Deprecate exec_script, "quote_dos_path" should be replaced with the regex version used in java_bridge. There should also only be one version of thes function, which seems to need to reside in (remove the version in cygcfg) -also, logging isn't being done correctly -also, clean up logging crap that doesn't need to be there... -relocating uncoupled functions form commonlib to util Next, get other broken cygwin scripts to work (htmldoc, customdoc, etc) Also, get the cleanup to work correctly, and find a way to launch IE with documentation on windows... idea: read registry to find default browser with cygwinreg, and launch from there. (make a tiny python wrapper called "browser" or something... similar to the java wrapper) -Rebaseall support for win7 Biolegato needs to be taught how to talk to cygwin -.blpropertie writer? needs to be called once the default install switches to use BIRCHDEV