/* File: acesocket.c * Author: Ed Griffith (edgrif@sanger.ac.uk) & Jean Thierry-Mieg (mieg@crbm.cnrs-mop.fr) * Copyright (C) J Thierry-Mieg and R Durbin, 1992 *------------------------------------------------------------------- * This file is part of the ACEDB genome database package, written by * Richard Durbin (MRC LMB, UK) rd@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk, and * Jean Thierry-Mieg (CRBM du CNRS, France) mieg@kaa.cnrs-mop.fr * * Description: Implements the TCP Socket communication layer that * sits between acedb and the network. Handles non-blocking * connections between client(s) and server, handles * timeouts, socket errors. Keeps clients as a circularly * linked list with clients being maintained as finite * state machines (reading, writing, etc.). * * Exported functions: * HISTORY: * Last edited: Oct 18 14:08 2002 (edgrif) * * Mar 16 11:30 2000 (edgrif): Fix bug in timeout code so timeout * is _since_ last socket communication. * Created: Wed July 8 1999 (mieg) * CVS info: $Id: acesocket.c,v 1.18 2002/10/18 13:45:29 edgrif Exp $ *------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include #include /************************************************************/ static int aceSocketCreate (int port) ; static void setCleanEnv (void) ; static int clientAccept (int fd, struct sockaddr *sa, socklen_t *salenptr) ; static S_CLIENT sClientCreate (S_CLIENT* currentClientp) ; static void sClientDestroy (S_CLIENT* currentClientp, S_CLIENT client) ; static void closeAllClients (S_CLIENT* currentClientp, S_CLIENT shut_client, fd_set allreads, fd_set allwrites, Stack shutDownMessage, AceSocketServerRequestRoutine serverRequestFunc, void *serverData) ; static BOOL timeOut(S_CLIENT client, int clientTimeOut, int *curr_timeout) ; static void resetTime(S_CLIENT client) ; static void checkServerReturn(AceSocketRequestTarget currTarget, AceSocketRequestType currRequest) ; /************************************************************/ /* Global data, if you add any more you should put all this in a struct * and add accessor functions etc. */ BOOL acesock_sigterm_received_G = FALSE ; /* Used for signal handling. */ /* local statics, please don't add any more unless you _absolutely_ have to. */ static BOOL debug_G = FALSE ; /************************************************************/ void aceSocketListen (int port, int serverTimeOut_in, int clientTimeOut_in, AceSocketServerRequestRoutine serverRequestFunc, void *serverData) { int maxfd, connfd ; int nready ; fd_set rset, wset, allreads, allwrites ; socklen_t clilen; struct sockaddr_in cliaddr ; S_CLIENT currentClient = NULL , client = NULL ; int listenfd ; int time_out, serverTimeOut, clientTimeOut, shortest_timeout ; struct timeval tv, *tv_ptr ; int sockFlags ; AceSocketRequestTarget currTarget = ACESOCK_NONE ; AceSocketRequestType currRequest = ACESOCK_NULL ; BOOL shuttingDown = FALSE ; AceSocketRequestType serverRequest = ACESOCK_NULL ; Stack shutMessage = NULL ; /* Set timeouts for clients and the server itself. */ /* If either is set to the special value zero, this implies an infinite */ /* timeout which should only be used for testing. */ serverTimeOut = serverTimeOut_in >= ACESERV_MIN_TIMEOUT ? serverTimeOut_in : 600 ; clientTimeOut = clientTimeOut_in >= ACESERV_MIN_TIMEOUT ? clientTimeOut_in : 600 ; shortest_timeout = clientTimeOut ; /* Create a listening socket (non-blocking) on which to receive new clients*/ listenfd = aceSocketCreate(port) ; sockFlags = Fcntl(listenfd, F_GETFL, 0) ; Fcntl(listenfd, F_SETFL, sockFlags | O_NONBLOCK) ; /* Set up the reading/writing socket sets for monitoring client connections*/ maxfd = listenfd ; FD_ZERO(&allreads); FD_ZERO(&allwrites); FD_SET(listenfd, &allreads); /* Loop forever waiting for clients to connect and send requests, we exit */ /* when 'serverTimeOut' time has passed with no requests sent. */ while (TRUE) { /* Shutdown server/sockets in requested way. */ shutdownCode: if (shuttingDown || acesock_sigterm_received_G) { /* Forced shutdown so kill all clients. */ if (serverRequest == ACESOCK_SHUTFORCE || serverRequest == ACESOCK_TIMEDOUT) { closeAllClients(¤tClient, client, allreads, allwrites, shutMessage, serverRequestFunc, serverData) ; } /* Once all clients are gone then do the shutdown. */ if (serverRequest == ACESOCK_SHUTFORCE || serverRequest == ACESOCK_TIMEDOUT || (!currentClient && serverRequest == ACESOCK_SHUTQUIESCE) || serverRequest == ACESOCK_EXIT || serverRequest == ACESOCK_TERM) { /* Close listening socket and call server to do final exit. */ /* n.b. only close the listening socket if we are _not_ inetd */ /* started. Probably we could just always do a close because */ /* it only closes the socket if the use count is 0. */ if (!isInetdDaemon(NULL)) Close(listenfd) ; currTarget = ACESOCK_SERVER ; if (serverRequest == ACESOCK_TERM) currRequest = ACESOCK_TERM ; else currRequest = ACESOCK_EXIT ; serverRequestFunc(serverData, client, 0, &currTarget, &currRequest, NULL, NULL) ; } } /* Currently we only listen for reading or writing sockets to become */ /* ready.... */ /* ONE DAY WE MAY WISH TO LISTEN FOR EXCEPTIONS AS WELL... */ rset = allreads ; wset = allwrites ; /* Set the time out for the select call: */ /* no clients => use server time out */ /* client => use shortest time to time out a client */ /* If server or client time outs are zero, then servers/clients never */ /* time out (good for testing). */ if (currentClient == NULL) time_out = serverTimeOut ; else { if (clientTimeOut == ACESERV_INFINITE_TIMEOUT) time_out = clientTimeOut ; else time_out = shortest_timeout ; } /* Setting tv_ptr to NULL means "never time out", setting time_out to */ /* zero causes the select to return immediately. */ if ((currentClient == NULL && serverTimeOut == 0) || (currentClient != NULL && clientTimeOut == 0)) tv_ptr = NULL ; else { tv.tv_sec = time_out ; /* LINUX systems modify tv param. */ tv.tv_usec = 0 ; tv_ptr = &tv ; } /* Block waiting for a socket to become ready, or we time out. */ nready = aceSocketSelect(maxfd+1, &rset, &wset, NULL, tv_ptr) ; if (nready == 0 || acesock_sigterm_received_G) { if (acesock_sigterm_received_G) { /* Somewhere we received a sigterm so exit asap */ serverRequest = ACESOCK_TERM ; } else if (currentClient == NULL) { /* If there are no clients then the server has timed out and we */ /* shutdown, otherwise we fall through to time out clients. */ /* Call server to alert to timeout */ currTarget = ACESOCK_SERVER, currRequest = ACESOCK_TIMEDOUT ; shutMessage = serverRequestFunc(serverData, client, 0, &currTarget, &currRequest, NULL, NULL) ; /* We could allow server to cancel timeout by returning NULL */ /* request...currently timeout => shutdown. */ shuttingDown = TRUE ; serverRequest = ACESOCK_TIMEDOUT ; } goto shutdownCode ; } /* Is there a new client connected to the listening descriptor ? Note */ /* that accept CAN fail even if select says there is a new client, */ /* maybe because client aborted, in this case we ignore the connect. */ /* We can only have up to (FD_SETSIZE - 1) sockets, if the new socket */ /* would exceed this, we accept the connection, log the problem and */ /* close the connection in an orderly way. Currently the unlucky user */ /* will get no message from us but their client should tell them. */ if (FD_ISSET(listenfd, &rset)) { clilen = sizeof(cliaddr); /* connfd may get interrupted and so may not return a valid fd. */ connfd = clientAccept(listenfd, (struct sockaddr *)&cliaddr, &clilen) ; if (connfd >= 0) { /* uugghh, wrong place, we don't even need to accept the */ /* above connection, I guess I put it here because I was going */ /* to send an error message. */ if (shuttingDown) { /* No message, we don't know what state server is in so no */ /* point in calling it. */ messdump("Client attempting to connect but server is closing down " "so connection refused.") ; Shutdown(connfd, SHUT_RDWR) ; } else if(connfd >= FD_SETSIZE) { /* Oops, too many clients (FD_SETSIZE is usually 256). */ /* Currently, unlucky connection is just terminated. */ messdump("Refused connection from client because it would have " "exceeded the maximum number of files/sockets" "allowed by the 'select' call (FD_SETSIZE), which is %d", FD_SETSIZE) ; Shutdown(connfd, SHUT_RDWR) ; } #ifdef ED_G_NEVER_INCLUDE_THIS_CODE else if (!setClientInetAddressInfo(&cliaddr, &dotted_name, &host_name)) { messdump("Refused connection from client because could not " "resolve its hostname.") ; Shutdown(connfd, SHUT_RDWR) ; } #endif /* ED_G_NEVER_INCLUDE_THIS_CODE */ else { /* Accept the connection and make a new client. */ client = sClientCreate (¤tClient) ; client->state = CLCON_CONN ; client->fd = connfd ; client->socket = cliaddr ; /* struct copy */ /* Set up select call params to read from new clients sock.*/ if (connfd > maxfd) maxfd = connfd; /* needed by select call */ FD_SET(client->fd, &allreads); /* new clients are always in read set. */ } } } /* No clients and client connect failed so just select again. */ if (!currentClient) continue ; /* OK, process some clients... */ /* We always try to start our round with the next client in the */ /* circular list to attempt some fairness in dispatching. */ client = currentClient = currentClient->next ; /* We need to find out the client with the shortest time until it times*/ /* out so we reset the curr client time out and check it against each */ /* client. */ shortest_timeout = clientTimeOut ; /* Cycle through all the clients once, clients may move through several*/ /* states in one "turn", e.g. read->error->close, both to ensure some */ /* events are processed in a timely manner _and_ to avoid getting stuck*/ /* in a state not reliant on a read or write to a socket, e.g. request.*/ do { lao: /* If client is in one of the states associated with a socket then */ /* check for timeout (we don't check for the others as they happen */ /* synchronously). If client has not timed out AND its socket is */ /* ready (for reading or writing) then reset its timer. */ if (client->state == CLCON_CONN || client->state == CLCON_READWAIT || client->state == CLCON_WRITEWAIT) { if (timeOut(client, clientTimeOut, &shortest_timeout)) { client->state = CLCON_CLOSE ; client->close = CL_TIMEDOUT ; } else if (FD_ISSET(client->fd, &rset) || FD_ISSET(client->fd, &wset)) { resetTime(client) ; } } switch (client->state) { case CLCON_CONN: if (FD_ISSET(client->fd, &rset)) /* New data from client. */ { client->state = CLCON_READWAIT ; client->message->isNew = TRUE ; goto lao ; } break ; case CLCON_READWAIT: if (FD_ISSET(client->fd, &rset)) /* New/more data from client. */ { S_MSGState msgState ; if (client->message->isNew) sMessageSetRead(client->message) ; msgState = sMessageSocketRead(client->fd, client->message) ; if (msgState == SMSG_WAIT) { client->state = CLCON_READWAIT ; } else if (msgState == SMSG_DONE) { client->state = CLCON_REQUEST ; goto lao ; /* Process request immediately. */ } else if (msgState == SMSG_ERROR) { client->state = CLCON_CLOSE ; client->close = CL_ERROR ; goto lao ; /* Process error immediately. */ } } break ; case CLCON_REQUEST: /* Send a request to the server code and get its reply to send */ /* back to the client. */ stackDestroy (client->message->writeStack) ; currTarget = ACESOCK_CLIENT, currRequest = ACESOCK_REQ ; client->message->writeStack = serverRequestFunc(serverData, client, client->fd, &currTarget, &currRequest, &(client->message->ah), client->message->readBuffer) ; client->mustCallAce = TRUE ; /* Remember that we have called ace. */ /* Make sure that we get something sensible back, exit if not. */ checkServerReturn(currTarget, currRequest) ; if (currTarget == ACESOCK_SERVER) { /* Our interface shutdowns are generated at the request of */ /* this client. */ if (currRequest == ACESOCK_SHUTFORCE) { /* Immediate kill of the server & all clients. */ shuttingDown = TRUE ; serverRequest = currRequest ; if (client->message->writeStack) shutMessage = stackCopy(client->message->writeStack, 0) ; goto shutdownCode ; /* N.B. the goto !! */ } else if (currRequest == ACESOCK_SHUTQUIESCE) { /* Kill this client as it requested the shutdown and */ /* then wait for all clients to quit. */ shuttingDown = TRUE ; serverRequest = currRequest ; client->mustCallAce = FALSE ; client->state = CLCON_CLOSE ; client->close = CL_NORMAL ; if (client->message->writeStack) client->message->isNew = TRUE ; } } else { if (currRequest == ACESOCK_REQ) { if (client->message->writeStack) { /* a new message should be written */ client->state = CLCON_WRITEWAIT ; client->message->isNew = TRUE ; FD_CLR(client->fd, &allreads) ; FD_SET(client->fd, &allwrites) ; } else client->state = CLCON_CONN ; /* request with no reply from acedb. */ } else if (currRequest == ACESOCK_KILL) { /* Server wishes to kill client so no need to call it */ /* again. */ client->mustCallAce = FALSE ; client->state = CLCON_CLOSE ; client->close = CL_NORMAL ; if (client->message->writeStack) client->message->isNew = TRUE ; /* a new message should be written */ } } goto lao ; break ; case CLCON_WRITEWAIT: if (FD_ISSET(client->fd, &wset)) { S_MSGState msgState ; if (client->message->isNew) sMessageSetWrite(client->message) ; msgState = sMessageSocketWrite(client->fd, client->message) ; if (msgState == SMSG_WAIT) { client->state = CLCON_WRITEWAIT ; } else if (msgState == SMSG_DONE) { client->state = CLCON_CONN ; FD_CLR(client->fd, &allwrites) ; /* Swop from write to read set. */ FD_SET(client->fd, &allreads) ; } else if (msgState == SMSG_ERROR) { client->state = CLCON_CLOSE ; client->close = CL_ERROR ; goto lao ; } } break ; case CLCON_CLOSE: /* We do all closes immediately after the above operations other- */ /* wise we may block on the select and not close the client for */ /* a long time. */ /* Note that mustCallAce is TRUE only for timedout and error */ /* closes. normal close => we have already called ace. */ if (client->mustCallAce) { /* If client is being closed by the socket layer, call ace */ /* server so it can free up its client resources. */ currTarget = ACESOCK_CLIENT ; if (client->close == CL_TIMEDOUT) currRequest = ACESOCK_TIMEDOUT ; else if (client->close == CL_ERROR) currRequest = ACESOCK_KILL ; client->message->writeStack = serverRequestFunc(serverData, client, client->fd, &currTarget, &currRequest, &(client->message->ah), NULL) ; if (client->message->writeStack && client->close == CL_TIMEDOUT) client->message->isNew = TRUE ; } /* If there's a termination message send it, but only to a */ /* client with no socket errors. */ if (client->close != CL_ERROR && client->message->isNew) { /* Just try to write once, don't even bother to check, perhaps */ /* a bit hard on a normal quitter. */ /* Could insert my code to try writing a number of times */ /* and then just stop... */ sMessageSetWrite(client->message) ; sMessageSocketWrite(client->fd, client->message) ; } FD_CLR(client->fd, &allreads) ; FD_CLR(client->fd, &allwrites) ; sClientDestroy(¤tClient, client) ; /* Does the close as well. */ client = NULL ; if (currentClient == NULL) /* Last client in list ? */ client = NULL ; else client = currentClient ; break ; default: /* Bad news, somehow assigned a client state we don't recognise*/ messcrash ("Internal logic error, client connection FSM is in an unknown state.") ; break ; } if (client != NULL) /* Any clients left ?? */ client = client->next ; } while (client != currentClient) ; /* Loop through clients once */ } /* loop back on Select */ messcrash("We should never reach the end of this function (aceSocketListen), " "logic error in code.") ; return ; } /************************************************************/ void aceSocketDebug(BOOL debug_on) { debug_G = debug_on ; return ; } /************************************************************/ /* Sets a global which we use to try to shut down everything cleanly in the * event of receiving a TERM signal. */ void aceTransportRequestShutdown(void) { acesock_sigterm_received_G = TRUE ; } /************************************************************/ /* Only really called when we are run by inetd */ /* We try to clear any pending data on the listening socket, if we don't do */ /* this then inetd will immediately start up the server again, which will */ /* crash again only to be restarted again, etc.etc. */ /* */ /* Note that the listening socket MUST NOT be closed here because this may */ /* cause inetd to crash. */ /* */ void aceSocketInetdCleanup(void) { if (isInetdDaemon(NULL)) { int nready, maxfd, connfd, listenfd ; fd_set rset ; socklen_t clilen; struct sockaddr_in cliaddr ; struct timeval tv ; /* BECAUSE its inetd, we _know_ the listening socket file desc. == 0 */ listenfd = 0 ; maxfd = listenfd ; FD_ZERO(&rset) ; FD_SET(listenfd, &rset) ; tv.tv_sec = 0 ; /* Don't wait at all. */ tv.tv_usec = 0 ; nready = aceSocketSelect(maxfd+1, &rset, NULL, NULL, &tv) ; if (nready == 0) { messdump("Could not read listening socket even though there should be data" "on it, suggests severe problem with inetd/listening socket") ; } else { if (FD_ISSET(listenfd, &rset)) /* redundant, must be true really. */ { clilen = sizeof(cliaddr); /* connfd may get interrupted and so may not return a valid fd. */ connfd = clientAccept(listenfd, (struct sockaddr *)&cliaddr, &clilen) ; if (connfd >= 0) { Shutdown(connfd, SHUT_RDWR) ; } } } } return ; } /************************************************************/ /*************** Internal routines ************************/ /* Clients are organized as a circular doubly linked list * with currentClient pointing to zero (no clients in loop) * or to the currently active client in the list. */ static S_CLIENT sClientCreate (S_CLIENT* currentClientp) { S_CLIENT client = (S_CLIENT) messalloc (sizeof(ClientConnectStruct)) ; if (!*currentClientp) /* Create a ring of a single client ! */ { *currentClientp = client ; client->previous = client ; client->next = client ; } else /* install the new client just under the current one */ { client->next = (*currentClientp)->next ; client->next->previous = client ; (*currentClientp)->next = client ; client->previous = *currentClientp ; } /* Set client state to 'uninitialised'. */ client->state = CLCON_EMPTY ; client->close = CL_NONE ; client->fd = -1 ; client->time = timeNow() ; client->message = sMessageCreate () ; client->mustCallAce = FALSE ; return client ; } /************************************************************/ static void sClientDestroy (S_CLIENT* currentClientp, S_CLIENT client) { client->previous->next = client->next ; client->next->previous = client->previous ; if (*currentClientp == client) *currentClientp = (client->next != client) ? client->next : NULL ; Shutdown(client->fd, SHUT_RDWR) ; sMessageDestroy (client->message) ; messfree (client) ; } /************************************************************/ /* This is basically a pretty crap interface, the first client is the one */ /* that sent the shutdown request so we don't call ace to close that one. */ /* Hardly transparent, there is much common code in the close client stuff */ /* that could be unified... */ static void closeAllClients (S_CLIENT* currentClientp, S_CLIENT shut_client, fd_set allreads, fd_set allwrites, Stack shutMessage, AceSocketServerRequestRoutine serverRequestFunc, void *serverData) { S_CLIENT client; AceSocketRequestTarget currTarget = ACESOCK_CLIENT ; AceSocketRequestType currRequest = ACESOCK_KILL ; while ((client = *currentClientp)) { /* Call server request func to close all clients....but not the */ /* one that sent the shutdown... */ if (client != shut_client) { client->message->writeStack = serverRequestFunc(serverData, client, client->fd, &currTarget, &currRequest, &(client->message->ah), NULL) ; } /* Note that we ignore the message returned by the call to the server */ /* and just output our own. */ if (shutMessage) { stackDestroy (client->message->writeStack) ; client->message->writeStack = stackCopy(shutMessage, 0) ; client->message->isNew = TRUE ; sMessageSetWrite(client->message) ; sMessageSocketWrite(client->fd, client->message) ; } FD_CLR(client->fd, &allreads) ; FD_CLR(client->fd, &allwrites) ; sClientDestroy (currentClientp,*currentClientp) ; } } /************************************************************/ /* UUUGGGHHH, I don't really like this interface but it will have to do for */ /* now....don't go altering it without looking at the cmd line arguments and */ /* select call. */ /* */ /* routine returns: */ /* FALSE if client has not timed out or if special "no */ /* time out" value set for clients (i.e. zero). */ /* */ /* TRUE if client has timed out */ /* */ /* shortest_timeout is up updated each time if the time left for this client */ /* is shorter than the shortest so far, in particular, if a client has timed */ /* out then shortest_timeout is set to zero to ensure the client is killed */ /* immediately. */ /* */ static BOOL timeOut(S_CLIENT client, int clientTimeOut, int *shortest_timeout) { BOOL result = TRUE ; if (clientTimeOut == ACESERV_INFINITE_TIMEOUT) result = FALSE ; else { int curr_time, elapsed_time, time_left ; curr_time = timeNow() ; elapsed_time = curr_time - client->time ; /* Check to see if client has timed out, if not then reset */ if (elapsed_time >= clientTimeOut) { result = TRUE ; *shortest_timeout = ACESERV_MIN_TIMEOUT ; /* Ensures client killed immediately. */ } else { time_left = clientTimeOut - elapsed_time ; if (time_left < *shortest_timeout) *shortest_timeout = time_left ; result = FALSE ; } } return result ; } /* Reset clients timer to "now", this is only done when there is actually */ /* about to be some communication between the server/client. */ static void resetTime(S_CLIENT client) { client->time = timeNow() ; return ; } /**************************************************************/ /* disassociate for terminals, */ /* THIS DEFINITELY NEEDS SOME CHECKING... */ static void setCleanEnv(void) { /* in dec alpha documentation i found the following recommendations */ setsid () ; /* reset neutral environment */ chdir ("/") ; umask (0) ; return ; } /************************************************************/ /* OK, create a socket that uses streams and bind to it. * return -1: failed * 0: inetd case, inetd duplicates socket on stdin * n>0: foreground socket * * NOTE, for inetd we ignore 'port', the port is set by in /etc/inetd.conf */ static int aceSocketCreate (int port) { int aceSocket = -1 ; int listen_port ; /* NOTE that ports and sockets are not the same numbers, the socket is the */ /* file descriptor number for inetd this is 0, for non-inetd it could be */ /* any value. */ if (isInetdDaemon(&listen_port)) /* inetd case */ { /* Really the fact that this is 0 should be encapsulated somewhere, */ /* the inetd routine knows this but its not the correct place. */ aceSocket = 0 ; setCleanEnv () ; if (debug_G) messout("Server listening socket inherited from inetd, port %d created", listen_port) ; } else { int setSockOpt = 1 ; struct sockaddr_in sname ; aceSocket = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0) ; if (aceSocket < 0) messcrash ("Cannot open server listening socket") ; /* Set SO_REUSEADDR option otherwise we get an "address already in use" error */ /* on the bind because there is some connection from a previous server incarnation */ /* that has not died yet. (inetd also does this.) */ if (setsockopt(aceSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &setSockOpt, sizeof(setSockOpt)) < 0) messcrash("Cannot set SO_REUSEADDR option for listening socket: %s", messSysErrorText()) ; /* create name with wildchar */ bzero((char *)&sname, sizeof(sname)); sname.sin_family = AF_INET ; sname.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY) ; sname.sin_port = htons(port) ; if (bind(aceSocket, (struct sockaddr *) &sname, sizeof sname) < 0) messcrash ("Cannot bind to server listening socket %s", messSysErrorText()) ; if (listen(aceSocket, LISTENQ) < 0) messcrash ("Cannot listen to server listening socket %s",messSysErrorText()) ; if (debug_G) messout("Server listening socket %d created", aceSocket) ; } return aceSocket ; } /**************************************************************/ /* Our version of accept where we catch the additional EWOULDBLOCK error */ /* because we have set our listening socket non-blocking. */ /* */ /* When Posix1.g appears then this function will need to be changed because */ /* ECONNABORTED will mean the client has abborted and EPROTO will mean there */ /* is a probably unrecoverable stream error so we should terminate the server*/ /* But for now this is a real mish/mash on different systems so we will just */ /* do our best. */ static int clientAccept(int fd, struct sockaddr *sa, socklen_t *salenptr) { int socket = -1 ; if ( (socket = accept(fd, sa, salenptr)) < 0) { if (errno != EINTR && errno != EWOULDBLOCK #ifdef EPROTO && errno != EPROTO && errno != ECONNABORTED #else && errno != ECONNABORTED #endif ) messcrash("Unrecoverable error in accept() for new client, %s", messSysErrorText()); } return socket ; } /* Check validity of return request from acedb code. Add any new checks to */ /* here rather then cluttering up main socket code. */ static void checkServerReturn(AceSocketRequestTarget target, AceSocketRequestType request) { if (target != ACESOCK_SERVER && target != ACESOCK_CLIENT) messcrash("Internal logic error, socket code received bad target from acedb server code:\n" "currTarget currTarget has invalid value: %d \n" "(should be %d or %d).", target, ACESOCK_SERVER, ACESOCK_CLIENT) ; if (target == ACESOCK_SERVER && (request != ACESOCK_SHUTFORCE && request != ACESOCK_SHUTQUIESCE)) messcrash("Internal logic error, socket code received bad request from acedb server code:\n" "currTarget == ACESOCK_SERVER, but currRequest has invalid value: %d \n" "(should be %d or %d).", request, ACESOCK_SHUTFORCE, ACESOCK_SHUTQUIESCE) ; if (target == ACESOCK_CLIENT && (request != ACESOCK_REQ && request != ACESOCK_KILL)) messcrash("Internal logic error, socket code received bad request from acedb server code:\n" "currTarget == ACESOCK_CLIENT, but currRequest has invalid value: %d \n" "(should be %d or %d).", request, ACESOCK_REQ, ACESOCK_KILL) ; return ; } /**************************************************************/ /**************************************************************/