// The wrapper to handle reading and writingregular files and compressed files #ifndef _MOURISL_FILE #define _MOURISL_FILE #include #include #include #include #include #define UNCOMPRESSED_FILE 0 #define COMPRESSED_FILE 1 extern bool zlibVersionChecked ; extern bool outputStdout ; class File { private: bool type ; FILE *fp ; gzFile gzFp ; int gzCompressLevel ; bool opened ; public: File() { opened = false ; } ~File() { if ( !opened ) return ; if ( type == COMPRESSED_FILE ) gzclose( gzFp ) ; else if ( type == UNCOMPRESSED_FILE ) fclose( fp ) ; opened = false ; } void Open( char *fileName, const char *mode ) { opened = true ; if ( outputStdout && mode[0] == 'w' ) { type = UNCOMPRESSED_FILE ; fp = stdout ; return ; } // Test it is gz or normal file by looking at the last to bit int len = strlen( fileName ) ; if ( fileName[len - 2] == 'g' && fileName[len - 1] == 'z' ) type = COMPRESSED_FILE ; else type = UNCOMPRESSED_FILE ; if ( type == COMPRESSED_FILE ) { char modeBuffer[5] ; strcpy( modeBuffer, mode ) ; if ( modeBuffer[0] == 'w' ) { modeBuffer[1] = gzCompressLevel + '0' ; modeBuffer[2] = '\0' ; } gzFp = gzopen( fileName, modeBuffer ) ; if ( gzFp == Z_NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: Could not access file %s\n", fileName ) ; exit( 1 ) ; } if ( zlibVersionChecked == false ) { zlibVersionChecked = true ; #ifdef ZLIB_VERNUM if ( ZLIB_VERNUM < 0x1240 ) fprintf( stderr, "WARNING: zlib version on your system is %s(< 1.2.4). " "Newer veresion (>=1.2.4) is much faster.\n", ZLIB_VERSION ) ; #else fprintf( stderr, "WARNING: Unknown zlib version. Newer veresion (>=1.2.4) is much faster.\n" ) ; #endif } } else if ( type == UNCOMPRESSED_FILE ) { fp = NULL ; fp = fopen( fileName, mode ) ; if ( fp == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: Could not access file %s\n", fileName ) ; exit( 1 ) ; } } } void Close() { if ( !opened ) return ; if ( type == COMPRESSED_FILE ) gzclose( gzFp ) ; else if ( type == UNCOMPRESSED_FILE ) fclose( fp ) ; opened = false ; } char *Gets( char *buf, int len ) { if ( type == COMPRESSED_FILE ) { return gzgets( gzFp, buf, len ) ; } else if ( type == UNCOMPRESSED_FILE ) { return fgets( buf, len, fp ) ; } return NULL ; } int Puts( char *buf ) { if ( type == COMPRESSED_FILE ) { return gzwrite( gzFp, buf, strlen( buf ) ) ; } else if ( type == UNCOMPRESSED_FILE ) { return fputs( buf, fp ) ; } return 0 ; } int Printf( const char *fmt, ... ) { char buffer[3 * MAX_READ_LENGTH + 3 * MAX_ID_LENGTH] ; va_list args ; va_start( args, fmt ) ; vsprintf( buffer, fmt, args ) ; if ( type == COMPRESSED_FILE ) { return gzwrite( gzFp, buffer, strlen( buffer ) ) ; } else if ( type == UNCOMPRESSED_FILE ) { return fputs( buffer, fp ) ; } return 0 ; } void Rewind() { if ( type == COMPRESSED_FILE ) { gzrewind( gzFp ) ; } else if ( type == UNCOMPRESSED_FILE ) { rewind( fp ) ; } } void SetCompressLevel( int cl ) { if ( cl < 0 || cl > 9 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Compress level must be 0-9.\n" ) ; exit( 1 ) ; } gzCompressLevel = cl ; } } ; #endif