What's new in Serial Cloner 2.6 (see the available contextual help window to get more details on new functions) 2.6.1 - [ADDED] a preference to limit or not the width of Seq & Prot windows - [CORRECTED] Detection of overlapping Primers in PCR - [CORRECTED] Bug in "show info" toggle under Windows and Linux - [CORRECTED] Slow down under certain Windows install due to autosaving - [CORRECTED] Error in definition of PreScission site - [CORRECTED] Save/Save As problem is PCR window - [CORRECTED] Insertion point position when editing a protein sequence 2.6.0 - [NEW] Estimates Isoelectric point of protein sequences (DNA and Protein Sequence Window) - [NEW] MacOSX version now distributed as a signed application (Mountain Lion Gatekeeper compatibility) - [ADDED] An option in the Preferences to select pK value tables to use for pI estimation - [ADDED] An option in the Preferences to use the Codon code from Codon Usage tables as a Genetic code used for translation - [ADDED] An option in the Restriction Map window to only translate nucleotides that are in uppercase - [ADDED] A button/menu to choose particular sites to be displayed in Restriction maps. - [ADDED] Scan for peptide Features in Protein Sequences - [ADDED] Inherit Features when reverse-translating a DNA sequence - [ADDED] A rapid switch between a DNA and Protein Align window - [ADDED] Non formatted copy of Protein sequence (Copy MoreÉ Menu) - [ADDED] Inherit Features when copying/Pasting Protein sequences - [ADDED] Display Features in Protein Align (Local Align) - [ADDED] A toggle button to highlight differences in aligned proteins - [ADDED] A shortcut (S) to quickly show or mask Features (in the Features tab of Sequence Windows) - [ADDED] 'Anchor' and 'Core' domains of Primers are now recognized as Features in Sequence Windows - [ADDED] A button to quickly select a full linear insert in the 'Build a Construct' window - [ADDED]ÊAdded a shortcut to 'Copy Non Formatted' [COMMAND-SHIFT-K] - [ADDED] A menu entry to go to Serial Cloner Forum - [ADDED] A menu entry to go to Serial Cloner Youtube Channel (tutorial) - [UPDATED]ÊIt is now possible to fully resize Sequence windows - [UPDATED] Absent sites are indicated in italic in enzyme chooser windows (Graphic and Restriction Maps) - [UPDATED] Unique sites are indicated in bold in enzyme chooser windows (Graphic and Restriction Maps) - [UPDATED] Parsing of NCBI sequences (Web Access) to take in account changes in NCBI pages. - [UPDATED] Improved parsing of sequences containing 'X' in the nucleotide sequence - [UPDATED] Changed shortcut of 'Copy All Sequences To Multifasta' to [COMMAND-SHIFT-J] instead of [COMMAND-SHIFT-K] - [CORRECTED] A Windows-specific interface bug the the 'Import Codon Bias' window - [CORRECTED] A bug sometimes preventing proper copy of images (Graphic map, Virtual Cut, shRNA) in the clipboard (Windows specific) - [CORRECTED] A problem arising with uncommon RE names like R1.BceSIV in the particular enzyme" chooser of the Graphic Map. - [CORRECTED] A problem [Gateway Cloning] with Features indication when the destination vector was antisense (att2-att1 direction) - [CORRECTED] A bug in the selection of the most used AA when reverse translating - [CORRECTED] A problem with "Select All" in Sequence and Protein windows - [CORRECTED] A File type problem associated to Serial Cloner files (breaking compatibility with Sequencher import in particular) - [CORRECTED] Ligation : Sometimes unnecessarily produced degenerate DNA - [CORRECTED] Gateway : generated DNA but then when then saved as unknown type - [CORRECTED] PCR : if done on "unknown format" sequence, incorrectly generated "Protein" type. - [CORRECTED] A problem updating Feature when undoing a modification - [CORRECTED] When pasting a protein sequence in GenBank format (NCBI) a protein sequence window is now correctly created. - [CORRECTED] A problem with the NCBI BLAST server when using non-ASCII characters in Sequence names - [CORRECTED] A problem with Feature display after a scan when only one Feature was found - [CORRECTED] A rare problem of Feature display in the Construct Window - [CORRECTED] A refresh problem when using character size different from 12 pt in Graphic maps. - [CORRECTED] A bug in the Restriction map windows where the first line of amino acid translation was shifted in codon mode - [CORRECTED] A bug related preventing the use of previously selected enzymes in the Virtual Cutter Window