package jgi; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import kmer.AbstractKmerTable; import kmer.HashArray; import kmer.HashBuffer; import kmer.HashForest; import kmer.KCountArray; import kmer.KmerCount7MTA; import kmer.KmerTable; import kmer.Primes; import stream.ConcurrentGenericReadInputStream; import stream.ConcurrentReadStreamInterface; import stream.FASTQ; import stream.FastaReadInputStream; import stream.RTextOutputStream3; import stream.Read; import align2.ListNum; import align2.Shared; import align2.Tools; import align2.TrimRead; import dna.AminoAcid; import dna.Timer; import fileIO.ByteFile; import fileIO.ReadWrite; import fileIO.FileFormat; import fileIO.TextStreamWriter; /** * @author Brian Bushnell * @date Nov 22, 2013 * */ public class CountKmersExact { /** * Code entrance from the command line. * @param args Command line arguments */ public static void main(String[] args){ if(Tools.parseHelp(args)){ printOptions(); System.exit(0); } //Create a new BBDuk instance CountKmersExact cke=new CountKmersExact(args); ///And run it cke.process(); } /** * Display usage information. */ private static void printOptions(){ outstream.println("Syntax:\n"); outstream.println("\njava -ea -Xmx20g -cp jgi.CountKmersExact in="); outstream.println("\nOptional flags:"); outstream.println("in= \tThe 'in=' flag is needed if the input file is not the first parameter. 'in=stdin' will pipe from standard in."); outstream.println("in2= \tUse this if 2nd read of pairs are in a different file."); outstream.println("out= \t(outnonmatch) The 'out=' flag is needed if the output file is not the second parameter. 'out=stdout' will pipe to standard out."); outstream.println("out2= \t(outnonmatch2) Use this to write 2nd read of pairs to a different file."); outstream.println("stats= \tWrite statistics about which contaminants were detected."); outstream.println(""); outstream.println("threads=auto \t(t) Set number of threads to use; default is number of logical processors."); outstream.println("overwrite=t \t(ow) Set to false to force the program to abort rather than overwrite an existing file."); outstream.println("showspeed=t \t(ss) Set to 'f' to suppress display of processing speed."); outstream.println("interleaved=auto \t(int) If true, forces fastq input to be paired and interleaved."); outstream.println("k=28 \tKmer length used for finding contaminants. Contaminants shorter than k will not be found."); outstream.println("minavgquality=0 \t(maq) Reads with average quality (before trimming) below this will be discarded."); outstream.println("touppercase=f \t(tuc) Change all letters in reads and reference to upper-case."); outstream.println("qtrim=f \tTrim read ends to remove bases with quality below minq. Performed AFTER looking for kmers. "); outstream.println(" \tValues: t (trim both ends), f (neither end), r (right end only), l (left end only)."); outstream.println("minq=4 \tTrim quality threshold."); outstream.println("minlength=2 \t(ml) Reads shorter than this after trimming will be discarded. Pairs will be discarded only if both are shorter."); outstream.println("ziplevel=2 \t(zl) Set to 1 (lowest) through 9 (max) to change compression level; lower compression is faster."); outstream.println("fastawrap=100 \tLength of lines in fasta output"); outstream.println("qin=auto \tASCII offset for input quality. May be set to 33 (Sanger), 64 (Illumina), or auto"); outstream.println("qout=auto \tASCII offset for output quality. May be set to 33 (Sanger), 64 (Illumina), or auto (meaning same as input)"); outstream.println("rcomp=t \tLook for reverse-complements of kmers also."); outstream.println("forest=t \tUse HashForest data structure"); outstream.println("table=f \tUse KmerTable data structure"); outstream.println("array=f \tUse HashArray data structure"); } /** * Constructor. * @param args Command line arguments */ public CountKmersExact(String[] args){ for(String s : args){if(s.contains("standardout") || s.contains("stdout")){outstream=System.err;}} System.err.println("Executing "+getClass().getName()+" "+Arrays.toString(args)+"\n"); /* Set global defaults */ ReadWrite.ZIPLEVEL=2; ReadWrite.USE_UNPIGZ=true; FastaReadInputStream.SPLIT_READS=false; ByteFile.FORCE_MODE_BF2=Shared.THREADS>2; /* Initialize local variables with defaults */ boolean setOut=false, setOutb=false, qtrimRight_=false, qtrimLeft_=false; boolean rcomp_=true; boolean useForest_=false, useTable_=false, useArray_=true; long skipreads_=0; int k_=28; int ways_=-1; byte qin=-1, qout=-1; byte trimq_=4; byte minAvgQuality_=0; int minReadLength_=20; int maxNs_=-1; boolean removePairsIfEitherBad_=true; int filterMax_=2; { boolean b=false; assert(b=true); EA=b; } /* Parse arguments */ for(int i=0; i1 ? split[1] : null; if("null".equalsIgnoreCase(b)){b=null;} while(a.charAt(0)=='-' && (a.indexOf('.')<0 || i>1 || !new File(a).exists())){a=a.substring(1);} if(Tools.isJavaFlag(arg)){ //jvm argument; do nothing }else if(a.equals("in") || a.equals("in1")){ in1=b; }else if(a.equals("in2")){ in2=b; }else if(a.equals("out") || a.equals("out1") || a.equals("outu") || a.equals("outu1") || a.equals("outnonmatch") || a.equals("outnonmatch1") || a.equals("outunnmatch") || a.equals("outunmatch1") || a.equals("outunnmatched") || a.equals("outunmatched1")){ out1=b; setOut=true; }else if(a.equals("out2") || a.equals("outu2") || a.equals("outnonmatch2") || a.equals("outunmatch2") || a.equals("outnonmatched2") || a.equals("outunmatched2")){ out2=b; }else if(a.equals("stats")){ outstats=b; }else if(a.equals("overwrite") || a.equals("ow")){ overwrite=Tools.parseBoolean(b); }else if(a.equals("initialsize")){ initialSize=Integer.parseInt(b); }else if(a.equals("forest")){ useForest_=Tools.parseBoolean(b); if(useForest_){useTable_=useArray_=false;} }else if(a.equals("table")){ useTable_=Tools.parseBoolean(b); if(useTable_){useForest_=useArray_=false;} }else if(a.equals("array")){ useArray_=Tools.parseBoolean(b); if(useArray_){useTable_=useForest_=false;} }else if(a.equals("ways")){ ways_=Integer.parseInt(b); }else if(a.equals("bf1")){ ByteFile.FORCE_MODE_BF1=Tools.parseBoolean(b); ByteFile.FORCE_MODE_BF2=!ByteFile.FORCE_MODE_BF1; }else if(a.equals("bf2")){ ByteFile.FORCE_MODE_BF2=Tools.parseBoolean(b); ByteFile.FORCE_MODE_BF1=!ByteFile.FORCE_MODE_BF2; }else if(a.equals("usegzip") || a.equals("gzip")){ ReadWrite.USE_GZIP=Tools.parseBoolean(b); }else if(a.equals("usepigz") || a.equals("pigz")){ if(b!=null && Character.isDigit(b.charAt(0))){ int zt=Integer.parseInt(b); if(zt<1){ReadWrite.USE_PIGZ=false;} else{ ReadWrite.USE_PIGZ=true; if(zt>1){ ReadWrite.MAX_ZIP_THREADS=zt; ReadWrite.ZIP_THREAD_DIVISOR=1; } } }else{ReadWrite.USE_PIGZ=Tools.parseBoolean(b);} }else if(a.equals("usegunzip") || a.equals("gunzip")){ ReadWrite.USE_GUNZIP=Tools.parseBoolean(b); }else if(a.equals("useunpigz") || a.equals("unpigz")){ ReadWrite.USE_UNPIGZ=Tools.parseBoolean(b); }else if(a.equals("interleaved") || a.equals("int")){ if("auto".equalsIgnoreCase(b)){FASTQ.FORCE_INTERLEAVED=!(FASTQ.TEST_INTERLEAVED=true);} else{ FASTQ.FORCE_INTERLEAVED=FASTQ.TEST_INTERLEAVED=Tools.parseBoolean(b); outstream.println("Set INTERLEAVED to "+FASTQ.FORCE_INTERLEAVED); } }else if(a.equals("tuc") || a.equals("touppercase")){ Read.TO_UPPER_CASE=Tools.parseBoolean(b); }else if(a.equals("buflen") || a.equals("bufflen") || a.equals("bufferlength")){ buflen=Integer.parseInt(b); }else if(a.equals("ziplevel") || a.equals("zl")){ ReadWrite.ZIPLEVEL=Integer.parseInt(b); }else if(a.equals("k")){ assert(b!=null) : "\nThe k key needs an integer value from 1 to 31, such as k=28\n"; k_=Integer.parseInt(b); }else if(a.equals("skipreads")){ skipreads_=Long.parseLong(b); }else if(a.equals("threads") || a.equals("t")){ THREADS=(b==null || b.equalsIgnoreCase("auto") ? Shared.THREADS : Integer.parseInt(b)); }else if(a.equals("minavgquality") || a.equals("maq")){ minAvgQuality_=Byte.parseByte(b); }else if(a.equals("maxns")){ maxNs_=Byte.parseByte(b); }else if(a.equals("showspeed") || a.equals("ss")){ showSpeed=Tools.parseBoolean(b); }else if(a.equals("verbose")){ assert(false) : "Verbose flag is currently static final; must be recompiled to change."; // verbose=Tools.parseBoolean(b); }else if(a.equals("rcomp")){ rcomp_=Tools.parseBoolean(b); }else if(a.equals("reads") || a.startsWith("maxreads")){ maxReads=Long.parseLong(b); }else if(a.equals("fastawrap")){ FastaReadInputStream.DEFAULT_WRAP=Integer.parseInt(b); }else if(a.equals("fastaminlen") || a.equals("fastaminlength")){ FastaReadInputStream.MIN_READ_LEN=Integer.parseInt(b); }else if(a.equals("trim") || a.equals("qtrim")){ if(b==null){qtrimRight_=qtrimLeft_=true;} else if(b.equalsIgnoreCase("left") || b.equalsIgnoreCase("l")){qtrimLeft_=true;qtrimRight_=false;} else if(b.equalsIgnoreCase("right") || b.equalsIgnoreCase("r")){qtrimLeft_=false;qtrimRight_=true;} else if(b.equalsIgnoreCase("both") || b.equalsIgnoreCase("rl") || b.equalsIgnoreCase("lr")){qtrimLeft_=qtrimRight_=true;} else if(Character.isDigit(b.charAt(0))){ if(!qtrimLeft_ && !qtrimRight_){qtrimLeft_=qtrimRight_=true;} trimq_=Byte.parseByte(b); }else{qtrimRight_=qtrimLeft_=Tools.parseBoolean(b);} }else if(a.equals("optitrim") || a.equals("otf") || a.equals("otm")){ if(b!=null && (b.charAt(0)=='.' || Character.isDigit(b.charAt(0)))){ TrimRead.optimalMode=true; TrimRead.optimalBias=Float.parseFloat(b); assert(TrimRead.optimalBias>=0 && TrimRead.optimalBias<1); }else{ TrimRead.optimalMode=Tools.parseBoolean(b); } }else if(a.equals("trimright") || a.equals("qtrimright")){ qtrimRight_=Tools.parseBoolean(b); }else if(a.equals("trimleft") || a.equals("qtrimleft")){ qtrimLeft_=Tools.parseBoolean(b); }else if(a.equals("trimq") || a.equals("trimquality")){ trimq_=Byte.parseByte(b); }else if(a.equals("q102matrix") || a.equals("q102m")){ CalcTrueQuality.q102matrix=b; }else if(a.equals("qbpmatrix") || a.equals("bqpm")){ CalcTrueQuality.qbpmatrix=b; }else if(a.equals("adjustquality") || a.equals("adjq")){ TrimRead.ADJUST_QUALITY=Tools.parseBoolean(b); }else if(a.equals("fastawrap")){ FastaReadInputStream.DEFAULT_WRAP=Integer.parseInt(b); }else if(a.equals("ignorebadquality") || a.equals("ibq")){ FASTQ.IGNORE_BAD_QUALITY=Tools.parseBoolean(b); }else if(a.equals("ascii") || a.equals("quality") || a.equals("qual")){ byte x; if(b.equalsIgnoreCase("sanger")){x=33;} else if(b.equalsIgnoreCase("illumina")){x=64;} else if(b.equalsIgnoreCase("auto")){x=-1;FASTQ.DETECT_QUALITY=FASTQ.DETECT_QUALITY_OUT=true;} else{x=(byte)Integer.parseInt(b);} qin=qout=x; }else if(a.equals("asciiin") || a.equals("qualityin") || a.equals("qualin") || a.equals("qin")){ byte x; if(b.equalsIgnoreCase("sanger")){x=33;} else if(b.equalsIgnoreCase("illumina")){x=64;} else if(b.equalsIgnoreCase("auto")){x=-1;FASTQ.DETECT_QUALITY=true;} else{x=(byte)Integer.parseInt(b);} qin=x; }else if(a.equals("asciiout") || a.equals("qualityout") || a.equals("qualout") || a.equals("qout")){ byte x; if(b.equalsIgnoreCase("sanger")){x=33;} else if(b.equalsIgnoreCase("illumina")){x=64;} else if(b.equalsIgnoreCase("auto")){x=-1;FASTQ.DETECT_QUALITY_OUT=true;} else{x=(byte)Integer.parseInt(b);} qout=x; }else if(a.equals("qauto")){ FASTQ.DETECT_QUALITY=FASTQ.DETECT_QUALITY_OUT=true; }else if(a.equals("prefilter")){ if(b==null || b.length()<1 || !Character.isDigit(b.charAt(0))){ prefilter=Tools.parseBoolean(b); }else{ filterMax_=Integer.parseInt(b); prefilter=filterMax_>0; } }else if(i==0 && in1==null && arg.indexOf('=')<0 && arg.lastIndexOf('.')>0){ in1=args[i]; }else if(i==1 && out1==null && arg.indexOf('=')<0 && arg.lastIndexOf('.')>0){ out1=args[i]; setOut=true; }else{ throw new RuntimeException("Unknown parameter "+args[i]); } } if(TrimRead.ADJUST_QUALITY){CalcTrueQuality.initializeMatrices();} if(ways_<1){ long maxKmers=Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory()/12; long minWays=Tools.min(10000, maxKmers/Integer.MAX_VALUE); ways_=(int)Tools.max(31, THREADS*4, minWays); ways_=(int)Primes.primeAtLeast(ways_); assert(ways_>0); System.err.println("ways="+ways_); } /* Set final variables; post-process and validate argument combinations */ useForest=useForest_; useTable=useTable_; useArray=useArray_; rcomp=rcomp_; skipreads=skipreads_; trimq=trimq_; minAvgQuality=minAvgQuality_; minReadLength=minReadLength_; removePairsIfEitherBad=removePairsIfEitherBad_; maxNs=maxNs_; WAYS=ways_; filterMax=Tools.min(filterMax_, 0x7FFFFFFF); k=k_; k2=k-1; qtrimRight=qtrimRight_; qtrimLeft=qtrimLeft_; keySets=new AbstractKmerTable[WAYS]; /* Adjust I/O settings and filenames */ if(qin!=-1 && qout!=-1){ FASTQ.ASCII_OFFSET=qin; FASTQ.ASCII_OFFSET_OUT=qout; FASTQ.DETECT_QUALITY=false; }else if(qin!=-1){ FASTQ.ASCII_OFFSET=qin; FASTQ.DETECT_QUALITY=false; }else if(qout!=-1){ FASTQ.ASCII_OFFSET_OUT=qout; FASTQ.DETECT_QUALITY_OUT=false; } assert(FastaReadInputStream.settingsOK()); if(in1==null){ printOptions(); throw new RuntimeException("Error - at least one input file is required."); } if(in1!=null && in1.contains("#") && !new File(in1).exists()){ int pound=in1.lastIndexOf('#'); String a=in1.substring(0, pound); String b=in1.substring(pound+1); in1=a+1+b; in2=a+2+b; } if(in2!=null && (in2.contains("=") || in2.equalsIgnoreCase("null"))){in2=null;} if(in2!=null){ if(FASTQ.FORCE_INTERLEAVED){System.err.println("Reset INTERLEAVED to false because paired input files were specified.");} FASTQ.FORCE_INTERLEAVED=FASTQ.TEST_INTERLEAVED=false; } if(out1!=null && out1.contains("#")){ int pound=out1.lastIndexOf('#'); String a=out1.substring(0, pound); String b=out1.substring(pound+1); out1=a+1+b; out2=a+2+b; } if(!setOut){ out1="stdout.fq"; outstream=System.err; out2=null; }else if("stdout".equalsIgnoreCase(out1) || "standarddout".equalsIgnoreCase(out1)){ out1="stdout.fq"; outstream=System.err; out2=null; } if(out1!=null && !Tools.canWrite(out1, overwrite)){throw new RuntimeException("Output file "+out1+" already exists, and overwrite="+overwrite);} assert(!in1.equalsIgnoreCase(out1)); assert(!in1.equalsIgnoreCase(in2)); assert(out1==null || !out1.equalsIgnoreCase(out2)); assert(THREADS>0); assert(in1==null || in1.toLowerCase().startsWith("stdin") || in1.toLowerCase().startsWith("standardin") || new File(in1).exists()) : "Can't find "+in1; assert(in2==null || in2.toLowerCase().startsWith("stdin") || in2.toLowerCase().startsWith("standardin") || new File(in2).exists()) : "Can't find "+in2; //Initialize tables for(int i=0; i=(1<100000){ Timer ht=new Timer(); ht.start(); KmerCount7MTA.CANONICAL=true; ArrayList extra=null; prefilterArray=KmerCount7MTA.makeKca(in1, in2, extra, k, cbits, 0, precells, prehashes, minq, true, maxReads, 1, 1, 1, 1, null); assert(filterMax0.6){ outstream.println("Warning: This table is "+(uf>0.995 ? "totally" : uf>0.99 ? "crazy" : uf>0.95 ? "incredibly" : uf>0.9 ? "extremely" : uf>0.8 ? "very" : uf>0.7 ? "fairly" : "somewhat")+" full, which may reduce accuracy for kmers of depth under 3. Ideal load is under 60% used." + "\nFor better accuracy, run on a node with more memory; quality-trim or error-correct reads; " + "or increase the values of the minprob flag to reduce spurious kmers."); } ht.stop(); if(DISPLAY_PROGRESS){ outstream.println("Prefilter time:\t"+ht); outstream.println("After prefilter:"); printMemory(); outstream.println(); } }else{prefilter=false;} } /* Fill tables with kmers */ long added=loadKmers(t); if(DISPLAY_PROGRESS){ outstream.println("Final:"); printMemory(); outstream.println(); } /* Write statistics to files */ writeStats(System.nanoTime()-startTime); outstream.println("Input: \t"+readsIn+" reads \t\t"+basesIn+" bases."); if(qtrimLeft || qtrimRight){ outstream.println("QTrimmed: \t"+readsTrimmed+" reads ("+String.format("%.2f",readsTrimmed*100.0/readsIn)+"%) \t"+ basesTrimmed+" bases ("+String.format("%.2f",basesTrimmed*100.0/basesIn)+"%)"); } if(minAvgQuality>0 || maxNs>=0){ outstream.println("Low quality discards: \t"+lowqReads+" reads ("+String.format("%.2f",lowqReads*100.0/readsIn)+"%) \t"+ lowqBases+" bases ("+String.format("%.2f",lowqBases*100.0/basesIn)+"%)"); } outstream.println("Result: \t"+readsOut+" reads ("+String.format("%.2f",readsOut*100.0/readsIn)+"%) \t"+ basesOut+" bases ("+String.format("%.2f",basesOut*100.0/basesIn)+"%)"); outstream.println("Unique Kmers: \t"+added); } /** * Write processing statistics in DUK's format. * @param time Elapsed time, nanoseconds */ private void writeStats(long time){ if(outstats==null){return;} final TextStreamWriter tsw=new TextStreamWriter(outstats, overwrite, false, false); tsw.start(); tsw.println(dukString(time)); tsw.poisonAndWait(); } /** * Helper method; formats statistics to be duk-compatible * @param time Elapsed time, nanoseconds * @return duk output string */ private String dukString(long time){ StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder(); sb.append("##INPUT PARAMETERS##\n"); sb.append("#Query file: "+in1+(in2==null ? "" : ","+in2)+"\n"); sb.append("#Not matched reads file: "+out1+(out2==null ? "" : ","+out2)+"\n"); sb.append("#Output file (stats): "+outstats+"\n"); sb.append("#Mer size: "+k+"\n"); long size=0; for(AbstractKmerTable x : keySets){size+=x.size();} sb.append("#Quality trim: "+((qtrimLeft || qtrimRight) ? trimq : "false")+"\n"); sb.append("\n"); sb.append("##REFERENCE STAT##\n"); // sb.append("#Total Reads: "+refReads+"\n"); // sb.append("#Total Bases: "+refBases+"\n"); // sb.append("#Total kmers: "+refKmers+"\n"); sb.append("#Total stored kmers: "+size+"\n"); sb.append("\n"); sb.append("## ELAPSED TIME##\n"); sb.append("# Time: "+String.format("%.2f", time/1000000000.0)+" seconds\n"); sb.append("\n"); sb.append("##QUERY FILE STAT##\n"); sb.append("# Total number of reads: "+readsIn+"\n"); sb.append("\n"); sb.append("##P-VALUE##\n"); sb.append("#Avg number of Kmer for each read: "+((basesIn/(Tools.max(readsIn, 1)))-k)+"\n"); // sb.append("# P value for the given threshold 1 is 4.05231e-14\n"); //duk prints a P value; not sure what it means sb.append("\n"); return sb.toString(); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------- Inner Methods ----------------*/ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * load reads into tables, using multiple ProcessThread. * @param t */ private long loadKmers(Timer t){ /* Create read input stream */ final ConcurrentReadStreamInterface cris; { FileFormat ff1=FileFormat.testInput(in1, FileFormat.FASTQ, null, true, true); FileFormat ff2=FileFormat.testInput(in2, FileFormat.FASTQ, null, true, true); cris=ConcurrentGenericReadInputStream.getReadInputStream(maxReads, false, false, ff1, ff2); Thread cristhread=new Thread(cris); cristhread.start(); } /* Create read output streams */ RTextOutputStream3 ros=null; if(out1!=null){ final int buff=(!ORDERED ? 12 : Tools.max(32, 2*Shared.THREADS)); FileFormat ff1=FileFormat.testOutput(out1, FileFormat.FASTQ, null, true, overwrite, ORDERED); FileFormat ff2=FileFormat.testOutput(out2, FileFormat.FASTQ, null, true, overwrite, ORDERED); ros=new RTextOutputStream3(ff1, ff2, null, null, buff, null, true); ros.start(); } if(ros!=null){ t.stop(); outstream.println("Started output stream:\t"+t); t.start(); } /* Optionally skip the first reads, since initial reads may have lower quality */ if(skipreads>0){ long skipped=0; ListNum ln=cris.nextList(); ArrayList reads=(ln!=null ? ln.list : null); while(skipped0){ skipped+=reads.size(); if(ros!=null){ ros.add(new ArrayList(1),; } cris.returnList(ln, ln.list.isEmpty()); ln=cris.nextList(); reads=(ln!=null ? ln.list : null); } cris.returnList(ln, ln.list.isEmpty()); if(reads==null || reads.isEmpty()){ ReadWrite.closeStreams(cris, ros); System.err.println("Skipped all of the reads."); System.exit(0); } } /* Create ProcessThreads */ ArrayList alpt=new ArrayList(THREADS); for(int i=0; i ln=cris.nextList(); ArrayList reads=(ln!=null ? ln.list : null); //While there are more reads lists... while(reads!=null && reads.size()>0){ //For each read (or pair) in the list... for(int i=0; i0){ if(r1!=null && r1.quality!=null && r1.avgQuality()=0){ if(r1!=null && r1.countUndefined()>maxNs){r1.setDiscarded(true);} if(r2!=null && r2.countUndefined()>maxNs){r2.setDiscarded(true);} } int rlen1=0, rlen2=0; if(r1!=null){ if(qtrimLeft || qtrimRight){ int x=TrimRead.trimFast(r1, qtrimLeft, qtrimRight, trimq, 1); basesTrimmedT+=x; readsTrimmedT+=(x>0 ? 1 : 0); } rlen1=r1.bases==null ? 0 : r1.bases.length; if(rlen10 ? 1 : 0); } rlen2=r2.bases==null ? 0 : r2.bases.length; if(rlen2>>2)|(x2<=k){ final long key=toValue(kmer, rkmer); if(!prefilter ||>filterMax){ int temp=table.incrementAndReturnNumCreated(key); created+=temp; if(verbose){System.err.println("Added "+temp);} } } } return created; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Input read stream */ private final ConcurrentReadStreamInterface cris; private final HashBuffer table; public long added=0; private long readsInT=0; private long basesInT=0; private long readsOutT=0; private long basesOutT=0; private long readsTrimmedT=0; private long basesTrimmedT=0; private long lowqReadsT=0; private long lowqBasesT=0; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------- Helper Methods ----------------*/ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/ public boolean dumpKmersAsText(String fname, int k){ if(fname==null){return true;} TextStreamWriter tsw=new TextStreamWriter(fname, overwrite, false, true); tsw.start(); for(AbstractKmerTable set : keySets){ set.dumpKmersAsText(tsw, k); } tsw.poisonAndWait(); return tsw.errorState; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------- Static Methods ----------------*/ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Print statistics about current memory use and availability */ private static final void printMemory(){ if(GC_BEFORE_PRINT_MEMORY){ System.gc(); System.gc(); } Runtime rt=Runtime.getRuntime(); long mmemory=rt.maxMemory()/1000000; long tmemory=rt.totalMemory()/1000000; long fmemory=rt.freeMemory()/1000000; long umemory=tmemory-fmemory; outstream.println("Memory: "+/*"max="+mmemory+"m, total="+tmemory+"m, "+*/"free="+fmemory+"m, used="+umemory+"m"); } /** * Transforms a kmer into a canonical value stored in the table. Expected to be inlined. * @param kmer Forward kmer * @param rkmer Reverse kmer * @param lengthMask Bitmask with single '1' set to left of kmer * @return Canonical value */ private final long toValue(long kmer, long rkmer){ long value=(rcomp ? Tools.max(kmer, rkmer) : kmer); return value; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------- Fields ----------------*/ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Has this class encountered errors while processing? */ public boolean errorState=false; /** Use a count-min prefilter for low-depth kmers */ public boolean prefilter=false; /** Initial size of data structures */ private int initialSize=128000; /** Hold kmers. A kmer X such that X%WAYS=Y will be stored in keySets[Y] */ private final AbstractKmerTable[] keySets; /** A scaffold's name is stored at scaffoldNames.get(id). * scaffoldNames[0] is reserved, so the first id is 1. */ private final ArrayList scaffoldNames=new ArrayList(); private KCountArray prefilterArray=null; /** Input reads */ private String in1=null, in2=null; /** Output reads */ private String out1=null, out2=null; /** Statistics output file */ private String outstats=null; /** Maximum input reads (or pairs) to process. Does not apply to references. -1 means unlimited. */ private long maxReads=-1; /** Output reads in input order. May reduce speed. */ private boolean ORDERED=false; private int buflen=1000; long readsIn=0; long basesIn=0; long readsOut=0; long basesOut=0; long readsTrimmed=0; long basesTrimmed=0; long lowqReads=0; long lowqBases=0; // long refReads=0; // long refBases=0; // long refKmers=0; /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------- Final Primitives ----------------*/ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Number of tables (and threads, during loading) */ private final int WAYS; /** Filter kmers up to this level; don't store them in primary data structure */ private final int filterMax; /** Look for reverse-complements as well as forward kmers. Default: true */ private final boolean rcomp; /** Use HashForest data structure */ private final boolean useForest; /** Use KmerTable data structure */ private final boolean useTable; /** Use HashArray data structure (default) */ private final boolean useArray; /** Normal kmer length */ private final int k; /** k-1; used in some expressions */ private final int k2; /** Quality-trim the left side */ private final boolean qtrimLeft; /** Quality-trim the right side */ private final boolean qtrimRight; /** Trim bases at this quality or below. Default: 4 */ private final byte trimq; /** Throw away reads below this average quality before trimming. Default: 0 */ private final byte minAvgQuality; /** Throw away reads containing more than this many Ns. Default: -1 (disabled) */ private final int maxNs; /** Throw away reads shorter than this after trimming. Default: 20 */ private final int minReadLength; /** True iff java was launched with the -ea' flag */ private final boolean EA; /** Skip this many initial input reads */ private final long skipreads; /** Pairs go to outbad if either of them is bad, as opposed to requiring both to be bad. * Default: true. */ private final boolean removePairsIfEitherBad; /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------- Static Fields ----------------*/ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/ public static int VERSION=1; /** Print messages to this stream */ private static PrintStream outstream=System.err; /** Permission to overwrite existing files */ public static boolean overwrite=false; /** Print speed statistics upon completion */ public static boolean showSpeed=true; /** Display progress messages such as memory usage */ public static boolean DISPLAY_PROGRESS=true; /** Verbose messages */ public static final boolean verbose=false; /** Number of ProcessThreads */ public static int THREADS=Shared.THREADS; /** Indicates end of input stream */ private static final ArrayList POISON=new ArrayList(0); /** Do garbage collection prior to printing memory usage */ private static final boolean GC_BEFORE_PRINT_MEMORY=false; /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------- Static Initializers ----------------*/ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/ // static{ // } }