed on failure. */ bsDestroy (obj) ; } } return result ; } /*******************************************************************/ int bIndexVersion (int parent_version) { if (parent_version == CURRENT_VERSION) { indicesMayBeReadFromDisk = TRUE ; return CURRENT_VERSION ; } else if (parent_version == -1 && /* question at end of session */ indicesAreUptodate) return CURRENT_VERSION ; return 0 ; } /*************************************************************************************/ /* status report */ int bIndexStatus (int *nTablep, int *nKbp) { int i, nn ; BIX* bix ; if (bixArray) { *nTablep = arrayMax(bixArray) ; for (nn = 0, i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(bixArray) ; i++) { bix = arrp(bixArray,i,BIX) ; if (bix->bb) nn += arrayMax(bix->bb) ; } *nKbp = (nn * sizeof (int)) >> 10 ; /* in kilobytes */ } return bIndexVersion (-1) ; } /*************************************************************************************/ BindexFindResult bIndexFind (KEY originalKey, KEY tag) { int result = BINDEX_TAG_ABSENT ; int tt, cc = class(originalKey) ; Array a ; BIX* bix ; int nBix, optimisticResult = BINDEX_TAG_PRESENT ; KEY key, kk ; key = lexAliasOf (originalKey) ; /* follow aliases */ if (!bsIsTagInClass (class(key), tag)) return BINDEX_TAG_ABSENT ; if (!indicesAreUptodate || tag < _Date) return BINDEX_TAG_UNCLEAR ; if (!bixArray) return BINDEX_TAG_UNCLEAR ; /* don't know */ if (pickList[cc].protected) return BINDEX_TAG_UNCLEAR ; /* don't mess with protected classes */ if (pickList[cc].type != 'B') /* no tag can exist in non-B classes */ return BINDEX_TAG_ABSENT ; /* gets called from a query on mixed keysets */ if (cc >= arrayMax(ctArray)) return BINDEX_TAG_UNCLEAR ; /* don't know */ a = arr(ctArray,cc,Array) ; if (!arrayExists(a)) return BINDEX_TAG_UNCLEAR ; /* don't know */ /* this happens when a protected class (not indexed) is unprotected in a different kernel version it is a weird idea to unprotect but was done for UserSession */ if (tag >= arrayMax(ttArray)) return BINDEX_TAG_ABSENT ; tt = arr(ttArray,tag,int) ; if (!tt || /* tag absent from every model */ tt >= arrayMax(a)) /* tag absent from model */ return BINDEX_TAG_ABSENT ; nBix = arr(a,tt,short) ; if (!nBix) /* i.e. array a was never filled */ return BINDEX_TAG_UNCLEAR ; /* don't know */ /* really tag is absent from model and i should return BINDEX_TAG_ABSENT but this is not yest tested */ if (nBix >= arrayMax(bixArray)) return BINDEX_TAG_UNCLEAR ; /* don't know */ bix = arrp(bixArray,nBix,BIX) ; optimisticResult = bix->tag == tag ? BINDEX_TAG_PRESENT : BINDEX_TAG_UNCLEAR ; kk = KEYKEY(key) ; if (!bix->bb) return BINDEX_TAG_ABSENT ; /* never seen this tag in this class */ result = bitt(bix->bb,kk) ? optimisticResult : BINDEX_TAG_ABSENT ; return result ; } /**************************************************************************/ void bIndexObject (KEY key, OBJ obj) { static BitSet bb = 0 ; int n = 0 ; BIX *bix ; int kk, cc ; Array a = 0 ; unsigned char mask ; /* allow obj = 0, this is used to zero the index of a destroyed object and also to treat named based subclassesd */ if (obj && !key) key = obj->key ; kk = KEYKEY(key), cc = class(key) ; if (pickList[cc].protected) return ; /* don't mess with protected classes */ if (pickList[cc].type != 'B') /* no tag can exist in non-B classes */ messcrash("bIndexObject called on non B class %s", className(key)) ; a = pickList[class(key)].conditions ; if (arrayExists(a)) { bb = bitSetReCreate (bb, arrayMax(a)) ; mask = queryIsA (obj, key, a, bb) ; /* will create/destroy obj if needed and zero */ lexSetIsA (key, mask) ; } else bb = bitSetReCreate (bb, 32) ; if (!bixArray) return ; n = arrayMax(bixArray) ; bix = n ? arrp(bixArray,0,BIX) : 0 ; bix-- ; while (bix++, n--) if(bix->classe == cc) { if (bix->filter) { if (bitt(bb, bix->filter)) { if (!bix->bb) bix->bb = bitSetCreate(lexMax(cc),0); if (!bitt(bix->bb,kk)) { bix->dirty = TRUE ; indicesDirty = TRUE ; bitSet(bix->bb,kk) ; } nIndexedNodes++ ; } else { if (bix->bb && bitt(bix->bb,kk)) { bix->dirty = TRUE ; indicesDirty = TRUE ; bitUnSet(bix->bb,kk) ; } } } else if (bix->tag) { if (obj && bsFindTag(obj,bix->tag)) { if (!bix->bb) bix->bb = bitSetCreate(lexMax(cc),0); if (!bitt(bix->bb,kk)) { bix->dirty = TRUE ; indicesDirty = TRUE ; bitSet(bix->bb,kk) ; } nIndexedNodes++ ; } else { if (bix->bb && bitt(bix->bb,kk)) { bix->dirty = TRUE ; indicesDirty = TRUE ; bitUnSet(bix->bb,kk) ; } } } } nIndexedObjs++ ; } /*********/ static void bIndexClass (int classe) { int n = 0 ; OBJ obj ; KEY key ; if (pickList[classe].type != 'B' || pickList[classe].protected) return ; n = lexMax(classe) ; /* costly, loads the lexique */ while (n--) { key = KEYMAKE(classe,n) ; obj = bsCreate(key) ; bIndexObject(key, obj) ; if (obj) bsDestroy(obj) ; } } /*************************************************************************************/ static void bIndexDatabase (void) { int i = 256 ; int nIndexedClasses; messStatus ("Indexing (this may take several minutes)") ; nIndexedObjs = 0 ; nIndexedNodes = 0 ; nIndexedClasses = 0; while (i--) if (pickList[i].type == 'B' && !pickList[i].protected) { bIndexClass(i) ; ++nIndexedClasses; } indicesAreUptodate = TRUE ; freeOutf ("// Indexed %d tags in %d objects totalling %d nodes \n", lastTt, nIndexedObjs, nIndexedNodes) ; messdump ("Indexed %d tags in %d classes containing %d objects " "totalling %d nodes", lastTt, nIndexedClasses, nIndexedObjs, nIndexedNodes) ; return; } /* bIndexDatabase */ /**********************************************************************/ /* tools to initialise the indexing */ static void bIndexCreate (int cc, KEY tag, KEY targetTag, int filter) { int tt = 0, targetTt = 0, nBix ; Array a = 0 ; BIX *bix ; if (pickList[cc].protected) return ; /* don't mess with protected classes */ if (pickList[cc].type != 'B') messcrash("Non B class i bIndexCreate") ; if (debug) printf("Create an Index bix for class %s tag %s targetTag %s filter %d\n", className(KEYMAKE(cc,0)), name(tag), name(targetTag), filter) ; /* is this a new tag ? */ if (filter) { lexaddkey (messprintf("_bix_%d_%d",cc, filter), &targetTag, _VSystem) ; tag = targetTag ; } tt = array(ttArray,tag,int) ; if (!tt) array(ttArray,tag,int) = tt = ++lastTt ; targetTt = array(ttArray,targetTag,int) ; if (!targetTt) array(ttArray,targetTag,int) = targetTt = ++lastTt ; /* is this a new class */ a = array(ctArray,cc,Array) ; if (!a) { a = array(ctArray,cc,Array) = arrayCreate(2*tt,short) ; indicesDirty = TRUE ; } /* locate target Bix */ nBix = array(a,tt,short) ; if (nBix && (bix = arrayp(bixArray,nBix, BIX)) && bix->tag == tag) { bix->state |= 1 ; return ;} /* this tag is directly indexed */ /* locate target Bix */ nBix = array(a,targetTt,short) ; if (!nBix) nBix = array(a,targetTt,short) = arrayMax(bixArray) ; bix = arrayp(bixArray,nBix, BIX) ; if (bix->tag != targetTag) /* happens when a tag becomes indexable */ { if (bix->tag) { nBix = array(a,targetTt,short) = arrayMax(bixArray) ; bix = arrayp(bixArray,nBix, BIX) ; } bix->dirty = TRUE ; bix->tag = targetTag ; bix->classe = cc ; bix->state |= 3 ; bix->path = bsGetPath (bix->classe, bix->tag) ; bitSetDestroy (bix->bb) ; array(a,targetTt,short) = nBix ; /* point back to new bix */ } else bix->state |= 1 ; bix->filter = filter ; if (bix->classe != cc) messcrash("inconsistency in bIndexCreate, sorry") ; array(a,tt,short) = nBix ; /* point to same target */ if (debug) printf("Created bix %d for class %s tag %s (tt=%d) targetTag %s (targetTt=%d)\n", nBix, className(KEYMAKE(cc,0)), name(tag),tt, name(targetTag),targetTt) ; } /*************************************************************************************/ static void bIndexInitStatics (void) { KEY dummy ; lexaddkey ("Tag", &dummy, _VMainClasses) ; _VTag = KEYKEY(dummy) ; lexaddkey("Index",&_Index, _VSystem) ; } /*************************************************************************************/ /* recursive exploration of the models * a masterTag may occur anyway down the recursion on user request */ static void bIndexRegisterSecondaryTag(OBJ obj, int cc, BS bs, KEY masterTag) { if(!bs) return ; if (bs->key == _UNIQUE) { bIndexRegisterSecondaryTag(obj, cc, bs->right, masterTag) ; return ; } if (bs->key == _XREF && bs->right) { bIndexRegisterSecondaryTag(obj, cc, bs->right->right, masterTag) ; return ;} if (class(bs->key) || bs->key < _Date) return ; /* break on values */ if (bs->down) bIndexRegisterSecondaryTag(obj, cc, bs->down, masterTag) ; /* no condition, just index every tag */ masterTag = bs->key ; #ifdef ACEDB4 { /* done to convince pre code before march.2000 to index everything */ KEY tag = 0 ; lexaddkey(name(masterTag),&tag,_VTag) ; if (tag) bsAddKey(obj,_Index,tag) ; } #endif if (bs->right) bIndexRegisterSecondaryTag(obj, cc, bs->right, masterTag) ; if (debug) printf("bIndexRegisterSecTag class %s, tag %s masterTag %s\n", className(KEYMAKE(cc,0)), name(bs->key), name(masterTag)) ; if (masterTag && bs->key) bIndexCreate(cc,bs->key,masterTag,0) ; } /*************************************************************************************/ static void bIndexRegisterTags (void) { KEY cc ; unsigned char mask ; BS bs ; KEY classKey = 0, model ; OBJ obj = 0, Model = 0 ; while (lexNext(_VClass,&classKey)) if ((obj = bsUpdate (classKey))) { cc = classKey ; mask = 0 ; pickIsA (&cc, &mask) ; if (cc && !mask && pickList[cc].type == 'B' && !pickList[cc].protected) if ((model = pickList[cc].model) && ((Model = bsCreate(model)))) { bs = Model->root->right ; bIndexRegisterSecondaryTag(obj, cc, bs, 0) ; bsDestroy (Model) ; } bsSave (obj) ; } } /*************************************************************************************/ static void bIndexRegisterFilters (void) { int i, cc = 256 ; Array a = 0 ; while (cc--) if (pickList[cc].type == 'B' && !pickList[cc].protected) { a = pickList[cc].conditions ; if (arrayExists(a) && arrayMax(a) > 8) for (i = 8 ; i < arrayMax(a) ; i++) bIndexCreate(cc,0, 0, i) ; } } /*************************************************************************************/ static BOOL bIdenticalPath (KEYSET p1, KEYSET p2) { int i, j ; KEY *kp1, *kp2 ; if (!p1 || !p2) return FALSE ; i = keySetMax(p1) ; j = keySetMax(p2) ; /* do not rely on max of a path, look for a terminating zero */ kp1 = arrp(p1, 0, KEY) ; kp2 = arrp(p2, 0, KEY) ; while (*kp1 && i-- && j--) /* for some reason arrayMax(path) is meaningless */ if (*kp1++ != *kp2++) return FALSE ; if ((i >= 0 && *kp1) || (j >= 0 && *kp2)) return FALSE ; return TRUE ; } /*************************************************************************************/ /* When new models are read, one should adapt the indexation system, but the objects already indexed should be ok there is a problem for those tags that are indexed and are moved because bIndex will reply 2 (present) but bsFindTag will not find them may be this is ok ? */ void bIndexNewModels(void) { BIX *bix ; int i, nBix, kk, nIndexedClasses ; KEYSET path = 0 ; Array a = 0 ; if (!indicesAreUptodate) { bIndexInit(BINDEX_FORCE) ; return ; } bIndexInitStatics() ; messStatus ("Indexing ..."); nBix = arrayMax(bixArray) ; bix = arrayp(bixArray,0, BIX) - 1 ; while (bix++, nBix--) bix->state = 0 ; bIndexRegisterTags () ; nBix = arrayMax(bixArray) ; bix = arrayp(bixArray,0, BIX) - 1 ; a = arrayCreate (256,int) ; while (bix++, nBix--) switch (bix->state) { case 0: /* this bix is useless, destroy it */ if (bix->tag) messdump ("Detroying the index for class %s targetTag %s\n", className(KEYMAKE(bix->classe,0)), name(bix->tag)) ; if (bix->bb) bitSetDestroy (bix->bb) ; keySetDestroy (bix->path) ; bix->tag = 0 ; bix->classe = 0 ; bix->dirty = TRUE ; indicesDirty = TRUE ; break; case 1: /* this bix is reused, check it */ kk = lexMax(bix->classe) ; path = bix->path ; bix->path = bsGetPath (bix->classe, bix->tag) ; if (bix->bb && !bIdenticalPath (path, bix->path)) { if (path) messdump ("In model ?%s, tag %s has moved, reindexing\n", className(KEYMAKE(bix->classe,0)), name(bix->tag)) ; array(a,bix->classe,int) = 1 ; bix->dirty = TRUE ; indicesDirty = TRUE ; } keySetDestroy (path) ; break ; case 3: keySetDestroy (bix->path) ; bix->path = bsGetPath (bix->classe, bix->tag) ; array(a,bix->classe,int) = 1 ; bix->dirty = TRUE ; indicesDirty = TRUE ; break ; } i = arrayMax(a) ; nIndexedObjs = 0 ; nIndexedClasses = 0 ; nIndexedNodes = 0 ; while(i--) if (arr(a,i,int)) { bIndexClass(i); nIndexedClasses++ ; } arrayDestroy (a) ; freeOutf ("// Reindexed %d tags in %d classes containing %d objects totalling %d nodes \n", lastTt, nIndexedClasses, nIndexedObjs, nIndexedNodes) ; messdump ("Indexed %d tags in %d classes containing %d objects " "totalling %d nodes", lastTt, nIndexedClasses, nIndexedObjs, nIndexedNodes) ; return; } /* bIndexNewModels */ /*********************************************************************/ BOOL bIndexSave(void) { int i, j ; KEY key ; BIX *bix ; BIX1* bix1 ; Array cta = 0, bixa = 0, a = 0, a1 = 0 ; if (!indicesDirty || !indicesAreUptodate) return FALSE ; /* ghost copy ttArray */ lexaddkey("__ttArray",&key,_VCalcul) ; arrayStore (key,ttArray,"k") ; /* ghost copy ctArray */ i = arrayMax(ctArray) ; cta = arrayCreate (i, KEY) ; while (i--) { a = array (ctArray, i, Array) ; if (!a) continue ; lexaddkey(messprintf("__cta_%d",i),&key,_VCalcul) ; j = arrayMax(a) ; a1 = arrayCreate (j, int) ; while(j--) array(a1,j,int) = array(a,j,short) ; arrayStore (key,a1,"i") ; arrayDestroy (a1) ; array(cta,i,KEY) = key ; } lexaddkey("__ctArray",&key,_VCalcul) ; arrayStore (key,cta,"k") ; arrayDestroy (cta) ; /* ghost copy bixArray */ i = arrayMax(bixArray) ; bixa = arrayCreate (i, BIX1) ; while (i--) { bix = arrayp(bixArray, i, BIX) ; bix1 = arrayp(bixa, i, BIX1) ; bix1->tag = bix->tag ; bix1->classe = bix->classe ; a = bix->bb ; key = 0 ; if (!a) { /* look for old stuff and destroy it */ lexword2key(messprintf("__bixa_%d",i),&key,_VCalcul) ; if (key && iskey(key) == 2) /* happens from bIndexNewModels */ { arrayKill(key) ; bix->dirty = 0 ; } continue ; } lexaddkey(messprintf("__bixa_%d",i),&key,_VCalcul) ; if (bix->dirty) arrayStore (key,a,"i") ; bix1->bbKey = key ; bix->dirty = 0 ; } lexaddkey("__bixArray",&key,_VCalcul) ; arrayStore (key,bixa,"kik") ; arrayDestroy (bixa) ; indicesDirty = FALSE ; return TRUE ; } /*************************************************************************************/ static BOOL bIndexInitFromDisk(void) { int i, j, *ip ; KEY key ; BIX *bix = 0 ; BIX1* bix1 ; Array tta = 0, cta = 0, bixa = 0, a = 0 , a1 = 0 ; if (!indicesMayBeReadFromDisk) return FALSE ; bIndexInitStatics () ; if (!lexword2key("__ttArray",&key,_VCalcul) || !(tta = arrayGet(key,KEY,"k"))) goto abort ; if (!lexword2key("__ctArray",&key,_VCalcul) || !(cta = arrayGet(key,KEY,"k"))) goto abort ; if (!lexword2key("__bixArray",&key,_VCalcul) || !(bixa = arrayGet(key,BIX1,"kik"))) goto abort ; /* reestablish ttArray */ ttArray = tta ; tta = 0 ; lastTt = 3 ; ip = arrp(ttArray,0,int) - 1 ; i = arrayMax(ttArray) ; while(ip++, i--) if (*ip > lastTt) lastTt = *ip ; /* reestablish ctArray */ i = arrayMax(cta) ; ctArray = arrayCreate (i, Array) ; while (i--) { key = array(cta,i,KEY) ; if (key) { a1 = arrayGet(key, int, "i") ; if (a1) { j = arrayMax(a1) ; a = arrayCreate (j, short) ; while(j--) array(a,j,short) = array(a1,j,int) ; arrayDestroy (a1) ; array(ctArray,i,Array) = a ; a = 0 ; } else goto abort ; } } arrayDestroy (cta) ; /* reestablish bixArray */ i = arrayMax(bixa) ; bixArray = arrayCreate (i, BIX) ; while (i--) { bix = arrayp(bixArray, i, BIX) ; bix1 = arrayp(bixa, i, BIX1) ; bix->tag = bix1->tag ; bix->classe = bix1->classe ; bix->path = bsGetPath (bix->classe, bix->tag) ; key = bix1->bbKey ; if (key) { a = arrayGet(key, unsigned int, "i") ; if (a) { bix->bb = a ; a = 0 ; } else goto abort ; } bix->dirty = 0 ; } arrayDestroy (bixa) ; indicesAreUptodate = TRUE ; return TRUE ; abort: arrayDestroy (tta) ; arrayDestroy (bixa) ; arrayDestroy (a) ; arrayDestroy (ttArray) ; if (ctArray) { i = arrayMax(ctArray) ; while (i--) arrayDestroy (array(ctArray, i, Array)) ; arrayDestroy (ctArray) ; } if (bixArray) { i = arrayMax(bixArray) ; while (i--) { bitSetDestroy(array(bixArray, i, BIX).bb) ; keySetDestroy (bix->path) ; } arrayDestroy (bixArray) ; } return FALSE ; } /*************************************************************************************/ static void bIndexDestroy (void) { int i ; if (bixArray) for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(bixArray) ; i++) { arrayDestroy (arrp(bixArray, i, BIX)->path) ; bitSetDestroy (arrp(bixArray, i, BIX)->bb) ; } arrayDestroy (bixArray) ; arrayDestroy (ttArray) ; if (ctArray) for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(ctArray) ; i++) arrayDestroy (array(ctArray, i, Array)) ; arrayDestroy (ctArray) ; } /*************************************************************************************/ /* bIndexInit is called in several different ways, see bindex.h for a */ /* description of the various values of askbIndexInit. */ /* */ /* I think the flow control in this routine is not good, sometime it could */ /* do with tidying up to make it clearer. */ /* */ void bIndexInit(BindexInitType askbIndexInit) { int minSession = 2 ; /* 2, to automatically index a new database * 0, not to */ if (askbIndexInit == BINDEX_AFTER_READMODELS) { indicesAreUptodate = FALSE ; /* will force total reindexing at the end of readmodels */ bIndexDestroy () ; readModels () ; return ; } if (askbIndexInit == BINDEX_FORCE) goto force ; if (getenv("ACEDB_NO_INDEX")) /* if true, indices wont be used, even if available */ { indicesAreUptodate = FALSE ; return ; } if (thisSession.session > -1 && (indicesAreUptodate || bIndexInitFromDisk())) return ; if (getenv("ACEDB_INDEX")) minSession = 2 ; /* if true, a new database will be automatically indexed */ if (thisSession.session > minSession && !messQuery("Do you want to index this database, this may be slow, " "but will accelerate future access")) return ; force: if (!sessionGainWriteAccess()) { if (askbIndexInit == BINDEX_FORCE) messout ("Sorry, you cannot gain write access, " "I cannot index this database") ; return ; } bIndexInitStatics () ; indicesDirty = TRUE ; bIndexDestroy () ; bixArray = arrayCreate (512,BIX) ; array(bixArray,0,BIX).tag = 0 ; /* avoid bix zero */ ctArray = arrayCreate(256,Array) ; ttArray = arrayCreate(512,int) ; lastTt = 3 ; bIndexRegisterTags () ; bIndexRegisterFilters () ; bIndexDatabase() ; return ; } /*************************************************************************************/ /* clean up all memory created in bIndexInit */ void bIndexShutDown (void) { /* ctArray ttArray bixArray */ int n ; BIX *bix ; Array *ap ; n = bixArray ? arrayMax(bixArray) : 0 ; bix = n ? arrp(bixArray,0,BIX) - 1 : 0 ; while (bix++, n--) { bitSetDestroy (bix->bb) ; arrayDestroy (bix->path) ; } arrayDestroy (bixArray) ; n = ctArray ? arrayMax (ctArray) : 0 ; ap = n ? arrp(ctArray,0,Array) - 1 : 0 ; while (ap++, n--) arrayDestroy (*ap) ; arrayDestroy (ctArray) ; arrayDestroy (ttArray) ; } /*************************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************************/