import urllib import urllib2 import os import shutil import hashlib import sys import traceback import tarfile from subprocess import Popen from subprocess import PIPE from threading import Thread try: from Queue import Queue, Empty except ImportError: from queue import Queue, Empty # python 3.x import javax.swing.JOptionPane as JOptionPane ON_POSIX = 'posix' in sys.builtin_module_names """ A wrapper function to print a label for a log section. """ def print_label(label): rad=20 string=rad*"*"+label+":"+rad*"*" print_console(string) """ stream_exec executes the command "command" using subprocess.Popen, setting the cwd for execution to "path". If "callback" is set to a function pointer, then on each line of output a callback function is executed. "verbose" is a flag that determines if the output of the command should be sent to the console. By default, output is sent to console. Stream exec uses a message queue to prevent blocking and deadlock when doing cross-platform execution calls. This is particularly an issue when doing filesystem calls on Windows, which is why this method was created. """ def stream_exec(command,path=None,verbose=True,callback=None): def enqueue_output(out, queue): for line in iter(out.readline, ''): queue.put(line) out.close() def read_output(): # read line without blocking try: line = q.get_nowait() # or q.get(timeout=.1) except Empty: return None else: # got line return line cwd=os.getcwd() if (path!= None and os.path.isdir(path)): print_console("Changing directory to " + path) os.chdir(path) proc = Popen(command,shell=True, stdout=PIPE, bufsize=-1, close_fds=ON_POSIX) print_console("Dispatched command \""+command+"\"") q = Queue() t = Thread(target=enqueue_output, args=(proc.stdout, q)) t.daemon = True # thread dies with the program t.start() output = "" while (proc.poll()==None): line=read_output() if (line!=None): if (verbose): print_console(line) if (callback!=None): callback() output=output+line os.chdir(cwd) return output """ Fetches a file from the specified "url", saving it as "name". If a console object handle is passed in, it will print the current download status to console. """ def wget( url, name,console=None): """Downloads from url specified to the filename/path specified and displays progress""" print("Fetching "+name+" from "+url+"\n\n") #console update callback def progresshook(numblocks, blocksize, filesize, url=None): try: percent = min((numblocks * blocksize * 100) / filesize, 100) except: percent = 100 if numblocks != 0: MB_CONST = 1000000 # 1 MB is 1 million bytes out_str = "Progress:" + str(percent) + '%' + " of " + str(filesize / MB_CONST) + "MB\r" if (console==None): sys.stdout.write("\r"+out_str) else: if (filesize>0): console.setProgress(percent) else: console.setIndeterminate(True) bytecount=numblocks*blocksize; progstr="Downloaded: "+str(bytecount/MB_CONST)+" MB ("+str(bytecount)+" bytes) of ~200MB" console.setProgressString(progstr) CONSOLE.setProgress(0) urlStream = urllib.urlretrieve(url, name, progresshook) CONSOLE.setIndeterminate(False) CONSOLE.setProgressString(None) CONSOLE.hideProgress() def shutdown(): print_console("Shutting down") try: cleanup() except Exception, err: print_console(err.message) err=traceback.format_exc() print_console(err) CONSOLE.shutdown() def cleanup(): def cygwin_rm(path): cygwin_exec("rm "+path) def remove_tarball(prefix,rm_func): def try_remove(rm_func,path): if (os.path.lexists(path)): try: rm_func(path) except: print_console("Could not remove "+path) try_remove(rm_func,ARGS.install_dir+"/"+prefix+".tar.gz") try_remove(rm_func,ARGS.install_dir+"/"+prefix+".tar") if "winxp-32" in ARGS.platform: rm_func=cygwin_rm else: rm_func=os.remove remove_tarball("framework",rm_func) remove_tarball("cyghead",rm_func) if (not ARGS.multi_bins): remove_tarball(ARGS.platform,rm_func) else: for each in ARGS.platforms: remove_tarball(each,rm_func) if (ARGS.install_log!=None): ARGS.install_log.flush() ARGS.install_log.close() def print_console(line): if line==None: return line=line.strip().replace("//","/") line=PROGRAM+" "+line CONSOLE.writeLine(line) if (line!="" and ARGS!=None and ARGS.install_log!=None): ARGS.install_log.write(line+"\n") ARGS.install_log.flush() print(line) def untar(file, path=".",noroot=False,exclude=list()): """Extracts the tarfile given by file to current working directory by default, or path""" tarball = print_console("Calculating tar info, this may take some time") info=tarball.getmembers() total=len(info) count=0 CONSOLE.setProgress(0) print_console("Beginning the extraction process") for each in info: if (not in exclude): count=count+1 percent=int((float(count)/total)*100) item=list() item.append(each) tarball.extractall(members=item) CONSOLE.setProgress(percent) else: print_console("Excluded member " if (noroot==True): if (info[0].name.find("pax_global_header")>=0): print_console("Trimming global header") info.pop(0) rootpath=info.pop(0) print_console("Using "" as root tar dir.") contents=os.listdir( for each in contents: print_console("Moving "+each+" to rebased root path.") shutil.move("/"+each,os.getcwd()+"/"+each) shutil.rmtree( tarball.close() CONSOLE.hideProgress() from Globals import CONSOLE from Globals import ARGS from Globals import PROGRAM