import os import sys import subprocess from subprocess import Popen PROGRAM = " " class PlatformDetector: """A class to execute a series of probes in order to determine what the system platform is""" def __init__(self,probe_dir): self.platform=None self.probe_dir=probe_dir def probe(self, to_probe): """ Attempts to execute the probe for platform given by to_probe in directory probe_dir. @probe_dir: the directory where the probes should be located @mode: if this is "quiet" it will suppress output @to_probe: the platform to probe for """ os.chdir(self.probe_dir) print(PROGRAM + "Probing os: " + to_probe) probe_str = self.probe_dir + "probe_" + to_probe print(PROGRAM + "Running probe: " + probe_str) probe_str = probe_str + " 2>/dev/null" os.system(probe_str) def make_win_path(self,unix_path): win_path= unix_path.replace("/","\\") win_path = win_path.replace(" ","^ ") return win_path def win_probe(self, to_probe): mode="loud" #probe_dir=self.make_win_path(probe_dir) os.chdir(self.probe_dir) print(PROGRAM + "Probing os: " + to_probe) probe_str = self.probe_dir + "probe_" + to_probe print(PROGRAM + "Running probe: " + probe_str) os.system(probe_str) def run_probes(self): """ Runs the probes for all platforms BIRCH will work on. @probe_dir: the directory where the probes should be located @mode: if this is "quiet" it will supress output """ os.system("chmod +x " + self.probe_dir + "/*") #Note: windows probes MUST come first, in case if a gnu/linux system has WINE installed. self.win_probe( "win32.exe") self.probe("linux32") self.probe("linux64") self.probe("osx") self.probe("sunsparc") self.probe("sun64") def get_result(self): """ Reads the "result" file, and returns what the current platform is """ os.chdir(self.probe_dir) result_path = self.probe_dir + "/result" if (os.path.exists(result_path)): result = open("result", "r") to_return = print(PROGRAM + "The platform is \"" + to_return + "\"") self.result=to_return if (to_return.find("win")>=0): os.system("del result") else: os.system("rm result") else: print(PROGRAM + "An error occurred detecting platform") to_return = None return to_return def detect(self ): """ Runs the detection probes, then returns the platform to caller @mode: if this is "quiet" it will suppress messages """ self.run_probes() result = self.get_result() return result def detect_platform(self): result = self.detect() PLATFORM = None if result == "linux32": print(PROGRAM + "Setting platform to \"linux-intel\" ") PLATFORM = "linux-intel" elif result == "linux64": print(PROGRAM + "Setting platform to \"linux-x86_64\" ") PLATFORM = "linux-x86_64" elif result == "osx": print(PROGRAM + "Setting platform to \"osx-x86_64\" ") PLATFORM = "osx-x86_64" elif result == "sunsparc": print(PROGRAM + "Setting platform to \"solaris-sparc\" ") PLATFORM = "solaris-sparc" elif result == "sun64": print(PROGRAM + "Setting platform to \"solaris-amd64\" ") PLATFORM = "solaris-amd64" elif result == "win32": print(PROGRAM + "Setting platform to \"winxp-32\" ") PLATFORM = "winxp-32" return PLATFORM