#ifndef _EXTENDPATH_H_ #define _EXTENDPATH_H_ #include "Graph/Path.h" #include "Common/UnorderedSet.h" #include "Common/UnorderedMap.h" #include "Common/Hash.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include /** * Parameters for path extension. */ struct ExtendPathParams { /* ignore branches shorter than or equal to this length */ unsigned trimLen; /* longest branch of Bloom filter false positives */ unsigned fpTrim; /* maximum length after extension */ unsigned maxLen; /* * if true, multiple incoming branches > trimLen * will cause a path extension to halt */ bool lookBehind; /* * If false, ignore incoming branches for the starting vertex. * This is useful when when we are intentionally starting our * path extension from a branching point. */ bool lookBehindStartVertex; /* constructor */ ExtendPathParams() : trimLen(0), fpTrim(0), maxLen(NO_LIMIT), lookBehind(true), lookBehindStartVertex(true) {} }; /** * The result of attempting to extend a path. */ enum PathExtensionResultCode { /** stopped path extension at a vertex with multiple incoming branches */ ER_AMBI_IN, /** stopped path extension at a vertex with multiple outgoing branches */ ER_AMBI_OUT, /** stopped path extension at a vertex with no outgoing branches */ ER_DEAD_END, /** stopped path extension after completing a cycle */ ER_CYCLE, /** stopped path extension at caller-specified length limit */ ER_LENGTH_LIMIT, }; /** * Translate path extension result code to a string. */ static inline const char* pathExtensionResultStr(PathExtensionResultCode result) { switch(result) { case ER_AMBI_IN: return "AMBI_IN"; case ER_AMBI_OUT: return "AMBI_OUT"; case ER_DEAD_END: return "DEAD_END"; case ER_CYCLE: return "CYCLE"; case ER_LENGTH_LIMIT: return "LENGTH_LIMIT"; default: assert(false); } return ""; } /** length of path extension (in vertices) and reason for stopping */ typedef std::pair PathExtensionResult; /** * Return true if there is a path of at least depthLimit vertices * that extends from given vertex u, otherwise return false. * Implemented using a bounded depth first search. * * @param start starting vertex for traversal * @param dir direction for traversal (FORWARD or REVERSE) * @param depth depth of current vertex u * @param depthLimit maximum depth to probe * @param g graph to use for traversal * @param visited vertices that have already been visited by the DFS * @return true if at least one path with length >= len * extends from v in direction dir, false otherwise */ template static inline bool lookAhead( const typename boost::graph_traits::vertex_descriptor& u, Direction dir, unsigned depth, unsigned depthLimit, unordered_set< typename boost::graph_traits::vertex_descriptor, hash::vertex_descriptor> >& visited, const Graph& g) { typedef typename boost::graph_traits::vertex_descriptor V; typedef typename boost::graph_traits::out_edge_iterator OutEdgeIter; typedef typename boost::graph_traits::in_edge_iterator InEdgeIter; OutEdgeIter oei, oei_end; InEdgeIter iei, iei_end; visited.insert(u); if (depth >= depthLimit) return true; if (dir == FORWARD) { for (boost::tie(oei, oei_end) = out_edges(u, g); oei != oei_end; ++oei) { const V& v = target(*oei, g); if (visited.find(v) == visited.end()) { if(lookAhead(v, dir, depth+1, depthLimit, visited, g)) return true; } } } else { assert(dir == REVERSE); for (boost::tie(iei, iei_end) = in_edges(u, g); iei != iei_end; ++iei) { const V& v = source(*iei, g); if (visited.find(v) == visited.end()) { if(lookAhead(v, dir, depth+1, depthLimit, visited, g)) return true; } } } return false; } /** * Return true if there is a path of at least 'depth' vertices * that extends from given vertex v, otherwise return false. * Implemented using a bounded depth first search. * * @param start starting vertex for traversal * @param dir direction for traversal (FORWARD or REVERSE) * @param depth length of path to test for * @param g graph to use for traversal * @return true if at least one path with length >= len * extends from v in direction dir, false otherwise */ template static inline bool lookAhead( const typename boost::graph_traits::vertex_descriptor& start, Direction dir, unsigned depth, const Graph& g) { typedef typename boost::graph_traits::vertex_descriptor V; unordered_set< V, hash > visited; return lookAhead(start, dir, 0, depth, visited, g); } /** * Return true if the given edge represents the beginning of a "true branch". * * A path is a true branch if it has length >= `trim` or terminates in a * branching node, where a branching node is (recursively) defined to be * a node with either >= 2 incoming true branches or >= 2 outgoing true branches. * * This method is similar to `lookAhead`, but it additionally changes traversal * direction when a dead-end is encountered. */ template static inline bool trueBranch( const typename boost::graph_traits::edge_descriptor& e, unsigned depth, Direction dir, const Graph& g, unsigned trim, unsigned fpTrim, unordered_set::vertex_descriptor>& visited) { typedef typename boost::graph_traits::vertex_descriptor V; typename boost::graph_traits::out_edge_iterator oei, oei_end; typename boost::graph_traits::in_edge_iterator iei, iei_end; const V& u = (dir == FORWARD) ? source(e, g) : target(e, g); const V& v = (dir == FORWARD) ? target(e, g) : source(e, g); /* branches with bubbles/cycles are considered true branches */ if (visited.find(v) != visited.end()) return true; if (depth >= trim) return true; visited.insert(v); if (dir == FORWARD) { for (boost::tie(oei, oei_end) = out_edges(v, g); oei != oei_end; ++oei) { if (trueBranch(*oei, depth+1, FORWARD, g, trim, fpTrim, visited)) return true; } /* * Note: The test for depth/lookAhead >= fpTrim before changing * traversal direction is needed to deal with an X-shaped * graph pattern that is frequently created by Bloom false positives. * See the test for `trueBranch` in `ExtendPathTest.h` for an example. */ if (depth >= fpTrim || lookAhead(v, FORWARD, fpTrim, g)) { for (boost::tie(iei, iei_end) = in_edges(v, g); iei != iei_end; ++iei) { if (source(*iei, g) == u) continue; if (trueBranch(*iei, 0, REVERSE, g, trim, fpTrim, visited)) return true; } } } else { assert(dir == REVERSE); for (boost::tie(iei, iei_end) = in_edges(v, g); iei != iei_end; ++iei) { if (trueBranch(*iei, depth+1, REVERSE, g, trim, fpTrim, visited)) return true; } /* * Note: The test for depth/lookAhead >= fpTrim before changing * traversal direction is needed to deal with an X-shaped * graph pattern that is frequently created by Bloom false positives. * See the test for `trueBranch` in `ExtendPathTest.h` for an example. */ if (depth >= fpTrim || lookAhead(v, REVERSE, fpTrim, g)) { for (boost::tie(oei, oei_end) = out_edges(v, g); oei != oei_end; ++oei) { if (target(*oei, g) == u) continue; if (trueBranch(*oei, 0, FORWARD, g, trim, fpTrim, visited)) return true; } } } visited.erase(v); return false; } /** * Return true if the given edge represents the start of a "true branch". * Roughly speaking, a path is a true branch if it has length >= trim * or terminates in a branching node, where a branching node is (recursively) * defined to be a node with either >= 2 incoming true branches or >= outgoing * true branches. */ template static inline bool trueBranch( const typename boost::graph_traits::edge_descriptor& e, Direction dir, const Graph& g, unsigned trim, unsigned fpTrim) { typedef typename boost::graph_traits::vertex_descriptor V; unordered_set visited; return trueBranch(e, 0, dir, g, trim, fpTrim, visited); } /** * Return neighbour vertices that begin branches that are longer than trimLen. * * @param u root vertex * @param dir direction for neighbours (FORWARD or REVERSE) * @param g graph * @param trimLen ignore all branches less than or equal to this length * @return std::vector of neighbour vertices that start branches that are * greater than trimLen vertices in length */ template static inline std::vector::vertex_descriptor> trueBranches(const typename boost::graph_traits::vertex_descriptor& u, Direction dir, const BidirectionalGraph& g, unsigned trim, unsigned fpTrim) { typedef BidirectionalGraph G; typedef boost::graph_traits graph_traits; typedef typename graph_traits::vertex_descriptor V; typename graph_traits::out_edge_iterator oei, oei_end; typename graph_traits::in_edge_iterator iei, iei_end; std::vector branchRoots; if (dir == FORWARD) { for (boost::tie(oei, oei_end) = out_edges(u, g); oei != oei_end; ++oei) { const V& v = target(*oei, g); if (trueBranch(*oei, dir, g, trim, fpTrim)) branchRoots.push_back(v); } } else { assert(dir == REVERSE); for (boost::tie(iei, iei_end) = in_edges(u, g); iei != iei_end; ++iei) { const V& v = source(*iei, g); if (trueBranch(*iei, dir, g, trim, fpTrim)) { branchRoots.push_back(v); } } } return branchRoots; } /** * Return the unique predecessor/successor of a given vertex. In * cases where a predecessor/successor does not exist (i.e. a dead end) * or is not unique (i.e. a branching point), return an result code indicating * why a unique successor could not be returned. */ template static inline std::pair::vertex_descriptor, PathExtensionResultCode> successor(const typename boost::graph_traits::vertex_descriptor& u, Direction dir, const Graph& g, unsigned trim, unsigned fpTrim) { typedef typename boost::graph_traits::vertex_descriptor V; typedef typename boost::graph_traits::in_edge_iterator InEdgeIt; typedef typename boost::graph_traits::out_edge_iterator OutEdgeIt; InEdgeIt iei, iei_end; OutEdgeIt oei, oei_end; /* assign u to suppress uninitialized warning */ V v = u; for (unsigned i = 0; true; i = (i == 0) ? 1 : std::min(trim, 2*i)) { unsigned trueBranches = 0; if (dir == FORWARD) { for (boost::tie(oei, oei_end) = out_edges(u, g); oei != oei_end; ++oei) { if (trueBranch(*oei, FORWARD, g, i, fpTrim)) { v = target(*oei, g); ++trueBranches; if (trueBranches >= 2) break; } } } else { assert(dir == REVERSE); for (boost::tie(iei, iei_end) = in_edges(u, g); iei != iei_end; ++iei) { if (trueBranch(*iei, REVERSE, g, i, fpTrim)) { v = source(*iei, g); ++trueBranches; if (trueBranches >= 2) break; } } } if (trueBranches == 0) return std::make_pair(v, ER_DEAD_END); else if (trueBranches == 1) return std::make_pair(v, ER_LENGTH_LIMIT); else if (i == trim) return std::make_pair(v, ER_AMBI_OUT); } } /** * Return true if the given vertex has more than one possible * predecessor/successor in the graph. */ template static inline bool ambiguous(const typename boost::graph_traits::vertex_descriptor& u, Direction dir, const Graph& g, unsigned trim, unsigned fpTrim) { return successor(u, dir, g, trim, fpTrim).second == ER_AMBI_OUT; } /** * Return true if the given vertex has more than one possible * predecessor/successor in the graph. * * @param expected always include this vertex in the set of possible * predecssors/successors, even if it is not a true branch. */ template static inline bool ambiguous(const typename boost::graph_traits::vertex_descriptor& u, const typename boost::graph_traits::vertex_descriptor& expected, Direction dir, const Graph& g, unsigned trim, unsigned fpTrim) { typedef typename boost::graph_traits::vertex_descriptor V; V v; PathExtensionResultCode result; boost::tie(v, result) = successor(u, dir, g, trim, fpTrim); return result == ER_AMBI_OUT || (result == ER_LENGTH_LIMIT && v != expected); } /** * Extend path by a single vertex, if there is a unique predecessor/successor * in the direction of extension. */ template static inline PathExtensionResultCode extendPathBySingleVertex( Path::vertex_descriptor>& path, Direction dir, const Graph& g, unsigned trim, unsigned fpTrim, bool lookBehind) { assert(!path.empty()); typedef typename boost::graph_traits::vertex_descriptor V; V t, v; PathExtensionResultCode result; const V& head = (dir == FORWARD) ? path.back() : path.front(); if (lookBehind) { Direction otherDir = (dir == FORWARD) ? REVERSE : FORWARD; boost::tie(t, result) = successor(head, otherDir, g, trim, fpTrim); if (result == ER_AMBI_OUT) return ER_AMBI_IN; /* * Tricky: If our path was seeded on a tip, we want to stop the * extension when we reconnect to the graph. We can detect that * we are on tip if we reach a branching point where the predecessor * vertex in the path does not match the expected predecessor `t`. */ if (path.size() > 1) { if (result == ER_DEAD_END) { /* no predecessors or all predecessors were tips */ return ER_AMBI_IN; } else { /* check if we are on a tip */ assert(result == ER_LENGTH_LIMIT); const V& prev = (dir == FORWARD) ? *(path.rbegin() + 1) : *(path.begin() + 1); if (prev != t) return ER_AMBI_IN; } } } boost::tie(v, result) = successor(head, dir, g, trim, fpTrim); if (result != ER_LENGTH_LIMIT) return result; if (dir == FORWARD) path.push_back(v); else path.push_front(v); return ER_LENGTH_LIMIT; } /** * Return the depth of the graph from the given source vertex, * i.e. the distance of the furthest node. The depth is measured * by means of an exhaustive breadth first search. * * @param root starting vertex for traversal * @param dir direction for traversal (FORWARD or REVERSE) * @param g graph to use for traversal * @return the distance of the furthest vertex from root */ template static inline size_t depth( typename boost::graph_traits::vertex_descriptor root, Direction dir, const Graph& g) { typedef typename boost::graph_traits::vertex_descriptor V; typedef typename boost::graph_traits::out_edge_iterator OutEdgeIter; typedef typename boost::graph_traits::in_edge_iterator InEdgeIter; OutEdgeIter oei, oei_end; InEdgeIter iei, iei_end; unordered_set > visited; typedef unordered_map DepthMap; DepthMap depthMap; std::deque q; q.push_back(root); visited.insert(root); std::pair inserted = depthMap.insert(std::make_pair(root, 0)); assert(inserted.second); size_t maxDepth = 0; while (!q.empty()) { V& u = q.front(); visited.insert(u); typename DepthMap::const_iterator it = depthMap.find(u); assert(it != depthMap.end()); size_t depth = it->second; if (depth > maxDepth) maxDepth = depth; if (dir == FORWARD) { for (boost::tie(oei, oei_end) = out_edges(u, g); oei != oei_end; ++oei) { V v = target(*oei, g); if (visited.find(v) == visited.end()) { visited.insert(v); std::pair inserted = depthMap.insert(std::make_pair(v, depth+1)); assert(inserted.second); q.push_back(v); } } } else { assert(dir == REVERSE); for (boost::tie(iei, iei_end) = in_edges(u, g); iei != iei_end; ++iei) { V v = source(*iei, g); if (visited.find(v) == visited.end()) { visited.insert(v); std::pair inserted = depthMap.insert(std::make_pair(v, depth+1)); assert(inserted.second); q.push_back(v); } } } q.pop_front(); } return maxDepth; } /** * Return the neighbor vertex corresponding to the longest branch. If there * are no neighbour vertices, an assertion will be thrown. If there * is a tie between branch lengths, the "winning" branch is chosen arbitrarily. * * @param u root vertex * @param dir direction of branches to consider (FORWARD or REVERSE) * @param g the graph * @return the vertex at the head of the longest branch */ template inline static std::pair::vertex_descriptor, bool> longestBranch(const typename boost::graph_traits::vertex_descriptor& u, Direction dir, const Graph& g) { typedef typename boost::graph_traits::vertex_descriptor V; typedef typename boost::graph_traits::out_edge_iterator OutEdgeIter; typedef typename boost::graph_traits::in_edge_iterator InEdgeIter; OutEdgeIter oei, oei_end; InEdgeIter iei, iei_end; size_t maxDepth = 0; unsigned degree = 0; bool tie = false; /* note: had to initialize to prevent compiler warnings */ V longestBranch = u; if (dir == FORWARD) { for (boost::tie(oei, oei_end) = out_edges(u, g); oei != oei_end; ++oei) { degree++; const V& v = target(*oei, g); size_t d = depth(v, dir, g) + 1; if (d > maxDepth) { maxDepth = d; longestBranch = v; tie = false; } else if (d == maxDepth && v < longestBranch) { /* * make an arbitrary choice among branches * of equal length using the vertex comparison * operator (operator<). */ longestBranch = v; tie = true; } } } else { assert(dir == REVERSE); for (boost::tie(iei, iei_end) = in_edges(u, g); iei != iei_end; ++iei) { degree++; const V& v = source(*iei, g); size_t d = depth(v, dir, g) + 1; if (d > maxDepth) { maxDepth = d; longestBranch = v; tie = false; } else if (d == maxDepth && v < longestBranch) { /* * make an arbitrary choice among branches * of equal length using the vertex comparison * operator (operator<). */ longestBranch = v; tie = true; } } } assert(degree > 0); return std::make_pair(longestBranch, tie); } /** * Extend a path up to the next branching point in the graph. * * @param path path to extend (modified by this function) * @param dir direction to extend path (FORWARD or REVERSE) * @param g graph in which to perform the extension * @param visited set of previously visited vertices (used * to detect cycles in the de Bruijn graph) * @param params parameters controlling extension (e.g. trimLen) * @return PathExtensionResult: NO_EXTENSION, HIT_BRANCHING_POINT, * or EXTENDED. */ template static inline PathExtensionResult extendPath( Path::vertex_descriptor>& path, Direction dir, const BidirectionalGraph& g, unordered_set::vertex_descriptor>& visited, const ExtendPathParams& params) { typedef BidirectionalGraph G; typedef boost::graph_traits graph_traits; typedef typename graph_traits::vertex_descriptor V; typename graph_traits::out_edge_iterator oei, oei_end; typename graph_traits::in_edge_iterator iei, iei_end; assert(path.size() > 0); size_t origPathLen = path.size(); PathExtensionResultCode result = ER_DEAD_END; bool lookBehind = params.lookBehindStartVertex; assert(!path.empty()); while (path.size() < params.maxLen) { result = extendPathBySingleVertex(path, dir, g, params.trimLen, params.fpTrim, lookBehind); if (result != ER_LENGTH_LIMIT) break; const V& head = (dir == FORWARD) ? path.back() : path.front(); bool inserted; boost::tie(boost::tuples::ignore, inserted) = visited.insert(head); if (!inserted) { result = ER_CYCLE; if (dir == FORWARD) path.pop_back(); else path.pop_front(); break; } /* override `lookBehindStartVertex` after first extension */ lookBehind = params.lookBehind; } if (params.maxLen != NO_LIMIT && path.size() == params.maxLen) result = ER_LENGTH_LIMIT; assert(path.size() >= origPathLen); unsigned extension = path.size() - origPathLen; /* * Sanity check: If no length limit was imposed, we must have stopped * the extension for some other reason (e.g. dead end) */ assert(params.maxLen != NO_LIMIT || result != ER_LENGTH_LIMIT); return std::make_pair(extension, result); } /** * Extend a path up to the next branching point in the graph. * * @param path path to extend (modified by this function) * @param dir direction to extend path (FORWARD or REVERSE) * @param g graph in which to perform the extension * @param params parameters controlling extension (e.g. trimLen) * @return PathExtensionResult: NO_EXTENSION, HIT_BRANCHING_POINT, * or EXTENDED. */ template PathExtensionResult extendPath( Path::vertex_descriptor>& path, Direction dir, const BidirectionalGraph& g, const ExtendPathParams& params) { typedef typename boost::graph_traits::vertex_descriptor V; /* track visited nodes to avoid infinite traversal of cycles */ unordered_set visited; visited.insert(path.begin(), path.end()); return extendPath(path, dir, g, visited, params); } /** * Extend a path up to the next branching point in the graph. * * @param path path to extend (modified by this function) * @param dir direction to extend path (FORWARD or REVERSE) * @param g graph in which to perform the extension * @return PathExtensionResult: NO_EXTENSION, HIT_BRANCHING_POINT, * or EXTENDED. */ template PathExtensionResult extendPath( Path::vertex_descriptor>& path, Direction dir, const BidirectionalGraph& g) { /* default extension params */ ExtendPathParams params; return extendPath(path, dir, g, params); } #endif