# LaunchAnywhere (tm) Executable Properties File - Zero G Software, Inc. # LAX.APPLICATION.NAME # -------------------- # the default name of this executable -- do not edit lax.application.name=ArrayNorm # LAX.CLASS.PATH # -------------- # the Java classpath necessary to run this application # Can be separated by colons (Mac OS/Unix) or semicolons (Windows) lax.class.path=mail.jar:ArrayNormGui.jar:lax.jar # LAX.COMMAND.LINE.ARGS # --------------------- # what will be passed to the main method -- be sure to quote arguments with spaces in them lax.command.line.args=$CMD_LINE_ARGUMENTS$ # LAX.DIR # ------- # path to directory holding LaunchAnywhere's native launcher lax.dir=/home/psgendb/BIRCHDEV/java/ArrayNorm/ # LAX.MAIN.CLASS # -------------- # the class that contains the main method for the application lax.main.class=at.tugraz.genome.arraynormgui.ArrayNormGuiMain # LAX.MAIN.METHOD # --------------- # the method in the main class that will be invoked lax.main.method=main # LAX.NL.CURRENT.VM # ----------------- # the VM to use for the next launch lax.nl.current.vm=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk- # LAX.NL.JAVA.LAUNCHER.MAIN.CLASS # ------------------------------- # main class of LaunchAnywhere's java launcher -- do not adjust lax.nl.java.launcher.main.class=com.zerog.lax.LAX # LAX.NL.JAVA.LAUNCHER.MAIN.METHOD # -------------------------------- # main method of LaunchAnywhere's java launcher -- do not adjust lax.nl.java.launcher.main.method=main lax.nl.java.option.java.heap.size.max=536870900 # LAX.NL.VALID.VM.LIST # -------------------- # a string containing one or more of [ ALL JDK JRE J1 J2 JRE_J1 JDK_J1 JRE_J2 JDK_J2 MSJ MRJ ] # delimited by spaces or commas. If the native launcher cannot find the current vm, # it will search for ones in this list lax.nl.valid.vm.list=J2 J1 MSJ MRJ # LAX.NL.WIN32.MICROSOFTVM.MIN.VERSION # ------------------------------------ # The minimum version of Microsoft's VM this application will run against lax.nl.win32.microsoftvm.min.version=2750 # LAX.ROOT.INSTALL.DIR # -------------------- # path to the installdir magic folder lax.root.install.dir=/home/psgendb/BIRCHDEV/local/java/ArrayNorm # LAX.STDERR.REDIRECT # ------------------- # leave blank for no output, "console" to send to a console window, # and any path to a file to save to the file lax.stderr.redirect= # LAX.STDIN.REDIRECT # ------------------ # leave blank for no input, "console" to read from the console window, # and any path to a file to read from that file lax.stdin.redirect= # LAX.STDOUT.REDIRECT # ------------------- # leave blank for no output, "console" to send to a console window, # and any path to a file to save to the file lax.stdout.redirect= # LAX.USER.DIR # ------------ # left blank, this property will cause the native launcher to not # alter the platform default behavior for setting the user dir. # To override this you may set this property to a relative or absolute path. # Relative paths are relative to the launcher. lax.user.dir=. # LAX.VERSION # ----------- # version of LaunchAnywhere that created this properties file lax.version=5.5