diri_sampler, contain and freqEst ----------------- Running make should be sufficient in many cases. In case the gsl library is not located in the standard location, you may have to edit the lines indicated in Makefile. step2far.py ----------------- Install EMBOSS and place a link to the needle executable file in the working directory e.g. [user@host]$ ln -sv emboss_installation/EMBOSS-5.0.0/emboss/needle emboss_installation/EMBOSS-5.0.0/emboss/needle -> needle In alternative, edit the needle_exe variable in the code (step2far.py, after the import statements) REQUIREMENTS: -------------------------------------------------- step2far.py a python program that needs: EMBOSS (available at http://emboss.sourceforge.net/) other python libraries included (pythonllib, MyAlignIO) dec.py a python program that needs: BioPython (available at http://biopython.org) diri_sampler (a C program included in the package) other python libraries included (pythonllib, MyAlignIO) diri_sampler a C program that needs: gsl (available at http://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/) mm.py: a python program that needs: Python version >= 2.4 contain.cc and freqEst.cc: two C++ programs that need: STL libraries fas2read.pl: a Perl script that needs: included Perl modules (in perllib)