/** * de Bruijn Graph data structure using a Bloom filter * Copyright 2015 Shaun Jackman, Ben Vandervalk */ #ifndef ROLLING_BLOOM_DBG_H #define ROLLING_BLOOM_DBG_H 1 #include "Assembly/SeqExt.h" // for NUM_BASES #include "Common/Hash.h" #include "BloomDBG/MaskedKmer.h" #include "Graph/Properties.h" #include "BloomDBG/RollingHash.h" #include "BloomDBG/LightweightKmer.h" #include "vendor/btl_bloomfilter/BloomFilter.hpp" #include #include #include // for abort #include #include #include // for std::pair #include #include #define BASE_CHARS "ACGT" using boost::graph_traits; /** * Represents a vertex in the de Bruijn graph. */ struct RollingBloomDBGVertex { private: LightweightKmer m_kmer; RollingHash m_rollingHash; public: RollingBloomDBGVertex() {} RollingBloomDBGVertex(const char* kmer, const RollingHash rollingHash) : m_kmer(kmer), m_rollingHash(rollingHash) {} const LightweightKmer& kmer() const { return m_kmer; }; LightweightKmer& kmer() { return m_kmer; }; const RollingHash& rollingHash() const { return m_rollingHash; } RollingBloomDBGVertex clone() const { return RollingBloomDBGVertex(m_kmer.c_str(), m_rollingHash); } void shift(extDirection dir, char charIn = 'A') { if (dir == SENSE) { m_rollingHash.rollRight(m_kmer.c_str(), charIn); } else { m_rollingHash.rollLeft(charIn, m_kmer.c_str()); } m_kmer.shift(dir, charIn); } void setLastBase(extDirection dir, char base) { m_rollingHash.setLastBase(kmer().c_str(), dir, base); kmer().setLastBase(dir, base); } void reverseComplement() { m_kmer.reverseComplement(); m_rollingHash.reverseComplement(); } bool isCanonical() const { return m_kmer.isCanonical(); } void canonicalize() { if (!m_kmer.isCanonical()) reverseComplement(); } /** * Comparison operator that takes spaced seed bitmask into account. */ bool operator==(const RollingBloomDBGVertex& o) const { /* do fast comparison first */ if (m_rollingHash != o.m_rollingHash) return false; return compare(o) == 0; } /** * Inequality operator that takes spaced seed bitmask into account. */ bool operator!=(const RollingBloomDBGVertex& o) const { return !(*this == o); } /** * Comparison operator that is invariant under reverse-complement. */ bool operator<(const RollingBloomDBGVertex& o) const { return compare(o) < 0; } /** Comparison operator that is invariant under reverse complement */ int compare(const RollingBloomDBGVertex& o) const { unsigned k = Kmer::length(); const std::string& spacedSeed = MaskedKmer::mask(); const LightweightKmer& kmer1 = kmer(); const LightweightKmer& kmer2 = o.kmer(); bool rc1 = !kmer1.isCanonical(); bool rc2 = !kmer2.isCanonical(); int end1 = rc1 ? -1 : k; int end2 = rc2 ? -1 : k; int inc1 = rc1 ? -1 : 1; int inc2 = rc2 ? -1 : 1; int pos1 = rc1 ? k-1 : 0; int pos2 = rc2 ? k-1 : 0; for (; pos1 != end1 && pos2 != end2; pos1+=inc1, pos2+=inc2) { char c1 = toupper(kmer1.c_str()[pos1]); char c2 = toupper(kmer2.c_str()[pos2]); /* ignore positions masked by spaced seed */ if (!spacedSeed.empty() && spacedSeed.at(pos1) != '1') { /* spaced seed must be symmetric */ assert(spacedSeed.at(pos2) != '1'); continue; } if (rc1) c1 = complementBaseChar(c1); if (rc2) c2 = complementBaseChar(c2); if (c1 > c2) return 1; if (c1 < c2) return -1; } return 0; } }; NAMESPACE_STD_HASH_BEGIN template <> struct hash { /** * Hash function for graph vertex type (vertex_descriptor) */ size_t operator()(const RollingBloomDBGVertex& vertex) const { return vertex.rollingHash().getHashSeed(); } }; NAMESPACE_STD_HASH_END template class RollingBloomDBG: public BF { public: /** The bundled vertex properties. */ typedef no_property vertex_bundled; typedef no_property vertex_property_type; /** The bundled edge properties. */ typedef no_property edge_bundled; typedef no_property edge_property_type; /** The bloom filter */ const BF& m_bloom; RollingBloomDBG(const BF& bloom) : m_bloom(bloom) {} private: /** Copy constructor. */ RollingBloomDBG(const RollingBloomDBG&); }; // class RollingBloomDBG // Graph namespace boost { /** Graph traits */ template struct graph_traits< RollingBloomDBG > { // Graph /** * Identifier for accessing a vertex in the graph. * The second member of the pair (std::vector) is * a set of hash values associated with the k-mer. */ typedef uint64_t hash_t; typedef RollingBloomDBGVertex vertex_descriptor; typedef boost::directed_tag directed_category; struct traversal_category : boost::adjacency_graph_tag, boost::bidirectional_graph_tag, boost::vertex_list_graph_tag { }; typedef boost::disallow_parallel_edge_tag edge_parallel_category; // IncidenceGraph typedef std::pair edge_descriptor; typedef unsigned degree_size_type; // VertexListGraph typedef uint64_t vertices_size_type; typedef void vertex_iterator; // EdgeListGraph typedef uint64_t edges_size_type; typedef void edge_iterator; // AdjacencyGraph /** Iterate through the adjacent vertices of a vertex. */ struct adjacency_iterator : public std::iterator { /** Skip to the next edge that is present. */ void next() { for (; m_i < NUM_BASES; ++m_i) { m_v.setLastBase(SENSE, BASE_CHARS[m_i]); if (vertex_exists(m_v, *m_g)) break; } } public: adjacency_iterator() { } adjacency_iterator(const RollingBloomDBG& g) : m_g(&g), m_i(NUM_BASES) { } adjacency_iterator(const RollingBloomDBG& g, const vertex_descriptor& u) : m_g(&g), m_u(u), m_v(u.clone()), m_i(0) { m_v.shift(SENSE); next(); } const vertex_descriptor& operator*() const { assert(m_i < NUM_BASES); return m_v; } bool operator==(const adjacency_iterator& it) const { return m_i == it.m_i; } bool operator!=(const adjacency_iterator& it) const { return !(*this == it); } adjacency_iterator& operator++() { assert(m_i < NUM_BASES); ++m_i; next(); return *this; } adjacency_iterator operator++(int) { adjacency_iterator it = *this; ++*this; return it; } private: const RollingBloomDBG* m_g; vertex_descriptor m_u; vertex_descriptor m_v; short unsigned m_i; }; // adjacency_iterator /** IncidenceGraph */ struct out_edge_iterator : public std::iterator { /** Skip to the next edge that is present. */ void next() { for (; m_i < NUM_BASES; ++m_i) { m_v.setLastBase(SENSE, BASE_CHARS[m_i]); if (vertex_exists(m_v, *m_g)) break; } } public: out_edge_iterator() { } out_edge_iterator(const RollingBloomDBG& g) : m_g(&g), m_i(NUM_BASES) { } out_edge_iterator(const RollingBloomDBG& g, const vertex_descriptor& u) : m_g(&g), m_u(u), m_v(u.clone()), m_i(0) { m_v.shift(SENSE); next(); } edge_descriptor operator*() const { assert(m_i < NUM_BASES); return edge_descriptor(m_u, m_v.clone()); } bool operator==(const out_edge_iterator& it) const { return m_i == it.m_i; } bool operator!=(const out_edge_iterator& it) const { return !(*this == it); } out_edge_iterator& operator++() { assert(m_i < NUM_BASES); ++m_i; next(); return *this; } out_edge_iterator operator++(int) { out_edge_iterator it = *this; ++*this; return it; } private: const RollingBloomDBG* m_g; vertex_descriptor m_u; vertex_descriptor m_v; unsigned m_i; }; // out_edge_iterator /** BidirectionalGraph */ struct in_edge_iterator : public std::iterator { /** Skip to the next edge that is present. */ void next() { for (; m_i < NUM_BASES; ++m_i) { m_v.setLastBase(ANTISENSE, BASE_CHARS[m_i]); if (vertex_exists(m_v, *m_g)) break; } } public: in_edge_iterator() { } in_edge_iterator(const RollingBloomDBG& g) : m_g(&g), m_i(NUM_BASES) { } in_edge_iterator(const RollingBloomDBG& g, const vertex_descriptor& u) : m_g(&g), m_u(u), m_v(u.clone()), m_i(0) { m_v.shift(ANTISENSE); next(); } edge_descriptor operator*() const { assert(m_i < NUM_BASES); return edge_descriptor(m_v.clone(), m_u); } bool operator==(const in_edge_iterator& it) const { return m_i == it.m_i; } bool operator!=(const in_edge_iterator& it) const { return !(*this == it); } in_edge_iterator& operator++() { assert(m_i < NUM_BASES); ++m_i; next(); return *this; } in_edge_iterator operator++(int) { in_edge_iterator it = *this; ++*this; return it; } private: const RollingBloomDBG* m_g; vertex_descriptor m_u; vertex_descriptor m_v; unsigned m_i; }; // in_edge_iterator }; // graph_traits } // namespace boost // Subgraph /** Return whether this vertex exists in the subgraph. */ template static inline bool vertex_exists( const typename graph_traits >::vertex_descriptor& u, const RollingBloomDBG& g) { typedef uint64_t hash_t; hash_t hashes[MAX_HASHES]; u.rollingHash().getHashes(hashes); return g.m_bloom.contains(hashes); } template static inline std::pair::adjacency_iterator, typename graph_traits::adjacency_iterator> adjacent_vertices( const typename graph_traits::vertex_descriptor& u, const Graph& g) { typedef typename graph_traits::adjacency_iterator adjacency_iterator; return std::make_pair(adjacency_iterator(g, u), adjacency_iterator(g)); } // IncidenceGraph template static inline typename graph_traits::degree_size_type out_degree( const typename graph_traits::vertex_descriptor& u, const Graph& g) { typedef typename graph_traits::adjacency_iterator Ait; std::pair adj = adjacent_vertices(u, g); return std::distance(adj.first, adj.second); } template static inline typename std::pair >::out_edge_iterator, typename graph_traits >::out_edge_iterator> out_edges( const typename graph_traits >::vertex_descriptor& u, const RollingBloomDBG& g) { typedef RollingBloomDBG Graph; typedef typename graph_traits::out_edge_iterator Oit; return std::make_pair(Oit(g, u), Oit(g)); } // BidirectionalGraph template static inline std::pair >::in_edge_iterator, typename graph_traits >::in_edge_iterator> in_edges( const typename graph_traits >::vertex_descriptor& u, const RollingBloomDBG& g) { typedef RollingBloomDBG Graph; typedef typename graph_traits::in_edge_iterator Iit; return std::make_pair(Iit(g, u), Iit(g)); } template static inline typename graph_traits >::degree_size_type in_degree(const typename graph_traits >::vertex_descriptor& u, const RollingBloomDBG& g) { typedef RollingBloomDBG Graph; typedef typename graph_traits::in_edge_iterator Iit; std::pair it = in_edges(u, g); return std::distance(it.first, it.second); } // PropertyGraph /** Return the reverse complement of the specified k-mer. */ template static inline typename graph_traits< RollingBloomDBG >::vertex_descriptor get(vertex_complement_t, const RollingBloomDBG&, typename graph_traits >::vertex_descriptor u) { typedef RollingBloomDBG Graph; typedef typename graph_traits::vertex_descriptor V; return V(reverseComplement(u.first), u.second); } /** Return the name of the specified vertex. */ template static inline MaskedKmer get(vertex_name_t, const RollingBloomDBG&, typename graph_traits >::vertex_descriptor u) { return u.first; } template static inline bool get(vertex_removed_t, const RollingBloomDBG&, typename graph_traits >::vertex_descriptor) { return false; } template static inline no_property get(vertex_bundle_t, const RollingBloomDBG&, typename graph_traits >::edge_descriptor) { return no_property(); } template static inline no_property get(edge_bundle_t, const RollingBloomDBG&, typename graph_traits >::edge_descriptor) { return no_property(); } template static inline std::pair::edge_descriptor, bool> edge(const typename boost::graph_traits::vertex_descriptor& u, const typename boost::graph_traits::vertex_descriptor&v, const Graph& g) { typedef typename boost::graph_traits::edge_descriptor E; typedef typename boost::graph_traits::adjacency_iterator AdjIt; AdjIt it, end; E e(u, v); for (boost::tie(it, end) = adjacent_vertices(u, g); it != end; ++it) { if (*it == v) return std::make_pair(e, true); } return std::make_pair(e, false); } #endif