package PAR::SetupProgname; $PAR::SetupProgname::VERSION = '1.002'; use 5.006; use strict; use warnings; use Config (); =head1 NAME PAR::SetupProgname - Setup $ENV{PAR_PROGNAME} =head1 SYNOPSIS PAR guts, beware. Check L =head1 DESCRIPTION Routines to setup the C environment variable. Read the C manual. The C subroutine sets up the C environment variable =cut # for PAR internal use only! our $Progname = $ENV{PAR_PROGNAME} || $0; # same code lives in PAR::Packer's! sub set_progname { require File::Spec; if (defined $ENV{PAR_PROGNAME} and $ENV{PAR_PROGNAME} =~ /(.+)/) { $Progname = $1; } $Progname = $0 if not defined $Progname; if (( () = File::Spec->splitdir($Progname) ) > 1 or !$ENV{PAR_PROGNAME}) { if (open my $fh, $Progname) { return if -s $fh; } if (-s "$Progname$Config::Config{_exe}") { $Progname .= $Config::Config{_exe}; return; } } foreach my $dir (split /\Q$Config::Config{path_sep}\E/, $ENV{PATH}) { next if exists $ENV{PAR_TEMP} and $dir eq $ENV{PAR_TEMP}; my $name = File::Spec->catfile($dir, "$Progname$Config::Config{_exe}"); if (-s $name) { $Progname = $name; last } $name = File::Spec->catfile($dir, "$Progname"); if (-s $name) { $Progname = $name; last } } } 1; __END__ =head1 SEE ALSO The PAR homepage at L. L, L =head1 AUTHORS Audrey Tang Ecpan@audreyt.orgE, Steffen Mueller Esmueller@cpan.orgE L is the official PAR website. You can write to the mailing list at Epar@perl.orgE, or send an empty mail to Epar-subscribe@perl.orgE to participate in the discussion. Please submit bug reports to Ebug-par@rt.cpan.orgE. If you need support, however, joining the Epar@perl.orgE mailing list is preferred. =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 2002-2010 by Audrey Tang Ecpan@audreyt.orgE. Copyright 2006-2010 by Steffen Mueller Esmueller@cpan.orgE. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See L =cut