/* * $Revision: 2615 $ * * last checkin: * $Author: gutwenger $ * $Date: 2012-07-16 14:23:36 +0200 (Mo, 16. Jul 2012) $ ***************************************************************/ /** \file * \brief Pure declaration header, find template implementation in * Graph.h * * Declaration of NodeElement, EdgeElement, and Graph classes. * * \author Carsten Gutwenger * * \par License: * This file is part of the Open Graph Drawing Framework (OGDF). * * \par * Copyright (C)
* See README.txt in the root directory of the OGDF installation for details. * * \par * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * Version 2 or 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation; * see the file LICENSE.txt included in the packaging of this file * for details. * * \par * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * \par * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * \see http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html ***************************************************************/ #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma once #endif #ifndef OGDF_GRAPH_D_H #define OGDF_GRAPH_D_H #include "List.h" namespace ogdf { // // in embedded graphs, adjacency lists are given in clockwise order. // class OGDF_EXPORT Graph; class OGDF_EXPORT NodeElement; class OGDF_EXPORT EdgeElement; class OGDF_EXPORT AdjElement; class OGDF_EXPORT FaceElement; class OGDF_EXPORT GraphListBase; class OGDF_EXPORT ClusterElement; //! The base class for objects used by graphs like nodes, edges, etc. /** * Such graph objects are maintained in list (see GraphList), * and \a GraphElement basically provides a next and previous pointer * for these objects. */ class OGDF_EXPORT GraphElement { friend class Graph; friend class GraphListBase; protected: GraphElement *m_next; //!< The successor in the list. GraphElement *m_prev; //!< The predecessor in the list. OGDF_NEW_DELETE }; // class GraphElement //! Base class for GraphElement lists. class OGDF_EXPORT GraphListBase { protected: GraphElement *m_head; //!< Pointer to the first element in the list. GraphElement *m_tail; //!< Pointer to the last element in the list. public: //! Constructs an empty list. GraphListBase() { m_head = m_tail = 0; } // destruction ~GraphListBase() { } //! Adds element \a pX at the end of the list. void pushBack(GraphElement *pX) { pX->m_next = 0; pX->m_prev = m_tail; if (m_head) m_tail = m_tail->m_next = pX; else m_tail = m_head = pX; } //! Inserts element \a pX after element \a pY. void insertAfter(GraphElement *pX, GraphElement *pY) { pX->m_prev = pY; GraphElement *pYnext = pX->m_next = pY->m_next; pY->m_next = pX; if (pYnext) pYnext->m_prev = pX; else m_tail = pX; } //! Inserts element \a pX before element \a pY. void insertBefore(GraphElement *pX, GraphElement *pY) { pX->m_next = pY; GraphElement *pYprev = pX->m_prev = pY->m_prev; pY->m_prev = pX; if (pYprev) pYprev->m_next = pX; else m_head = pX; } //! Removes element \a pX from the list. void del(GraphElement *pX) { GraphElement *pxPrev = pX->m_prev, *pxNext = pX->m_next; if (pxPrev) pxPrev->m_next = pxNext; else m_head = pxNext; if (pxNext) pxNext->m_prev = pxPrev; else m_tail = pxPrev; } //! Sorts the list according to \a newOrder. template void sort(const LIST &newOrder) { GraphElement *pPred = 0; typename LIST::const_iterator it = newOrder.begin(); if (!it.valid()) return; m_head = *it; for(; it.valid(); ++it) { GraphElement *p = *it; if ((p->m_prev = pPred) != 0) pPred->m_next = p; pPred = p; } (m_tail = pPred)->m_next = 0; } //! Reverses the order of the list elements. void reverse() { GraphElement *pX = m_head; m_head = m_tail; m_tail = pX; while(pX) { GraphElement *pY = pX->m_next; pX->m_next = pX->m_prev; pX = pX->m_prev = pY; } } //! Exchanges the positions of \a pX and \a pY in the list. void swap(GraphElement *pX, GraphElement *pY) { if (pX->m_next == pY) { pX->m_next = pY->m_next; pY->m_prev = pX->m_prev; pY->m_next = pX; pX->m_prev = pY; } else if(pY->m_next == pX) { pY->m_next = pX->m_next; pX->m_prev = pY->m_prev; pX->m_next = pY; pY->m_prev = pX; } else { ::swap(pX->m_next,pY->m_next); ::swap(pX->m_prev,pY->m_prev); } if(pX->m_prev) pX->m_prev->m_next = pX; else m_head = pX; if(pX->m_next) pX->m_next->m_prev = pX; else m_tail = pX; if(pY->m_prev) pY->m_prev->m_next = pY; else m_head = pY; if(pY->m_next) pY->m_next->m_prev = pY; else m_tail = pY; OGDF_ASSERT(consistencyCheck()); } //! Checks consistency of graph list. bool consistencyCheck() { if (m_head == 0) { return (m_tail == 0); } else if (m_tail == 0) { return false; } else { if (m_head->m_prev != 0) return false; if (m_tail->m_next != 0) return false; GraphElement *pX = m_head; for(; pX; pX = pX->m_next) { if (pX->m_prev) { if (pX->m_prev->m_next != pX) return false; } else if(pX != m_head) return false; if (pX->m_next) { if (pX->m_next->m_prev != pX) return false; } else if (pX != m_tail) return false; } } return true; } OGDF_NEW_DELETE }; // class GraphListBase //! Lists of graph objects (like nodes, edges, etc.). /** * The template type \a T must be a class derived from GraphElement. */ template class GraphList : protected GraphListBase { public: //! Constructs an empty list. GraphList() { } // destruction (deletes all elements) ~GraphList() { if (m_head) OGDF_ALLOCATOR::deallocateList(sizeof(T), m_head,m_tail); } //! Returns the first element in the list. T *begin () const { return (T *)m_head; } //! Returns the last element in the list. T *rbegin() const { return (T *)m_tail; } //! Returns true iff the list is empty. bool empty() { return m_head; } //! Adds element \a pX at the end of the list. void pushBack(T *pX) { GraphListBase::pushBack(pX); } //! Inserts element \a pX after element \a pY. void insertAfter(T *pX, T *pY) { GraphListBase::insertAfter(pX,pY); } //! Inserts element \a pX before element \a pY. void insertBefore(T *pX, T *pY) { GraphListBase::insertBefore(pX,pY); } //! Moves element \a pX to list \a L and inserts it before or after \a pY. void move(T *pX, GraphList &L, T *pY, Direction dir) { GraphListBase::del(pX); if (dir == after) L.insertAfter(pX,pY); else L.insertBefore(pX,pY); } //! Moves element \a pX to list \a L and inserts it at the end. void move(T *pX, GraphList &L) { GraphListBase::del(pX); L.pushBack(pX); } //! Moves element \a pX from its current position to a position after \a pY. void moveAfter(T *pX, T *pY){ GraphListBase::del(pX); insertAfter(pX,pY); } //! Moves element \a pX from its current position to a position before \a pY. void moveBefore(T *pX, T *pY){ GraphListBase::del(pX); insertBefore(pX,pY); } //! Removes element \a pX from the list and deletes it. void del(T *pX) { GraphListBase::del(pX); delete pX; } //! Only removes element \a pX from the list; does not delete it. void delPure(T *pX) { GraphListBase::del(pX); } //! Removes all elements from the list and deletes them. void clear() { if (m_head) { OGDF_ALLOCATOR::deallocateList(sizeof(T),m_head,m_tail); m_head = m_tail = 0; } } //! Sorts all elements according to \a newOrder. template void sort(const T_LIST &newOrder) { GraphListBase::sort(newOrder); } //! Reverses the order of the list elements. void reverse() { GraphListBase::reverse(); } //! Exchanges the positions of \a pX and \a pY in the list. void swap(T *pX, T *pY) { GraphListBase::swap(pX,pY); } //! Checks consistency of graph list; returns true if ok. bool consistencyCheck() { return GraphListBase::consistencyCheck(); } OGDF_NEW_DELETE }; // class GraphList typedef NodeElement *node; //!< The type of nodes. typedef EdgeElement *edge; //!< The type of edges. typedef AdjElement *adjEntry; //!< The type of adjacency entries. //! Class for adjacency list elements. /** * Adjacency list elements represent the occurrence of an edges in * the adjacency list of a node. */ class OGDF_EXPORT AdjElement : private GraphElement { friend class Graph; friend class GraphListBase; friend class GraphList; AdjElement *m_twin; //!< The corresponding adjacency entry (same edge) edge m_edge; //!< The associated edge. node m_node; //!< The node whose adjacency list contains this entry. int m_id; //!< The (unique) index of the adjacency entry. //! Constructs an adjacency element for a given node. AdjElement(node v) : m_node(v) { } //! Constructs an adjacency entry for a given edge and index. AdjElement(edge e, int id) : m_edge(e), m_id(id) { } public: //! Returns the edge associated with this adjacency entry. edge theEdge() const { return m_edge; } //! Conversion to edge. operator edge() const { return m_edge; } //! Returns the node whose adjacency list contains this element. node theNode() const { return m_node; } //! Returns the corresponding adjacency element associated with the same edge. adjEntry twin() const { return m_twin; } //! Returns the associated node of the corresponding adjacency entry (shorthand for twin()->theNode()). node twinNode() const { return m_twin->m_node; } //! Returns the index of this adjacency element. int index() const { return m_id; } // traversing faces in clockwise (resp. counter-clockwise) order // (if face is an interior face) //! Returns the clockwise successor in face. Use faceCycleSucc instead! adjEntry clockwiseFaceSucc() const { return m_twin->cyclicPred(); } //! Returns the clockwise predecessor in face. Use faceCycleSucc instead! adjEntry clockwiseFacePred() const { return cyclicSucc()->m_twin; } //! Returns the counter-clockwise successor in face. adjEntry counterClockwiseFaceSucc() const { return m_twin->cyclicSucc(); } //! Returns the counter-clockwise predecessor in face. adjEntry counterClockwiseFacePred() const { return cyclicPred()->m_twin; } // default is traversing faces in clockwise order //! Returns the cyclic successor in face. adjEntry faceCycleSucc() const { return clockwiseFaceSucc(); } //! Returns the cyclic predecessor in face. adjEntry faceCyclePred() const { return clockwiseFacePred(); } //! Returns the successor in the adjacency list. adjEntry succ() const { return (adjEntry)m_next; } //! Returns the predecessor in the adjacency list. adjEntry pred() const { return (adjEntry)m_prev; } //! Returns the cyclic successor in the adjacency list. adjEntry cyclicSucc() const; //! Returns the cyclic predecessor in the adjacency list. adjEntry cyclicPred() const; #ifdef OGDF_DEBUG const Graph *graphOf() const; #endif OGDF_NEW_DELETE }; // class AdjElement //! Class for the representation of nodes. class OGDF_EXPORT NodeElement : private GraphElement { friend class Graph; friend class GraphList; GraphList m_adjEdges; //!< The adjacency list of the node. int m_indeg; //!< The indegree of the node. int m_outdeg; //!< The outdegree of the node. int m_id; //!< The (unique) index of the node. #ifdef OGDF_DEBUG // we store the graph containing this node for debugging purposes const Graph *m_pGraph; //!< The graph containg this node (debug only). #endif // construction #ifdef OGDF_DEBUG //! Constructs a node element with index \a id. /** * \remarks The parameter \a pGraph is only passed in a debug build. * It is used, e.g., by NodeArray for checking if a node belongs to * the correct graph. */ NodeElement(const Graph *pGraph, int id) : m_indeg(0), m_outdeg(0), m_id(id), m_pGraph(pGraph) { } #else NodeElement(int id) : m_indeg(0), m_outdeg(0), m_id(id) { } #endif public: //! Returns the (unique) node index. int index() const { return m_id; } //! Returns the indegree of the node. int indeg() const { return m_indeg; } //! Returns the outdegree of the node. int outdeg() const { return m_outdeg; } //! Returns the degree of the node (indegree + outdegree). int degree() const { return m_indeg + m_outdeg; } //! Returns the first entry in the adjaceny list. adjEntry firstAdj() const { return m_adjEdges.begin(); } //! Returns the last entry in the adjacency list. adjEntry lastAdj () const { return m_adjEdges.rbegin(); } //! Returns the successor in the list of all nodes. node succ() const { return (node)m_next; } //! Returns the predecessor in the list of all nodes. node pred() const { return (node)m_prev; } #ifdef OGDF_DEBUG //! Returns the graph containing this node (debug only). const Graph *graphOf() const { return m_pGraph; } #endif OGDF_NEW_DELETE }; // class NodeElement inline adjEntry AdjElement::cyclicSucc() const { return (m_next) ? (adjEntry)m_next : m_node->firstAdj(); } inline adjEntry AdjElement::cyclicPred() const { return (m_prev) ? (adjEntry)m_prev : m_node->lastAdj(); } inline bool test_forall_adj_edges(adjEntry &adj, edge &e) { if (adj) { e = adj->theEdge(); return true; } else return false; } //! Class for the representation of edges. class OGDF_EXPORT EdgeElement : private GraphElement { friend class Graph; friend class GraphList; node m_src; //!< The source node of the edge. node m_tgt; //!< The target node of the edge. AdjElement *m_adjSrc; //!< Corresponding adjacancy entry at source node. AdjElement *m_adjTgt; //!< Corresponding adjacancy entry at target node. int m_id; // The (unique) index of the node. //! Constructs an edge element (\a src,\a tgt). /** * @param src is the source node of the edge. * @param tgt is the target node of the edge. * @param adjSrc is the corresponding adjacency entry at source node. * @param adjTgt is the corresponding adjacency entry at target node. * @param id is the index of the edge. */ EdgeElement(node src, node tgt, AdjElement *adjSrc, AdjElement *adjTgt, int id) : m_src(src), m_tgt(tgt), m_adjSrc(adjSrc), m_adjTgt(adjTgt), m_id(id) { } //! Constructs an edge element (\a src,\a tgt). /** * @param src is the source node of the edge. * @param tgt is the target node of the edge. * @param id is the index of the edge. */ EdgeElement(node src, node tgt, int id) : m_src(src), m_tgt(tgt), m_id(id) { } public: //! Returns the index of the edge. int index() const { return m_id; } //! Returns the source node of the edge. node source() const { return m_src; } //! Returns the target node of the edge. node target() const { return m_tgt; } //! Returns the corresponding adjacancy entry at source node. adjEntry adjSource() const { return m_adjSrc; } //! Returns the corresponding adjacancy entry at target node. adjEntry adjTarget() const { return m_adjTgt; } //! Returns the adjacent node different from \a v. node opposite(node v) const { return (v == m_src) ? m_tgt : m_src; } // Returns true iff the edge is a self-loop (source node = target node). bool isSelfLoop() const { return m_src == m_tgt; } //! Returns the successor in the list of all edges. edge succ() const { return (edge)m_next; } //! Returns the predecessor in the list of all edges. edge pred() const { return (edge)m_prev; } #ifdef OGDF_DEBUG //! Returns the graph containing this node (debug only). const Graph *graphOf() const { return m_src->graphOf(); } #endif //! Returns true iff \a v is incident to the edge. bool isIncident(node v) const { return v == m_src || v == m_tgt; } //! Returns the common node of the edge and \a e. Returns NULL if the two edges are not adjacent. node commonNode(edge e) const { return (m_src==e->m_src || m_src==e->m_tgt) ? m_src : ((m_tgt==e->m_src || m_tgt==e->m_tgt) ? m_tgt: 0); } OGDF_NEW_DELETE }; // class EdgeElement #ifdef OGDF_DEBUG inline const Graph *AdjElement::graphOf() const { return m_node->graphOf(); } #endif template<>inline bool doDestruction(const node *) { return false; } template<>inline bool doDestruction(const edge *) { return false; } template<>inline bool doDestruction(const adjEntry *) { return false; } class NodeArrayBase; class EdgeArrayBase; class AdjEntryArrayBase; template class NodeArray; template class EdgeArray; template class AdjEntryArray; class OGDF_EXPORT GraphObserver; //--------------------------------------------------------- // iteration macros //--------------------------------------------------------- //! Iteration over all nodes \a v of graph \a G. #define forall_nodes(v,G) for((v)=(G).firstNode(); (v); (v)=(v)->succ()) //! Iteration over all nodes \a v of graph \a G in reverse order. #define forall_rev_nodes(v,G) for((v)=(G).lastNode(); (v); (v)=(v)->pred()) //! Iteration over all edges \a e of graph \a G. #define forall_edges(e,G) for((e)=(G).firstEdge(); (e); (e)=(e)->succ()) //! Iteration over all edges \a e of graph \a G in reverse order. #define forall_rev_edges(e,G) for((e)=(G).lastEdge(); (e); (e)=(e)->pred()) //! Iteration over all adjacency list entries \a adj of node \a v. #define forall_adj(adj,v) for((adj)=(v)->firstAdj(); (adj); (adj)=(adj)->succ()) //! Iteration over all adjacency list entries \a adj of node \a v in reverse order. #define forall_rev_adj(adj,v) for((adj)=(v)->lastAdj(); (adj); (adj)=(adj)->pred()) //! Iteration over all adjacent edges \a e of node \a v. #define forall_adj_edges(e,v)\ for(ogdf::adjEntry ogdf_loop_var=(v)->firstAdj();\ ogdf::test_forall_adj_edges(ogdf_loop_var,(e));\ ogdf_loop_var=ogdf_loop_var->succ()) //! Data type for general directed graphs (adjacency list representation). /** *


* Besides the usage of iteration macros defined in Graph_d.h, the following * code is recommended for further iteration tasks. *
  • Iteration over all outgoing edges \a e of node \a v: * \code * forall_adj_edges(e,v) * if(e->source() != v) continue; * \endcode * *
  • Iteration over all ingoing edges \a e of node \a v: * \code * forall_adj_edges(e,v) * if(e->target() != v) continue; * \endcode * *
  • Iteration over all nodes \a x reachable by an outgoing edge \a e * of node \a v (without self-loops): * \code * forall_adj_edges(e,v) * if ((x = e->target()) == v) continue; * \endcode * *
  • Iteration over all nodes \a x reachable by an outgoing edge \a e * of node \a v (with self-loops): * \code * forall_adj_edges(e,v) { * if (e->source() != v) continue; * x = e->target(); * } * \endcode * *
  • Iteration over all nodes \a x reachable by an ingoing edge \a e * of node \a v (without self-loops): * \code * forall_adj_edges(e,v) * if ((x = e->source()) == v) continue; * \endcode * *
  • Iteration over all nodes \a x reachable by an ingoing edge \a e * of node \a v (with self-loops): * \code * forall_adj_edges(e,v) { * if (e->target() != v) continue; * x = e->source(); * } * \endcode *
*/ class OGDF_EXPORT Graph { GraphList m_nodes; //!< The list of all nodes. GraphList m_edges; //!< The list of all edges. int m_nNodes; //!< The number of nodes in the graph. int m_nEdges; //!< The number of edges in the graph. int m_nodeIdCount; //!< The Index that will be assigned to the next created node. int m_edgeIdCount; //!< The Index that will be assigned to the next created edge. int m_nodeArrayTableSize; //!< The current table size of node arrays associated with this graph. int m_edgeArrayTableSize; //!< The current table size of edge arrays associated with this graph. mutable ListPure m_regNodeArrays; //!< The registered node arrays. mutable ListPure m_regEdgeArrays; //!< The registered edge arrays. mutable ListPure m_regAdjArrays; //!< The registered adjEntry arrays. mutable ListPure m_regStructures; //!< The registered graph structures. GraphList m_hiddenEdges; //!< The list of hidden edges. public: // // enumerations // //! The type of edges (only used in derived classes). enum EdgeType { association = 0, generalization = 1, dependency = 2 }; // should be more flexible, standard, dissect, expand //! The type of nodes. enum NodeType { vertex, dummy, generalizationMerger, generalizationExpander, highDegreeExpander, lowDegreeExpander, associationClass }; //! Constructs an empty graph. Graph(); //! Constructs a graph that is a copy of \a G. /** * The constructor assures that the adjacency lists of nodes in the * constructed graph are in the same order as the adjacency lists in \a G. * This is in particular important when dealing with embedded graphs. * * @param G is the graph that will be copied. */ Graph(const Graph &G); //! Destructor. virtual ~Graph(); /** * @name Access methods */ //@{ //! Returns true iff the graph is empty, i.e., contains no nodes. bool empty() const { return m_nNodes == 0; } //! Returns the number of nodes in the graph. int numberOfNodes() const { return m_nNodes; } //! Returns the number of edges in the graph. int numberOfEdges() const { return m_nEdges; } //! Returns the largest used node index. int maxNodeIndex() const { return m_nodeIdCount-1; } //! Returns the largest used edge index. int maxEdgeIndex() const { return m_edgeIdCount-1; } //! Returns the largest used adjEntry index. int maxAdjEntryIndex() const { return (m_edgeIdCount<<1)-1; } //! Returns the table size of node arrays associated with this graph. int nodeArrayTableSize() const { return m_nodeArrayTableSize; } //! Returns the table size of edge arrays associated with this graph. int edgeArrayTableSize() const { return m_edgeArrayTableSize; } //! Returns the table size of adjEntry arrays associated with this graph. int adjEntryArrayTableSize() const { return m_edgeArrayTableSize << 1; } //! Returns the first node in the list of all nodes. node firstNode() const { return m_nodes.begin (); } //! Returns the last node in the list of all nodes. node lastNode () const { return m_nodes.rbegin(); } //! Returns the first edge in the list of all edges. edge firstEdge() const { return m_edges.begin (); } //! Returns the last edge in the list of all edges. edge lastEdge () const { return m_edges.rbegin(); } //! Returns a randomly chosen node. node chooseNode() const; //! Returns a randomly chosen edge. edge chooseEdge() const; //! Returns a list with all nodes of the graph. /** * @tparam NODELIST is the type of node list, which is returned. * @param nodes is assigned the list of all nodes. */ template void allNodes(NODELIST &nodes) const { nodes.clear(); for (node v = m_nodes.begin(); v; v = v->succ()) nodes.pushBack(v); } //! Returns a list with all edges of the graph. /** * @tparam EDGELIST is the type of edge list, which is returned. * @param edges is assigned the list of all edges. */ template void allEdges(EDGELIST &edges) const { edges.clear(); for (edge e = m_edges.begin(); e; e = e->succ()) edges.pushBack(e); } //! Returns a list with all edges adjacent to node \a v. /** * @tparam EDGELIST is the type of edge list, which is returned. * @param v is the node whose incident edges are queried. * @param edges is assigned the list of all edges incident to \a v * (including incoming and outcoming edges). */ template void adjEdges(node v, EDGELIST &edges) const { edges.clear(); edge e; forall_adj_edges(e,v) edges.pushBack(e); } //! Returns a list with all entries in the adjacency list of node \a v. /** * @tparam ADJLIST is the type of adjacency entry list, which is returned. * @param v is the node whose adjacency entries are queried. * @param entries is assigned the list of all adjacency entries in the adjacency list of \a v. */ template void adjEntries(node v, ADJLIST &entries) const { entries.clear(); adjEntry adj; forall_adj(adj,v) entries.pushBack(adj); } //! Returns a list with all incoming edges of node \a v. /** * @tparam EDGELIST is the type of edge list, which is returned. * @param v is the node whose incident edges are queried. * @param edges is assigned the list of all incoming edges incident to \a v. */ template void inEdges(node v, EDGELIST &edges) const { edges.clear(); edge e; forall_adj_edges(e,v) if (e->target() == v) edges.pushBack(e); } //! Returns a list with all outgoing edges of node \a v. /** * @tparam EDGELIST is the type of edge list, which is returned. * @param v is the node whose incident edges are queried. * @param edges is assigned the list of all outgoing edges incident to \a v. */ template void outEdges(node v, EDGELIST &edges) const { edges.clear(); edge e; forall_adj_edges(e,v) if (e->source() == v) edges.pushBack(e); } //@} /** * @name Creation of new nodes and edges */ //@{ //! Creates a new node and returns it. node newNode(); //! Creates a new node with predefined index and returns it. /** * \pre \a index is currently not the index of any other node in the graph. * * \attention Passing a node index that is already in use results in an inconsistent * data structure. Only use this method if you know what you're doing! * * @param index is the index that will be assigned to the newly created node. * @return the newly created node. */ node newNode(int index); //! Creates a new edge (\a v,\a w) and returns it. /** * @param v is the source node of the newly created edge. * @param w is the target node of the newly created edge. * @return the newly created edge. */ edge newEdge(node v, node w); //! Creates a new edge (\a v,\a w) with predefined index and returns it. /** * \pre \a index is currently not the index of any other edge in the graph. * * \attention Passing an edge index that is already in use results in an inconsistent * data structure. Only use this method if you know what you're doing! * * @param v is the source node of the newly created edge. * @param w is the target node of the newly created edge. * @param index is the index that will be assigned to the newly created edge. * @return the newly created edge. */ edge newEdge(node v, node w, int index); //! Creates a new edge at predefined positions in the adjacency lists. /** * Let \a v be the node whose adjacency list contains \a adjSrc, * and \a w the node whose adjacency list contains \a adjTgt. Then, * the created edge is (\a v,\a w). * * @param adjSrc is the adjacency entry after which the new edge is inserted * in the adjacency list of \a v. * @param adjTgt is the adjacency entry after which the new edge is inserted * in the adjacency list of \a w. * @param dir specifies if the edge is inserted before or after the given * adjacency entries. * @return the newly created edge. */ edge newEdge(adjEntry adjSrc, adjEntry adjTgt, Direction dir = ogdf::after); //! Creates a new edge at predefined positions in the adjacency lists. /** * Let \a w be the node whose adjacency list contains \a adjTgt. Then, * the created edge is (\a v,\a w). * * @param v is the source node of the new edge; the edge is added at the end * of the adjacency list of \a v. * @param adjTgt is the adjacency entry after which the new edge is inserted * in the adjacency list of \a w. * @return the newly created edge. */ edge newEdge(node v, adjEntry adjTgt); //! Creates a new edge at predefined positions in the adjacency lists. /** * Let \a v be the node whose adjacency list contains \a adjSrc. Then, * the created edge is (\a v,\a w). * * @param adjSrc is the adjacency entry after which the new edge is inserted * in the adjacency list of \a v. * @param w is the source node of the new edge; the edge is added at the end * of the adjacency list of \a w. * @return the newly created edge. */ edge newEdge(adjEntry adjSrc, node w); //@} /** * @name Removing nodes and edges */ //@{ //! Removes node \a v and all incident edges from the graph. /** * @param v is the node that will be deleted. */ void delNode(node v); //! Removes edge \a e from the graph. /** * @param e is the egde that will be deleted. */ void delEdge(edge e); //! Removes all nodes and all edges from the graph. void clear(); //@} /** * @name Hiding edges * These methods are used for temporarily hiding edges. Edges are removed from the * list of all edges and their corresponding adfjacency entries from the repsective * adjacency lists, but the edge objects themselves are not destroyed; hiddenedges * can later be reactivated with restoreEdge(). */ //@{ //! Hides the edge \a e. /** * The edge \a e is removed from the list of all edges and adjacency lists of nodes, but * not deleted; \a e can be restored by calling restoreEdge(e). * * \attention If an edge is hidden, its source and target node may not be deleted! * * @param e is the edge that will be hidden. */ void hideEdge(edge e); //! Restores a hidden edge \a e. /** * \pre \a e is currently hidden and its source and target have not been removed! * * @param e is the hidden edge that will be restored. */ void restoreEdge(edge e); //! Restores all hidden edges. void restoreAllEdges(); /** * @name Advanced modification methods */ //@{ //! Splits edge \a e into two edges introducing a new node. /** * Let \a e=(\a v,\a w). Then, the resulting two edges are \a e=(\a v,\a u) * and \a e'=(\a u,\a w), where \a u is a new node. * * \note The edge \a e is modified by this operation. * * @param e is the edge to be split. * @return The edge \a e'. */ virtual edge split(edge e); //! Undoes a split operation. /** * Removes node \a u by joining the two edges adjacent to \a u. The * outgoing edge of \a u is removed and the incoming edge \a e is reused * * \pre \a u has exactly one incoming and one outgoing edge, and * none of them is a self-loop. * * @param u is the node to be unsplit. * @return The edge \a e. */ void unsplit(node u); //! Undoes a split operation. /** * For two edges \a eIn = (\a x,\a u) and \a eOut = (\a u,\a y), removes * node \a u by joining \a eIn and \a eOut. Edge \a eOut is removed and * \a eIn is reused. * * \pre \a eIn and \a eOut are the only edges incident with \a u and * none of them is a self-loop. * * @param eIn is the (only) incoming edge of \a u. * @param eOut is the (only) outgoing edge of \a u. */ virtual void unsplit(edge eIn, edge eOut); //! Splits a node while preserving the order of adjacency entries. /** * This method splits a node \a v into two nodes \a vl and \a vr. Node * \a vl receives all adjacent edges of \a v from \a adjStartLeft until * the edge preceding \a adjStartRight, and \a vr the remaining nodes * (thus \a adjStartRight is the first edge that goes to \a vr). The * order of adjacency entries is preserved. Additionally, a new edge * (\a vl,\a vr) is created, such that this edge is inserted before * \a adjStartLeft and \a adjStartRight in the the adjacency lists of * \a vl and \a vr. * * Node \a v is modified to become node \a vl, and node \a vr is returned. * This method is useful when modifying combinatorial embeddings. * * @param adjStartLeft is the first entry that goes to the left node. * @param adjStartRight is the first entry that goes to the right node. * @return the newly created node. */ node splitNode(adjEntry adjStartLeft, adjEntry adjStartRight); //! Contracts edge \a e while preserving the order of adjacency entries. /** * @param e is the edge to be contracted. * @return the endpoint of \a e to which all edges have been moved. */ node contract(edge e); //! Moves edge \a e to a different adjacency list. /** * The source adjacency entry of \a e is moved to the adjacency list containing * \a adjSrc and is inserted before or after \a adjSrc, and its target adjacency entry * to the adjacency list containing \a adjTgt and is inserted before or after * \a adjTgt; e is afterwards an edge from owner(\a adjSrc) to owner(\a adjTgt). * * @param e is the edge to be moved. * @param adjSrc is the adjaceny entry before or after which the source adjacency entry * of \a e will be inserted. * @param dirSrc specifies if the source adjacency entry of \a e will be inserted before or after \a adjSrc. * @param adjTgt is the adjaceny entry before or after which the target adjacency entry * of \a e will be inserted. * @param dirTgt specifies if the target adjacency entry of \a e will be inserted before or after \a adjTgt. */ void move(edge e, adjEntry adjSrc, Direction dirSrc, adjEntry adjTgt, Direction dirTgt); //! Moves the target node of edge \a e to node \a w. /** * If \a e=(\a v,\a u) before, then \a e=(\a v,\a w) afterwards. * * @param e is the edge whose target node is moved. * @param w is the new target node of \a e. */ void moveTarget(edge e, node w); //! Moves the target node of edge \a e to a specific position in an adjacency list. /** * Let \a w be the node containing \a adjTgt. If \a e=(\a v,\a u) before, then \a e=(\a v,\a w) afterwards. * Inserts the adjacency entry before or after \a adjTgt according to \a dir. * * @param e is the edge whose target node is moved. * @param adjTgt is the adjacency entry before or after which the target adjacency entry of \a e is inserted. * @param dir specifies if the target adjacency entry of \a e is inserted before or after \a adjTgt. */ void moveTarget(edge e, adjEntry adjTgt, Direction dir); //! Moves the source node of edge \a e to node \a w. /** * If \a e=(\a v,\a u) before, then \a e=(\a w,\a u) afterwards. * * @param e is the edge whose source node is moved. * @param w is the new source node of \a e. */ void moveSource(edge e, node w); //! Moves the source node of edge \a e to a specific position in an adjacency list. /** * Let \a w be the node containing \a adjSrc. If \a e=(\a v,\a u) before, then \a e=(\a w,\a u) afterwards. * Inserts the adjacency entry before or after \a adjSrc according to \a dir. * * @param e is the edge whose source node is moved. * @param adjSrc is the adjacency entry before or after which the source adjacency entry of \a e is inserted. * @param dir specifies if the source adjacency entry of \a e is inserted before or after \a adjSrc. */ void moveSource(edge e, adjEntry adjSrc, Direction dir); //! Searches and returns an edge connecting nodes \a v and \a w. /** * @param v is the source node of the edge to be searched. * @param w is the target node of the edge to be searched. * @return an edge (\ v,\a w) if such an edge exists, 0 otherwise. */ edge searchEdge (node v, node w) const; //! Reverses the edge \a e, i.e., exchanges source and target node. /** * @param e is the edge to be reveresed. */ void reverseEdge(edge e); //! Reverses all edges in the graph. void reverseAllEdges(); //! Collapses all nodes in the list \a nodes to the first node in the list. /** * Parallel edges are removed. * * @tparam NODELIST is the type of input node list. * @param nodes is the list of nodes that will be collapsed. This list will be empty after the call. */ template void collaps(NODELIST &nodes){ node v = nodes.popFrontRet(); while (!nodes.empty()) { node w = nodes.popFrontRet(); adjEntry adj = w->firstAdj(); while (adj !=0) { adjEntry succ = adj->succ(); edge e = adj->theEdge(); if (e->source() == v || e->target() == v) delEdge(e); else if (e->source() == w) moveSource(e,v); else moveTarget(e,v); adj = succ; } delNode(w); } } //! Sorts the adjacency list of node \a v according to \a newOrder. /** * \pre \a newOrder contains exactly the adjacency entries of \a v! * * @tparam ADJ_ENTRY_LIST is the type of the input adjacency entry list. * @param v is the node whose adjacency list will be sorted. * @param newOrder is the list of adjacency entries of \a v in the new order. */ template void sort(node v, const ADJ_ENTRY_LIST &newOrder) { #ifdef OGDF_DEBUG typename ADJ_ENTRY_LIST::const_iterator it; for(it = newOrder.begin(); it.valid() ; ++it) { OGDF_ASSERT((*it)->theNode() == v); } #endif v->m_adjEdges.sort(newOrder); } //! Reverses the adjacency list of \a v. /** * @param v is the node whose adjacency list will be reveresed. */ void reverseAdjEdges(node v) { v->m_adjEdges.reverse(); } //! Moves adjacency entry \a adjMove before or after \a adjPos. /** * \pre \a adjMove and adjAfter are distinct entries in the same adjacency list. * * @param adjMove is an entry in the adjacency list of a node in this graph. * @param adjPos is an entry in the same adjacency list as \a adjMove. * @param dir specifies if \a adjMove is moved before or after \a adjPos. */ void moveAdj(adjEntry adjMove, Direction dir, adjEntry adjPos) { OGDF_ASSERT(adjMove->graphOf() == this && adjPos->graphOf() == this); OGDF_ASSERT(adjMove != 0 && adjPos != 0); GraphList &adjList = adjMove->m_node->m_adjEdges; adjList.move(adjMove, adjList, adjPos, dir); } //! Moves adjacency entry \a adjMove after \a adjAfter. /** * \pre \a adjMove and \a adjAfter are distinct entries in the same adjacency list. * * @param adjMove is an entry in the adjacency list of a node in this graph. * @param adjAfter is an entry in the same adjacency list as \a adjMove. */ void moveAdjAfter(adjEntry adjMove, adjEntry adjAfter) { OGDF_ASSERT(adjMove->graphOf() == this && adjAfter->graphOf() == this); OGDF_ASSERT(adjMove != 0 && adjAfter != 0); adjMove->m_node->m_adjEdges.moveAfter(adjMove,adjAfter); } //! Moves adjacency entry \a adjMove before \a adjBefore. /** * \pre \a adjMove and \a adjBefore are distinct entries in the same adjacency list. * * @param adjMove is an entry in the adjacency list of a node in this graph. * @param adjBefore is an entry in the same adjacency list as \a adjMove. */ void moveAdjBefore(adjEntry adjMove, adjEntry adjBefore) { OGDF_ASSERT(adjMove->graphOf() == this && adjBefore->graphOf() == this); OGDF_ASSERT(adjMove != 0 && adjBefore != 0); adjMove->m_node->m_adjEdges.moveBefore(adjMove,adjBefore); } //! Reverses all adjacency lists. void reverseAdjEdges(); //! Exchanges two entries in an adjacency list. /** * \pre \a adj1 and \a adj2 must be belong to the same adjacency list. * * @param adj1 the first adjacency entry to be swapped. * @param adj2 the secomd adjacency entry to be swapped. */ void swapAdjEdges(adjEntry adj1, adjEntry adj2) { OGDF_ASSERT(adj1->theNode() == adj2->theNode()); OGDF_ASSERT(adj1->graphOf() == this); adj1->theNode()->m_adjEdges.swap(adj1,adj2); } //@} /** * @name Input and output */ //@{ //! Reads a graph in GML format from file \a fileName. /** * @param fileName is the name of the input file. * @return true if successful, false otherwise. */ bool readGML(const char *fileName); //! Reads a graph in GML format from input stream \a is. /** * @param is is the input file stream. * @return true if successful, false otherwise. */ bool readGML(istream &is); //! Writes the graph in GML format to file \a fileName. /** * @param fileName is the name of the output file. */ void writeGML(const char *fileName) const; //! Writes the graph in GML format to output stream \a os. /** * @param os is the output file stream. * @return true if successful, false otherwise. */ void writeGML(ostream &os) const; //! Reads a graph in LEDA format from file \a fileName. /** * @param fileName is the name of the input file. * @return true if successful, false otherwise. */ bool readLEDAGraph(const char *fileName); //! Read a graph in LEDA format from input stream \a is. /** * @param is is the input file stream. * @return true if successful, false otherwise. */ bool readLEDAGraph(istream &is); //@} /** * @name Miscellaneous */ //@{ //! Returns the genus of the graph's embedding. /** * The genus of a graph is defined as follows. Let \f$G\f$ be a graph * with \f$m\f$ edges, \f$n\f$ nodes, \f$c\f$ connected components, \f$nz\f$ * isolated vertices, and \f$fc\f$ face cycles. Then, * \f[ * genus(G) = (m/2 + 2c - n -nz -fc)/2 * \f] * * @return the genus of the graph's current embedding; if this is 0, then the graph is planarly embedded. */ int genus() const; //! Returns true iff the graph represents a combinatorial embedding. /** * @return true if the current embedding (given by the adjacency lists) represents a combinatorial embedding, false otherwise. */ bool representsCombEmbedding() const { return (genus() == 0); } //! Checks the consistency of the data structure. /** * \remark This method is meant for debugging purposes only. * * @return true if everything is ok, false if the data structure is inconsistent. */ bool consistencyCheck() const; //@} /** * @name Registering arrays and observers * These methods are used by various graph array types like NodeArray or EdgeArray. * There should be no need to use them directly in user code. */ //@{ //! Registers a node array. /** * \remark This method is automatically called by node arrays; it should not be called manually. * * @param pNodeArray is a pointer to the node array's base; this node array must be associated with this graph. * @return an iterator pointing to the entry for the registered node array in the list of registered node arrays. * This iterator is required for unregistering the node array again. */ ListIterator registerArray(NodeArrayBase *pNodeArray) const; //! Registers an edge array. /** * \remark This method is automatically called by edge arrays; it should not be called manually. * * @param pEdgeArray is a pointer to the edge array's base; this edge array must be associated with this graph. * @return an iterator pointing to the entry for the registered edge array in the list of registered edge arrays. * This iterator is required for unregistering the edge array again. */ ListIterator registerArray(EdgeArrayBase *pEdgeArray) const; //! Registers an adjEntry array. /** * \remark This method is automatically called by adjacency entry arrays; it should not be called manually. * * @param pAdjArray is a pointer to the adjacency entry array's base; this adjacency entry array must be * associated with this graph. * @return an iterator pointing to the entry for the registered adjacency entry array in the list of registered * adjacency entry arrays. This iterator is required for unregistering the adjacency entry array again. */ ListIterator registerArray(AdjEntryArrayBase *pAdjArray) const; //! Registers a graph observer (e.g. a ClusterGraph). /** * @param pStructure is a pointer to the graph observer that shall be registered; this graph observer must be * associated with this graph. * @return an iterator pointing to the entry for the registered graph observer in the list of registered * graph observers. This iterator is required for unregistering the graph observer again. */ ListIterator registerStructure(GraphObserver *pStructure) const; //! Unregisters a node array. /** * @param it is an iterator pointing to the entry in the list of registered node arrays for the node array to * be unregistered. */ void unregisterArray(ListIterator it) const; //! Unregisters an edge array. /** * @param it is an iterator pointing to the entry in the list of registered edge arrays for the edge array to * be unregistered. */ void unregisterArray(ListIterator it) const; //! unregisters an adjEntry array. /** * @param it is an iterator pointing to the entry in the list of registered adjacency entry arrays for the * adjacency entry array to be unregistered. */ void unregisterArray(ListIterator it) const; //! Unregisters a graph observer. /** * @param it is an iterator pointing to the entry in the list of registered graph observers for the graph * observer to be unregistered. */ void unregisterStructure(ListIterator it) const; //! Resets the edge id count to \a maxId. /** * The next edge will get edge id \a maxId+1. Use this function with caution! * It is provided as an efficient way to reduce the edge id count. The Graph class * increments the edge id count whenever an edge is created; free edge ids resulting * from removing edges are not reused (there is not something like a freelist). * * This function is , e.g., useful, when a lot of edges has been added and * all these edges are removed again (without creating other new edges * meanwile). Then, it is safe to reduce the edge id count to the value it had * before, cf. the following code snippet: * \code * int oldIdCount = G.maxEdgeIndex(); * Create some edges * ... * Remove all these edges again * G.resetEdgeIdCount(oldIdCount); * \endcode * * Reducing the edge id count will reduce the memory consumption of edge arrays * associated with the graph. * * \pre -1 \f$\leq\f$ \a maxId \f$\leq\f$ maximal edge id in the graph. * * @param maxId is an upper bound of the edge ids in the graph. */ void resetEdgeIdCount(int maxId); //@} /** * @name Operators */ //@{ //! Assignment operator. /** * The assignment operature assures that the adjacency lists of nodes in the * constructed graph are in the same order as the adjacency lists in \a G. * This is in particular important when dealing with embedded graphs. * * @param G is the graph to be copied. * @return this graph. */ Graph &operator=(const Graph &G); OGDF_MALLOC_NEW_DELETE //@} public: //! Returns the smallest power of 2 which is >= 2^\a start and > \a idCount. static int nextPower2(int start, int idCount); protected: void construct(const Graph &G, NodeArray &mapNode, EdgeArray &mapEdge); void assign(const Graph &G, NodeArray &mapNode, EdgeArray &mapEdge); //! Constructs a copy of the subgraph of \a G induced by \a nodes. /** * This method preserves the order in the adjacency lists, i.e., if * \a G is embedded, its embedding induces the embedding of the copy. */ void constructInitByNodes( const Graph &G, const List &nodes, NodeArray &mapNode, EdgeArray &mapEdge); void constructInitByActiveNodes( const List &nodes, const NodeArray &activeNodes, NodeArray &mapNode, EdgeArray &mapEdge); private: void copy(const Graph &G, NodeArray &mapNode, EdgeArray &mapEdge); void copy(const Graph &G); edge createEdgeElement(node v, node w, adjEntry adjSrc, adjEntry adjTgt); node pureNewNode(); // moves adjacency entry to node w void moveAdj(adjEntry adj, node w); void reinitArrays(); void reinitStructures(); void resetAdjEntryIndex(int newIndex, int oldIndex); bool readToEndOfLine(istream &is); }; // class Graph //! Bucket function using the index of an edge's source node as bucket. class OGDF_EXPORT BucketSourceIndex : public BucketFunc { public: //! Returns source index of \a e. int getBucket(const edge &e) { return e->source()->index(); } }; //! Bucket function using the index of an edge's target node as bucket. class OGDF_EXPORT BucketTargetIndex : public BucketFunc { public: //! Returns target index of \a e. int getBucket(const edge &e) { return e->target()->index(); } }; } //namespace #endif