#include "Assembly/Options.h" #if PAIRED_DBG #include "PairedDBG/PairedDBGAlgorithms.h" #include "PairedDBG/SequenceCollection.h" #else #include "Assembly/SequenceCollection.h" #endif #include "Assembly/AssemblyAlgorithms.h" #include "Assembly/DotWriter.h" #include "DataBase/DB.h" #include #include // for setvbuf #include #include #include using namespace std; DB db; static void removeLowCoverageContigs(SequenceCollectionHash& g) { AssemblyAlgorithms::markAmbiguous(&g); cout << "Removing low-coverage contigs " "(mean k-mer coverage < " << opt::coverage << ")\n"; AssemblyAlgorithms::assemble(&g); AssemblyAlgorithms::splitAmbiguous(&g); opt::coverage = 0; } static void popBubbles(SequenceCollectionHash& g) { cout << "Popping bubbles" << endl; ofstream out; AssemblyAlgorithms::openBubbleFile(out); unsigned numPopped = AssemblyAlgorithms::popBubbles(&g, out); assert(out.good()); cout << "Removed " << numPopped << " bubbles\n"; } static void write_graph(const string& path, const SequenceCollectionHash& c) { if (path.empty()) return; cout << "Writing graph to `" << path << "'\n"; ofstream out(path.c_str()); DotWriter::write(out, c); } static void assemble(const string& pathIn, const string& pathOut) { Timer timer(__func__); SequenceCollectionHash g; if (!pathIn.empty()) AssemblyAlgorithms::loadSequences(&g, pathIn.c_str()); for_each(opt::inFiles.begin(), opt::inFiles.end(), [&g](std::string s) { AssemblyAlgorithms::loadSequences(&g, s); }); size_t numLoaded = g.size(); if (!opt::db.empty()) addToDb(db, "loadedKmer", numLoaded); cout << "Loaded " << numLoaded << " k-mer\n"; g.setDeletedKey(); g.shrink(); if (g.empty()) { cerr << "error: no usable sequence\n"; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } AssemblyAlgorithms::setCoverageParameters(AssemblyAlgorithms::coverageHistogram(g)); if (opt::kc > 0) { cout << "Minimum k-mer multiplicity kc is " << opt::kc << endl; cout << "Removing low-multiplicity k-mers" << endl; size_t removed = AssemblyAlgorithms::applyKmerCoverageThreshold(g, opt::kc); cout << "Removed " << removed << " low-multiplicity k-mers, " << g.size() << " k-mers remaining" << std::endl; } cout << "Generating adjacency" << endl; AssemblyAlgorithms::generateAdjacency(&g); #if PAIRED_DBG removePairedDBGInconsistentEdges(g); #endif erode: if (opt::erode > 0) { cout << "Eroding tips" << endl; AssemblyAlgorithms::erodeEnds(&g); assert(AssemblyAlgorithms::erodeEnds(&g) == 0); g.cleanup(); } AssemblyAlgorithms::performTrim(&g); g.cleanup(); if (opt::coverage > 0) { removeLowCoverageContigs(g); g.wipeFlag(SeqFlag(SF_MARK_SENSE | SF_MARK_ANTISENSE)); g.cleanup(); goto erode; } if (opt::bubbleLen > 0) popBubbles(g); write_graph(opt::graphPath, g); AssemblyAlgorithms::markAmbiguous(&g); FastaWriter writer(pathOut.c_str()); unsigned nContigs = AssemblyAlgorithms::assemble(&g, &writer); if (nContigs == 0) { cerr << "error: no contigs assembled\n"; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } size_t numAssembled = g.size(); size_t numRemoved = numLoaded - numAssembled; cout << "Removed " << numRemoved << " k-mer.\n" "The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is " << 10 * log10((double)numAssembled / numRemoved) << " dB.\n"; } int main(int argc, char* const* argv) { Timer timer("Total"); // Set stdout to be line buffered. setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IOLBF, 0); #if PAIRED_DBG opt::singleKmerSize = -1; #endif opt::parse(argc, argv); bool krange = opt::kMin != opt::kMax; if (krange) cout << "Assembling k=" << opt::kMin << "-" << opt::kMax << ":" << opt::kStep << endl; if (!opt::db.empty()) { init( db, opt::getUvalue(), opt::getVvalue(), "ABYSS", opt::getCommand(), opt::getMetaValue()); addToDb(db, "SS", opt::ss); addToDb(db, "k", opt::kmerSize); addToDb(db, "singleK", opt::singleKmerSize); addToDb(db, "numProc", 1); } for (unsigned k = opt::kMin; k <= opt::kMax; k += opt::kStep) { if (krange) cout << "Assembling k=" << k << endl; opt::kmerSize = k; #if PAIRED_DBG Kmer::setLength(opt::singleKmerSize); KmerPair::setLength(opt::kmerSize); #else Kmer::setLength(opt::kmerSize); #endif if (k > opt::kMin) { // Reset the assembly options to defaults. opt::erode = (unsigned)-1; opt::erodeStrand = (unsigned)-1; opt::coverage = -1; opt::trimLen = k; opt::bubbleLen = 3 * k; } ostringstream k0, k1; if (k > opt::kMin) k0 << "contigs-k" << k - opt::kStep << ".fa"; if (k < opt::kMax) k1 << "contigs-k" << k << ".fa"; else k1 << opt::contigsPath.c_str(); assemble(k0.str(), k1.str()); } if (!opt::db.empty()) addToDb(db, AssemblyAlgorithms::tempStatMap); return 0; }