/* * $Revision: 2584 $ * * last checkin: * $Author: gutwenger $ * $Date: 2012-07-12 02:38:07 +0200 (Do, 12. Jul 2012) $ ***************************************************************/ /** \file * \brief Declaration and implementation of ClusterArray class. * * \author Sebastian Leipert * * \par License: * This file is part of the Open Graph Drawing Framework (OGDF). * * \par * Copyright (C)
* See README.txt in the root directory of the OGDF installation for details. * * \par * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * Version 2 or 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation; * see the file LICENSE.txt included in the packaging of this file * for details. * * \par * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * \par * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * \see http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html ***************************************************************/ #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma once #endif #ifndef OGDF_CLUSTER_ARRAY_H #define OGDF_CLUSTER_ARRAY_H #include "../basic/Array.h" #include "ClusterGraph.h" namespace ogdf { //--------------------------------------------------------- // ClusterArrayBase // base class for ClusterArray, defines interface for event handling // used by Graph //--------------------------------------------------------- //! Abstract base class for cluster arrays. /** * Defines the interface for event handling used by the ClusterGraph class. * Use the paramiterized class ClusterArray for creating edge arrays. */ class ClusterArrayBase { /** * Pointer to list element in the list of all registered cluster * arrays which references this array. */ ListIterator m_it; public: const ClusterGraph *m_pClusterGraph; //!< The associated cluster graph. //! Initializes a cluster array not associated with a cluster graph. ClusterArrayBase() : m_pClusterGraph(0) { } //! Initializes a cluster array associated with \a pC. ClusterArrayBase(const ClusterGraph *pC) : m_pClusterGraph(pC) { if(pC) m_it = pC->registerArray(this); } // destructor, unregisters the array virtual ~ClusterArrayBase() { if (m_pClusterGraph) m_pClusterGraph->unregisterArray(m_it); } // event interface used by Graph //! Virtual function called when table size has to be enlarged. virtual void enlargeTable(int newTableSize) = 0; //! Virtual function called when table has to be reinitialized. virtual void reinit(int initTableSize) = 0; //! Virtual function called when array is disconnected from the cluster graph. virtual void disconnect() = 0; //! Associates the array with a new cluster graph. void reregister(const ClusterGraph *pC) { if (m_pClusterGraph) m_pClusterGraph->unregisterArray(m_it); if ((m_pClusterGraph = pC) != 0) m_it = pC->registerArray(this); } }; // class ClusterArrayBase //! Dynamic arrays indexed with clusters. /** * Cluster arrays adjust their table size automatically * when the cluster graph grows. */ template class ClusterArray : private Array, protected ClusterArrayBase { T m_x; //!< The default value for array elements. public: //! Constructs an empty cluster array associated with no graph. ClusterArray() : Array(), ClusterArrayBase() { } //! Constructs a cluster array associated with \a C. ClusterArray(const ClusterGraph &C) : Array(C.clusterArrayTableSize()), ClusterArrayBase(&C) { } //! Constructs a cluster array associated with \a C. /** * @param C is the associated cluster graph. * @param x is the default value for all array elements. */ ClusterArray(const ClusterGraph &C, const T &x) : Array(0,C.clusterArrayTableSize()-1,x), ClusterArrayBase(&C), m_x(x) { } //! Constructs a cluster array associated with \a C and a given //! size (for static use). /** * @param C is the associated cluster graph. * @param x is the default value for all array elements. * @param size is the size of the array. */ ClusterArray(const ClusterGraph &C, const T &x, int size) : Array(0,size-1,x), ClusterArrayBase(&C), m_x(x) { } //! Constructs a cluster array that is a copy of \a A. /** * Associates the array with the same cluster graph as \a A and copies all elements. */ ClusterArray(const ClusterArray &A) : Array(A), ClusterArrayBase(A.m_pClusterGraph), m_x(A.m_x) { } //! Returns true iff the array is associated with a graph. bool valid() const { return (Array::low() <= Array::high()); } //! Returns a pointer to the associated cluster graph. const ClusterGraph *graphOf() const { return m_pClusterGraph; } //! Returns a reference to the element with index \a c. const T &operator[](cluster c) const { OGDF_ASSERT(c != 0 && c->graphOf() == m_pClusterGraph) return Array::operator [](c->index()); } //! Returns a reference to the element with index \a c. T &operator[](cluster c) { OGDF_ASSERT(c != 0 && c->graphOf() == m_pClusterGraph) return Array::operator [](c->index()); } //! Returns a reference to the element with index \a index. /** * \attention Make sure that \a index is a valid index for a cluster * in the associated cluster graph! */ const T &operator[](int index) const { return Array::operator [](index); } //! Returns a reference to the element with index \a index. /** * \attention Make sure that \a index is a valid index for a cluster * in the associated cluster graph! */ T &operator[](int index) { return Array::operator [](index); } //! Assignment operator. ClusterArray &operator=(const ClusterArray &a) { Array::operator =(a); m_x = a.m_x; reregister(a.m_pClusterGraph); return *this; } //! Reinitializes the array. Associates the array with no cluster graph. void init() { Array::init(); reregister(0); } //! Reinitializes the array. Associates the array with \a C. void init(const ClusterGraph &C) { Array::init( C.clusterArrayTableSize() ); reregister(&C); } //! Reinitializes the array. Associates the array with \a C. /** * @param C is the associated cluster graph. * @param x is the default value. */ void init(const ClusterGraph &C, const T &x) { Array::init(0,C.clusterArrayTableSize()-1, m_x = x); reregister(&C); } //! Sets all array elements to \a x. void fill(const T &x) { int high = m_pClusterGraph->maxClusterIndex(); if(high >= 0) Array::fill(0,high,x); } private: virtual void enlargeTable(int newTableSize) { Array::grow(newTableSize-Array::size(),m_x); } virtual void reinit(int initTableSize) { Array::init(0,initTableSize-1,m_x); } virtual void disconnect() { Array::init(); m_pClusterGraph = 0; } OGDF_NEW_DELETE }; // class ClusterArray } // end namespace ogdf #endif