#include "config.h" #include "BloomDBG/AssemblyCounters.h" #include "BloomDBG/AssemblyParams.h" #include "BloomDBG/Checkpoint.h" #include "BloomDBG/MaskedKmer.h" #include "BloomDBG/SpacedSeed.h" #include "BloomDBG/bloom-dbg.h" #include "Common/Options.h" #include "Common/StringUtil.h" #include "DataLayer/Options.h" #include "vendor/btl_bloomfilter/CountingBloomFilter.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if _OPENMP #include #endif typedef uint8_t BloomCounterType; typedef CountingBloomFilter CountingBloomFilterType; using namespace std; #define PROGRAM "abyss-bloom-dbg" #define STR_HELPER(x) #x #define STR(x) STR_HELPER(x) static const char VERSION_MESSAGE[] = PROGRAM " (" PACKAGE_NAME ") " VERSION "\n" "Written by Ben Vandervalk, Shaun Jackman, Hamid Mohamadi,\n" "Justin Chu, and Anthony Raymond.\n" "\n" "Copyright 2015 Canada's Michael Smith Genome Science Centre\n"; static const char USAGE_MESSAGE[] = "Usage: " PROGRAM " -b -H -k \\\n" " [options] [FASTQ]... > assembly.fasta\n" "\n" "Perform a de Bruijn graph assembly of the given FASTQ files.\n" "\n" "Basic Options:\n" "\n" " -b --bloom-size=N overall memory budget for the assembly in bytes.\n" " Unit suffixes 'k' (kilobytes), 'M' (megabytes),\n" " or 'G' (gigabytes) may be used. [required]\n" " --chastity discard unchaste reads [default]\n" " --no-chastity do not discard unchaste reads\n" " -g --graph=FILE write de Bruijn graph to FILE (GraphViz)\n" " --help display this help and exit\n" " -H --num-hashes=N number of Bloom filter hash functions [4]\n" " -i --input-bloom=FILE load Bloom filter from FILE\n" " -j, --threads=N use N parallel threads [1]\n" " --trim-masked trim masked bases from the ends of reads\n" " --no-trim-masked do not trim masked bases from the ends\n" " of reads [default]\n" " -k, --kmer=N the size of a k-mer [<=" STR( MAX_KMER) "]\n" " --kc=N ignore k-mers having a count < N,\n" " using a counting Bloom filter [2]\n" " -o, --out=FILE write the contigs to FILE [STDOUT]\n" " -q, --trim-quality=N trim bases from the ends of reads whose\n" " quality is less than the threshold\n" " -Q, --mask-quality=N mask all low quality bases as `N'\n" " --standard-quality zero quality is `!' (33), typically\n" " for FASTQ and SAM files [default]\n" " --illumina-quality zero quality is `@' (64), typically\n" " for qseq and export files\n" " -t, --trim-length=N max branch length to trim, in k-mers [k]\n" " -v, --verbose display verbose output\n" " --version output version information and exit\n" "\n" "Spaced Seed Options:\n" "\n" " -K, --single-kmer=N use a spaced seed that consists of two k-mers\n" " separated by a gap. K must be chosen such that\n" " K <= k/2\n" " --qr-seed=N use a spaced seed than consists of two mirrored\n" " QR seeds separated by a gap. The following must\n" " hold: (a) N must be prime, (b) N >= 11,\n" " (c) N <= k/2\n" " -s, --spaced-seed=STR bitmask indicating k-mer positions to be\n" " ignored during hashing. The pattern must be\n" " symmetric\n" "\n" "Debugging Options:\n" "\n" " -C, --cov-track=FILE WIG track with 0/1 indicating k-mers with\n" " coverage above the -c threshold. A reference\n" " must also be specified with -R.\n" " --read-log=FILE write outcome of processing each read to FILE\n" " -R, --ref=FILE specify a reference genome. FILE may be\n" " FASTA, FASTQ, SAM, or BAM and may be gzipped.\n" " -T, --trace-file=FILE write debugging info about generation of\n" " each read to FILE\n" "\n" "Experimental Options:\n" "\n" " Note!: These options may not be supported in future versions.\n" "\n" " --checkpoint=N create a checkpoint every N reads [disabled=0]\n" " --keep-checkpoint do not delete checkpoint files after assembly\n" " completes successfully [disabled]\n" " --checkpoint-prefix=STR filename prefix for checkpoint files\n" " ['bloom-dbg-checkpoint']\n" "\n" "Example:\n" "\n" " Assemble a genome using a k-mer size of 50bp. Allocate a 1GB\n" " Bloom filter with 2 hash functions and require that a k-mer\n" " occurs 3 times or more to be included in the assembly. (The k-mer\n" " count threshold filters out k-mers containing sequencing errors.)\n" "\n" " $ " PROGRAM " -k50 -b1G -H2 --kc=3 reads1.fq.gz reads2.fq.gz > assembly.fa\n" "\n" "Report bugs to <" PACKAGE_BUGREPORT ">.\n"; /** Assembly params (stores command-line options) */ BloomDBG::AssemblyParams params; static const char shortopts[] = "b:C:g:H:i:j:k:K:o:q:Q:R:s:t:T:v"; enum { OPT_HELP = 1, OPT_VERSION, QR_SEED, MIN_KMER_COV, CHECKPOINT, KEEP_CHECKPOINT, CHECKPOINT_PREFIX, READ_LOG, }; static const struct option longopts[] = { { "bloom-size", required_argument, NULL, 'b' }, { "min-coverage", required_argument, NULL, 'c' }, { "cov-track", required_argument, NULL, 'C' }, { "chastity", no_argument, &opt::chastityFilter, 1 }, { "no-chastity", no_argument, &opt::chastityFilter, 0 }, { "checkpoint", required_argument, NULL, CHECKPOINT }, { "keep-checkpoint", no_argument, NULL, KEEP_CHECKPOINT }, { "checkpoint-prefix", required_argument, NULL, CHECKPOINT_PREFIX }, { "graph", required_argument, NULL, 'g' }, { "num-hashes", required_argument, NULL, 'H' }, { "input-bloom", required_argument, NULL, 'i' }, { "help", no_argument, NULL, OPT_HELP }, { "threads", required_argument, NULL, 'j' }, { "trim-masked", no_argument, &opt::trimMasked, 1 }, { "no-trim-masked", no_argument, &opt::trimMasked, 0 }, { "kmer", required_argument, NULL, 'k' }, { "kc", required_argument, NULL, MIN_KMER_COV }, { "single-kmer", required_argument, NULL, 'K' }, { "out", required_argument, NULL, 'o' }, { "trim-quality", required_argument, NULL, 'q' }, { "mask-quality", required_argument, NULL, 'Q' }, { "standard-quality", no_argument, &opt::qualityOffset, 33 }, { "illumina-quality", no_argument, &opt::qualityOffset, 64 }, { "qr-seed", required_argument, NULL, QR_SEED }, { "read-log", required_argument, NULL, READ_LOG }, { "ref", required_argument, NULL, 'R' }, { "spaced-seed", required_argument, NULL, 's' }, { "trim-length", required_argument, NULL, 't' }, { "trace-file", required_argument, NULL, 'T' }, { "verbose", no_argument, NULL, 'v' }, { "version", no_argument, NULL, OPT_VERSION }, { NULL, 0, NULL, 0 } }; template void printCountingBloomStats(T& bloom, ostream& os) { os << "Counting Bloom filter stats:" << "\n\t#counters = " << bloom.size() << "\n\t#size (B) = " << bloom.sizeInBytes() << "\n\tthreshold = " << bloom.threshold() << "\n\tpopcount = " << bloom.filtered_popcount() << "\n\tFPR = " << setprecision(3) << 100.f * bloom.filtered_FPR() << "%" << "\n"; } /** Create optional auxiliary output files */ template void writeAuxiliaryFiles( int argc, char** argv, const BloomFilterT& bloom, const BloomDBG::AssemblyParams& params) { /* generate wiggle coverage track */ if (!params.covTrackPath.empty() && !params.refPath.empty()) BloomDBG::writeCovTrack(bloom, params); /* generate de Bruijn graph in GraphViz format */ if (!params.graphPath.empty()) { ofstream graphOut(params.graphPath.c_str()); assert_good(graphOut, params.graphPath); BloomDBG::outputGraph(argc, argv, bloom, params, graphOut); assert_good(graphOut, params.graphPath); graphOut.close(); assert_good(graphOut, params.graphPath); } } /** Initialize global variables for k-mer size and spaced seed pattern */ void initGlobals(const BloomDBG::AssemblyParams& params) { /* set global variable for k-mer length */ MaskedKmer::setLength(params.k); if (params.verbose) cerr << "Assembling with k-mer size " << params.k << endl; /* set global variable for spaced seed */ if (params.K > 0) MaskedKmer::setMask(SpacedSeed::kmerPair(params.k, params.K)); else if (params.qrSeedLen > 0) MaskedKmer::setMask(SpacedSeed::qrSeedPair(params.k, params.qrSeedLen)); else MaskedKmer::setMask(params.spacedSeed); if (params.verbose && !MaskedKmer::mask().empty()) cerr << "Using spaced seed " << MaskedKmer::mask() << endl; } /** * Resume assembly from previously saved checkpoint. */ void resumeAssemblyFromCheckpoint(int argc, char** argv, BloomDBG::AssemblyParams& params, ostream& out) { assert(params.checkpointsEnabled() && checkpointExists(params)); assert(params.initialized()); initGlobals(params); /* empty Bloom filter de Bruijn graph */ CountingBloomFilterType solidKmerSet; /* empty visited k-mers Bloom filter */ BloomFilter visitedKmerSet; /* counters for progress messages */ BloomDBG::AssemblyCounters counters; /* setup input/output streams for the assembly */ /* input reads */ FastaConcat in(argv + optind, argv + argc, FastaReader::FOLD_CASE); /* output stream for duplicate contigs FASTA output (for checkpoints) */ ofstream checkpointOut; assert(!params.checkpointPathPrefix.empty()); string prefix = params.checkpointPathPrefix; string checkpointPath = prefix + BloomDBG::CHECKPOINT_FASTA_EXT; checkpointOut.open(checkpointPath.c_str(), std::ofstream::app); assert_good(checkpointOut, checkpointPath); /* stream for trace file output ('-T' option) */ ofstream traceOut; if (!params.tracePath.empty()) { traceOut.open(params.tracePath.c_str()); assert_good(traceOut, params.tracePath); BloomDBG::ContigRecord::printHeaders(traceOut); assert_good(traceOut, params.tracePath); } /* logs outcome of processing of each read (`--read-log`) */ std::ofstream readLogOut; if (!params.readLogPath.empty()) { readLogOut.open(params.readLogPath.c_str()); assert_good(readLogOut, params.readLogPath); BloomDBG::ReadRecord::printHeaders(readLogOut); assert_good(readLogOut, params.readLogPath); } /* bundle input/output streams for assembly */ BloomDBG::AssemblyStreams streams(in, out, checkpointOut, traceOut, readLogOut); /* restore state of Bloom filters, counters, and input/output streams */ BloomDBG::resumeFromCheckpoint(solidKmerSet, visitedKmerSet, counters, params, streams); /* resume the assembly */ BloomDBG::assemble(solidKmerSet, visitedKmerSet, counters, params, streams); } /** * Do the assembly after loading a pre-built Bloom filter * from file (`-i` option). (The input Bloom filter file * is constructed using `abyss-bloom build -t rolling-hash`.) */ void prebuiltBloomAssembly(int argc, char** argv, BloomDBG::AssemblyParams& params, ostream& out) { /* load prebuilt Bloom filter from file */ assert(!params.bloomPath.empty()); if (params.verbose) cerr << "Loading prebuilt Bloom filter from `" << params.bloomPath << "'" << endl; /* load the Bloom filter from file */ CountingBloomFilterType bloom(params.bloomPath, params.minCov); if (params.verbose) cerr << "Bloom filter FPR: " << setprecision(3) << bloom.FPR() * 100 << "%" << endl; printCountingBloomStats(bloom, cerr); /* override command line options with values from Bloom file */ params.k = bloom.getKmerSize(); params.numHashes = bloom.getHashNum(); params.bloomSize = bloom.sizeInBytes(); if (params.trim == std::numeric_limits::max()) params.trim = params.k; assert(params.numHashes <= MAX_HASHES); assert(params.initialized()); /* init global vars for k-mer size and spaced seed pattern */ initGlobals(params); if (params.verbose) cerr << params; /* do assembly */ BloomDBG::assemble(argc - optind, argv + optind, bloom, params, out); /* write supplementary files (e.g. GraphViz) */ writeAuxiliaryFiles(argc - optind, argv + optind, bloom, params); } /** * Load the reads into a counting Bloom filter and do the assembly. */ void countingBloomAssembly(int argc, char** argv, const BloomDBG::AssemblyParams& params, ostream& out) { /* init global vars for k-mer size and spaced seed pattern */ assert(params.initialized()); initGlobals(params); if (params.verbose) cerr << params; /* Initialize a counting Bloom filter: Divide the requested memory in bytes by 1.125 to account for the memory used in building the visitedKmer BloomFilter. Then further divide the byte-size of each counter to determine the number of counters, and then round up that count to the next multiple of 64.*/ double countingBloomFilterSize = params.bloomSize / 1.125 / sizeof(BloomCounterType); size_t counters = BloomDBG::roundUpToMultiple((size_t) round(countingBloomFilterSize), (size_t)64); CountingBloomFilterType bloom(counters, params.numHashes, params.k, params.minCov); BloomDBG::loadBloomFilter(argc, argv, bloom, params.verbose); if (params.verbose) printCountingBloomStats(bloom, cerr); /* second pass through FASTA files for assembling */ BloomDBG::assemble(argc - optind, argv + optind, bloom, params, out); /* write supplementary files (e.g. GraphViz) */ writeAuxiliaryFiles(argc - optind, argv + optind, bloom, params); } /** * Create a de novo genome assembly using a Bloom filter de * Bruijn graph. */ int main(int argc, char** argv) { bool die = false; for (int c; (c = getopt_long(argc, argv, shortopts, longopts, NULL)) != -1;) { istringstream arg(optarg != NULL ? optarg : ""); switch (c) { case '?': die = true; break; case 'b': params.bloomSize = SIToBytes(arg); break; case 'C': arg >> params.covTrackPath; break; case 'g': arg >> params.graphPath; break; case 'H': arg >> params.numHashes; break; case 'i': arg >> params.bloomPath; break; case 'j': arg >> params.threads; break; case 'k': arg >> params.k; break; case 'K': params.resetSpacedSeedParams(); arg >> params.K; break; case 'o': arg >> params.outputPath; break; case 'q': arg >> opt::qualityThreshold; break; case 'R': arg >> params.refPath; break; case 's': params.resetSpacedSeedParams(); arg >> params.spacedSeed; break; case 't': arg >> params.trim; break; case 'T': arg >> params.tracePath; break; case 'Q': arg >> opt::internalQThreshold; break; case 'v': ++params.verbose; break; case OPT_HELP: cout << USAGE_MESSAGE; exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); case MIN_KMER_COV: arg >> params.minCov; break; case OPT_VERSION: cout << VERSION_MESSAGE; exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); case QR_SEED: params.resetSpacedSeedParams(); arg >> params.qrSeedLen; break; case CHECKPOINT: arg >> params.readsPerCheckpoint; break; case KEEP_CHECKPOINT: params.keepCheckpoint = true; break; case CHECKPOINT_PREFIX: arg >> params.checkpointPathPrefix; break; case READ_LOG: arg >> params.readLogPath; break; } if (optarg != NULL && (!arg.eof() || arg.fail())) { cerr << PROGRAM ": invalid option: `-" << (char)c << optarg << "'\n"; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } if (params.bloomPath.empty() && params.bloomSize == 0) { cerr << PROGRAM ": missing mandatory option `-b'\n"; die = true; } if (params.bloomPath.empty() && params.k == 0) { cerr << PROGRAM ": missing mandatory option `-k'\n"; die = true; } if (params.k > 0 && params.K > 0 && params.K > params.k / 2) { cerr << PROGRAM ": value of `-K' must be <= k/2\n"; die = true; } if (params.numHashes > MAX_HASHES) { cerr << PROGRAM ": number of hash functions (`-H`) must " "be <= " << MAX_HASHES << " (set by `configure` option " "--enable-max-hashes=N)\n"; die = true; } if (params.k > 0 && params.qrSeedLen > 0 && (params.qrSeedLen < 11 || params.qrSeedLen > params.k / 2)) { cerr << PROGRAM ": value of `--qr-seed' must be >= 11 and <= k/2\n"; die = true; } if (!params.covTrackPath.empty() && params.refPath.empty()) { cerr << PROGRAM ": you must specify a reference with `-R' " "when using `-C'\n"; die = true; } if (params.k > 0 && params.trim == std::numeric_limits::max()) { params.trim = params.k; } if (argc - optind < 1) { cerr << PROGRAM ": missing input file arguments\n"; die = true; } if (die) { cerr << "Try `" << PROGRAM << " --help' for more information.\n"; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } #if _OPENMP if (params.threads > 0) omp_set_num_threads(params.threads); #endif /* print contigs to STDOUT unless -o option was set */ ofstream outputFile; if (!params.outputPath.empty()) { outputFile.open(params.outputPath.c_str()); assert_good(outputFile, params.outputPath); } ostream& out = params.outputPath.empty() ? cout : outputFile; /* load the Bloom filter and do the assembly */ if (params.checkpointsEnabled() && checkpointExists(params)) resumeAssemblyFromCheckpoint(argc, argv, params, out); else if (!params.bloomPath.empty()) prebuiltBloomAssembly(argc, argv, params, out); else countingBloomAssembly(argc, argv, params, out); /* cleanup */ if (!params.outputPath.empty()) outputFile.close(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }