Program Index
ABySS - de novo sequence assembler
acedemo - Demonstration laboratory database
- - Find potential read-through adapter contamination in sequencing reads
align - Pairwise global sequence alignment
Archaeopteryx - Archaeopteryx is the successor to ATV.
artemis - DNA sequence annotation tool
bachrest - Restriction site search (batch)
birch - biolegato interface for launching BIRCH programs
birchadmin - BIRCH administration tool
birchdb - BIRCH documentation database
- - API methods for setting environment variables and platform detection
- - modify paths in BIRCH parameter files for local BIRCH system
- - Library functions for BIRCH utilities
birchprops - Set and modify properties of the local BIRCH installation, found in $BIRCH/local/admin/
- - Library methods for BIRCH install-scripts
- - Change settings for BIRCH
birchstats - Report statistics on BIRCH usage
- - Set User's environment variables for BIRCH
- - For each file whose name begins with target, create a symbGiven a series of paired-end read filenames, replace the leftmost common string with a specified string
- - Create symbolic links to files in another directory
- - Given a series of filenames, replace the target string with newname string
- - Given output from NCBI Blast+ using the -remote option , create a file containing GI numbers of hits listed in the output
blast_formatter - convert blast output to a differrent format
blastdbcmd - Client for local BLAST databases
- - Install and update local BLAST databases
blastn - search DNA database using DNA query
blastp - search protein database using protein query
BlastViewer - view and analyze BLAST output
blastx - search protein database using auto-translated DNA query
- - open BLAST output in a viewer or save the file
bldna - biolegato interface for DNA/RNA sequence analysis
- - Extract a subset of sequences from a GDE flatfile
blgeneric - run BioLegato with no menus and no canvas (for demonstration purposes)
- - Set environment variables for BioLegato Helper Applications
blmarker - bioLegato interface for discrete state data (eg. molecular markers)
blnalign - biolegato interface for working with multiple DNA/RNA alignments
blncbi - Graphical query program for NCBI databases
blnfetch - BioLegato interface for retrieving DNA or RNA sequences from NCBI
blpalign - biolegato interface for working with multiple protein alignments
blpfetch - BioLegato interface for retrieving amino acid sequences from NCBI
blprotein - biolegato interface for protein sequence analysis
blreads - Process and analyze DNA sequencing reads
blrevcomp - reverse-complement, reverse or complement a DNA or RNA strand
- - Sort a BioLegato table
bltable - Simple spreadsheet for generic data
bltree - bioLegato interface for phylogenetic trees
browser.csh - Launch a default browser from another application
- - Print the contents of a file beginning at line x
cd-hit - reduce redundancy and cluster amino acid sequences
cd-hit-2d - compare two protein sequence databases
cd-hit-454 - Identify duplicates from 454 reads
cd-hit-div - sort and divide sequence database into shorter files
cd-hit-dup - remove duplicates from sequencing reads
cd-hit-est - reduce redundancy and cluster nucleic acid sequences
cd-hit-est-2d - compare two nucleotide sequence databases
cd-hit-lap - Identify overlapping reads
- - choose a program for viewing a file
clique - Compatability method for two-state characters
clu2ig - Translate multiply aligned sequences in clustal format to Intelligenetics format
clustalo - Multiple sequence alignment
Cn3D - Protein 3D structure viewer
confadd - Add confidence information (eg. bootstrap) to a phylogenetic tree
ConfirmBox2 - Opens a popup box with a question and Yes and No buttons.
consense - Consensus trees
contml - Gene Frequencies and Continuous Characters Maximum Likelihood
contrast - compute contrasts for comparative method
- - >>> is obsolete. Instead, use which handles a larger number of file formats
cuffcompare - compare the transcriptomes assembled from different RNA-Seq libraries
cuffdiff - Compare expression levels of genes and transcripts in RNA-Seq experiments
cufflinks - assembles transcriptomes from RNA-Seq data and quantifies their expression
cuffmerge - merge transcriptome assemblies into a master transcriptome
cuffnorm - normalize the expression levels from a set of RNA-Seq libraries
cuffquant - Quantify gene and transcript expression in RNA-Seq samples
- - String substitution for HTML files
cutadapt - finds and removes adapter sequences, primers, poly-A tails and other types of unwanted sequence from your high-throughput sequencing reads
cytoscape - Cytoscape
d3hom - Dot-matrix DNA similarity, k=3
d4hom - Dot-matrix DNA similarity, k=4
- - Create ACeDB file objects for all data files in a directory
decorator - decorate phylogentic trees with various data fields (such as sequence accessors, taxonomic scientific names) and write them in phyloXML format
- - remove GI numbers from GenBank flatfiles, in compliance with the NCBI phase out of GI numbers
dialign-tx - segment-based multiple alignment
dipspades - assembler for highly polymorphic diploid genomes
DirChooser2 - Opens a file chooser, and prints the fully-qualified path of the selected directory.
dnacomp - DNA phylogeny using compatability method
dnadist - Construct distance matrix for DNA sequences
dnainvar - DNA sequence phylogeny invariants
dnaml - DNA phylogeny using Maximum Likelihood
dnamlk - DNA phylogeny using Maximum Likelihood (with evolutionary clock)
dnamove - DNA parsimony with interactive tree rearrangement
dnapars - DNA parsimony
dnapenny - DNA parsimony using branch and bound method
- - Create ACeDB file objects for all documenataion files in a directory
dollop - Discrete data parsimony method of DOLLO
dolmove - Interactive Dollo and Polymorphism Parsimony
dolpenny - Branch and bound parsimony using Dollo and polymorphism methods
dotter - Dotmatrix comparison for DNA and Protein sequences
drawgram - Draw cladograms
drawtree - Draw radial trees
ErrorBox2 - Opens a popup error box with a message and an Okay button.
ExpressConverter - Convert microarray files to TIGR file formats
factor - Generate discrete (0,1) characters from multistate characters
fasta - Sequence database similarity
fasta-nr - Keep the first of identical sequences (after converting them to uppercase)
- - separate fasta sequences by length
fastf - compare mixed peptides to a protein database
fastm - compare ordered peptides (or short DNA sequences) to a protein or DNA database
fastq-interleave - Read 2 fastq files, and write them interleaved
fastq_pair - Remove non-paired reads from left or right read files
FastQC - A quality control tool for high throughput sequence data.
fasts - compare unordered peptides to a protein database
fastx - Database similarity - allow frameshifts between codons
fasty - Database similarity - Allow frameshifts within codons
features - extract features from GenBank flatfile entries
fetch - retrieve entries from local flatfile database by name or accession number
- - create .fil files for use by FASTA
fitch - Distance trees - Fitch/ Margoliash
- - Divide a fastq file into two files, one with validated reads, and the other with reads that do not comply with the fastq format
fromgb -
funnel - funnel - Reformats a free-format or FASTA-format file to a fixed line-length, preserving comments that begin with a semicolon (;)
garnier - Protein secondary structure
Gblocks - Selection of conserved blocks from multiple alignments for their use in phylogenetic analysis
- - Wrapper to run Gblocks from BioLegato
gel - Given migration distances for standards of know size, calculate sizes of unknown fragments
gendist - Compute genetic distances from gene frequencies
genographer - Score markers from gel images
getloc - retrieve entries from a local flatfile database
getob - Parse features from GenBank flatfiles
gffcompare - compare, merge, annotate and estimate accuracy of one or more GFF files
gffread - Filters and/or converts GFF3/GTF2 records
ggsearch - global alignment of two DNA or protein sequences
glsearch - global alignment of DNA or protein query sequence with local alignments of database sequences
grease - Protein hydrophobicity
- - Calculates amino acid frequencies and other statistics for one or more proteins
gtf_2_sam - convert gtf files to sam files
- - Given a list of sequencing read files, make a guess as to which pairs of files should be grouped together as left and right read files
hisat2 - Align RNAseq reads to a hisat2-indexed genome
hisat2-build - Build an index of a genome for use by hisat2
hisat2-inspect - print FASTA records from a hisat2 index in fields specified by options
- - Create BIRCH HTML documentation from BIRCH and local databases
Jalview - Multiple alignment viewer
jellyfish - A fast k-mer counter
kitsch - Distance trees - Fitch/ Margoliash (molecular clock)
l-gbirchdb - >>>>It is used for editing the copy of lbirchdb in local-generic. When a NEW BIRCH install is done, this empty database becomes the lbirchdb database.
lalign - Rigorous local pairwise alignment
- - Aligning bisulfite-converted DNA reads to a genome
- - Aligning bisulfite-converted DNA reads to a genome
last-dotplot - Create a dotplot from a last alignment
last-map-probs - Calculate a mismap probability for each alignment.
last-merge-batches - Read files of lastal output, merge corresponding batches, and write them
last-pair-probs - Read alignments of paired DNA reads to a genome
last-postmask -
last-split -
last-train - last-Try to find suitable score parameters for aligning the given sequences.
lastal - finds local alignments between query sequences, and reference sequences that have been prepared using lastdb
lastdb - Prepare sequences for subsequent alignment with lastal
lbirchdb - Database for local documentation
lgbirchdb - Empty database to be used for local-installed documentation
maf-convert - Read MAF-format alignments & write them in another format
maf-join -
maf-sort -
maf-swap - Change the order of sequences in MAF-format alignments
mafft - Multiple sequence alignment by fast Fourier Transformation
magicblast - search for reads which match a custom sequence database
makeblastdb - Create a BLAST-compatible database file from other formats
MakeCons - Create a consensus sequence from a multiple alignment
- - Create symbolic links in the current directory, pointing to files in a source directory
map_db - read a FASTA (0), GENBANK flat file (1) PIR/VMS (5) or GCG binary (6) sequence database and produce the offsets necessary for efficient memory mapping
Mapmaker - Create genetic maps using marker and phenotype data
MapmakerQTL - Create maps for QTL data
Mauve - Multiple Genome Alignment
maxalign - Maximizing the size of gap-free columns by selecting an optimal subset of sequences in an alignment
mesquite - A modular system for evolutionary analysis
midas - Microarray Data Analysis System
mix - Mixed method discrete character parsimony
move - Interactive mixed-method parsimony
mrbayes - Bayesian inference of phylogeny
mrtrans - Align DNA sequences to a protein multiple alignment
multidigest - Calculates restriction sites, fragments and fragment ends for multiple enzyme digests, complete or partial
- - This script demonstrates using LAST and maf-join to construct multiple alignment of the human, mouse, chicken, and fugu mitochondrial genomes.
MWCalculator - Calculate molecular weights for oligonucleotides
- - Send an Entrez query to NCBI and return the result
neighbor - Distance trees - Neighbor-Joining/UPGMA
numseq - Sequence dislpay and manipulation
OkayBox2 - Opens a popup box with a message and an Okay button.
p1hom - Dot-matrix protein similarity, k=1
p2hom - Dot-matrix protein similarity, k=2
- - align DNA to a protein alignment
parallel-fasta -
parallel-fastq -
pars - Discrete character parsimony
penny - Branch and bound parsimony for discrete data
- - Convert Phylip files to and from other formats
- - Classes used by Python scripts that run Phylip programs
phyloXMLconverter - convert various phylogentic tree formats to phyloXML
pigz - A parallel implementation of gzip for modern multi-processor, multi-core machines
pollux - DNA sequence read correction for all sequencing platforms
primer3_core - Design oligonucleotide primers and probes
proml - protein phylogeny using maximum likelihood
promlk - protein phylogeny by maximum likelihood, constant evolutionary clock
prot2nuc - Reverse translate protein to degenerate DNA
protdist - Construct distance matrix for protein sequences
protpars - Protein parsimony
- - compile a Python script into bytecode and creates pydoc HTML documentation
quast - Evaluate genome assemblies
randseq - Randomize a set of sequences
Rcorrector - Adjusts threshold for trusted kmers based on kmer frequency
readseq - Convert sequence files to other formats
reform - print a multiple alignment using plain text
relate - Statistical significance of database similarity
restdist - Compute distance matrices for discrete data
restml - Maximum likelihood phylogeny for discrete data
retree - Rearrange and reroot phylogenetic trees
ribosome - Translate nucleic acid to protein
- - removes platform-specific BIRCH launcher from user's desktop
rnaspades - SPAdes Transcriptome Assembly
ruler - Print a text ruler for use in numbering columns
salmon - transcript quantification for RNA-seq data
samtools - Utilities for the Sequence Alignment/Map (SAM) format
seqboot - Create resampled datasets
- - Given a set of GI (UID) or ACCESSION numbers , create a file containing the corresponding sequence entries
seqkit - FASTA/Q file manipulation
sequin - Annotate and submit sequences to GenBank
SOAPdenovo-Trans - Transcriptome assembly
SOAPdenovo2 - denovo genome assembler
spades - Genome assembler
splitdb - split a GenBank flatfile into a database containing annotation, sequence and index
ssearch - Rigorous Smith-Waterman database similarity search
stringtie - assemble RNA-seq alignments into transcripts
tace - text interface to ACeDB
- - Given a set of ACCESSION numbers create a file containing the corresponding NCBI taxonomy entries
tbl2asn - automates the creation of sequence records for submission to GenBank
tblastn - search auto-translated DNA database using protein query
tblastx - search auto-translated DNA database using auto-translated DNA query
testcode - Find protein coding regions using method of Fickett
tfastf - compare mixed peptides to a translated DNA database
tfasts - compare unordered peptides to a translated DNA database
tfastx - compare a protein to a DNA database, calculating similarities with frameshifts
tfasty - compare a protein to a DNA database, calculating similarities with frameshifts
tmev - TIGR Multi-Experiment Viewer
TraceView - Sequence chromatogram viewer
transrate - de-novo transcriptome assembly quality analysis
treedist - Calculate distance between trees
trim_galore - sequenc quality trimming and adaptor removal
Trimmomatic - Trim adaptors from sequencing reads
Trinity - RNA-Seq De novo Assembly
truspades - assembler for short reads produced by Illumina TruSeq Long Read technology
- - Uninstall a BIRCH system
- - Encodes long names of sequences in a fasta file into short, unique numerical strings. Decodes file generated from encoded files, and restores original sequence names
WebLogo - create sequence logos
weighbor - weighted neighbor joining
xace - Graphic interface to ACeDB
xtract - converts XML into a table of data values
xylem_shuffle - randomize sequences using a sliding window