/* * $Revision: 2615 $ * * last checkin: * $Author: gutwenger $ * $Date: 2012-07-16 14:23:36 +0200 (Mo, 16. Jul 2012) $ ***************************************************************/ /** \file * \brief Declaration and implementation of Array class and * Array algorithms * * \author Carsten Gutwenger * * \par License: * This file is part of the Open Graph Drawing Framework (OGDF). * * \par * Copyright (C)
* See README.txt in the root directory of the OGDF installation for details. * * \par * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * Version 2 or 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation; * see the file LICENSE.txt included in the packaging of this file * for details. * * \par * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * \par * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * \see http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html ***************************************************************/ #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma once #endif #ifndef OGDF_ARRAY_H #define OGDF_ARRAY_H #include "basic.h" namespace ogdf { //! Iteration over all indices \a i of an array \a A. /** * Note that the index variable \a i has to be defined prior to this macro * (just as for \c #forall_edges, etc.). *


* * \code * Array A; * ... * int i; * forall_arrayindices(i, A) { * cout << A[i] << endl; * } * \endcode * * Note that this code is equivalent to the following tedious long version * * \code * Array A; * ... * int i; * for(i = A.low(); i <= A.high(); ++i) { * cout << A[i] << endl; * } * \endcode */ #define forall_arrayindices(i, A) \ for(i = (A).low(); i<=(A).high(); ++i) //! Iteration over all indices \a i of an array \a A, in reverse order. /** * Note that the index variable \a i has to be defined prior to this macro * (just as for \c #forall_edges, etc.). * See \c #forall_arrayindices for an example */ #define forall_rev_arrayindices(i, A) \ for(i = (A).high(); i>=(A).low(); --i) //! The parameterized class \a Array implements dynamic arrays of type \a E. /** * @tparam E denotes the element type. * @tparam INDEX denotes the index type. The index type must be chosen such that it can * express the whole index range of the array instance, as well as its size. * The default index type is \c int, other possible types are \c short and * long long (on 64-bit systems). */ template class Array { public: //! Threshold used by \a quicksort() such that insertion sort is //! called for instances smaller than \a maxSizeInsertionSort. enum { maxSizeInsertionSort = 40 }; //! Creates an array with empty index set. Array() { construct(0,-1); } //! Creates an array with index set [0..\a s-1]. explicit Array(INDEX s) { construct(0,s-1); initialize(); } //! Creates an array with index set [\a a..\a b]. Array(INDEX a, INDEX b) { construct(a,b); initialize(); } //! Creates an array with index set [\a a..\a b] and initializes each element with \a x. Array(INDEX a, INDEX b, const E &x) { construct(a,b); initialize(x); } //! Creates an array that is a copy of \a A. Array(const Array &A) { copy(A); } // destruction ~Array() { deconstruct(); } //! Returns the minimal array index. INDEX low() const { return m_low; } //! Returns the maximal array index. INDEX high() const { return m_high; } //! Returns the size (number of elements) of the array. INDEX size() const { return m_high - m_low + 1; } //! Returns a pointer to the first element. E *begin() { return m_pStart; } //! Returns a pointer to the first element. const E *begin() const { return m_pStart; } //! Returns a pointer to one past the last element. E *end() { return m_pStop; } //! Returns a pointer to one past the last element. const E *end() const { return m_pStop; } //! Returns a pointer to the last element. E *rbegin() { return m_pStop-1; } //! Returns a pointer to the last element. const E *rbegin() const { return m_pStop-1; } //! Returns a pointer to one before the first element. E *rend() { return m_pStart-1; } //! Returns a pointer to one before the first element. const E *rend() const { return m_pStart-1; } //! Returns a reference to the element at position \a i. const E &operator[](INDEX i) const { OGDF_ASSERT(m_low <= i && i <= m_high) return m_vpStart[i]; } //! Returns a reference to the element at position \a i. E &operator[](INDEX i) { OGDF_ASSERT(m_low <= i && i <= m_high) return m_vpStart[i]; } //! Swaps the elements at position \a i and \a j. void swap(INDEX i, INDEX j) { OGDF_ASSERT(m_low <= i && i <= m_high) OGDF_ASSERT(m_low <= j && j <= m_high) std::swap(m_vpStart[i], m_vpStart[j]); } //! Reinitializes the array to an array with empty index set. void init() { //init(0,-1); deconstruct(); construct(0,-1); } //! Reinitializes the array to an array with index set [0..\a s-1]. /** * Notice that the elements contained in the array get discarded! */ void init(INDEX s) { init(0,s-1); } //! Reinitializes the array to an array with index set [\a a..\a b]. /** * Notice that the elements contained in the array get discarded! */ void init(INDEX a, INDEX b) { deconstruct(); construct(a,b); initialize(); } //! Reinitializes the array to an array with index set [\a a..\a b] and sets all entries to \a x. void init(INDEX a, INDEX b, const E &x) { deconstruct(); construct(a,b); initialize(x); } //! Assignment operator. Array &operator=(const Array &array2) { deconstruct(); copy(array2); return *this; } //! Sets all elements to \a x. void fill(const E &x) { E *pDest = m_pStop; while(pDest > m_pStart) *--pDest = x; } //! Sets elements in the intervall [\a i..\a j] to \a x. void fill(INDEX i, INDEX j, const E &x) { OGDF_ASSERT(m_low <= i && i <= m_high) OGDF_ASSERT(m_low <= j && j <= m_high) E *pI = m_vpStart + i, *pJ = m_vpStart + j+1; while(pJ > pI) *--pJ = x; } //! Enlarges the array by \a add elements and sets new elements to \a x. /** * Note: address of array entries in memory may change! * @param add is the number of additional elements; \a add can be negative in order to shrink the array. * @param x is the inital value of all new elements. */ void grow(INDEX add, const E &x); //! Enlarges the array by \a add elements. /** * Note: address of array entries in memory may change! * @param add is the number of additional elements; \a add can be negative in order to shrink the array. */ void grow(INDEX add); //! Randomly permutes the subarray with index set [\a l..\a r]. void permute (INDEX l, INDEX r); //! Randomly permutes the array. void permute() { permute(low(), high()); } //! Performs a binary search for element \a x. /** * \pre The array must be sorted! * \return the index of the found element, and low()-1 if not found. */ inline int binarySearch (const E& x) const { return binarySearch(x, StdComparer()); } //! Performs a binary search for element \a x with comparer \a comp. /** * \pre The array must be sorted according to \a comp! * \return the index of the found element, and low()-1 if not found. */ template int binarySearch(const E& e, const COMPARER &comp) const { if(size() < 2) { if(size() == 1 && comp.equal(e, m_vpStart[low()])) return low(); return low()-1; } int l = low(); int r = high(); do { int m = (r + l)/2; if(comp.greater(e, m_vpStart[m])) l = m+1; else r = m; } while(r>l); return comp.equal(e, m_vpStart[l]) ? l : low()-1; } //! Performs a linear search for element \a x. /** * Warning: This method has linear running time! * Note that the linear search runs from back to front. * \return the index of the found element, and low()-1 if not found. */ inline int linearSearch (const E& e) const { int i; for(i = size(); i-->0;) if(e == m_pStart[i]) break; return i+low(); } //! Performs a linear search for element \a x with comparer \a comp. /** * Warning: This method has linear running time! * Note that the linear search runs from back to front. * \return the index of the found element, and low()-1 if not found. */ template int linearSearch(const E& e, const COMPARER &comp) const { int i; for(i = size(); i-->0;) if(comp.equal(e, m_pStart[i])) break; return i+low(); } //! Sorts array using Quicksort. inline void quicksort() { quicksort(StdComparer()); } //! Sorts subarray with index set [\a l..\a r] using Quicksort. inline void quicksort(INDEX l, INDEX r) { quicksort(l, r, StdComparer()); } //! Sorts array using Quicksort and a user-defined comparer \a comp. /** * @param comp is a user-defined comparer; \a C must be a class providing a \a less(x,y) method. */ template inline void quicksort(const COMPARER &comp) { if(low() < high()) quicksortInt(m_pStart,m_pStop-1,comp); } //! Sorts the subarray with index set [\a l..\a r] using Quicksort and a user-defined comparer \a comp. /** * @param l is the left-most position in the range to be sorted. * @param r is the right-most position in the range to be sorted. * @param comp is a user-defined comparer; \a C must be a class providing a \a less(x,y) method. */ template void quicksort(INDEX l, INDEX r, const COMPARER &comp) { OGDF_ASSERT(low() <= l && l <= high()) OGDF_ASSERT(low() <= r && r <= high()) if(l < r) quicksortInt(m_vpStart+l,m_vpStart+r,comp); } template friend class ArrayBuffer; // for efficient ArrayBuffer::compact-method private: E *m_vpStart; //!< The virtual start of the array (address of A[0]). E *m_pStart; //!< The real start of the array (address of A[m_low]). E *m_pStop; //!< Successor of last element (address of A[m_high+1]). INDEX m_low; //!< The lowest index. INDEX m_high; //!< The highest index. //! Allocates new array with index set [\a a..\a b]. void construct(INDEX a, INDEX b); //! Initializes elements with default constructor. void initialize(); //! Initializes elements with \a x. void initialize(const E &x); //! Deallocates array. void deconstruct(); //! Constructs a new array which is a copy of \a A. void copy(const Array &A); //! Internal Quicksort implementation with comparer template. template static void quicksortInt(E *pL, E *pR, const COMPARER &comp) { size_t s = pR-pL; // use insertion sort for small instances if (s < maxSizeInsertionSort) { for (E *pI = pL+1; pI <= pR; pI++) { E v = *pI; E *pJ = pI; while (--pJ >= pL && comp.less(v,*pJ)) { *(pJ+1) = *pJ; } *(pJ+1) = v; } return; } E *pI = pL, *pJ = pR; E x = *(pL+(s>>1)); do { while (comp.less(*pI,x)) pI++; while (comp.less(x,*pJ)) pJ--; if (pI <= pJ) std::swap(*pI++,*pJ--); } while (pI <= pJ); if (pL < pJ) quicksortInt(pL,pJ,comp); if (pI < pR) quicksortInt(pI,pR,comp); } OGDF_NEW_DELETE }; // class Array // enlarges array by add elements and sets new elements to x template void Array::grow(INDEX add, const E &x) { INDEX sOld = size(), sNew = sOld + add; // expand allocated memory block if(m_pStart != 0) { E *p = (E *)realloc(m_pStart, sNew*sizeof(E)); if(p == 0) OGDF_THROW(InsufficientMemoryException); m_pStart = p; } else { m_pStart = (E *)malloc(sNew*sizeof(E)); if (m_pStart == 0) OGDF_THROW(InsufficientMemoryException); } m_vpStart = m_pStart-m_low; m_pStop = m_pStart+sNew; m_high += add; // initialize new array entries for (E *pDest = m_pStart+sOld; pDest < m_pStop; pDest++) new (pDest) E(x); } // enlarges array by add elements (initialized with default constructor) template void Array::grow(INDEX add) { INDEX sOld = size(), sNew = sOld + add; // expand allocated memory block if(m_pStart != 0) { E *p = (E *)realloc(m_pStart, sNew*sizeof(E)); if(p == 0) OGDF_THROW(InsufficientMemoryException); m_pStart = p; } else { m_pStart = (E *)malloc(sNew*sizeof(E)); if (m_pStart == 0) OGDF_THROW(InsufficientMemoryException); } m_vpStart = m_pStart-m_low; m_pStop = m_pStart+sNew; m_high += add; // initialize new array entries for (E *pDest = m_pStart+sOld; pDest < m_pStop; pDest++) new (pDest) E; } template void Array::construct(INDEX a, INDEX b) { m_low = a; m_high = b; INDEX s = b-a+1; if (s < 1) { m_pStart = m_vpStart = m_pStop = 0; } else { m_pStart = (E *)malloc(s*sizeof(E)); if (m_pStart == 0) OGDF_THROW(InsufficientMemoryException); m_vpStart = m_pStart - a; m_pStop = m_pStart + s; } } template void Array::initialize() { E *pDest = m_pStart; try { for (; pDest < m_pStop; pDest++) new(pDest) E; } catch (...) { while(--pDest >= m_pStart) pDest->~E(); free(m_pStart); throw; } } template void Array::initialize(const E &x) { E *pDest = m_pStart; try { for (; pDest < m_pStop; pDest++) new(pDest) E(x); } catch (...) { while(--pDest >= m_pStart) pDest->~E(); free(m_pStart); throw; } } template void Array::deconstruct() { if (doDestruction((E*)0)) { for (E *pDest = m_pStart; pDest < m_pStop; pDest++) pDest->~E(); } free(m_pStart); } template void Array::copy(const Array &array2) { construct(array2.m_low, array2.m_high); if (m_pStart != 0) { E *pSrc = array2.m_pStop; E *pDest = m_pStop; while(pDest > m_pStart) //*--pDest = *--pSrc; new (--pDest) E(*--pSrc); } } // permutes array a from a[l] to a[r] randomly template void Array::permute (INDEX l, INDEX r) { OGDF_ASSERT(low() <= l && l <= high()) OGDF_ASSERT(low() <= r && r <= high()) E *pI = m_vpStart+l, *pStart = m_vpStart+l, *pStop = m_vpStart+r; while(pI <= pStop) std::swap(*pI++,*(pStart+randomNumber(0,r-l))); } // prints array a to output stream os using delimiter delim template void print(ostream &os, const Array &a, char delim = ' ') { for (int i = a.low(); i <= a.high(); i++) { if (i > a.low()) os << delim; os << a[i]; } } // output operator template ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const ogdf::Array &a) { print(os,a); return os; } } // end namespace ogdf #endif