/** * Identify and pop simple bubbles. * Written by Shaun Jackman . */ #include "config.h" #include "Common/Options.h" #include "ConstString.h" #include "ContigPath.h" #include "ContigProperties.h" #include "FastaReader.h" #include "IOUtil.h" #include "Sequence.h" #include "Uncompress.h" #include "alignGlobal.h" #include "Graph/ContigGraph.h" #include "Graph/ContigGraphAlgorithms.h" #include "Graph/DepthFirstSearch.h" #include "Graph/DirectedGraph.h" #include "Graph/GraphIO.h" #include "Graph/GraphUtil.h" #include "Graph/PopBubbles.h" #include #include #include #include // for UINT_MAX #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if _OPENMP # include #endif using namespace std; using namespace boost::lambda; using boost::tie; #define PROGRAM "PopBubbles" static const char VERSION_MESSAGE[] = PROGRAM " (" PACKAGE_NAME ") " VERSION "\n" "Written by Shaun Jackman.\n" "\n" "Copyright 2014 Canada's Michael Smith Genome Sciences Centre\n"; static const char USAGE_MESSAGE[] = "Usage: " PROGRAM " -k [OPTION]... FASTA ADJ\n" "Identify and pop simple bubbles.\n" "\n" " Arguments:\n" "\n" " FASTA contigs in FASTA format\n" " ADJ contig adjacency graph\n" "\n" " Options:\n" "\n" " -k, --kmer=N k-mer size\n" " -a, --branches=N maximum number of branches, default: 2\n" " -b, --bubble-length=N pop bubbles shorter than N bp\n" " default is 10000\n" " -p, --identity=REAL minimum identity, default: 0.9\n" " -c, --coverage=REAL remove contigs with mean k-mer coverage\n" " less than this threshold [0]\n" " --scaffold scaffold over bubbles that have\n" " insufficient identity\n" " --no-scaffold disable scaffolding [default]\n" " --SS expect contigs to be oriented correctly\n" " --no-SS no assumption about contig orientation [default]\n" " -g, --graph=FILE write the contig adjacency graph to FILE\n" " --adj output the graph in ADJ format [default]\n" " --asqg output the graph in ASQG format\n" " --dot output the graph in GraphViz format\n" " --gfa output the graph in GFA1 format\n" " --gfa1 output the graph in GFA1 format\n" " --gfa2 output the graph in GFA2 format\n" " --gv output the graph in GraphViz format\n" " --sam output the graph in SAM format\n" " --bubble-graph output a graph of the bubbles\n" " -j, --threads=N use N parallel threads [1]\n" " -v, --verbose display verbose output\n" " --help display this help and exit\n" " --version output version information and exit\n" "\n" "Report bugs to <" PACKAGE_BUGREPORT ">.\n"; namespace opt { unsigned k; // used by ContigProperties /** Maximum number of branches. */ static unsigned maxBranches = 2; /** Pop bubbles shorter than this threshold. */ static unsigned maxLength = 10000; /** Minimum identity. */ static float identity = 0.9; /** Minimum mean k-mer coverage. */ static float minCoverage; /** Scaffold over bubbles that have insufficient identity. */ static int scaffold; /** Write the contig adjacency graph to this file. */ static string graphPath; /** Output a graph of the bubbles. */ static int bubbleGraph; int format; // used by ContigProperties /** Run a strand-specific RNA-Seq assembly. */ static int ss; /** Number of threads. */ static int threads = 1; } static const char shortopts[] = "a:b:c:g:j:k:p:v"; enum { OPT_HELP = 1, OPT_VERSION }; static const struct option longopts[] = { { "branches", required_argument, NULL, 'a' }, { "bubble-length", required_argument, NULL, 'b' }, { "coverage", required_argument, NULL, 'c' }, { "bubble-graph", no_argument, &opt::bubbleGraph, 1, }, { "graph", required_argument, NULL, 'g' }, { "adj", no_argument, &opt::format, ADJ }, { "asqg", no_argument, &opt::format, ASQG }, { "dot", no_argument, &opt::format, DOT }, { "gfa", no_argument, &opt::format, GFA1 }, { "gfa1", no_argument, &opt::format, GFA1 }, { "gfa2", no_argument, &opt::format, GFA2 }, { "gv", no_argument, &opt::format, DOT }, { "sam", no_argument, &opt::format, SAM }, { "kmer", required_argument, NULL, 'k' }, { "identity", required_argument, NULL, 'p' }, { "scaffold", no_argument, &opt::scaffold, 1}, { "no-scaffold", no_argument, &opt::scaffold, 0}, { "SS", no_argument, &opt::ss, 1 }, { "no-SS", no_argument, &opt::ss, 0 }, { "threads", required_argument, NULL, 'j' }, { "verbose", no_argument, NULL, 'v' }, { "help", no_argument, NULL, OPT_HELP }, { "version", no_argument, NULL, OPT_VERSION }, { NULL, 0, NULL, 0 } }; /** Popped branches. */ static vector g_popped; /** Contig adjacency graph. */ typedef ContigGraph > Graph; typedef Graph::vertex_descriptor vertex_descriptor; typedef Graph::adjacency_iterator adjacency_iterator; /** Return the distance from vertex u to v. */ static int getDistance(const Graph& g, vertex_descriptor u, vertex_descriptor v) { typedef graph_traits::edge_descriptor edge_descriptor; pair e = edge(u, v, g); assert(e.second); return g[e.first].distance; } struct CompareCoverage { const Graph& g; CompareCoverage(const Graph& g) : g(g) { } bool operator()(vertex_descriptor u, vertex_descriptor v) { return g[u].coverage > g[v].coverage; } }; /** Pop the bubble between vertices v and tail. */ static void popBubble(Graph& g, vertex_descriptor v, vertex_descriptor tail) { unsigned nbranches = g.out_degree(v); assert(nbranches > 1); assert(nbranches == g.in_degree(tail)); vector sorted(nbranches); pair adj = g.adjacent_vertices(v); copy(adj.first, adj.second, sorted.begin()); sort(sorted.begin(), sorted.end(), CompareCoverage(g)); if (opt::bubbleGraph) #pragma omp critical(cout) { cout << '"' << get(vertex_name, g, v) << "\" -> {"; for (vector::const_iterator it = sorted.begin(); it != sorted.end(); ++it) cout << " \"" << get(vertex_name, g, *it) << '"'; cout << " } -> \"" << get(vertex_name, g, tail) << "\"\n"; } #pragma omp critical(g_popped) transform(sorted.begin() + 1, sorted.end(), back_inserter(g_popped), mem_fun_ref(&ContigNode::contigIndex)); } static struct { unsigned bubbles; unsigned popped; unsigned scaffold; unsigned notSimple; unsigned tooLong; unsigned tooMany; unsigned dissimilar; } g_count; /** Contig sequences. */ typedef vector Contigs; static Contigs g_contigs; /** Return the sequence of vertex u. */ static string getSequence(const Graph* g, vertex_descriptor u) { size_t i = get(vertex_contig_index, *g, u); assert(i < g_contigs.size()); string seq(g_contigs[i]); return get(vertex_sense, *g, u) ? reverseComplement(seq) : seq; } /** Return the length of vertex v. */ static unsigned getLength(const Graph* g, vertex_descriptor v) { return (*g)[v].length; } /** Align the sequences of [first,last). * @param t the vertex to the left of the bubble * @param v the vertex to the right of the bubble * @return the identity of the global alignment */ template static float getAlignmentIdentity(const Graph& g, vertex_descriptor t, vertex_descriptor v, It first, It last) { unsigned nbranches = distance(first, last); vector inDists(nbranches); transform(first, last, inDists.begin(), boost::lambda::bind(getDistance, boost::cref(g), t, _1)); vector outDists(nbranches); transform(first, last, outDists.begin(), boost::lambda::bind(getDistance, boost::cref(g), _1, v)); vector insertLens(nbranches); transform(first, last, insertLens.begin(), boost::lambda::bind(getDistance, boost::cref(g), t, _1) + boost::lambda::bind(getLength, &g, _1) + boost::lambda::bind(getDistance, boost::cref(g), _1, v)); int max_in_overlap = -(*min_element(inDists.begin(), inDists.end())); assert(max_in_overlap >= 0); int max_out_overlap = -(*min_element(outDists.begin(), outDists.end())); assert(max_out_overlap >= 0); int min_insert_len = *min_element(insertLens.begin(), insertLens.end()); int max_insert_len = *max_element(insertLens.begin(), insertLens.end()); float max_identity = (float)(min_insert_len + max_in_overlap + max_out_overlap) / (max_insert_len + max_in_overlap + max_out_overlap); if (min_insert_len <= 0 || max_identity < opt::identity) return max_identity; vector seqs(nbranches); transform(first, last, seqs.begin(), boost::lambda::bind(getSequence, &g, _1)); for (unsigned i = 0; i < seqs.size(); i++) { // Remove the overlapping sequence. int n = seqs[i].size(); int l = -inDists[i], r = -outDists[i]; assert(n > l + r); seqs[i] = seqs[i].substr(l, n - l - r); } unsigned matches, consensusSize; tie(matches, consensusSize) = align(seqs); return (float)(matches + max_in_overlap + max_out_overlap) / (consensusSize + max_in_overlap + max_out_overlap); } /** Pop the specified bubble if it is a simple bubble. * @return whether the bubble is popped */ static bool popSimpleBubble(Graph* pg, vertex_descriptor v) { Graph& g = *pg; unsigned nbranches = g.out_degree(v); assert(nbranches >= 2); vertex_descriptor v1 = *g.adjacent_vertices(v).first; if (g.out_degree(v1) != 1) { #pragma omp atomic g_count.notSimple++; return false; } vertex_descriptor tail = *g.adjacent_vertices(v1).first; if (v == get(vertex_complement, g, tail) // Palindrome || g.in_degree(tail) != nbranches) { #pragma omp atomic g_count.notSimple++; return false; } // Check that every branch is simple and ends at the same node. pair adj = g.adjacent_vertices(v); for (adjacency_iterator it = adj.first; it != adj.second; ++it) { if (g.out_degree(*it) != 1 || g.in_degree(*it) != 1) { #pragma omp atomic g_count.notSimple++; return false; } if (*g.adjacent_vertices(*it).first != tail) { // The branches do not merge back to the same node. #pragma omp atomic g_count.notSimple++; return false; } } if (opt::verbose > 2) #pragma omp critical(cerr) { cerr << "\n* " << get(vertex_name, g, v) << " ->"; for (adjacency_iterator it = adj.first; it != adj.second; ++it) cerr << ' ' << get(vertex_name, g, *it); cerr << " -> " << get(vertex_name, g, tail) << '\n'; } if (nbranches > opt::maxBranches) { // Too many branches. #pragma omp atomic g_count.tooMany++; if (opt::verbose > 1) #pragma omp critical(cerr) cerr << nbranches << " paths (too many)\n"; return false; } vector lengths(nbranches); transform(adj.first, adj.second, lengths.begin(), bind1st(ptr_fun(getLength), &g)); unsigned minLength = *min_element(lengths.begin(), lengths.end()); unsigned maxLength = *max_element(lengths.begin(), lengths.end()); if (maxLength >= opt::maxLength) { // This branch is too long. #pragma omp atomic g_count.tooLong++; if (opt::verbose > 1) #pragma omp critical(cerr) cerr << minLength << '\t' << maxLength << "\t0\t(too long)\n"; return false; } float identity = opt::identity == 0 ? 0 : getAlignmentIdentity(g, v, tail, adj.first, adj.second); bool dissimilar = identity < opt::identity; if (opt::verbose > 1) #pragma omp critical(cerr) cerr << minLength << '\t' << maxLength << '\t' << identity << (dissimilar ? "\t(dissimilar)" : "") << '\n'; if (dissimilar) { // Insufficient identity. #pragma omp atomic g_count.dissimilar++; return false; } #pragma omp atomic g_count.popped++; popBubble(g, v, tail); return true; } /** Add distances to a path. */ static ContigPath addDistance(const Graph& g, const ContigPath& path) { ContigPath out; out.reserve(path.size()); ContigNode u = path.front(); out.push_back(u); for (ContigPath::const_iterator it = path.begin() + 1; it != path.end(); ++it) { ContigNode v = *it; int distance = getDistance(g, u, v); if (distance >= 0) { int numN = distance + opt::k - 1; // by convention assert(numN >= 0); numN = max(numN, 1); out.push_back(ContigNode(numN, 'N')); } out.push_back(v); u = v; } return out; } /** Return the length of the longest path through the bubble. */ static int longestPath(const Graph& g, const Bubble& topo) { typedef graph_traits::edge_descriptor E; typedef graph_traits::out_edge_iterator Eit; typedef graph_traits::vertex_descriptor V; EdgeWeightMap weight(g); map distance; distance[topo.front()] = 0; for (Bubble::const_iterator it = topo.begin(); it != topo.end(); ++it) { V u = *it; Eit eit, elast; for (tie(eit, elast) = out_edges(u, g); eit != elast; ++eit) { E e = *eit; V v = target(e, g); distance[v] = max(distance[v], distance[u] + weight[e]); } } V v = topo.back(); return distance[v] - g[v].length; } /** Scaffold over the bubble between vertices u and w. * Add an edge (u,w) with the distance property set to the length of * the largest branch of the bubble. */ static void scaffoldBubble(Graph& g, const Bubble& bubble) { typedef graph_traits::vertex_descriptor V; assert(opt::scaffold); assert(bubble.size() > 2); V u = bubble.front(), w = bubble.back(); if (edge(u, w, g).second) { // Already scaffolded. return; } assert(isBubble(g, bubble.begin(), bubble.end())); assert(bubble.size() > 2); size_t n = bubble.size() - 2; g_popped.reserve(g_popped.size() + n); for (Bubble::const_iterator it = bubble.begin() + 1; it != bubble.end() - 1; ++it) g_popped.push_back(it->contigIndex()); add_edge(u, w, max(longestPath(g, bubble), 1), g); } /** Pop the specified bubble if it is simple, otherwise scaffold. */ static void popOrScaffoldBubble(Graph& g, const Bubble& bubble) { #pragma omp atomic g_count.bubbles++; if (!popSimpleBubble(&g, bubble.front()) && opt::scaffold) { #pragma omp atomic g_count.scaffold++; scaffoldBubble(g, bubble); } } /** Return the length of the specified vertex in k-mer. */ static unsigned getKmerLength(const ContigProperties& vp) { assert(vp.length >= opt::k); return vp.length - opt::k + 1; } /** Return the mean k-mer coverage of the specified vertex. */ static float getMeanCoverage(const ContigProperties& vp) { return (float)vp.coverage / getKmerLength(vp); } /** Remove contigs with insufficient coverage. */ static void filterGraph(Graph& g) { typedef graph_traits GTraits; typedef GTraits::vertex_descriptor V; typedef GTraits::vertex_iterator Vit; unsigned removedContigs = 0, removedKmer = 0; std::pair urange = vertices(g); for (Vit uit = urange.first; uit != urange.second; ++uit) { V u = *uit; if (get(vertex_removed, g, u)) continue; const ContigProperties& vp = g[u]; if (getMeanCoverage(vp) < opt::minCoverage) { removedContigs++; removedKmer += getKmerLength(vp); clear_vertex(u, g); remove_vertex(u, g); g_popped.push_back(get(vertex_contig_index, g, u)); } } if (opt::verbose > 0) { cerr << "Removed " << removedKmer << " k-mer in " << removedContigs << " contigs with mean k-mer coverage " "less than " << opt::minCoverage << ".\n"; printGraphStats(cerr, g); } } /** Remove the specified contig from the adjacency graph. */ static void removeContig(Graph* g, ContigID id) { ContigNode v(id, false); g->clear_vertex(v); g->remove_vertex(v); } int main(int argc, char** argv) { string commandLine; { ostringstream ss; char** last = argv + argc - 1; copy(argv, last, ostream_iterator(ss, " ")); ss << *last; commandLine = ss.str(); } bool die = false; for (int c; (c = getopt_long(argc, argv, shortopts, longopts, NULL)) != -1;) { istringstream arg(optarg != NULL ? optarg : ""); switch (c) { case '?': die = true; break; case 'a': arg >> opt::maxBranches; break; case 'b': arg >> opt::maxLength; break; case 'c': arg >> opt::minCoverage; break; case 'g': arg >> opt::graphPath; break; case 'j': arg >> opt::threads; break; case 'k': arg >> opt::k; break; case 'p': arg >> opt::identity; break; case 'v': opt::verbose++; break; case OPT_HELP: cout << USAGE_MESSAGE; exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); case OPT_VERSION: cout << VERSION_MESSAGE; exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } if (optarg != NULL && !arg.eof()) { cerr << PROGRAM ": invalid option: `-" << (char)c << optarg << "'\n"; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } if (opt::k <= 0) { cerr << PROGRAM ": " << "missing -k,--kmer option\n"; die = true; } if (argc - optind < 2) { cerr << PROGRAM ": missing arguments\n"; die = true; } if (argc - optind > 2) { cerr << PROGRAM ": too many arguments\n"; die = true; } if (die) { cerr << "Try `" << PROGRAM << " --help' for more information.\n"; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } const char* contigsPath(argv[optind++]); string adjPath(argv[optind++]); // Read the contig adjacency graph. if (opt::verbose > 0) cerr << "Reading `" << adjPath << "'...\n"; ifstream fin(adjPath.c_str()); assert_good(fin, adjPath); Graph g; fin >> g; assert(fin.eof()); g_contigNames.lock(); if (opt::verbose > 0) printGraphStats(cerr, g); // Read the contigs. Contigs& contigs = g_contigs; if (opt::identity > 0) { if (opt::verbose > 0) cerr << "Reading `" << contigsPath << "'...\n"; FastaReader in(contigsPath, FastaReader::NO_FOLD_CASE); for (FastaRecord rec; in >> rec;) { if (g_contigNames.count(rec.id) == 0) continue; assert(contigs.size() == get(g_contigNames, rec.id)); contigs.push_back(rec.seq); } assert(in.eof()); assert(!contigs.empty()); opt::colourSpace = isdigit(contigs.front()[0]); } // Remove contigs with insufficient coverage. if (opt::minCoverage > 0) filterGraph(g); if (opt::bubbleGraph) cout << "digraph bubbles {\n"; Bubbles bubbles = discoverBubbles(g); for (Bubbles::const_iterator it = bubbles.begin(); it != bubbles.end(); ++it) popOrScaffoldBubble(g, *it); // Each bubble should be identified twice. Remove the duplicate. sort(g_popped.begin(), g_popped.end()); g_popped.erase(unique(g_popped.begin(), g_popped.end()), g_popped.end()); if (opt::bubbleGraph) { cout << "}\n"; } else { for (vector::const_iterator it = g_popped.begin(); it != g_popped.end(); ++it) cout << get(g_contigNames, *it) << '\n'; } if (opt::verbose > 0) cerr << "Bubbles: " << (g_count.bubbles + 1) / 2 << " Popped: " << (g_count.popped + 1) / 2 << " Scaffolds: " << (g_count.scaffold + 1) / 2 << " Complex: " << (g_count.notSimple + 1) / 2 << " Too long: " << (g_count.tooLong + 1) / 2 << " Too many: " << (g_count.tooMany + 1) / 2 << " Dissimilar: " << (g_count.dissimilar + 1) / 2 << '\n'; if (!opt::graphPath.empty()) { // Remove the popped contigs from the adjacency graph. for_each(g_popped.begin(), g_popped.end(), bind1st(ptr_fun(removeContig), &g)); // Assemble unambiguous paths. g_contigNames.unlock(); typedef vector ContigPaths; ContigPaths paths; size_t numContigs = num_vertices(g) / 2; if (opt::scaffold) { Graph gorig = g; if (opt::ss) assemble_stranded(g, back_inserter(paths)); else assemble(g, back_inserter(paths)); for (ContigPaths::const_iterator it = paths.begin(); it != paths.end(); ++it) { ContigNode u(numContigs + it - paths.begin(), false); string name = createContigName(); put(vertex_name, g, u, name); cout << name << '\t' << addDistance(gorig, *it) << '\n'; } } else { if (opt::ss) assemble_stranded(g, back_inserter(paths)); else assemble(g, back_inserter(paths)); for (ContigPaths::const_iterator it = paths.begin(); it != paths.end(); ++it) { ContigNode u(numContigs + it - paths.begin(), false); string name = createContigName(); put(vertex_name, g, u, name); cout << name << '\t' << *it << '\n'; } } g_contigNames.lock(); paths.clear(); // Output the updated adjacency graph. ofstream fout(opt::graphPath.c_str()); assert_good(fout, opt::graphPath); write_graph(fout, g, PROGRAM, commandLine); assert_good(fout, opt::graphPath); if (opt::verbose > 0) printGraphStats(cerr, g); } return 0; }