package wizard; import java.beans.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.util.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.border.*; /** * The model for the Wizard component, which tracks the text, icons, and enabled state * of each of the buttons, as well as the current panel that is displayed. Note that * the model, in its current form, is not intended to be subclassed. */ public class WizardModel { /** * Identification string for the current panel. */ public static final String CURRENT_PANEL_DESCRIPTOR_PROPERTY = "currentPanelDescriptorProperty"; /** * Property identification String for the Back button's text */ public static final String BACK_BUTTON_TEXT_PROPERTY = "backButtonTextProperty"; /** * Property identification String for the Back button's icon */ public static final String BACK_BUTTON_ICON_PROPERTY = "backButtonIconProperty"; /** * Property identification String for the Back button's enabled state */ public static final String BACK_BUTTON_ENABLED_PROPERTY = "backButtonEnabledProperty"; /** * Property identification String for the Next button's text */ public static final String NEXT_FINISH_BUTTON_TEXT_PROPERTY = "nextButtonTextProperty"; /** * Property identification String for the Next button's icon */ public static final String NEXT_FINISH_BUTTON_ICON_PROPERTY = "nextButtonIconProperty"; /** * Property identification String for the Next button's enabled state */ public static final String NEXT_FINISH_BUTTON_ENABLED_PROPERTY = "nextButtonEnabledProperty"; /** * Property identification String for the Cancel button's text */ public static final String CANCEL_BUTTON_TEXT_PROPERTY = "cancelButtonTextProperty"; /** * Property identification String for the Cancel button's icon */ public static final String CANCEL_BUTTON_ICON_PROPERTY = "cancelButtonIconProperty"; /** * Property identification String for the Cancel button's enabled state */ public static final String CANCEL_BUTTON_ENABLED_PROPERTY = "cancelButtonEnabledProperty"; private WizardPanelDescriptor currentPanel; private HashMap panelHashmap; private HashMap buttonTextHashmap; private HashMap buttonIconHashmap; private HashMap buttonEnabledHashmap; private PropertyChangeSupport propertyChangeSupport; /** * Default constructor. */ public WizardModel() { panelHashmap = new HashMap(); buttonTextHashmap = new HashMap(); buttonIconHashmap = new HashMap(); buttonEnabledHashmap = new HashMap(); propertyChangeSupport = new PropertyChangeSupport(this); } /** * Returns the currently displayed WizardPanelDescriptor. * @return The currently displayed WizardPanelDescriptor */ WizardPanelDescriptor getCurrentPanelDescriptor() { return currentPanel; } /** * Registers the WizardPanelDescriptor in the model using the Object-identifier specified. * @param id Object-based identifier * @param descriptor WizardPanelDescriptor that describes the panel */ void registerPanel(Object id, WizardPanelDescriptor descriptor) { // Place a reference to it in a hashtable so we can access it later // when it is about to be displayed. panelHashmap.put(id, descriptor); } /** * Sets the current panel to that identified by the Object passed in. * @param id Object-based panel identifier * @return boolean indicating success or failure */ boolean setCurrentPanel(Object id) { // First, get the hashtable reference to the panel that should // be displayed. WizardPanelDescriptor nextPanel = (WizardPanelDescriptor)panelHashmap.get(id); // If we couldn't find the panel that should be displayed, return // false. if (nextPanel == null) throw new WizardPanelNotFoundException(); WizardPanelDescriptor oldPanel = currentPanel; currentPanel = nextPanel; if (oldPanel != currentPanel) firePropertyChange(CURRENT_PANEL_DESCRIPTOR_PROPERTY, oldPanel, currentPanel); return true; } Object getBackButtonText() { return buttonTextHashmap.get(BACK_BUTTON_TEXT_PROPERTY); } void setBackButtonText(Object newText) { Object oldText = getBackButtonText(); if (!newText.equals(oldText)) { buttonTextHashmap.put(BACK_BUTTON_TEXT_PROPERTY, newText); firePropertyChange(BACK_BUTTON_TEXT_PROPERTY, oldText, newText); } } Object getNextFinishButtonText() { return buttonTextHashmap.get(NEXT_FINISH_BUTTON_TEXT_PROPERTY); } public void setNextFinishButtonText(Object newText) { Object oldText = getNextFinishButtonText(); if (!newText.equals(oldText)) { buttonTextHashmap.put(NEXT_FINISH_BUTTON_TEXT_PROPERTY, newText); firePropertyChange(NEXT_FINISH_BUTTON_TEXT_PROPERTY, oldText, newText); } } Object getCancelButtonText() { return buttonTextHashmap.get(CANCEL_BUTTON_TEXT_PROPERTY); } void setCancelButtonText(Object newText) { Object oldText = getCancelButtonText(); if (!newText.equals(oldText)) { buttonTextHashmap.put(CANCEL_BUTTON_TEXT_PROPERTY, newText); firePropertyChange(CANCEL_BUTTON_TEXT_PROPERTY, oldText, newText); } } Icon getBackButtonIcon() { return (Icon)buttonIconHashmap.get(BACK_BUTTON_ICON_PROPERTY); } void setBackButtonIcon(Icon newIcon) { Object oldIcon = getBackButtonIcon(); if (!newIcon.equals(oldIcon)) { buttonIconHashmap.put(BACK_BUTTON_ICON_PROPERTY, newIcon); firePropertyChange(BACK_BUTTON_ICON_PROPERTY, oldIcon, newIcon); } } Icon getNextFinishButtonIcon() { return (Icon)buttonIconHashmap.get(NEXT_FINISH_BUTTON_ICON_PROPERTY); } public void setNextFinishButtonIcon(Icon newIcon) { Object oldIcon = getNextFinishButtonIcon(); if (!newIcon.equals(oldIcon)) { buttonIconHashmap.put(NEXT_FINISH_BUTTON_ICON_PROPERTY, newIcon); firePropertyChange(NEXT_FINISH_BUTTON_ICON_PROPERTY, oldIcon, newIcon); } } Icon getCancelButtonIcon() { return (Icon)buttonIconHashmap.get(CANCEL_BUTTON_ICON_PROPERTY); } void setCancelButtonIcon(Icon newIcon) { Icon oldIcon = getCancelButtonIcon(); if (!newIcon.equals(oldIcon)) { buttonIconHashmap.put(CANCEL_BUTTON_ICON_PROPERTY, newIcon); firePropertyChange(CANCEL_BUTTON_ICON_PROPERTY, oldIcon, newIcon); } } Boolean getBackButtonEnabled() { return (Boolean)buttonEnabledHashmap.get(BACK_BUTTON_ENABLED_PROPERTY); } void setBackButtonEnabled(Boolean newValue) { Boolean oldValue = getBackButtonEnabled(); if (newValue != oldValue) { buttonEnabledHashmap.put(BACK_BUTTON_ENABLED_PROPERTY, newValue); firePropertyChange(BACK_BUTTON_ENABLED_PROPERTY, oldValue, newValue); } } Boolean getNextFinishButtonEnabled() { return (Boolean)buttonEnabledHashmap.get(NEXT_FINISH_BUTTON_ENABLED_PROPERTY); } void setNextFinishButtonEnabled(Boolean newValue) { Boolean oldValue = getNextFinishButtonEnabled(); if (newValue != oldValue) { buttonEnabledHashmap.put(NEXT_FINISH_BUTTON_ENABLED_PROPERTY, newValue); firePropertyChange(NEXT_FINISH_BUTTON_ENABLED_PROPERTY, oldValue, newValue); } } Boolean getCancelButtonEnabled() { return (Boolean)buttonEnabledHashmap.get(CANCEL_BUTTON_ENABLED_PROPERTY); } void setCancelButtonEnabled(Boolean newValue) { Boolean oldValue = getCancelButtonEnabled(); if (newValue != oldValue) { buttonEnabledHashmap.put(CANCEL_BUTTON_ENABLED_PROPERTY, newValue); firePropertyChange(CANCEL_BUTTON_ENABLED_PROPERTY, oldValue, newValue); } } public void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener p) { propertyChangeSupport.addPropertyChangeListener(p); } public void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener p) { propertyChangeSupport.removePropertyChangeListener(p); } protected void firePropertyChange(String propertyName, Object oldValue, Object newValue) { propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(propertyName, oldValue, newValue); } }