#include "ErrorCorrection.h" #include //#define DEBUG #define MAX_TRIAL 1025 extern char nucToNum[26] ; extern char numToNuc[26] ; extern int MAX_FIX_PER_100 ; extern int MAX_FIX_PER_K ; extern double ERROR_RATE ; extern bool VERBOSE ; extern char badQualityThreshold ; // Collect the information for fixing starting from a specific position struct _fix { int fix[MAX_READ_LENGTH] ; int bottleNeck ; int fixCnt ; } ; struct _segmentInfo { int fixCnt ; int bestFixCnt ; int top2FixBottleNeck[2] ; int lanchor, ranchor ; int from, to ; } ; int CompInt( const void *p1, const void *p2 ) { return *(int *)p1 - *(int *)p2 ; } void PrintKmer( KmerCode &kcode ) { int kl = kcode.GetKmerLength() ; int i ; for ( i = kl - 1 ; i >= 0 ; --i ) { printf( "%c", numToNuc[ ( kcode.GetCode() ) >> (uint64_t)( i * 2 ) & 3ull ] ) ; } printf( "\n" ) ; } bool IsPolyA( char *buffer, int length, int threshold = 2 ) { int i ; int cnt = 0 ; for ( i = 0 ; i < length ; ++i ) if ( buffer[i] == 'A' ) ++cnt ; if ( cnt >= length - threshold ) return true ; cnt = 0 ; for ( i = 0 ; i < length ; ++i ) if ( buffer[i] == 'T' ) ++cnt ; if ( cnt >= length - threshold ) return true ; return false ; } void *ErrorCorrection_Thread( void *arg ) { int i, ind ; int correction ;//, badPrefix, badSuffix ; struct _ErrorCorrectionThreadArg *myArg = ( struct _ErrorCorrectionThreadArg *)arg ; KmerCode kcode( myArg->kmerLength ) ; int increment = 1 ; if ( myArg->interleaved ) { increment = 2 ; } while ( 1 ) { pthread_mutex_lock( myArg->lock ) ; ind = myArg->batchUsed ; myArg->batchUsed += increment ; pthread_mutex_unlock( myArg->lock ) ; //printf( "%d %d\n", ind, myArg->batchSize ) ; if ( ind >= myArg->batchSize ) break ; //correction = ErrorCorrection_Wrapper( myArg->readBatch[ind].seq, kmerCode, myArg->kmers, // badPrefix, badSuffix ) ; int t = -1, t1 = -1, t2 = -1 ; if ( myArg->readBatch2 != NULL || myArg->interleaved ) { t1 = GetStrongTrustedThreshold( myArg->readBatch[ind].seq, myArg->readBatch[ind].qual, kcode, *myArg->kmers ) ; if ( myArg->readBatch2 != NULL ) t2 = GetStrongTrustedThreshold( myArg->readBatch2[ind].seq, myArg->readBatch2[ind].qual, kcode, *myArg->kmers ) ; else if ( myArg->interleaved ) t2 = GetStrongTrustedThreshold( myArg->readBatch[ind + 1].seq, myArg->readBatch[ind + 1].qual, kcode, *myArg->kmers ) ; t = ( t1 < t2 ) ? t1 : t2 ; } correction = ErrorCorrection( myArg->readBatch[ind].id, myArg->readBatch[ind].seq, myArg->readBatch[ind].qual, t, kcode, *myArg->kmers ) ; myArg->readBatch[ind].correction = correction ; myArg->readBatch[ind].badPrefix = 0 ; myArg->readBatch[ind].badSuffix = 0 ; GetKmerInformation( myArg->readBatch[ind].seq, myArg->kmerLength, *myArg->kmers, myArg->readBatch[ind].l, myArg->readBatch[ind].m, myArg->readBatch[ind].h ) ; if ( myArg->readBatch2 != NULL ) { correction = ErrorCorrection( myArg->readBatch2[ind].id, myArg->readBatch2[ind].seq, myArg->readBatch2[ind].qual, t, kcode, *myArg->kmers ) ; myArg->readBatch2[ind].correction = correction ; myArg->readBatch2[ind].badPrefix = 0 ; myArg->readBatch2[ind].badSuffix = 0 ; GetKmerInformation( myArg->readBatch2[ind].seq, myArg->kmerLength, *myArg->kmers, myArg->readBatch2[ind].l, myArg->readBatch2[ind].m, myArg->readBatch2[ind].h ) ; } if ( myArg->interleaved ) { correction = ErrorCorrection( myArg->readBatch[ind + 1].id, myArg->readBatch[ind + 1].seq, myArg->readBatch[ind + 1].qual, t, kcode, *myArg->kmers ) ; myArg->readBatch[ind + 1].correction = correction ; myArg->readBatch[ind + 1].badPrefix = 0 ; myArg->readBatch[ind + 1].badSuffix = 0 ; GetKmerInformation( myArg->readBatch[ind + 1].seq, myArg->kmerLength, *myArg->kmers, myArg->readBatch[ind + 1].l, myArg->readBatch[ind + 1].m, myArg->readBatch[ind + 1].h ) ; } } pthread_exit( NULL ) ; } inline double GetBound( int c ) { return c * ERROR_RATE + 6.0 * sqrt( c * ERROR_RATE ) + 1 ; } int InferPosThreshold( KmerCode &kcode, Store &kmers, int direction, int upperBound ) // -1:left, 1:right { int i ; int ret ; KmerCode tmpKcode = kcode ; int maxCnt = 0 ; int tmp ; for ( i = 0 ; i < 4 ; ++i ) { tmpKcode = kcode ; if ( direction == -1 ) tmpKcode.Prepend( numToNuc[i] ) ; else tmpKcode.Append( numToNuc[i] ) ; tmp = kmers.GetCount( tmpKcode ) ; if ( tmp > maxCnt ) maxCnt = tmp ; } ret = GetBound( maxCnt ) ; if ( ret < 1 ) ret = 1 ; //return ret ; //tmp = GetBound( upperBound ) ; if ( upperBound > ret || upperBound <= 0 ) return ret ; else return upperBound ; } bool TestExtend( int t, KmerCode kcode, int depth, int direction, Store &kmers ) { int i ; KmerCode tmpKcode( kcode ) ; if ( depth <= 0 ) return true ; for ( i = 0 ; i < 4 ; ++i ) { tmpKcode = kcode ; if ( direction == 1 ) tmpKcode.Append( numToNuc[i] ) ; else tmpKcode.Prepend( numToNuc[i] ) ; #ifdef DEBUG printf( "%s %d %d: %d\n", __func__, i, depth, kmers.GetCount( tmpKcode ) ) ; #endif if ( kmers.GetCount( tmpKcode ) < t ) continue ; if ( TestExtend( t, tmpKcode, depth - 1 , direction, kmers ) ) return true ; } return false ; } // Return how many possible candidates void SearchPaths_Right( int start, int to, int pos, int t, bool isPaired, char *seq, int fixCnt, int *fix, int fixBottleNeck, int &maxFixCnt, int *bestFix, int &bestFixCnt, int &bestFixBottleNeck, int top2FixBottleNeck[], bool isStrongTrusted[], bool isPolyAKmer[], KmerCode &kcode, Store &kmers, int &trialCnt ) { int i, cnt, tmpBottleNeck ; int extension = 0 ; int kmerLength = kcode.GetKmerLength() ; int threshold ; // Give up fixing this read if ( trialCnt > MAX_TRIAL ) { if ( maxFixCnt > 2 ) { --maxFixCnt ; bestFixCnt = 0 ; // Remove the result before bestFixBottleNeck = -1 ; trialCnt = 0 ; } else return ; } if ( fixCnt > maxFixCnt ) return ; //if ( !isPaired && fixCnt == maxFixCnt && fixBottleNeck < bestFixBottleNeck ) // return ; if ( pos >= to ) { if ( seq[pos] == '\0' ) { /*int teThreshold = ( t < fixBottleNeck ? t : fixBottleNeck ) ; int tmp = teThreshold ; teThreshold = teThreshold - 2 * sqrt( teThreshold ) ; if ( teThreshold < tmp / 2 ) teThreshold = tmp / 2 ; if ( teThreshold < 1 ) teThreshold = 1 ;*/ //if ( !TestExtend( 1, kcode, 1, 1, kmers ) ) // return ; } if ( fixBottleNeck < t ) ++fixCnt ; if ( fixCnt < maxFixCnt ) { top2FixBottleNeck[0] = fixBottleNeck ; top2FixBottleNeck[1] = -1 ; } else if ( fixCnt == maxFixCnt ) { if ( fixBottleNeck > top2FixBottleNeck[0] ) { top2FixBottleNeck[1] = top2FixBottleNeck[0] ; top2FixBottleNeck[0] = fixBottleNeck ; } else if ( fixBottleNeck > top2FixBottleNeck[1] ) { top2FixBottleNeck[1] = fixBottleNeck ; } } //printf( "%d %d %d %d\n", fixCnt, fixBottleNeck, maxFixCnt, bestFixBottleNeck ) ; if ( fixCnt < maxFixCnt || /*( !isPaired && fixCnt == maxFixCnt && (double)rand() / RAND_MAX <= (double)fixBottleNeck / ( fixBottleNeck + bestFixBottleNeck ) ) || ( isPaired &&*/( fixCnt == maxFixCnt && fixBottleNeck > bestFixBottleNeck ) ) { if ( fixCnt < maxFixCnt ) trialCnt = -( maxFixCnt - fixCnt + 1 ) * MAX_TRIAL ; for ( i = start ; i < pos ; ++i ) bestFix[i] = fix[i] ; maxFixCnt = fixCnt ; //if ( fixCnt == maxFixCnt ) // bestFixBottleNeck = 0 ; bestFixBottleNeck = fixBottleNeck ; bestFixCnt = 1 ; } else if ( fixCnt == maxFixCnt && fixBottleNeck == bestFixBottleNeck ) { bestFixCnt += 1 ; } return ; } threshold = InferPosThreshold( kcode, kmers, 1, t ) ; KmerCode tmpKcode = kcode ; /*for ( i = 0 ; seq[i] ; ++i ) printf( "%d ", fix[i] ) ; printf( "\n" ) ;*/ if ( nucToNum[ seq[pos] - 'A' ] != -1 ) { tmpKcode.Append( seq[pos] ) ; cnt = kmers.GetCount( tmpKcode ) ; #ifdef DEBUG printf( "right: %d %d %c=>%c (%d, %d)\n", fixCnt, pos, seq[pos], seq[pos], cnt, bestFixBottleNeck ) ; //PrintKmer( tmpKcode ) ; #endif if ( cnt >= threshold ) { fix[pos] = -1 ; tmpBottleNeck = fixBottleNeck ; if ( cnt < tmpBottleNeck ) tmpBottleNeck = cnt ; ++extension ; SearchPaths_Right( start, to, pos + 1, t, isPaired, seq, fixCnt, fix, tmpBottleNeck, maxFixCnt, bestFix, bestFixCnt, bestFixBottleNeck, top2FixBottleNeck, isStrongTrusted, isPolyAKmer, tmpKcode, kmers, trialCnt ) ; } else if ( threshold == 1 && t <= 2 ) { // See if it is accidentally below the threshold, by jumping int j, k = 0 ; for ( i = pos ; cnt < threshold && k < kmerLength ; ++k ) { ++i ; if ( i >= to ) break ; tmpKcode.Append( seq[i] ) ; cnt = kmers.GetCount( tmpKcode ) ; //PrintKmer( tmpKcode ) ; } if ( k < kmerLength && i < to ) { for ( j = pos ; j <= i ; ++j ) fix[j] = -1 ; ++extension ; tmpBottleNeck = fixBottleNeck ; //tmpKcode.Prepend( 'A' ) ; SearchPaths_Right( start, to, i + 1, t, isPaired, seq, fixCnt + 1, fix, tmpBottleNeck, maxFixCnt, bestFix, bestFixCnt, bestFixBottleNeck, top2FixBottleNeck, isStrongTrusted, isPolyAKmer, tmpKcode, kmers, trialCnt ) ; } } } char c[5] = "ACGT" ; if ( isStrongTrusted[pos] == false && !isPolyAKmer[ pos - kmerLength + 1 ] ) { for ( i = 0 ; i < 4 ; ++i ) { if ( c[i] == seq[pos] ) continue ; tmpKcode = kcode ; tmpKcode.Append( c[i] ) ; cnt = kmers.GetCount( tmpKcode ) ; if ( cnt >= threshold ) { int tmpFixCnt = fixCnt ; fix[pos] = i ; ++trialCnt ; ++extension ; #ifdef DEBUG printf( "right: %d %d %c=>%c (%d, %d)\n", fixCnt, pos, seq[pos], c[i], cnt, bestFixBottleNeck ) ; #endif if ( nucToNum[ seq[pos] - 'A' ] != -1 ) ++tmpFixCnt ; tmpBottleNeck = fixBottleNeck ; if ( cnt < tmpBottleNeck ) tmpBottleNeck = cnt ; SearchPaths_Right( start, to, pos + 1, t, isPaired, seq, tmpFixCnt, fix, tmpBottleNeck, maxFixCnt, bestFix, bestFixCnt, bestFixBottleNeck, top2FixBottleNeck, isStrongTrusted, isPolyAKmer, tmpKcode, kmers, trialCnt ) ; } } } /*else if ( isPolyAKmer[ pos - kmerLength + 1 ] ) { // Jump through the PolyA region. tmpKcode = kcode ; int dest = pos + kmerLength - 1 ; for ( i = pos ; seq[i] && i < dest ; ++i ) { tmpKcode.Append( seq[i] ) ; if ( nucToNum[ seq[i] - 'A' ] < 0 ) { dest += kmerLength ; } } SearchPaths_Right( start, dest + 1, t, seq, fixCnt, fix, fixBottleNeck, maxFixCnt, bestFix, bestFixCnt, bestFixBottleNeck, isStrongTrusted, isPolyAKmer, tmpKcode, kmers, trialCnt ) ; }*/ // Jump through some unfixable region if ( extension == 0 ) { int j, k ; tmpKcode = kcode ; for ( i = pos ; i < to ; ++i ) { threshold = InferPosThreshold( tmpKcode, kmers, 1, t ) ; tmpKcode.Append( seq[i] ) ; cnt = kmers.GetCount( tmpKcode ) ; fix[i] = -1 ; if ( cnt >= threshold ) break ; } tmpBottleNeck = fixBottleNeck ; /*tmpBottleNeck = 0 ; for ( j = 0 ; j < 4 ; ++j ) { KmerCode enumKmerCode = kcode ; enumKmerCode.Append( numToNuc[j] ) ; tmpBottleNeck += kmers.GetCount( enumKmerCode ) ; } if ( tmpBottleNeck > fixBottleNeck ) tmpBottleNeck = fixBottleNeck ; else if ( tmpBottleNeck <= 0 ) tmpBottleNeck = 1 ;*/ if ( seq[i] ) { k = i - pos - kmerLength + 1 ; } else { k = ( i - pos ) / 2 ; //tmpBottleNeck = 0 ; } if ( k <= 0 ) k = 1 ; #ifdef DEBUG printf( "jump right: %d=>%d(%d)\n", pos, i, k ) ; #endif fixCnt += k ; if ( i >= to ) i -= 1 ; //tmpKcode.Prepend( 'A' ) ; SearchPaths_Right( start, to, i + 1, t, isPaired, seq, fixCnt, fix, tmpBottleNeck, maxFixCnt, bestFix, bestFixCnt, bestFixBottleNeck, top2FixBottleNeck, isStrongTrusted, isPolyAKmer, tmpKcode, kmers, trialCnt ) ; } } void SearchPaths_Left( int start, int to, int pos, int t, bool isPaired, char *seq, int fixCnt, int *fix, int fixBottleNeck, int &maxFixCnt, int *bestFix, int &bestFixCnt, int &bestFixBottleNeck, int top2FixBottleNeck[], bool isStrongTrusted[], bool isPolyAKmer[], KmerCode &kcode, Store &kmers, int &trialCnt ) { int i, cnt, tmpBottleNeck ; int extension = 0 ; int kmerLength = kcode.GetKmerLength() ; int threshold = t ; if ( trialCnt > MAX_TRIAL ) { if ( maxFixCnt > 2 ) { --maxFixCnt ; bestFixCnt = 0 ; // Remove the result before bestFixBottleNeck = -1 ; trialCnt = 0 ; } else return ; } if ( fixCnt > maxFixCnt ) // TODO: it is possible that a wrong path has smaller fix point but with much lower bottleneck return ; if ( pos < to ) { if ( pos <= -1 ) { /*int teThreshold = ( t < fixBottleNeck ? t : fixBottleNeck ) ; int tmp = teThreshold ; teThreshold = teThreshold - 2 * sqrt( teThreshold ) ; if ( teThreshold < tmp / 2 ) teThreshold = tmp / 2 ; if ( teThreshold < 1 ) teThreshold = 1 ;*/ //if ( !TestExtend( 1, kcode, 3, -1, kmers ) ) // return ; } if ( fixBottleNeck < t ) ++fixCnt ; if ( fixCnt < maxFixCnt ) { top2FixBottleNeck[0] = fixBottleNeck ; top2FixBottleNeck[1] = -1 ; } else if ( fixCnt == maxFixCnt ) { if ( fixBottleNeck > top2FixBottleNeck[0] ) { top2FixBottleNeck[1] = top2FixBottleNeck[0] ; top2FixBottleNeck[0] = fixBottleNeck ; } else if ( fixBottleNeck > top2FixBottleNeck[1] ) { top2FixBottleNeck[1] = fixBottleNeck ; } } //printf( "%d %d %d %d\n", fixCnt, fixBottleNeck, maxFixCnt, bestFixBottleNeck ) ; if ( fixCnt < maxFixCnt || /*( !isPaired && fixCnt == maxFixCnt && (double)rand() / RAND_MAX <= (double)fixBottleNeck / ( fixBottleNeck + bestFixBottleNeck ) ) || ( isPaired &&*/ ( fixCnt == maxFixCnt && fixBottleNeck > bestFixBottleNeck ) ) { if ( fixCnt < maxFixCnt ) trialCnt = -( maxFixCnt - fixCnt + 1 ) * MAX_TRIAL ; for ( i = start ; i > pos ; --i ) bestFix[i] = fix[i] ; maxFixCnt = fixCnt ; //if ( fixCnt == maxFixCnt ) // bestFixBottleNeck = 0 ; bestFixBottleNeck = fixBottleNeck ; bestFixCnt = 1 ; } else if ( fixCnt == maxFixCnt && fixBottleNeck == bestFixBottleNeck ) { bestFixCnt += 1 ; } return ; } threshold = InferPosThreshold( kcode, kmers, -1, t ) ; KmerCode tmpKcode = kcode ; /*for ( i = 0 ; seq[i] ; ++i ) printf( "%d ", fix[i] ) ; printf( "\n" ) ;*/ if ( nucToNum[ seq[pos] - 'A' ] != -1 ) { tmpKcode.Prepend( seq[pos] ) ; cnt = kmers.GetCount( tmpKcode ) ; #ifdef DEBUG printf( "left: %d %d %c=>%c (%d[%d], %d)\n", fixCnt, pos, seq[pos], seq[pos], cnt, threshold, bestFixBottleNeck ) ; #endif if ( cnt >= threshold ) { fix[pos] = -1 ; tmpBottleNeck = fixBottleNeck ; if ( cnt < tmpBottleNeck ) tmpBottleNeck = cnt ; ++extension ; SearchPaths_Left( start, to, pos - 1, threshold, isPaired, seq, fixCnt, fix, tmpBottleNeck, maxFixCnt, bestFix, bestFixCnt, bestFixBottleNeck, top2FixBottleNeck, isStrongTrusted, isPolyAKmer, tmpKcode, kmers, trialCnt ) ; } else if ( threshold == 1 && t <= 2 ) { // See if it is accidentally below the threshold int j, k = 0 ; for ( i = pos ; cnt < threshold && k < kmerLength ; ++k ) { --i ; if ( i < to ) break ; tmpKcode.Prepend( seq[i] ) ; cnt = kmers.GetCount( tmpKcode ) ; } if ( k < kmerLength && i >= to ) { for ( j = i ; j <= pos ; ++j ) fix[j] = -1 ; tmpBottleNeck = fixBottleNeck ; ++extension ; SearchPaths_Left( start, to, i - 1, threshold, isPaired, seq, fixCnt + 1, fix, tmpBottleNeck, maxFixCnt, bestFix, bestFixCnt, bestFixBottleNeck, top2FixBottleNeck, isStrongTrusted, isPolyAKmer, tmpKcode, kmers, trialCnt ) ; } } } char c[5] = "ACGT" ; if ( isStrongTrusted[pos] == false && !isPolyAKmer[pos] ) { for ( i = 0 ; i < 4 ; ++i ) { if ( c[i] == seq[pos] ) continue ; tmpKcode = kcode ; tmpKcode.Prepend( c[i] ) ; cnt = kmers.GetCount( tmpKcode ) ; //printf( "%d: %c %d %lld %s\n", pos, c[i], cnt, tmpKcode.GetCode(), &seq[pos] ) ; if ( cnt >= threshold ) { int tmpFixCnt = fixCnt ; fix[pos] = i ; ++trialCnt ; #ifdef DEBUG printf( "left: %d %d %c=>%c (%d[%d], %d)\n", fixCnt, pos, seq[pos], c[i], cnt, threshold, bestFixBottleNeck ) ; #endif if ( nucToNum[ seq[pos] - 'A' ] != -1 ) ++tmpFixCnt ; tmpBottleNeck = fixBottleNeck ; if ( cnt < tmpBottleNeck ) tmpBottleNeck = cnt ; ++extension ; SearchPaths_Left( start, to, pos - 1, threshold, isPaired, seq, tmpFixCnt, fix, tmpBottleNeck, maxFixCnt, bestFix, bestFixCnt, bestFixBottleNeck, top2FixBottleNeck, isStrongTrusted, isPolyAKmer, tmpKcode, kmers, trialCnt ) ; } } } /*else if ( isPolyAKmer[ pos] ) { // Jump through the PolyA region. tmpKcode = kcode ; int dest = pos - kmerLength + 1 ; for ( i = pos ; i >= 0 && i > dest ; --i ) { tmpKcode.Prepend( seq[i] ) ; if ( nucToNum[ seq[i] - 'A'] < 0 ) { dest -= kmerLength ; } } SearchPaths_Left( start, dest - 1, t, seq, fixCnt, fix, fixBottleNeck, maxFixCnt, bestFix, bestFixCnt, bestFixBottleNeck, isStrongTrusted, isPolyAKmer, tmpKcode, kmers, trialCnt ) ; }*/ // Jump through some unfixable region if ( extension == 0 ) { int k ; tmpKcode = kcode ; for ( i = pos ; i >= to ; --i ) { threshold = InferPosThreshold( tmpKcode, kmers, -1, t ) ; tmpKcode.Prepend( seq[i] ) ; cnt = kmers.GetCount( tmpKcode ) ; fix[i] = -1 ; if ( cnt >= threshold ) break ; } tmpBottleNeck = fixBottleNeck ; /*tmpBottleNeck = 0 ; int j ; for ( j = 0 ; j < 4 ; ++j ) { KmerCode enumKmerCode = kcode ; enumKmerCode.Prepend( numToNuc[j] ) ; tmpBottleNeck += kmers.GetCount( enumKmerCode ) ; } if ( tmpBottleNeck > fixBottleNeck ) tmpBottleNeck = fixBottleNeck ; else if ( tmpBottleNeck <= 0 ) tmpBottleNeck = 1 ;*/ if ( i >= 0 ) { k = pos - i - kmerLength + 1 ; } else { k = pos - 1 ; //tmpBottleNeck = 0 ; } if ( k <= 0 ) k = 1 ; #ifdef DEBUG printf( "jump left: %d=>%d(%d)\n", pos, i, k ) ; #endif fixCnt += k ; if ( i <= to ) ++i ; SearchPaths_Left( start, to, i - 1, threshold, isPaired, seq, fixCnt, fix, tmpBottleNeck, maxFixCnt, bestFix, bestFixCnt, bestFixBottleNeck, top2FixBottleNeck, isStrongTrusted, isPolyAKmer, tmpKcode, kmers, trialCnt ) ; } } int ErrorCorrection( char *id, char *seq, char *qual, int pairStrongTrustThreshold, KmerCode &kcode, Store &kmers ) { //printf( "Correct %s\n", seq ) ; fflush( stdout ) ; if ( VERBOSE ) { printf( "%s\n", id ) ; } int i, j, k ; int kcnt = 0 ; int kmerLength = kcode.GetKmerLength() ; int readLength ; int counts[MAX_READ_LENGTH] ; int iBuffer[MAX_READ_LENGTH], fix[MAX_READ_LENGTH] ; double dBuffer[MAX_READ_LENGTH] ; bool isStrongTrusted[MAX_READ_LENGTH] ; bool isPolyAKmer[MAX_READ_LENGTH] ; int tstart, tend, longestTrustedLength, trustThreshold ; //int searchResult ; int totalFix= 0, allowedFix ; int badSegmentCnt = 0 ; int ret ; int fixBottleNeck, bestFixBottleNeck ; int strongTrustThreshold ; bool unfixable, forceNextRound ; bool isPaired ; bool flag ; struct _segmentInfo segmentInfo[MAX_READ_LENGTH], trustedIsland[MAX_READ_LENGTH] ; int segmentInfoCnt = 0, trustedIslandCnt = 0 ; if ( strlen( seq ) < kmerLength ) return -1 ; kcode.Restart() ; for ( i = 0 ; i < kmerLength - 1 ; ++i ) kcode.Append( seq[i] ) ; for ( ; seq[i] ; ++i, ++kcnt ) { kcode.Append( seq[i] ) ; counts[kcnt] = kmers.GetCount( kcode ) ; } //printf( "\n",seq ) ; readLength = i ; allowedFix = readLength ;//* MAX_FIX_PER_100 / 100 ; unfixable = false ; isPaired = pairStrongTrustThreshold == -1 ? false : true ; //isPaired = true ; //printf( "%d\n", allowedFix ) ; // Test whether there are too many Ns k = 0 ; for ( i = 0 ; i < readLength ; ++i ) if ( seq[i] == 'N' ) ++k ; if ( k > 5 ) return -1 ; // Test whether there are too many A k = 0 ; for ( i = 0 ; i < readLength ; ++i ) if ( seq[i] == 'A' ) ++k ; if ( k > readLength - kmerLength ) return -1 ; k = 0 ; for ( i = 0 ; i < readLength ; ++i ) if ( seq[i] == 'T' ) ++k ; if ( k > readLength - kmerLength ) return -1 ; //printf( "%s\n", seq ) ; if ( VERBOSE ) { printf( "Before correction:\n%s\n", seq ) ; for ( i = 0 ; i < kcnt ; ++i ) { if ( counts[i] != 0 ) printf( "%d ", counts[i] ) ; else printf( "1 " ) ; } printf( "\n" ) ; } trustThreshold = 2 ; for ( i = 0 ; i < kcnt ; ++i ) { int t = 7 ; if ( kmerLength / 2 > t ) t = kmerLength / 2 ; if ( IsPolyA( seq + i, kmerLength, t ) ) iBuffer[i] = -1 ; else iBuffer[i] = counts[i] ; } qsort( iBuffer, kcnt, sizeof( int ), CompInt ) ; for ( i = kcnt - 1 ; i >= 1 ; --i ) { if ( iBuffer[i] > 2 * iBuffer[i - 1] && iBuffer[i] > 10 ) break ; } flag = false ; if ( i >= 1 ) //if ( i < kcnt ) { //trustThreshold = iBuffer[( kcnt - 1 + i ) / 2] / 20 + 1 ; trustThreshold = GetBound( iBuffer[i] ) ; strongTrustThreshold = iBuffer[i] ; if ( strongTrustThreshold >= 20 && iBuffer[i - 1] == 2 && trustThreshold < 3 ) { flag = true ; trustThreshold = 3 ; } //trustThreshold = iBuffer[kcnt / 2] - 4 * sqrt( iBuffer[i] ) ; } else { //trustThreshold = iBuffer[kcnt / 2] - 4 * sqrt( iBuffer[kcnt / 2 ] ) ; for ( i = 0 ; i < kcnt ; ++i ) if ( iBuffer[i] > 0 ) break ; strongTrustThreshold = iBuffer[ ( i + kcnt - 1 ) / 2 ] ; trustThreshold = GetBound( strongTrustThreshold ) ; } if ( pairStrongTrustThreshold >= 1 && strongTrustThreshold > pairStrongTrustThreshold ) { if ( flag == false || pairStrongTrustThreshold < 20 ) trustThreshold = GetBound( pairStrongTrustThreshold ) ; strongTrustThreshold = pairStrongTrustThreshold ; } for ( i = 0 ; i < kcnt ; ++i ) { if ( IsPolyA( seq + i, kmerLength ) ) isPolyAKmer[i] = true ; else isPolyAKmer[i] = false ; } /*#ifdef DEBUG printf( "isPolyAKmer:\n") ; for ( i = 0 ; i < kcnt ; ++i ) { printf( "%d", isPolyAKmer[i] ) ; } printf( "\n" ) ; #endif*/ //trustThreshold /= 2 ; if ( trustThreshold < 2 ) trustThreshold = 2 ; //if ( trustThreshold > 10 ) // trustThreshold = 10 ; //if ( trustThreshold >= 10 ) // allowedFix -= trustThreshold / 10 ; //if ( allowedFix < 0 ) // allowedFix = 0 ; // Try different thresholds int iter = 0 ; while ( 1 ) { if ( VERBOSE ) printf( "strong trust threshold=%d threshold=%d\n", strongTrustThreshold, trustThreshold ) ; allowedFix = readLength ;//* MAX_FIX_PER_100 / 100 ; totalFix = 0 ; unfixable = false ; forceNextRound = false ; // Find the longest trusted portion trustedIslandCnt = 0 ; longestTrustedLength = -1 ; j = 0 ; memset( isStrongTrusted, false, sizeof( bool ) * readLength ) ; for ( i = 0 ; i < readLength ; ++i ) iBuffer[i] = -1 ; for ( i = 0 ; i < kcnt ; ++i ) { //int t = 7 ; //if ( kmerLength / 2 > t ) // t = kmerLength / 2 ; if ( counts[i] >= strongTrustThreshold && !IsPolyA( seq + i, kmerLength ) ) { //printf( "(%d %d)\n", counts[i], strongTrustThreshold ) ; ++j ; } else { if ( j > longestTrustedLength ) { longestTrustedLength = j ; tstart = i - longestTrustedLength ; tend = i - 1 ; } if ( j >= 2 ) { //printf( "%d %d: %d %d\n", i, j, i - j, i - 1 + kmerLength - 1 ) ; /*for ( k = i - j ; k <= i - 1 + kmerLength - 1 ; ++k ) { if ( iBuffer[k] == -1 ) isStrongTrusted[k] = true ; else isStrongTrusted[k] = false ; //iBuffer[k] = i - j ; }*/ trustedIsland[ trustedIslandCnt ].from = i - j ; trustedIsland[ trustedIslandCnt ].to = i - 1 ; ++trustedIslandCnt ; } /*if ( IsPolyA( seq + i, kmerLength ) ) { for ( k = i ; k < i + kmerLength ; ++i ) isStrongTrusted[k] = true ; }*/ j = 0 ; } } if ( j > longestTrustedLength ) { longestTrustedLength = j ; tstart = i - longestTrustedLength ; tend = i - 1 ; } if ( j >= 2 ) { /*for ( k = i - j ; k <= i - 1 + kmerLength - 1 ; ++k ) { if ( iBuffer[k] == -1 ) isStrongTrusted[k] = true ; else isStrongTrusted[k] = false ; //iBuffer[k] = i - j ; }*/ trustedIsland[ trustedIslandCnt ].from = i - j ; trustedIsland[ trustedIslandCnt ].to = i - 1 ; ++trustedIslandCnt ; } // Adjust the boundary of trusted kmer islands for ( i = 1 ; i < trustedIslandCnt ; ++i ) { if ( trustedIsland[i].from <= trustedIsland[i - 1].to + kmerLength - 1 + 1 ) { int len1 = trustedIsland[i - 1].to - trustedIsland[i - 1].from ; int len2 = trustedIsland[i].to - trustedIsland[i].from ; int overlap = trustedIsland[i - 1].to + kmerLength - 1 + 1 - trustedIsland[i].from ; //printf( "%d\n", overlap ) ; // check the count between them for ( j = trustedIsland[i - 1].to + 1 ; j < trustedIsland[i].from ; ++j ) { if ( counts[j] <= 2 && counts[j] < trustThreshold ) break ; } if ( j >= trustedIsland[i].from ) continue ; if ( overlap > 3 ) continue ; if ( len1 < len2 ) { // change the i-1 island trustedIsland[i - 1].to -= ( overlap + 1 ) ; } else { trustedIsland[i].from += ( overlap + 1 ) ; } } } // Set trusted positions for ( i = 0 ; i < trustedIslandCnt ; ++i ) { if ( trustedIsland[i].from > trustedIsland[i].to ) continue ; for ( j = trustedIsland[i].from ; j <= trustedIsland[i].to + kmerLength - 1 ; ++j ) isStrongTrusted[j] = true ; } trustedIslandCnt = 0 ; j = -1 ; for ( i = 0 ; seq[i] ; ++i ) { if ( j == -1 && isStrongTrusted[i] == true ) { j = i ; } if ( j != -1 && isStrongTrusted[i] == false && isStrongTrusted[i - 1] == true ) { trustedIsland[ trustedIslandCnt ].from = j ; trustedIsland[ trustedIslandCnt ].to = i - 1 ; ++trustedIslandCnt ; j = -1 ; } } if ( j != -1 ) { trustedIsland[ trustedIslandCnt ].from = j ; trustedIsland[ trustedIslandCnt ].to = i - 1 ; ++trustedIslandCnt ; j = -1 ; } if ( trustedIslandCnt == 0 ) { trustedIsland[0].from = tstart ; trustedIsland[0].to = tend + kmerLength - 1 ; trustedIslandCnt = 1 ; } segmentInfoCnt = 0 ; if ( trustedIsland[0].from > 0 ) { segmentInfo[ segmentInfoCnt ].from = 0; segmentInfo[ segmentInfoCnt ].to = trustedIsland[0].from - 1 ; segmentInfo[ segmentInfoCnt ].fixCnt = -1 ; segmentInfo[ segmentInfoCnt ].bestFixCnt = -1 ; segmentInfo[ segmentInfoCnt ].top2FixBottleNeck[0] = -1 ; segmentInfo[ segmentInfoCnt ].top2FixBottleNeck[1] = -1 ; segmentInfo[ segmentInfoCnt ].lanchor = 0 ; segmentInfo[ segmentInfoCnt ].ranchor = trustedIsland[0].to - trustedIsland[0].from + 1 ; ++segmentInfoCnt ; } for ( i = 0 ; i < trustedIslandCnt - 1 ; ++i ) { segmentInfo[ segmentInfoCnt ].from = trustedIsland[i].to + 1 ; segmentInfo[ segmentInfoCnt ].to = trustedIsland[i + 1].from - 1 ; segmentInfo[ segmentInfoCnt ].fixCnt = -1 ; segmentInfo[ segmentInfoCnt ].bestFixCnt = -1 ; segmentInfo[ segmentInfoCnt ].top2FixBottleNeck[0] = -1 ; segmentInfo[ segmentInfoCnt ].top2FixBottleNeck[1] = -1 ; segmentInfo[ segmentInfoCnt ].lanchor = trustedIsland[i].to - trustedIsland[i].from + 1 ; segmentInfo[ segmentInfoCnt ].ranchor = trustedIsland[i + 1].to - trustedIsland[i + 1].from + 1 ; ++segmentInfoCnt ; } if ( trustedIsland[i].to < readLength - 1 ) { segmentInfo[ segmentInfoCnt ].from = trustedIsland[i].to + 1 ; segmentInfo[ segmentInfoCnt ].to = readLength ; // the range is actually [from, to) segmentInfo[ segmentInfoCnt ].fixCnt = -1 ; segmentInfo[ segmentInfoCnt ].bestFixCnt = -1 ; segmentInfo[ segmentInfoCnt ].top2FixBottleNeck[0] = -1 ; segmentInfo[ segmentInfoCnt ].top2FixBottleNeck[1] = -1 ; segmentInfo[ segmentInfoCnt ].lanchor = trustedIsland[i].to - trustedIsland[i].from + 1 ; segmentInfo[ segmentInfoCnt ].ranchor = 0 ; ++segmentInfoCnt ; } // Remove some of the strong trusted positions if they are next to untrusted regions shorter than k // We don't need to adjust boundary cases /*for ( i = 0 ; i < readLength - 1 && isStrongTrusted[i] && !isStrongTrusted[i + 1] ; ++i ) ; i = i - kmerLength + 2 ; for ( ; i < kcnt ; ++i ) { if ( counts[i] < trustThreshold ) { ++j ; } else { if ( j < kmerLength && j > 0 ) { for ( k = i - 1 - kmerLength + 1 ; k < i - j ; ++k ) isStrongTrusted[k] = false ; for ( k = i ; k < i + ( kmerLength - j ) && k < readLength ; ++k ) isStrongTrusted[k] = false ; } j = 0 ; } } // Adjust the longest trusted region if ( !isStrongTrusted[ tstart ] ) { while ( tstart < kcnt && !isStrongTrusted[tstart] ) ++tstart ; } if ( !isStrongTrusted[ tend + kmerLength - 1 ] ) { while ( tend >= 0 && !isStrongTrusted[ tend + kmerLength - 1 ] ) ++tend ; } longestTrustedLength = tend - tstart + 1 ; if ( longestTrustedLength < 0 ) longestTrustedLength = -1 ;*/ if ( VERBOSE ) { printf( "Is corresponding base strong trusted?\n" ) ; for ( i = 0 ; i < readLength ; ++i ) printf( "%d", isStrongTrusted[i] ) ; printf( "\n" ) ; } #ifdef DEBUG printf( "trustedIslandCnt=%d segmentInfoCnt=%d\n", trustedIslandCnt, segmentInfoCnt ) ; #endif //printf( "trusted region:%d %d: %c %d\n", tstart, tend, seq[tstart], longestTrustedLength ) ; //if ( strongTrustThreshold >= 20 && longestTrustedLength >= 5 ) // printf( "AS events?\n" ) ; //return 0 ; if ( longestTrustedLength == -1 ) return -1 ; if ( longestTrustedLength == kcnt ) return 0 ; for ( i = 0 ; i < readLength ; ++i ) fix[i] = -1 ; // Scan towards right badSegmentCnt = 0 ; if ( segmentInfoCnt > 0 ) { int bestFixCnt = -1 ; int trialCnt = 0 ; int maxFixCnt = allowedFix ; bestFixBottleNeck = INF ; for ( k = 0 ; k < segmentInfoCnt ; ++k ) { trialCnt = 0 ; maxFixCnt = ( segmentInfo[k].to - segmentInfo[k].from + 1 ) * MAX_FIX_PER_K / kmerLength * 2 + 1 ; //allowedFix ; //printf( "%d %d %d %d\n", segmentInfo[k].from, segmentInfo[k].to, MAX_FIX_PER_K, maxFixCnt ) ; if ( maxFixCnt < MAX_FIX_PER_K ) maxFixCnt = MAX_FIX_PER_K ; fixBottleNeck = 1000000000 ; int tmpBestFixBottleNeck = -1 ; if ( segmentInfo[k].lanchor >= segmentInfo[k].ranchor ) { int extend = ( segmentInfo[k].to == readLength ? 0 : ( kmerLength - 1 ) ) ; tend = segmentInfo[k].from - kmerLength ; kcode.Restart() ; for ( i = tend ; i < tend + kmerLength ; ++i ) kcode.Append( seq[i] ) ; SearchPaths_Right( tend + kmerLength, segmentInfo[k].to + extend, tend + kmerLength, trustThreshold, isPaired, seq, 0, iBuffer, fixBottleNeck, maxFixCnt, fix, bestFixCnt, tmpBestFixBottleNeck, segmentInfo[k].top2FixBottleNeck, isStrongTrusted, isPolyAKmer, kcode, kmers, trialCnt ) ; } else // Search left { int extend = ( segmentInfo[k].from == 0 ? 0 : ( kmerLength - 1 ) ) ; tstart = segmentInfo[k].to + 1 ; kcode.Restart() ; for ( i = tstart ; i < tstart + kmerLength ; ++i ) kcode.Append( seq[i] ) ; SearchPaths_Left( tstart - 1, segmentInfo[k].from - extend, tstart - 1, trustThreshold, isPaired, seq, 0, iBuffer, fixBottleNeck, maxFixCnt, fix, bestFixCnt, tmpBestFixBottleNeck, segmentInfo[k].top2FixBottleNeck, isStrongTrusted, isPolyAKmer, kcode, kmers, trialCnt ) ; } //printf( "%d\n", tmpBestFixBottleNeck ) ; if ( tmpBestFixBottleNeck == -1 ) { ++badSegmentCnt ; continue ; // ignore a bad segment. } if ( tmpBestFixBottleNeck < bestFixBottleNeck ) bestFixBottleNeck = tmpBestFixBottleNeck ; if ( bestFixBottleNeck == -1 ) break ; if ( trialCnt > MAX_TRIAL ) return -1 ; totalFix += maxFixCnt ; } // Compute bestFixCnt ; //printf( "%d\n", bestFixBottleNeck ) ; if ( bestFixBottleNeck != -1 ) { bestFixCnt = 1 ; for ( i = 0 ; i < segmentInfoCnt ; ++i ) { //printf( "%d %d\n", segmentInfo[i].top2FixBottleNeck[0], segmentInfo[i].top2FixBottleNeck[1] ) ; if ( segmentInfo[i].top2FixBottleNeck[1] >= bestFixBottleNeck ) bestFixCnt *= 2 ; else if ( segmentInfo[i].top2FixBottleNeck[0] >= bestFixBottleNeck ) { bestFixCnt *= 1 ; } // the two if statements above should always be true } } //printf( "%d %d\n", bestFixCnt, maxFixCnt ) ; if ( bestFixBottleNeck != -1 && iter == 0 && bestFixBottleNeck < GetBound( strongTrustThreshold ) ) { /*int t = bestFixBottleNeck ; fixBottleNeck = 1000000000 ; bestFixBottleNeck = -1 ; for ( i = tend + kmerLength ; i < readLength ; ++i ) fix[i] = -1 ; bestFixCnt = 0 ; trialCnt = 0 ; maxFixCnt = allowedFix ; SearchPaths_Right( tend + kmerLength, tend + kmerLength, t, seq, 0, iBuffer, fixBottleNeck, maxFixCnt, fix, bestFixCnt, bestFixBottleNeck, isStrongTrusted, isPolyAKmer, kcode, kmers, trialCnt ) ;*/ //bestFixCnt = 0 ; //return -1 ; forceNextRound = true ; } //printf( "%d %lf %d\n", bestFixBottleNeck, GetBound( strongTrustThreshold ), forceNextRound ) ; /*if ( maxFixCnt == 0 && bestFixBottleNeck < strongTrustThreshold && bestFixBottleNeck >= GetBound( strongTrustThreshold ) && readLength - tend - kmerLength > kmerLength ) { forceNextRound = true ; //strongTrustThreshold = bestFixBottleNeck ; }*/ /*printf( "bestFixCnt=%d\n", bestFixCnt ) ; for ( i = 0 ; i < readLength ; ++i ) printf( "%d ", fix[i] ) ; printf( "\n" ) ;*/ //printf( "%d\n", trialCnt ) ; if ( bestFixCnt >= 2 ) return -1 ; else if ( bestFixCnt <= 0 ) unfixable = true ; } if ( totalFix == 0 && forceNextRound ) return 0 ; //printf( "totalFix=%d\n", totalFix ) ; if ( totalFix > allowedFix ) unfixable = true ; if ( unfixable == false && !forceNextRound ) break ; // Maybe due to alternative splicing, a highly expressed // txpt may shadow a less expressed txpt. if ( trustThreshold < 10 && !forceNextRound ) return -1 ; //return -1 ; // And also the gap between //return -1 ; for ( i = 0 ; i < kcnt ; ++i ) { int t = 7 ; if ( kmerLength / 2 > t ) t = kmerLength / 2 ; if ( IsPolyA( seq + i, kmerLength, t ) ) iBuffer[i] = -1 ; else iBuffer[i] = counts[i] ; } qsort( iBuffer, kcnt, sizeof( int ), CompInt ) ; bool hasDrop = false ; for ( i = kcnt - 1 ; i >= 1 ; --i ) { if ( iBuffer[i] > strongTrustThreshold ) continue ; if ( iBuffer[i] > 2 * iBuffer[i - 1] && iBuffer[i] > 10 ) { hasDrop = true ; if ( iBuffer[i] < strongTrustThreshold ) break ; } else if ( iBuffer[i - 1] == 0 && iBuffer[i] >= 5 ) { hasDrop = true ; if ( iBuffer[i] < strongTrustThreshold ) break ; } } if ( hasDrop ) { //printf( "Iteration %d: ", iter ) ; ++iter ; //printf( "%d", trustThreshold ) ; //trustThreshold = iBuffer[( kcnt - 1 + i ) / 2] / 20 + 1 ; trustThreshold = GetBound( iBuffer[i] ) ; strongTrustThreshold = iBuffer[i] ; //trustThreshold = iBuffer[kcnt / 2] - 4 * sqrt( iBuffer[i] ) ; //printf( "=>%d\n", trustThreshold ) ; //fflush( stdout ) ; } else break ; //return -1 ; } //printf( "totalFix=%d\n", totalFix ) ; // If the fix is due to the repeats, then we remove it. //bool undo[MAX_READ_LENGTH] ; int cnt = 0 ; for ( i = 0 ; i < readLength ; ++i ) { if ( seq[i] == 'N' || fix[i] == -1 ) continue ; iBuffer[ cnt ] = i ; ++cnt ; } //printf( "\n" ) ; #ifdef DEBUG for ( i = 0 ; i < readLength ; ++i ) printf( "%d", fix[i] == -1 ? 5 : fix[i] ) ; printf( "\n" ) ; #endif // If multiple errors within a kmer window did not decrease the count much, // then, they are not errors. for ( i = 1 ; i < cnt ; ++i ) { if ( qual[0] != '\0' && ( qual[ iBuffer[i] ] <= badQualityThreshold && qual[ iBuffer[i - 1] ] <= badQualityThreshold ) ) continue ; if ( iBuffer[i] - iBuffer[i - 1] + 1 <= kmerLength ) { //printf( "%d %d\n", counts[ iBuffer[i - 1]], counts[ iBuffer[i] ] ) ; j = iBuffer[i - 1] - kmerLength + 1 ; int minSingle = INF ; int minDouble = INF ; int taga = -1, tagb = -1 ; if ( j < 0 ) j = 0 ; for ( ; j < kcnt ; ++j ) { if ( i >= 2 && j <= iBuffer[i - 2] ) continue ; if ( i < cnt - 1 && j + kmerLength - 1 >= iBuffer[i + 1] ) break ; if ( j + kmerLength - 1 >= iBuffer[i] ) break ; if ( counts[j] < minSingle ) { minSingle = counts[j] ; taga = j ; } } for ( ; j < kcnt ; ++j ) { if ( i < cnt - 1 && j + kmerLength - 1 >= iBuffer[i + 1] ) break ; if ( j > iBuffer[i - 1] ) break ; if ( counts[j] < minDouble ) { minDouble = counts[j] ; tagb = j ; } } for ( ; j < kcnt ; ++j ) { if ( i < cnt - 1 && j + kmerLength - 1 >= iBuffer[i + 1] ) break ; if ( j > iBuffer[i] ) break ; if ( counts[j] < minSingle ) { minSingle = counts[j] ; taga = j ; } } #ifdef DEBUG printf( "%d(%d) %d(%d): %d %d\n", taga, iBuffer[i - 1], tagb, iBuffer[i], counts[taga], counts[tagb] ) ; #endif if ( minSingle != INF && minDouble != INF && counts[ taga ] > 1 && counts[ tagb ] > 1 && counts[ taga ] > counts[ tagb ] / 2 && counts[ taga ] < 2 * counts[ tagb ] ) { fix[ iBuffer[i] ] = -1 ; fix[ iBuffer[i - 1] ] = -1 ; j = i - 2 ; while ( j >= 0 && iBuffer[j + 1] - iBuffer[j] + 1 <= kmerLength ) { fix[ iBuffer[j] ] = -1 ; --j ; } while ( i + 1 < cnt && iBuffer[i + 1] - iBuffer[i] + 1 <= kmerLength ) { fix[ iBuffer[i + 1] ] = -1 ; ++i ; } } } } #ifdef DEBUG for ( i = 0 ; i < readLength ; ++i ) printf( "%d", fix[i] == -1 ? 5 : fix[i] ) ; printf( "\n" ) ; #endif // If the fix are at the boundary and fixed all the position, then we should remove these fixes if ( totalFix > 3 && readLength > 10 ) { int tmp = 0 ; for ( i = 0 ; i < 10 ; ++i ) if ( fix[i] != -1 && seq[i] != 'N' && qual[i] > badQualityThreshold ) ++tmp ; if ( tmp >= 2 ) for ( i = 0 ; i < 10 ; ++i ) { if ( seq[i] != 'N' ) fix[i] = -1 ; } tmp = 0 ; for ( i = readLength - 10 ; i < readLength ; ++i ) if ( fix[i] != -1 && seq[i] != 'N' && qual[i] > badQualityThreshold ) ++tmp ; if ( tmp >= 3 ) for ( i = readLength - 10 ; i < readLength ; ++i ) { if ( seq[i] != 'N' ) fix[i] = -1 ; } } if ( totalFix >= MAX_FIX_PER_K ) { dBuffer[0] = 0 ; for ( i = 0 ; i < readLength ; ++i ) if ( seq[i] != 'N' && fix[i] != -1 ) { if ( qual[i] > badQualityThreshold ) dBuffer[i + 1] = dBuffer[i] + 1 ; else dBuffer[i + 1] = dBuffer[i] + 0.5 ; } else dBuffer[i + 1] = dBuffer[i] ; for ( i = 0 ; i < kcnt ; ++i ) { int threshold = MAX_FIX_PER_K ; // Allowing slightly more on the 3' end //if ( i > 0.7 * readLength ) // ++threshold ; if ( dBuffer[i + kmerLength] - dBuffer[i] > threshold ) return -1 ; } /*if ( readLength > 10 ) { if ( iBuffer[10] - iBuffer[0] > 3 || iBuffer[readLength] - iBuffer[readLength - 11] > 3 ) { // undo the fix } }*/ } ret = 0 ; for ( i = 0 ; seq[i] ; ++i ) { if ( fix[i] != -1 ) { seq[i] = numToNuc[ fix[i] ] ; ++ret ; } } if ( ret == 0 && badSegmentCnt > 0 ) return -1 ; return ret ; } int GetStrongTrustedThreshold( char *seq, char *qual, KmerCode &kcode, Store &kmers ) { int i, k ; int kcnt = 0 ; int counts[MAX_READ_LENGTH] ; int iBuffer[MAX_READ_LENGTH] ; int readLength ; int kmerLength = kcode.GetKmerLength() ; if ( strlen( seq ) < kmerLength ) return -1 ; kcode.Restart() ; for ( i = 0 ; i < kmerLength - 1 ; ++i ) kcode.Append( seq[i] ) ; for ( ; seq[i] ; ++i, ++kcnt ) { kcode.Append( seq[i] ) ; counts[kcnt] = kmers.GetCount( kcode ) ; } //printf( "\n",seq ) ; readLength = i ; //printf( "%d\n", allowedFix ) ; // Test whether there are too many Ns k = 0 ; for ( i = 0 ; i < readLength ; ++i ) if ( seq[i] == 'N' ) ++k ; if ( k > 5 ) return -1 ; // Test whether there are too many A k = 0 ; for ( i = 0 ; i < readLength ; ++i ) if ( seq[i] == 'A' ) ++k ; if ( k > readLength - kmerLength ) return -1 ; k = 0 ; for ( i = 0 ; i < readLength ; ++i ) if ( seq[i] == 'T' ) ++k ; if ( k > readLength - kmerLength ) return -1 ; for ( i = 0 ; i < kcnt ; ++i ) { int t = 7 ; if ( kmerLength / 2 > t ) t = kmerLength / 2 ; if ( IsPolyA( seq + i, kmerLength, t ) ) iBuffer[i] = -1 ; else iBuffer[i] = counts[i] ; } qsort( iBuffer, kcnt, sizeof( int ), CompInt ) ; for ( i = kcnt - 1 ; i >= 1 ; --i ) { if ( iBuffer[i] > 2 * iBuffer[i - 1] && iBuffer[i] > 10 ) break ; } if ( i >= 1 ) //if ( i < kcnt ) { //trustThreshold = iBuffer[( kcnt - 1 + i ) / 2] / 20 + 1 ; //trustThreshold = GetBound( iBuffer[i] ) ; return iBuffer[i] ; //trustThreshold = iBuffer[kcnt / 2] - 4 * sqrt( iBuffer[i] ) ; } else { //trustThreshold = iBuffer[kcnt / 2] - 4 * sqrt( iBuffer[kcnt / 2 ] ) ; for ( i = 0 ; i < kcnt ; ++i ) if ( iBuffer[i] > 0 ) break ; return iBuffer[ ( i + kcnt - 1 ) / 2] ; } } void GetKmerInformation( char *seq, int kmerLength, Store &kmers, int &l, int &m, int &h ) { int kmerCount[MAX_READ_LENGTH] ; int i ; int k = 0 ; KmerCode kcode( kmerLength ) ; for ( i = 0 ; seq[i] && i < kmerLength - 1 ; ++i ) kcode.Append( seq[i] ) ; l = m = h = 0 ; for ( ; seq[i] ; ++i ) { kcode.Append( seq[i] ) ; if ( kcode.IsValid() ) { kmerCount[k] = kmers.GetCount( kcode ) ; if ( kmerCount[k] == 0 ) kmerCount[k] = 1 ; ++k ; } } if ( k == 0 ) return ; if ( VERBOSE ) { printf( "After coorrection:\n" ) ; printf( "%s\n", seq ) ; for ( i = 0 ; i < k ; ++i ) printf( "%d ", kmerCount[i] ) ; printf( "\n" ) ; } qsort( kmerCount, k, sizeof( int ), CompInt ) ; l = kmerCount[0] ; m = kmerCount[ k / 2 ] ; h = kmerCount[ k - 1 ] ; }