package pacbio; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import align2.Tools; import dna.Data; import fileIO.ReadWrite; import fileIO.TextFile; /** * @author Brian Bushnell * @date Oct 2, 2012 * */ public class MakePacBioScript { /** Be sure to replace: @BUILDNUM with a number @DIRTY_INPUT with the PacBio file @CLEAN_INPUT_1 with the Illumina file @ORGANISM with the name of the organism (or whatever) @NUMSLOTS with the number of slots requested @TARGET_SIZE with an estimate of the genome size, in bases. Examples: 160000000 or 160m or 0.16g are equivalent. @RAM with e.g. Xmx31g @MAXRAM with e.g. Xmx220g @SCRIPT with the output file, e.g. @MERGEREF with a list of reference files, e.g. chrom1.fa,chrom2.fa,chrom3.fa @MERGEDIRTY with a list of dirty files, e.g. subreads1.fa,subreads2.fa,subreads3.fa @MERGECLEAN with a list of clean files, e.g. illumina1.fq,illumina2.fq,illumina3.fq @EXTRA with extra files for Illumina error correction. e.g. extra=a.fq,b.fq,c.fq Optional: @MAXREADS with the max number of clean reads to use in phase 1 (the slowest phase) @REFERENCE with a reference file (optional) @REFBUILD with a number */ public static void main(String[] args){ if(args==null || args.length<1){ System.out.println("\nThis program generates a script for error-correcting PacBio reads using Illumina reads.\nSample command line:\n"); // System.out.println("java -ea -Xmx64m"+(Data.WINDOWS ? "" : " -cp "+Data.ROOT)+" jgi.MakePacBioScript " + // "dirty=subreads.fa clean=illumina.fq ref=ecoliRef.fa name=ecoli " + // " template="+(Data.WINDOWS ? "" : "/house/homedirs/b/bushnell/template/")+" " + // "targetsize=5.4m threads=24 ram=31 maxram=100 noderam=256 build=-1 refbuild=-1 maxreads=-1"); // System.out.println("java -ea -Xmx64m"+(Data.WINDOWS ? "" : " -cp "+Data.ROOT)+" jgi.MakePacBioScript " + // "dirty=subreads.fa clean=illumina.fq ref=ecoliRef.fa name=ecoli " + // " template="+(Data.WINDOWS ? "" : "/house/homedirs/b/bushnell/template/")+" " + // "targetsize=5.4m threads=24 noderam=256"); // System.out.println("\n\nOr to be concise:"); System.out.println("java -ea -Xmx64m"+(Data.WINDOWS ? "" : " -cp "+Data.ROOT)+" jgi.MakePacBioScript " + "d=subreads.fa c=illumina.fq ts=5.4m t=24 nm=256"); System.out.println("\n\nInput files can optionally be comma-seperated lists of files, and absolute pathing can be used."); System.out.println("All input files may be raw, gzipped, or bzipped as long as they have the correct file extension."); System.out.println(); System.out.println("\n***** Required Parameters *****\n"); System.out.println("d=, dirty= \tPath to dirty (PacBio) reads. May be comma-delimited for multiple files."); System.out.println("c=, clean= \tPath to clean (Illumina) reads. May be comma-delimited for multiple files."); System.out.println("t=, threads= \tNumber of threads. Should equal the number of qsub slots or cores on the target machine."); System.out.println("nm=, nodemem= \tPhysical memory (RAM) of target machine, in gigabytes."); System.out.println("ts=, targetsize= \tEstimated size of target genome, in bases (k, m, or g may be used). Optional ONLY if a reference is supplied."); System.out.println("\n***** Optional Parameters *****\n"); System.out.println("tpl=, template= \tPath to template for this script. Default is /house/homedirs/b/bushnell/template/"); System.out.println("mode= \tCan be specified instead of 'template='. Values are 'pacbio', 'assembly', or 'ccs'"); System.out.println("sort= \tTrue or false. Determines whether clean reads are sorted (alphabetically) and duplicates are removed."); System.out.println("r=, ref= \tPath to reference fasta. May be comma-delimited for multiple files."); System.out.println("o=, out= \tName of output script. Default is ''."); System.out.println("name= \tName of organism. Default is 'organism'."); System.out.println("h=, hours= \tTime limit (in hours) for autogenerated qsub command line."); System.out.println("m=,mem= \tAmount of heap memory for Java to use. Default is 31g; must be at least 10x number input PacBio bases." + "\n \tNote! Two steps, Illumina error correction and site stacking, will ignore this and use all physical memory."); System.out.println("b=,build= \tPrefix for index build number. Default is 2, yielding successively improved builds 2, 200, 201, 202, ... 208"); System.out.println("rb=,refbuild= \tReference build number. Default is 1."); System.out.println("cp=,classpath= \tClasspath to the program. If unspecified, will be autodetected as "+ (Data.WINDOWS ? "/house/homedirs/b/bushnell/beta19/" : Data.ROOT)); // r=ref.fa System.exit(0); } String dirty=null; String clean=null; String name="organism"; String targetsize=null; String ref=null; String template=null; String output=""; String extra=""; String classpath=(Data.WINDOWS ? "/house/homedirs/b/bushnell/beta19/" : Data.ROOT); String sort_in=""; String sorted="sorted_topo#.txt.gz"; String sorted_out="sorted_topo1.txt.gz"; String mergeref=null; String mergedirty=null; String mergeclean=null; String qsub=null; String cleanecc="@ORGANISM_ecc_1.txt.gz"; String cleanbadecc="@ORGANISM_ecc_1_BAD.txt.gz"; String cleanallecc="@ORGANISM_ecc_1_ALL.txt.gz"; String mode="pacbio"; int build=2; int threads=24; int ram=31; int maxram=-1; int refbuild=-1; int noderam=-1; long maxReads=-1; int runtime=499; boolean ecc=false; boolean sort=true; for(int i=0; i0); if(noderam<1){ if(threads<9){noderam=144;} else if(threads<25){noderam=252;}//Changed due to crash at 217 GB on 24-core nodes. else if(threads<33){noderam=512;} else if(threads<41){noderam=1024;} else{noderam=2048;} System.out.println("Set noderam at "+noderam+"g"); } String slotram; if(noderam%threads==0){slotram=(noderam/threads)+"G";} else{slotram=((noderam*990)/threads)+"M";} if(noderam>0){ if(maxram<1){ maxram=(int)(noderam*(noderam>256 ? 0.83 : 0.85f)); System.out.println("Set maxram at "+maxram+"g"); } } if(ram>maxram){ ram=maxram; System.out.println("Set ram at "+maxram+"g"); } if("auto".equalsIgnoreCase(targetsize) || (targetsize==null && ref!=null)){ if(ref==null){throw new RuntimeException("Ref file must be specified for auto targetsize.");} File f=new File(ref); if(!f.exists()){throw new RuntimeException("Ref file must exist for auto targetsize.");} if(f.exists()){ targetsize=""+new File(ref).length(); if(ref.endsWith(".gz") || ref.endsWith(".gzip") || ref.endsWith(".zip") || ref.endsWith(".bz2")){ TextFile tf=new TextFile(ref, false, false); long x=1; for(String s=tf.nextLine(); s!=null; s=tf.nextLine()){x+=s.length();} tf.close(); targetsize=""+x; } } } if(ref!=null && refbuild<1){ if(build==1){refbuild=2;} else{refbuild=1;} } if(dirty==null){throw new RuntimeException("No dirty file specified.");} if(clean==null){throw new RuntimeException("No clean file specified.");} if(targetsize==null){throw new RuntimeException("No targetsize specified.");} if(template==null){throw new RuntimeException("No template file specified.");} if(!new File(template).exists()){throw new RuntimeException("Template file "+template+" does not exist; please specify a different template.");} if(build==refbuild){throw new RuntimeException("Build id and ref build id must differ.");} if(build<1){throw new RuntimeException("No build id.");} if(ref!=null && refbuild<1){throw new RuntimeException("No ref build id.");} if(ref==null && refbuild>0 && !(new File(Data.chromFname(1, refbuild))).exists()){throw new RuntimeException("Ref build id specified, but no reference file.");} String[] lines; { TextFile tf=new TextFile(template, false, false); lines=tf.toStringLines(); } StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder(); for(int i=0; i0 && s.startsWith("#")){s=s.substring(1);} } if(!s.startsWith("#")){ if((eccline && !ecc) || (sortline && !sort) || (refline && refbuild<1)){s="#"+s;} } if(optional){ optional=true; s=s.substring(2); } if((s.contains("@MAXRAM") && maxram>31) || (s.contains("@RAM") && ram>31)){ s=s.replace("-XX:+UseCompressedOops ", ""); } s=s.replace("@CLEAN_ECC_1", cleanecc); s=s.replace("@CLEAN_BAD_ECC_1", cleanbadecc); s=s.replace("@CLEAN_ALL_ECC_1", cleanallecc); s=s.replace("@SORT_IN", sort_in); s=s.replace("@SORTED_OUT", sorted_out); s=s.replace("@SORTED", sorted); s=s.replace("@SLOTRAM", slotram); s=s.replace("@BUILDNUM", ""+build); s=s.replace("@DIRTY_INPUT", dirty); s=s.replace("@CLEAN_INPUT_1", clean); s=s.replace("@ORGANISM", name); s=s.replace("@NUMSLOTS", ""+threads); s=s.replace("@TARGET_SIZE", targetsize); s=s.replace("@RAM", "-Xmx"+ram+"g"); s=s.replace("@MAXRAM", "-Xmx"+maxram+"g"); s=s.replace("@MAXREADS", ""+maxReads); s=s.replace("@SCRIPT", (output==null ? "" : output)); s=s.replace("@EXTRA", extra); s=s.replace("@RUNTIME", ""+runtime); s=s.replace("@CLASSPATH", classpath); if(s.contains("@REFBUILD")){ if(refbuild<1){ s="#"+s; }else{ s=s.replace("@REFBUILD", ""+refbuild); } } if(s.contains("@REFERENCE")){ if(ref==null){ s="#"+s; }else{ s=s.replace("@REFERENCE", ref); } } if(s.contains("@MERGECLEAN")){ if(mergeclean==null){ s="#"+s; }else{ s=s.replace("@MERGECLEAN", mergeclean); } } if(s.contains("@MERGEDIRTY")){ if(mergedirty==null){ s="#"+s; }else{ s=s.replace("@MERGEDIRTY", mergedirty); } } if(s.contains("@MERGEREF")){ if(mergeref==null){ s="#"+s; }else{ s=s.replace("@MERGEREF", mergeref); } } while(s.startsWith("##")){s=s.substring(1);} assert(s==null || s.length()<1 || s.startsWith("#") || !s.contains("@")) : s; if(s!=null && !s.startsWith("#//")){sb.append(s).append('\n');} if(qsub==null && s.contains("export task") && s.contains("qsub")){ qsub=s; } } if(output==null){ System.out.println(sb); }else{ ReadWrite.writeString(sb, output, false); System.out.println("Wrote "+output); if(qsub!=null){ while(qsub.startsWith("#")){qsub=qsub.substring(1);} System.out.println("The script can be executed on Genepool with the following command:\n\n"+qsub.trim()); } } } }