package wizard; import install.BIRCHIO; import install.Main; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Insets; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import; import; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.Set; import javax.swing.AbstractAction; import javax.swing.ButtonGroup; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JCheckBox; import javax.swing.JFileChooser; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JRadioButton; import javax.swing.JTextField; import javax.swing.border.EmptyBorder; import javax.swing.border.EtchedBorder; /** * The advanced install options panel for GetBIRCH. * GetBIRCH supports the following advanced options: * * 1. Installation path * 2. Whether to install a developmental or stable release of BIRCH * 3. Whether to install MiniBIRCH or regular/full BIRCH * 4. Which platform binaries to install with BIRCH * 5. Where to write the GetBIRCH log file. * * This advanced options panel will only be displayed if the user * chooses to perform an advanced installation of BIRCH. ** * @author Graham Alvare * @author Dale Hamel * @author Brian Fristensky */ public class AdvancedPanel extends WizardPanel { /** * The parent GetBIRCH wizard window to link the panel to */ private BIRCHWizard wizard; /** * A label to describe the install directory entry field. * This is made a class variable, so it can be hidden in * the case of a BIRCH update. */ private JLabel installdirLabel = new JLabel("Install directory:"); /** * Specifies the subdirectory to create for installing BIRCH. * * The full path of BIRCH is determined by: * installDirTextArea + File.separator + pathSuffix */ private JTextField pathSuffix = new JTextField("BIRCH"); /** * A label to display the path separator between the installDirTextArea * field and the pathSuffix field. This is made a class variable, so it * can be hidden in the case of a BIRCH update */ private JLabel suffixLabel = new JLabel(File.separator); /** * Specifies the destination directory to install BIRCH. * * The full path of BIRCH is determined by: * installDirTextArea + File.separator + pathSuffix */ private JTextField installDirTextArea = new JTextField(BIRCHIO.DEFAULT_HOME.getAbsolutePath()); /** * Specifies the destination directory to write the GetBIRCH log. * * The full path of the log file is determined by: * installLogText + File.separator + "getbirch.log" */ private JTextField installLogText = new JTextField(BIRCHIO.DEFAULT_HOME.getAbsolutePath()); /** * A checkbox for determining whether to download full BIRCH or MiniBIRCH. * If this checkbox is selected, GetBIRCH should download the MiniBIRCH * framework. */ private JCheckBox miniBirchCheckBox = new JCheckBox("miniBirch"); /** * This radio button is used in conjunction with 'releaseRadioButton' * for determining whether to download the current stable BIRCH release, * or the development version of BIRCH. * * If releasedRadioButton is selected, * download the current stable BIRCH release * If developmentRadioButton is selected, * download the current development version of BIRCH */ private JRadioButton developmentRadioButton = new JRadioButton("Development Version"); /** * This checkbox is used to determine whether the old binaries of a current * BIRCH installation should be replaced with new binaries, when updating * an old BIRCH installation. */ private JCheckBox updateBinaries = new JCheckBox("", true); /** * This label is used for the updateBinaries checkbox. * If update binaries is selected, when a BIRCH installation is updated, * the old binaries will be replaced with new ones. */ private JLabel updateBinLabel = new JLabel("Update binaries:"); /** * This radio button is used in conjunction with 'developmentRadioButton' * for determining whether to download the current stable BIRCH release, * or the development version of BIRCH. * * If releasedRadioButton is selected, * download the current stable BIRCH release * If developmentRadioButton is selected, * download the current development version of BIRCH */ private JRadioButton releaseRadioButton = new JRadioButton("Current "); /** * The checkbox to decide whether to download * 64-bit Intel Linux BIRCH binaries. */ private JCheckBox linux64CheckBox = new JCheckBox("bin-linux-x86_64"); /** * The checkbox to decide whether to download * 64-bit Intel Mac OS X BIRCH binaries. */ private JCheckBox osxCheckBox = new JCheckBox("bin-osx-x86_64"); /** * NOT YET SUPPORTED * The checkbox to decide whether to download * 64-bit Arm Mac OS X BIRCH binaries. */ private JCheckBox MacosArm64CheckBox = new JCheckBox("bin-macos-arm64"); /** * The serialization UID for the advanced installation options panel. */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** * The "Browse" button for selecting the installation directory. * This button can be used to search for a different directory * to install BIRCH. */ private JButton browseButton = new JButton(new AbstractAction("Browse") { /** * Used to prevent double clicking */ private long lastcalled = -1; /** * Performs the "Browse" action for the installation path selection. ** * @param evt the button click action event object */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { if (evt.getWhen() != lastcalled) { JFileChooser fc = new JFileChooser(installDirTextArea.getText()); lastcalled = evt.getWhen(); fc.setFileSelectionMode(JFileChooser.DIRECTORIES_ONLY); fc.showOpenDialog(null); String path = fc.getSelectedFile().getPath(); // update the current installation directory to // that selected in the file chooser installDirTextArea.setText(path); } } }); /** * The "Browse" button for selecting the GetBIRCH log directory. * This button can be used to search for a different directory * to write the GetBIRCH log file to. */ private JButton logBrowseButton = new JButton(new AbstractAction("Browse") { /** * Performs the "Browse" action for the log directory selection. ** * @param evt the button click action event object */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { JFileChooser fc = new JFileChooser(installLogText.getText()); // display a file chooser fc.setFileSelectionMode(JFileChooser.DIRECTORIES_ONLY); fc.showOpenDialog(null); String path = fc.getSelectedFile().getPath(); // update the current log directory to // that selected in the file chooser installLogText.setText(path); } }); /** * Used to limit GetBIRCH from installing a non-development version. */ private boolean develOnly = false; /** * This checkbox is used to determine whether to call Install.SendStatsToBirch * at the end of a successful install or update. This will call a CGI script * that records basic install information. */ private JCheckBox SendStatsCheckBox = new JCheckBox("", true); /** * This label is used for the SendStats checkbox. * If update binaries is selected, when a BIRCH installation is updated, * the old binaries will be replaced with new ones. */ private JLabel SendStatsLabel = new JLabel("Send install stats to BIRCH Home:"); /** * Create a new BIRCH advanced install options installation panel. ** * @param wizard the installation wizard object to attach the panel to */ public AdvancedPanel(BIRCHWizard wizard) { // copy the parameters to class variables this.wizard = wizard; // create the main display panel JPanel contentPanel = new JPanel(); // @jve:decl-index=0:visual-constraint="-35,34" // create all of the labels for the main panel JLabel logdirLabel = new JLabel("Install/update log directory:"); JLabel advinstLabel = new JLabel("Advanced Install/update."); JLabel frameworkTypeLbl = new JLabel("Framework Type:"); JLabel autodetectLabel = new JLabel("* - Automatically detected, recommended."); JLabel iconLabel = new JLabel(new ImageIcon((URL) AdvancedPanel.class.getResource("dna.jpg"))); //JLabel iconLabel = new JLabel(new ImageIcon((URL) AdvancedPanel.class.getResource("birch_black.jpg"))); JLabel binariesLabel = new JLabel("Binaries:"); // SET THE BOUNDARIES FOR EACH WIDGET (ordered from top to bottom) advinstLabel.setBounds ( 11, 2, 394, 26 ); installdirLabel.setBounds ( 11, 28, 131, 17 ); suffixLabel.setBounds ( 220, 48, 10, 21 ); pathSuffix.setBounds ( 233, 48, 61, 21 ); browseButton.setBounds ( 312, 45, 98, 23 ); installDirTextArea.setBounds ( 13, 49, 206, 21 ); logdirLabel.setBounds ( 11, 72, 218, 19 ); installLogText.setBounds ( 12, 91, 290, 20 ); logBrowseButton.setBounds ( 310, 90, 98, 23 ); frameworkTypeLbl.setBounds ( 11, 115, 127, 21 ); miniBirchCheckBox.setBounds ( 268, 137, 149, 19 ); releaseRadioButton.setBounds ( 13, 140, 214, 16 ); developmentRadioButton.setBounds ( 13, 160, 231, 23 ); binariesLabel.setBounds ( 18, 190, 132, 18 ); //linux64CheckBox.setBounds ( 211, 235, 193, 22 ); linux64CheckBox.setBounds ( 211, 210, 190, 22 ); //osxCheckBox.setBounds ( 18, 260, 180, 22 ); osxCheckBox.setBounds ( 18, 210, 188, 22 ); // To be supported in a future release MacosArm64CheckBox.setBounds ( 18, 235, 183, 22 ); autodetectLabel.setBounds ( 22, 286, 312, 20 ); updateBinLabel.setBounds ( 11, 320, 200, 20 ); updateBinaries.setBounds ( 201, 320, 250, 20 ); SendStatsLabel.setBounds ( 11, 345, 365, 20 ); String SendStatsToolTip = "" + "Sends install information to the BIRCH Home site.
" + "Only the following data is sent:
" + "Date and Time, Version, Platform, New install or Update.
" + "These data are important for future funding applications." + ""; // GADZOOKS! It appears that setToolTipText inactivates checkboxes, so that // you can't change them, and they don't change appearance on mouseover. // This sounds like a bug in Java. We are currently compiling for Java 1.5. This // should be revisited when we recompile for target 1.6. //SendStatsLabel.setToolTipText(SendStatsToolTip); SendStatsCheckBox.setBounds ( 280, 345, 250, 22 ); //SendStatsCheckBox.setToolTipText(SendStatsToolTip); SendStatsCheckBox.setEnabled(true); // set the default install selection releaseRadioButton.setSelected(true); // DISABLE EDITING IN TEXT FIELDS installLogText.setEditable(false); installDirTextArea.setEditable(false); // Hide the update binaries option until the user has selected to update BIRCH updateBinLabel.setVisible(false); updateBinaries.setVisible(false); // ADD THE COMPONENTS TO THE MAIN CONTENT PANEL contentPanel.setLayout(null); //contentPanel.setSize(464, 376); contentPanel.setSize(464, 396); contentPanel.add(installdirLabel, null); contentPanel.add(browseButton, null); contentPanel.add(installDirTextArea, null); contentPanel.add(suffixLabel, null); contentPanel.add(pathSuffix, null); contentPanel.add(frameworkTypeLbl, null); contentPanel.add(miniBirchCheckBox, null); contentPanel.add(developmentRadioButton, null); contentPanel.add(binariesLabel, null); contentPanel.add(linux64CheckBox, null); contentPanel.add(osxCheckBox, null); contentPanel.add(MacosArm64CheckBox, null); contentPanel.add(installLogText, null); contentPanel.add(logBrowseButton, null); contentPanel.add(autodetectLabel, null); contentPanel.add(releaseRadioButton, null); contentPanel.add(advinstLabel, null); contentPanel.add(logdirLabel, null); contentPanel.add(updateBinLabel, null); contentPanel.add(updateBinaries, null); contentPanel.add(SendStatsLabel, null); contentPanel.add(SendStatsCheckBox, null); // FORM A RADIO BUTTON GROUP FOR SELECTING WHETHER TO INSTALL // A STABLE RELEASE, DEVELOPMENT RELEASE, OR INSTALL FROM GIT ButtonGroup group = new ButtonGroup(); group.add(releaseRadioButton); group.add(developmentRadioButton); // CONFIGURE THE ICON LABEL AND THE MAIN CONTENT PAIN FOR DISPLAYING iconLabel.setBorder(new EtchedBorder(EtchedBorder.RAISED)); contentPanel.setVisible(true); contentPanel.setBorder(new EmptyBorder(new Insets(10, 10, 10, 10))); setLayout(new java.awt.BorderLayout()); add(iconLabel, BorderLayout.WEST); add(contentPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); // ADJUST THE CHECK BOXES BASED ON THE PLATFORM SELECTED switch (Main.PLATFORM) { case LINUX_64: linux64CheckBox.setSelected(true); linux64CheckBox.setText(linux64CheckBox.getText() + "*"); break; case OSX_64: osxCheckBox.setSelected(true); osxCheckBox.setText(osxCheckBox.getText() + "*"); break; case MACOS_ARM64: MacosArm64CheckBox.setSelected(true); MacosArm64CheckBox.setText(MacosArm64CheckBox.getText() + "*"); break; } // ADJUST THE CONFIGURATION BASED ON THE BIRCH VERSION SELECTED releaseRadioButton.setText(releaseRadioButton.getText() + " Version: " + Main.VERSION); // DISABLE MINIBIRCH AND DEVELOPMENT VERSION INSTALL, IF WE ARE // INSTALLING OFF OF A COMPACT DISC (OR THE LIKE) if (Main.DISC_INSTALL) { miniBirchCheckBox.setEnabled(false); developmentRadioButton.setEnabled(false); } } /** * Returns where the user wants to install BIRCH (which directory). ** * @return the destination directory to install BIRCH */ public String getInstallDir() { String installDir = "ERROR DETECTING INSTALL/UPDATE DIR!"; if (wizard.START_PANEL.isInstall()) { installDir = installDirTextArea.getText() + File.separator + pathSuffix.getText(); } else { installDir = wizard.START_PANEL.getUpdateDir(); } return installDir; } /** * Returns the framework version of BIRCH to install. ** * @return the framework version of BIRCH to install */ public String getFrameworkVersion() { String version = Main.VERSION; if (miniBirchCheckBox.isSelected()) { version += "M"; } if (developmentRadioButton.isSelected()) { version += "D"; } return version; } /** * Returns whether to install the development version of BIRCH ** * @return true, if the user wants to install the development version of BIRCH */ public boolean isDevelopment() { return develOnly || developmentRadioButton.isSelected(); } /** * Returns the directory to write the log file to ** * @return the directory to write the log to */ public String getLogDir() { return installLogText.getText(); } /** * Returns a set object containing all of the platforms/binaries for BIRCH * to install. ** * @return the set of all binaries for BIRCH to install. */ public Set getBinariesSelected() { //Set binaries = new HashSet(); Set binaries = EnumSet.noneOf(Main.ArchSys.class); if (linux64CheckBox.isSelected()) { binaries.add(Main.PLATFORM.LINUX_64); } if (osxCheckBox.isSelected()) { binaries.add(Main.PLATFORM.OSX_64); } /** * 2023 - As part of the transition from macos from the Intel * architecture to the arm64 architecture, we need binaries * for both platforms. bin-macos-arm64.tar.gz contains both * binaries and libraries for both platforms. * Once arm64 native binaries exist for * all programs, we can eliminate the OSX_X64 binaries. This * will undoubtedly take years. */ if (MacosArm64CheckBox.isSelected()) { binaries.add(Main.PLATFORM.MACOS_ARM64); } return binaries; } /** * Returns a string representation of the current * installation options - this contains: * 1. the installation directory selected * 2. the directory to write the log file * 3. the list of binaries selected for installation ** * @return a string array containing various install information */ public String getInstallInfo() { return "Install/update directory " + getInstallDir() + "\n" + "Log File directory" + getLogDir() + "\n" + "Binaries:" + binariesToString() + "\n" + "Version: " + getFrameworkVersion(); } /** * Converts the list object of binaries selected for installation into * a comma separated list string. ** * @return a comma separated list string of binaries selected for installation */ private String binariesToString() { boolean first = true; Set binaries = getBinariesSelected(); StringBuilder binString = new StringBuilder(); for (Main.ArchSys binary : binaries) { if (!first) { binString.append(","); } binString.append(binary); first = false; } return binString.toString(); } /** * Returns whether the user has selected to install MiniBIRCH ** * @return true if the user has selected to install MiniBIRCH */ public boolean isMiniBIRCH() { return miniBirchCheckBox.isSelected(); } /** * Returns whether the user agrees to send install stats to BIRCH Home ** * @return true if the user has selected SendStats */ public boolean doSendStats() { return SendStatsCheckBox.isSelected(); } /** * Determines whether this step is sufficient to complete the install wizard * Returns whether or not to display the "Finish" button for this step of * the installation (as opposed to the "Next" button) ** * @return whether to complete the install process */ @Override public boolean isFinished() { return true; } /** * This method checks for errors in the current install wizard panel ** * @return true if there are no errors in the current panel */ @Override public boolean errorCheck() { return true; } /** * Adjusts the advanced panel to change the options displayed to * those necessary for either a BIRCH update or a fresh BIRCH install. ** * This function is used by StartPanel for communication. For instance, * if the update option is selected and a BIRCH installation to update * is specified, the advanced settings panel should NOT show the install * location textbox used for the install process. ** * @param install whether to perform a fresh BIRCH installation (true) or BIRCH update (false) */ public void setInstall(boolean install) { installDirTextArea.setVisible(install); pathSuffix.setVisible(install); installdirLabel.setVisible(install); suffixLabel.setVisible(install); browseButton.setVisible(install); updateBinLabel.setVisible(!install); updateBinaries.setVisible(!install); if (!install && wizard.START_PANEL.getUpdateDir().toLowerCase().contains("birchbindev")) { updateBinaries.setEnabled(false); updateBinaries.setSelected(false); } else { updateBinaries.setEnabled(true); } } /** * Whether to keep binaries when performing an update of BIRCH. ** * @return false if the current binaries are to be deleted and replace with new binaries on an update */ public boolean isKeepBinariesUpdate() { return !updateBinaries.isSelected(); } public void setDevelopmentOnly(boolean develOnly) { this.develOnly = develOnly; if (develOnly) { developmentRadioButton.setSelected(true); } releaseRadioButton.setEnabled(!develOnly); developmentRadioButton.setEnabled(!develOnly); } }