package wizard; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.beans.*; import java.util.*; import*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.border.*; /** * This class implements a basic wizard dialog, where the programmer can * insert one or more Components to act as panels. These panels can be navigated * through arbitrarily using the 'Next' or 'Back' buttons, or the dialog itself * can be closed using the 'Cancel' button. Note that even though the dialog * uses a CardLayout manager, the order of the panels is not linear. Each panel * determines at runtime what its next and previous panel will be. */ public class Wizard extends WindowAdapter implements PropertyChangeListener { /** * Indicates that the 'Finish' button was pressed to close the dialog. */ public static final int FINISH_RETURN_CODE = 0; /** * Indicates that the 'Cancel' button was pressed to close the dialog, or * the user pressed the close box in the corner of the window. */ public static final int CANCEL_RETURN_CODE = 1; /** * Indicates that the dialog closed due to an internal error. */ public static final int ERROR_RETURN_CODE = 2; /** * The String-based action command for the 'Next' button. */ public static final String NEXT_BUTTON_ACTION_COMMAND = "NextButtonActionCommand"; /** * The String-based action command for the 'Back' button. */ public static final String BACK_BUTTON_ACTION_COMMAND = "BackButtonActionCommand"; /** * The String-based action command for the 'Cancel' button. */ public static final String CANCEL_BUTTON_ACTION_COMMAND = "CancelButtonActionCommand"; // The i18n text used for the buttons. Loaded from a property resource file. static String BACK_TEXT; public static String NEXT_TEXT; public static String FINISH_TEXT; static String CANCEL_TEXT; // The image icons used for the buttons. Filenames are loaded from a property resource file. static Icon BACK_ICON; public static Icon NEXT_ICON; public static Icon FINISH_ICON; static Icon CANCEL_ICON; private WizardModel wizardModel; private WizardController wizardController; private JDialog wizardDialog; private JPanel cardPanel; private CardLayout cardLayout; private JButton backButton; private JButton nextButton; private JButton cancelButton; private int returnCode; /** * Default constructor. This method creates a new WizardModel object and passes it * into the overloaded constructor. */ public Wizard() { this((Frame)null); } /** * This method accepts a java.awt.Dialog object as the javax.swing.JDialog's * parent. * @param owner The java.awt.Dialog object that is the owner of this dialog. */ public Wizard(Dialog owner) { wizardModel = new WizardModel(); wizardDialog = new JDialog(owner); initComponents(); } /** * This method accepts a java.awt.Frame object as the javax.swing.JDialog's * parent. * @param owner The java.awt.Frame object that is the owner of the javax.swing.JDialog. */ public Wizard(Frame owner) { wizardModel = new WizardModel(); wizardDialog = new JDialog(owner); initComponents(); } /** * Returns an instance of the JDialog that this class created. This is useful in * the event that you want to change any of the JDialog parameters manually. * @return The JDialog instance that this class created. */ public JDialog getDialog() { return wizardDialog; } /** * Returns the owner of the generated javax.swing.JDialog. * @return The owner (java.awt.Frame or java.awt.Dialog) of the javax.swing.JDialog generated * by this class. */ public Component getOwner() { return wizardDialog.getOwner(); } /** * Sets the title of the generated javax.swing.JDialog. * @param s The title of the dialog. */ public void setTitle(String s) { wizardDialog.setTitle(s); } /** * Returns the current title of the generated dialog. * @return The String-based title of the generated dialog. */ public String getTitle() { return wizardDialog.getTitle(); } /** * Sets the modality of the generated javax.swing.JDialog. * @param b the modality of the dialog */ public void setModal(boolean b) { wizardDialog.setModal(b); } /** * Returns the modality of the dialog. * @return A boolean indicating whether or not the generated javax.swing.JDialog is modal. */ public boolean isModal() { return wizardDialog.isModal(); } /** * Convienence method that displays a modal wizard dialog and blocks until the dialog * has completed. * @return Indicates how the dialog was closed. Compare this value against the RETURN_CODE * constants at the beginning of the class. */ public int showModalDialog() { wizardDialog.setModal(true); wizardDialog.pack(); wizardDialog.setSize(650,450);; return returnCode; } /** * Returns the current model of the wizard dialog. * @return A WizardModel instance, which serves as the model for the wizard dialog. */ public WizardModel getModel() { return wizardModel; } /** * Add a Component as a panel for the wizard dialog by registering its * WizardPanelDescriptor object. Each panel is identified by a unique Object-based * identifier (often a String), which can be used by the setCurrentPanel() * method to display the panel at runtime. * @param id An Object-based identifier used to identify the WizardPanelDescriptor object. * @param panel The WizardPanelDescriptor object which contains helpful information about the panel. */ public void registerWizardPanel(Object id, WizardPanelDescriptor panel) { // Add the incoming panel to our JPanel display that is managed by // the CardLayout layout manager. cardPanel.add(panel.getPanelComponent(), id); // Set a callback to the current wizard. panel.setWizard(this); // Place a reference to it in the model. wizardModel.registerPanel(id, panel); } /** * Displays the panel identified by the object passed in. This is the same Object-based * identified used when registering the panel. * @param id The Object-based identifier of the panel to be displayed. */ public void setCurrentPanel(Object id) { // Get the hashtable reference to the panel that should // be displayed. If the identifier passed in is null, then close // the dialog. if (id == null) close(ERROR_RETURN_CODE); WizardPanelDescriptor oldPanelDescriptor = wizardModel.getCurrentPanelDescriptor(); if (oldPanelDescriptor != null) oldPanelDescriptor.aboutToHidePanel(); wizardModel.setCurrentPanel(id); wizardModel.getCurrentPanelDescriptor().aboutToDisplayPanel(); // Show the panel in the dialog., id.toString()); wizardModel.getCurrentPanelDescriptor().displayingPanel(); } /** * Method used to listen for property change events from the model and update the * dialog's graphical components as necessary. * @param evt PropertyChangeEvent passed from the model to signal that one of its properties has changed value. */ public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { if (evt.getPropertyName().equals(WizardModel.CURRENT_PANEL_DESCRIPTOR_PROPERTY)) { wizardController.resetButtonsToPanelRules(); } else if (evt.getPropertyName().equals(WizardModel.NEXT_FINISH_BUTTON_TEXT_PROPERTY)) { nextButton.setText(evt.getNewValue().toString()); } else if (evt.getPropertyName().equals(WizardModel.BACK_BUTTON_TEXT_PROPERTY)) { backButton.setText(evt.getNewValue().toString()); } else if (evt.getPropertyName().equals(WizardModel.CANCEL_BUTTON_TEXT_PROPERTY)) { cancelButton.setText(evt.getNewValue().toString()); } else if (evt.getPropertyName().equals(WizardModel.NEXT_FINISH_BUTTON_ENABLED_PROPERTY)) { nextButton.setEnabled(((Boolean)evt.getNewValue()).booleanValue()); } else if (evt.getPropertyName().equals(WizardModel.BACK_BUTTON_ENABLED_PROPERTY)) { backButton.setEnabled(((Boolean)evt.getNewValue()).booleanValue()); } else if (evt.getPropertyName().equals(WizardModel.CANCEL_BUTTON_ENABLED_PROPERTY)) { cancelButton.setEnabled(((Boolean)evt.getNewValue()).booleanValue()); } else if (evt.getPropertyName().equals(WizardModel.NEXT_FINISH_BUTTON_ICON_PROPERTY)) { nextButton.setIcon((Icon)evt.getNewValue()); } else if (evt.getPropertyName().equals(WizardModel.BACK_BUTTON_ICON_PROPERTY)) { backButton.setIcon((Icon)evt.getNewValue()); } else if (evt.getPropertyName().equals(WizardModel.CANCEL_BUTTON_ICON_PROPERTY)) { cancelButton.setIcon((Icon)evt.getNewValue()); } } /** * Retrieves the last return code set by the dialog. * @return An integer that identifies how the dialog was closed. See the *_RETURN_CODE * constants of this class for possible values. */ public int getReturnCode() { return returnCode; } /** * Mirrors the WizardModel method of the same name. * @return A boolean indicating if the button is enabled. */ public boolean getBackButtonEnabled() { return wizardModel.getBackButtonEnabled().booleanValue(); } /** * Mirrors the WizardModel method of the same name. * @param boolean newValue The new enabled status of the button. */ public void setBackButtonEnabled(boolean newValue) { wizardModel.setBackButtonEnabled(new Boolean(newValue)); } /** * Mirrors the WizardModel method of the same name. * @return A boolean indicating if the button is enabled. */ public boolean getNextFinishButtonEnabled() { return wizardModel.getNextFinishButtonEnabled().booleanValue(); } /** * Mirrors the WizardModel method of the same name. * @param boolean newValue The new enabled status of the button. */ public void setNextFinishButtonEnabled(boolean newValue) { wizardModel.setNextFinishButtonEnabled(new Boolean(newValue)); } /** * Mirrors the WizardModel method of the same name. * @return A boolean indicating if the button is enabled. */ public boolean getCancelButtonEnabled() { return wizardModel.getCancelButtonEnabled().booleanValue(); } /** * Mirrors the WizardModel method of the same name. * @param boolean newValue The new enabled status of the button. */ public void setCancelButtonEnabled(boolean newValue) { wizardModel.setCancelButtonEnabled(new Boolean(newValue)); } /** * Closes the dialog and sets the return code to the integer parameter. * @param code The return code. */ void close(int code) { returnCode = code; wizardDialog.dispose(); } /** * This method initializes the components for the wizard dialog: it creates a JDialog * as a CardLayout panel surrounded by a small amount of space on each side, as well * as three buttons at the bottom. */ private void initComponents() { wizardModel.addPropertyChangeListener(this); wizardController = new WizardController(this); wizardDialog.getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout()); wizardDialog.addWindowListener(this); // Create the outer wizard panel, which is responsible for three buttons: // Next, Back, and Cancel. It is also responsible a JPanel above them that // uses a CardLayout layout manager to display multiple panels in the // same spot. JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel(); JSeparator separator = new JSeparator(); Box buttonBox = new Box(BoxLayout.X_AXIS); cardPanel = new JPanel(); cardPanel.setBorder(new EmptyBorder(new Insets(5, 10, 5, 10))); cardLayout = new CardLayout(); cardPanel.setLayout(cardLayout); backButton = new JButton(new ImageIcon("getbirch/wizard/backIcon.gif")); nextButton = new JButton(); cancelButton = new JButton(); backButton.setActionCommand(BACK_BUTTON_ACTION_COMMAND); nextButton.setActionCommand(NEXT_BUTTON_ACTION_COMMAND); cancelButton.setActionCommand(CANCEL_BUTTON_ACTION_COMMAND); backButton.addActionListener(wizardController); nextButton.addActionListener(wizardController); cancelButton.addActionListener(wizardController); // Create the buttons with a separator above them, then place them // on the east side of the panel with a small amount of space between // the back and the next button, and a larger amount of space between // the next button and the cancel button. buttonPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); buttonPanel.add(separator, BorderLayout.NORTH); buttonBox.setBorder(new EmptyBorder(new Insets(5, 10, 5, 10))); buttonBox.add(backButton); buttonBox.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(10)); buttonBox.add(nextButton); buttonBox.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(30)); buttonBox.add(cancelButton); buttonPanel.add(buttonBox, java.awt.BorderLayout.EAST); wizardDialog.getContentPane().add(buttonPanel, java.awt.BorderLayout.SOUTH); wizardDialog.getContentPane().add(cardPanel, java.awt.BorderLayout.CENTER); } private static Object getImage(String name) { URL url = null; try { Class c = Class.forName("wizard.Wizard"); url = c.getResource(name); } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) { System.err.println("Unable to find Wizard class"); } return url; } /** * If the user presses the close box on the dialog's window, treat it * as a cancel. * @param WindowEvent The event passed in from AWT. */ public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { returnCode = CANCEL_RETURN_CODE; } static { try { PropertyResourceBundle resources = (PropertyResourceBundle) ResourceBundle.getBundle("wizard.wizard"); BACK_TEXT = (String)(resources.getObject("backButtonText")); NEXT_TEXT = (String)(resources.getObject("nextButtonText")); CANCEL_TEXT = (String)(resources.getObject("cancelButtonText")); FINISH_TEXT = (String)(resources.getObject("finishButtonText")); BACK_ICON = new ImageIcon((URL)getImage((String)(resources.getObject("backButtonIcon")))); NEXT_ICON = new ImageIcon((URL)getImage((String)(resources.getObject("nextButtonIcon")))); CANCEL_ICON = new ImageIcon((URL)getImage((String)(resources.getObject("cancelButtonIcon")))); FINISH_ICON = new ImageIcon((URL)getImage((String)(resources.getObject("finishButtonIcon")))); } catch (MissingResourceException mre) { System.out.println(mre); System.exit(1); } } }