INSTALLING SEQTOOLS ON WINDOWS ============================== SeqTools cannot currently run natively on Windows. However, it can be installed and run using Cygwin (which provides a Linux-like environment on Windows). From the Cygwin website, download setup-x86.exe (or setup-x86_64.exe if you have a 64-bit machine). Run the setup program, accepting all the default options. You will need to choose a mirror on the Choose Download Site page (e.g. On the Select Packages page, select these packages: Devel/gcc-core Devel/gcc-g++ Devel/libsqlite3-devel (optional) Devel/make Devel/pkg-config Editors/nano (optional) Libs/libcurl-devel (optional) Libs/libglib2.0-devel *** also tick the SOURCE checkbox *** Libs/libgtk2.0-devel *** also tick the SOURCE checkbox *** Libs/libreadline-devel (or Libs/readline) Web/wget (optional) X11/xinit When installation is complete, open the Cygwin terminal and type the following commands, replacing XXX with the version of SeqTools you want to download: wget tar -xf seqtools-XXX.tar.gz cd seqtools-XXX ./configure make make install Before you can run the programs, you will need to run the following commands: export DISPLAY=:0 startxwin -- -emulate3buttons & To run these automatically each time Cygwin starts, edit the following file using the nano editor and paste the commands at the bottom: nano ~/.bash_profile Notes on Drives =============== Cygwin uses a "fake" root directory to make it look like you are in a linux-like filesystem. This is very different from Windows' filesystem, so it can be confusing to start with if you want to find your Cygwin files in Windows or vice versa. Here's a list of some useful locations to help find your way around (assuming you installed Cygwin in the default location): WHAT REAL LOCATION IN WINDOWS PATH FROM INSIDE CYGWIN Windows C drive C: /cygdrive/c Windows user directory C:\Documents and Settings\ /cygdrive/c/Documents and Settings/ Cygwin root directory C:\cygwin / Cygwin user directory C:\cygwin\home\ /home/