/* * Copyright (c) 2004-2007, P. Simon Tuffs (simon@simontuffs.com) * All rights reserved. * * See the full license at http://www.simontuffs.com/one-jar/one-jar-license.html * This license is also included in the distributions of this software * under doc/one-jar-license.txt */ /** * Many thanks to the following for their contributions to One-Jar: * * Contributor: Christopher Ottley * Contributor: Thijs Sujiten (www.semantica.nl) * Contributor: Gerold Friedmann */ package com.simontuffs.onejar; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.BufferedWriter; import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.FileReader; import java.io.FileWriter; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.net.URL; import java.net.URLClassLoader; import java.security.CodeSource; import java.security.ProtectionDomain; import java.security.cert.Certificate; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.jar.Attributes; import java.util.jar.JarEntry; import java.util.jar.JarFile; import java.util.jar.JarInputStream; import java.util.jar.Manifest; import java.util.jar.Attributes.Name; /** * Loads classes from pre-defined locations inside the jar file containing this * class. Classes will be loaded from jar files contained in the following * locations within the main jar file (on the classpath of the application * actually, which when running with the "java -jar" command works out to be * the same thing). * * @author simon@simontuffs.com (http://www.simontuffs.com) */ public class JarClassLoader extends ClassLoader implements IProperties { public static final String DOT_CONFIRM = ".onejar.confirm"; public final static String LIB_PREFIX = "lib/"; public final static String BINLIB_PREFIX = "binlib/"; public final static String MAIN_PREFIX = "main/"; public final static String RECORDING = "recording"; public final static String TMP = "tmp"; public final static String UNPACK = "unpack"; public final static String EXPAND = "One-Jar-Expand"; public final static String EXPAND_TMP = "One-Jar-Expand-Tmp"; public final static String EXPAND_DIR = "One-Jar-Expand-Dir"; public final static String SHOW_EXPAND = "One-Jar-Show-Expand"; public final static String CONFIRM_EXPAND = "One-Jar-Confirm-Expand"; public final static String CLASS = ".class"; public final static String NL = System.getProperty("line.separator"); public final static String JAVA_PROTOCOL_HANDLER = "java.protocol.handler.pkgs"; protected String name; protected boolean noExpand, expanded; protected ClassLoader externalClassLoader; static { // Add our 'onejar:' protocol handler, but leave open the // possibility of a subsequent class taking over the // factory. TODO: (how reasonable is this?) String handlerPackage = System.getProperty(JAVA_PROTOCOL_HANDLER); if (handlerPackage == null) handlerPackage = ""; if (handlerPackage.length() > 0) handlerPackage = "|" + handlerPackage; handlerPackage = "com.simontuffs" + handlerPackage; System.setProperty(JAVA_PROTOCOL_HANDLER, handlerPackage); } protected String PREFIX() { return "JarClassLoader: "; } protected String NAME() { return (name != null? "'" + name + "' ": ""); } protected void VERBOSE(String message) { if (verbose) System.out.println(PREFIX() + NAME() + message); } protected void WARNING(String message) { System.err.println(PREFIX() + "Warning: " + NAME() + message); } protected void INFO(String message) { if (info) System.out.println(PREFIX() + "Info: " + NAME() + message); } protected void PRINTLN(String message) { System.out.println(message); } protected void PRINT(String message) { System.out.print(message); } // Synchronize for thread safety. This is less important until we // start to do lazy loading, but it's a good idea anyway. protected Map byteCode = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap()); protected Map pdCache = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap()); protected Map binLibPath = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap()); protected Set jarNames = Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet()); protected boolean record = false, flatten = false, unpackFindResource = false; protected boolean verbose = false, info = false; protected String recording = RECORDING; protected String jarName, mainJar, wrapDir; protected boolean delegateToParent; protected static class ByteCode { public ByteCode(String $name, String $original, ByteArrayOutputStream baos, String $codebase, Manifest $manifest) { name = $name; original = $original; bytes = baos.toByteArray(); codebase = $codebase; manifest = $manifest; } public byte bytes[]; public String name, original, codebase; public Manifest manifest; } /** * Create a non-delegating but jar-capable classloader for bootstrap * purposes. * @param $wrap The directory in the archive from which to load a * wrapping classloader. */ public JarClassLoader(String $wrap) { wrapDir = $wrap; delegateToParent = wrapDir == null; init(); } /** * The main constructor for the Jar-capable classloader. * @param $record If true, the JarClassLoader will record all used classes * into a recording directory (called 'recording' by default) * The name of each jar file will be used as a directory name * for the recorded classes. * @param $flatten Whether to flatten out the recorded classes (i.e. eliminate * the jar-file name from the recordings). * * Example: Given the following layout of the one-jar.jar file *
     *    /
     *    /META-INF
     *    | MANIFEST.MF
     *    /com
     *      /simontuffs
     *        /onejar
     *          Boot.class
     *          JarClassLoader.class
     *    /main
     *        main.jar
     *        /com
     *          /main
     *            Main.class 
     *    /lib
     *        util.jar
     *          /com
     *            /util
     *              Util.clas
* The recording directory will look like this: * * Flatten mode is intended for when you want to create a super-jar which can * be launched directly without using one-jar's launcher. Run your application * under all possible scenarios to collect the actual classes which are loaded, * then jar them all up, and point to the main class with a "Main-Class" entry * in the manifest. * */ public JarClassLoader(ClassLoader parent) { super(parent); delegateToParent = true; init(); // System.out.println(PREFIX() + this + " parent=" + parent + " loaded by " + this.getClass().getClassLoader()); } /** * Common initialization code: establishes a classloader for delegation * to one-jar.class.path resources. */ protected void init() { String classpath = System.getProperty(Boot.P_ONE_JAR_CLASS_PATH); if (classpath != null) { String tokens[] = classpath.split("\\" + Boot.P_PATH_SEPARATOR); List list = new ArrayList(); for (int i=0; i -1) { String packageName = entryName.substring(0, index2); if (getPackage(packageName) == null) { definePackage(packageName, "", "", "", "", "", "", null); } } // end patch // Because we are doing stream processing, we don't know what // the size of the entries is. So we store them dynamically. ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); copy(is, baos); if (tmp != null) { // Unpack into a temporary working directory which is on the classpath. File file = new File(tmp, entry.getName()); file.getParentFile().mkdirs(); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file); fos.write(baos.toByteArray()); fos.close(); } else { // If entry is a class, check to see that it hasn't been defined // already. Class names must be unique within a classloader because // they are cached inside the VM until the classloader is released. if (type.equals("class")) { if (alreadyCached(entryName, jar, baos)) return; byteCode.put(entryName, new ByteCode(entryName, entry.getName(), baos, jar, man)); VERBOSE("cached bytes for class " + entryName); } else { // Another kind of resource. Cache this by name, and also prefixed // by the jar name. Don't duplicate the bytes. This allows us // to map resource lookups to either jar-local, or globally defined. String localname = jar + "/" + entryName; byteCode.put(localname, new ByteCode(localname, entry.getName(), baos, jar, man)); // Keep a set of jar names so we can do multiple-resource lookup by name // as in findResources(). jarNames.add(jar); VERBOSE("cached bytes for local name " + localname); // Only keep the first non-local entry: this is like classpath where the first // to define wins. if (alreadyCached(entryName, jar, baos)) return; byteCode.put(entryName, new ByteCode(entryName, entry.getName(), baos, jar, man)); VERBOSE("cached bytes for entry name " + entryName); } } } protected boolean classPool = false; /** * Locate the named class in a jar-file, contained inside the * jar file which was used to load this class. */ protected Class findClass(String name) throws ClassNotFoundException { // Delegate to external paths first Class cls = null; if (externalClassLoader != null) { try { return externalClassLoader.loadClass(name); } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfx) { // continue... } } // Make sure not to load duplicate classes. cls = findLoadedClass(name); if (cls != null) return cls; // Look up the class in the byte codes. // Translate path? VERBOSE("findClass(" + name + ")"); String cache = name + CLASS; ByteCode bytecode = (ByteCode)byteCode.get(cache); if (bytecode != null) { VERBOSE("found " + name + " in codebase '" + bytecode.codebase + "'"); if (record) { record(bytecode); } // Use a protectionDomain to associate the codebase with the // class. ProtectionDomain pd = (ProtectionDomain)pdCache.get(bytecode.codebase); if (pd == null) { ProtectionDomain cd = JarClassLoader.class.getProtectionDomain(); URL url = cd.getCodeSource().getLocation(); try { url = new URL("jar:" + url + "!/" + bytecode.codebase); } catch (MalformedURLException mux) { mux.printStackTrace(System.out); } CodeSource source = new CodeSource(url, (Certificate[])null); pd = new ProtectionDomain(source, null, this, null); pdCache.put(bytecode.codebase, pd); } // Do it the simple way. byte bytes[] = bytecode.bytes; int i = name.lastIndexOf('.'); if (i != -1) { String pkgname = name.substring(0, i); // Check if package already loaded. Package pkg = getPackage(pkgname); Manifest man = bytecode.manifest; if (pkg != null) { // Package found, so check package sealing. if (pkg.isSealed()) { // Verify that code source URL is the same. if (!pkg.isSealed()) { throw new SecurityException("sealing violation: package " + pkgname + " is sealed"); } } else { // Make sure we are not attempting to seal the package // at this code source URL. if ((man != null) && isSealed(pkgname, man)) { throw new SecurityException("sealing violation: can't seal package " + pkgname + ": already loaded"); } } } else { if (man != null) { definePackage(pkgname, man); } else { definePackage(pkgname, null, null, null, null, null, null, null); } } } return defineClass(name, bytes, pd); } VERBOSE(name + " not found"); throw new ClassNotFoundException(name); } private boolean isSealed(String name, Manifest man) { String path = name.replace('.', '/').concat("/"); Attributes attr = man.getAttributes(path); String sealed = null; if (attr != null) { sealed = attr.getValue(Name.SEALED); } if (sealed == null) { if ((attr = man.getMainAttributes()) != null) { sealed = attr.getValue(Name.SEALED); } } return "true".equalsIgnoreCase(sealed); } /** * Defines a new package by name in this ClassLoader. The attributes * contained in the specified Manifest will be used to obtain package * version and sealing information. For sealed packages, the additional URL * specifies the code source URL from which the package was loaded. * * @param name * the package name * @param man * the Manifest containing package version and sealing * information * @param url * the code source url for the package, or null if none * @exception IllegalArgumentException * if the package name duplicates an existing package either * in this class loader or one of its ancestors * @return the newly defined Package object */ protected Package definePackage(String name, Manifest man) throws IllegalArgumentException { String path = name.replace('.', '/').concat("/"); String specTitle = null, specVersion = null, specVendor = null; String implTitle = null, implVersion = null, implVendor = null; String sealed = null; URL sealBase = null; Attributes attr = man.getAttributes(path); if (attr != null) { specTitle = attr.getValue(Name.SPECIFICATION_TITLE); specVersion = attr.getValue(Name.SPECIFICATION_VERSION); specVendor = attr.getValue(Name.SPECIFICATION_VENDOR); implTitle = attr.getValue(Name.IMPLEMENTATION_TITLE); implVersion = attr.getValue(Name.IMPLEMENTATION_VERSION); implVendor = attr.getValue(Name.IMPLEMENTATION_VENDOR); sealed = attr.getValue(Name.SEALED); } attr = man.getMainAttributes(); if (attr != null) { if (specTitle == null) { specTitle = attr.getValue(Name.SPECIFICATION_TITLE); } if (specVersion == null) { specVersion = attr.getValue(Name.SPECIFICATION_VERSION); } if (specVendor == null) { specVendor = attr.getValue(Name.SPECIFICATION_VENDOR); } if (implTitle == null) { implTitle = attr.getValue(Name.IMPLEMENTATION_TITLE); } if (implVersion == null) { implVersion = attr.getValue(Name.IMPLEMENTATION_VERSION); } if (implVendor == null) { implVendor = attr.getValue(Name.IMPLEMENTATION_VENDOR); } if (sealed == null) { sealed = attr.getValue(Name.SEALED); } } if (sealed != null) { try { sealBase = new URL(sealed); } catch (MalformedURLException mux) { // Would use IllegalArgumentException, but it don't have the chained constructor. throw new RuntimeException("Error in " + Name.SEALED + " manifest attribute: " + sealed, mux); } } return definePackage(name, specTitle, specVersion, specVendor, implTitle, implVersion, implVendor, sealBase); } protected Class defineClass(String name, byte[] bytes, ProtectionDomain pd) throws ClassFormatError { // Simple, non wrapped class definition. return defineClass(name, bytes, 0, bytes.length, pd); } protected void record(ByteCode bytecode) { String fileName = bytecode.original; // Write out into the record directory. File dir = new File(recording, flatten? "": bytecode.codebase); File file = new File(dir, fileName); if (!file.exists()) { file.getParentFile().mkdirs(); VERBOSE("" + file); try { FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file); fos.write(bytecode.bytes); fos.close(); } catch (IOException iox) { System.err.println(PREFIX() + "unable to record " + file + ": " + iox); } } } /** * Overriden to return resources from the appropriate codebase. * There are basically two ways this method will be called: most commonly * it will be called through the class of an object which wishes to * load a resource, i.e. this.getClass().getResourceAsStream(). Before * passing the call to us, java.lang.Class mangles the name. It * converts a file path such as foo/bar/Class.class into a name like foo.bar.Class, * and it strips leading '/' characters e.g. converting '/foo' to 'foo'. * All of which is a nuisance, since we wish to do a lookup on the original * name of the resource as present in the One-Jar jar files. * The other way is more direct, i.e. this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(). * Then we get the name unmangled, and can deal with it directly. * * The problem is this: if one resource is called /foo/bar/data, and another * resource is called /foo.bar.data, both will have the same mangled name, * namely 'foo.bar.data' and only one of them will be visible. Perhaps the * best way to deal with this is to store the lookup names in mangled form, and * simply issue warnings if collisions occur. This is not very satisfactory, * but is consistent with the somewhat limiting design of the resource name mapping * strategy in Java today. */ public InputStream getByteStream(String resource) { InputStream result = null; // Look up without resolving first. This allows jar-local // resolution to take place. ByteCode bytecode = (ByteCode)byteCode.get(resource); if (bytecode == null) { // Try again with a resolved name. bytecode = (ByteCode)byteCode.get(resolve(resource)); } if (bytecode != null) result = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytecode.bytes); // Special case: if we are a wrapping classloader, look up to our // parent codebase. Logic is that the boot JarLoader will have // delegateToParent = false, the wrapping classloader will have // delegateToParent = true; if (result == null && delegateToParent) { result = ((JarClassLoader)getParent()).getByteStream(resource); } VERBOSE("getByteStream(" + resource + ") -> " + result); return result; } /** * Resolve a resource name. Look first in jar-relative, then in global scope. * @param resource * @return */ protected String resolve(String $resource) { if ($resource.startsWith("/")) $resource = $resource.substring(1); $resource = $resource.replace('/', '.'); String resource = null; String caller = getCaller(); ByteCode callerCode = (ByteCode)byteCode.get(caller + ".class"); if (callerCode != null) { // Jar-local first, then global. String tmp = callerCode.codebase + "/" + $resource; if (byteCode.get(tmp) != null) { resource = tmp; } } if (resource == null) { // One last try. if (byteCode.get($resource) == null) { resource = null; } else { resource = $resource; } } VERBOSE("resource " + $resource + " resolved to " + resource); return resource; } protected boolean alreadyCached(String name, String jar, ByteArrayOutputStream baos) { // TODO: check resource map to see how we will map requests for this // resource from this jar file. Only a conflict if we are using a // global map and the resource is defined by more than // one jar file (default is to map to local jar). byte[] bytes = baos.toByteArray(); ByteCode existing = (ByteCode)byteCode.get(name); if (existing != null) { // If bytecodes are identical, no real problem. Likewise if it's in // META-INF. if (!Arrays.equals(existing.bytes, bytes) && !name.startsWith("/META-INF")) { INFO(existing.name + " in " + jar + " is hidden by " + existing.codebase + " (with different bytecode)"); } else { VERBOSE(existing.name + " in " + jar + " is hidden by " + existing.codebase + " (with same bytecode)"); } return true; } return false; } protected String getCaller() { StackTraceElement[] stack = new Throwable().getStackTrace(); // Search upward until we get to a known class, i.e. one with a non-null // codebase. String caller = null; for (int i=0; i= 0) { suffix = resourcePath.substring(lastdot); } InputStream is = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("/" + resourcePath); File tempNativeLib = File.createTempFile(name + "-", suffix); FileOutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(tempNativeLib); copy(is, os); os.close(); VERBOSE("Stored native library " + name + " at " + tempNativeLib); tempNativeLib.deleteOnExit(); binLibPath.put(resourcePath, tempNativeLib.getPath()); result = tempNativeLib.getPath(); if (result != null) { VERBOSE("Found " + result + " in native binary library " + resourcePath); } } catch(Throwable e) { // Couldn't load the library // Return null by default to search the java.library.path WARNING("Unable to load native library: " + e); } } return result; } protected String getConfirmation(File location) throws IOException { File dotconfirm = new File(location, DOT_CONFIRM); String answer = ""; if (dotconfirm.exists()) { BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(dotconfirm)); answer = br.readLine(); br.close(); PRINTLN("Previous confirmation for file expansion (" + answer + ") was read from " + dotconfirm); return answer; } while (answer == null || (!answer.startsWith("n") && !answer.startsWith("y") && !answer.startsWith("q"))) { promptForConfirm(location); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)); answer = br.readLine(); br.close(); } try { BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(dotconfirm)); bw.write(answer + NL); bw.close(); PRINTLN("Your response has been stored in " + dotconfirm.getAbsolutePath() + ". Please remove this file if you wish to change your mind."); } catch (IOException iox) { WARNING("Unable to store confirmation response in " + dotconfirm.getAbsolutePath() + ": " + iox); } return answer; } protected void promptForConfirm(File location) { PRINTLN("Do you want to allow '" + Boot.getMyJarName() + "' to expand files into the file-system at the following location?"); PRINTLN(" " + location); PRINT("Answer y(es) to expand files, n(o) to continue without expanding, or q(uit) to exit: "); } }