#include "Alignment.h" #include "Estimate.h" #include "Histogram.h" #include "IOUtil.h" #include "MemoryUtil.h" #include "SAM.h" #include "StringUtil.h" #include "Uncompress.h" #include "UnorderedMap.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; #define PROGRAM "ParseAligns" static const char VERSION_MESSAGE[] = PROGRAM " (" PACKAGE_NAME ") " VERSION "\n" "Written by Jared Simpson and Shaun Jackman.\n" "\n" "Copyright 2014 Canada's Michael Smith Genome Sciences Centre\n"; static const char USAGE_MESSAGE[] = "Usage: " PROGRAM " -k [OPTION]... [FILE]...\n" "Write pairs that map to the same contig to the file SAME.\n" "Write pairs that map to different contigs to standard output.\n" "Alignments may be read from FILE(s) or standard input.\n" "\n" " Options:\n" "\n" " -l, --min-align=N minimum alignment length\n" " -d, --dist=DISTANCE write distance estimates to this file\n" " -f, --frag=SAME write fragment sizes to this file\n" " -h, --hist=FILE write the fragment size histogram to FILE\n" " --sam alignments are in SAM format\n" " --kaligner alignments are in KAligner format\n" " -c, --cover=COVERAGE coverage cut-off for distance estimates\n" " -v, --verbose display verbose output\n" " --help display this help and exit\n" " --version output version information and exit\n" "\n" "Report bugs to <" PACKAGE_BUGREPORT ">.\n"; namespace opt { unsigned k; // used by DistanceEst static unsigned c; static int verbose; static string distPath; static string fragPath; static string histPath; /** Input alignment format. */ static int inputFormat; enum { KALIGNER, SAM }; /** Output format */ int format = ADJ; // used by Estimate } static const char shortopts[] = "d:l:f:h:c:v"; enum { OPT_HELP = 1, OPT_VERSION }; static const struct option longopts[] = { { "dist", required_argument, NULL, 'd' }, { "min-align", required_argument, NULL, 'l' }, { "frag", required_argument, NULL, 'f' }, { "hist", required_argument, NULL, 'h' }, { "kaligner",no_argument, &opt::inputFormat, opt::KALIGNER }, { "sam", no_argument, &opt::inputFormat, opt::SAM }, { "cover", required_argument, NULL, 'c' }, { "verbose", no_argument, NULL, 'v' }, { "help", no_argument, NULL, OPT_HELP }, { "version", no_argument, NULL, OPT_VERSION }, { NULL, 0, NULL, 0 } }; static struct { size_t alignments; size_t bothUnaligned; size_t oneUnaligned; size_t numDifferent; size_t numFF; size_t numMulti; size_t numSplit; } stats; static ofstream fragFile; static Histogram histogram; typedef vector AlignmentVector; /** A map of read IDs to alignments. */ typedef unordered_map ReadAlignMap; /** A map of contig IDs to distance estimates. */ typedef unordered_map EstimateMap; static EstimateMap estMap; static bool checkUniqueAlignments(const AlignmentVector& alignVec); static string makePairID(string id); /** * Return the size of the fragment demarcated by the specified * alignments. */ static int fragmentSize(const Alignment& a0, const Alignment& a1) { assert(a0.contig == a1.contig); assert(a0.isRC != a1.isRC); const Alignment& f = a0.isRC ? a1 : a0; const Alignment& r = a0.isRC ? a0 : a1; return r - f; } typedef pair Estimate; typedef vector Estimates; static void addEstimate(EstimateMap& map, const Alignment& a, Estimate& est, bool reverse) { //count up the number of estimates that agree bool placed = false; bool a_isRC = a.isRC != reverse; EstimateMap::iterator estimatesIt = map.find(a.contig); if (estimatesIt != map.end()) { Estimates& estimates = estimatesIt->second.estimates[a_isRC]; for (Estimates::iterator estIt = estimates.begin(); estIt != estimates.end(); ++estIt) { if (estIt->first.id() == est.first.id()) { estIt->second.numPairs++; estIt->second.distance += est.second.distance; placed = true; break; } } } if (!placed) map[a.contig].estimates[a_isRC].push_back(est); } static void doReadIntegrity(const ReadAlignMap::value_type& a) { AlignmentVector::const_iterator refAlignIter = a.second.begin(); unsigned firstStart, lastEnd, largestSize; Alignment first, last, largest; firstStart = refAlignIter->read_start_pos; lastEnd = firstStart + refAlignIter->align_length; largestSize = refAlignIter->align_length; first = last = largest = *refAlignIter; ++refAlignIter; //for each alignment in the vector a.second for (; refAlignIter != a.second.end(); ++refAlignIter) { if ((unsigned)refAlignIter->read_start_pos < firstStart) { firstStart = refAlignIter->read_start_pos; first = *refAlignIter; } if ((unsigned)(refAlignIter->read_start_pos + refAlignIter->align_length) > lastEnd) { lastEnd = refAlignIter->read_start_pos + refAlignIter->align_length; last = *refAlignIter; } if ((unsigned)refAlignIter->align_length > largestSize) { largestSize = refAlignIter->align_length; largest = *refAlignIter; } } if (largest.contig != last.contig) { Estimate est; unsigned largest_end = largest.read_start_pos + largest.align_length - opt::k; int distance = last.read_start_pos - largest_end; est.first = find_vertex( last.contig, largest.isRC != last.isRC, g_contigNames); est.second.distance = distance - opt::k; est.second.numPairs = 1; est.second.stdDev = 0; addEstimate(estMap, largest, est, false); } if (largest.contig != first.contig && largest.contig != last.contig) { Estimate est; unsigned first_end = first.read_start_pos + first.align_length - opt::k; int distance = last.read_start_pos - first_end; est.first = find_vertex( last.contig, first.isRC != last.isRC, g_contigNames); est.second.distance = distance - opt::k; est.second.numPairs = 1; est.second.stdDev = 0; addEstimate(estMap, first, est, false); } if (largest.contig != first.contig) { largest.flipQuery(); first.flipQuery(); Estimate est; unsigned largest_end = largest.read_start_pos + largest.align_length - opt::k; int distance = first.read_start_pos - largest_end; est.first = find_vertex( first.contig, largest.isRC != first.isRC, g_contigNames); est.second.distance = distance - opt::k; est.second.numPairs = 1; est.second.stdDev = 0; addEstimate(estMap, largest, est, false); } #if 0 //for each alignment in the vector a.second for (AlignmentVector::const_iterator refAlignIter = a.second.begin(); refAlignIter != a.second.end(); ++refAlignIter) { //for each alignment after the current one for (AlignmentVector::const_iterator alignIter = a.second.begin(); alignIter != a.second.end(); ++alignIter) { //make sure both alignments aren't for the same contig if (alignIter->contig != refAlignIter->contig) { Estimate est; //Make sure the distance is read as 0 if the two contigs are //directly adjacent to each other. A -ve number suggests an //overlap. assert(refAlignIter->read_start_pos != alignIter->read_start_pos); const Alignment& a = refAlignIter->read_start_pos < alignIter->read_start_pos ? *refAlignIter : *alignIter; const Alignment& b = refAlignIter->read_start_pos > alignIter->read_start_pos ? *refAlignIter : *alignIter; unsigned a_end = a.read_start_pos + a.align_length - opt::k; int distance = b.read_start_pos - a_end; est.nID = ContigID(b.contig); est.distance = distance - opt::k; est.numPairs = 1; est.stdDev = 0; //weird file format... est.isRC = a.isRC != b.isRC; addEstimate(estMap, a, est, false); } } } #endif } static void generateDistFile() { ofstream distFile(opt::distPath.c_str()); assert(distFile.is_open()); for (EstimateMap::iterator mapIt = estMap.begin(); mapIt != estMap.end(); ++mapIt) { //Skip empty iterators assert(!mapIt->second.estimates[0].empty() || !mapIt->second.estimates[1].empty()); distFile << mapIt->first; for (int refIsRC = 0; refIsRC <= 1; refIsRC++) { if (refIsRC) distFile << " ;"; for (Estimates::iterator vecIt = mapIt->second.estimates[refIsRC].begin(); vecIt != mapIt->second.estimates[refIsRC].end(); ++vecIt) { vecIt->second.distance = (int)round((double)vecIt->second.distance / (double)vecIt->second.numPairs); if (vecIt->second.numPairs >= opt::c && vecIt->second.numPairs != 0 /*&& vecIt->distance > 1 - opt::k*/) distFile << ' ' << get(g_contigNames, vecIt->first) << ',' << vecIt->second; } } distFile << '\n'; assert_good(distFile, opt::distPath); } distFile.close(); } static bool isSingleEnd(const string& id); static bool needsFlipping(const string& id); /** * Return an alignment flipped as necessary to produce an alignment * pair whose expected orientation is forward-reverse. If the * expected orientation is forward-forward, then reverse the first * alignment, so that the alignment is forward-reverse, which is * required by DistanceEst. */ static const Alignment flipAlignment(const Alignment& a, const string& id) { return needsFlipping(id) ? a.flipQuery() : a; } static void handleAlignmentPair(const ReadAlignMap::value_type& curr, const ReadAlignMap::value_type& pair) { const string& currID = curr.first; const string& pairID = pair.first; // Both reads must align to a unique location. // The reads are allowed to span more than one contig, but // at least one of the two reads must span no more than // two contigs. const unsigned MAX_SPAN = 2; if (curr.second.empty() && pair.second.empty()) { stats.bothUnaligned++; } else if (curr.second.empty() || pair.second.empty()) { stats.oneUnaligned++; } else if (!checkUniqueAlignments(curr.second) || !checkUniqueAlignments(pair.second)) { stats.numMulti++; } else if (curr.second.size() > MAX_SPAN && pair.second.size() > MAX_SPAN) { stats.numSplit++; } else { // Iterate over the vectors, outputting the aligments bool counted = false; for (AlignmentVector::const_iterator refAlignIter = curr.second.begin(); refAlignIter != curr.second.end(); ++refAlignIter) { for (AlignmentVector::const_iterator pairAlignIter = pair.second.begin(); pairAlignIter != pair.second.end(); ++pairAlignIter) { const Alignment& a0 = flipAlignment(*refAlignIter, currID); const Alignment& a1 = flipAlignment(*pairAlignIter, pairID); bool sameTarget = a0.contig == a1.contig; if (sameTarget && curr.second.size() == 1 && pair.second.size() == 1) { // Same target and the only alignment. if (a0.isRC != a1.isRC) { // Correctly oriented. Add this alignment to // the distribution of fragment sizes. int size = fragmentSize(a0, a1); histogram.insert(size); if (!opt::fragPath.empty()) { fragFile << size << '\n'; assert(fragFile.good()); } } else stats.numFF++; counted = true; } bool outputSameTarget = opt::fragPath.empty() && opt::histPath.empty(); if (!sameTarget || outputSameTarget) { cout << SAMRecord(a0, a1) << '\n' << SAMRecord(a1, a0) << '\n'; assert(cout.good()); } } } if (!counted) stats.numDifferent++; } } static void printProgress(const ReadAlignMap& map) { if (opt::verbose == 0) return; static size_t prevBuckets; if (prevBuckets == 0) prevBuckets = map.bucket_count(); size_t buckets = map.bucket_count(); if (stats.alignments % 1000000 == 0 || buckets != prevBuckets) { prevBuckets = buckets; size_t size = map.size(); cerr << "Read " << stats.alignments << " alignments. " "Hash load: " << size << " / " << buckets << " = " << (float)size / buckets << " using " << toSI(getMemoryUsage()) << "B." << endl; } } static void handleAlignment( const ReadAlignMap::value_type& alignments, ReadAlignMap& out) { if (!isSingleEnd(alignments.first)) { string pairID = makePairID(alignments.first); ReadAlignMap::iterator pairIter = out.find(pairID); if (pairIter != out.end()) { handleAlignmentPair(*pairIter, alignments); out.erase(pairIter); } else if (!out.insert(alignments).second) { cerr << "error: duplicate read ID `" << alignments.first << "'\n"; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } if (!opt::distPath.empty() && alignments.second.size() >= 2) doReadIntegrity(alignments); stats.alignments++; printProgress(out); } static void readAlignment(const string& line, ReadAlignMap& out) { istringstream s(line); pair v; switch (opt::inputFormat) { case opt::SAM: { SAMRecord sam; s >> sam; assert(s); v.first = sam.qname; if (sam.isRead1()) v.first += "/1"; else if (sam.isRead2()) v.first += "/2"; if (!sam.isUnmapped()) v.second.push_back(sam); break; } case opt::KALIGNER: { s >> v.first; assert(s); v.second.reserve(count(line.begin(), line.end(), '\t')); v.second.assign( istream_iterator(s), istream_iterator()); assert(s.eof()); break; } } handleAlignment(v, out); } static void readAlignments(istream& in, ReadAlignMap* pout) { for (string line; getline(in, line);) if (line.empty() || line[0] == '@') cout << line << '\n'; else readAlignment(line, *pout); assert(in.eof()); } static void readAlignmentsFile(string path, ReadAlignMap* pout) { if (opt::verbose > 0) cerr << "Reading `" << path << "'..." << endl; ifstream fin(path.c_str()); assert_good(fin, path); readAlignments(fin, pout); fin.close(); } /** Return the specified number formatted as a percent. */ static string percent(size_t x, size_t n) { ostringstream ss; ss << setw((int)log10(n) + 1) << x; if (x > 0) ss << " " << setprecision(3) << (float)100*x/n << '%'; return ss.str(); } int main(int argc, char* const* argv) { bool die = false; for (int c; (c = getopt_long(argc, argv, shortopts, longopts, NULL)) != -1;) { istringstream arg(optarg != NULL ? optarg : ""); switch (c) { case '?': die = true; break; case 'l': arg >> opt::k; break; case 'c': arg >> opt::c; break; case 'd': arg >> opt::distPath; break; case 'f': arg >> opt::fragPath; break; case 'h': arg >> opt::histPath; break; case 'v': opt::verbose++; break; case OPT_HELP: cout << USAGE_MESSAGE; exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); case OPT_VERSION: cout << VERSION_MESSAGE; exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } if (optarg != NULL && !arg.eof()) { cerr << PROGRAM ": invalid option: `-" << (char)c << optarg << "'\n"; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } if (opt::k <= 0 && opt::inputFormat == opt::KALIGNER) { cerr << PROGRAM ": " << "missing -k,--kmer option\n"; die = true; } if (die) { cerr << "Try `" << PROGRAM << " --help' for more information.\n"; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (!opt::fragPath.empty()) { fragFile.open(opt::fragPath.c_str()); assert(fragFile.is_open()); } ReadAlignMap alignTable(1); if (optind < argc) { for_each(argv + optind, argv + argc, bind2nd(ptr_fun(readAlignmentsFile), &alignTable)); } else { if (opt::verbose > 0) cerr << "Reading from standard input..." << endl; readAlignments(cin, &alignTable); } if (opt::verbose > 0) cerr << "Read " << stats.alignments << " alignments" << endl; unsigned numRF = histogram.count(INT_MIN, 0); unsigned numFR = histogram.count(1, INT_MAX); size_t sum = alignTable.size() + stats.bothUnaligned + stats.oneUnaligned + numFR + numRF + stats.numFF + stats.numDifferent + stats.numMulti + stats.numSplit; cerr << "Mateless " << percent(alignTable.size(), sum) << "\n" "Unaligned " << percent(stats.bothUnaligned, sum) << "\n" "Singleton " << percent(stats.oneUnaligned, sum) << "\n" "FR " << percent(numFR, sum) << "\n" "RF " << percent(numRF, sum) << "\n" "FF " << percent(stats.numFF, sum) << "\n" "Different " << percent(stats.numDifferent, sum) << "\n" "Multimap " << percent(stats.numMulti, sum) << "\n" "Split " << percent(stats.numSplit, sum) << "\n" "Total " << sum << endl; if (!opt::distPath.empty()) generateDistFile(); if (!opt::fragPath.empty()) fragFile.close(); if (!opt::histPath.empty()) { ofstream histFile(opt::histPath.c_str()); assert(histFile.is_open()); histFile << histogram; assert(histFile.good()); histFile.close(); } if (numFR < numRF) histogram = histogram.negate(); histogram.eraseNegative(); histogram.removeNoise(); histogram.removeOutliers(); Histogram h = histogram.trimFraction(0.0001); if (opt::verbose > 0) cerr << "Stats mean: " << setprecision(4) << h.mean() << " " "median: " << setprecision(4) << h.median() << " " "sd: " << setprecision(4) << h.sd() << " " "n: " << h.size() << " " "min: " << h.minimum() << " max: " << h.maximum() << '\n' << h.barplot() << endl; if (stats.numFF > numFR && stats.numFF > numRF) { cerr << "error: The mate pairs of this library are oriented " "forward-forward (FF), which is not supported by ABySS." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } return 0; } /** Return whether any k-mer in the query is aligned more than once. */ static bool checkUniqueAlignments(const AlignmentVector& alignVec) { assert(!alignVec.empty()); if (alignVec.size() == 1) return true; unsigned nKmer = alignVec.front().read_length - opt::k + 1; vector coverage(nKmer); for (AlignmentVector::const_iterator iter = alignVec.begin(); iter != alignVec.end(); ++iter) { assert((unsigned)iter->align_length >= opt::k); unsigned end = iter->read_start_pos + iter->align_length - opt::k + 1; assert(end <= nKmer); for (unsigned i = iter->read_start_pos; i < end; i++) coverage[i]++; } for (unsigned i = 0; i < nKmer; ++i) if (coverage[i] > 1) return false; return true; } static bool replaceSuffix(string& s, const string& suffix0, const string& suffix1) { if (endsWith(s, suffix0)) { s.replace(s.length() - suffix0.length(), string::npos, suffix1); return true; } else if (endsWith(s, suffix1)) { s.replace(s.length() - suffix1.length(), string::npos, suffix0); return true; } else return false; } /** Return true if the specified read ID is of a single-end read. */ static bool isSingleEnd(const string& id) { unsigned l = id.length(); return endsWith(id, ".fn") || (l > 6 && id.substr(l-6, 5) == ".part"); } /** Return the mate ID of the specified read ID. */ static string makePairID(string id) { if (equal(id.begin(), id.begin() + 3, "SRR")) return id; assert(!id.empty()); char& c = id[id.length() - 1]; switch (c) { case '1': c = '2'; return id; case '2': c = '1'; return id; case 'A': c = 'B'; return id; case 'B': c = 'A'; return id; case 'F': c = 'R'; return id; case 'R': c = 'F'; return id; case 'f': c = 'r'; return id; case 'r': c = 'f'; return id; } if (replaceSuffix(id, "forward", "reverse") || replaceSuffix(id, "F3", "R3")) return id; cerr << "error: read ID `" << id << "' must end in one of\n" "\t1 and 2 or A and B or F and R or" " F3 and R3 or forward and reverse\n"; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } static bool needsFlipping(const string& id) { return endsWith(id, "F3"); }