#include "stdinc.h" #include "newhash.h" #include "extfunc.h" #include "extvab.h" //static void initenv(int argc, char **argv); static void display_map_usage(); int call_align() { time_t start_t, stop_t, time_bef, time_aft; time(&start_t); time(&time_bef); ctg_short = overlaplen + 2; //printf("contig len cutoff: %d\n",ctg_short); prlContig2nodes(graphfile, ctg_short); time(&time_aft); //printf("time spent on De bruijn graph construction: %ds\n\n", // (int)(time_aft-time_bef)); //map read to edge one by one //printf("All contigs loaded"); time(&time_bef); prlLongRead2Ctg(shortrdsfile, graphfile); time(&time_aft); //printf("time spent on mapping long reads: %ds\n\n",(int)(time_aft-time_bef)); time(&time_bef); prlRead2Ctg(shortrdsfile, graphfile); time(&time_aft); //printf("time spent on mapping reads: %ds\n\n",(int)(time_aft-time_bef)); free_Sets(KmerSets, thrd_num); time(&stop_t); //printf("overall time for alignment: %dm\n\n",(int)(stop_t-start_t)/60); printf("[%s]total time on mapping reads to contig :%dm\n", __FUNCTION__, (int)(stop_t - start_t) / 60); return 0; }