#ifndef BLOOM_IO_H #define BLOOM_IO_H 1 #include "BloomDBG/RollingHash.h" #include "BloomDBG/RollingHashIterator.h" #include "DataLayer/FastaReader.h" #include "vendor/btl_bloomfilter/BloomFilter.hpp" namespace BloomDBG { /** * Round up `num` to the nearest multiple of `base`. */ template inline static T roundUpToMultiple(T num, T base) { if (base == 0) return num; T remainder = num % base; if (remainder == 0) return num; return num + base - remainder; } /** * Load DNA sequence into Bloom filter using rolling hash. * * @param bloom target Bloom filter * @param seq DNA sequence */ template inline static void loadSeq(BF& bloom, const std::string& seq) { const unsigned k = bloom.getKmerSize(); const unsigned numHashes = bloom.getHashNum(); for (RollingHashIterator it(seq, numHashes, k); it != RollingHashIterator::end(); ++it) { bloom.insert(*it); } } /** * Load sequences contents of FASTA file into Bloom filter using * rolling hash. * @param bloom target Bloom filter * @param path path to FASTA file * @param verbose if true, print progress messages to STDERR */ template inline static void loadFile(BF& bloom, const std::string& path, bool verbose = false) { const size_t BUFFER_SIZE = 1000000; const size_t LOAD_PROGRESS_STEP = 10000; assert(!path.empty()); if (verbose) std::cerr << "Reading `" << path << "'..." << std::endl; FastaReader in(path.c_str(), FastaReader::FOLD_CASE); uint64_t readCount = 0; #pragma omp parallel for (std::vector buffer(BUFFER_SIZE);;) { buffer.clear(); size_t bufferSize = 0; bool good = true; #pragma omp critical(in) for (; good && bufferSize < BUFFER_SIZE;) { std::string seq; good = in >> seq; if (good) { buffer.push_back(seq); bufferSize += seq.length(); } } if (buffer.size() == 0) break; for (size_t j = 0; j < buffer.size(); j++) { loadSeq(bloom, buffer.at(j)); if (verbose) #pragma omp critical(cerr) { readCount++; if (readCount % LOAD_PROGRESS_STEP == 0) std::cerr << "Loaded " << readCount << " reads into Bloom filter\n"; } } } assert(in.eof()); if (verbose) { std::cerr << "Loaded " << readCount << " reads from `" << path << "` into Bloom filter\n"; } } /** Load FASTQ/FASTA/SAM/BAM files from command line into a Bloom filter */ template static inline void loadBloomFilter(int argc, char** argv, BloomFilterT& bloom, bool verbose = false) { /* load reads into Bloom filter */ for (int i = optind; i < argc; ++i) { /* * Debugging feature: If there is a ':' * separating the list of input read files into * two parts, use the first set of files * to load the Bloom filter and the second * set of files for the assembly (read extension). */ if (strcmp(argv[i], ":") == 0) { optind = i + 1; break; } BloomDBG::loadFile(bloom, argv[i], verbose); } if (verbose) cerr << "Bloom filter FPR: " << setprecision(3) << bloom.FPR() * 100 << "%" << endl; } } // end namespace 'BloomDBG' #endif