Belvu - View multiple alignments in pretty colours. Usage: belvu [options] |- |- = file or pipe in Stockholm/Selex/MSF/Fasta format (see below). Options: -c Print Conservation table. -l Load residue color code file. Format: (Lines starting with # are ignored (comment lines)) Example of color code file: # Aroma F YELLOW Y YELLOW W YELLOW # Yuck D RED N GREEN X BLUE Available colors: WHITE BLACK LIGHTGRAY DARKGRAY RED GREEN BLUE YELLOW CYAN MAGENTA LIGHTRED LIGHTGREEN LIGHTBLUE DARKRED DARKGREEN DARKBLUE PALERED PALEGREEN PALEBLUE PALEYELLOW PALECYAN PALEMAGENTA BROWN ORANGE PALEORANGE PURPLE VIOLET PALEVIOLET GRAY PALEGRAY CERISE MIDBLUE -L Load markup and organism color code file. Colour the markup text by residue or colour organism in tree. Example to set color of letters A and B: A GREEN B YELLOW Example to set color of organism human: #=OS BLUE human -m Read file with matching sequences segments. This is used to display a match of a query sequence to a family. The format of the match is : Line 1: Name/start-end score Line 2: Query sequence in matching segment, no pads! Line 3: Sequence of matching segments (qstart1 qend1 fstart1 fend2 qstart2 qend2 fstart2 fend2 etc...). Example: ZK673.9/238-260 21.58 CPENWVQFTGNGTQYGVCLRGFT 1 2 1 2 4 7 8 11 NOTE: A sometimes easier way of doing this is to concatenate the match to the end of the alignment, after a line with exactly this string within the quotes: # matchFooter -r Read alignment in 'raw' format (Name sequence). Example of raw alignment file: seq1_name MFILKTP seq1_name MYI.RTP -R Do not parse coordinates when reading alignment. -o Write alignment or tree to stdout in this format and exit. Valid formats: Mul(Stockholm), Selex, MSF, FastaAlign, Fasta, tree. -X Print UPGMA-based subfamilies at cutoff . -n Make non-redundant to %identity at startup. -Q Remove columns more gappy than . -q Remove sequences more gappy than . -G Penalize gaps in pairwise comparisons. -i Ignore gaps in conservation calculation. -P Remove partial sequences at startup. -C Don't write coordinates to saved file. -z Separator char between name and coordinates in saved file. -a Show alignment annotations on screen (Stockholm format only). -p Output random model probabilites for HMMER. (Based on all residues.) -S Sort sequences in this order. a -> alphabetically o -> by Swissprot organism, alphabetically s -> by score n -> by Neighbor-joining tree u -> by UPGMA tree S -> by similarity to first sequence i -> by identity to first sequence -s Read in file of scores.A column with scores will automatically appear after the coordinates. Format: Example of score file: 2.78 seq_1/180-206 2.78 seq_2/180-206 3.79 seq_3/42-94 -T Tree options: i -> Start up showing tree I -> Start up showing only tree d -> Show distances in tree n -> Neighbor-joining u -> UPGMA c -> Don't color tree by organism o -> Don't display sequence coordinates in tree b -> Use Scoredist distance correction (default) j -> Use Jukes-Cantor distance correction k -> Use Kimura distance correction s -> Use Storm & Sonnhammer distance correction r -> Use uncorrected distances p -> Print distance matrix and exit R -> Read distance matrix instead of alignment (only in combination with Tree routines) -b Apply boostrap analysis with bootstrap samples -B Print out bootstrap trees and exit (Negative value -> display bootstrap trees on screen) -O