#!/bin/ksh # # Description: # Test Dotter in nucleotide->protein mode. Tests the dot-matrix calculation as well # as the display of transcripts and HSPs supplied via a features file. # # Results: # Dotter's graphical display should start up, showing a dot-plot where strong matching regions # between the two sequences are shown as diagonal lines. The greyramp tool can be used to adjust # the contrast of the dot plot. Transcripts from the features file should be shown along the # horizontal axis and HSPs from the features file can be displayed by enabling the relevant # option in the View menu (note that HSPs on both strands of the reference sequence are shown, # but the pixelmap will only draw matches against the forward strand in protein mode). # RC=0 test_name=`basename $0` test_dir=`dirname $0` data_dir=$test_dir/../../../data dotter -q 246634 -f $data_dir/chr4_protein_align.gff $data_dir/chr4_ref_seq.fasta $data_dir/Q9H8G1.fasta # If there was an error, set RC if [ $? -ne 0 ] then RC=1 fi exit $RC