#ifndef SAM_H #define SAM_H 1 #include "config.h" // for SAM_SEQ_QUAL #include "IOUtil.h" #include "Alignment.h" #include "ContigID.h" // for g_contigNames #include // for swap #include // for exit #include #include // for numeric_limits #include #include namespace opt { /** The minimal alignment size. */ static unsigned minAlign = 1; } /** A SAM alignment of a single query. */ struct SAMAlignment { std::string rname; int pos; unsigned short flag; unsigned short mapq; std::string cigar; /** Flag */ enum { /** the read is paired in sequencing, no matter whether it is * mapped in a pair */ FPAIRED = 1, /** the read is mapped in a proper pair */ FPROPER_PAIR = 2, /** the read itself is unmapped; conflictive with FPROPER_PAIR */ FUNMAP = 4, /** the mate is unmapped */ FMUNMAP = 8, /** the read is mapped to the reverse strand */ FREVERSE = 16, /** the mate is mapped to the reverse strand */ FMREVERSE = 32, /** this is read1 */ FREAD1 = 64, /** this is read2 */ FREAD2 = 128, /** not primary alignment */ FSECONDARY = 256, /** QC failure */ FQCFAIL = 512, /** optical or PCR duplicate */ FDUP = 1024, }; SAMAlignment() : rname("*"), pos(-1), flag(FUNMAP), mapq(0) { } /** Consturct a single-end alignment. */ SAMAlignment(const Alignment& a) : rname(a.contig), pos(a.contig_start_pos), flag(a.isRC ? FREVERSE : 0), mapq(255) { unsigned qend = a.read_start_pos + a.align_length; int clip0 = a.read_start_pos; int clip1 = a.read_length - qend; assert(clip1 >= 0); if (a.isRC) std::swap(clip0, clip1); std::ostringstream s; if (clip0 > 0) s << clip0 << 'S'; s << a.align_length << 'M'; if (clip1 > 0) s << clip1 << 'S'; cigar = s.str(); } bool isPaired() const { return flag & FPAIRED; } bool isUnmapped() const { return flag & FUNMAP; } bool isMateUnmapped() const { return flag & FMUNMAP; } bool isReverse() const { return flag & FREVERSE; } bool isMateReverse() const { return flag & FMREVERSE; } bool isRead1() const { return flag & FREAD1; } bool isRead2() const { return flag & FREAD2; } /** The alignment coordinates of a gapped alignment. */ struct CigarCoord { /** The length of the query sequence. */ unsigned qlen; /** The start of the alignment on the query. */ unsigned qstart; /** The length of the alignment on the query. */ unsigned qspan; /** The length of the alignment on the target. */ unsigned tspan; /** Parse the specified CIGAR string. */ CigarCoord(const std::string& cigar) : qlen(0), qstart(0), qspan(0), tspan(0) { if (cigar == "*") return; std::istringstream in(cigar); bool first = true; unsigned len; char type; while (in >> len >> type) { switch (type) { case 'H': case 'S': if (first) qstart = len; qlen += len; break; case 'M': case 'X': case '=': qlen += len; qspan += len; tspan += len; break; case 'I': qlen += len; qspan += len; break; case 'D': case 'N': case 'P': tspan += len; break; default: std::cerr << "error: invalid CIGAR: `" << cigar << "'\n"; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } first = false; } assert(in.eof()); } }; /** * Return the position of the first base of the query on the * target extrapolated from the start of the alignment. */ int targetAtQueryStart() const { CigarCoord a(cigar); assert(a.qstart + a.qspan <= a.qlen); return isReverse() ? pos + a.tspan + (a.qlen - a.qspan - a.qstart) : pos - a.qstart; } /** Parse the specified CIGAR string. * @return an alignment setting the fields read_start_pos, * align_length, and read_length. The other fields will be * uninitialized. */ static Alignment parseCigar(const std::string& cigar, bool isRC) { Alignment a; std::istringstream in(cigar); unsigned len; char type; unsigned clip0 = 0; a.align_length = 0; unsigned qlen = 0; unsigned clip1 = 0; while (in >> len >> type) { switch (type) { case 'I': case 'X': case '=': qlen += len; clip1 += len; // fallthrough case 'D': case 'N': case 'P': if (a.align_length == 0) { // Ignore a malformatted CIGAR string whose first // non-clipping operation is not M. std::cerr << "warning: malformatted CIGAR: " << cigar << std::endl; } break; case 'M': if ((unsigned)a.align_length < len) { clip0 += a.align_length + clip1; a.align_length = len; qlen += len; clip1 = 0; break; } // fallthrough case 'H': case 'S': qlen += len; clip1 += len; break; default: std::cerr << "error: invalid CIGAR: `" << cigar << "'\n"; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } a.read_start_pos = isRC ? clip1 : clip0; a.read_length = qlen; if (!in.eof()){ std::cerr << "error: invalid CIGAR: `" << cigar << "'\n"; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } return a; } operator Alignment() const { assert(~flag & FUNMAP); bool isRC = flag & FREVERSE; // strand of the query Alignment a = parseCigar(cigar, isRC); a.contig = rname; a.contig_start_pos = pos; a.isRC = isRC; return a; } }; /** A SAM alignment of a query and its mate. */ struct SAMRecord : SAMAlignment { std::string qname; std::string mrnm; int mpos; int isize; #if SAM_SEQ_QUAL std::string seq; std::string qual; std::string tags; #endif /** Consturct a single-end alignment. */ explicit SAMRecord(const SAMAlignment& a = SAMAlignment(), const std::string& qname = "*", #if SAM_SEQ_QUAL const std::string& seq = "*", const std::string& qual = "*", const std::string& tags = "" #else const std::string& /*seq*/ = "*", const std::string& /*qual*/ = "*", const std::string& /*tags*/ = "" #endif ) : SAMAlignment(a), qname(qname), mrnm("*"), mpos(-1), isize(0) #if SAM_SEQ_QUAL , seq(seq), qual(qual), tags(tags) #endif { } /** Construct a paired-end alignment. */ SAMRecord(const Alignment& a0, const Alignment& a1) { *this = SAMRecord(a0); flag |= FPAIRED; if (a1.isRC) flag |= FMREVERSE; mrnm = a1.contig; mpos = a1.contig_start_pos; isize = a1.targetAtQueryStart() - a0.targetAtQueryStart(); } /** Set the mate mapping fields. */ void fixMate(const SAMAlignment& o) { flag &= ~(FPROPER_PAIR | FMUNMAP | FMREVERSE); flag |= FPAIRED; if (rname == o.rname && isReverse() != o.isReverse()) flag |= FPROPER_PAIR; if (o.isUnmapped()) flag |= FMUNMAP; if (o.isReverse()) flag |= FMREVERSE; mrnm = o.rname; mpos = o.pos; isize = isMateUnmapped() ? 0 : o.targetAtQueryStart() - targetAtQueryStart(); // Fix unaligned mates if (!o.isUnmapped() && isUnmapped()) { rname = o.rname; pos = o.pos; } else if (o.isUnmapped() && !isUnmapped()) { mrnm = "="; mpos = pos; } } void noMate() { flag &= ~FPAIRED; } /** * Return the position of the first base of the mate query on the * target extrapolated from the start of the alignment. */ int mateTargetAtQueryStart() const { return targetAtQueryStart() + isize; } friend std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream& out, const SAMRecord& o) { out << o.qname << '\t' << o.flag << '\t' << o.rname << '\t' << (1 + o.pos) << '\t' << o.mapq << '\t' << o.cigar << '\t' << (o.mrnm == o.rname ? "=" : o.mrnm) << '\t' << (1 + o.mpos) << '\t' << o.isize; #if SAM_SEQ_QUAL out << '\t' << o.seq << '\t' << o.qual; if (!o.tags.empty()) out << '\t' << o.tags; #else out << "\t*\t*"; #endif return out; } friend std::istream& operator >>(std::istream& in, SAMRecord& o) { in >> o.qname >> o.flag >> o.rname >> o.pos >> o.mapq >> o.cigar >> o.mrnm >> o.mpos >> o.isize; #if SAM_SEQ_QUAL in >> o.seq >> o.qual; getline(in >> Skip('\t'), o.tags); #else in.ignore(std::numeric_limits::max(), '\n'); #endif if (!in) return in; o.pos--; o.mpos--; if (o.mrnm == "=") o.mrnm = o.rname; // Set the paired flags if qname ends in /1 or /2. unsigned l = o.qname.length(); if (l >= 2 && o.qname[l-2] == '/') { switch (o.qname[l-1]) { case '1': o.flag |= FPAIRED | FREAD1; break; case '2': case '3': o.flag |= FPAIRED | FREAD2; break; default: return in; } o.qname.resize(l - 2); assert(!o.qname.empty()); } // Set the unmapped flag if the alignment is not long enough. CigarCoord a(o.cigar); if (a.qspan < opt::minAlign || a.tspan < opt::minAlign) o.flag |= FUNMAP; return in; } }; /** Set the mate mapping fields of a0 and a1. */ static inline void fixMate(SAMRecord& a0, SAMRecord& a1) { a0.fixMate(a1); a1.fixMate(a0); } /** Read contig lengths from SAM headers. */ static inline unsigned readContigLengths(std::istream& in, std::vector& lengths) { assert(in); assert(lengths.empty()); assert(g_contigNames.empty()); for (std::string line; in.peek() == '@' && getline(in, line);) { std::istringstream ss(line); std::string type; ss >> type; if (type != "@SQ") continue; std::string s; unsigned len; ss >> expect(" SN:") >> s >> expect(" LN:") >> len; assert(ss); put(g_contigNames, lengths.size(), s); lengths.push_back(len); } if (lengths.empty()) { std::cerr << "error: no @SQ records in the SAM header\n"; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } return lengths.size(); } #endif