#include #include #include #include #include //#include //#include #define __STDC_FORMAT_MACROS #include #include "Reads.h" #include "KmerCode.h" #include "Store.h" #include "ErrorCorrection.h" char nucToNum[26] = { 0, -1, 1, -1, -1, -1, 2, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 3, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 } ; char numToNuc[26] = {'A', 'C', 'G', 'T'} ; bool agressiveCorrection ; int MAX_FIX_PER_100 ; int MAX_FIX_PER_K ; double ERROR_RATE ; char badQualityThreshold ; // quality <= this is bad bool zlibVersionChecked = false ; bool outputStdout = false ; bool VERBOSE = false ; struct _summary { uint64_t totalCorrections ; uint64_t totalReads ; } ; int CompDouble( const void *p1, const void *p2 ) { double d = ( *(double *)p1 ) - ( *(double *)p2 ) ; if ( d > 0 ) return 1 ; else if ( d < 0 ) return -1 ; else return 0 ; } void PrintHelp() { fprintf( stderr, "Usage: ./rcorrector [OPTIONS]\n" "OPTIONS:\n" "Required parameters:\n" "\t-r seq_file: seq_file is the path to the sequence file. Can use multiple -r to specifiy multiple sequence files\n" "\t-p seq_file_left seq_file_right: the paths to the paired-end data set. Can use multiple -p to specifiy multiple sequence files\n" "\t-i seq_file: seq_file is the path to the interleaved mate-pair sequence file. Can use multiple -i\n" "\t-c jf_dump: the kmer counts dumped by JellyFish\n" "\t-k kmer_length\n" "Other parameters:\n" "\t-od output_file_directory (default: ./)\n" "\t-t number of threads to use (default: 1)\n" //"\t-trim allow trimming (default: false)\n" //"\t-all: output all the reads including those unfixable (default: false)\n" "\t-maxcor INT: the maximum number of correction every 100bp (default: 8)\n" "\t-maxcorK INT: the maximum number of correction within k-bp window (default: 4)\n" "\t-wk FLOAT: the proportion of kmers that are used to estimate weak kmer count threshold (default: 0.95)\n" "\t-stdout: output the corrected sequences to stdout (default: not used)\n" "\t-verbose: output some correction information to stdout (default: not used)\n" ) ; } void UpdateSummary( int corCnt, struct _summary &summary ) { ++summary.totalReads ; if ( corCnt < 0 ) return ; summary.totalCorrections += corCnt ; } void PrintSummary( const struct _summary &summary ) { fprintf( stderr, "Processed %" PRIu64 " reads\n" "\tCorrected %" PRIu64 " bases.\n", summary.totalReads, summary.totalCorrections ) ; } char GetBadQuality( Reads &reads ) { int i ; int qualHisto[300], firstQualHisto[300] ; int totalCnt, cnt ; int t1, t2 ; //Reads reads( readFile ) ; if ( !reads.HasQuality() ) return 0 ; memset( qualHisto, 0, sizeof( qualHisto ) ) ; memset( firstQualHisto, 0, sizeof( firstQualHisto )) ; for ( i = 0 ; i < 1000000 ; ++i ) { if ( !reads.Next() ) break ; ++qualHisto[ (int)reads.qual[ strlen( reads.seq ) - 1 ] ] ; ++firstQualHisto[ (int)reads.qual[0] ] ; } totalCnt = i ; cnt = 0 ; for ( i = 0 ; i < 300 ; ++i ) { cnt += firstQualHisto[i] ; if ( cnt > totalCnt * 0.05 ) break ; } t1 = i - 1 ; cnt = 0 ; for ( i = 0 ; i < 300 ; ++i ) { cnt += qualHisto[i] ; if ( cnt > totalCnt * 0.05 ) break ; } t2 = i ; //printf( "%d %d\n", t1, t2 ) ; return (char)( t2 < t1 ? t2 : t1 ) ; } int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { int i, j, k ; int kmerLength = 23 ; double errorRateKmerPortion ; Reads reads ; Reads pairedReads ; struct _summary summary ; Store kmers ; FILE *fpJellyFishDump = NULL ; char buffer[100] ; // variables for threads int numOfThreads ; pthread_attr_t pthreadAttr ; pthread_t *threads ; pthread_mutex_t mutexErrorCorrection ; if ( argc == 1 ) { PrintHelp() ; exit( 0 ) ; } numOfThreads = 1 ; agressiveCorrection = false ; MAX_FIX_PER_100 = 8 ; MAX_FIX_PER_K = 4 ; errorRateKmerPortion = 0.95 ; summary.totalCorrections = 0 ; summary.totalReads = 0 ; for ( i = 1 ; i < argc ; ++i ) { if ( !strcmp( "-r", argv[i] ) ) { //reads.AddReadFile( argv[i + 1] ) ; ++i ; continue ; } else if ( !strcmp( "-p", argv[i] ) ) { i += 2 ; continue ; } else if ( !strcmp( "-i", argv[i] ) ) { ++i ; continue ; } else if ( !strcmp( "-od", argv[i] ) ) { mkdir( argv[i + 1], 0700 ) ; reads.SetOutputDirectory( argv[i + 1] ) ; pairedReads.SetOutputDirectory( argv[i + 1] ) ; ++i ; } else if ( !strcmp( "-c", argv[i] ) ) { fpJellyFishDump = fopen( argv[i + 1], "r" ) ; if ( fpJellyFishDump == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "Could not open file %s\n", argv[i + 1]) ; exit( 1 ) ; } ++i ; } else if ( !strcmp( "-k", argv[i] ) ) { kmerLength = atoi( argv[i + 1] ) ; i += 1 ; } else if ( !strcmp( "-t", argv[i] ) ) { numOfThreads = atoi( argv[i + 1] ) ; ++i ; } else if ( !strcmp( "-maxcor", argv[i] ) ) { MAX_FIX_PER_100 = atoi( argv[i + 1] ) ; ++i ; } else if ( !strcmp( "-maxcorK", argv[i] ) ) { MAX_FIX_PER_K = atoi( argv[i + 1] ) ; ++i ; } /*else if ( !strcmp( "--agressive", argv[i] ) ) { agressiveCorrection = true ; }*/ else if ( !strcmp( "-wk", argv[i] ) ) { errorRateKmerPortion = atof( argv[i + 1 ] ) ; ++i ; } else if ( !strcmp( "-stdout", argv[i] ) ) { outputStdout = true ; } else if ( !strcmp( "-verbose", argv[i] ) ) { VERBOSE = true ; } else if ( !strcmp( "-h", argv[i] ) ) { PrintHelp() ; exit( 0 ) ; } else { fprintf( stderr, "Unknown argument: %s\n", argv[i] ) ; exit( 0 ) ; } } // Go the second round to get the reads files for ( i = 1 ; i < argc ; ++i ) { if ( !strcmp( "-r", argv[i] ) ) { reads.AddReadFile( argv[i + 1 ], false, false ) ; ++i; } else if ( !strcmp( "-p", argv[i] ) ) { reads.AddReadFile( argv[i + 1], true, false ) ; pairedReads.AddReadFile( argv[i + 2], true, false ) ; i += 2 ; } else if ( !strcmp( "-i", argv[i] ) ) { reads.AddReadFile( argv[i + 1], false, true ) ; ++i ; } } KmerCode kcode( kmerLength ) ; if ( numOfThreads > 1 ) { // Initialized pthread variables pthread_attr_init( &pthreadAttr ) ; pthread_attr_setdetachstate( &pthreadAttr, PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE ) ; threads = ( pthread_t * )malloc( sizeof( pthread_t ) * numOfThreads ) ; pthread_mutex_init( &mutexErrorCorrection, NULL ) ; } // Test how many kmers are in the jellyfish file /*uint64_t kmerCnt = 0 ; while ( fscanf( fpJellyFishDump, "%s", buffer ) != EOF ) { int count = atoi( &buffer[1] ) ; fscanf( fpJellyFishDump, "%s", buffer ) ; if ( count <= 1 ) continue ; ++kmerCnt ; } kmers.Allocate( kmerCnt ) ; // Read in the kmers from the dump of JellyFish rewind( fpJellyFishDump ) ;*/ int kmerCount = 0 ; while ( fscanf( fpJellyFishDump, "%s", buffer ) != EOF ) { int count = atoi( &buffer[1] ) ; fscanf( fpJellyFishDump, "%s", buffer ) ; if ( count <= 1 ) continue ; kcode.Restart() ; for ( i = 0 ; buffer[i] ; ++i ) kcode.Append( buffer[i] ) ; kmers.Put( kcode, count ) ; ++kmerCount ; } fprintf( stderr, "Stored %d kmers\n", kmerCount ) ; srand( 17 ) ; // Read in the first abundant 100K kmers from the dump of jellyfish to estimate // the error rate. rewind( fpJellyFishDump ) ; k = 0 ; const int rateSize = 100000 ; double *rates = (double *)malloc( sizeof( double ) * ( rateSize + 1 ) ) ; rates[0] = 0 ; while ( fscanf( fpJellyFishDump, "%s", buffer ) != EOF && k < rateSize ) { int count = atoi( &buffer[1] ) ; fscanf( fpJellyFishDump, "%s", buffer ) ; if ( !kcode.IsValid() ) continue ; kcode.Restart() ; for ( i = 0 ; buffer[i] ; ++i ) kcode.Append( buffer[i] ) ; count = 0 ; int max = 0 ; int secondMax = 0 ; for ( i = 0 ; i < 4 ; ++i ) { kcode.ShiftRight( 1 ) ; kcode.Append( numToNuc[i] ) ; count = kmers.GetCount( kcode ) ; //printf( "%d ", count ) ; if ( count > max ) { secondMax = max ; max = count ; } else if ( count > secondMax ) secondMax = count ; } if ( max < 1000 ) continue ; rates[k] = (double)secondMax / (double)max ; //printf( "%d %d %lf\n", max, secondMax, rates[k] ) ; ++k ; } qsort( rates, k, sizeof( rates[0] ), CompDouble ) ; rates[k] = rates[k - 1] ; ERROR_RATE = rates[(int)( k * errorRateKmerPortion )] ; if ( ERROR_RATE == 0 || k < 100 ) ERROR_RATE = 0.01 ; free( rates ) ; fprintf( stderr, "Weak kmer threshold rate: %lf (estimated from %.3lf/1 of the chosen kmers)\n", ERROR_RATE, errorRateKmerPortion ) ; //exit ( 1 ) ; // Get the bad quality screo reads.Rewind() ; badQualityThreshold = GetBadQuality( reads ) ; fprintf( stderr, "Bad quality threshold is '%c'\n", badQualityThreshold ) ; // Scan the reads to get the information of the kmers. reads.Rewind() ; if ( numOfThreads == 1 ) { struct _Read readBuffer[2] ; while ( reads.NextWithBuffer( readBuffer[0].id, readBuffer[0].seq, readBuffer[0].qual ) ) { char *readId = readBuffer[0].id ; char *seq = readBuffer[0].seq ; char *qual ; if ( reads.HasQuality() ) qual = readBuffer[0].qual ; else qual = NULL ; char *readId2, *seq2, *qual2 ; int t = -1, t1 = -1, t2 = -1 ; if ( reads.IsPaired() || reads.IsInterleaved() ) { if ( reads.IsPaired() ) { pairedReads.NextWithBuffer( readBuffer[1].id, readBuffer[1].seq, readBuffer[1].qual ) ; } else if ( reads.IsInterleaved() ) { reads.NextWithBuffer( readBuffer[1].id, readBuffer[1].seq, readBuffer[1].qual ) ; } readId2 = readBuffer[1].id ; seq2 = readBuffer[1].seq ; if ( qual != NULL ) qual2 = readBuffer[1].qual ; else qual2 = NULL ; t1 = GetStrongTrustedThreshold( seq, qual, kcode, kmers ) ; t2 = GetStrongTrustedThreshold( seq2, qual2, kcode, kmers ) ; t = ( t1 < t2 ) ? t1 : t2 ; } int ecResult ; ecResult = ErrorCorrection( readId, seq, qual, t, kcode, kmers ) ; UpdateSummary( ecResult, summary ) ; //if ( !strcmp( seq, "GGACTTTGAAAAGAGAGTCAAAGAGTGCTTGAAATTGTCGGGAGGGAAGGGGATGGGGGCCGGGGATGGGGCGGG" ) ) // exit( 1 ) ; /*printf( "%d\n", ecResult ) ; if ( ecResult <= 0 ) printf( "%s\n%s\n", readId, seq ) ;*/ //printf( "%d\n", ecResult ) ; readBuffer[0].correction = ecResult ; GetKmerInformation( seq, kmerLength, kmers, readBuffer[0].l, readBuffer[0].m, readBuffer[0].h ) ; reads.OutputBatch( &readBuffer[0], 1, false ) ; if ( reads.IsPaired() ) { ecResult = ErrorCorrection( readId2, seq2, qual2, t, kcode, kmers ) ; readBuffer[1].correction = ecResult ; GetKmerInformation( seq2, kmerLength, kmers, readBuffer[1].l, readBuffer[1].m, readBuffer[1].h ) ; pairedReads.OutputBatch( &readBuffer[1], 1, false ) ; UpdateSummary( ecResult, summary ) ; } if ( reads.IsInterleaved() ) { ecResult = ErrorCorrection( readId2, seq2, qual2, t, kcode, kmers ) ; readBuffer[1].correction = ecResult ; GetKmerInformation( seq2, kmerLength, kmers, readBuffer[1].l, readBuffer[1].m, readBuffer[1].h ) ; reads.OutputBatch( &readBuffer[1], 1, false) ; UpdateSummary( ecResult, summary ) ; } } } else { int maxBatchSize = 512 * numOfThreads ; int batchSize ; struct _ErrorCorrectionThreadArg arg ; void *pthreadStatus ; struct _Read *readBatch = ( struct _Read *)malloc( sizeof( struct _Read ) * maxBatchSize ) ; struct _Read *readBatch2 = ( struct _Read *)malloc( sizeof( struct _Read ) * maxBatchSize ) ; int fileInd1, fileInd2 ; arg.kmerLength = kmerLength ; arg.kmers = &kmers ; arg.readBatch = readBatch ; //arg.readBatch2 = NULL ; arg.readBatch2 = readBatch2 ; arg.lock = &mutexErrorCorrection ; while ( 1 ) { batchSize = reads.GetBatch( readBatch, maxBatchSize, fileInd1, true, true ) ; if ( reads.IsPaired() ) { int tmp = pairedReads.GetBatch( readBatch2, maxBatchSize, fileInd2, true, true ) ; if ( tmp != batchSize ) { fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: The files are not paired!\n" ) ; exit ( 1 ) ; } arg.readBatch2 = readBatch2 ; } else arg.readBatch2 = NULL ; if ( batchSize == 0 ) break ; //printf( "batchSize=%d\n", batchSize ) ; arg.batchSize = batchSize ; arg.batchUsed = 0 ; arg.interleaved = reads.IsInterleaved() ; for ( i = 0 ; i < numOfThreads ; ++i ) pthread_create( &threads[i], &pthreadAttr, ErrorCorrection_Thread, (void *)&arg ) ; for ( i = 0 ; i < numOfThreads ; ++i ) pthread_join( threads[i], &pthreadStatus ) ; if ( outputStdout ) { if ( reads.IsPaired() ) { for ( i = 0 ; i < batchSize ; ++i ) { reads.OutputBatch( readBatch + i, 1, false, fileInd1 ) ; UpdateSummary( readBatch[i].correction, summary ) ; pairedReads.OutputBatch( readBatch2 + i, 1, false, fileInd2 ) ; UpdateSummary( readBatch2[i].correction, summary ) ; } } else { reads.OutputBatch( readBatch, batchSize, false, fileInd1 ) ; for ( i = 0 ; i < batchSize ; ++i ) UpdateSummary( readBatch[i].correction, summary ) ; } } else { reads.OutputBatch( readBatch, batchSize, false, fileInd1 ) ; for ( i = 0 ; i < batchSize ; ++i ) UpdateSummary( readBatch[i].correction, summary ) ; if ( reads.IsPaired() ) { pairedReads.OutputBatch( readBatch2, batchSize, false, fileInd2 ) ; for ( i = 0 ; i < batchSize ; ++i ) UpdateSummary( readBatch2[i].correction, summary ) ; } } } free( readBatch ) ; free( readBatch2 ) ; free( threads ) ; pthread_mutex_destroy( &mutexErrorCorrection ) ; } fclose( fpJellyFishDump ) ; PrintSummary( summary ) ; return 0 ; }