/** * Connect pairs using a Bloom filter de Bruijn graph * Copyright 2013 Shaun Jackman */ #include "config.h" #include "konnector.h" #include "Bloom/CascadingBloomFilter.h" #include "DBGBloom.h" #include "DBGBloomAlgorithms.h" #include "Align/alignGlobal.h" #include "Common/IOUtil.h" #include "Common/Options.h" #include "Common/StringUtil.h" #include "DataLayer/FastaConcat.h" #include "DataLayer/FastaInterleave.h" #include "DataLayer/Options.h" #include "Graph/DotIO.h" #include "Graph/Options.h" #include "Graph/GraphUtil.h" #include #include #include #include #include #if _OPENMP # include # include "Bloom/ConcurrentBloomFilter.h" #endif using namespace std; using Konnector::BloomFilter; #define PROGRAM "konnector" static const char VERSION_MESSAGE[] = PROGRAM " (" PACKAGE_NAME ") " VERSION "\n" "Written by Shaun Jackman, Hamid Mohamadi, Anthony Raymond, \n" "Ben Vandervalk and Justin Chu.\n" "\n" "Copyright 2014 Canada's Michael Smith Genome Science Centre\n"; static const char USAGE_MESSAGE[] = "Usage: " PROGRAM " -k -o [options]... [reads2]...\n" "Connect the pairs READS1 and READS2 and close the gap using\n" "a Bloom filter de Bruijn graph.\n" "\n" " Options:\n" "\n" " -j, --threads=N use N parallel threads [1]\n" " -k, --kmer=N the size of a k-mer\n" " -b, --bloom-size=N size of bloom filter [500M]\n" " -c, --min-coverage=N kmer coverage threshold for error correction [2].\n" " This option specifies the number of levels in the\n" " cascading Bloom filter; it has no effect if the Bloom\n" " filter is loaded from an external file.\n" " -C, --max-cost=N max edges to traverse during each graph search [25000]\n" " -d, --dot-file=FILE write graph traversals to a DOT file\n" " -D, --dup-bloom-size=N use an additional Bloom filter to avoid\n" " assembling the same region of the genome\n" " multiple times. This option is highly\n" " recommended when the -E (--extend) option\n" " and has no effect otherwise. As a rule of\n" " thumb, the Bloom filter size should be\n" " about twice the target genome size [disabled]\n" " -e, --fix-errors find and fix single-base errors when reads\n" " have no kmers in bloom filter [disabled]\n" " -E, --extend in addition to finding a connecting path,\n" " extend the reads outwards to the next\n" " dead end or branching point in the de Brujin\n" " graph. If the reads were not successfully\n" " connected, extend them inwards as well.\n" " --fastq output merged reads in FASTQ format\n" " (default is FASTA)\n" " -f, --min-frag=N min fragment size in base pairs [0]\n" " -F, --max-frag=N max fragment size in base pairs [1000]\n" " -i, --input-bloom=FILE load bloom filter from FILE\n" " -I, --interleaved input reads files are interleaved\n" " --mask mask new and changed bases as lower case\n" " --no-mask do not mask bases [default]\n" " --chastity discard unchaste reads [default]\n" " --no-chastity do not discard unchaste reads\n" " --trim-masked trim masked bases from the ends of reads\n" " --no-trim-masked do not trim masked bases from the ends\n" " of reads [default]\n" " -m, --read-mismatches=N max mismatches between paths and reads; use\n" " 'nolimit' for no limit [nolimit]\n" " -M, --max-mismatches=N max mismatches between all alternate paths;\n" " use 'nolimit' for no limit [2]\n" " -n --no-limits disable all limits; equivalent to\n" " '-B nolimit -m nolimit -M nolimit -P nolimit'\n" " -o, --output-prefix=FILE prefix of output FASTA files [required]\n" " --preserve-reads don't correct any bases within the reads [disabled]\n" " -p, --alt-paths-mode output a separate pseudoread for each alternate\n" " path connecting a read pair (default is to create\n" " a consensus sequence of all connecting paths)\n" " -P, --max-paths=N merge at most N alternate paths; use 'nolimit'\n" " for no limit [2]\n" " -q, --trim-quality=N trim bases from the ends of reads whose\n" " quality is less than the threshold\n" " --standard-quality zero quality is `!' (33), typically\n" " for FASTQ and SAM files [default]\n" " --illumina-quality zero quality is `@' (64), typically\n" " for qseq and export files\n" " -Q, --corrected-qual quality score for bases corrected or inserted\n" " by konnector; only relevant when --fastq is\n" " in effect [40]\n" " -r, --read-name=STR only process reads with names that contain STR\n" " -s, --search-mem=N mem limit for graph searches; multiply by the\n" " number of threads (-j) to get the total mem used\n" " for graph traversal [500M]\n" " -t, --trace-file=FILE write graph search stats to FILE\n" " -v, --verbose display verbose output\n" " -x, --read-identity=N min percent seq identity between consensus seq\n" " and reads [0]\n" " -X, --path-identity=N min percent seq identity across alternate\n" " connecting paths [0]\n" " --help display this help and exit\n" " --version output version information and exit\n" "\n" " Deprecated Options:\n" "\n" " -B, --max-branches=N max branches in de Bruijn graph traversal;\n" " use 'nolimit' for no limit [nolimit]\n" "\n" " Note: --max-branches was not effective for truncating expensive searches,\n" " and has been superseded by the --max-cost option.\n" "\n" "Report bugs to <" PACKAGE_BUGREPORT ">.\n"; const unsigned g_progressStep = 1000; /** * ignore branches less than this length *(false positive branches) */ const unsigned g_trimLen = 3; /* * Bloom filter to keep track of portions * of genome that have already been assembled. * This Bloom filter is only used when both * the --extend and --dup-bloom-size options * are in effect. */ BloomFilter g_dupBloom; namespace opt { /** The number of parallel threads. */ static unsigned threads = 1; /** The size of the bloom filter in bytes. */ size_t bloomSize = 500 * 1024 * 1024; /** The maximum count value of the Bloom filter. */ unsigned minCoverage = 2; /** Input read files are interleaved? */ bool interleaved = false; /** Max active branches during de Bruijn graph traversal */ unsigned maxBranches = NO_LIMIT; /** * Max cost for a connecting path search. Searches that * exceed this cost limit will be aborted and the read * pair will remain unmerged. */ unsigned maxCost = 25000; /** multi-graph DOT file containing graph traversals */ static string dotPath; /** * Dup Bloom filter size. * The dup filter is used to avoid assembling duplicate * sequences when the -E (--extend) option is in effect. */ size_t dupBloomSize = 0; /** * Find and fix single base errors when a read has no * kmers in the bloom filter. */ bool fixErrors = false; /** * Extend reads outwards until the next dead or branching * point in the de Bruijn graph. If a read pair is not * successfully connected, extend them inwards as well. */ bool extend = false; /** * Output pseudo-reads in FASTQ format. */ bool fastq = false; /** The size of a k-mer. */ unsigned k; /** The minimum fragment size */ unsigned minFrag = 0; /** The maximum fragment size */ unsigned maxFrag = 1000; /** Bloom filter input file */ static string inputBloomPath; /** * Do not correct bases in input read sequences. */ static bool preserveReads = false; /** * Output separate sequence for each alternate path * between read pairs */ static bool altPathsMode = false; /** Max paths between read 1 and read 2 */ unsigned maxPaths = 2; /** * Quality score for bases that are corrected * or inserted by konnector. */ uint8_t correctedQual = 40; /** Prefix for output files */ static string outputPrefix; /** Max mismatches allowed when building consensus seqs */ unsigned maxMismatches = 2; /** Only process reads that contain this substring. */ static string readName; /** Max mem used per thread during graph traversal */ static size_t searchMem = 500 * 1024 * 1024; /** Output file for graph search stats */ static string tracefilePath; /** Mask bases not in reads */ static int mask = 0; /** Max mismatches between consensus and original reads */ static unsigned maxReadMismatches = NO_LIMIT; /** * Min percent seq identity between consensus seq * and input reads */ static float minReadIdentity = 0.0f; /** * Min percent seq identity between all alternate * paths */ static float minPathIdentity = 0.0f; } /** Counters */ static struct { size_t noStartOrGoalKmer; size_t noPath; size_t uniquePath; size_t multiplePaths; size_t tooManyPaths; size_t tooManyBranches; size_t tooManyMismatches; size_t tooManyReadMismatches; size_t containsCycle; size_t maxCostExceeded; size_t exceededMemLimit; size_t traversalMemExceeded; size_t readPairsProcessed; size_t readPairsMerged; size_t skipped; /* counts below are used only when -E is enabled */ size_t mergedAndSkipped; size_t singleEndExtended; } g_count; static const char shortopts[] = "b:B:c:C:d:D:eEf:F:i:Ij:k:lm:M:no:p:P:q:Q:r:s:t:vx:X:"; enum { OPT_FASTQ = 1, OPT_HELP, OPT_PRESERVE_READS, OPT_VERSION }; static const struct option longopts[] = { { "bloom-size", required_argument, NULL, 'b' }, { "min-coverage", required_argument, NULL, 'c' }, { "max-branches", required_argument, NULL, 'B' }, { "max-cost", required_argument, NULL, 'C' }, { "dot-file", required_argument, NULL, 'd' }, { "dup-bloom-size", required_argument, NULL, 'D' }, { "fix-errors", no_argument, NULL, 'e' }, { "extend", no_argument, NULL, 'E' }, { "min-frag", required_argument, NULL, 'f' }, { "max-frag", required_argument, NULL, 'F' }, { "input-bloom", required_argument, NULL, 'i' }, { "interleaved", no_argument, NULL, 'I' }, { "threads", required_argument, NULL, 'j' }, { "kmer", required_argument, NULL, 'k' }, { "chastity", no_argument, &opt::chastityFilter, 1 }, { "no-chastity", no_argument, &opt::chastityFilter, 0 }, { "mask", no_argument, &opt::mask, 1 }, { "no-mask", no_argument, &opt::mask, 0 }, { "no-limits", no_argument, NULL, 'n' }, { "trim-masked", no_argument, &opt::trimMasked, 1 }, { "no-trim-masked", no_argument, &opt::trimMasked, 0 }, { "output-prefix", required_argument, NULL, 'o' }, { "read-mismatches", required_argument, NULL, 'm' }, { "max-mismatches", required_argument, NULL, 'M' }, { "alt-paths-mode", no_argument, NULL, 'p' }, { "max-paths", required_argument, NULL, 'P' }, { "trim-quality", required_argument, NULL, 'q' }, { "corrected-qual", required_argument, NULL, 'Q' }, { "standard-quality", no_argument, &opt::qualityOffset, 33 }, { "illumina-quality", no_argument, &opt::qualityOffset, 64 }, { "read-name", required_argument, NULL, 'r' }, { "search-mem", required_argument, NULL, 's' }, { "trace-file", required_argument, NULL, 't' }, { "verbose", no_argument, NULL, 'v' }, { "read-identity", required_argument, NULL, 'x' }, { "path-identity", required_argument, NULL, 'X' }, { "fastq", no_argument, NULL, OPT_FASTQ }, { "help", no_argument, NULL, OPT_HELP }, { "preserve-reads", no_argument, NULL, OPT_PRESERVE_READS }, { "version", no_argument, NULL, OPT_VERSION }, { NULL, 0, NULL, 0 } }; /** * Return true if the Bloom filter contains all of the * "good" kmers in the given sequence. */ static inline bool isSeqRedundant(const BloomFilter& assembledKmers, const BloomFilter& goodKmers, Sequence seq) { flattenAmbiguityCodes(seq, false); for (KmerIterator it(seq, opt::k); it != KmerIterator::end(); ++it) { if (goodKmers[*it] && !assembledKmers[*it]) return false; } return true; } /** * Load the kmers of a given sequence into a Bloom filter. */ static inline void addKmers(BloomFilter& bloom, const BloomFilter& goodKmers, unsigned k, const Sequence& seq) { if (containsAmbiguityCodes(seq)) { Sequence flattened = seq; Sequence rcFlattened = reverseComplement(seq); flattenAmbiguityCodes(flattened, false); flattenAmbiguityCodes(rcFlattened, false); for (KmerIterator it(flattened, k); it != KmerIterator::end();++it) { if (goodKmers[*it]) bloom.insert(*it); } for (KmerIterator it(rcFlattened, k); it != KmerIterator::end(); ++it) { if (goodKmers[*it]) bloom.insert(*it); } return; } else { for (KmerIterator it(seq, k); it != KmerIterator::end(); ++it) { if (goodKmers[*it]) bloom.insert(*it); } } } enum ExtendResult { ER_NOT_EXTENDED, ER_REDUNDANT, ER_EXTENDED }; /** * Calculate quality string for a pseudo-read. A base will * have a score of CORRECTED_BASE_QUAL if it was corrected * by konnector or added by konnector (in the gap between * paired-end reads). For bases that are unchanged from the * input reads, the original quality score is used. In the * case that the two input read(s) overlap and both provide * a correct base call, the maximum of the two quality scores * is used. */ static inline std::string calcQual(const FastqRecord& read1, const FastqRecord& read2, Sequence& merged) { unsigned char correctedQual = opt::qualityOffset + opt::correctedQual; std::string qual(merged.length(), correctedQual); /* * In the case that the input files are FASTA, * the quality strings for read1 / read2 will be * empty, so just return a uniform quality string. */ if (read1.qual.empty() || read2.qual.empty()) return qual; Sequence r1 = read1.seq, r2 = reverseComplement(read2.seq); std::string r1qual = read1.qual, r2qual = read2.qual; std::reverse(r2qual.begin(), r2qual.end()); assert(r1.length() <= merged.length()); assert(r2.length() <= merged.length()); /* region covered only by read 1 */ unsigned r2offset = merged.length() - r2.length(); for (unsigned r1pos = 0; r1pos < r1.length() && r1pos < r2offset; ++r1pos) { if (r1.at(r1pos) == merged.at(r1pos)) { qual.at(r1pos) = r1qual.at(r1pos); } else { //r1Corrected.at(i) = true; qual.at(r1pos) = correctedQual; } } /* region where read 1 and read 2 overlap */ for (unsigned r1pos = r2offset; r1pos < r1.length(); ++r1pos) { unsigned r2pos = r1pos - r2offset; if (r1.at(r1pos) != merged.at(r1pos) || r2.at(r2pos) != merged.at(r1pos)) { qual.at(r1pos) = correctedQual; } else { assert(r1.at(r1pos) == r2.at(r2pos)); qual.at(r1pos) = max(r1qual.at(r1pos), r2qual.at(r2pos)); } } /* region covered only by read 2 */ for (unsigned r1pos = max(r2offset, (unsigned)r1.length()); r1pos < merged.length(); ++r1pos) { unsigned r2pos = r1pos - r2offset; if (r2.at(r2pos) == merged.at(r1pos)) { qual.at(r1pos) = r2qual.at(r2pos); } else { qual.at(r1pos) = correctedQual; } } return qual; } static inline string calcQual(const FastqRecord& orig, const Sequence& extended, unsigned extendedLeft, unsigned extendedRight) { assert(extended.length() == orig.seq.length() + extendedLeft + extendedRight); unsigned char correctedQual = opt::qualityOffset + opt::correctedQual; string qual(extended.length(), correctedQual); /* * In the case that the input files are FASTA, * the quality strings for read1 / read2 will be * empty, so just return a uniform quality string. */ if (orig.qual.empty()) return qual; unsigned offset = extendedLeft; for (unsigned i = 0; i < orig.seq.length(); ++i) { assert(offset + i < extended.length()); assert(i < orig.seq.length()); assert(i < orig.qual.length()); if (orig.seq.at(i) == extended.at(offset + i)) qual.at(offset + i) = orig.qual.at(i); } return qual; } /** * Extend a read/pseudoread both left and right until * we hit the next dead end or branching point in the * de Bruijn graph. * * @param seq sequence to be extended * @param k kmer size * @param g de Bruijn graph * return true if the read was extended in either * (or both) directions, false otherwise */ template static bool extendRead(FastqRecord& rec, unsigned k, const Graph& g) { unsigned extendedLeft = 0, extendedRight = 0; Sequence extendedSeq = rec.seq; /* * offset start pos to reduce chance of hitting * a dead end on a false positive kmer */ const unsigned runLengthHint = 3; unsigned startPos = getStartKmerPos(extendedSeq, k, FORWARD, g, runLengthHint); if (startPos != NO_MATCH) { assert(startPos <= extendedSeq.length() - k); unsigned lengthBefore = extendedSeq.length(); extendSeq(extendedSeq, FORWARD, startPos, k, g, NO_LIMIT, g_trimLen, opt::mask, !opt::altPathsMode, opt::preserveReads); extendedRight = extendedSeq.length() - lengthBefore; } startPos = getStartKmerPos(extendedSeq, k, REVERSE, g, runLengthHint); if (startPos != NO_MATCH) { assert(startPos <= extendedSeq.length() - k); unsigned lengthBefore = extendedSeq.length(); extendSeq(extendedSeq, REVERSE, startPos, k, g, NO_LIMIT, g_trimLen, opt::mask, !opt::altPathsMode, opt::preserveReads); extendedLeft = extendedSeq.length() - lengthBefore; } if (extendedLeft > 0 || extendedRight > 0) { rec.qual = calcQual(rec, extendedSeq, extendedLeft, extendedRight); rec.seq = extendedSeq; return true; } return false; } /** * Attempt to extend a merged read (a.k.a. pseudoread) * outward to the next branching point or dead end in * the de Bruijn graph. * * @param seq pseudoread to be extended * @param k kmer size * @param g de Bruijn graph in which to perform extension * @return ExtendResult (ER_NOT_EXTENDED, ER_EXTENDED, * ER_REDUNDANT) */ template static inline ExtendResult extendReadIfNonRedundant(FastqRecord& seq, BloomT1& assembledKmers, const BloomT2& goodKmers, unsigned k, const Graph& g) { bool extended = false; bool redundant = false; if (opt::dupBloomSize > 0) { /* * Check to see if the current pseudoread * is contained in a region of the genome * that has already been assembled. */ #pragma omp critical(dupBloom) redundant = isSeqRedundant(assembledKmers, goodKmers, seq); if (redundant) return ER_REDUNDANT; } Sequence origSeq = seq.seq; extended = extendRead(seq, k, g); if (opt::dupBloomSize > 0) { /* * mark the extended read as an assembled * region of the genome. */ #pragma omp critical(dupBloom) { /* must check again to avoid race conditions */ if (!isSeqRedundant(assembledKmers, goodKmers, origSeq)) addKmers(assembledKmers, goodKmers, k, seq.seq); else redundant = true; } if (redundant) return ER_REDUNDANT; } assert(!redundant); if (extended) return ER_EXTENDED; else return ER_NOT_EXTENDED; } static inline FastqRecord connectingSeq(const FastqRecord& mergedSeq, unsigned startKmerPos, unsigned goalKmerPos) { FastqRecord rec; unsigned start = startKmerPos; unsigned end = mergedSeq.seq.length() - 1 - goalKmerPos; assert(start <= end); rec.id = mergedSeq.id; rec.seq = mergedSeq.seq.substr(start, end - start + 1); rec.qual = mergedSeq.qual.substr(start, end - start + 1); return rec; } /** * Print progress stats about reads merged/extended so far. */ static inline void printProgressMessage() { cerr << "Merged " << g_count.uniquePath + g_count.multiplePaths << " of " << g_count.readPairsProcessed << " read pairs"; if (opt::extend) { cerr << ", corrected/extended " << g_count.singleEndExtended << " of " << (g_count.readPairsProcessed - g_count.uniquePath - g_count.multiplePaths) * 2 << " unmerged reads"; } cerr << " (no start/goal kmer: " << g_count.noStartOrGoalKmer << ", " << "no path: " << g_count.noPath << ", " << "too many paths: " << g_count.tooManyPaths << ", " << "too many branches: " << g_count.tooManyBranches << ", " << "too many path/path mismatches: " << g_count.tooManyMismatches << ", " << "too many path/read mismatches: " << g_count.tooManyReadMismatches << ", " << "contains cycle: " << g_count.containsCycle << ", " << "max cost exceeded: " << g_count.maxCostExceeded << ", " << "skipped: " << g_count.skipped << ")\n"; } static inline void updateCounters(const ConnectPairsParams& params, const ConnectPairsResult& result) { switch (result.pathResult) { case NO_PATH: assert(result.mergedSeqs.empty()); if (result.foundStartKmer && result.foundGoalKmer) #pragma omp atomic ++g_count.noPath; else #pragma omp atomic ++g_count.noStartOrGoalKmer; break; case FOUND_PATH: assert(!result.mergedSeqs.empty()); if (result.pathMismatches > params.maxPathMismatches || result.pathIdentity < params.minPathIdentity) { #pragma omp atomic ++g_count.tooManyMismatches; } else if (result.readMismatches > params.maxReadMismatches || result.readIdentity < params.minReadIdentity) { #pragma omp atomic ++g_count.tooManyReadMismatches; } else { if (result.mergedSeqs.size() == 1) #pragma omp atomic ++g_count.uniquePath; else #pragma omp atomic ++g_count.multiplePaths; } break; case TOO_MANY_PATHS: #pragma omp atomic ++g_count.tooManyPaths; break; case TOO_MANY_BRANCHES: #pragma omp atomic ++g_count.tooManyBranches; break; case PATH_CONTAINS_CYCLE: #pragma omp atomic ++g_count.containsCycle; break; case MAX_COST_EXCEEDED: #pragma omp atomic ++g_count.maxCostExceeded; break; case EXCEEDED_MEM_LIMIT: #pragma omp atomic ++g_count.exceededMemLimit; break; } } static inline void outputRead(const FastqRecord& read, ostream& out, bool fastq = true) { if (fastq) out << read; else out << (FastaRecord)read; } static inline bool exceedsMismatchThresholds(const ConnectPairsParams& params, const ConnectPairsResult& result) { return (result.pathMismatches > params.maxPathMismatches || result.pathIdentity < params.minPathIdentity || result.readMismatches > params.maxReadMismatches || result.readIdentity < params.minReadIdentity); } /** * Correct and extend an unmerged single-end read. * @return true if the read was modified, false otherwise */ template static inline bool correctAndExtend(FastqRecord& read, BloomT1& assembledKmers, const BloomT2& goodKmers, unsigned k, const Graph& g, bool preserveRead=false) { bool corrected = false; if (!preserveRead) corrected = trimRead(read, k, g); if (preserveRead || corrected) { ExtendResult extendResult = extendReadIfNonRedundant(read, assembledKmers, goodKmers, k, g); if (extendResult == ER_EXTENDED) return true; } return corrected; } /** Connect a read pair. */ template static void connectPair(const Graph& g, const Bloom& bloom, FastqRecord& read1, FastqRecord& read2, const ConnectPairsParams& params, ofstream& mergedStream, ofstream& read1Stream, ofstream& read2Stream, ofstream& traceStream) { /* * Implements the -r option, which is used to only * process a subset of the input read pairs. */ if (!opt::readName.empty() && read1.id.find(opt::readName) == string::npos) { #pragma omp atomic ++g_count.skipped; return; } /* Search for connecting paths between read pair */ ConnectPairsResult result = connectPairs(opt::k, read1, read2, g, params); /* Calculate quality strings for merged reads */ vector paths; FastqRecord consensus; if (result.pathResult == FOUND_PATH) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < result.mergedSeqs.size(); ++i) { FastqRecord fastq; fastq.id = result.mergedSeqs.at(i).id; fastq.seq = result.mergedSeqs.at(i).seq; fastq.qual = calcQual(read1, read2, result.mergedSeqs.at(i).seq); paths.push_back(fastq); } consensus.id = result.consensusSeq.id; consensus.seq = result.consensusSeq.seq; consensus.qual = calcQual(read1, read2, result.consensusSeq.seq); } bool outputRead1 = false; bool outputRead2 = false; std::vector pathRedundant; /* * extend reads inwards or outwards up to the * next dead end or branching point in the de * Brujin graph */ if (opt::extend) { ExtendResult extendResult; if (result.pathResult == FOUND_PATH && !exceedsMismatchThresholds(params, result)) { /* we found at least one connecting path */ assert(paths.size() > 0); if (opt::altPathsMode) { /* extend each alternate path independently */ for (unsigned i = 0; i < paths.size(); ++i) { if (!opt::preserveReads) paths.at(i) = connectingSeq(paths.at(i), result.startKmerPos, result.goalKmerPos); extendResult = extendReadIfNonRedundant( paths.at(i), g_dupBloom, bloom, opt::k, g); pathRedundant.push_back(extendResult == ER_REDUNDANT); } } else { /* extend consensus sequence for all paths */ if (!opt::preserveReads) consensus = connectingSeq(consensus, result.startKmerPos, result.goalKmerPos); extendResult = extendReadIfNonRedundant( consensus, g_dupBloom, bloom, opt::k, g); pathRedundant.push_back(extendResult == ER_REDUNDANT); } if (std::find(pathRedundant.begin(), pathRedundant.end(), false) == pathRedundant.end()) { #pragma omp atomic g_count.mergedAndSkipped++; } } else { /* * read pair could not be merged, so try * to correct and extend each read individually (in * both directions). */ if (correctAndExtend(read1, g_dupBloom, bloom, opt::k, g, opt::preserveReads)) { /* avoid duplicate read IDs */ if (!endsWith(read1.id, "/1")) { read1.id.append("/1"); read1.comment.clear(); } outputRead1 = true; #pragma omp atomic g_count.singleEndExtended++; } if (correctAndExtend(read2, g_dupBloom, bloom, opt::k, g, opt::preserveReads)) { /* avoid duplicate read IDs */ if (!endsWith(read2.id, "/2")) { read2.id.append("/2"); read2.comment.clear(); } outputRead2 = true; #pragma omp atomic g_count.singleEndExtended++; } } } if (!opt::tracefilePath.empty()) #pragma omp critical(tracefile) { traceStream << result; assert_good(traceStream, opt::tracefilePath); } /* update stats regarding merge successes / failures */ updateCounters(params, result); /* output merged / unmerged reads */ if (result.pathResult == FOUND_PATH && !exceedsMismatchThresholds(params, result)) { assert(!paths.empty()); if (opt::altPathsMode) { #pragma omp critical(mergedStream) for (unsigned i = 0; i < paths.size(); ++i) { if (opt::dupBloomSize == 0 || !pathRedundant.at(i)) outputRead(paths.at(i), mergedStream, opt::fastq); } } else if (opt::dupBloomSize == 0 || !pathRedundant.front()) { #pragma omp critical(mergedStream) outputRead(consensus, mergedStream, opt::fastq); } } else { if (opt::extend) { if (outputRead1 || outputRead2) #pragma omp critical(mergedStream) { if (outputRead1) outputRead(read1, mergedStream, opt::fastq); if (outputRead2) outputRead(read2, mergedStream, opt::fastq); } if (!outputRead1 || !outputRead2) #pragma omp critical(readStream) { if (!outputRead1) read1Stream << read1; if (!outputRead2) read2Stream << read2; } } else #pragma omp critical(readStream) { read1Stream << read1; read2Stream << read2; } } } /** Connect read pairs. */ template static void connectPairs(const Graph& g, const Bloom& bloom, FastaStream& in, const ConnectPairsParams& params, ofstream& mergedStream, ofstream& read1Stream, ofstream& read2Stream, ofstream& traceStream) { #pragma omp parallel for (FastqRecord a, b;;) { bool good; #pragma omp critical(in) good = in >> a >> b; if (good) { connectPair(g, bloom, a, b, params, mergedStream, read1Stream, read2Stream, traceStream); #pragma omp atomic g_count.readPairsProcessed++; if (opt::verbose >= 2) #pragma omp critical(cerr) { if(g_count.readPairsProcessed % g_progressStep == 0) printProgressMessage(); } } else { break; } } } /** * Set the value for a commandline option, using "nolimit" * to represent NO_LIMIT. */ static inline void setMaxOption(unsigned& arg, istream& in) { string str; getline(in, str); if (!in.fail() && str.compare("nolimit")==0) { arg = NO_LIMIT; } else { istringstream ss(str); ss >> arg; // copy state bits (fail, bad, eof) to // original stream in.clear(ss.rdstate()); } } /** * Connect pairs using a Bloom filter de Bruijn graph */ int main(int argc, char** argv) { bool die = false; bool minCovOptUsed = false; for (int c; (c = getopt_long(argc, argv, shortopts, longopts, NULL)) != -1;) { istringstream arg(optarg != NULL ? optarg : ""); switch (c) { case '?': die = true; break; case 'b': opt::bloomSize = SIToBytes(arg); break; case 'B': setMaxOption(opt::maxBranches, arg); break; case 'c': arg >> opt::minCoverage; minCovOptUsed = true; break; case 'C': arg >> opt::maxCost; break; case 'd': arg >> opt::dotPath; break; case 'D': opt::dupBloomSize = SIToBytes(arg); break; case 'e': opt::fixErrors = true; break; case 'E': opt::extend = true; break; case 'f': arg >> opt::minFrag; break; case 'F': arg >> opt::maxFrag; break; case 'i': arg >> opt::inputBloomPath; break; case 'I': opt::interleaved = true; break; case 'j': arg >> opt::threads; break; case 'k': arg >> opt::k; break; case 'm': setMaxOption(opt::maxReadMismatches, arg); break; case 'n': opt::maxBranches = NO_LIMIT; opt::maxReadMismatches = NO_LIMIT; opt::maxMismatches = NO_LIMIT; opt::maxPaths = NO_LIMIT; break; case 'M': setMaxOption(opt::maxMismatches, arg); break; case 'o': arg >> opt::outputPrefix; break; case 'p': opt::altPathsMode = true; break; case 'P': setMaxOption(opt::maxPaths, arg); break; case 'q': arg >> opt::qualityThreshold; break; case 'Q': arg >> opt::correctedQual; break; case 'r': arg >> opt::readName; break; case 's': opt::searchMem = SIToBytes(arg); break; case 't': arg >> opt::tracefilePath; break; case 'x': arg >> opt::minReadIdentity; break; case 'X': arg >> opt::minPathIdentity; break; case 'v': opt::verbose++; break; case OPT_FASTQ: opt::fastq = true; break; case OPT_HELP: cout << USAGE_MESSAGE; exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); case OPT_PRESERVE_READS: opt::preserveReads = true; break; case OPT_VERSION: cout << VERSION_MESSAGE; exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } if (optarg != NULL && (!arg.eof() || arg.fail())) { cerr << PROGRAM ": invalid option: `-" << (char)c << optarg << "'\n"; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } if (opt::k == 0) { cerr << PROGRAM ": missing mandatory option `-k'\n"; die = true; } if (opt::outputPrefix.empty()) { cerr << PROGRAM ": missing mandatory option `-o'\n"; die = true; } if (argc - optind < 1) { cerr << PROGRAM ": missing input file arguments\n"; die = true; } if (die) { cerr << "Try `" << PROGRAM << " --help' for more information.\n"; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (!opt::inputBloomPath.empty() && minCovOptUsed) { cerr << PROGRAM ": warning: -c option has no effect when " " using a pre-built Bloom filter (-i option)\n"; } #if _OPENMP if (opt::threads > 0) omp_set_num_threads(opt::threads); #endif Kmer::setLength(opt::k); #if USESEQAN seqanTests(); #endif /* * We need to set a default quality score offset * in order to generate quality scores * for bases that are corrected/inserted by * konnector (--fastq option). */ if (opt::qualityOffset == 0) opt::qualityOffset = 33; assert(opt::bloomSize > 0); if (opt::dupBloomSize > 0) g_dupBloom.resize(opt::dupBloomSize * 8); BloomFilter* bloom; CascadingBloomFilter* cascadingBloom = NULL; if (!opt::inputBloomPath.empty()) { if (opt::verbose) std::cerr << "Loading bloom filter from `" << opt::inputBloomPath << "'...\n"; bloom = new BloomFilter(); const char* inputPath = opt::inputBloomPath.c_str(); ifstream inputBloom(inputPath, ios_base::in | ios_base::binary); assert_good(inputBloom, inputPath); inputBloom >> *bloom; assert_good(inputBloom, inputPath); inputBloom.close(); } else { if (opt::verbose) std::cerr << "Using a minimum kmer coverage threshold of " << opt::minCoverage << "\n"; // Specify bloom filter size in bits and divide by number // of levels in cascading Bloom filter. size_t bits = opt::bloomSize * 8 / opt::minCoverage; cascadingBloom = new CascadingBloomFilter(bits, opt::minCoverage); #ifdef _OPENMP ConcurrentBloomFilter cbf(*cascadingBloom, 1000); for (int i = optind; i < argc; i++) Bloom::loadFile(cbf, opt::k, string(argv[i]), opt::verbose); #else for (int i = optind; i < argc; i++) Bloom::loadFile(*cascadingBloom, opt::k, string(argv[i]), opt::verbose); #endif bloom = &cascadingBloom->getBloomFilter(opt::minCoverage - 1); } if (opt::verbose) cerr << "Bloom filter FPR: " << setprecision(3) << 100 * bloom->FPR() << "%\n"; ofstream dotStream; if (!opt::dotPath.empty()) { if (opt::verbose) cerr << "Writing graph traversals to " "dot file `" << opt::dotPath << "'\n"; dotStream.open(opt::dotPath.c_str()); assert_good(dotStream, opt::dotPath); } ofstream traceStream; if (!opt::tracefilePath.empty()) { if (opt::verbose) cerr << "Writing graph search stats to `" << opt::tracefilePath << "'\n"; traceStream.open(opt::tracefilePath.c_str()); assert(traceStream.is_open()); ConnectPairsResult::printHeaders(traceStream); assert_good(traceStream, opt::tracefilePath); } DBGBloom g(*bloom); /* * read pairs that were successfully connected * (and possibly extended outwards) */ string mergedOutputPath(opt::outputPrefix); mergedOutputPath.append("_pseudoreads"); if (opt::fastq) mergedOutputPath.append(".fq"); else mergedOutputPath.append(".fa"); ofstream mergedStream(mergedOutputPath.c_str()); assert_good(mergedStream, mergedOutputPath); /* * read pairs that were not successfully connected, * but may have been extended inwards and/or outwards * (if -E option was used) */ string read1OutputPath(opt::outputPrefix); read1OutputPath.append("_reads_1.fq"); ofstream read1Stream(read1OutputPath.c_str()); assert_good(read1Stream, read1OutputPath); string read2OutputPath(opt::outputPrefix); read2OutputPath.append("_reads_2.fq"); ofstream read2Stream(read2OutputPath.c_str()); assert_good(read2Stream, read2OutputPath); if (opt::verbose > 0) cerr << "Connecting read pairs\n"; ConnectPairsParams params; params.minMergedSeqLen = opt::minFrag; params.maxMergedSeqLen = opt::maxFrag; params.maxCost = opt::maxCost; params.maxPaths = opt::maxPaths; params.maxBranches = opt::maxBranches; params.maxPathMismatches = opt::maxMismatches; params.minPathIdentity = opt::minPathIdentity; params.maxReadMismatches = opt::maxReadMismatches; params.minReadIdentity = opt::minReadIdentity; params.kmerMatchesThreshold = 3; params.fixErrors = opt::fixErrors; params.maskBases = opt::mask; params.preserveReads = opt::preserveReads; params.memLimit = opt::searchMem; params.dotPath = opt::dotPath; params.dotStream = opt::dotPath.empty() ? NULL : &dotStream; if (opt::interleaved) { FastaConcat in(argv + optind, argv + argc, FastaReader::FOLD_CASE); connectPairs(g, *bloom, in, params, mergedStream, read1Stream, read2Stream, traceStream); assert(in.eof()); } else { FastaInterleave in(argv + optind, argv + argc, FastaReader::FOLD_CASE); connectPairs(g, *bloom, in, params, mergedStream, read1Stream, read2Stream, traceStream); assert(in.eof()); } if (opt::verbose > 0) { cerr << "Processed " << g_count.readPairsProcessed << " read pairs\n" "Merged (Unique path + Multiple paths): " << g_count.uniquePath + g_count.multiplePaths << " (" << setprecision(3) << (float)100 * (g_count.uniquePath + g_count.multiplePaths) / g_count.readPairsProcessed << "%)\n" "No start/goal kmer: " << g_count.noStartOrGoalKmer << " (" << setprecision(3) << (float)100 * g_count.noStartOrGoalKmer / g_count.readPairsProcessed << "%)\n" "No path: " << g_count.noPath << " (" << setprecision(3) << (float)100 * g_count.noPath / g_count.readPairsProcessed << "%)\n" "Unique path: " << g_count.uniquePath << " (" << setprecision(3) << (float)100 * g_count.uniquePath / g_count.readPairsProcessed << "%)\n" "Multiple paths: " << g_count.multiplePaths << " (" << setprecision(3) << (float)100 * g_count.multiplePaths / g_count.readPairsProcessed << "%)\n" "Too many paths: " << g_count.tooManyPaths << " (" << setprecision(3) << (float)100 * g_count.tooManyPaths / g_count.readPairsProcessed << "%)\n" "Too many branches: " << g_count.tooManyBranches << " (" << setprecision(3) << (float)100 * g_count.tooManyBranches / g_count.readPairsProcessed << "%)\n" "Too many path/path mismatches: " << g_count.tooManyMismatches << " (" << setprecision(3) << (float)100 * g_count.tooManyMismatches / g_count.readPairsProcessed << "%)\n" "Too many path/read mismatches: " << g_count.tooManyReadMismatches << " (" << setprecision(3) << (float)100 * g_count.tooManyReadMismatches / g_count.readPairsProcessed << "%)\n" "Contains cycle: " << g_count.containsCycle << " (" << setprecision(3) << (float)100 * g_count.containsCycle / g_count.readPairsProcessed << "%)\n" "Max cost exceeded: " << g_count.maxCostExceeded << " (" << setprecision(3) << (float)100 * g_count.maxCostExceeded / g_count.readPairsProcessed << "%)\n" "Skipped: " << g_count.skipped << " (" << setprecision(3) << (float)100 * g_count.skipped / g_count.readPairsProcessed << "%)\n"; if (opt::extend) { cerr << "Unmerged reads corrected/extended: " << g_count.singleEndExtended << " (" << setprecision(3) << (float)100 * g_count.singleEndExtended / ((g_count.readPairsProcessed - g_count.uniquePath - g_count.multiplePaths) * 2) << "%)\n"; } std::cerr << "Bloom filter FPR: " << setprecision(3) << 100 * bloom->FPR() << "%\n"; } if (!opt::inputBloomPath.empty()) delete bloom; else delete cascadingBloom; assert_good(mergedStream, mergedOutputPath.c_str()); mergedStream.close(); assert_good(read1Stream, read1OutputPath.c_str()); read1Stream.close(); assert_good(read2Stream, read2OutputPath.c_str()); read2Stream.close(); if (!opt::dotPath.empty()) { assert_good(dotStream, opt::dotPath); dotStream.close(); } if (!opt::tracefilePath.empty()) { assert_good(traceStream, opt::tracefilePath); traceStream.close(); } return 0; }