#ifndef _CHECKPOINT_H_ #define _CHECKPOINT_H_ #include "BloomDBG/AssemblyCounters.h" #include "BloomDBG/AssemblyParams.h" #include "BloomDBG/AssemblyStreams.h" #include "Common/IOUtil.h" #include "DataLayer/FastaReader.h" #include #include #include namespace BloomDBG { const std::string CHECKPOINT_FASTA_EXT = ".contigs.fa"; const std::string CHECKPOINT_COUNTERS_EXT = ".counters.tsv"; const std::string CHECKPOINT_BLOOM_DBG_EXT = ".dbg.bloom"; const std::string CHECKPOINT_BLOOM_VISITED_EXT = ".visited.bloom"; const std::string CHECKPOINT_TMP_EXT = ".tmp"; /** * Save the current assembly state to a set of checkpoint files, * so that the assembly can be resumed from that point. * * @param dbg Bloom filter de Bruijn graph * @param visitedKmerSet k-mers included in output contigs so far * @param counters counters capturing assembly state * (e.g. next input read index, next output contig index) * @param params various assembly parameters (corresponding to * command line opts) */ template static inline void createCheckpoint( const BloomDBGT& dbg, const VisitedKmerSetT& visitedKmerSet, const AssemblyCounters& counters, const AssemblyParams& params) { assert(params.checkpointsEnabled()); assert(!params.checkpointPathPrefix.empty()); std::string prefix = params.checkpointPathPrefix; if (params.verbose) std::cerr << "Writing checkpoint data..." << std::endl; /* write out Bloom filter de Bruijn graph */ std::string dbgPath = prefix + CHECKPOINT_BLOOM_DBG_EXT; std::string dbgPathTmp = dbgPath + CHECKPOINT_TMP_EXT; if (params.verbose) std::cerr << '\t' << "Writing Bloom filter de Bruijn graph to `" << dbgPathTmp << "'" << std::endl; std::ofstream dbgOut; dbgOut.open(dbgPathTmp.c_str()); assert_good(dbgOut, dbgPathTmp); dbgOut << dbg; assert_good(dbgOut, dbgPathTmp); /* write out visited k-mers Bloom filter */ std::string visitedPath = prefix + CHECKPOINT_BLOOM_VISITED_EXT; std::string visitedPathTmp = visitedPath + CHECKPOINT_TMP_EXT; if (params.verbose) std::cerr << '\t' << "Writing visited k-mers Bloom to `" << visitedPathTmp << "'" << std::endl; std::ofstream visitedOut; visitedOut.open(visitedPathTmp.c_str()); assert_good(visitedOut, visitedPathTmp); visitedOut << visitedKmerSet; assert_good(visitedOut, visitedPathTmp); /* write out index of next input read */ std::string countersPath = prefix + CHECKPOINT_COUNTERS_EXT; std::string countersPathTmp = countersPath + CHECKPOINT_TMP_EXT; if (params.verbose) std::cerr << '\t' << "Writing assembly counters to `" << countersPathTmp << "'" << std::endl; std::ofstream countersOut; countersOut.open(countersPathTmp.c_str()); assert_good(countersOut, countersPathTmp); countersOut << counters; assert_good(countersOut, countersPathTmp); /* copy/move new checkpoint files on top of old ones */ std::string fastaPath = prefix + CHECKPOINT_FASTA_EXT; std::string fastaPathTmp = fastaPath + CHECKPOINT_TMP_EXT; if (params.verbose) std::cerr << '\t' << "Copying `" << fastaPathTmp << " to `" << fastaPath << "'" << std::endl; copyFile(fastaPathTmp, fastaPath); if (params.verbose) std::cerr << '\t' << "Moving `" << dbgPathTmp << "' to `" << dbgPath << "'" << std::endl; if (rename(dbgPathTmp.c_str(), dbgPath.c_str()) != 0) { perror("Error renaming file"); abort(); } if (params.verbose) std::cerr << '\t' << "Moving `" << visitedPathTmp << "' to `" << visitedPath << "'" << std::endl; if (rename(visitedPathTmp.c_str(), visitedPath.c_str()) != 0) { perror("Error renaming file"); abort(); } if (params.verbose) std::cerr << '\t' << "Moving `" << countersPathTmp << "' to `" << countersPath << "'" << std::endl; if (rename(countersPathTmp.c_str(), countersPath.c_str()) != 0) { perror("Error renaming file"); abort(); } } /** Return true if checkpoint files exist and are readable */ static inline bool checkpointExists(const AssemblyParams& params) { assert(params.checkpointsEnabled()); assert(!params.checkpointPathPrefix.empty()); std::string prefix = params.checkpointPathPrefix; std::string fastaPath = prefix + CHECKPOINT_FASTA_EXT; std::string dbgPath = prefix + CHECKPOINT_BLOOM_DBG_EXT; std::string visitedPath = prefix + CHECKPOINT_BLOOM_VISITED_EXT; std::string countersPath = prefix + CHECKPOINT_COUNTERS_EXT; return std::ifstream(fastaPath.c_str()).good() && std::ifstream(dbgPath.c_str()).good() && std::ifstream(visitedPath.c_str()).good() && std::ifstream(countersPath.c_str()).good(); } /** * Restore assembly state from checkpoint files. * * @param dbg Bloom filter de Bruijn graph * @param visitedKmerSet k-mers included in output contigs so far * @param counters counters capturing assembly state * (e.g. next input read index, next output contig index) * @param params various assembly parameters (corresponding to * @param out main output stream for assembled contigs * command line opts) */ template static inline void resumeFromCheckpoint( BloomDBGT& dbg, VisitedKmerSetT& visitedKmerSet, AssemblyCounters& counters, const AssemblyParams& params, AssemblyStreams& streams) { assert(checkpointExists(params)); assert(params.checkpointsEnabled()); assert(!params.checkpointPathPrefix.empty()); std::string prefix = params.checkpointPathPrefix; if (params.verbose) std::cerr << "Resuming from last checkpoint..." << std::endl; /* load Bloom filter de Bruijn graph */ std::string dbgPath = prefix + CHECKPOINT_BLOOM_DBG_EXT; if (params.verbose) std::cerr << '\t' << "Reading Bloom filter de Bruijn graph from `" << dbgPath << "'" << std::endl; dbg.loadFilter(dbgPath); /* load visited k-mers Bloom filter */ std::string visitedPath = prefix + CHECKPOINT_BLOOM_VISITED_EXT; if (params.verbose) std::cerr << '\t' << "Reading reading visited k-mers Bloom from `" << visitedPath << "'" << std::endl; visitedKmerSet.loadFilter(visitedPath); /* load index for next input read */ std::string countersPath = prefix + CHECKPOINT_COUNTERS_EXT; if (params.verbose) std::cerr << '\t' << "Reading index of next input read from `" << countersPath << "'" << std::endl; std::ifstream countersIn(countersPath.c_str()); assert_good(countersIn, countersPath); countersIn >> counters; assert_good(countersIn, countersPath); /* advance to previous position in input reads */ if (params.verbose) std::cerr << '\t' << "Advancing to read index " << counters.readsProcessed << " in input reads..." << std::endl; FastaRecord rec; for (size_t i = 0; i < counters.readsProcessed && streams.in; ++i) streams.in >> rec; assert(!streams.in.eof()); /* restore previously assembled contigs */ std::string fastaPath = prefix + CHECKPOINT_FASTA_EXT; std::string fastaPathTmp = fastaPath + CHECKPOINT_TMP_EXT; if (params.verbose) std::cerr << '\t' << "Copying `" << fastaPath << "' to `" << fastaPathTmp << "'" << std::endl; copyFile(fastaPath, fastaPathTmp); if (params.verbose) std::cerr << '\t' << "Outputting previously assembled contigs " << "from `" << fastaPath << "'" << std::endl; std::ifstream prevContigs(fastaPath.c_str()); assert_good(prevContigs, fastaPath); streams.out << prevContigs.rdbuf(); assert(streams.out); } /** Delete a file if it exists */ static inline void removeFileIfExists(const std::string& path) { if (std::ifstream(path.c_str()).good()) { if (remove(path.c_str()) != 0) { perror("Error removing file"); abort(); } } } /** Remove all checkpoint-related files */ static inline void removeCheckpointData(const AssemblyParams& params) { assert(params.checkpointsEnabled()); assert(!params.checkpointPathPrefix.empty()); std::string prefix = params.checkpointPathPrefix; if (params.verbose) std::cerr << "Removing checkpoint files..." << std::endl; /* remove Bloom filter de Bruijn graph file(s) */ std::string dbgPath = prefix + CHECKPOINT_BLOOM_DBG_EXT; std::string dbgPathTmp = dbgPath + CHECKPOINT_TMP_EXT; removeFileIfExists(dbgPath); removeFileIfExists(dbgPathTmp); /* remove visited k-mers Bloom filter file(s) */ std::string visitedPath = prefix + CHECKPOINT_BLOOM_VISITED_EXT; std::string visitedPathTmp = visitedPath + CHECKPOINT_TMP_EXT; removeFileIfExists(visitedPath); removeFileIfExists(visitedPathTmp); /* remove assembly counters file(s) */ std::string countersPath = prefix + CHECKPOINT_COUNTERS_EXT; std::string countersPathTmp = countersPath + CHECKPOINT_TMP_EXT; removeFileIfExists(countersPath); removeFileIfExists(countersPathTmp); /* remove contigs FASTA file(s) */ std::string fastaPath = prefix + CHECKPOINT_FASTA_EXT; std::string fastaPathTmp = fastaPath + CHECKPOINT_TMP_EXT; removeFileIfExists(fastaPath); removeFileIfExists(fastaPathTmp); } } #endif