USAGE segmasker [-h] [-help] [-xmlhelp] [-in input_file_name] [-out output_file_name] [-infmt input_format] [-parse_seqids] [-outfmt output_format] [-window integer_value] [-locut float_value] [-hicut float_value] [-version-full] [-version-full-xml] [-version-full-json] DESCRIPTION Low complexity region masker based on the SEG algorithm OPTIONAL ARGUMENTS -h Print USAGE and DESCRIPTION; ignore all other parameters -help Print USAGE, DESCRIPTION and ARGUMENTS; ignore all other parameters -xmlhelp Print USAGE, DESCRIPTION and ARGUMENTS in XML format; ignore all other parameters -version-full Print extended version data; ignore other arguments -version-full-xml Print extended version data in XML format; ignore other arguments -version-full-json Print extended version data in JSON format; ignore other arguments *** Input/output options -in input file name Default = `-' -out output file name Default = `-' -infmt controls the format of the masker input Default = `fasta' -parse_seqids Parse Seq-ids in FASTA input -outfmt controls the format of the masker output Default = `interval' *** SEG algorithm options -window SEG window Default = `12' -locut SEG locut Default = `2.2' -hicut SEG hicut Default = `2.5'