/* File: freesubs.c * Author: Richard Durbin (rd@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk) * Copyright (C) J Thierry-Mieg and R Durbin, 1991 * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * This file is part of the ACEDB genome database package, written by * Richard Durbin (MRC LMB, UK) rd@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk, and * Jean Thierry-Mieg (CRBM du CNRS, France) mieg@kaa.cnrs-mop.fr * * Description: free format input - record based * Exported functions: lots - see regular.h * HISTORY: * Last edited: May 9 12:18 2002 (edgrif) * * Apr 26 10:06 1999 (edgrif): Add code to trap NULL value for freedouble. * * Jan 14 13:31 1999 (fw): increased version umber to 1.1.2 * due to changes in the directory handling interface * (Array)filDirectoryCreate -> (FilDir)filDirHandleCreate * * Dec 3 14:46 1998 (edgrif): Insert version macros for libfree. * freecard ignores "\r" and "\n" under WIN32 * * Sep 30 14:19 1998 (edgrif) * * Nov 27 12:30 1995 (mieg): freecard no longer stips \, freeword does * also i added freeunprotect * Created: Sun Oct 27 18:16:01 1991 (rd) * CVS info: $Id: freesubs.c,v 1.59 2002/05/09 13:23:00 edgrif Exp $ *------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include #include "regular.h" #include "version.h" #include /* free package version and copyright string. */ /* */ #define FREE_TITLE "Free library" #define FREE_DESC "Sanger Centre Informatics utilities library." #define FREE_VERSION 1 #define FREE_RELEASE 1 #define FREE_UPDATE 2 #define FREE_VERSION_NUMBER UT_MAKE_VERSION_NUMBER(FREE_VERSION, FREE_RELEASE, FREE_UPDATE) UT_COPYRIGHT_STRING(FREE_TITLE, FREE_VERSION, FREE_RELEASE, FREE_UPDATE, FREE_DESC) /* uuugghhh, this has to go... * have a look at session.s:realIsInteractive about how to determine this properly */ BOOL isInteractive = TRUE ; /* can set FALSE, i.e. in tace */ #define MAXSTREAM 80 #define MAXNPAR 80 typedef struct { FILE *fil ; char *text ; char special[24] ; int npar ; int parMark[MAXNPAR] ; int line ; BOOL isPipe ; } STREAM ; static STREAM stream[MAXSTREAM] ; static int streamlevel ; static FILE *currfil ; /* either currfil or currtext is 0 */ static char *currtext ; /* the other is the current source */ static Stack parStack = 0 ; static int maxcard = 1024 ; static unsigned char *card = 0, *word = 0, *cardEnd, *pos ; static Associator filAss = 0 ; #define _losewhite while (*pos == ' '|| *pos == '\t') ++pos #define _stepover(x) (*pos == x && ++pos) #define _FREECHAR (currfil ? getc (currfil) : *currtext++) /************************************/ void freeshutdown (void) { messfree (card) ; messfree (word) ; stackDestroy (parStack) ; assDestroy (filAss) ; } /************************************/ void freeinit (void) { static BOOL isInitialised = FALSE ; if (!isInitialised) { streamlevel = 0 ; currtext = 0 ; stream[streamlevel].fil = currfil = stdin ; stream[streamlevel].text = 0 ; freespecial ("\n\t\\/@%") ; card = (unsigned char *) messalloc (maxcard) ; cardEnd = &card[maxcard-1] ; pos = card ; word = (unsigned char *) messalloc (maxcard) ; filAss = assCreate () ; parStack = stackCreate (128) ; isInitialised = TRUE ; } } /*******************/ /* Sometimes you may need to know if a function below you succeeded in */ /* changing a stream level. */ int freeCurrLevel(void) { return streamlevel ; } /*******************/ static void freeExtend (unsigned char **pin) { /* only happens when getting card */ unsigned char *oldCard = card ; maxcard *= 2 ; card = (unsigned char *) messalloc (maxcard) ; if (oldCard) /* jtm june 22, 1992 */ memcpy (card, oldCard, maxcard/2) ; cardEnd = &card[maxcard-1] ; *pin += (card - oldCard) ; messfree (oldCard) ; messfree (word) ; word = (unsigned char *) messalloc (maxcard) ; } /********************/ static char special[256] ; void freespecial (char* text) { if (!text) messcrash ("freespecial received 0 text") ; if (strlen(text) > 23) messcrash ("freespecial received a string longer than 23") ; if (text != stream[streamlevel].special) strcpy (stream[streamlevel].special, text) ; memset (special, 0, (mysize_t) 256) ; while (*text) special [((int) *text++) & 0xFF] = TRUE ; special[0] = TRUE ; special[(unsigned char)EOF] = TRUE ; /* better have these to ensure streams terminate! */ } /********************/ void freeforcecard (char *string) { int level = freesettext (string, "") ; freespecial ("") ; freecard (level) ; } /********************/ char* freecard (int level) /* returns 0 when streamlevel drops below level */ { unsigned char *in,ch,*cp ; int kpar ; int isecho = FALSE ; /* could reset sometime? */ FILE *fil ; BOOL acceptShell, acceptCommand ; restart : if (level > streamlevel) return 0 ; if (isecho) printf (!currfil ? "From text >" : "From file >") ; in = card - 1 ; acceptCommand = special['@'] ; acceptShell = special['$'] ; while (TRUE) { if (++in >= cardEnd) freeExtend (&in) ; *in = _FREECHAR ; lao: if (special[((int) *in) & 0xFF] && *in != '$' && *in != '@' ) switch (*in) { #if defined(WIN32) case '\r': continue ; /* ignore carriage returns */ #endif case '\n': /* == '\x0a' */ case ';': /* card break for multiple commands on one line */ goto got_line ; case (unsigned char) EOF: case '\0': freeclose(streamlevel) ; goto got_line; case '\t': /* tabs should get rounded to 8 spaces */ if (isecho) /* write it out */ putchar (*in) ; *in++ = ' ' ; while ((in - card) % 8) { if (in >= cardEnd) freeExtend (&in) ; *in++ = ' ' ; } --in ; continue ; case '/': /* // means start of comment */ if ((ch = _FREECHAR) == '/') { while ((ch = _FREECHAR) != '\n' && ch && ch != (unsigned char)EOF) ; *in = ch ; goto lao ; /* mieg, nov 2001, to treat the EOF, this was breaking the server if sent a comment */ } else { if (isecho) putchar (*in) ; if (currfil) /* push back ch */ ungetc (ch, currfil) ; else --currtext ; } break ; case '%': /* possible parameter */ --in ; kpar = 0 ; while (isdigit (ch = _FREECHAR)) kpar = kpar*10 + (ch - '0') ; if (kpar > 0 && kpar <= stream[streamlevel].npar) for (cp = (unsigned char *) stackText (parStack, stream[streamlevel].parMark[kpar-1]) ; *cp ; ++cp) { if (++in >= cardEnd) freeExtend (&in) ; *in = *cp ; if (isecho) putchar (*in) ; } else messout ("Parameter %%%d can not be substituted", kpar) ; if (++in >= cardEnd) freeExtend (&in) ; *in = ch ; goto lao ; /* mieg */ case '\\': /* escapes next character - interprets \n */ *in = _FREECHAR ; if (*in == '\n') /* fold continuation lines */ { if (isInteractive && !streamlevel) printf (" Continuation >") ; while ((ch = _FREECHAR) == ' ' || ch == '\t') ; /* remove whitespace at start of next line */ if (currfil) /* push back ch */ ungetc (ch, currfil) ; else --currtext ; stream[streamlevel].line++ ; --in ; } #if !defined(WIN32) else if (*in == 'n') /* reinterpret \n as a format */ { *in = '\n' ; } #endif else /* keep the \ till freeword is called */ { *(in+1) = *in ; *in = '\\' ; if (++in >= cardEnd) freeExtend (&in) ; } break ; default: messerror ("freesubs got unrecognised special character 0x%x = %c\n", *in, *in) ; } else { if (!isprint(*in) && *in != '\t' && *in != '\n') /* mieg dec 15 94 */ --in ; else if (isecho) /* write it out */ putchar (*in) ; } } /* while TRUE loop */ got_line: stream[streamlevel].line++ ; *in = 0 ; if (isecho) putchar ('\n') ; pos = card ; _losewhite ; if (acceptCommand && _stepover ('@')) /* command file */ { char *name ; if ((name = freeword ()) && (fil = filopen (name, 0, "r"))) freesetfile (fil, (char*) pos) ; goto restart ; } if (acceptShell && _stepover ('$')) /* shell command */ { #if !defined(MACINTOSH) system ((char*)pos) ; #endif goto restart ; } return (char*) card ; } /************************************************/ void freecardback (void) /* goes back one card */ { stream[streamlevel].line-- ; freesettext ((char*) card, "") ; } /************************************************/ /* reads card from fil, has some embedded logic for dealing with * escaped newlines which doesn't use the freespecial() stuff. * I don't know the reason for this and probably it could be added * but this is now legacy code as the aceIn/Out package should be * used instead. */ BOOL freeread (FILE *fil) { unsigned char ch, *in = card ; int *line, chint ; if (!assFind (filAss, fil, &line)) { line = (int*) messalloc (sizeof (int)) ; assInsert (filAss, fil, line) ; } --in ; while (TRUE) { ++in ; if (in >= cardEnd) freeExtend (&in) ; chint = getc(fil) ; if (ferror(fil)) messerror ("chint was bad"); *in = chint ; switch (*in) { case '\n' : ++*line ; case (unsigned char) EOF : goto got_line ; case '/' : /* // means start of comment */ if ((ch = getc (fil)) == '/') { while (getc(fil) != '\n' && !feof(fil)) ; ++*line ; if (in > card) /* // at start of line ignores line */ goto got_line ; else --in ; /* in = 0 unprintable, so backstepped */ } else ungetc (ch,fil) ; break ; case '\\' : /* escape next character, NOTE fall through. */ *in = getc(fil) ; if (*in == '\n') /* continuation */ { ++*line ; while (isspace (*in = getc(fil))) ; /* remove whitespace */ } else if (*in == '"' || *in == '\\' || *in == 'n') /* escape for freeword, newline */ { *(in+1) = *in ; *in = '\\' ; ++in ; } /* NB fall through - in case next char is nonprinting */ default: if (!isprint (*in) && *in != '\t') /* ignore control chars, e.g. \x0d */ --in ; } } got_line : *in = 0 ; pos = card ; _losewhite ; if (feof(fil)) { assRemove (filAss, fil) ; messfree (line) ; } return *pos || !feof(fil) ; } int freeline (FILE *fil) { int *line ; if (assFind (filAss, fil, &line)) return *line ; else return 0 ; } int freestreamline (int level) { return stream[level].line ; } /********************************************/ static void freenewstream (char *parms) { int kpar ; stream[streamlevel].fil = currfil ; stream[streamlevel].text = currtext ; if (++streamlevel == MAXSTREAM) messcrash ("MAXSTREAM overflow in freenewstream") ; strcpy (stream[streamlevel].special, stream[streamlevel-1].special) ; stream[streamlevel].npar = 0 ; stream[streamlevel].line = 1 ; if (!parms || !*parms) return ; /* can t abuse NULL ! */ pos = (unsigned char *) parms ; /* abuse freeword() to get parms */ for (kpar = 0 ; kpar < MAXNPAR && freeword () ; kpar++) /* read parameters */ { stream[streamlevel].parMark[kpar] = stackMark (parStack) ; pushText (parStack, (char*) word) ; } stream[streamlevel].npar = kpar ; stream[streamlevel].isPipe = FALSE ; pos = card ; /* restore pos to start of blank card */ *card = 0 ; } int freesettext (char *string, char *parms) { freenewstream (parms) ; currfil = 0 ; currtext = string ; return streamlevel ; } int freesetfile (FILE *fil, char *parms) { freenewstream (parms) ; currfil = fil ; currtext = 0 ; return streamlevel ; } int freesetpipe (FILE *fil, char *parms) { freenewstream (parms) ; currfil = fil ; currtext = 0 ; stream[streamlevel].isPipe = TRUE ; return streamlevel ; } void freeclose(int level) { int kpar ; while (streamlevel >= level) { if (currfil && currfil != stdin && currfil != stdout) { if (stream[streamlevel].isPipe) pclose (currfil) ; else filclose (currfil) ; } for (kpar = stream[streamlevel].npar ; kpar-- ;) popText (parStack) ; --streamlevel ; currfil = stream[streamlevel].fil ; currtext = stream[streamlevel].text ; freespecial (stream[streamlevel].special) ; } } /************************************************/ /* freeword(), freewordcut() and freestep() are the only calls that directly move pos forward -- all others act via freeword(). freeback() moves pos back one word. */ char *freeword (void) { unsigned char *cw ; _losewhite ; /* needed in case of intervening freestep() */ if (_stepover ('"')) { for (cw = word ; !_stepover('"') && *pos ; *cw++ = *pos++) if (_stepover('\\')) /* accept next char unless end of line */ if (!*pos) break ; _losewhite ; *cw = 0 ; return (char*) word ; /* always return a word, even if empty */ } /* default: break on space and \t, not on comma */ for (cw = word ; isgraph (*pos) && *pos != '\t' ; *cw++ = *pos++) if (_stepover('\\')) /* accept next char unless end of line */ if (!*pos) break ; _losewhite ; *cw = 0 ; return *word ? (char*) word : 0 ; } /************************************************/ #if defined(WIN32) char *freepath (void) { unsigned char *cw ; _losewhite ; /* needed in case of intervening freestep() */ if (_stepover ('"')) { for (cw = word ; !_stepover('"') && *pos ; *cw++ = *pos++) if (_stepover('\\')) /* accept next char unless end of line */ if (!*pos) break ; _losewhite ; *cw = 0 ; return (char*) word ; /* always return a word, even if empty */ } /* default: break on space, \t or end of line, not on comma also, does not skip over backslashes which are assumed to be MS DOS/Windows path delimiters */ for (cw = word ; ( *pos == '\\' || isgraph (*pos) ) && *pos != '\t' ; *cw++ = *pos++) ; _losewhite ; *cw = 0 ; return *word ? (char*) word : 0 ; } #endif /************************************************/ char *freewordcut (char *cutset, char *cutter) /* Moves along card, looking for a character from cut, which is a 0-terminated char list of separators. Returns everything up to but not including the first match. pos is moved one char beyond the character. *cutter contains the char found, or if end of card is reached, 0. */ { unsigned char *cc,*cw ; for (cw = word ; *pos ; *cw++ = *pos++) for (cc = (unsigned char *) cutset ; *cc ; ++cc) if (*cc == *pos) goto wcut ; wcut: *cutter = *pos ; if (*pos) ++pos ; _losewhite ; *cw = 0 ; return *word ? (char*) word : 0 ; } /************************************************/ void freeback (void) /* goes back one word - inefficient but reliable */ {unsigned char *now = pos ; unsigned char *old = pos ; pos = card ; _losewhite ; while (pos < now) {old = pos ; freeword () ; } pos = old ; } /************************************************/ /* Read a word representing an int from wherever free is pointing to. */ /* */ /* If there is no word OR the word cannot be converted to an int, reset */ /* the free pos, don't set the int param. and return FALSE */ /* If the word is "NULL" set int param to the POSIX "too small" int value */ /* and return TRUE */ /* Otherwise set the int param to the converted int and return TRUE */ /* */ /* Note that valid range of ints is INT_MIN < valid < INT_MAX */ /* otherwise UT_NON_INT doesn't work. */ /* */ BOOL freeint (int *p) {BOOL result = FALSE ; unsigned char *keep ; enum {DECIMAL_BASE = 10} ; char *endptr ; long int bigint ; keep = pos ; if (freeword ()) { /*printf ("freeint got '%s'\n", word) ;*/ if (!strcmp((char *)word, "NULL")) { *p = UT_NON_INT ; result = TRUE ; } else { errno = 0 ; bigint = strtol((char *)word, &endptr, DECIMAL_BASE) ; if ((bigint == 0 && endptr == (char *)word) /* first character wrong */ || (endptr != (char *)(word + strlen((char *)word))) /* some other character wrong */ || (errno == ERANGE) /* number too small/big for long int */ || (bigint <= INT_MIN || bigint >= INT_MAX)) /* number too small/big for int */ { pos = keep ; return FALSE ; } else { *p = (int)bigint ; result = TRUE ; } } } else { pos = keep ; result = FALSE ; } return result ; } /*****************************/ /* Read a word representing a float from wherever free is pointing to. */ /* */ /* If there is no word OR the word cannot be converted to a float, reset */ /* the free pos, don't set the float param. and return FALSE */ /* If the word is "NULL" set float param to the POSIX "too small" float value*/ /* and return TRUE */ /* Otherwise set the float param to the converted float and return TRUE */ /* */ /* Note that valid range of floats is: */ /* -ve -FLT_MAX < valid < -FLT_MIN */ /* +ve FLT_MIN < valid < FLT_MAX */ /* otherwise UT_NON_FLOAT doesn't work as a range check for applications. */ /* */ BOOL freefloat (float *p) { BOOL result = FALSE ; unsigned char *keep ; double bigfloat ; char *endptr ; keep = pos ; if (freeword ()) { if (strcmp ((char*)word, "NULL") == 0) { *p = UT_NON_FLOAT ; /* UT_NON_FLOAT = -FLT_MAX */ result = TRUE ; } else { errno = 0 ; bigfloat = strtod((char *)word, &endptr) ; if ((bigfloat == +0.0 && endptr == (char *)word) /* first character wrong */ || (endptr != (char *)(word + strlen((char *)word))) /* some other character wrong */ || (errno == ERANGE) /* number too small/big for double */ || (bigfloat < 0 && (bigfloat >= -FLT_MIN || bigfloat <= -FLT_MAX)) || (bigfloat > 0 && (bigfloat <= FLT_MIN || bigfloat >= FLT_MAX))) { /* number too small/big for float */ pos = keep ; result = FALSE ; } else { *p = (float)bigfloat ; result = TRUE ; } } } else { pos = keep ; result = FALSE ; } return result ; } /**************************************************/ /* Read a word representing a double from wherever free is pointing to. */ /* */ /* If there is no word OR the word cannot be converted to a double, reset */ /* the free pos, don't set the double param. and return FALSE */ /* Otherwise set the double param to the converted double and return TRUE */ /* */ /* Note that valid range of doubles is: */ /* -ve -DBL_MAX < valid < -DBL_MIN */ /* +ve DBL_MIN < valid < DBL_MAX */ /* otherwise UT_NON_DOUBLE doesn't work as a range check for applications. */ /* */ /* Note that because double is the largest number we can only check to see */ /* if the converted number is equal to this, not >= as in the case of floats.*/ /* */ BOOL freedouble (double *p) { BOOL result = FALSE ; unsigned char *keep ; double bigfloat ; char *endptr ; keep = pos ; if (freeword ()) { if (strcmp ((char*)word, "NULL") == 0) { *p = UT_NON_DOUBLE ; /* UT_NON_DOUBLE = -DBL_MAX */ result = TRUE ; } else { errno = 0 ; bigfloat = strtod((char *)word, &endptr) ; if ((bigfloat == +0.0 && endptr == (char *)word) /* first character wrong */ || (endptr != (char *)(word + strlen((char *)word))) /* some other character wrong */ || (errno == ERANGE) /* number too small/big for double */ || (bigfloat < 0 && (bigfloat == -DBL_MIN || bigfloat == -DBL_MAX)) || (bigfloat > 0 && (bigfloat == DBL_MIN || bigfloat == DBL_MAX))) { /* number too small/big. */ pos = keep ; result = FALSE ; } else { *p = bigfloat ; result = TRUE ; } } } else { pos = keep ; result = FALSE ; } return result ; } /*************************************************/ static int ambiguouskey; BOOL freekey (KEY *kpt, FREEOPT *options) { unsigned char *keep = pos ; if (!freeword()) return FALSE ; if (freekeymatch ((char*) word, kpt, options)) return TRUE; if (ambiguouskey) messout ("Keyword %s is ambiguous",word) ; else if (word[0] != '?') messout ("Keyword %s does not match",word) ; pos = keep ; return FALSE ; } /*****************/ BOOL freekeymatch (char *cp, KEY *kpt, FREEOPT *options) { char *io,*iw ; int nopt = (int)options->key ; KEY key ; ambiguouskey = FALSE; if (!nopt || !cp) return FALSE ; while (TRUE) { iw = cp ; io = (++options)->text ; while (freeupper (*iw++) == freeupper(*io++)) if (!*iw) goto foundit ; if (!--nopt) return FALSE ; } foundit : key = options->key ; if (*io && *io != ' ') /* not a full word match */ while (--nopt) /* check that later options are different */ { io = (++options)->text ; iw = (char*) word ; while (freeupper (*iw++) == freeupper (*io++)) if (!*iw) { ambiguouskey = TRUE; return FALSE ; } } *kpt = key ; return TRUE ; } /***************************************************/ /* Return the text corresponding to the key */ char *freekey2text (KEY k, FREEOPT *o) { int i = o->key ; char *title = o->text ; if (i<0) messcrash("Negative number of options in freekey2text") ; while (o++, i--) if (o->key == k) return (o->text) ; return title ; } /***************************************************/ BOOL freeselect (KEY *kpt, FREEOPT *options) /* like the old freemenu */ { if (isInteractive) printf ("%s > ",options[0].text) ; freecard (0) ; /* just get a card */ if (isInteractive) while (freestep ('?')) /* write out options list */ { int i ; for (i = 1 ; i <= options[0].key ; i++) printf (" %s\n",options[i].text) ; printf ("%s > ",options[0].text) ; freecard (0) ; } return freekey (kpt,options) ; } /* same but returns TRUE, -1, if stremlevel drops below level */ BOOL freelevelselect (int level, KEY *kpt, FREEOPT *options) /* like the old freemenu */ { if (isInteractive) printf ("%s > ",options[0].text) ; if (!freecard (level)) /* try to get another card */ { *kpt = (KEY)(-1) ; return TRUE ; } if (isInteractive) while (freestep ('?')) /* write out options list */ { int i ; for (i = 1 ; i <= options[0].key ; i++) printf (" %s\n",options[i].text) ; printf ("%s > ",options[0].text) ; if (!freecard (level)) /* try to get another card */ { *kpt = (KEY)(-1) ; return TRUE ; } } return freekey (kpt,options) ; } /**************************************/ BOOL freequery (char *query) { if (isInteractive) { int retval, answer = 0 ; printf ("%s (y or n) ",query) ; answer = getchar () ; retval = (answer == 'y' || answer == 'Y') ? TRUE : FALSE ; while (answer != (unsigned char) EOF && answer != -1 && /* mieg: used not to break on EOF in pipes */ answer != '\n') answer = getchar () ; return retval ; } else return TRUE ; } /**********/ BOOL freeprompt (char *prompt, char *dfault, char *fmt) { if (isInteractive) printf("%s ? > ",prompt); freecard (0) ; /* just get a card */ if (freecheck (fmt)) return TRUE ; else { messout ("input mismatch : format '%s' expected, card was\n%s", fmt, card) ; return FALSE ; } } /*************************************/ int freefmtlength (char *fmt) {char *cp ; int length = 0 ; if (isdigit((int)*fmt)) {sscanf (fmt,"%d",&length) ; return length ; } for (cp = fmt ; *cp ; ++cp) switch (*cp) { case 'i' : case 'f' : case 'd' : length += 8 ; break ; case 'w' : length += 32 ; break ; case 't' : length += 80 ; break ; case 'o' : if (*++cp) messcrash ("'o' can not end free format %s",fmt) ; length += 2 ; break ; } if (!length) length = 40 ; return length ; } /****************/ BOOL freecheck (char *fmt) /* checks that whatever is in card fits specified format note that 't' format option changes card by inserting a '"' */ {unsigned char *keep = pos ; union {int i ; float r ; double d ;} target ; char *fp ; unsigned char *start ; int nquote = 1 ; for (fp = fmt ; *fp ; ++fp) switch (*fp) { case 'w' : if (freeword ()) break ; else goto retFALSE ; case 'i' : if (freeint (&target.i)) break ; else goto retFALSE ; case 'f' : if (freefloat (&target.r)) break ; else goto retFALSE ; case 'd' : if (freedouble (&target.d)) break ; else goto retFALSE ; case 't' : /* must insert '"' and escape any remaining '"'s or '\'s */ for (start = pos ; *pos ; ++pos) if (*pos == '"' || *pos == '\\') ++nquote ; *(pos+nquote+1) = '"' ; /* end of line */ for ( ; pos >= start ; --pos) { *(pos + nquote) = *pos ; if (*pos == '"' || *pos == '\\') *(pos + --nquote) = '\\' ; } *start = '"' ; goto retTRUE ; case 'z' : if (freeword ()) goto retFALSE ; else goto retTRUE ; case 'o' : if (!*++fp) messcrash ("'o' can not end free format %s",fmt) ; freestep (*fp) ; break ; case 'b' : break; /* special for graphToggleEditor no check needed il */ default : if (!isdigit((int)*fp) && !isspace((int)*fp)) messerror ("unrecognised char %d = %c in free format %s", *fp, *fp, fmt) ; } retTRUE : pos = keep ; return TRUE ; retFALSE : pos = keep ; return FALSE ; } /************************ little routines ************************/ BOOL freestep (char x) {return (*pos && freeupper (*pos) == x && pos++) ; } void freenext (void) {_losewhite ; } char FREE_UPPER[] = { 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15, 16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31, 32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47, 48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63, 64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79, 80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95, 96,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79, 80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90,123,124,125,126,127 } ; char FREE_LOWER[] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127 } ; char* freepos (void) /* cheat to give pos onwards */ { return (char*) pos ; } /****************** little arithmetic routines ************************/ /* 1.3 -> 1 ; 1.7 -> 2 * -1.3 -> -1 ; -1.7 -> -2 */ int freeArrondi (float x) { if (x >= 0) return (int) (x + 0.5) ; else return (int) (x - 0.5) ; } /********************************************/ /* returns 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 etc * in absolute value the returned number is smaller than p * 19 -> 10 ; -19 -> -10 */ int freeMainPart (float p) { register int i = 1, sign = 1; if (!p) return 0 ; if (p < 0) { sign = -1 ; p = -p ; } while(i <= p + .00001) i = 10 * i; i /= 10 ; if (2 * i > p) return i * sign; if(5 * i > p) return 2 * i * sign; return 5*i*sign; } /********************************************/ /* returns 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 etc * but the returned number may be a bit bigger than p * 19 -> 20 ; -19 -> -20 */ int freeMainRoundPart (float p) { register int i = 1, sign = 1; if (!p) return 0 ; if (p < 0) {sign = -1 ; p = -p ; } /* RD: ambiguous without spaces on SGI */ while (i < p + .1) i = 10 * i; if (4 * i < 5 * p) return i * sign; i /= 2; if (4 * i < 5 * p) return i * sign; i = (2 * i) / 5; if (4 * i < 5 * p) return i * sign; i = i/2; return i * sign; } /*************************************************************************/ /* returns 1 , 2 , 5 ,10 , 20, 50 ,100 etc */ double freeDoubleMainPart (double p) { register double i = 1, sign = 1; if (!p) return 0.; if(p < 0) {sign = -1; p = -p;} i = (double) exp(log((double)10.0) * (double)(1 + (int)(log10((double)p)))) ; if (4 * i < 5 * p) return i * sign; i /= 2; if (4 * i < 5 * p) return i * sign; i = (2 * i) / 5; if (4 * i < 5 * p) return i*sign; i = i/2; return i*sign; } /*************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************/ char* freeunprotect (char *text) { static char *buf = 0 ; char *cp, *cp0, *cq ; messfree (buf) ; buf = strnew(text ? text : "", 0) ; /* remove external space and tabs and first quotes */ cp = buf ; while (*cp == ' ' || *cp == '\t') cp++ ; if (*cp == '"') cp++ ; while (*cp == ' ' || *cp == '\t') cp++ ; cq = cp + strlen(cp) - 1 ; while (cq > cp && (*cq == ' ' || *cq == '\t')) *cq-- = 0 ; if (*cq == '"') /* remove one unprotected quote */ { int i = 0 ; char *cr = cq - 1 ; while (cr > cp && *cr == '\\') { i++ ; cr-- ; } if ( i%2 == 0) *cq-- = 0 ; /* discard */ } while (cq > cp && (*cq == ' ' || *cq == '\t')) *cq-- = 0 ; /* gobble the \ */ cp0 = cq = cp-- ; while (*++cp) switch (*cp) { case '\\': if (*(cp+1) == '\\') { cp++ ; *cq++ = '\\' ; break ;} if (*(cp+1) == '\n') { cp ++ ; break ; } /* skip backslash-newline */ if (*(cp+1) == 'n') { cp ++ ; *cq++ = '\n' ; break ; } break ; default: *cq++ = *cp ; } *cq = 0 ; /* terminate the string */ return cp0 ; } char* freeprotect (char* text) /* freeword will read result back as text */ { static Array a = 0 ; char *cp, *cq ; int base ; /* code to make this efficiently reentrant */ if (a && text >= arrp(a,0,char) && text < arrp(a,arrayMax(a),char)) { base = text - arrp(a,0,char) ; array (a, base+3*(1+strlen(text)), char) = 0 ; /* ensure long enough */ text = arrp(a,0,char) + base ; /* may have relocated */ base += 1 + strlen(text) ; } else { a = arrayReCreate (a, 128, char) ; base = 0 ; array (a, 2*(1+strlen(text)), char) = 0 ; /* ensure long enough */ } cq = arrp (a, base, char) ; *cq++ = '"' ; for (cp = text ; *cp ; *cq++ = *cp++) { if (*cp == '\\' || *cp == '"' || /* protect these */ *cp == '/' || *cp == '%' || *cp == ';' || *cp == '\t' || *cp == '\n') *cq++ = '\\' ; if (*cp == '\n') {*cq++ = 'n' ; *cq++ = '\\' ; } /* -> /n/n (text then real) */ } *cq++ = '"' ; *cq = 0 ; return arrp (a, base, char) ; } char* freejavaprotect (char* text) /* freeword will read result back as text */ { static Array a = 0 ; char *cp, *cq ; int base ; /* code to make this efficiently reentrant */ if (a && text >= arrp(a,0,char) && text < arrp(a,arrayMax(a),char)) { base = text - arrp(a,0,char) ; array (a, base+3*(1+strlen(text)), char) = 0 ; /* ensure long enough */ text = arrp(a,0,char) + base ; /* may have relocated */ base += 1 + strlen(text) ; } else { a = arrayReCreate (a, 128, char) ; base = 0 ; array (a, 2*(1+strlen(text)), char) = 0 ; /* ensure long enough */ } cq = arrp (a, base, char) ; cp = text; while (*cp) switch (*cp) { case '\n': *cq++ = '\\'; *cq++ = 'n'; cp++; break; case '\\': case '?': *cq++ = '\\' ; /* fall thru */ default: *cq++ = *cp++; } *cq = 0 ; return arrp (a, base, char) ; } /* This routine would be better written as a general routine that takes an */ /* array of chars and their replacement strings and then just does it, this */ /* way it doesn't need to know anything about xml or java or anything.... */ /* */ char* freeXMLprotect (char* text) /* freeword will read result back as text */ { static Array a = 0 ; char *cp, *cq ; int base ; /* ACTUALLY I THINK THIS IS ALL RATHER HORRIBLE, IT JUST MAKES FOR COMPLEX */ /* CODE THAT ISN'T GREAT....WHY NOT JUST RETURN A POINTER TO A STATIC */ /* AND HAVE PEOPLE COPY IT IF NECESSARY...OR ALWAYS RETURN A COPY AND */ /* PEOPLE HAVE TO THROW IT AWAY.... */ /* code to make this efficiently reentrant */ if (a && text >= arrp(a,0,char) && text < arrp(a,arrayMax(a),char)) { base = text - arrp(a,0,char) ; array (a, base+7*(1+strlen(text)), char) = 0 ; /* ensure long enough */ text = arrp(a,0,char) + base ; /* may have relocated */ base += 1 + strlen(text) ; } else { a = arrayReCreate (a, 128, char) ; base = 0 ; array (a, 6*(1+strlen(text)), char) = 0 ; /* ensure long enough */ } cq = arrp (a, base, char) ; cp = text ; while (*cp) switch (*cp) { case '<': strcat (cq, "<") ; cq += 4 ; cp++; break; case '>': strcat (cq, ">") ; cq += 4 ; cp++; break; case '"': strcat (cq, """) ; cq += 6 ; cp++; break; case '\'': strcat (cq, "'") ; cq += 6 ; cp++; break; case '&': strcat (cq, "&") ; cq += 5 ; cp++; break; case '\n': strcat (cq, "&") ; cq += 5 ; cp++; break; default: *cq++ = *cp++; } *cq = 0 ; return arrp (a, base, char) ; } #ifdef ED_G_NEVER_INCLUDE_THIS_CODE /* A generalised "freeXXXprotect()" routine which doesn't need to know about */ /* java, xml etc. etc. */ /* */ /* */ /* Note that freeword() when used on the result will read it as straight text*/ /* */ /* Efficiency will be a problem here, several things could be done: */ /* - copy the translations into a new array which had the lengths of the */ /* protect strings already worked out, this would be faster, we could */ /* do memcpy's then. */ /* - forget this routine and just do the xml stuff with a switch. */ /* */ /* */ char *freeCharProtect(char* text, Array translations) { static Array a = 0 ; char *cp, *cq ; int base ; /* code to make this efficiently reentrant */ /* DOES THIS ACTUALLY WORK FOR ALL CASES ?? I'm not so sure.... */ /* OK, THIS WOULD HAVE TO BE REWRITTEN, THE CALCULATIONS DEPEND ON THE */ /* LENGTHS OF STUFF SUBSTITUED IN.... */ if (a && text >= arrp(a,0,char) && text < arrp(a,arrayMax(a),char)) { base = text - arrp(a,0,char) ; array (a, base+7*(1+strlen(text)), char) = 0 ; /* ensure long enough */ text = arrp(a,0,char) + base ; /* may have relocated */ base += 1 + strlen(text) ; } else { a = arrayReCreate (a, 128, char) ; base = 0 ; array (a, 6*(1+strlen(text)), char) = 0 ; /* ensure long enough */ } cq = arrp (a, base, char) ; cp = text ; while (*cp) { int i ; BOOL found ; for (i = 0, found = FALSE ; i < arrayMax(translations) ; i++) { if (*cp == array(translations, i, ARRAYTYPE).char) { strcat (cq, array(translations, i, ARRAYTYPE).protect) ; cq += strlen(array(translations, i, ARRAYTYPE).protect) ; cp++; found = TRUE ; } } if (!found) *cq++ = *cp++; } *cq = '\0' ; /* string terminator. */ return arrp (a, base, char) ; } #endif /* ED_G_NEVER_INCLUDE_THIS_CODE */ /*******************************************************/ /* mieg: i am putting here the non thread safe timesubs functions */ #include "mytime.h" char *timeShowJava (mytime_t t) { static char ace_time[25] ; return timeShowJava2 (ace_time, t) ; } /*******/ char *timeShow (mytime_t t) { static char ace_time[25] ; return timeShow2 (ace_time, t) ; } /*******/ char *timeDiffShow (mytime_t t1, mytime_t t2) { static char buf[25] ; return timeDiffShow2 (buf, t1, t2) ; } /*******************************************************/ /*********** end of file *****************/