#ifndef CONTIGGRAPHALGORITHMS_H #define CONTIGGRAPHALGORITHMS_H 1 #include "Common/Algorithms.h" #include "Common/ContigNode.h" #include "Common/Estimate.h" // for BetterDistanceEst #include "Common/Functional.h" #include "Common/Iterator.h" #include "Graph/ContigGraph.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include using boost::graph_traits; /** Return true if the edge e is a palindrome. */ template struct IsPalindrome { IsPalindrome(const Graph& g) : m_g(g) {} bool operator()(typename graph_traits::edge_descriptor e) const { return source(e, m_g) == get(vertex_complement, m_g, target(e, m_g)); } typedef typename graph_traits::edge_descriptor argument_type; typedef bool result_type; private: const Graph& m_g; }; /** Return whether the outgoing edge of vertex u is contiguous. */ template bool contiguous_out(const Graph& g, typename graph_traits::vertex_descriptor u) { return out_degree(u, g) == 1 && in_degree(*adjacent_vertices(u, g).first, g) == 1; } /** Return whether the incoming edge of vertex u is contiguous. */ template bool contiguous_in(const Graph& g, typename graph_traits::vertex_descriptor u) { return contiguous_out(g, get(vertex_complement, g, u)); } /** Add the outgoing edges of vertex u to vertex uout. */ template void copy_out_edges( Graph& g, typename Graph::vertex_descriptor u, typename Graph::vertex_descriptor uout) { typedef typename graph_traits::vertex_descriptor vertex_descriptor; typedef typename graph_traits::out_edge_iterator out_edge_iterator; typedef typename edge_property::type edge_property_type; assert(u != uout); std::pair edges = g.out_edges(u); bool palindrome = false; edge_property_type palindrome_ep; for (out_edge_iterator e = edges.first; e != edges.second; ++e) { vertex_descriptor v = target(*e, g); vertex_descriptor vc = get(vertex_complement, g, v); if (vc == u) { // When ~v == u, adding the edge (~v,~u), which is (u,~u), // would invalidate our iterator. Add the edge after this // loop completes. palindrome = true; palindrome_ep = g[*e]; } else g.add_edge(uout, v, g[*e]); } if (palindrome) { vertex_descriptor uc = get(vertex_complement, g, u); vertex_descriptor uoutc = get(vertex_complement, g, uout); g.add_edge(uout, uc, palindrome_ep); g.add_edge(uout, uoutc, palindrome_ep); } } /** Add the incoming edges of vertex u to vertex v. */ template void copy_in_edges(Graph& g, typename Graph::vertex_descriptor u, typename Graph::vertex_descriptor v) { copy_out_edges(g, get(vertex_complement, g, u), get(vertex_complement, g, v)); } /** Assemble a path of unambigous out edges starting at vertex u. * u itself is not copied to out. */ template OutIt extend(const Graph& g, typename Graph::vertex_descriptor u, OutIt out) { typedef typename graph_traits::vertex_descriptor vertex_descriptor; std::set seen; while (out_degree(u, g) == 1 && seen.insert(u).second) { u = *adjacent_vertices(u, g).first; *out++ = u; } return out; } /** Assemble an unambiguous path starting at vertex u. * Every edge must satisfy the predicate. */ template OutIt assemble_if(const Graph& g, typename Graph::vertex_descriptor u, OutIt out, Predicate pred) { typedef typename graph_traits::edge_descriptor edge_descriptor; while (contiguous_out(g, u)) { edge_descriptor e = *out_edges(u, g).first; if (!pred(e)) break; *out++ = u; u = target(e, g); } *out++ = u; return out; } /** Remove vertices in the sequence [first, last) from the graph * for which the predicate p is true. Edges incident to those vertices * are removed as well. */ template void remove_vertex_if(Graph& g, It first, It last, Predicate p) { for_each_if( first, last, [&g](const ContigNode& c) { return g.clear_vertex(c); }, p); for_each_if( first, last, [&g](const ContigNode& c) { return g.remove_vertex(c); }, p); } /** Add the vertex and edge propeties of the path [first, last). */ template VP addProp(const Graph& g, It first, It last, const VP*) { typedef typename graph_traits::vertex_descriptor vertex_descriptor; assert(first != last); VP vp = get(vertex_bundle, g, *first); for (It it = first + 1; it != last; ++it) { vertex_descriptor u = *(it - 1); vertex_descriptor v = *it; vp += get(edge_bundle, g, u, v); vp += get(vertex_bundle, g, v); } return vp; } template no_property addProp(const Graph&, It, It, const no_property*) { return no_property(); } template typename vertex_property::type addProp(const Graph& g, It first, It last) { return addProp(g, first, last, (typename vertex_property::type*)NULL); } /** Merge the vertices in the sequence [first, last). * Create a new vertex whose property is the sum of [first, last). * Remove the vertices [first, last). */ template typename graph_traits::vertex_descriptor merge(Graph& g, It first, It last) { typedef typename graph_traits::vertex_descriptor vertex_descriptor; assert(first != last); vertex_descriptor u = add_vertex(addProp(g, first, last), g); copy_in_edges(g, *first, u); copy_out_edges(g, *(last - 1), u); return u; } /** Assemble unambiguous paths. Write the paths to out. * Every edge must satisfy the predicate. */ template OutIt assemble_if(Graph& g, OutIt out, Predicate pred0) { typedef typename Graph::vertex_iterator vertex_iterator; // pred(e) = !isPalindrome(e) && pred0(e) binary_compose, std::unary_negate>, Predicate> pred( compose2(std::logical_and(), std::not1(IsPalindrome(g)), pred0)); std::pair uit = g.vertices(); for (vertex_iterator u = uit.first; u != uit.second; ++u) { if (!contiguous_out(g, *u) || contiguous_in(g, *u) || !pred(*out_edges(*u, g).first)) continue; typename output_iterator_traits::value_type path; assemble_if(g, *u, back_inserter(path), pred); assert(path.size() >= 2); assert(path.front() != path.back()); merge(g, path.begin(), path.end()); remove_vertex_if( g, path.begin(), path.end(), [](const ContigNode& c) { return !c.ambiguous(); }); *out++ = path; } return out; } /** Assemble unambiguous paths. Write the paths to out. */ template OutIt assemble(Graph& g, OutIt out) { typedef typename graph_traits::edge_descriptor edge_descriptor; return assemble_if(g, out, True()); } /** Return true if the edge e is +ve sense. */ template struct IsPositive { IsPositive(const Graph& g) : m_g(g) {} bool operator()(typename graph_traits::edge_descriptor e) const { return !get(vertex_sense, m_g, source(e, m_g)) && !get(vertex_sense, m_g, target(e, m_g)); } typedef typename graph_traits::edge_descriptor argument_type; typedef bool result_type; private: const Graph& m_g; }; /** Assemble unambiguous paths in forward orientation only. * Write the paths to out. */ template OutIt assemble_stranded(Graph& g, OutIt out) { return assemble_if(g, out, IsPositive(g)); } /** Remove tips. * For an edge (u,v), remove the vertex v if deg+(u) > 1, * deg+(v) = 0, and p(v) is true. * Stores all removed vertices in result. */ template OutputIt pruneTips_if(Graph& g, OutputIt result, Pred p) { typedef typename graph_traits::adjacency_iterator Vit; typedef typename graph_traits::vertex_iterator Uit; typedef typename graph_traits::vertex_descriptor V; /** Identify the tips. */ std::vector tips; std::pair urange = vertices(g); for (Uit uit = urange.first; uit != urange.second; ++uit) { V u = *uit; if (out_degree(u, g) < 2) continue; std::pair vrange = adjacent_vertices(u, g); for (Vit vit = vrange.first; vit != vrange.second; ++vit) { V v = *vit; // assert(v != u); if (out_degree(v, g) == 0 && p(v)) tips.push_back(v); } } /** Remove the tips. */ remove_vertex_if(g, tips.begin(), tips.end(), True()); std::transform( tips.begin(), tips.end(), result, [](const ContigNode& c) { return c.contigIndex(); }); return result; } /** Return true if the vertex is a normal 1-in 0-out tip. */ template struct IsTip { IsTip(const Graph& g) : m_g(g) {} bool operator()(typename graph_traits::vertex_descriptor v) const { return in_degree(v, m_g) == 1; } typedef typename graph_traits::vertex_descriptor argument_type; typedef bool result_type; private: const Graph& m_g; }; /** Remove tips. * For an edge (u,v), remove the vertex v if deg+(u) > 1 * and deg-(v) = 1 and deg+(v) = 0. * Stores all removed vertices in result. */ template OutputIt pruneTips(Graph& g, OutputIt result) { return pruneTips_if(g, result, IsTip(g)); } /** Remove islands. * For a vertex v, remove v if deg+(v) = 0, deg-(v) = 0 and p(v) is * true. * Stores all removed vertices in result. */ template OutputIt removeIslands_if(Graph& g, OutputIt result, Pred p) { typedef typename graph_traits::vertex_iterator Uit; typedef typename graph_traits::vertex_descriptor V; /** Identify and remove Islands. */ std::pair urange = vertices(g); for (Uit uit = urange.first; uit != urange.second; ++uit) { V u = *uit; if (get(vertex_removed, g, u)) continue; if (p(u) && in_degree(u, g) == 0 && out_degree(u, g) == 0) { *result++ = get(vertex_contig_index, g, u); clear_vertex(u, g); remove_vertex(u, g); } } return result; } /** Add missing complementary edges. */ template size_t addComplementaryEdges(ContigGraph& g) { typedef ContigGraph Graph; typedef graph_traits GTraits; typedef typename GTraits::edge_descriptor E; typedef typename GTraits::edge_iterator Eit; typedef typename GTraits::vertex_descriptor V; std::pair erange = edges(g); size_t numAdded = 0; for (Eit eit = erange.first; eit != erange.second; ++eit) { E e = *eit; V u = source(e, g), v = target(e, g); V uc = get(vertex_complement, g, u); V vc = get(vertex_complement, g, v); E f; bool found; boost::tie(f, found) = edge(vc, uc, g); if (!found) { add_edge(vc, uc, g[e], static_cast(g)); numAdded++; } else if (!(g[e] == g[f])) { // The edge properties do not agree. Select the better. g[e] = g[f] = BetterDistanceEst()(g[e], g[f]); } } return numAdded; } #endif