#include "config.h" #include "BitUtil.h" #include "FastaIndex.h" #include "FMIndex.h" #include "IOUtil.h" #include "MemoryUtil.h" #include "StringUtil.h" #include "Uncompress.h" #include #include // for toupper #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; #define PROGRAM "abyss-index" static const char VERSION_MESSAGE[] = PROGRAM " (" PACKAGE_NAME ") " VERSION "\n" "Written by Shaun Jackman.\n" "\n" "Copyright 2014 Canada's Michael Smith Genome Sciences Centre\n"; static const char USAGE_MESSAGE[] = "Usage: " PROGRAM " [OPTION]... FILE\n" "Build an FM-index of FILE and store it in FILE.fm.\n" "\n" " Options:\n" "\n" " --both build both FAI and FM indexes [default]\n" " --fai build a FAI index\n" " --fm build a FM index\n" " --fa2bwt build the BWT directly without the SA\n" " --bwt2fm build the FM index from the BWT\n" " -a, --alphabet=STRING use the alphabet STRING [-ACGT]\n" " --alpha equivalent to -a' ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'\n" " --dna equivalent to -a'-ACGT'\n" " --protein equivalent to -a'#*ACDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWY'\n" " -s, --sample=N sample the suffix array [16]\n" " -d, --decompress decompress the index FILE\n" " -c, --stdout write output to standard output\n" " -v, --verbose display verbose output\n" " --help display this help and exit\n" " --version output version information and exit\n" "\n" "Report bugs to <" PACKAGE_BUGREPORT ">.\n"; namespace opt { /** Sample the suffix array. */ static unsigned sampleSA = 16; /** Which indexes to create. */ enum { NONE, FAI, FM, BOTH }; static int indexes = BOTH; /** Build the BWT directly without the SA. */ static int fa2bwt; /** Build the FM index from the BWT. */ static int bwt2fm; /** The alphabet. */ static string alphabet = "-ACGT"; /** Decompress the index. */ static bool decompress; /** Write output to standard output. */ static bool toStdout; /** Verbose output. */ static int verbose; } static const char shortopts[] = "a:cds:v"; enum { OPT_HELP = 1, OPT_VERSION, OPT_ALPHA, OPT_DNA, OPT_PROTEIN }; static const struct option longopts[] = { { "both", no_argument, &opt::indexes, opt::BOTH }, { "fai", no_argument, &opt::indexes, opt::FAI }, { "fm", no_argument, &opt::indexes, opt::FM }, { "fa2bwt", no_argument, &opt::fa2bwt, true }, { "bwt2fm", no_argument, &opt::bwt2fm, true }, { "alphabet", optional_argument, NULL, 'a' }, { "alpha", optional_argument, NULL, OPT_ALPHA }, { "dna", optional_argument, NULL, OPT_DNA }, { "protein", optional_argument, NULL, OPT_PROTEIN }, { "decompress", no_argument, NULL, 'd' }, { "sample", required_argument, NULL, 's' }, { "stdout", no_argument, NULL, 'c' }, { "help", no_argument, NULL, OPT_HELP }, { "version", no_argument, NULL, OPT_VERSION }, { NULL, 0, NULL, 0 } }; /** Index the specified FASTA file. */ static void indexFasta(const string& faPath, const string& faiPath) { cerr << "Reading `" << faPath << "'...\n"; FastaIndex fai; fai.index(faPath); if (opt::verbose > 0) cerr << "Read " << fai.size() << " contigs.\n"; cerr << "Writing `" << faiPath << "'...\n"; ofstream out(faiPath.c_str()); assert_good(out, faiPath); out << fai; out.flush(); assert_good(out, faiPath); } /** Build the FM index from the BWT. */ static void buildFMIndexFromBWT(FMIndex& fm, const string& path) { if (opt::verbose > 0) cerr << "Reading `" << path << "'...\n"; std::vector bwt; readFile(path.c_str(), bwt); assert(bwt.size() > 1); if (opt::alphabet.empty()) { fm.setAlphabet(bwt.begin(), bwt.end()); std::cerr << "The alphabet has " << fm.alphabetSize() << " symbols.\n"; } else fm.setAlphabet(opt::alphabet); fm.encode(bwt.begin(), bwt.end()); fm.sampleSA(opt::sampleSA); fm.assignBWT(bwt.begin(), bwt.end()); } /** Build an FM index of the specified file. */ static void buildFMIndex(FMIndex& fm, const string& path) { if (opt::verbose > 0) std::cerr << "Reading `" << path << "'...\n"; std::vector s; readFile(path.c_str(), s); size_t MAX_SIZE = numeric_limits::max(); if (s.size() > MAX_SIZE) { std::cerr << PROGRAM << ": `" << path << "', " << toSI(s.size()) << "B, must be smaller than " << toSI(MAX_SIZE) << "B\n"; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // Set the alphabet. transform(s.begin(), s.end(), s.begin(), ::toupper); if (opt::alphabet.empty()) { fm.setAlphabet(s.begin(), s.end()); std::cerr << "The alphabet has " << fm.alphabetSize() << " symbols.\n"; } else fm.setAlphabet(opt::alphabet); if (opt::fa2bwt) { // Build the BWT first. s.push_back(0); fm.buildBWT(s.begin(), s.end() - 1); fm.sampleSA(opt::sampleSA); fm.assignBWT(s.begin(), s.end()); } else { // Construct the suffix array first. fm.assign(s.begin(), s.end()); fm.sampleSA(opt::sampleSA); } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { bool die = false; for (int c; (c = getopt_long(argc, argv, shortopts, longopts, NULL)) != -1;) { istringstream arg(optarg != NULL ? optarg : ""); switch (c) { case '?': die = true; break; case 'a': opt::alphabet = arg.str(); arg.clear(ios::eofbit); break; case OPT_ALPHA: opt::alphabet = " ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; break; case OPT_DNA: opt::alphabet = "-ACGT"; break; case OPT_PROTEIN: opt::alphabet = "#*ACDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWY"; break; case 'c': opt::toStdout = true; break; case 'd': opt::decompress = true; break; case 's': arg >> opt::sampleSA; break; case 'v': opt::verbose++; break; case OPT_HELP: cout << USAGE_MESSAGE; exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); case OPT_VERSION: cout << VERSION_MESSAGE; exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } if (optarg != NULL && !arg.eof()) { cerr << PROGRAM ": invalid option: `-" << (char)c << optarg << "'\n"; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } if (argc - optind < 1) { cerr << PROGRAM ": missing arguments\n"; die = true; } if (argc - optind > 1) { cerr << PROGRAM ": too many arguments\n"; die = true; } if (die) { cerr << "Try `" << PROGRAM << " --help' for more information.\n"; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (opt::decompress) { // Decompress the index. string fmPath(argv[optind]); if (fmPath.size() < 4 || !equal(fmPath.end() - 3, fmPath.end(), ".fm")) fmPath.append(".fm"); string faPath(fmPath, 0, fmPath.size() - 3); ifstream in(fmPath.c_str()); assert_good(in, fmPath); FMIndex fmIndex; in >> fmIndex; assert_good(in, fmPath); in.close(); ofstream fout; if (!opt::toStdout) fout.open(faPath.c_str()); ostream& out = opt::toStdout ? cout : fout; assert_good(out, faPath); fmIndex.decompress( ostream_iterator(out, "")); out.flush(); assert_good(out, faPath); in.open((faPath + ".fai").c_str()); FastaIndex faIndex; if (in) { in >> faIndex; faIndex.writeFASTAHeaders(out); } return 0; } string path = argv[optind]; FMIndex fm; if (opt::bwt2fm) { buildFMIndexFromBWT(fm, path); } else { if (opt::indexes & opt::FAI) indexFasta(path, path + ".fai"); if ((opt::indexes & opt::FM) == 0) return 0; buildFMIndex(fm, path); } if (opt::verbose > 0) { size_t n = fm.size(); ssize_t bytes = getMemoryUsage(); cerr << "Read " << toSI(n) << "B. " "Used " << toSI(bytes) << "B of memory and " << setprecision(3) << (float)bytes / n << " B/bp.\n"; } string fmPath = opt::toStdout ? "-" : path + ".fm"; cerr << "Writing `" << fmPath << "'...\n"; ofstream fout; if (!opt::toStdout) fout.open(fmPath.c_str()); ostream& out = opt::toStdout ? cout : fout; assert_good(out, fmPath); out << fm; out.flush(); assert_good(out, fmPath); return 0; }