#ifndef BLOOM_DBG_H #define BLOOM_DBG_H 1 #include "config.h" #include "BloomDBG/AssemblyCounters.h" #include "BloomDBG/AssemblyParams.h" #include "BloomDBG/BloomIO.h" #include "BloomDBG/Checkpoint.h" #include "BloomDBG/MaskedKmer.h" #include "BloomDBG/RollingBloomDBG.h" #include "BloomDBG/RollingHash.h" #include "BloomDBG/RollingHashIterator.h" #include "Common/Hash.h" #include "Common/IOUtil.h" #include "Common/Sequence.h" #include "Common/Uncompress.h" #include "Common/UnorderedSet.h" #include "DataLayer/FastaConcat.h" #include "DataLayer/FastaReader.h" #include "Graph/BreadthFirstSearch.h" #include "Graph/ExtendPath.h" #include "Graph/Path.h" #include "vendor/btl_bloomfilter/BloomFilter.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #if _OPENMP #include #endif #if HAVE_GOOGLE_SPARSE_HASH_MAP #include typedef google::sparse_hash_set> KmerHash; #else #include "Common/UnorderedSet.h" typedef unordered_set> KmerHash; #endif namespace BloomDBG { /** * Type for a vertex in the de Bruijn graph. */ typedef RollingBloomDBGVertex Vertex; /** * Return true if all of the k-mers in `seq` are contained in `bloom` * and false otherwise. */ template inline static bool allKmersInBloom(const Sequence& seq, const BloomT& bloom) { const unsigned k = bloom.getKmerSize(); const unsigned numHashes = bloom.getHashNum(); assert(seq.length() >= k); unsigned validKmers = 0; for (RollingHashIterator it(seq, numHashes, k); it != RollingHashIterator::end(); ++it, ++validKmers) { if (!bloom.contains(*it)) return false; } /* if we skipped over k-mers containing non-ACGT chars */ if (validKmers < seq.length() - k + 1) return false; return true; } /** * Add all k-mers of a DNA sequence to a Bloom filter. */ template inline static void addKmersToBloom(const Sequence& seq, BloomT& bloom) { const unsigned k = bloom.getKmerSize(); const unsigned numHashes = bloom.getHashNum(); for (RollingHashIterator it(seq, numHashes, k); it != RollingHashIterator::end(); ++it) { bloom.insert(*it); } } /** * Returns the sum of all kmer multiplicities in `seq` by querying `bloom` */ template inline static unsigned getSeqAbsoluteKmerCoverage(const Sequence& seq, const CountingBloomT& bloom) { const unsigned k = bloom.getKmerSize(); const unsigned numHashes = bloom.getHashNum(); assert(seq.length() >= k); unsigned coverage = 0; for (RollingHashIterator it(seq, numHashes, k); it != RollingHashIterator::end(); ++it) { coverage += bloom.minCount(*it); } return coverage; } /** * Translate a DNA sequence to an equivalent path in the * de Bruijn graph. */ inline static Path seqToPath(const Sequence& seq, unsigned k, unsigned numHashes) { Path path; assert(seq.length() >= k); for (RollingHashIterator it(seq, numHashes, k); it != RollingHashIterator::end(); ++it) { path.push_back(Vertex(it.kmer().c_str(), it.rollingHash())); } return path; } /** * Translate a path in the de Bruijn graph to an equivalent * DNA sequence. */ inline static Sequence pathToSeq(const Path& path, unsigned k) { assert(path.size() > 0); assert(k > 0); const std::string& spacedSeed = MaskedKmer::mask(); assert(spacedSeed.empty() || spacedSeed.length() == k); Sequence seq; seq.resize(path.size() + k - 1, 'N'); for (size_t i = 0; i < path.size(); ++i) { std::string kmer(path.at(i).kmer().c_str()); for (size_t j = 0; j < k; ++j) { if (spacedSeed.empty() || spacedSeed.at(j) == '1') { if (seq.at(i + j) != 'N' && seq.at(i + j) != kmer.at(j)) { std::cerr << "warning: inconsistent DBG path detected " "at position " << i + j << ": " << seq.substr(0, i + j) << " (orig base: '" << seq.at(i + j) << "'" << ", new base: '" << kmer.at(j) << "')" << std::endl; } seq.at(i + j) = kmer.at(j); } } } return seq; } enum SeedType { ST_BRANCH_KMER = 0, ST_READ }; static inline std::string seedTypeStr(const SeedType& type) { switch (type) { case ST_BRANCH_KMER: return "BRANCH_KMER"; case ST_READ: return "READ"; default: break; } assert(false); return ""; } /** * Results for the extension of a read segment. * Each instance represents a row in the trace file generated * by the '-T' option for abyss-bloom-dbg. */ struct ContigRecord { /** output FASTA ID for this contig */ size_t contigID; /** length of contig (bp) */ unsigned length; /** coverage of contig */ unsigned coverage; /** FASTA ID of seeding read */ std::string readID; /** Type of sequence used to seed contig (branch k-mer or full read) */ SeedType seedType; /** Starting sequence prior to extensions */ Sequence seed; /** Result code for attempted left sequence extension (e.g. DEAD END) */ PathExtensionResult leftExtensionResult; /** Result code for attempted left sequence extension (e.g. DEAD END) */ PathExtensionResult rightExtensionResult; /** * True if the extended sequence was excluded from the output contigs * because it was redundant. (An identical sequence was generated * when extending a previous read.) */ bool redundant; ContigRecord() : contigID(std::numeric_limits::max()) , readID() , leftExtensionResult(std::make_pair(0, ER_DEAD_END)) , rightExtensionResult(std::make_pair(0, ER_DEAD_END)) , redundant(false) {} static std::ostream& printHeaders(std::ostream& out) { out << "contig_id" << '\t' << "length" << '\t' << "redundant" << '\t' << "read_id" << '\t' << "left_result" << '\t' << "left_extension" << '\t' << "right_result" << '\t' << "right_extension" << '\t' << "seed_type" << '\t' << "seed_length" << '\t' << "seed" << '\n'; return out; } friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const ContigRecord& o) { if (o.redundant) out << "NA" << '\t'; else out << o.contigID << '\t'; out << o.length << '\t' << o.redundant << '\t' << o.readID << '\t'; if (o.leftExtensionResult.first > 0) out << pathExtensionResultStr(o.leftExtensionResult.second) << '\t' << o.leftExtensionResult.first << '\t'; else out << "NA" << '\t' << "NA" << '\t'; if (o.rightExtensionResult.first > 0) out << pathExtensionResultStr(o.rightExtensionResult.second) << '\t' << o.rightExtensionResult.first << '\t'; else out << "NA" << '\t' << "NA" << '\t'; out << seedTypeStr(o.seedType) << '\t' << o.seed.length() << '\t' << o.seed << '\n'; return out; } }; enum ReadResult { RR_UNINITIALIZED = 0, RR_SHORTER_THAN_K, RR_NON_ACGT, RR_BLUNT_END, RR_NOT_SOLID, RR_ALL_KMERS_VISITED, RR_ALL_BRANCH_KMERS_VISITED, RR_GENERATED_CONTIGS }; static inline std::string readResultStr(const ReadResult& result) { switch (result) { case RR_UNINITIALIZED: return "NA"; case RR_SHORTER_THAN_K: return "SHORTER_THAN_K"; case RR_NON_ACGT: return "NON_ACGT"; case RR_BLUNT_END: return "BLUNT_END"; case RR_NOT_SOLID: return "NOT_SOLID"; case RR_ALL_KMERS_VISITED: return "ALL_KMERS_VISITED"; case RR_ALL_BRANCH_KMERS_VISITED: return "ALL_BRANCH_KMERS_VISITED"; case RR_GENERATED_CONTIGS: return "GENERATED_CONTIGS"; default: break; } assert(false); return ""; } /** * Records results of processing a sequencing read. * Each instance represents a row in the read log file generated * by the `--read-log` option of `abyss-bloom-dbg`. */ struct ReadRecord { /** FASTA ID for this read */ std::string readID; /** outcome of processing the read */ ReadResult result; ReadRecord() : readID() , result(RR_UNINITIALIZED) {} ReadRecord(const std::string& readID) : readID(readID) , result(RR_UNINITIALIZED) {} ReadRecord(const std::string& readID, ReadResult result) : readID(readID) , result(result) {} static std::ostream& printHeaders(std::ostream& out) { out << "read_id" << '\t' << "result" << '\n'; return out; } friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const ReadRecord& o) { out << o.readID << '\t' << readResultStr(o.result) << '\n'; return out; } }; /** Print an intermediate progress message during assembly */ void readsProgressMessage(AssemblyCounters counters) { std::cerr << "Processed " << counters.readsProcessed << " reads" << ", solid reads: " << counters.solidReads << " (" << std::setprecision(3) << (float)100 * counters.solidReads / counters.readsProcessed << "%)" << ", visited reads: " << counters.visitedReads << " (" << std::setprecision(3) << (float)100 * counters.visitedReads / counters.readsProcessed << "%)" << std::endl; } /** Print an intermediate progress message during assembly */ void basesProgressMessage(AssemblyCounters counters) { std::cerr << "Assembled " << counters.basesAssembled << " bp in " << counters.contigID + 1 << " contigs" << std::endl; } /** * Split a path at branching k-mers (degree > 2). */ template inline static std::vector::vertex_descriptor>> splitPath( const Path::vertex_descriptor>& path, const GraphT& dbg, unsigned minBranchLen) { assert(path.size() > 0); typedef typename boost::graph_traits::vertex_descriptor V; typedef typename Path::const_iterator PathIt; std::vector> splitPaths; Path currentPath; for (PathIt it = path.begin(); it != path.end(); ++it) { currentPath.push_back(*it); unsigned inDegree = trueBranches(*it, REVERSE, dbg, minBranchLen).size(); unsigned outDegree = trueBranches(*it, FORWARD, dbg, minBranchLen).size(); if (inDegree > 1 || outDegree > 1) { /* we've hit a branching point -- end the current * path and start a new one */ splitPaths.push_back(currentPath); currentPath.clear(); currentPath.push_back(*it); } } if (currentPath.size() > 1 || splitPaths.empty()) splitPaths.push_back(currentPath); assert(splitPaths.size() >= 1); return splitPaths; } /** * Trim a sequence down to the longest contiguous subsequence * of "good" k-mers. If the sequence has length < k or contains * no good k-mers, the trimmed sequence will be the empty string. * * @param seq the DNA sequence to be trimmed * @param goodKmerSet Bloom filter containing "good" k-mers */ template static inline void trimSeq(Sequence& seq, const BloomT& goodKmerSet) { const unsigned k = goodKmerSet.getKmerSize(); const unsigned numHashes = goodKmerSet.getHashNum(); if (seq.length() < k) { seq.clear(); return; } const unsigned UNSET = UINT_MAX; unsigned prevPos = UNSET; unsigned matchStart = UNSET; unsigned matchLen = 0; unsigned maxMatchStart = UNSET; unsigned maxMatchLen = 0; /* note: RollingHashIterator skips over k-mer * positions with non-ACGT chars */ for (RollingHashIterator it(seq, numHashes, k); it != RollingHashIterator::end(); prevPos = it.pos(), ++it) { if (!goodKmerSet.contains(*it) || (prevPos != UNSET && it.pos() - prevPos > 1)) { /* end any previous match */ if (matchStart != UNSET && matchLen > maxMatchLen) { maxMatchLen = matchLen; maxMatchStart = matchStart; } matchStart = UNSET; matchLen = 0; } if (goodKmerSet.contains(*it)) { /* initiate or extend match */ if (matchStart == UNSET) matchStart = it.pos(); matchLen++; } } /* handles case last match extends to end of seq */ if (matchStart != UNSET && matchLen > maxMatchLen) { maxMatchLen = matchLen; maxMatchStart = matchStart; } /* if there were no matching k-mers */ if (maxMatchLen == 0) { seq.clear(); return; } /* trim read down to longest matching subseq */ seq = seq.substr(maxMatchStart, maxMatchLen + k - 1); } /** * Append a contig to the output FASTA stream. */ inline static void printContig( const Sequence& seq, unsigned length, unsigned coverage, size_t contigID, const std::string& readID, unsigned k, std::ostream& out) { assert(seq.length() >= k); (void)k; FastaRecord contig; /* set FASTA id */ std::ostringstream id; id << contigID; /* add FASTA comment indicating extended read id */ std::ostringstream comment; comment << length << ' ' << coverage << ' '; comment << "read:" << readID; assert(id.good()); contig.id = id.str(); contig.comment = comment.str(); /* set seq */ contig.seq = seq; /* output FASTQ record */ out << contig; assert(out); } /** * Return true if the left end of the given sequence is a blunt end * in the Bloom filterde Bruijn graph. PRECONDITION: `seq` does not contain * any non-ACGT chars. */ template inline static unsigned leftIsBluntEnd(const Sequence& seq, const GraphT& graph, const AssemblyParams& params) { unsigned k = params.k; unsigned numHashes = params.numHashes; unsigned fpLookAhead = 5; if (seq.length() < k) return false; Sequence firstKmerStr(seq, 0, k); Path path = seqToPath(firstKmerStr, k, numHashes); Vertex& firstKmer = path.front(); return !lookAhead(firstKmer, REVERSE, fpLookAhead, graph); } /** * Return true if the left and/or right end of the sequence is a blunt * end in the de Bruijn graph. Such reads likely have read errors * and thus we should not try to extend these into contings. * When testing for a blunt end, we account for the possibility of * false positive extensions by using a small amount of look-ahead * (as dictated by params.fpLookAhead). */ template inline static bool hasBluntEnd(const Sequence& seq, const GraphT& graph, const AssemblyParams& params) { if (leftIsBluntEnd(seq, graph, params)) return true; Sequence rc = reverseComplement(seq); if (leftIsBluntEnd(rc, graph, params)) return true; return false; } /** * Output a contig sequence if it is not redundant, i.e. it has not already * been generated from a different read / thread of execution. */ template inline static void outputContig( const Path& contigPath, ContigRecord& rec, SolidKmerSetT& solidKmerSet, AssembledKmerSetT& assembledKmerSet, KmerHash& contigEndKmers, const AssemblyParams& params, AssemblyCounters& counters, AssemblyStreamsT& streams) { const unsigned fpLookAhead = 5; Sequence seq = pathToSeq(contigPath, params.k); /* vertices representing start/end k-mers of contig */ Sequence kmer1 = seq.substr(0, params.k); canonicalize(kmer1); RollingHash hash1(kmer1.c_str(), params.numHashes, params.k); Vertex v1(kmer1.c_str(), hash1); Sequence kmer2 = seq.substr(seq.length() - params.k); canonicalize(kmer2); RollingHash hash2(kmer2.c_str(), params.numHashes, params.k); Vertex v2(kmer2.c_str(), hash2); bool redundant = false; #pragma omp critical(redundancyCheck) { /* * If we use `assembledKmerSet` to check very short contigs, * we may get full-length matches purely due to Bloom filter * positives. For such contigs, we additionally track * the start and end in a separate hash table called * `contigEndKmers`. */ if (seq.length() < params.k + fpLookAhead - 1) { if (contigEndKmers.find(v1) != contigEndKmers.end() && contigEndKmers.find(v2) != contigEndKmers.end()) { redundant = true; } else { contigEndKmers.insert(v1); contigEndKmers.insert(v2); } } else if (allKmersInBloom(seq, assembledKmerSet)) { redundant = true; } if (!redundant) { /* mark remaining k-mers as assembled */ addKmersToBloom(seq, assembledKmerSet); } } rec.redundant = redundant; if (!redundant) { #pragma omp critical(fasta) { rec.length = seq.length(); rec.coverage = getSeqAbsoluteKmerCoverage(seq, solidKmerSet); /* add contig to output FASTA */ printContig(seq, rec.length, rec.coverage, counters.contigID, rec.readID, params.k, streams.out); /* add contig to checkpoint FASTA file */ if (params.checkpointsEnabled()) printContig(seq, rec.length, rec.coverage, counters.contigID, rec.readID, params.k, streams.checkpointOut); rec.contigID = counters.contigID; counters.contigID++; counters.basesAssembled += seq.length(); } } #pragma omp critical(trace) streams.traceOut << rec; } enum ContigType { CT_LINEAR, CT_CIRCULAR, CT_HAIRPIN }; template static inline ContigType getContigType(const Path& contigPath, const GraphT& dbg) { if (edge(contigPath.back(), contigPath.front(), dbg).second) { Vertex v = contigPath.front().clone(); v.shift(ANTISENSE, contigPath.back().kmer().getBase(0)); if (v.kmer() == contigPath.back().kmer()) return CT_CIRCULAR; else return CT_HAIRPIN; } return CT_LINEAR; } /** Special case behaviour for circular/hairpin contigs */ template static inline void preprocessCircularContig(Path& contigPath, const GraphT& dbg, unsigned trim) { assert(!contigPath.empty()); ContigType contigType = getContigType(contigPath, dbg); assert(contigType != CT_LINEAR); if (contigPath.size() <= 2) return; /* longest branch of Bloom filter positives */ const unsigned fpTrim = 5; /* * Note: A circular/hairpin contig contains at most two branch k-mers. * And if it does contain branch k-mers, they will be the first/last * k-mers. * * If only one end of the circular/hairpin contig is a branch k-mer, * add that k-mer to the other end of the contig as well. This * enables the usual branch k-mer trimming logic for linear contigs to * produce the correct results downstream. */ bool branchStart = ambiguous(contigPath.front(), FORWARD, dbg, trim, fpTrim) || ambiguous(contigPath.front(), REVERSE, dbg, trim, fpTrim); bool branchEnd = ambiguous(contigPath.back(), FORWARD, dbg, trim, fpTrim) || ambiguous(contigPath.back(), REVERSE, dbg, trim, fpTrim); if (branchStart && !branchEnd) { if (contigType == CT_CIRCULAR) { contigPath.push_back(contigPath.front()); } else { assert(contigType == CT_HAIRPIN); Vertex rc = contigPath.front().clone(); rc.reverseComplement(); contigPath.push_back(rc); } } else if (!branchStart && branchEnd) { if (contigType == CT_CIRCULAR) { contigPath.push_front(contigPath.back()); } else { assert(contigType == CT_HAIRPIN); Vertex rc = contigPath.back().clone(); rc.reverseComplement(); contigPath.push_front(rc); } } } /** * Ensure that branching k-mers are not repeated in the output * contigs by selectively trimming contig ends. * * The idea is to keep a branch k-mer at the end of contig only * if the edge leading up to it is unambigous. For example, in the * diagram below the contig generated from the right side would * include the branching k-mer k5, whereas the two contigs entering * on the left would discard it: * * ...-k1-k2 * \ * k5-k6-... * / * ...-k3-k4 * * If a branch k-mer has both indegree > 1 and outdegree > 1, it is * output separately as its own contig of length k. */ template inline static void trimBranchKmers(Path& contigPath, const GraphT& dbg, unsigned trim) { assert(!contigPath.empty()); if (contigPath.size() == 1) return; /* special case: circular/hairpin contigs */ ContigType contigType = getContigType(contigPath, dbg); if (contigType == CT_CIRCULAR || contigType == CT_HAIRPIN) preprocessCircularContig(contigPath, dbg, trim); unsigned l = contigPath.size(); /* longest branch of Bloom filter false positives */ const unsigned fpTrim = 5; bool ambiguous1 = ambiguous(contigPath.at(0), contigPath.at(1), FORWARD, dbg, trim, fpTrim); bool ambiguous2 = ambiguous(contigPath.at(l - 1), contigPath.at(l - 2), REVERSE, dbg, trim, fpTrim); if (ambiguous1) contigPath.pop_front(); assert(!contigPath.empty()); if (ambiguous2) contigPath.pop_back(); assert(!contigPath.empty()); } bool isTip( unsigned length, PathExtensionResultCode leftResult, PathExtensionResultCode rightResult, unsigned trim) { if (length > trim) return false; if (leftResult == ER_DEAD_END && (rightResult == ER_DEAD_END || rightResult == ER_AMBI_IN)) return true; if (rightResult == ER_DEAD_END && (leftResult == ER_DEAD_END || leftResult == ER_AMBI_IN)) return true; return false; } /** * Decide if a read should be extended and if so extend it into a contig. */ template static inline ReadRecord processRead( const FastaRecord& rec, const SolidKmerSetT& solidKmerSet, AssembledKmerSetT& assembledKmerSet, KmerHash& contigEndKmers, KmerHash& visitedBranchKmers, const AssemblyParams& params, AssemblyCounters& counters, AssemblyStreamsT& streams) { (void)visitedBranchKmers; typedef typename Path::iterator PathIt; /* Boost graph API for Bloom filter */ RollingBloomDBG dbg(solidKmerSet); unsigned k = params.k; const Sequence& seq = rec.seq; /* we can't extend reads shorter than k */ if (seq.length() < k) return ReadRecord(rec.id, RR_SHORTER_THAN_K); /* skip reads with non-ACGT chars */ if (!allACGT(seq)) return ReadRecord(rec.id, RR_NON_ACGT); /* don't extend reads that are tips */ if (hasBluntEnd(seq, dbg, params)) return ReadRecord(rec.id, RR_BLUNT_END); /* only extend "solid" reads */ if (!allKmersInBloom(seq, solidKmerSet)) return ReadRecord(rec.id, RR_NOT_SOLID); #pragma omp atomic counters.solidReads++; /* skip reads in previously assembled regions */ if (allKmersInBloom(seq, assembledKmerSet)) { #pragma omp atomic counters.visitedReads++; return ReadRecord(rec.id, RR_ALL_KMERS_VISITED); } /* * We use `assembledKmers` to track read k-mers * that have already been included in the output contigs, and * therefore do not need to be processed (extended) again. * Note that we do not use `assembledKmerSet` (a Bloom filter) * for this purpose because Bloom filter false positives * may cause us to omit short contigs (e.g. contigs with length k). */ unordered_set assembledKmers; Path path = seqToPath(rec.seq, params.k, params.numHashes); for (PathIt it = path.begin(); it != path.end(); ++it) { if (assembledKmers.find(*it) != assembledKmers.end()) continue; ExtendPathParams extendParams; extendParams.trimLen = params.trim; extendParams.fpTrim = 5; extendParams.maxLen = NO_LIMIT; extendParams.lookBehind = true; extendParams.lookBehindStartVertex = false; ContigRecord contigRec; contigRec.readID = rec.id; contigRec.seedType = ST_READ; contigRec.seed = it->kmer().c_str(); Path contigPath; contigPath.push_back(*it); contigRec.leftExtensionResult = extendPath(contigPath, REVERSE, dbg, extendParams); contigRec.rightExtensionResult = extendPath(contigPath, FORWARD, dbg, extendParams); PathExtensionResultCode leftResult = contigRec.leftExtensionResult.second; PathExtensionResultCode rightResult = contigRec.rightExtensionResult.second; if (!isTip(contigPath.size(), leftResult, rightResult, params.trim)) { /* selectively trim branch k-mers from contig ends */ trimBranchKmers(contigPath, dbg, params.trim); /* output contig to FASTA file */ outputContig( contigPath, contigRec, solidKmerSet, assembledKmerSet, contigEndKmers, params, counters, streams); } /* mark contig k-mers as visited */ for (PathIt it2 = contigPath.begin(); it2 != contigPath.end(); ++it2) assembledKmers.insert(*it2); } return ReadRecord(rec.id, RR_GENERATED_CONTIGS); } /** * Perform a Bloom-filter-based de Bruijn graph assembly. * Contigs are generated by extending reads left/right within * the de Bruijn graph, up to the next branching point or dead end. * Short branches due to Bloom filter false positives are * ignored. * * @param argc number of input FASTA files * @param argv array of input FASTA filenames * @param genomeSize approx genome size * @param goodKmerSet Bloom filter containing k-mers that * occur more than once in the input data * @param out output stream for contigs (FASTA) * @param verbose set to true to print progress messages to * STDERR */ template inline static void assemble( int argc, char** argv, SolidKmerSetT& solidKmerSet, const AssemblyParams& params, std::ostream& out) { /* k-mers in previously assembled contigs */ BloomFilter assembledKmerSet( solidKmerSet.size(), solidKmerSet.getHashNum(), solidKmerSet.getKmerSize()); /* counters for progress messages */ AssemblyCounters counters; /* input reads */ FastaConcat in(argv, argv + argc, FastaReader::FOLD_CASE); /* duplicate FASTA output for checkpoints */ std::ofstream checkpointOut; if (params.checkpointsEnabled()) { assert(!params.checkpointPathPrefix.empty()); std::string path = params.checkpointPathPrefix + CHECKPOINT_FASTA_EXT + CHECKPOINT_TMP_EXT; checkpointOut.open(path.c_str()); assert_good(checkpointOut, path); } /* trace file output ('-T' option) */ std::ofstream traceOut; if (!params.tracePath.empty()) { traceOut.open(params.tracePath.c_str()); assert_good(traceOut, params.tracePath); ContigRecord::printHeaders(traceOut); assert_good(traceOut, params.tracePath); } /* logs outcome of processing of each read (`--read-log`) */ std::ofstream readLogOut; if (!params.readLogPath.empty()) { readLogOut.open(params.readLogPath.c_str()); assert_good(readLogOut, params.readLogPath); ReadRecord::printHeaders(readLogOut); assert_good(readLogOut, params.readLogPath); } /* bundle output streams */ AssemblyStreams streams(in, out, checkpointOut, traceOut, readLogOut); /* run the assembly */ assemble(solidKmerSet, assembledKmerSet, counters, params, streams); } /** * Perform a Bloom-filter-based de Bruijn graph assembly. * Contigs are generated by extending reads left/right within * the de Bruijn graph, up to the next branching point or dead end. * Short branches due to Bloom filter false positives are * ignored. * * @param argc number of input FASTA files * @param argv array of input FASTA filenames * @param genomeSize approx genome size * @param goodKmerSet Bloom filter containing k-mers that * occur more than once in the input data * @param assembledKmerSet Bloom filter containing k-mers that have * already been included in contigs * @param in input stream for sequencing reads (FASTA) * @param out output stream for contigs (FASTA) * @param verbose set to true to print progress messages to * STDERR */ template inline static void assemble( const SolidKmerSetT& goodKmerSet, AssembledKmerSetT& assembledKmerSet, AssemblyCounters& counters, const AssemblyParams& params, AssemblyStreams& streams) { assert(params.initialized()); /* per-thread I/O buffer (size is in bases) */ const size_t SEQ_BUFFER_SIZE = 1000000; if (params.verbose) std::cerr << "Trimming branches " << params.trim << " k-mers or shorter" << std::endl; InputReadStreamT& in = streams.in; std::ostream& checkpointOut = streams.checkpointOut; KmerHash contigEndKmers; contigEndKmers.rehash((size_t)pow(2, 28)); KmerHash visitedBranchKmers; /* * Print a progress message whenever `READS_PROGRESS_STEP` * reads have been processed or `BASES_PROGRESS_STEP` * bases have been assembled. The purpose of using * two measures of progess is to show steady updates * throughout the assembly process. */ const size_t READS_PROGRESS_STEP = 100000; const size_t BASES_PROGRESS_STEP = 1000000; size_t basesProgressLine = BASES_PROGRESS_STEP; while (true) { size_t readsUntilCheckpoint = params.readsPerCheckpoint; #pragma omp parallel for (std::vector buffer;;) { /* read sequences in batches to reduce I/O contention */ buffer.clear(); size_t bufferSize; bool good = true; #pragma omp critical(in) for (bufferSize = 0; bufferSize < SEQ_BUFFER_SIZE && readsUntilCheckpoint > 0;) { FastaRecord rec; good = in >> rec; if (!good) break; #pragma omp atomic readsUntilCheckpoint--; buffer.push_back(rec); bufferSize += rec.seq.length(); } if (buffer.size() == 0) break; for (std::vector::iterator it = buffer.begin(); it != buffer.end(); ++it) { ReadRecord result = processRead( *it, goodKmerSet, assembledKmerSet, contigEndKmers, visitedBranchKmers, params, counters, streams); #pragma omp critical(readsProgress) { ++counters.readsProcessed; if (params.verbose && counters.readsProcessed % READS_PROGRESS_STEP == 0) readsProgressMessage(counters); } if (params.verbose) #pragma omp critical(basesProgress) { if (counters.basesAssembled >= basesProgressLine) { basesProgressMessage(counters); while (counters.basesAssembled >= basesProgressLine) basesProgressLine += BASES_PROGRESS_STEP; } } if (!params.readLogPath.empty()) { #pragma omp critical(readLog) streams.readLogOut << result; } } } /* for batch of reads between I/O operations */ if (readsUntilCheckpoint > 0) { assert(in.eof()); break; } /* save assembly state to checkpoint files */ checkpointOut.flush(); createCheckpoint(goodKmerSet, assembledKmerSet, counters, params); } /* for each batch of reads between checkpoints */ assert(in.eof()); if (params.verbose) { readsProgressMessage(counters); basesProgressMessage(counters); std::cerr << "Assembly complete" << std::endl; } if (params.checkpointsEnabled() && !params.keepCheckpoint) removeCheckpointData(params); } /** * Visitor class that outputs visited nodes/edges in GraphViz format during * a breadth first traversal. An instance of this class may be passed * as an argument to the `breadthFirstSearch` function. */ template class GraphvizBFSVisitor : public DefaultBFSVisitor { typedef typename boost::graph_traits::vertex_descriptor VertexT; typedef typename boost::graph_traits::edge_descriptor EdgeT; public: /** Constructor */ GraphvizBFSVisitor(std::ostream& out) : m_out(out) , m_nodesVisited(0) , m_edgesVisited(0) { /* start directed graph (GraphViz) */ m_out << "digraph g {\n"; } /** Destructor */ ~GraphvizBFSVisitor() { /* end directed graph (GraphViz) */ m_out << "}\n"; } /** Invoked when a vertex is visited for the first time */ BFSVisitorResult discover_vertex(const VertexT& v, const GraphT&) { ++m_nodesVisited; /* declare vertex (GraphViz) */ m_out << '\t' << v.kmer().c_str() << ";\n"; return BFS_SUCCESS; } /** * Invoked when an edge is traversed. (Each edge * in the graph is traversed exactly once.) */ BFSVisitorResult examine_edge(const EdgeT& e, const GraphT& g) { ++m_edgesVisited; const VertexT& u = source(e, g); const VertexT& v = target(e, g); /* declare edge (GraphViz) */ m_out << '\t' << u.kmer().c_str() << " -> " << v.kmer().c_str() << ";\n"; return BFS_SUCCESS; } /** Return number of distinct nodes visited */ size_t getNumNodesVisited() const { return m_nodesVisited; } /** Get number of distinct edges visited */ size_t getNumEdgesVisited() const { return m_edgesVisited; } protected: /** output stream for GraphViz serialization */ std::ostream& m_out; /** number of nodes visited so far */ size_t m_nodesVisited; /** number of edges visited so far */ size_t m_edgesVisited; }; /** * Output a GraphViz serialization of the de Bruijn graph * using FASTA files and a Bloom filter as input. * * @param argc number of input FASTA files * @param argv array of input FASTA filenames * @param kmerSet Bloom filter containing valid k-mers * @param out output stream for GraphViz serialization * @param verbose prints progress messages to STDERR if true */ template static inline void outputGraph( int argc, char** argv, const BloomT& kmerSet, const AssemblyParams& params, std::ostream& out) { assert(params.initialized()); typedef RollingBloomDBG GraphT; /* interval for progress messages */ const unsigned progressStep = 1000; const unsigned k = kmerSet.getKmerSize(); const unsigned numHashes = kmerSet.getHashNum(); /* counter for progress messages */ size_t readsProcessed = 0; /* Boost graph API over rolling hash Bloom filter */ GraphT dbg(kmerSet); /* Marks visited nodes in breadth-first traversal */ DefaultColorMap colorMap; /* BFS Visitor -- generates GraphViz output as nodes * and edges are traversed. */ GraphvizBFSVisitor visitor(out); if (params.verbose) std::cerr << "Generating GraphViz output..." << std::endl; FastaConcat in(argv, argv + argc, FastaReader::FOLD_CASE); for (FastaRecord rec;;) { bool good; good = in >> rec; if (!good) break; Sequence& seq = rec.seq; /* Trim down to longest subsequence of "good" k-mers */ trimSeq(seq, kmerSet); if (seq.length() > 0) { /* BFS traversal in forward dir */ std::string startKmer = seq.substr(0, k); Vertex start(startKmer.c_str(), RollingHash(startKmer, numHashes, k)); breadthFirstSearch(start, dbg, colorMap, visitor); /* BFS traversal in reverse dir */ Sequence rcSeq = reverseComplement(seq); std::string rcStartKmer = rcSeq.substr(0, k); Vertex rcStart(rcStartKmer.c_str(), RollingHash(rcStartKmer, numHashes, k)); breadthFirstSearch(rcStart, dbg, colorMap, visitor); } if (++readsProcessed % progressStep == 0 && params.verbose) { std::cerr << "processed " << readsProcessed << " (k-mers visited: " << visitor.getNumNodesVisited() << ", edges visited: " << visitor.getNumEdgesVisited() << ")" << std::endl; } } assert(in.eof()); if (params.verbose) { std::cerr << "processed " << readsProcessed << " reads (k-mers visited: " << visitor.getNumNodesVisited() << ", edges visited: " << visitor.getNumEdgesVisited() << ")" << std::endl; std::cerr << "GraphViz generation complete" << std::endl; } } /** * Write a single block of a 'variableStep' WIG file. * * @param chr chromosome name * @param start start coordinate of block * @param length length of block * @param val value of block * @param out output stream for WIG file * @param outPath path for output WIG file */ static inline void outputWigBlock( const std::string& chr, size_t start, size_t length, unsigned val, ostream& out, const std::string& outPath) { assert(length > 0); out << "variableStep chrom=" << chr << " span=" << length << "\n"; out << start << ' ' << val << '\n'; assert_good(out, outPath); } /** * Write a WIG file for a reference genome, using the values 0 and 1 * to indicate whether or not a given k-mer had sufficient coverage * in the reads to exceed the minimum coverage threshold. * * @param goodKmerSet Bloom filter of k-mers that exceed the * minimum coverage threshold * @param params encapsulates all command line options for the * assembly, including the reference genome and the output path * for the WIG file. */ template static inline void writeCovTrack(const BloomT& goodKmerSet, const AssemblyParams& params) { assert(!params.covTrackPath.empty()); assert(!params.refPath.empty()); const unsigned k = goodKmerSet.getKmerSize(); const unsigned numHashes = goodKmerSet.getHashNum(); std::ofstream covTrack(params.covTrackPath.c_str()); assert_good(covTrack, params.covTrackPath); if (params.verbose) std::cerr << "Writing 0/1 k-mer coverage track for `" << params.refPath << "` to `" << params.covTrackPath << "`" << std::endl; FastaReader ref(params.refPath.c_str(), FastaReader::FOLD_CASE); for (FastaRecord rec; ref >> rec;) { std::string chr = rec.id; bool firstVal = true; size_t blockStart = 1; size_t blockLength = 0; uint8_t blockVal = 0; for (RollingHashIterator it(rec.seq, numHashes, k); it != RollingHashIterator::end(); ++it) { uint8_t val = goodKmerSet.contains(*it) ? 1 : 0; if (firstVal) { firstVal = false; /* WIG standard uses 1-based coords */ blockStart = it.pos() + 1; blockLength = 1; blockVal = val; } else if (val != blockVal) { assert(firstVal == false); outputWigBlock( chr, blockStart, blockLength, blockVal, covTrack, params.covTrackPath); /* WIG standard uses 1-based coords */ blockStart = it.pos() + 1; blockLength = 1; blockVal = val; } else { blockLength++; } } /* output last block */ if (blockLength > 0) { outputWigBlock(chr, blockStart, blockLength, blockVal, covTrack, params.covTrackPath); } } assert(ref.eof()); assert_good(covTrack, params.covTrackPath); covTrack.close(); } } /* BloomDBG namespace */ #endif