birch,app was made using Platypus. 1. Set args to -l so that the birch script will use the User's environment. 2. Enter the birch launcher code by hand, essentially #!/bin/bash birch 3. Even if you do that, platypus will create an app that can't find the script, so you also have to have the birch script in the Resources folder. 4. I also checked the boxes to make symbolic links in the Resources folder. Oddly, it created two links. I renamed both and put another copy of the birch script in the place of the birch symbolic link. I can't say enough bad things about Apple's way of making apps. Why do you have to create binaries? Why not just use XML to tell where things are, and let the script just be a script. The final app takes up over a half a Mb! All to run a 27 byte shell script. Another good reason to avoid the Mac platform!