echo off rem This is the script I use on my Windows 7 virtual machine to build the public release of Bandage. rem Bandage. It produces a directory ready for deployment. It requires that sample_LastGraph is in rem the current directory. rem These variables must be set to the correct paths and values for your system. set QT_PATH=C:\Qt\5.6 set MSVC_PATH=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0 set MSVC_VERSION=msvc2015 set MSVC_VERSION_NUM=140 set GIT_PATH=C:\Program Files\Git\bin\git set ZIP_PATH=C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe rem Set up the MSVC compiler. call "%MSVC_PATH%\VC\vcvarsall.bat" x86 rem If a 'Bandage' directory already exists, then this script will use assume it is the Bandage rem source code and use it. If not, it will clone the master branch from GitHub. if not exist Bandage\ call "%GIT_PATH%" clone call cd Bandage\ call "%QT_PATH%\%MSVC_VERSION%\bin\qmake.exe" call "%QT_PATH%\..\Tools\QtCreator\bin\jom.exe" call cd .. rem Get the Bandage version number from the main.cpp file and replace its dots with underscores. for /f %%i in ('findstr setApplicationVersion Bandage\program\main.cpp') do set VERSION_LINE=%%i set VERSION_LINE=%VERSION_LINE:.=_% set VERSION_LINE=%VERSION_LINE:"=;% for /f "tokens=2 delims=;" %%G IN ("%VERSION_LINE%") DO set VERSION=%%G rem Delete all of the source and build files call move Bandage\release\Bandage.exe Bandage.exe call rmdir Bandage\ /S /Q call mkdir Bandage\ call move Bandage.exe Bandage\Bandage.exe rem Add the necessary libraries so Bandage can be deployed. call "%QT_PATH%\%MSVC_VERSION%\bin\windeployqt.exe" Bandage\Bandage.exe rem Zip Bandage with the sample graph and clean up. call "%ZIP_PATH%" a -tzip Bandage\ sample_LastGraph installation.txt call rmdir Bandage\ /S /Q