##################################################################### #### Main makefile for Acedb, contig tools and Image ##################################################################### # $Id: makefile,v 1.110 2002/06/10 13:01:35 srk Exp $ # don't change this, using other shells can lead to portability problems. SHELL = /bin/sh ##################################################################### #### ACEDB programs ##################################################################### #all : libs ace acembly other tools all : libs ace other tools all_static : clean gnulibs libs ace other tools # In the end I want an "overnight" target for overnight builds. overnight: # Sub categories of code, please add new stuff to one of these groups if possible # libs : libfree.a libgraph.a libgex.a libmd5.a libgd.a libacecl.a libace.a ACE_BIN = xace xremote tace giface taql \ saceserver sgifaceserver saceclient sxaceclient ace : $(ACE_BIN) ACEMBLY_BIN = makeSCF xacembly tacembly gifacemblyserver acembly : libstaden.a $(ACEMBLY_BIN) OTHER_BIN = blixem blixelect dotter belvu jade2ace efetch \ gnbk gnbkclient other : $(OTHER_BIN) TOOLS_BIN = makeUserPasswd acediff acediffsorted pmapace diskdump diskfix metacheck homonym tagcount tools : $(TOOLS_BIN) INSTALL_BIN = $(ACE_BIN) $(ACEMBLY_BIN) $(OTHER_BIN) $(TOOLS_BIN) test : xtest coltest giftest boxtest md5test acelibtest ace5 : tace5 xace5 xacembly5 tacembly5 jade : jadeserver jade2sybase ctf : scf2ctf ctf2scf windows: WinDist gnulibs: libraries # this is a new version of the below target, I'm attempting to clean up # the acedb build because we have lots of defunct targets/duplication etc. # Note that each line here is a copy of the above relevant lines _in order_, # now I've tidied this up please try to keep it like this. # libfree.a libgraph.a libgex.a libmd5.a libgd.a libacecl.a libace.a \ xace xremote tace giface taql \ aceserver gifaceserver aceclient xaceclient \ saceserver sgifaceserver saceclient sxaceclient sace_build \ libstaden.a makeSCF xacembly tacembly gifacemblyserver \ blixem blixelect dotter belvu jade2ace efetch gnbk gnbkclient \ makeUserPasswd acediff acediffsorted pmapace diskdump diskfix metacheck homonym tagcount \ xtest coltest giftest boxtest md5test acelibtest \ tace5 xace5 xacembly5 tacembly5 \ jadeserver jade2sybase \ scf2ctf ctf2scf \ WinDist \ libraries \ clean dist : bin-dir @echo 'making' $@ 'for $(ACEDB_MACHINE)' @cd bin.$(ACEDB_MACHINE) ; \ cp ../wmake/$(ACEDB_MACHINE)_DEF ./deffile; \ cp ../wmake/truemake ./makefile ; \ chmod u+w ./makefile ./deffile; touch ./makefile ./deffile; \ $(MAKE) $@ # Really this should be merged with the above, all that's different is the message... libfree_clean libgraph_clean libace_clean libxace_clean \ xace_clean tace_clean \ xaceclient_clean \ aceclient_clean aceserver_clean \ sace_clean \ xacembly_clean tacembly_clean \ gifacemblyserver_clean : bin-dir @echo "removing `echo $@ | cut -d_ -f1` .o files for $(ACEDB_MACHINE)" @cd bin.$(ACEDB_MACHINE) ; \ cp ../wmake/truemake ./makefile ; \ cp ../wmake/$(ACEDB_MACHINE)_DEF ./deffile; \ chmod u+w ./makefile ./deffile; touch ./makefile ./deffile; \ $(MAKE) $@ ##################################################################### # to install binaries,subdirectories in $ACEDB/bin INSTALL_DIRS = wdoc wgf wquery wscripts wspec wtools install : if [ ! -d $(ACEDB)/bin ] ; then \ mkdir $(ACEDB)/bin; \ fi for target in $(INSTALL_DIRS) ; do \ echo 'installing' $$target 'for $(ACEDB_MACHINE)' ; \ cp -r $$target $(ACEDB)/bin ; \ done @cd bin.$(ACEDB_MACHINE) ; \ $(MAKE) "INSTALL_BIN=$(INSTALL_BIN)" install_bin ; \ ##################################################################### #### CONTIG programs contig_all: @echo "" @echo " Compiling ContigC programs" @echo "-------------------------------------------------" $(MAKE) contig pmap fphinx fpabi openmapdb mapsub extend \ getascdb lastclones contasp logdb rancl randb \ model anytoany checkdb rmvec @echo "" @echo "These binaries are available :" @echo "" @ls -l bin.$(ACEDB_MACHINE) | grep '^-..x' @echo "" ## graphical contig programs (build libfree and libgraph beforehand) contig pmap : bin-dir @echo 'making' $@ 'for $(ACEDB_MACHINE)' @cd bin.$(ACEDB_MACHINE) ; \ cp ../wmake/$(ACEDB_MACHINE)_DEF ./deffile; \ cp ../wmake/truemake ./makefile ; \ chmod u+w makefile deffile; touch makefile deffile; \ $(MAKE) libfree.a libgraph.a libgraphXaw.a libgd.a ; \ cp ../wmake/contigmake ./makefile ; \ chmod u+w makefile; touch makefile; \ $(MAKE) $@ ## text-only contig support programs fphinx fpabi contig_dumpace openmapdb mapsub \ extend getascdb lastclones contasp \ logdb rancl randb model anytoany \ checkdb rmvec : bin-dir @echo 'making' $@ 'for $(ACEDB_MACHINE)' @cd bin.$(ACEDB_MACHINE) ; \ cp ../wmake/$(ACEDB_MACHINE)_DEF ./deffile; \ cp ../wmake/contigmake ./makefile ; \ chmod u+w makefile deffile; touch makefile deffile; \ $(MAKE) $@ contig_clean: bin-dir @echo 'removing contigc .o files for $(ACEDB_MACHINE)' @cd bin.$(ACEDB_MACHINE) ; \ cp ../wmake/contigmake ./makefile ; \ cp ../wmake/$(ACEDB_MACHINE)_DEF ./deffile; \ chmod u+w makefile deffile; touch makefile deffile; \ $(MAKE) $@ ##################################################################### #### IMAGE programs image: @echo "" @echo " Compiling Image 3 fingerprint image analysis" @echo "-------------------------------------------------" $(MAKE) im3 amStep2 amStep3 amStep4 amStep5 im3conv image_configure banddiff @echo "" @echo "These binaries are available :" @echo "" @ls -l bin.$(ACEDB_MACHINE) | grep '^-..x' @echo "" ## graphical image apps (build libfree and libgraph beforehand) im3 bstt : bin-dir @echo 'making' $@ 'for $(ACEDB_MACHINE)' ; echo @cd bin.$(ACEDB_MACHINE) ; \ cp ../wmake/$(ACEDB_MACHINE)_DEF ./deffile; \ cp ../wmake/truemake ./makefile ; \ chmod u+w makefile deffile; touch makefile deffile; \ $(MAKE) libfree.a libgraph.a libgex.a libgd.a ; \ cp ../wmake/im3make ./makefile ; \ chmod u+w makefile; touch makefile; \ $(MAKE) $@ ## automated analysis apps, written in C++ amStep2 amStep3 amStep4 amStep5 : bin-dir @echo 'making' $@ 'for $(ACEDB_MACHINE)' @cd bin.$(ACEDB_MACHINE) ; \ cp ../wmake/$(ACEDB_MACHINE)_DEF ./deffile; \ cp ../wmake/im3make ./makefile ; \ chmod u+w makefile deffile; touch makefile deffile; \ $(MAKE) $@ ## image utilities (build libfree.a beforehand) im3conv banddiff: bin-dir @echo 'making' $@ 'for $(ACEDB_MACHINE)' @cd bin.$(ACEDB_MACHINE) ; \ cp ../wmake/$(ACEDB_MACHINE)_DEF ./deffile; \ cp ../wmake/truemake ./makefile ; \ chmod u+w makefile deffile; touch makefile deffile; \ $(MAKE) libfree.a ; \ cp ../wmake/im3make ./makefile ; \ chmod u+w makefile; touch makefile; \ $(MAKE) $@ ## configure utility - doesn't not require any libraries image_configure: bin-dir @cd bin.$(ACEDB_MACHINE) ; \ cp ../wmake/im3make ./makefile ; \ cp ../wmake/$(ACEDB_MACHINE)_DEF ./deffile; \ chmod u+w makefile deffile; touch makefile deffile; \ $(MAKE) $@ image_clean: bin-dir @echo 'removing image .o files for $(ACEDB_MACHINE)' @cd bin.$(ACEDB_MACHINE) ; \ cp ../wmake/im3make ./makefile ; \ cp ../wmake/$(ACEDB_MACHINE)_DEF ./deffile; \ chmod u+w makefile deffile; touch makefile deffile; \ $(MAKE) $@ im2: bin-dir @echo 'making' $@ 'for $(ACEDB_MACHINE)' ; echo @cd bin.$(ACEDB_MACHINE) ; \ cp ../im2src/makefile.image2 . ; \ chmod u+w makefile.image2 ; \ $(MAKE) -f makefile.image2 $@ ##################################################################### #### binary directory bin.$(ACEDB_MACHINE) #### #### Dependency used by all of the above targets to check that user #### has set up the ACEDB_MACHINE environment variable correctly. #### bin-dir: @if test $(ACEDB_MACHINE) ; then exit ; \ else \ echo 'To compile, please setenv ACEDB_MACHINE (now not set) to one of: ' ; \ cd wmake ; echo ; ls *DEF ; \ echo ' without the _DEF ending,' ; \ echo ' e.g. add in your .login file the line '; \ echo ' setenv ACEDB_MACHINE SUN' ; \ echo ' or some other machine name defined in the directory wmake.' ;\ echo ' Thank you' ; echo ; echo ; exit 1 ; fi @if test -f wmake/$(ACEDB_MACHINE)_DEF ; then exit ; \ else echo 'To compile, please setenv ACEDB_MACHINE (now = $(ACEDB_MACHINE) ) to one of: ' ; \ cd wmake ; echo ; ls *DEF ; \ echo ' without the _DEF ending,' ; \ echo ' i.e. add in your .login file the line '; \ echo ' setenv ACEDB_MACHINE SUN' ; \ echo ' or some other machine name defined in the directory wmake.' ;\ echo ' Thank you' ; echo ; echo ; exit 1 ; fi @if test -d bin.$(ACEDB_MACHINE) ; then exit ; \ else mkdir bin.$(ACEDB_MACHINE) ; fi ##################################################################### #### end of makefile #####################################################################