/* \input cnoweb Program: weighbor \hfill\break File: calcq.c \hfill\break Author: N. D. Socci \hfill\break Created: 6-Feb-97 \hfill\break \title{calcq.c} \job{Weighbor} Calculate the $q(i)$ array (eq 0.12). Additionally the $b_{i;j}$ matrix is also calculated. Note this is the new version which calculates the pairs by minimizing the residual of the weighted least squares. */ /*__* *__* *__* WEIGHBOR 1.2 [21-Jun-01] *__* *__* Copyright (c) 1997-2001 *__* Los Alamos National Laboratories *__* The Rockefeller University *__* *__* This file is part of the WEIGHBOR program that can be used free of *__* charge in academic research and teaching. Any commercial use of *__* this software requires prior permission and possibly a license. For *__* commercial use contact: W. Bruno at billb@t10.lanl.gov Los Alamos *__* National Laboratories makes no representations about the *__* suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided *__* "as is" without express or implied warranty *__* *__* For those using this program for research please use the following *__* citation for this program: *__* *__* Bruno, W. J., Socci, N. D. and Halpern, A. L., ``Weighted *__* Neighbor Joining: A Fast Approximation to Maximum-Likelihood *__* Phylogeny Reconstruction,'' Molecular Biology and Evolution, *__* 17(1): 189-197, (2000). *__* *__* *__*/ #include #include #include "tree.h" #include "matrix.h" #include "weighbor.h" #include static char version[] __attribute__ ((unused)) = "$Id: calcq.c,v 1.6 2001/06/22 19:05:45 nds Exp $"; #ifndef M_SQRT1_2 #define M_SQRT1_2 0.70710678118654752440 /* 1/sqrt(2) */ #endif /* \section{$R(i,j,j')$} Calculate the cheaper $R$ function to determine $q(i)$ by a tournament among all $j$'s */ double calcR(int N, int i, int j, int jp) { /* modifications by billb for */ double lnerfcj, lnerfcjp; double argj, argjp; double Dbpp_jjp, Dbpp_jpj; double Dbpp_ijp, Dbpp_ij; double Dbpp_jjpB, Dbpp_jpjB; /*B at end means "bar" or $\overline x$*/ double spp_jjp, spp_jpj; double spp_ijp,spp_ij; double sijpjBB, sijjpBB; double sijpjB, sijjpB, sjjpiB; double norm; double normj, normjp; double dijpB,dijB; double bi, bj, bjp; #define SIGMA23P(x,y,z) (sigma2_3p(x,y,z,oldDeltaB[x][z])) if(recalcB) { norm = 1.0/(SIGMA23P(j,i,jp)+SIGMA23P(jp,i,j)+EPSILON); normj = 1.0/(SIGMA23P(i,j,jp)+SIGMA23P(jp,j,i)+EPSILON); normjp = 1.0/(SIGMA23P(i,jp,j)+SIGMA23P(j,jp,i)+EPSILON); } else { norm = 1.0/(sigma2_3(j,i,jp)+sigma2_3(jp,i,j)+EPSILON); normj = 1.0/(sigma2_3(i,j,jp)+sigma2_3(jp,j,i)+EPSILON); normjp = 1.0/(sigma2_3(i,jp,j)+sigma2_3(j,jp,i)+EPSILON); } if(norm<0.0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s::%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); if(recalcB) fprintf(stderr, "Norm < 0 i=%d j=%d jp=%d norm=%g sigs %g %g\n", i,j,jp,norm, SIGMA23P(i,j,jp),SIGMA23P(i,jp,j)); else fprintf(stderr, "Norm < 0 i=%d j=%d jp=%d norm=%g sigs %g %g\n", i,j,jp,norm, sigma2_3(i,j,jp),sigma2_3(i,jp,j)); exit(1); } #ifdef DEBUG if(recalcB) fprintf(stdout, "i=%d j=%d jp=%d normj=%g sigs %g %g\n", i,j,jp,normj, SIGMA23P(j,i,jp),SIGMA23P(j,jp,i)); else fprintf(stdout, "i=%d j=%d jp=%d normj=%g sigs %g %g\n", i,j,jp,normj, sigma2_3(j,i,jp),sigma2_3(j,jp,i)); #endif spp_jjp = (s[j][jp] - norm) + EPSILON; spp_jpj = (s[jp][j] - norm) + EPSILON; spp_ijp = (s[i][jp] - normj) + EPSILON; spp_ij = (s[i][j] - normjp) + EPSILON; #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stdout, "spp_jjp=%g, spp_jpj=%g, spp_ijp=%g, spp_ij=%g\n", spp_jjp, spp_jpj, spp_ijp, spp_ij); fprintf(stdout, " spp_ijp=%g, s[i][jp]=%g, normj=%g\n", spp_ijp, s[i][jp], normj); #endif Dbpp_jjp = (s[j][jp]*deltaB[j][jp] - (D(i,j)-D(i,jp))*norm)/(spp_jjp/*+EPSILON*/); Dbpp_jpj = (s[jp][j]*deltaB[jp][j] - (D(i,jp)-D(i,j))*norm)/(spp_jpj/*+EPSILON*/); Dbpp_ijp = (s[i][jp]*deltaB[i][jp] - (D(i,j)-D(jp,j))*normj)/(spp_ijp/*+EPSILON*/); Dbpp_ij = (s[i][j]*deltaB[i][j] - (D(i,jp)-D(j,jp))*normjp)/(spp_ij/*+EPSILON*/); if(useSigmaBar) { sijjpB = sigma2_3(i,j,jp); sijpjB = sigma2_3(i,jp,j); sjjpiB = sigma2_3(j,jp,i); } else { bj = DMAX( (D(j, jp)+Dbpp_jjp)/2.0, MINB ); bjp = DMAX( (D(j, jp)-Dbpp_jjp)/2.0, MINB ); bi = ( DMAX(D(i,j)-bj, MINB)/(sigma2_3(i,j,jp)+EPSILON) + DMAX(D(i,jp)-bjp, MINB)/(sigma2_3(i,jp,j)+EPSILON) )/(1.0/(sigma2_3(i,j,jp)+EPSILON)+1.0/(sigma2_3(i,jp,j)+EPSILON)); sijjpB = sigma_na(bi+C(i),bj+C(j)); sijpjB = sigma_na(bi+C(i),bjp+C(jp)); sjjpiB = sigma_na(bj+C(j),bjp+C(jp)); } if(useBarValues) { sijpjBB = 1.0/(1.0/(sijpjB+1.0/spp_jjp)+1.0/(sjjpiB+1.0/spp_ijp)); sijjpBB = 1.0/(1.0/(sijjpB+1.0/spp_jjp)+1.0/(sjjpiB+1.0/spp_ij)); dijpB = (D(i,jp)/(sijpjB+1.0/spp_jjp)+D(j,jp)/(sjjpiB+1.0/spp_ijp))* sijpjBB; dijB = (D(i,j)/(sijjpB+1.0/spp_jpj)+D(j,jp)/(sjjpiB+1.0/spp_ij))* sijjpBB; Dbpp_jjpB = (Dbpp_jjp/(sijpjB+1.0/spp_jjp)+Dbpp_ijp/(sjjpiB+1.0/spp_ijp))* sijpjBB; Dbpp_jpjB = (Dbpp_jpj/(sijjpB+1.0/spp_jpj)+Dbpp_ij/(sjjpiB+1.0/spp_ij))* sijjpBB; } else { sijpjBB = 1.0/spp_jjp + sijpjB; sijjpBB = 1.0/spp_jpj + sijjpB; dijpB = D(i,jp); dijB = D(i,j); Dbpp_jjpB = Dbpp_jjp; Dbpp_jpjB = Dbpp_jpj; } argj = (D(i,j)-Dbpp_jjpB-dijpB) /sqrt(2.0*(sijpjBB+sijjpB)); argjp = (D(i,jp)-Dbpp_jpjB-dijB) /sqrt(2.0*(sijjpBB+sijpjB)); #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stdout, "ijjp=%d%d%d, bi=%g, bj=%g, bjp=%g,\n\t" "C(i)=%g, C(j)=%g, C(jp)=%g\n", i,j,jp,bi, bj, bjp, C(i), C(j), C(jp)); fprintf(stdout, "sijjpB=%g, sijpjB=%g, sjjpiB=%g\n",sijjpB, sijpjB, sjjpiB); fprintf(stdout, "sijpjBB=%g sijjpB=%g, sijjpBB=%g sijpjB=%g\n\n", sijpjBB,sijjpB,sijjpBB,sijpjB); #endif #ifdef OFF if(argjp!=-argj) { fprintf(stderr, "%s::%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); fprintf(stderr, "FATAL ERROR argjp!=-argj\n"); fprintf(stderr,"%d%d%d %.16g %.16g %.16g %.16g sig %g %g" "bi %g bj %g bjp %g norm %g spp %g %g diff %g\n", i,j,jp,argj, argjp,Dbpp_jjp,Dbpp_jpj , sigma2_3p(i,j,jp), sigma2_3p(i,jp,j), bi, bj, bjp, norm, spp_jjp, spp_jpj, argjp+argj); exit(0); } #endif if(argj>0.0) lnerfcj = log(derfcx(argj)) - argj*argj; else lnerfcj = log(derfc(argj)); if(argjp>0.0) lnerfcjp = log(derfcx(argjp)) - argjp*argjp; else lnerfcjp = log(derfc(argjp)); #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stdout,">>>%lf, %lf || %lf %lf %g %g\n" "===========================\n\n", s[i][j]*(delta2B[i][j]-SQR(deltaB[i][j])) -s[i][jp]*(delta2B[i][jp]-SQR(deltaB[i][jp])), -2.0*(lnerfcj-lnerfcjp), lnerfcj, lnerfcjp, argj, argjp); #endif if(!n_Flag) return( (s[i][j]*(delta2B[i][j]-SQR(deltaB[i][j])) -s[i][jp]*(delta2B[i][jp]-SQR(deltaB[i][jp])))/(((double)N)-3.0) -2.0*(lnerfcj-lnerfcjp)); else { double Y; Y = (sigma2_3(i,jp,j) + sigma2_3(j,jp,i) + 1.0/spp_ij) /(sigma2_3(i,jp,j) + sigma2_3(j,jp,i)+(((double)N)-3.0)/spp_ij); return(Y*(s[i][j]*(delta2B[i][j]-SQR(deltaB[i][j])) -s[i][jp]*(delta2B[i][jp]-SQR(deltaB[i][jp]))) -2.0*(lnerfcj-lnerfcjp)); } } /* \section{Calculate $q(i)$} Calculate the $q(i)$ using equation 0.11 This function calls \|calc_b| to calculate the $b_{i;j}$, $\Delta b_{ij}$, $\Delta^2 b_{ij}$ and $s_{ij}$ matrices We also return the residule $R(i,q(i))$ and matrix $b_{i;j}$. */ void calc_q(int N, int *q, VectorT R, MatrixT b, int* q2, VectorT LLR, VectorT Zscore) { int i, j, jwin; double Rmin = -1.0; /* best R */ /* for best speed I think we could omit the following (test it first!) 2 variables. Without them different second best values are printed with -v, but who cares? */ double R2ndmin = -1.0; /* 2ndbest R */ double R3rdmin = -1.0; /* 3rdbest R ; note first 2 might be the same */ VectorT z = vector(N); /* $z(i,q(i))$ */ /* First compute $b_{i;j}$, $\Delta b_{ij}$, $\Delta^2b_{ij}$, $s_{ij}$ */ calc_b(N, b, deltaB, delta2B, s); if(recalcB) { /* This is the original $\Delta b_{ij}$. The one before the recalculation using the new sigma's. We need to save this for the proper calculation of $s''_{ij}$ which also uses the new sigma's. */ /* Save the original value of \|deltaB| for use in calculating $s''$ and $\Delta b''$ */ setMM(N,deltaB,oldDeltaB); /* Now recompute $b_{i;j}$, $\Delta b_{ij}$, $\Delta^2b_{ij}$, $s_{ij}$ using the previously calculted values of $\Delta b_{ij}$ and the new noise function. */ recalc_b(N, b, deltaB, delta2B, s); } /* First calculate the $q(i)$ array using equation 0.11 to run a single elmination tournament among the $j$'s */ if(printLevel>3) fprintf(outfile,"args:\n"); for(i=0;i3) { fprintf(outfile,"basics:\n"); fprintf(outfile,"%f %f \n",calcR(N,0,2,1),calcR(N,0,2,3)); } /* Now make sure the \|jwin| is really the winner */ for(j=0;j1) { fprintf(outfile, "WARNING: non-transitive R(i,j,j'); tree could depend on input order\n"); fprintf(outfile, "New winner %d (orig winner was %d)\n\n", j2win, jwin); } if(!warnFlag) { fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: non-transitive R(i,j,j'); tree could depend on input order\n"); warnFlag=True; } /* New winner swap, jwin and j2win */ q[i] = j2win; q2[i] = jwin; } else { q[i] = jwin; q2[i] = j2win; if(minR==0.0) { if(printLevel>1) { fprintf(outfile, "WARNING: Tie in R(i,j,j'); tree likely to depend on input order\n"); fprintf(outfile, "Tie %d==%d\n\n", j2win, jwin); } if(!warnFlag) { fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Tie in R(i,j,j'); tree likely to depend on input order\n"); warnFlag=True; } } } if(printLevel>2) fprintf(outfile, "i=%d q[i]=%d q2[i]=%d minR=%f\n", i, q[i], q2[i], minR); /* The \|LLR| array holds the 3 index R values for the winning pair and the second best taxon. */ LLR[i] = -0.5*calcR(N,i,q[i],q2[i]); } /* now calculate $z(i,q(i))$ and then the full residule (eq 0.10) Two different methods for calculating $z(i,j)$ choose the old one if the \|oldZflag| is set else use the newer ($N^2$) method. */ for(i=0;i0.0) lnerfc = log(0.5*derfcx(arg)) - arg*arg; else lnerfc = log(0.5*derfc(arg)); R[i] -= 2.0*lnerfc; if(R[i] < R3rdmin || R3rdmin==-1.0) R3rdmin = R[i]; if(R[i] < R2ndmin || R2ndmin==-1.0) {R3rdmin = R2ndmin; R2ndmin = R[i];} if(R[i] < Rmin || Rmin==-1.0) {R2ndmin = Rmin; Rmin=R[i];} if(printLevel>2) fprintf(outfile, "z(%d,%d)=%g\n", i, q[i], z[i]); } } if(printLevel>0) fprintf(outfile, "\n"); freeVector(z); } double calcR2(int N, int i, int q, int q2, MatrixT b) { double arg = -calcZ2(N, i, q, q2, b)*M_SQRT1_2; double lnerfc; if(arg>0.0) lnerfc = log(0.5*derfcx(arg)) - arg*arg; else lnerfc = log(0.5*derfc(arg)); return(s[i][q]*(delta2B[i][q]-SQR(deltaB[i][q]))/(((double)N)-3.0) - 2.0*lnerfc); } /* \endc */